CM 1973-03-20STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in special called session on March 7.0, 1973, in the elementary school cafeteria. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor Sam Tiner, Councilman Don Carter, Councilman Bill Harris, Councilman Hazel Beal, Councilwoman Mayor Pro Tern Bob Hernet was out of town. Also present were City Administrator George Campbell and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while Councilman Tiner gave the invocation. The first item to be considered was a joint hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council for a requested zoning change by the Coppell Historical Corporation. Mr. Michael Jenkins and Mr. Roy Day presented a slide presentation on the proposed project which will consist of a planned development area and commercial zoning around the outside areas of the project. After the presentation Mayor Scott called for any other persons present who wished to speak in favor of the change in zoning. County Commissioner John Whittington stated that he would like to make a statement when both sides had been heard. Those wishing to speak in favor of the project were: Mr. Tom Brennan, Mr. Bill Thompson, Mr. Bill Cozby, Mr. Ervin Beal, Mr. Jerry Nisbitt, and Mr. Albert Hodges. All these persons ~dated that they thought this would be good for Coppell and they were glad to see something of this nature come here. They mayor then asked for any persons wishing to speak against the zoning change. Those against the change were: Mr. Paul Waller who was against commercial zoning adjacent to residential property, Mrs. Vivian Checkley who was agaisnt the noise factor that would affect Bullock and Howell Streets, and Mr. Glenn White who was opposed because of the way he felt it would effect the surrounding area. County Commissioner John Whittington then stated that the County was vitally interested in the road development in this part of the County. The main east-west road that is proposed as the extension of Beltline-Bethel is the primary concern at this time. Some thought needs to be given to providing for the dedication of the right-pf-way that will be needed along this extension. Mr. Wayne Claycomb, president of the Coppell Historical Corp. stated that they are prepared to dedicate that portion needed for the right-of-way that runs through their land. After hearing all persons who wished to speak concerning the zoning change, the mayor declared the public session closed and recessed the Council while the Planning and Zoning Commission convened. After the Planning and Zoning Commission adjourned, the mayor declared the Council meeting back in session and asked for the Commission's recommendation. Mr. A.T. Jenkins, co-chairman, stated that their recommendation was to approved the zoning change. Councilman Carter moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation be accepted with the understanding that the right-of-way alon~ Bethel Road will be dedicated; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The minutes of the peevious meeting were then read. Councilman Harris moved that they be approved; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 3-0-1 with Councilman Carter abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. Consideration was then given to the application of police patrolman. After discussion on this matter, Councilman Carter moved that this position be advertised in the Dallas paper so that applications may be accepted; Council- man Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. City Administrator George Campbell stated that there was some problems concerning the separation of the police and fire phones. It was decided that this would be checked into to see what can be done to solve these problems. Mr. Campbell also stated that the County has proposed the idea of a county health department. They would like a letter from the City saying we would approves'this project. Councilman Harris moved that a letter be sent stating we would approve this as long as it doesn't cost the City any more than it is presently costing us; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. · The meeting was then adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary