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CM 1973-04-10
STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on April 10, 1973, in the fire station meeting room. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor Bob Hefner, Mayor 1Dr Tern Sam Tiner, Councilman Bill Harris, Councilman Hazel Beal, Councilwoman Councilman Don Carter was not present because of illness in his family. Mayor Scott stated his absence was excused. Also present were City Administrator George Campbell, City Attorney Larry Jackson, and City Secretary Dorothy T imm on s. The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while Mayor Pro Tern Hernet gave the invocation. The minutes of the previous meeting were then read. Mayor Pro Tern Hefner moved that they be approved as read; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The canvass of the election returns was the first item on the agenda. After the returns were canvassed, Mayor Pro Tern Hefner moved that they be accepted; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Hulen Scott was declared the winner of the mayor' s race and Bill Harris and Hazel Beal were the winners of the Council places. All were sworn in with the official oaths of office. A copy of the canvass and the oaths of office are attached as a permanent part of these records. Mr. Jack Mayberry then gave a report on the audit for the 1971-72 budget year. After the report, Councilman Harris moved that the presentation of the audit be accepted and that the discrepancy of the money for the bond payments be cleared up; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 3-1 Mayor Pro Tern Hefner against, with the mayor showing his approval. The next item to be considered was the ordinance adopting ~he zoning change of the Coppell Historical Corporation. City Attorney Larry Jackson stated that the right-of-way needs to be dedicated before the ordinance is adopted and that he will be receiving information from the Corporation concerning this dedication. City Administrator George Campbell stated that he is to receive some information from the County concerning the exact location of the Bethel Road extension Mayor Pro Tern Herher moved that this item be tabled until the needed information is obtained; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his. approval. Under other old business, it was decided that the Council would receive the six months quarterly report before any decision is made on insurance f©~ the City Hall and contents. It was also stated that since Mr. Vanbebber carries his own insurance, the City does not need to duplicate this coverage, but to have the insurance company send the City a copy of the policy covering Mr. Vanbebber's vehicle s. The request for the master electrician's license was next on the agenda. After discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tern Hefner moved that this request be denied since Mr. Welch does not presently have a master electrician's licRnse with another town; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. It was stated that Mr. Welch should go to Dallas and take the test for the license since we do not have the facilities here to give such a test. Next, City Administrator George Campbell gave a report on the 16'~ water line on Sandy Lake Road. He stated that everything has been approved with the exception of whether or not the line has met the requirements for a certain test for pressure. TRA is satisfied with the line and they had a registered professional engineer at the sit at the time the test was made. Since the contract is with TRA, they would actually be the ones to accept or reject the project. Councilman Harris then moved that water tap fees be accepted on this line and connected as soon as possible; May~ Pro Tern Herher seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mr. J.C. Thweatt asked to be recognized from the audience and asked about ~.~ the sewer line planned for the General Telephone building. After considerable ' discussion on this subject, Mr. Thweatt stated that he would tie onto the line if it would be put in now and he would dedicate the right-of-way for a road to be built through Harris Road. The hiring of a police patrolman was the next item on the agenda. Mr. Tim McGinnis, who is presently with the Irving Police Department has applied for the position and is the recommendation of the chief and the city administrative to be hired at a salary of $600 per month. Mayor Pro Tern Herher moved that this recommendation be accepted; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mayor Pro Tern Hefner then stated that he would like to see something done to show the chief and his patrolman the Council' s appreciation for the long hours that have been put in. After discussion on this subject, it was decided that some kind of policy would be worked out for extra hours that are worked by any of the City employees. The hiring of personnel in the Water Department was next on the agenda. Mr. J.R. Hamm, who is peesently with the water department in Irving has indicated that he would be willing to work part time to learn the water system under Mr. Vanbebber's guidance. Councilman Tiner moved that the possibility of Mr. Harem working three days a week at approximately $3.00 per hour be checked into with consideration being given at the beginning of next budget year to his being hired full time; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mr. Harem presently holda a "C" water certificate and is w~king on his "B" certificate. Water Superintendent A.P. Vanbebber stated that the health department has indicated to him that the City needs to have storage facilities in the water department and that he would be willing to provide the space as long as he is employed by the City. It was decided that the city attorney would work up a contract with Mr. Vanbebber and it would be presented at the next Council meeting. The approval of the bills was the next item. Councilman Harris moved that the bills be approved for patent; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The meeting was then adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CITY OF COPPELL CANVASS OF RETURNS AND DECLARATION OF RESULTS OF AN ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS APRIL 7, 1973 BE IT REMEMBERED THAT on this the 10 day of April, 1973, at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, a quorum being present, the meeting was called to order and the following business was transacted. Upon motion of Councilman Bob Hefner and seconded by Councilman Sam Tiner , it was unanimously ordered that the City Council consider the official returns of an election held in the City on the above mentioned date, for the election of a Mayor to serve for a two year term and two City Councilmen to serve for two year terms. WHEREUPON said official returns were opened, examined, canvassed and the results declared as follows: CANVASS OF RETURNS AND DECLARATIONiOF RESULTS WHEREAS, heretofore, the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, called an election to be held in the City on April 7, 1973 for the purpose of electing a Mayor for a two year term and two City Councilmen for two year terms, commencing April 1973, and caused notice thereof to be posted in the manner and for the time provided for by law, which Order, together with the Notice issued thereon, is recorded in the minutes of the City Council and is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for all purposes, and, WHEREAS, immediately after said election the Presiding Judge and other officials holding said election made their returns of the results thereof to the City Council as follows, and said returns being made according to law, and duly authenticated, and it being shown that written notice of said election was posted for the time and in the manner provided_by law and all other proceedings pertaining to said election having been shown to have been done and performed at and within the time and in the manner provided by law, and all papers per- taining thereto having been returned and filed with the City Council and no protest or objection being made to or regarding any matter pertaining to said election: NOW, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, after examining said returns and opening and canvassing the votes of said election, that the results of said election are as follows: That the following number of votes were cast for the following named candidates for the office of Mayor, to wit: NAME NUMBER OF VOTES Bob Hefner Hulen A. Scott Walter G. Pettijohn That the following number of votes were cast for the following named candidates for the office of City Councilman for a two year term, to wit: NAME NUMBER OF VOTES Frank Wilkins, Jr. Paul E.Waller Bill Harris Mrs. Hazel R. Beal /~j Mrs. Jackie Woolery Louie Bailey It appearing that Hulen Scott received the largest number of votes for the office of Mayor, and he is hereby declared to be elected to the office to serve after qualifying for the term commencing April 1973. AND it appearing that Bill Harris and Hazel Beal received the largest number of votes for the office of City Councilman, for a two year term, and they are hereby declared to be elected to said office to serve after qualifying for the term commencing April 1973. IT IS, FURTHER , ORDERED that this canvass and declaration of results of said election be entered in the minutes of the City Council and that said officers, after they have qualified and taken their oaths, shall serve during Me term commencing April 1973, and thereafter until their successors are duly elected and qualified. That this Resolution declaring the results of the election called for April 7, 1973, shall become effective immediately after its passage. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the 10th day of April 1973. Hulen A. Scott MAYOR ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons CITY SECRETARY STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CITY OF COPPELL I, Bill Harris do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of Councilman of the City of Coppell, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the Laws of the United States and of this State; and I do furthermore solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute, any money, or valuable thing, or promised a public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or witholding of a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. I solemnly swear that I will not be directly or indirectly interested in any contract with or claim against the City of Coppell, Texas, in which I reside, except such warrants as may be issued to me as fees of office. Bill Harris SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said ~ this the 10th day of April 1973. to certify which Witness my hand and seal of office. Dorothy Timmons Notary Pub~lic y, Texas STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CITY OF COPPELL I, Mrs. Hazel Beal do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of Councilwoman of the City of Coppell, Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the Laws of the United States and of this State; and I dO furthermore solemnly swear (or affirm) that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute, any money, or valuable thing, or promised a public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or witholding of a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. I solemnly swear that I will not be directly or | indirectly interested in any contract with or claim against the City of Coppell, Texas, in which I reside, except such warrants as may be issued to me as fees of office. Mrs. Hazel R. Beal SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said this the 10th day of April 1973. ~ y to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Dorothy Timmons Notary Public, County, Texas STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CITY OF COPPELL I, Hulen A. Scott do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the duties of the office of Mayor lof the City of Coppell, Texas, and will to the best t t rio and of my ability 'preserve, protect and defend the Cons i u ' n/ the Laws of the United States and of this State; and I do furthermore solemnly swear?(or affirm) that I have not directly or indirectly paid, offered, or promised to pay, contributed, nor promised to contribute, any money, or valuable thing, or promised a public office or employment, as a reward for the giving or witholding of a vote at the election at which I was elected. SO HELP ME GOD. I solemnly swear that I will not be directly or indirectly interested in any contract with or claim against / the City of Coppell, Texas, in which I reside, except such warrants as may be issued to me as fees of office. Hulen A. Scott SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said this the 10th day of April 1973. to certify which witness my hand and sealsof office. Dorothy Timmons Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas