The City Council of the City of Coppoll met in regular session on September4~l,
1973, in the fire station meeting room.
The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor
Don Carter, Councilman
Sam Tiner, Councilman
Bill Harris, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
Mayor Pro Team Hefner was not present because of illness. Also present were
City Administrator George Campbell and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while Council-
woman Beal gave the invocation.
The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and the following correction
noted: A permit was granted to Mr. G.O. Woodroof with a deed restriction
on the two acres stating the land was in the flood plain and holding the City harm-
less. Councilman Tiner moved that the minutes be approved as corrected;
Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried Z-0-Z with Councilmen Harris
and Carter abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Mrs. Ed Harris was present to discuss the condition of Harris Road at its
intersection with Bethel Road. She requested that something be done about the
drainage problem at this intersection. Councilman Carter moved that the City
request that the county see if they can make the ditch deeper, and to find out
what would be the cost of putting more gravel on the road; Councilman Harris
seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Mrs. Barbara Austin, Chairwoman of the Citizen's Advisory Committee, was
present to present a report from this committee. She stated that their meeting
had been covered by a newspaper reporter. The framing and duplication of
photographs for the wall at the bank that is going to be decorated by the Citizen's
Advisory Committee will be paid for by the bank. The committee is also working
on a proposed sign to be put at different points in Coppell so persons going through
our City will know they are in Coppell. It was requested that the names of persons
who painted and welded the trash cans that will be put at various places in the
City be put in the next newsletter. They are Alan Hodges who furnished the
barrels, iron, and paint. Bill Garrison and Richard Lee who did the welding, and
James Rutherford who did the painting. The barrels will have "Property of City
of Coppoll" painted on them, and an agreement will be worked out with H & J
to empty the cans when the trash is picked up. Other itsms being worked on are
an insignia for the City and a brochure telling about Coppell. It was noted that
Jay Small had done the engraving on the placques that were given to Mr. Wilson
and members of the play. It was decided that Mrs. Austin would find out the
Citizen's Advisory Committee's feelings on a city sales tax, and that the City
Administrator would find out the details on what grants are available for ~arks.
The water rates for mobile home parks was discussed next. Councilman Carter
moved that the rates be left as they were passed at the previous meeting; Council-
woman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his dis-
approval. It was decided that a schedule would be worked out for commercial
water rates. The residential rates that were adopted were as follows:
First 1,000 gallons $4.00 (minimum)
Next 4,000 gallons 1.10 per 1,000 gallons
Next 5,000 gallons 1.00 per 1,000 gallons
Next 5,000 gallons . 90 per 1,000 gallons
Next 10,000 gallons . 80 per 1,000 gallons
All over 25,000 gallons . 65 per 1,000 gallons
A prom rata installment contract was discussed next. Councilman Carter moved
that on existing facilities at the time the pro-rata ordinance was passed, that
those persons be able to pay the pro-rata in installments with 25% down and a
pay out of not more than one year with no interest being charged; Councilman
Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Approval of the proposed water line on Moore Road was discussed next. It was
stated that the Lesley's had indicated that they did not want to participate at this
time. After discussion on this subject, the city administrator was instructed to
contact the Alan Jones Investment company and see if they were interested and
have them write the City a letter stating that they did or did not want to participate
in this line. Councilman Tiner then moved that this item be tabled until next
Council meeting; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
Since there was not a signed agreement from Paul Waller or his wife stating they
would tie onto the sewer line when it was available, it was decided that sliminlet
would be written giving him 30 days to tie on without having to pay the pro-rata.
Next, Dallas County has sent the City a letter asking us to sign stating that we are
in agreement with the roads that are to be recommended to be in the bond election.
Councilman Carter moved that the mayor sign the letter stating we are in agree-
ment with the recommended roads for Area 2; Councilman Harris seconded and
motion carried4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
COG has requested that the City appoint a council member to represent us on
a committee to see what area projects would be passed. Councilman Carter
moved that Councilman Tiner and Councilman Harris be appointed to this
committee; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
Councilwoman Beal stated that she had received a request from Austin asking
her to serve on the Rural Development Commission. Councilman Tiner moved
that Councilwoman Beal be appointed to serve on this commission; Councilman
Carter seconded and motion carried 3-0-1 with Councilwoman Beal abstaining
and the mayor showing his approval.
City Administrator George Campbell will negotiate with Rady and Associates
on our present contract and will contact another firm to see what their prices
would be on an engineering contract. . ..... ~. .
It was noted that the contract with H & J Garbage disposal will expire October 1.
They will be contacted to see if they are still interested in providing this service,
and Grapevine will also be contacted to see who is presently providing this
service to their city.
The lease agreement with the Baptist Foundation for 3.5 acres to be used by
the City for a park will begin October 1. City Administrator George Campbell
stated that he will let the Council know later what the Baptist Foundation will
furnish in the way of helping with this park.
Councilman Harris moved that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman
Carter seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Harris moved that the bid from Richard Cope for a tax revaluation
be accepted; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.