CM 2000-03-14MINUTES OF MARCH 14, 2000
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on
Tuesday, March 14, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town
Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were
Marsha Tunnell, Mayor Pro Tem
Jayne Peters, Councilmember
Pat Keenan, Councilmember
Larry Wheeler, Councilmember
Bill York, Councilmember
Mayor Candy Sheehan and Councilmembers Greg Garcia and Doug Stover
were absent. Also present were City Manager Jim Wilt, City Secretary Libby
Ball and City Attorney Robert Hager.
1. Call to order.
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell
Executive Session.
(Open to the Public)
called the meeting to order and adjourned into
(Concerning items not on the agenda)
(Closed to the Public)
Convene Executive Session
Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation
with City Attorney.
1. Sowell, et al vs. City of Coppell, et al.
2. Status of Legal Action Regarding Cerulean
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell convened into Executive Session at 6:02 p.m. as
allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell adjourned the
Executive Session at 6:51 p.m. and opened the Work Session.
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WORK SESSION (Open to the Public)
3. Convene Work Session
A. Discussion of Agenda Items.
4. Invocation.
(Open to the Public)
Pastor Heikie Ahonen of the Finnish Lutheran Congregation Meeting at Rejoyce
Lutheran Church, led those present in the Invocation.
5. Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
(~uarterly presentation to Council by the Coppell Economic
Development Committee.
Bill Rohloff, Chairman of the Coppell Economic Development Committee, made
their quarterly presentation to the Council.
Consider approval of a proclamation naming the week of March
19-25~ 2000 Poison Prevention Week~ and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell read the proclamation for the record. Councilmember
Peters moved to approve the proclamation naming the week of March 19-25,
2000 Poison Prevention Week, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Councilmember Keenan seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan, Wheeler and
York voting in favor of the motion.
8. Citizen's Appearances.
There was no one signed up to speak under this item.
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Consider approval of the following consent agenda items:
A. Consider approval of minutes: February 22, 2000.
Consider approval of an interlocal agreement with Dallas
County to repair and overlay Sandy Lake Road from
Denton Tap Road to S.H. 121 in which Dallas County will
pay fifty percent of the cost with the City's share not to
exceed $200,000 as authorized in the 99/00 budget; and
authorizing the City Manager to sign.
Consider approval of awarding Bid # Q-0100-01 to
Huffman Equipment and Service Company for the
purchase of a 1500 gallon capacity above ground fuel
storage tank to be installed at Fire Station #2 in the
amount of $81,464.80, as budgeted.
Consider approval of Change Order #2 to Contract
#Q-0399-01 for the construction of Public Improvement
District (PID) for Dividend Drive, Gateway Business Park
No II to McMahon Contracting, Inc. for the installation of
brick pavers, in the amount of $41,192.00; and
authorizing the City Manager to sign.
Consider approval of Bid Q-0200-04, in the amount of
$221,981.40 for the lease/purchase of the Physical
Fitness Equipment for the Aquatic and Recreation Center
and, authorizing the City Manager to sign.
Consider approval of a contract modification to the
Schrickel Rollins Professional Services Agreement for
design, construction documentation and construction
administration of Phase 2 of Wagon Wheel, in the amount
of $134,000.00 to be funded by Park Bond funds, and
authorizing the City Manager to sign.
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Issues Discussed:
Item E was pulled from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.
Councilmember Peters moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C,
D and F. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried
5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan,
Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Bid Q-0200-04, in the amount of
$221,981.40 for the lease/purchase of the Physical
Fitness Equipment for the Aquatic and Recreation Center
and, authorizing the City Manager to sign.
City Manager Jim Witt advised this item was pulled due to the fact that
the Coppell Recreation Development Corporation was unable to obtain a
quorum to review this contract. He suggested that the City Council move
to approve this contract subject to final approval by the Coppell
Recreation Development Corporation who are scheduled to meet Monday,
March 20, 2000.
Councilmember York moved to approve Item E with the condition that
final approval must be granted by the CRDC at their March 20, 2000
meeting. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried
5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan,
Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Items 23, 24 and 25 were considered at this time. Please see Items 23,
24 and 25 for minutes.
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Consider approval of the PSINet Addition, Lot 1, Block 1,
Replat and Site Plan, request to replat Lot 2, Block B of
Northlake 635 Business Park and to amend the site plan to
allow for the construction of a 20,120 square foot courtyard to
the existing building and the reconfiguration of the parking
spaces on property located at the southeast corner of Crestside
and Lake Shore Drives.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons had
signed up to speak.
Action Taken:
Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the
PSINet Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Replat and Site Plan, request to replat
Lot 2, Block B of Northlake 635 Business Park and to amend the site
plan to allow for the construction of a 20,120 square foot courtyard to
the existing building and the reconfiguration of the parking spaces on
property located at the southeast corner of Crestside and Lake Shore
Drives. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried
5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan,
Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. S-1155R Dickey's Barbecue Pit,
zoning change to amend the Special Use Permit site plan to
allow for a monument sign on 0.88 acres of property located at
801 S. Denton Tap Road.
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Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons had
signed up to speak.
Action Taken:
Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. S-1155R Dickey's Barbecue Pit, zoning change to amend the
Special Use Permit site plan to allow for a monument sign on 0.88 acres
of property located at 801 S. Denton Tap Road. Councilmember Peters
seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell
and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan, Wheeler and York voting in favor of
the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. S-1175 Siena Pasta & Pizza,
zoning change from R (Retail) to R-S.U.P (Retail, Special Use
Permit), to allow operation of a 3,000 square foot restaurant
with Private Club to permit the sales of alcoholic beverages
(beer and wine only) located at 780 S. MacArthur Boulevard, in
the Riverchase Plaza.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons signed
up to speak.
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Items Discussed:
Additional exit door required by the Fire Marshall and the location of the
grease interceptor.
Action Taken:
Councilmember Peters moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. S-1175 Siena Pasta & Pizza, zoning change from R (Retail) to
R-S.U.P (Retail, Special Use Permit), to allow operation of a 3,000 square
foot restaurant with Private Club to permit the sales of alcoholic
beverages (beer and wine only) located at 780 S. MacArthur Boulevard, in
the Riverchase Plaza. Councilmember Wheeler seconded the motion; the
motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers
Peters, Keenan, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. S-1171R, Coppell Home D~cor,
zoning change request for property zoned HO-R-S.U.P (Historic
Overlay Retail, Special Use Permit), by amending the use and
the sign permitted in S-1171 from a beauty shop to a general
retail store on approximately 0.16 acres of property located at
456 Bethel Road, east of Coppell Road.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons signed
up to speak.
Action Taken:
Councilmember Peters moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. S-1171R, Coppell Home Ddcor, zoning change request for
property zoned HO-R-S.U.P (Historic Overlay Retail, Special Use Permit),
by amending the use and the sign permitted in S-1171 from a beauty
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shop to a general retail store on approximately 0. 16 acres of property
located at 456 Bethel Road, east of Coppell Road with the following
A Tree Removal Permit will need to be executed
prior to removal of any trees.
Councilmember Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0
with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan,
Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. S-1173, Sprint PCS Antenna,
zoning change request from C (Commercial) to C-S.U.P.
(Commercial, Special Use Permit) to allow the construction of a
65'-high monopole to accommodate the Sprint PCS wireless
communication antennae and CISD two-way radio antennae, as
well as 4 equipment cabinets at the base of the tower at
Coppell Middle School West Campus, 1301 Wrangler Road.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council. Peter Cavanaugh, 1620
Handley Drive, Dallas, representing Sprint PCS answered questions from
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons signed
up to speak.
Items Discussed:
The fire lane and submission of an irrigation plan.
Action Taken:
Councilmember Wheeler moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. S-1173, Sprint PCS Antenna, zoning change request from C
(Commercial) to C-S.U.P. (Commercial, Special Use Permit) to allow the
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construction of a 65'-high monopole to accommodate the Sprint PCS
wireless communication antennae and CISD two-way radio antennae, as
well as 4 equipment cabinets at the base of the tower at Coppell Middle
School West Campus, 1301 Wrangler Road with the following conditions:
A full 24' wide fire lane is required to this site. A
temporary fire lane will be acceptable provided
the fire lane is constructed of asphalt capable of
supporting a 40,000 lb. Load. Also, if any
additional buildings are added at a later date, a
full 24' wide concrete fire lane will be required;
2) Submission of an Irrigation Plan;
Ensure that the approved access fire lane
improvements are made before a Certificate of
Occupancy is issued for the property.
Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan, Wheeler
and York voting in favor of the motion with the following conditions:
Consider approval of Case No. ZC-600, Boren Addition, zoning
change request from MF-2 (Multi-family-2) to SF-12 (Single
Family-12), to allow an existing single family home on
approximately 10.4 acres of property located at the northeast
corner of Warren Crossing and Beverly Drive.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons signed
up to speak.
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Action Taken:
Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. ZC-600, Boren Addition, zoning change request from MF-2
(Multi-family-2) to SF-12 (Single Family-12), to allow an existing single
family home on approximately 10.4 acres of property located at the
northeast corner of Warren Crossing and Beverly Drive and approve the
Boren Addition, Preliminary Plat, to allow residential development on
approximately 10.4 acres of property located at the northeast corner of
Warren Crossing and Beverly Drive with the following conditions:
The Final Plat shall be reflective of the waiver of the
alley requirement;
Prior to any construction on this property a tree survey
and mitigation plan shall be approved by staff;
No development will be allowed in the 100-year
floodplain without an approved flood plain study.
Councilmember Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0
with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan,
Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of the Boren Addition, Preliminary Plat, to
allow residential development on approximately 10.4 acres of
property located at the northeast corner of Warren Crossing
and Beverly Drive.
This item was considered under Item 15. See Item 15 for minutes.
Consider providing that the Planning and Zoning Commission
be the authority responsible for the approval of the Final Plat
of the Boren Addition to allow residential development on
approximately 10.4 acres of property located at the northeast
corner of Warren Crossing and Beverly Drive.
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Items Discussed:
This item requires a three-quarters vote to approve and since three-
quarters of the Council are not present this item will be continued until
the March 28, 2000 Council meeting.
Action Taken:
Councilmember Peters moved to continue this item until the March 28,
2000 Council Meeting. Councilmember Wheeler seconded the motion
and the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and
Councilmembers Peters, Keenan, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the
Consider approval of Case No. PD-98R, Village at Cottonwood
Creek, Section 1, zoning change request for property zoned PD-
98 (Planned Development-98, Single Family-9), amending the
planned development conditions to allow for the reduction of
the 8' side yard setback to 5' and to permit the construction of
a garage and a family room on approximately 0.8 acres of land
located at 226 Winding Hollow Lane.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons signed
up to speak.
Action Taken:
Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. PD-98R, Village at Cottonwood Creek, Section 1, zoning change
request for property zoned PD-98 (Planned Development-98, Single
Family-9), amending the planned development conditions to allow for the
reduction of the 8' side yard setback to 5' and to permit the construction
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of a garage and a family room on approximately 0.8 acres of land located
at 226 Winding Hollow Lane, subject to the following conditions:
All exterior building materials shall reflect those
shown on the submitted color board;
2) Disconnecting means for electrical must be
moved to new garage;
3) All utility easements should remain free and
dear of any obstructions.
Councilmember Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0
with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan,
Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. PD-184, St. Andrews Manor,
zoning change request from A (Agriculture) to PD-SF-ED
(Planned Development, Single Family-Estate District), to allow
the development of a single family home on approximately 5.1
acres on property located along the north side of DeForest
Road, approximately 200 feet west of Stratford Lane.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnel1 opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons signed
up to speak.
Action Taken:
Councilmember Wheeler moved to dose the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. PD-184, St. Andrews Manor, zoning change request from A
(Agriculture) to PD-SF-ED (Planned Development, Single Family-Estate
District), to allow the development of a single family home on
approximately 5.1 acres on property located along the north side of
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DeForest Road, approximately 200 feet west of Stratford Lane with the
following conditions:
1 The lot shall not have an alley;
2) A gated entrance shall be permitted with a
KNOX override for emergency access;
The driveway shall be constructed within a 41'
wide fire lane easement;
The driveway shall be a 12-foot wide chip seal
surface constructed to bear the weight of 40,000
pounds of emergency equipment. The paving
shall be placed along the western edge of the 24-
foot easement and/or designed to preserve as
many trees as possible;
5) The driveway shall be property maintained;
6) The residence shall have a sprinkler system
which shall be equal to #NFPA-13R;
In the event that the sprinkler system is
abandoned or is otherwise rendered useless, a 6"
thick, 24' wide concrete fire lane with sub-grade,
shall be constructed on the property;
A grinder system which will connect to existing
underground sewer system shall be installed;
Due to the proposed loss of 190 caliper inches of
trees, 30 trees totaling 90 caliper inches will be
planted along the drive as shown on the Tree
Mitigation Summary;
A 20-foot wide hike and bike trail easement will be
required through this property for the continuation of
the Denton Creek Trail. This extension will provide a
link between the existing trail easements in Stratford
Manor to the east and the Common Area No. 1 of the
Peninsulas of Coppell to the west. This hike and bike
trail easement needs to be relocated to higher ground
where ever possible;
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The proposed driveway needs to be at or above
the floodplain as per the City's Floodplain
Management Ordinance.
Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan, Wheeler
and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of the St. Andrews Manor Minor Plat~ to
allow the development of a single family home on
approximately 5.1 acres of property located along the north
side of DeForest Road, approximately 200 feet west of
Stratford Lane.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Action Taken:
Councilmember Wheeler moved to approve the St. Andrews Manor Minor
Plat, to allow the development of a single family home on approximately
5.1 acres of property located along the north side of DeForest Road,
approximately 200 feet west of Stratford Lane with the stated conditions
as follows:
PD conditions to be revised on the Minor Plat to be
consistent with the PD conditions on the Zoning
Exhibit and Site Plan;
The proposed driveway needs to be at or above the
floodplain as per the City's Floodplain Management
3. This development is affected by the Park Dedication
Ordinance stipulating $1,285 per dwelling unit;
Add the following to the Plat: "The City of Coppell
will have no responsibility for maintenance of the
jqoodway/jqoodplain areas as shown hereon. The
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maintenance of these areas shall be the sole
responsibility of the individual lot owners adjacent to
said areas. These areas to remain free of
improvements that may obstruct the flow of storm
water and protected from potential erosion by the
owners. No fences will be allowed in the floodplain
along with any other structures as per the City's
Floodplain Ordinance.'
Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan, Wheeler
and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of the Shams Addition, Lots 1&2, Block 1,
Preliminary Plat and Site Plan, request to subdivide
approximately 10.53 acre tract into two lots and allow the
development of a 32,155 square foot office building on Lot 2,
located on the north side of E. Beltline Road, approximately
2,300 feet east of S. Denton Tap Road.
Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning and Community
Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnel1 opened the Public Hearing and advised that the
applicant was present to answer any questions. No other persons signed
up to speak.
Action Taken:
Councilmember York moved to dose the Public Hearing and approve the
Shams Addition, Lots l&2, Block 1, Preliminary Plat and Site Plan,
request to subdivide approximately 10.53 acre tract into two lots and
allow the development of a 32,155 square foot office building on Lot 2,
located on the north side of E. Beltline Road, approximately 2,300 feet
east of S. Denton Tap Road with the following conditions:
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Trees numbered 103 through 108 appear to be
impacted by the construction of the retention
pond at the north end of the property. Reparation
for these trees will be due should they be
A tree removal permit will need to be executed
prior to removal of any trees;
Revise landscape area details on landscape plan
to match provided landscape area for Phase I on
Lot 2 landscape data and round up the numbers
shown on the area details.
Relative to the Preliminary Plat:
Fire lane located on property to the west (Shake
and Shingle Addition) can not be used as access or
fire lane for this property.
Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan, Wheeler
and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider providing that the Planning and Zoning Commission
be the authority responsible for the approval of the Final Plat
of the Shams Addition~ Lots 1&2~ Block 1~ request to subdivide
approximately 10.53 acre tract into two lots and allow the
development of a 32~155 square foot office building on Lot 2~
located on the north side of E. Beltline Road, approximately
2,300 feet east of S. Denton Tap Road.
Items Discussed:
This item requires a three-quarters vote to approve and since three-
quarters of the Council are not present this item will be continued until
the March 28, 2000 Council meeting.
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Action Taken:
Councilmember Peters moved to continue this item until the March 28,
2000 Council Meeting. Councilmember Wheeler seconded the motion;
the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers
Peters, Keenan, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. PD-178R, Town Center West,
Detail Site Plan Review of a Retail Center, zoninl~ chanl~e
request to amend the planned development and allow the
construction of a 13,393 square foot retail/medical/restaurant
facility on approximately 1.8 acres of property located at the
southwest corner of N. Denton Tap Road and Town Center West
Action taken:
Councilmember Wheeler moved to continue Items 23 and 24 until
March 28, 2000. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the
motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers
Peters, Keenan, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. PD-178R2, Town Center West,
Detail Site Plan of the Children's Courtyard, daycare and child
development centers, zoninl~ chanl~e request to amend the
planned development and allow the construction of a 10,262
square foot daycare and a 10,545 square foot child
development center on approximately 2.7 acres of property
located alonl~ the south side of Town Center West Boulevard,
approximately 320' west of N. Denton Tap Road.
This item was considered under Item 23. See Item 23 for minutes.
Consider approval of the Town Center West, Lots I and 2,
Block A, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a
retail/medical/restaurant center, daycare facility and child
development center on approximately 4.5 acres of property
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located at the southwest corner of N. Denton Tap Road and
Town Center West Boulevard.
Issues Discussed:
Due to time constraints this item will be denied and reconsidered at a
later date.
Action Taken:
Councilmember York moved to deny Town Center West, Lots 1 and 2,
Block A, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of a
retail/medical/restaurant center, daycare facility and child development
center on approximately 4.5 acres of property located at the southwest
corner of N. Denton Tap Road and Town Center West Boulevard.
Councilmember Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion to deny
carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters,
Keenan, Wheeler and York voting in favor of denying the motion.
To receive citizen input regarding the Ordinance providing for
Curfew Hours for Minors.
Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell opened the Public Hearing and advised that
no one had signed up to speak.
Action Taken:
Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Ordinance No. 2000-906 providing for curfew hours for minors; creating
offenses for minors, parents and guardians of minors, and business
establishments violating curfew regulations; providing for penalties and
providing for an effective date, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the
ordinance. Councilmember Keenan seconded the motion; the motion
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carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Peters,
Keenan, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of an ordinance providing for curfew hours
for minors; creating offenses for minors, parents and guardians
of minors, and business establishments violating curfew
regulations; providing for penalties and providing for an
effective date, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
This item was considered under Item 26. See Item 26 for minutes.
28. Necessary action resulting from Work Session.
There was no action necessary under this item.
City Manager's Report.
A. Freeport Exemption Status.
B. Aquatic Center Update.
C. Baseball Field Update.
Jim Witt, City Manager, discussed that Mr. Rohloff had covered the
Freeport Exemption Status.
Jim Witt, City Manager, stated that the completion day for the
Aquatic Center may be after the May 29th date. The application
process was discussed.
Jim Witt, City Manager, updated Council on the baseball field
Mayor and Council Reports.
A. Disposition of Old City Logo Council Chambers by
Councilmember Wheeler.
Herbicides by Councilmember Wheeler.
Coppell Youth Leadership by Councilmember Peters.
Parks and Family Fish by Councilmember York.
A. Councilmember Wheeler discussed the logo hanging in
Council Chambers.
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Councilmember Wheeler expressed his concerns about the
use of herbicides.
Councilmember Peters advised Coppell Youth Leadership
completed their session on March 6, 2000. Graduation will
be held at a Chamber luncheon on April 19, 2000.
Councilmember York advised Family Fish was a success and
thanked the Leisure Services Department. Councilmember
York inquired about the lights at Andy Brown West and East
remaining on late at night.
31. Necessary Action Resulting from Executive Session.
There was no action under this item.
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting
was adjourned.
Libby Ball, ~j~r Secretary
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