OR 88-408 Adopting an electrical code for the City AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 88408 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ADOPTING AN ELECTRICAL CODE FOR THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT IN THE EVENT SAID CODE IS NOT CLEAR, OR IS SILENT, THEN THE RULES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1987 EDITION, AS AMENDED ARE ADOPTED; PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF ELECTRICAL WORK WITHIN THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS; DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS; PROVIDING SPECIFICATIONS, MATERIALS AND METHODS OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION; REPEALING ALL PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING THAT ARTICLE 15-2 OF CHAPTER 15, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COPPELL BE AMENDED TO REFLECCT THE ADOPTION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; EXCEPT WHERE A DIFFERENT PENALTY HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED BY STATE LAW FOR SUCH OFFENSE, THE PENALTY SHALL BE THAT FIXED BY STATE LAW, AND FOR ANY OFFENSE WHICH IS A VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION THAT GOVERNS FIRE SAFETY, ZONING, PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION OR DUMPING OF REFUSE AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED BY SECTION Z.09 OF THE TEXAS LITTER ABATEMENT ACT, ARTICLE 4477-9a, VERNON'S ANNOTATED CIVIL STATUTES, AS AMENDED, THE PENALTY SHALL BE A FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. TITLE This ordinance shall be known as the "City of Coppell Electrical Code" and Article 15-Z of the City Code shall be amended to reflect its adoption. SECTION Z. ADOPTION OF COPPELL ELECTRICAL CODE There is hereby adopted by the City of Coppell, Texas, for the purpose of providing requirements for the safeguarding of persons and property and promoting the welfare of the public, that certain "ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE" attached hereto as Attachment #1 and in the event such ordinance be not clear or is silent, then the rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition, as adopted by the National Fire Protection Association, as amended, are adopted. A copy of said National Electrical Code, 1987 Edition is attached hereto as Attachment #Z and Attachment #1 and Attachment #Z are made a part hereof, the same as if fully set out at length herein, and from the date this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City. SECTION 3. FEE SCHEDULE Electrical fees shall be calculated according to exhibit "A" as attached hereto. SECTION 4. REPEALING CLAUSE. All parts of ordinance inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance No. 86-351 and all amendments thereto are hereby specifically repealed. However, the repeal of existing ordinances by this ordinance shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or the punishment of any person for any act done or committed prior to the effective date of this ordinance in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed; and prosecution for such offenses may be instituted and causes presently pending proceeded with in all respected as if such prior ordinance or ordinances had not been repealed. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. If any article, paragraph or subdivision, clause, phrase or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 6. PENALTY CLAUSE. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each offense; except where a different penalty has been established by state law for such offense, the penalty shall be that fixed by state law, and for any offense which is a violation of any provision that governs fire safety, zoning, public health and sanitation or dumping of refuse as that term is defined by Section 2.09 of the Texas Litter Abatement Act, Article 4477-9a, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, as amended, the penalty shall be a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense, and each and every day such offense is continued shall constitute a new and separate offense." SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides. SECTION 8. SPECIAL HANDLING OF ORDINANCE. Due to the size of the volumes attached hereto, it is hereby directed that the original of this ordinance, with attachments, be kept as a separate file in the office of the City Secretary, and that a duplicate original of this ordinance, ~vith a photocopy of the cover sheet of such volumes, be placed in the official ordinance book. DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas this the 14thday of June , 1988. APPROVED: Lou Duggan, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTORNEY ~t ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE Sec. 1 Definitions. !:l]]~,SS ~..'thepWiS~ ~Xl-~t"e;~.~;]V St:~!,.~:'t, t}l," f".,ll,._~wing te. cms shall, FoF the purpose of this art it. it, }~v~ ~ he respec:tiv~ meanings ascribed ~ c~ ~h,~m: Electrical Construction: .~11 work and matf~t'i. ats used ~nsta]ling, maintainin~, or extending a sy~-t~,m {~f wil'ing' ar~,l all apl'~ur'!enances, aI>paratus, or' equipment ~tsed c'onnect i.c,n thare~i t h, ins i. de vf o~' at t achpd to ~tny bui lding, St'l'Uc'tlll'f·, ] c~t {>F pl-emiscs . Electrical Contractor: Any l,,'t's:<~n engaged i :~ , he busin~ss installing ~,~' alt~er'jng, by ,:'c~ntract, p!ectricat conductors ~quipment. [~ w~.] i ~nc'lnde any ;.~tlt.hc}r'iz~{1 per-son who subc'c~ntrac. ts io do suc. h wot'k, bu~ dc, es no~ includ,:- [,c~na fid~ f~mpl{_,ye~:.f:; ~.tnplc, y,,d bv such c'~_~ntra{.fc~F to d{~ or s;~IpPt'vis6, such WO l'k . Electrical Wiring: The installa~ i~,r~ ,~f cte, tr:i~'a] fixtures, applianc'es, or appara~s, c,r the addition to, any buildir,~f f~,r the purposf~ <,f transmitting electrical current for c~,:~.tcic. lighi , heat, house p.,~wer, light inff Fixtures, or for any put'pose, {.>f a~v kind, nat't.!: ~, c,r de~scr'ipt Journeyman Electrician: Any [ndividual ~h~ pc, ssesses the necessary qualifications, training, and tec:hnic:al knowledge insf. al] , mainiair~ and Px! ,~nd clectri¢.al c:<,n,-lucit, rs; 6~quipm~.:~i. Further, s.u~.h t',er'sc~n sha]] be capable of doing sut-h work in .:~<:~:orclat~c.,, ~'i t h p ] ans and s;pac. ifi c';.~ i.:,na furnished t o such p~rson and in a~:c<,t'dance with slandar-d rules at]d regulariotas: p;c~vel'Dill~ s:l,lch wol'k . Licensed: When us,.d w i t.h ~'he wocd.- ",;] ,.c.t rical c,,r~t ra{'t "elecTtrio. tan", or bits like, sha]l m,~:~tn ~hat ~he pel'son has made appli~':ttion t<, the ~,!9,:tric:al examining{ boar~! ;tnd has sai.isfie,I the bc~ard that: that a;',;:li c'an~ is qualified to do the work siat~d in the app!i,:;tt i.:~n, []'~a~ appli. c:-~t~ has paid the necessary registration fp~,s; to dai{~. L~nd that npplic:ant's nam,-~ is <'arried jn [1i,-. r~,'ords .'~f the Buildin;{ inst,~c. ti{~ns Departm6, n~ 8s ~1 ]~P)s/.,li author'ized to d{:, c.]i~<-fcjc. a] woI')< as di:.fincd in this Master Electrician: Any i~,dividua] who, qua] ifi~'ai:ic, ns. trainin;<, and ta~:hnic. a] knowl~dF~e to p~a~. lay <~ui., cln,t supervisor. the in~;~'a] ]at .[~n, maint~..anr'e and Pxtension electrical c:c~nduc. tors and equipmpn! . Qualified Person: One fami liar' with the construction and ~,perati<,n of the apparatus and the hazard involved and one has se~t isfact~,ri ] v passed .-.xami nation ,:,f the e'! ec:tric:al ex~m~nir, g board. Sec. 2 Modification or Waiver of Regulations. The electricai r,~gulations ,.,f this article may be modifi.~d or waivf. d by special l,f~rmission in t, art ic-ular ,'ases where such mc}dificatior, ¢~r waiver is reast',uah]~. does not diff,:r frc, m the ~t'~nt of this ar[i~'lp. ~,nd ~}:~¢.s not c:reate an injustice. Suc:h permission s}~c,]l it~ all cases b. ,,htai~ed frc, m the building of Ficrial upc, n w~'i t~r, r~qtl,:,sL and grant{-,I therf,{>f in writing. Sec. 3 Electrical Inspector-Creation of Office. A. There is hereby established within this department ~,n Inspect:ion of the (7i ty, the offic:e of electrical i nspection. B. K] e~:! ri c~a] inspe{rtors. cts shal] hr~ auth~,rized, .'-;hal 1 be under the direct sup~.r'visic~n ,~f the building offi c i al . Sec. 4 Powers and Duties; Correction of unsafe Condition; Disconnection by Fire Department. A. Th~ e]ectrir:at insp6. f:tors shall enf{,rc:e the provisions ,~? ~his article, ~i:~,t may, upon rpT,[ic'ation, granf r, ermissic, t~ f,~r th~ installation, extension, alt,.-t-:-,t ic, B c,r ele~ctrff:a] ~ {,ncl~lc;L~rs~ :~t'l~] f-,tuipment, ar~l sh~t] ] mc~l<e inspections of a] I elec:i r'ic'a] work, as herei nafte, t prov [,t,:.,l. Such i nsp~c. tc, cs ,~hal 1 keep ,'c, mplete t'ec'c~rds of all permi ~ s kssued, inspections reinspeel. ions made alt~t o[ her offi <. i;R~ w~rk p-rf,,rmed i:~c.c. ordat~c:e with thf~ [.,r.~visiolts B. The e~l~,'tri<:rt'l insp.-,:t.f~r shall h;~,v,. the right during reasonable hours to ent.~r ~y building or premises [h.~ ~iLsc:harge <->f <>Ffic-ia] dut'ie-f~, ~r for th,~ purf, osc- making an insi, ec'tion, f'c~il~spe<:l. it~n c~l:" t6. st of ihe ,'~'<:tri<:a] ectu[pnler~ {~t' inslal]atic~ :'~ntain~'.d ther'ein. C. Whet, el~ctric:~q] wiring or equipm~!:~t is found I:,y an i~ is defective ,}r ~mprc, per]y instal.]ed, lhe persc~r~, f'irm or c{~rpura~i~n ;,wing the el~-~rica] equipment she, l] [,e nc, fified it, wt'i tit~g and sl~a]l have any changes c,r repairs made ;xs required by the ele, c-tr4c!al inspet:tot which will pla~:p su~.:'i~ equipment in safe conditi~.~n. if such work is not completed wikhin the I,-riod specified by the inspector in the nofi~.~, the inspector shall have the authority t{', disc. f, nn,-..~.t ~,r order the disconnec'tion f~f ,=,lc-,:tri~' service to the dangerous eleckri~yal ~-,quipment. D. Ill {'i'tSeS of emergency, when npcessary for safety pel'so[Is (~I' proI, erty, or when e]ect. ricTal equipment may interf~,rt, with the wor'k c,f ~he f'i~'e departme, hi, the senic~r officer of the fire department at the site shall. hay,-, the cxuthori~y t~ immediately (zausf~ the disconnection of any electric:al equipment. U . An elec. t t-:i cal illSI~t-~Ct'~P may be ~'a] ] ecl upol] as Illally' times as required to inspect elec:lri. c:al instal. latic~ns in the c'oklFgf' oF constru{:tion, IIpOB request. Ill ~>rder nor to} dt.iay construc:tiot~ the ills[~ec:t.i{~ ,~f suc'h wnrk shall t~f.P made within f'~>~'ty eight '. [~;" hours from the time notic~e is; ref:ei red, Sundays and ho]idays excepted. F. An elec'trica] ir, spect{,r shall l,ave the authority require building contrac~c, rs to open such work that aBy nlal~llel' ,'<>nceals ,-.'[e~'i ~'i<'a] wiring that has been c:]osed without the insf, e<2t,~r's kn<twledge or pern~ission, dud in no c'ase sha'I 1 r~n insl,ectc>r issue <'learante unti ] hP is satisfied tl'ta~ c4l] wc>rk is in accordance with provisit>rig of illis artic:]e. An ~le<'tr'i~al inspector shall also havf. the right to refuse t~, issue c:learan,~e {~n any wi r'ing' ~ hat is c. oncealed in such a manner that the it~st~e('~t,r c'ann<,t fully satisfy himself that. it has G. An elf. c'tric:al i. nspe<.i~t- is; herpin given authority inspect and t.~,i nspec:l the wir it~( of al I puhli c: mercantilp buil<tinp;s and when said electrical wiring f,'~und f :~ be in a <'<~udi lion dangerous; ~ I ire or property, such inspet:tot shall nc~iify, in writing, the owner ,'~r' {,coupant ~, F suc. h bu i ldings t o repait' su('h defects :~s may be found. Tf c.¢,r'rective work is riot <.c~mplet,~d within the:, ~ Line 'limit spf~ciripd, inspet. tot may aufh~riz6~ Ihe disc'~-~nn~c:tion of tt't. s e r v i, .: e s t <', ~ h e b u i 1 d i n g. Sec. 5 Liability of Electrical Inspectors Where action is taken by electricctl inspectors to enforce the provksi<~ns of thTis article, such acts sh~l] be done in the name ,~f. and on beha]f <2f the c:ity, and the inspectors Sec. 6 Electrical Examining, Advisory and Appeals Board- Created, Sec. 7 Term of Office - Board Members Sec. 8 Board Meetings Sec. 9 Duties of Board Appeal from Ruling of Building Official. 4: ".!'.t:.,~al !,uy +,le t(lk~l~ fl'<>lll ~!:',~.v :9? in!L, intt:.l'I~t'~-t ll! ~:~, t ~'.~.~} Fel, etxt an applic'ati~,n with the building offi,.2a] For a heat'ing before the board; the dt~ci~i~n of the bt~ard at said hearing shall be final. Appeal Procedure. N{,t i~:e of appeal -~hall be in writing and shall be filed within thirty (30) days of the dec'isif,n renderPf~ [,y the buiidtn~( {_,fPic'ial. QUALIFICATION AND REGISTRATION OF ELECTRICIANS Sec. 10 Registration Required; Exceptions. A. No person, firm or c:orpo~'uti,.~n shall engage in the business of elec[rical c:onstruct i,:,n or c:ause to make ~-~ny r~pairs, alt. erations, additions, or changes to exist, ing sVst em of ~-,1 cot r i {.'a] ,'<,ridnet. ors, wi apparatus, ~,r equipment within the c:itv unless: [. the person, firm or c'c}r[,or'at ion is registet'ed as a qua] ifi ed contractor or et.e{.t r'kci an [n accordance with ~he provisions ,,f this chapter: 2. the person, firm c,r c:oPporation is registered in .' ~ a s s i F i c- a l: i ~_} na s s t a t- e d i n s u b s e <' ~ i c, n ( b ) o f t h i s sec:t ioli: ~]. a [,t~['s~n who i s an ,:~mpluyee ,, f dtl] e[ect. rical uti] i ty compan~ and who is conducting work desc-ribed in Sec. 19 {>F [his ordinance, or 4. a person who is engaged in work described in Sec. ]~ <~f' t. his ,~Pdinar~c:e. B. Elect~'ical registration sha].l [,e in lh~ c~lassification ]isted 1 . Ele,':t ri cal Cont rac:t 2. M~st er Elec'trician journeyman ElectFician o. C. A [~rson registered in a classification stated in subsection (b'~ of this section shall be permitted perform the work ~1' that classificaticm as d~fined in this chapt~',f'. D. To se{'~ure a <'ertifi<:ate of t'egistrat.-ton as a qualified elec'trieian in any f~f' t:l'~f, c. lasses designated subsection (b'~, a perscan sha.ll apply in writing to the building official. upon a form furt~is. hed by the bui ldi t~ inspec:t i on dt.[~al' Pment . E. Applicants Cot a c:ertifLc:,.~.-,. as e]~ct. rical contra~:~or, shall file with the application an affidavit settiug for the flame or names of the persons who are responsible for the business. Applicants shall appear in person if requested by the board ~nd be examined as provided in this ord~na.ce. Sec. 11 Prerequisites for Electricians License. A. New applican~ s for a c:er~ ificate as a mast er ,,,]ectrician shal] be :}I ]east "'1 years o:F age and: ]. have been registered for at least one year as a juur-neyman e.leclri,~'i~:,.r~ with the city, or 2. File with the application, affidavits from past e,r present empl~,ye:"s showing t~,.-~ ]ess than Five years experience in the installation, alteration. and maintenance of electrical equipmenl. Evidence required in Paragraph (2) may be waived by a vote of the t,{,a¢'d. One half of the time spent i.n attendance at an electrical technic:al school may be ~:onsid.:red toward satisfaction ,f the required five yeaFs experienc:e. B. Applicants for a ~'er't i f'icate :Is a .jourr~eyman electrician shall. be at least 20 years of age and: ]. have [,~e~n regist,.r'ed wi t. t't the city as an electrician in any c:lassific:ation fo~' at least Four years , 2. file wil. h the ;Application, affidavits .['r'¢~m past or present employers showing n<.~t less than four years experience in the installation, alteration, or' maintenance <-~f electric:al equipment. Evidence requLred in parap;raph :2) may [,e waived by a vote of the board. On~ half <,f the time spent in at.t. endanc~ at an ~,'lec:t ci,'a] technical school may be considered toward satisfaction of the required four- yeat's exper'i ence. Sec. 12 Examination and Issuance. A. Applicants for a certificate as a mast. er electrician or ,jour'neyman electric'jan, s, hal] appear in persun bcf,'~re the board and be examined as prescribed by the board ~.,×cept as provided in %~'<'. 19. B. Aft,~r an app]ic-an! has been {:ert i'f'ied by the board and has paid the requi~'ed registration fee, the building irispection d~,parlme~nl ~;hall t-o~(ister the name of the app]icantu in the records and shall issue to the i~pplicant a c'f~rtifif-a~e oF ~'egistrati,,n. Sec. 13 Recognition of Licenses of Certificates of Registration From Other Cities. A. An e]~:'tr.[cian holding a currently valid ]i{'ense certificate of registration i.n another city may apply ~or and receive a similar lie'erase ~t' certifi<.ate registration in this city without taking an examination if' lhe applicant: I. submits evidence sat~sfac[ory to the b{~ard that.: a. the appl. icant~s license or certificate registration was issued under conditions not less restrictive than required by this <~rdiBaBce for isstlaBce of a similar ]icens~ or certifi{:ate c}r regis[ration, and b. an elec. tric. ian holding a certificate r'egistration issued hv this city would be permitted [.o apply for and receive ~ similar certificale of registration or license in the other ci,v under- reciprocal c,c, ndit ions; and 2. show proof of being current ] y ]icensed regis~ ered: a. in a reciprocal <:ity which participates in the Dallas <:r Tarrant County elec:trica] t. xaminations, b. for at least one year in [he same capacity in a reciprocal city which does not participate in the Dallas or Tarrant County electrical examinations; and c. pays the r'pg'is~rat ion fee required and complies with all o[her' requirements of this code. B. The c~].ectrica] examining~ advisc~'v ~,nd appeals board shnll approve all suc'h reciprocal electrical licensing 7 Sec. 14 Transferability: Display of Certificate A person shall not ]end, rent, or transfer his certificate ,~f registration to any othL, r person. It is unlawful for a person other than the building official or an electrical iaspector to alter a cer'tificra~e or r6;gistr'ation in any manner. Every holder of a certificate as an electrical c{~ntract'or shall display their c'ertifi,'atf~ it': a conspicuous place in their princripa] place of business. Every holder of a certificate .~s registered master' or' .jot~rneyman electrician, shall carry thei,'- registration card or certificate ~,~p their person at all fimes whi]~ doing electrical work and sl~.qll produce and exhibit it when rf~quest. ed by an inspector or offi,rer of the <'ity. Sec. 15 Renewal: Expiration. A. Excel,! for .,'-ncw~l ] [,-.eases issued starting Decembc. r 1 for the coming year or new ]icenses issued from Ilecember 1 through I~ec. ember 31 of the t:,resent year, c:ertificate or registration required by this chapter expir~.s at. midnight De<'{.~mber 21 of any year shall be dated to expire December 31 of the next year. In any event , a] 1 li<':enses shall be renewed annually hy the buildjar) inspections department upon applicration and payment t{, the city c,f [h,~ required renewal fee; provided, however, fhaf if during the preceding yea~' t he crert i fieate h~,l der has been ,::<:,r~v .i cted of violation of this ~-ode or no longer meets the ori~7ina/ ccrtificati~;n requkt'ements, the building official shall require the application for renewal be reviewed by b o a r d. B. A ,'ertificate of regis~rat~c~n that has expired for' more than one month but less than one year may be renewed upon applicatiun and payment ,,F the required renewal feP, plus a penalty equal to the registration fee set forth in Exhibit "A" nf the classification electrician in which the certificate holder was registered. A c'-rtificate tha~ has expired for one year or longer is not renewable. A new certificate may be obtained bv {'<,raptying with the requirements of Sec. 11 and 12 of this C. An electri ci an renewing a ]icense must submit satisfactory evidence that their license or certificate <~f registration was issued under conditions ~hat were not less restrictive than th~,se r~quired by this ordinance. A waiver- c~f this evidenc,~ or requirement may be given by a vote of the board. Sec. 16 Suspension or Revocation of Certificate. A. The board shall have the power to suspend f,r revoke the certificate of cegistration of any c.]ass ,at elec, trician who is found guilty of: 1. the practic, e of any Fraud or deceit in obtaining a certificate of registration. 2. intenti<,nally violating any Frovisions of ~his code; 3. any gross negligence, incompe[ency, or misconduct in the performance of elec:tri<'ra] work within the. city. g. In considering charges unde. r this sect. i~,n, the board shall proceed upon sworn information furnished by official of the ~-ily, or by some person aggrieved by the action of an electrician in the performance of oleotries] work f<>r which :~n electrical permi~ required. Such information shall be in writing and shall be duly verified by the pprson fami]i.r with the allegations made. The board, i.f it deems the inf'c~rmation sufficient to support further action on its part , shall issue an or,:4er setting the matter for hearing at a sl, e~'ifiv~! time and place, the building official_, with the advice of the city attorney, shall cause a copy of the buard's order' and tl-,e information to be served upon the electrician by certified mail, return receipt ceques~,:.d, at least fifteen days before the date set for the hearing. The electrician may appear in person t~r- hy counsel, at the time and p]ac- named in the order and t, resen~ their defense to the board. The city attorney shall provide counsel for the hoard. If the ele~:~ric-ian fails or refuses to appear, the board may proceed to hear" and deterf mine thp ,'harge in their' absenc:e. If they plead guilty, or if, upon a h~r~ring of the ~-harge, ~he !,card f'inds any of ~he charges {o be true it may enter an order suspending revoking the c. erl i f~<r~tte of r'egistration of ~he electrician. C. When the hoard has c-ompte~ed the hoarjag, it shall cause a record of its finding and decision to be filed with the City Secretary and sh.ll cause a certified <'opy ~o be for'warded to the electrician. The h,:,ar,-i shall, in reciting its decisiori make provision for reinstatement based upon written notice by the board a[ t'he expiration of ~', specified period, or hy the suspended person satisfact,,rity passing an examination given for the same grade of e]ectricj, an from which they are suspended. An order' of r'einstatement: shall be fi]Pd as a part ,~f the record and a copy shall be made and given or mailed to the electrician c-oncer.ed. E. Any person who may feel themselves aggrieved by any a,-.tion or dec:ision of ~he boatel may~ within 20 clays after receiving not ic-e of the boa~'d's final order, file suit [n the di. stri<:.t. {:{~urt of Dallas County, to {:{~rrect any error of law in the dec'isior~. The suit shall be filed against the board as defendant and service of proc:ess may be made upon the board by serving the City SP{~retary. F. A person whose ~.i~,rhts under a crertificatc of registration have been suspendled or revoked by the board, shall. uot engage in ,~t' ~:~lec~rical construc'tion for whit:h a permit is required. Sec. 17 Examination and Registration Fees. A. In addition to an annual registration fee, new applicants or those r~quir'ed to take an examination shall pay the examination f'ee specified in E::hibit "A", which must be. submitted with app]ication to the building inspections departme. t. An applicant who fails to take the fir.qt ~-×amiuation fol'towing the ,,late of their application lorry. its the examination unless the applicant notifies the building inspections department before the examination date and unless the applicant files a new al, t',l :i cat i on h~'?fore the BeNt scheduled examiner i on. B. After an applicant has been c~;rtified by the board, the annual registration fee as specified it; Exhibit shall be paid by ~hc appli{'unt. The f,~e, whi~:h is clue by January 1 of ~ach y~ar, must be paid at the building '] t~Spec~ ion depart men t before i he issuance t, f a certificate of registrati,,n. Renewal applications will be accepted starting Dec¢.mbeF ] of the preceding year. C. A person desiring to take an examination at a time other than at the scheduled examination time may file an application for a special examination with the [,oa~'d, togeth~.r with a receipt showing that the sum ~,f $500 has been paid to the building inspect ion department as a special f,~e paid in addition to the fee specified in Exhibit "A" to offset the increased ~.×pense ~f c.c~nductit~g a special ~-xamin.'.~ion. A license issued under the ternis of a special examination cannot ] 0 be reciprocated . D. Examinations: ] . The board sha]l pres,'ribe a reasonable examination of a uniform, fair and impartial nature, testing the know]edge and skill t}f each applicant to do electrical work, involving the, 4nsiallat'ion, alterati,.,n, Fc'paiP~ and maintenance of electrical conductors and equipmen~ . 2. Examinati~,ns shall be in writing. 9 Tile hoard shall conduct examinations with utmost Fairness and pal i-nce. Should any applieant Fail ~n examination, the board shall, so far as it may be practicable, apprise the applicant. wherein they are deficient, or fails to meet in a reasonable manner the requirements of the examination. 4. An unsuccessful applicant may make application for' re--exami. nation at such iime as may be prescribed by the rules adopted by the, board. No applicant, however, may be re-examined before, tile expiration of two months from the date of his previous examination. An ai,pl ieant t'hat is unsuccessful in two successive examinations shall be required to> wait six months bef<,r'e. being allowed to make application for re-examination. An applicant that is up. suct:.essful in three successive examinations shall be required to wait twelve monl:hs before being allow,~d t.o make application for re--examinatic~n. 5. An applicant shall not be denied an examinaii:,n ur certificate on account of their affiliation with any person oF any lawful c>r'ganization, union, or associ at i on. 6. ThP board shall l,e di figeat a.d to]erant in aiding and assisting all applicant be -nlightening them cf, ncerning khe rules pr~;s;crib~d by the board for exami~,ations. 7. The hoard shall authorize the building inspections department ~o issue each applicant who passes the examinati<~n a certificate of reg i s t rat i on. ]1 E. Records: TIle building official shall keep a record of all persons qualified by the board to whom certificates of registration hav,~ helen issued and shall not be responsible for {he record of any person whose registrati,n has not been r'enewed for a period of one year. Sec. 18 False Representation as to Registered Class of Electrician and Registration and Regulation generally. A. A pers,n shall not represent themselves as a registered electrician of any class s~, out in this chapter or nse the works of similar import. or meaning on signs, cards, s,ationary, or by any ~;ther manner, unless the person is ihe holder of a valid certificate or registration th,~ class for which they are repre~senting therose]yes as being registered. g. A person shall not engage in the business of electric'a[ contracting withoul being registered in the manner' required by this section. C. An e]ectrical contrac't,,r shall not establish, maintain, or advertise. a place of business at any location within the city under any name. other ~han that registered with the building offif. ia]. D. Any pers~,n desiring to engage in the business of elec~:rica[ contracting ~hall make app]ication for registration at ~he building inspection department office. After ~he application has been approved by the board, and upon payment of {he registration fee required hy this s;ubchapter, ~he building official shall register {he applicrant and issue to the applicanl a certific. a~e of registralion. The certificate of registration must include ~he proper address of the app]icant's established p]~c'e of [,usiness. Upon requesi , the building offi c] al may grant permission for an applicant 'g~,r electrical contractor's license to begin work on a s~ngle project before apt~roval ~,f their ele<:trkc'al c,{,ntractor's license by the board if in the opinion of the building official ~he applicant meets all thP requir,~ments of the provisions of this ordinance. An applicant for {.c~n{ractc~r's ] icerise temporarily qualified by this method shall at ~he time of application submit a f.e the form of a cashiers check or money {~t'de.r with their applicuti{,,n whitrh shall be made t, aya[,le to the City of Coppell in the am<,unt as spec-ifi.~d in Exhibit "A" and 12 such payment- as receiv,~d shall not be refundable under ally circ:umstance. E. An elec. trical {-'~,ntractor's certificate shall entitle the holder to engage in the business of, and to secure permits for, the [ns;t allat. ion, addi t. ion, a!t. erat ion, devices, and equipment. g. :.~n elef-:fric~al ,"~ntract'.or shall no~ ,.ngage in an electrical c. ontrac. ting business within the ~ity unless the business is qualified by a master elec~rkc'ian; and 1. is an owner at' ful. l-ti~e e~p]c~yee of the business; an d 2. actively supervises the daily' aperat. ion of the business; and ~ i s not engaged in {~r employed by any c~l her business at the same time that the electrical contracting business is registered t.o perform electrical work within t. he city unless fhe master i s an owBer .'{~p~.rat. e~r; and 4. is authorized to order employees of the business to c{~rre<~t tt,~fec~s~ errors~ and deficfencies in elec:trical work installed or performed by the b us i hess. G. The building official is auth~',rized to withhold inspections from, and the issuance of permits to, any reg'tst. ered c:ont. ractor whf~: 1. fails to c:orrect a defect, error, or deficiency in work installed under the authority of an electrical permit within ]0 calendar days after written n<~tification from the office of the building official and/{~r 2. :Fails to pay any -indebtedness, wh~r~ due, to th~ city for inspec:tion fees charged fo~' permits obtai ned. ft. Master Electrician 1. ~ persun who has been emp]oyed as a mast, er electrician by a registered electrical contractor shall register with the building r~fficial writing on a form to be furnished by the building inspecti{~ns departm,,nt. When an applicant has complied with the requirements of this code, the building of'f4eial shall {?ertj'fy them as a master 12 elec.~r~c~an for a specific r~gis~red electflea] cont rac!tc~r by pt aci ng the~ ~' name on the ~'<,nrrac'tc, r'~ rf~gist-ration c-ertific:ate and by identification card issued to the registered master ele{'tri.~:ian. 2. When a master ~.le{~trician has ~lc}t. at. ted in the capacity <,f a master electric:jan or in a super'visory position on elec~.t*ical w~,rk in lhe ci ~y for 8 eon~ inuous peF4 od of two (9~ years, the building official may require them t.o be re'- examined befor'e they are cert i fied as a registered .~aster -]~crtrician. r~. A master electrician who qualifies an e~lec:tr'ica] c'ort~ rat. ring busi hess assumes t'egpolls ibi 1 it.y for the business complying with the provisions of this c{}de it, its entirety~ including payment indebtedness to, the citv of permit fees. :1. Whenever a master electrician leaves c~r discharged from ~he employ of a p~rson who l~equ:i.l'tz~d by t his ~'r~d~. i.~ employ a master elef:trician, a rl(}fic. o in writ'ir~g shall be ~iven immediat. ely by b,,fh the employer and the master elec~tric-i~n tc~ the building offic:ial, and the permit priv:i le~(f.s of the employer s;ha]], without. furl heF order or' a<:t i on, be suspended unt i I t ~.mpl {,yment ~nd quali lying of another master el ect ri c:ian. 5. A n~aster elp,'.triciar~ shall not qualify more than one electrical contracting business al any one t i m e. g. A master elec:tric. ian shall not knowingly permi~ ~heir name to be used or themselves to be held out as ~he mastiff' cle{:tric'ian wh{, {tualifies a specific' electric:a] contrac:ting business unless theN': a. ar.~ an owner c~r full-time {~mployee of the business: and b. actively st~per'visf. s the daily operation the business; and <'. are tx{~t ~?ngaged in or ~,mployed by any other' business at the same time t. hal the elec:tric:al. contrac~in~f business is registered to perform electt'ica] work within the city unless the master is an owner'/'ope/'8~ot'; and d. is altl'horized to order' employees of the business to cor,'ect defects, errors, and defif'ienc'ies i.n electrical work installed or performed by the business; and e. resides within the trade area of [he city in which the electrical contracting business is I I. Journeyman Electrician. A .jot, rneyman electrician's certificate or a temporary journeyman's certificate shall enkitle the h~lder [o en~age th~ms~lves in the employ of any person registered under the provision [his code as an e 1 e,<:[rica] con~raclog. J. Supervision. An 6,]ect'ric:a] cont ract<,r may have ] aboreFs OF apprcn~ ices on any of such contractor' 3c~bs, but ~hey mus[ a[ all gimes be under the direc., supervision of a licensed journeyman, maintenance master electrician, unkil such time as ~hey pass the examination. Bi~'~.,'t supervision shall mean that a I icensed electri,.'ian shall be on the .jc~b site or pro.jeer sit~, at all times when electrical installations arp br. ing made or maintained. Ther~~ may be no more than four (4) laborers or apprentices supervised hy a l ic~nsed 3,~urneyman el~-c.~ricEan. Sec. 19 Certain Work Exempt From Registration Requirements. A. The following classes of work may be carried out by pers<~tls who a;'P Bot re~2fis~ ered e]t~c:tricians: ~ . The rep] r~c'e,m~nt of lamps , fuses , and t he c:onnect. i{>n {.,g pot{able devices !'o suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed; 2. The installati<>n, ~tlterat.i,>n, or repairing of any wiring devices or equipmeni for the- operalion of si}Xna].s <~r' the trarlsmission of :i,~t~,]]igonc. e, where suc'h wiring, devices, app] ian,:e, or equipment ~perat:es at :x vc>l t:age not ,,~-ceeding 30 v~,lt s between conduct. ors and does not. include generating or transforming equipment; 3. The installation, altorat, ion, or repair electrkc wiring, devices, appliance, and equipment installed by or for' an e]eckrical public servic:e corporation opera! lug under a franchise from the city, when fgr the use of the corporation in the generatiun, t ransmission, distribution, or metering of electtrio'el energy; Any work 'involvc?d in ~h~, manufac'ture or test of electrical materials, devices, app]iances, apparatus, but n~,t includinff any installation of wiring othe'r lhan that required for testing purposes if khc equipmen~ i.s approved by the building official before 4i is installed or used within the <'i 5. The insta] laf i~,n, a] teration, or repair c~f any wiring devices or equipmen1 installed by ,,r fox' a cable television company operatin~r, under a franchise from the c, ity when such devices equipment is used s~:lely fc~r the transmission or distribution of a television signal. A homeowner may persor~al!v iris[all electrical conductors or equi. pment with that person's own home the owner files wi[h t he building {'~ffic'ial approved plans and spec'jfications, has satisfied the building ~,f'fi~,ial as t~, that perst~n's al, ility to :install f. lectrical wiring, applies for and secures a permit, pays requirpd fees, does work in accordancf. with this article, and applies for inspection. Work performed by a homeowner under t he provisions ,,f t h is se{'t i-n must- b¢~ riolie hy such homeowner on hf~tnestead premises owned and occupi{',d by such hc, mt-c wilier , Wi[ hour conlpensat i on , A homeowner sha]] not employ an<~l her person to assi such homeowner :i n any way on thP w~rk. C. The provisions of this artic!p shall not apply to the installation, alteration, or repair of ele~ctrical equipment installed fk~l- or by an elec:tric utility {'ompany for the usf~ ~f such company i n t he g'enerat ton, transmission, distribution, or meterinS of electricity. Sec. 20 Permits Required. A] ] {':orepanics, firms, c,o--partnershi ps, c-{'}rporat ion individuals (excepting pub] [c telephones, telegraph, messenger calls, cable television, electric utility companies having a franchise granted by the city, or persons installing equipment requiring( less than ~}'tiriy .:'30~ who desire to install e]ectrica! wirit~g, fixtures, clectric-al work of any kind c,r alpserif, lion in the ~.orpora[c limits of this city shall_ make application to the building c, fficial for a permit and r~<:eiv~~ such permit ~<, do the work before such insta]] at ion is commenc:ed. 16 Sec. 21 Permits Issued to licensed Contractors and License Exempt Persons Only. Pel'mi ts wi I ] be issued only tc~ <'ontracft,r's wh(} are l i c'ensed with the c:i~y as provided herein, and to qualified hc, mec, wners as defined under s,:,c:tion 19 of this ordinance. Permi~ validations fc, r new construction will be issued only If; elecirical c'ontractors who ~t-e licensed wilh the city as provided herein. Sec. 22 Procedures on Securing Permits and Inspections. Written procedures ~,n securing permits and all inspections may be secured from [he inspect ion department and they may be changed as often as the city council may de. sire without affect. trig in whole or in part this article, or requiring publication of same. Sec. 23 Inspections Required. A]] wit'trig or e]e~c. irica] ~nsta] ]at ions shall be inspected by the electrical inspector during the course of instal]ati~,n i hereof at: such s[ages vf completi,,n as the electrical insppctor shall deem necessary to insure conformance of such insta].lati.cn~ with the provisions of !hi~; artic:le, INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Sec. 24 Unlawful to interfere with Wiring. It shall be unlawful for any owner, contractor or workman, ~,lher than authorized eli,::'[ rician, in any manner lo interfere with any e-lec. trical wiring being installed in or on any building. If in the c'<,ur'se of constr'uclivn <.~f a building, the wiring is in such a posi[ion as to interfere with i~s erection or completion as c:all{-.d for by plans, notice shall immediately be given to [he person instailing the wi ring, or th,, ~-.1 ec~rical c:onira,'t:oF, and the needed change shall be made by such personb. Sec. 25 Connection of Service Conductors without Clearance Prohibited; Notice of Change in Responsible Party. Unlawful for Electrical Utility Company to Connect Service Conductors Without Clearance. 17 It shall i,,- unlawful for any electrical utility company serving the ~'ity to conne{.~ service entrance conductors any dP~;,./'iption excep~ !,., maintain its own equipment without first obtaining {'learance from the bui tding official . Whenever a n{~n-dwe]ling, mobile home or recreaLional vehicle eloc. trica] service in the ciIy limits is disconneci. ed for any c. ause wha[soever except nonpayment of bill) , <.l~,arnnce from the building offic~ia] sha] 1 he necessary Electrical Utility Company to Notify of Change in Responsible Party for Electrical Service. When the responsible party, as listed hy the electric' ut ilit:y ~:~mI, any~ f~r :~ r~<~n dwellin~ el~.ctrical service relinquishes that responsibility and another party assumes the responsibility for tha~ ele<'~r'ical service, the electric uti ]i. ty company shall noi ify the building official. hy written notice within ten (lO') c-~,]endar days oF the date of such change giving the name of the party assuming t'esponsibi]lty and the address or the electrical service.. See. 26 Electric Utility Company to make Permanent Connection of Service. On]y ~tuthc, rized p~ap]oyees of the ele{'trzic utility company will be permitted to make the connection which will enecgize the custt~nler's serv[~,e entrance conductors except in an unf~reseen elnergPncy involving an existing service ~:onnection. In such emergen{.'ics, the building offic'ial shall be notified within twenty-four (24) hours after the service eBtrall<'e conductors are energiz~.d. Sec. 27 Unlawful to Connect Service Without Approval. It shall. be unlawful for' any person, firm or corporation to make ,,'c, nnection t'o a supl:,]y of ele~-Lricity or to supply electricity to any elec:tricra] equipment for which a permit is required, or whic'h has been discc}nnocted by the order of an elec'trical inspector except an electric utility company, until a notice of approval has been issued hy lhe elec~'ical inspector authorizing t he connection and use <,f such equipment excet~l as provided in Section Sec. 28 Unlawful to Connect Unapproved Fixtures. It shall be unlawful fox" any person to use c,r install any el,:.ctr'i,:al apparatus, material, appliap. cf~, or fi×ture for use in c'c~p, nection with wiring ;:;f any kind unless such apparatus, mat-vial, appliance or fixture has been tested, ]/sted ar~<t labeling by a~, ~,pprov,~d t, est~ng' laboratory acceptable to the building official. Sec. 29 Liability of Contractor and City Unchanged. This article shall not be coi]strue;d to relieve from oF lessen the re. sponsibility of liability of any party owning, operating, constructing, or installing any el~.ctri. ca] oquipnlent- which c~ttributc~.'.~ clamages t<, p,~rs{,ns or property caused by any defec. t therein: nor shall the city be held as a, ssuming any suc'h ]]ahili. ty by reason {if the inspection or reinspection authorized herein, o:' the certificate of approval issu6d as herei,~ provided, or by reason of the approval c~r disapproval of any equipment authorized herein. See. 30 Service Requirements. A. Location of Disconnecting Device: The .qcrvic~. disconnecting means shall [,e insta]]~--.d outside of a buil..ting or other structure c}n all c~cc'upancies e.,:cept those classified as Group R, Division 3 occupancies. The disconne~:ting mc~ans Fc:r dr'oup ~, Division 3 occupancies sha]] be located in the garage. Alternate location must be approved by ~he bull,ling official. B. Number of Disconnecting Means. There shall be ,,.{, more · Lhan one main disconnec. ting device for each service. A] t,..r'natc- instal]ations must b- appr'ovf~.d by lhe building official. Sec. 31 General Specifications. T]i~; following genera] specifi<'~t~i<,ns shall apply to all wiring installed in the city: A. Any acldition t,~, a]terati{,n of, ~t' any building or s~ructure hereafter erected in any zoning district less restricI'ive than mull ifamily, as same is defined in the zoning ordinance of the city, shall have all wiring inf;~a] led in r'i~{id mf~tallic cor~duit , sh~pl tube metal molding system abc~vf. the grc~und or slab level. Exception No. l: .ipproved cable tray and t,usways shall not be prohibitf~d. Exc:eption No. 2: llndergr'c~ur~d inst. al]ati:~n of po!yviny] chloride conduit containing fe+~der ,,r' branch circuit <'onductors shall 1,,'~ permitted to ~-xtend above gr't, uud 19 l;. Relocating Buildings · W~F iri~,/ i YI (lily ;,tl ~ ~ ~i~ "- Ground Clamps. ~,1 i c iam!,s f<}:' ,..~r'it~ sx-s;~':?m D. Underground Conduit. all . :,:~,iu~.~<,r's uudergrc~u~d 'e:-:c'c'l,i t i~,,s: su: tabl.: Y'~r' ~ii ~ ~..' i II0111ti":'] ~,] 1 [C ('{)!l';[;] [ PV(~' , V. Aluminum Conductors. Alum ir~um <~," : ',r,r,~'r- clad al un, inx~m col~du~ ~,:,t'~: S}~a]t Bc~t be t~S~'~ ~,:' instali,?d ih ~];e as u wi ciu~( r,~,~ he, el. This :',..:~ttiremet~t %h;~11 n,',t lim~ the ur<c <,[' materials <f fh~ El~.c',ti~-,~] Utility servif'e eni:ran,:e {.<,r~dt~ciot's l-,rovidf,c/ ~hat the t't}B~t'~:,%~iolt F'. Armored Cable. E",i .... -t t: c~r'mored ~';~bl,., bx not be i ~,~ ai ]ed k~ ~ i~,:- ,-:~i x' ;i~, a wiring met h<,d wilvhnui Sec. 32 Adoption of 1987 National Electrical Code. In t, he evol~j !},,qf f}it~ wot,ilu:'. <>I {,,~Ic~/ttion :~f ouy slectiol~ c~f t lie t'ules a~,t ~'cqui ~'f'me't~ s ,~f i he N~i l,,t~u]. E] t~-t ~' ~ c:a] Cc~dc, S;)tlli~ , ~i}]O 1 i t,~ f i edj ~ it, r, <,,(' thr- Nut-i<>r~aj NEW CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY BUILDING AREA BUILDING FEE CLASSIFIC.-~TION SQUARE FEET SINGLE FAMILY 1,500 or less 401.00 1,501 to Z,000 486.00 Z,001 to Z,500 555.00 Z,501 to 3,000 613.00 3,001 to 3,500 663.00 3,501 to 4,000 733.00 4,001 to 4,500 798.00 4,501 or more 882.00 BANNER SIGN 10.00 ALL OTHER SIGNS 100.00 SIGN REPAIR 50.00 ALL CLASSIFICATIONS SPRINKLERS 35.00 ELECTRICAL LICENSES CONTRACTOR 75.00 MASTER 10.00 JOURNEYMAN 5.00 SPRINKLER LICENSES CONTRACTOR 50.00 MECHANICAL LICENSES CONTRACTOR 50.00 PLUMBING LICENSES CONTRACTOR 50.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ALL GROUPS EXCEPT R 3 50.00 EXttlB]T "A" -1- OTHER INSPECTIONS AND FEES: 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours (rain. charge - two hours 50.00 per hour 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 305 (g) 25.00 3. Inspection for which no fee is specifically indicated (rain. charge- one-half hour) 30.00 per hour 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (rain. charge - one-half hour) 50.00 per hour NEW CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY BUILDING AREA BUILDING FEES CLASSIFICATION SQUARE FEET GROUP A,B,E,E,I 0 to 50 Z0.00 51 to 100 Z5.O0 101 to 250 30.00 251 to 400 35.00 401 to 500 45.00 501 to 100,000 45.00 + .08/sq. ft. 100,001 to 500,000 1250.00 + .06/sq.ft. 500,001 or more 7500.00 + .05/sq.ft. OCCUPANCY BUILDING AREA MECHANICAL CLASSIFICATION SQUARE FEET PLBG. &ELECT. GROUP A,B,E,H,I 0 to 50 Z0.00 51 to 100 ZO.O0 101 to 250 25.00 251 to 400 25.00 401 to 500 30.00 501 to 100,000 10.00 + .04/sq. ft. 100,001 to 500,000 625.00 + .03/sq. ft. 500,001 or more 625.00 + .03/sq. ft. EXKIBIT "A" 2 NEW CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY BUILDING AREA BUILDING FEES CLASSIFICATION SQUARE FEET GROUP B (Div. I&Z) ALL SHELL BUILDINGS 0 to 50 Z0.00 51 to 100 Z5.00 101 to Z50 30.00 Z51 to 500 35.00 501 to 5,000 45.00 + .08/sq. ft. 5,001 to 100,000 60.00 + .06/sq. ft. 190,001 to 500,000 1315.00 + .05/sq.ft. OCCUPANCY BUILDING AREA MECHANICAL CLASSIFICATION SQUARE FEET PLBG. &ELECT. GROUP B (Div. I&Z) ALL SHELL BUILDINGS 0 to 50 Z0.00 51 to 100 Z0.00 101 to ZS0 Z5.00 Z51 to 500 30.00 501 to 5,000 15.00 + .0ZS/sq. ft. 5,001 to 100,000 15.00 + .0ZS/sq.ft. 100,001 to 500,000 625.00 + .0Z/sq.ft. NEW CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY BUILDING AREA BUILDING FEES CLASSIFICATION SQUARE FEET APARTMENTS GROUP R-1 DUPLEX, TOWNHOUSE Z,000 to 20,000 Z50.00 +.ZS/sq.ft. Z0,001 to 50,000 500.00 +.lg/sq.ft. 50,001 to 100,000 Z,500.00 + .16/sq.ft. 100,001 to Z00,000 5,000.00 + .14/sq.ft. Z00,001 or more 7,500.00 + .13/sq.ft. EXHIBIT "A" -3- ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS OCCUPANCY VALUE OF BUILDING FEES CLASSIFICATION PROPOSED WORK ALL GROUPS 0 to 500 Z0.00 501 to 1,000 25.00 1,001 to 1,500 30.00 1,501 to Z,000 35.00 Z,O01 to Z,500 45.00 Z,501 to 3,000 50.00 3,001 to 5,000 55.00 5,001 to 10,000 75.00 10,001 or more 75.00 + 1% of value EXHIBIT National Electrical Code® 1987 National Fire Protection Association Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269 THENCE 75 feet, more or less, south along the west line of said 4.85 acre Jackson Tract to the southwest corner thereof; THENCE 450 feet, more or less, east along the south line of said 4.85 acre tract to a point of intersection with the north right of way line of SH 121; THENCE crossing SH 121 in a southerly direction to a point in the southerly right of way line of SH 121; THENCE easterly along the said southerly line of SH 121 'to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing in all 83.82 acres of land, more or less. PAGE 2 of Exhibit 3