RE 2022-0426.3 Tax Abatement Agreements1 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-0426.3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ADOPTING GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA FOR TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENTS; AUTHORIZING ITS EXECUTION BY THE MAYOR; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, enhancement of the local economy is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Coppell; and WHEREAS, the establishment of economic development incentives such as tax abatement may encourage enhancement of the local economy; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell desires to continue to elect to be eligible to participate in tax abatement and to continue the previous criteria and guidelines governing tax abatement agreements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The City of Coppell, Texas, hereby continues its election to participate in tax abatement as authorized by the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act of the State of Texas. SECTION 2. The “CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS GUIDELINES AND CRITERIA GOVERNING TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENTS,” attached hereto as Exhibit “A”, be and the same are hereby adopted as the amended guidelines and criteria governing tax abatement agreements for the City of Coppell and shall govern all tax abatement matters considered by the City from and after the effective date of this resolution. The City Council shall not enter into a Tax Abatement Agreement unless it finds that the terms of and the property the subject of the agreement meet the applicable guidelines and criteria herein adopted. Provided, however, any agreement executed pursuant to previously adopted guidelines and criteria shall be governed by the applicable guidelines and criteria in effect at the time of the execution of such agreement. 3 EXHIBIT “A” (see attached) 4 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE POLICY & APPLICATION City of Coppell Economic Development 255 Parkway Boulevard Phone: (972) 304-3677 Date:_________________________ Information may be submitted on this form using extra pages where necessary or submitted as a separate application document addressing the matters listed herein. Applications must be filed with the Community Development Department. No project currently under construction or completed will receive consideration for any type of incentive. Incentives will be considered for projects as an inducement to locate in Coppell; therefore, the application must be submitted prior to any location decision being made. NAME OF APPLICANT: Name ______________________________________________________________________ ______ Company ________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number ________________________________________________________________ E-Mail _________________________________________________________________________ APPLICANT’S REPRESENTATIVE: Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Company ________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ 5 City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number ________________________________________________________________ E-Mail _______________________________________________________________________ GENERAL PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF INCENTIVES: The City of Coppell is committed to promoting economic growth, quality development and the ongoing improvement in the quality of life for all Coppell citizens. To help meet these objectives, the City of Coppell will, on a case-by-case basis, give consideration to provide economic incentives as a stimulus for quality economic development in the city including business attraction, retention, expansion and redevelopment. The purpose of such incentives is to encourage development from those companies that enhance the overall economic strength of the Coppell economy through the creation of a broader tax base, revitalization to distressed areas and/or quality jobs for Coppell citizens. Equally, the purpose is to attract and/or retain those companies that will become good corporate citizens, meeting the goals and objectives of the City of Coppell. OBLIGATION: Nothing herein shall imply or suggest that the City of Coppell is under any obligation to provide economic incentives to any applicant. All incentives are subject to availability of funding. TYPES OF INCENTIVES: The City of Coppell can offer the following types of incentives: • Chapter 312 Tax Abatements – Qualifying companies can receive tax abatements for both new and expanding facilities. The abatement only applies to any new and/or improved value for both real and business personal property. The cost of land, the value of supplies and the value of inventory cannot be included in computing the amount of taxable value for the property. • Chapter 380 Economic Development Grants – Economic Development grants can be considered on a case-by-case basis for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, façade grants, sales tax rebates, employee relocation assistance and redevelopment. Grants will be issued utilizing Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code. • Fee Waivers – A maximum of a 50% waiver of Roadway Impact Fees and Building Permit Fees can be granted on a case-by-case basis. • Freeport Tax Exemption – Coppell is a Triple Freeport Community with the City, Dallas County and Coppell Independent School District offering Freeport tax exemption. Freeport tax exemption allows taxing authorities to exempt taxes on goods that are detained in the State of Texas for purposes of assembling, storing, manufacturing, processing or fabricating by the company that acquired or imported the property. To qualify for the exemption, the goods must be transported out of the State of Texas no later than 175 days after the date that the property was acquired or imported. • Expedited Permitting – The City has implemented an expedited permitting process for those tenant finish-out projects that are designated as economic development opportunities for the city. The expedited process allows the tenant to sign a “Hold Harmless” waiver after building plans 6 have been submitted in order to begin construction while the building official conducts a full plan review. • Foreign Trade Zones – The City of Coppell will give consideration to issuing a letter of support for FTZ status. If the City approves a letter, the City will work with Coppell Independent School District for the same letter of support from that taxing jurisdiction. CRITERIA: Each application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration the project’s fiscal impact, community impact and employment impact to the City of Coppell. The city desires to diversify the tax base and to provide unique offerings to all Coppell residents. The applicant must provide a written narrative detailing how a development/project meets the specified criteria. Recommendations for incentives will be based upon evaluation of the following: 1. Please describe the project being considered for incentives (i.e. shell building, build-to-suit, tenant lease, redevelopment, expansion, etc.) and the proposed use (i.e. industrial, office, retail, mixed- use): 2. What is the address and/or legal description of the property for the proposed project? 3. What is the estimated value of land and approximate acreage of the property? 4. Is this an existing Coppell business? If so, where is the company currently located? If this is a relocation, what is the reason for the move? 5. If the business is new to Coppell, will the Coppell location be a start-up, new location, or relocation? If a relocation, where is the company currently located? 6. Is this a branch facility or a headquarters location? 7 7. What is the estimated taxable value of the real property (excluding land)? 8. What is the estimated value of the FF&E (furniture, fixtures and equipment)? 9. What is the square footage for the project/tenant lease? 10. Describe the type of product the proposed company produces. Are any hazardous materials involved? 11. Will the applicant be the owner or lessee? If lessee, what is the duration of the lease being considered? 12. What is the projected number and average salary of full-time employees at the proposed facility? 13. Are the jobs likely to be filled by Coppell’s labor force? If not, what is the estimated number of employees that would possibly relocate their residence to Coppell? 14. What is the estimated value of the end-of-year inventory and percentage subject to Triple Freeport Exemption? 15. What is the estimated amount of total annual sales that will be subject to State Sales & Use Tax and sourced to Coppell? 16. What will be the hours of operation? 8 17. What is the location of the corporate headquarters? Are there any existing facilities in the Dallas- Fort Worth area? 18. What types and values of public improvements, if any, will be made by the applicant? 19. Does or can the project meet all relevant zoning, subdivision and other legal requirements? 20. Is the project consistent with the comprehensive plan of the city? 21. What other cities are being considered for this project? 22. Will this company generate hotel room nights? If so, what is the average annual estimate? 23. Is the company locally owned? A project submitted for tax incentives shall be subject to fiscal impact analysis to determine whether or not the services required for the facility will exceed the amount of taxes generated if an incentive was provided. No tax incentive will be offered to a project that generates negative costs to the city. 9 SUBMITTAL GUIDELINES: Applicant should submit to the Office of Economic Development the following: 1. A completed application form addressing the criteria and guidelines listed on the previous pages. 2. A legal description of the property (if a portion of a larger platted piece of property, a separate legal description for the subject area is required). 3. A plat showing the precise location of the property . Applications must be submitted to: City of Coppell Attn: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 mhurley@coppelltx.gov To discuss all potential incentives, please contact Mindi Hurley at (972) 304-3677 or mhurley@coppelltx.gov. * All incentive packages are subject to final approval by City Council. Should the terms of the tax incentive agreement subsequently not be satisfied, the tax incentive shall be null and void and all incentives will immediately become due and payable to the City of Coppell. Provisions to this effect will be incorporated into the agreement. 10 OLD TOWN COPPELL TAX INCENTIVE POLICY I. Location: For the purpose of this incentive policy, Old Coppell is considered to be any land generally located within the boundaries of the map attached as Appendix A. II. Purpose: The City of Coppell seeks to promote and develop Old Coppell through specialized incentives that encourage new development as well as preservation and rehabilitation of existing development. The development of Old Coppell will act as a tool for creating a sense of place based on Coppell’s unique, natural and cultural assets. This comprehensive policy for promoting physical revitalization and financial reinvestment in Old Coppell is designed to attract visitors to the area, encourage preservation of existing assets and add new and exciting uses to the vicinity. The purpose of this policy is to provide general guidelines and application instructions for proceeding through the incentive process in Old Coppell. Assessment for financial assistance shall be on an individual basis; therefore, each incentive package will be considered case-by-case and requires final approval from the Coppell City Council or their designee. The total package of incentives is generally designed to enhance the economic viability of awarded projects. This approach will allow the City the flexibility necessary to satisfy the unique needs and concerns of each applicant and the needs and concerns of the City and its citizens. 11 This policy does not imply or guarantee that the City of Coppell will provide tax incentives to any applicant. III. Criteria for Economic Development Incentives: Incentives shall be awarded based on the degree to which the proposed project meets the goals and objectives of the City for Old Coppell. All projects must meet the following minimum criteria to be considered for any tax incentives: (1) Project must be compatible with the Old Coppell Master Plan and character of Old Coppell in the sole opinion of City Council; (2) Project must meet the minimum development standards and design guidelines set forth in the Coppell Zoning Ordinance. Additional criteria are listed for each type of available incentive. Each applicant must complete the Old Coppell Incentive Application attached as Appendix B and submit a site plan package with the application. IV. Available Incentives: Incentives may be granted for eligible facilities on all or a portion of the increased taxable value of the property over the base year value. Tax Abatements Applicants may receive up to a 75% abatement of real and personal property taxes for a maximum of 5 years. Duration and amount of abatement granted will be based upon capital investment and impact of the project to the area. Abatements are limited to new and/or improved property value. To qualify, the project must have a minimum combined real property and business personal property investment of two-hundred thousand dollars. Projects not meeting this criteria may still be considered and qualify for a smaller incentive based upon City Council’s discretion. Sales Tax Rebates For businesses that generate sales tax revenue in the City of Coppell, a rebate of the City’s portion of sales tax may be granted. Businesses must have a minimum of two-hundred 12 fifty thousand dollars in annual sales to qualify for the sales tax rebate incentive. Up to 100% of the 1% collected by the city may be rebated for a maximum of 3 years. Rebates will occur once per year during the month of April. Projects not meeting this criteria may still be considered and qualify for a smaller incentive based upon City Council’s discretion. Fee Waivers Projects that qualify may receive up to a 50% waiver of Roadway Facilities Impact Fees, Building Permit Fees or both. Development Incentive The Development Incentive is designed to help spur development in Old Coppell. Applicants can apply for a development incentive to receive reimbursement of typical industry standard loan closing costs. Each applicant is limited to a maximum incentive of $5,000 and will be approved on a case-by-case basis. To qualify for this incentive, the applicant must use a lending institution located within the city limits of the City of Coppell for financing on property, and the applicant must close on the property within 90 days of incentive approval from the City. The applicant must submit the closing cost estimates at the time of incentive consideration. Once the applicant has closed on the property and the loan, documentation must be provided from the Coppell lending institution of choice showing actual closing costs. No reimbursements will be made until the property is under construction and proper documentation has been provided. Façade Grants The City of Coppell has dedicated a pool of funds to aid in the rehabilitation and restoration of the exterior facades of existing property in Old Coppell. The pool of funds will be distributed on a first come, first served basis, and approved projects will be awarded an amount equal to 50% of the actual costs to renovate the exterior façade. The minimum project cost to be considered is $3,000. To qualify for a façade grant, exterior façade renovations must include improvements such as appropriate windows, doors, awnings/canopies, shutters and signage, and any other acceptable improvement - not simply painting the exterior of the building. Projects may include rehabilitation to the entire exterior façade, but to be considered for a grant, the aforementioned improvements must also enhance the street appeal of the structure. Applicant must submit plans for construction prior to the start of the project along with bids for the improvements. All plans will need to be reviewed and approved by the Planning staff prior to commencement of the project. If plans are rejected, the applicant has the right to appeal to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The project must meet the standards for construction stated within the Historic District of the Zoning Ordinance, the Old Coppell Design Guidelines and other applicable codes. The applicant must begin the project within 90 days of approval and must complete the project within 12 months after commencing. Extensions can be 13 approved on a case-by-case basis at the City’s discretion. If approved for a grant, the City of Coppell will rebate 50% of construction costs and material costs once an applicant has completed their structure. Applicant should submit to the City of Coppell receipts at the end of the project, and the City will issue reimbursement checks once per year during the month of April. Regardless of the project cost, the total amount awarded will be capped at $25,000 per structure. 14 Appendix A Old Coppell Boundary Map 15 Appendix B Old Coppell Incentive Application City of Coppell Office of Economic Development 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, TX 75019 Phone: (972) 304-3677 Fax: (972) 304-3673 Date:___________________ Information may be submitted on this form using extra pages where necessary or submitted as a separate application document addressing the matters listed herein. NAME OF APPLICANT: __________________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code ________________________ ______________________________ Telephone Number Fax Number APPLICANT’S REPRESENTATIVE: __________________________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Code ________________________ ______________________________ Telephone Number Fax Number 16 Applicant must provide a written narrative detailing how a development/project meets the following minimum requirements: 1. What is the address and/or legal description of the property for the proposed facility? 2. What is the proposed use of the facility? 3. What is the estimated value of the land and approximate acreage of the property? 4. Size of building: 5. Size of suite: 6. The project makes a substantial contribution to redevelopment efforts. 7. The project is consistent with the character of Old Coppell. 8. What is the estimated cost of the project? 9. What is the projected employment number at the proposed facility and the estimated average salary? 10. What is the estimated value of the building? 11. What is the estimated value of the FF&E (Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment)? 17 12. Will the facility be a shell building or a build-to-suit? 13. What is the estimated amount of annual sales subject to State Sales & Use Tax? 14. What will be the hours of operation? 15. What is the general nature of the business? 16. Location of company headquarters. Are there any existing facilities in the Coppell or Dallas-Ft. Worth area? 17. What types and values of public improvements, if any, will be made by the applicant? 18. Will the applicant be the owner or lessee? If lessee, are occupancy commitments already existing? If yes, how long? 19. Does or can the project meet all relevant zoning, subdivision and other legal requirements? 20. Is the project consistent with the comprehensive plan of Old Coppell? 21. Does the project pose any negative environmental, operational, visual or other impact (i.e. pollution, noise, traffic congestion, etc.)? 18