CM 1974-03-12STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on March l2, 1974, in the First Bank of Coppell meeting room. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor Bob Hefner, Mayor Pro Tem Don Carter, Councilman Hazel Beal, Councilwoman Councilmen Sam Tiner and Bill Harris were not present. Also present were City Attorney Larry Jackson, City Engineer Hank Hensley, City Administrator George Campbell, and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. The meeting was called to order and the audience asked to stand while Mayor Pro Tem Hefner gave the invocation. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Council- man Carter seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner then moved that the minutes be approved as corrected; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mayor Scott then presented .certificates of appreciation to those groups who participated in the clean-up campaign recently held in the City. The groups receiving certificates were the first and third grade Blue Birds, the Ecology Club, and the Webelos. Next, Mayor Scott presented certificates of praise to City employees Mike Ross for completing his basic police training with top honors, to Tim McGinnis for receiving a superior rating on one classification on his EMT training, and to J.R. Harem for receiving his "B" certificate in water. The National Flood Insurance program was discussed next. City Engineer Hank Hensley reviewed the program and answered questions that the Council had. He stated that if the City does not take this insurance, the City could be held liable if any flooding occurs. The deadline for getting into the program in June, 1975. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that this item be tabled and taken under advise- ment; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Next, Mr. Henry Tate, Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee, gave a report on the activities of this committee. He stated that Mr. Harold Steadman will be checking into the prices of litter signs to be placed throughout the City. Also, the firemen's wives have indicated an interest in being a part of the beautification program of the City. Mr. Tate stated that a Heritage Society will be set up with Martha Jo Cozby as chairwoman. Walter Pettijohn and Jim Gilchrist will head up a committee to set up plans for a fourth of July picnic and parade. Mr. Tare stated that a workday had been held the previous Saturday at the site of the City park and that another one will be held the next Saturday for the purpose of clearing the brush from the land. City Administrator George Campbell stated that the Northwest Republicans Women' s Organization had donated a redbud tree to the City. The Council next considered an ordinance establishing zoning application fees. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that this ordinance be approved as 129-A-3~ Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. An amendment to the pro-rata ordinance was considered next. Councilman Carter moved that this ordinance be approved as l16-A-1 with the effective date 15 days from date of passage; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with tie mayor showing his approval. City Administrator George Campbell stated that a resolution is needed authorizing him to enter into a contract with the Dallas County Hospital District. Council- man Carter moved that this authorization be given; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The contract with Dallas County for fire protection was discussed. The annual payment has been raised from $2,500 to $3,000 annually plus the amount to be paid for each run made outside the City. Councilman Carter moved that this contract be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The subject of the City fire, and police departments answering calls at North Lake was discussed. It was decided that the City Administrator would check into the possibility of a City of Dallas official coming to one of our Council meetings in order that this subject could be discussed in order that an agreement might be worked out between the two cities. A request for a mobile home park license has been presented to the city administrator by Mr. Wyman Bass. He indicated that he would like to talk with Council about this license if there was a favorable reaction to the request. It was the consensus of the Council that they would be willing to discuss this with Mr. Bass if he meets all the requirements of the mobile home park ordinance and the Dallas County Health Department standards. Discussion on a two-way tacked flashing yellow light at Beltline, Denton Tap and Coppell Road was next on the agenda. Water Superintendent A. P. Vanbebber stated that the cost of this light would be approximately $600 if Texas Power & Light will put up the two poles and tring a spanner wire across the road. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that this light be approved; Councilman Carter seconded ?"~ and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Looping the Z" water line on Bethel Road was considered next by the Council. This line would be from Park Road and Bethel Road following Bethel Road around the corner north to the Sisk property. After discussion on the subject, Councilman Carter moved that the Z" line be approved with Mr. Nolen being transferred at the end of the week to work in the water department; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried Z-0-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Hefner abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter moved that a resolution be approved authorizing two of four signatures necessary to open the safety deposit box at the First Bank of Coppell; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Consideration of names to be presented for a temporary board of directors for the Municipal Utility District was discussed next. Councilman Carter stated that the hearing date goes before the Water Rights Commission the next Monday and the names for the board were needed before that time. Names presented for consideration were Mr. Jesse Franklin, Dr. or Mrs. Charles Austin, Mr. W.W. Sommerville, Mr. Doc Cornutt, Mr. Horace Vail, and Mr. Henry S. Miller. These names will be given to the MUD people for their consideration also. After discussion by the Council, it was decided the city administrator will check into the possibility of buying certificates of deposit on a short term basis. Mr. J.C. Thweatt asked to be recognized from the audience and questioned the Council as to when the fences and easements on the General Telephone sewer line would be cleaned up. City Administrator George Campbell stated that there was to be a meeting the following Thursday between the contractor, the engineers, and the City to try and get some of these questions cleared up. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner moved that the bills be approved as submitted; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The City's priorities for County thoroughfares was the next item discussed. After discussion on this subject, Councilman Carter moved that the Bethel- Beltline extension still be the City' s priority; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. It was decided that the city administrator would send a letter to the County and to the Good and Hunt interests stating that we did not have any objection to the Esters Road project, but that our first interest was the Bethel-Bettline extension. The meeting was then adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary