CM 1974-03-26STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on March 26, 1974, in the First Bank of Coppell meeting room. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor Bob Hefner, Mayor Pro Tem Don Carter, Councilman Sam Tiner, Councilman Bill Harris, Councilman Hazel Beal, Councilwoman Also present were City Attorney Larry Jackson, City Administrator George Campbell, and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Mayor Pro Tem Hefner gave the invocation. Mayro Pro Tem Hefner then moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0-1 with Councilman Tiner abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter moved that the minutes be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 3-0-2 with Councilman Tiner and Councilman Harris abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. Mr. Wayne Franke from General Telephone Company was present to discuss the "911" emergency number that will be put into use approximately 18 months from now. This number would allow anyone to call 911 amd the call will be relayed to the proper police, fire, or ambulance department. The question was' raised that ff when this service is available and the City was unable to take advantage of the service at that time, would it be possible to delay obtaining the use of the service. Mr. Franke's answer was that the delay in using the service would be possible without any penalty to the City; that their main concern at this time is if the City would be interested in using this service when the City feels that they are able to afford it. The cost of the service would be $53.40 monthly with a one time installation charge of $80.00. The question was then raised as to whether or not this rate would come under the City's jurisdiction, and the answer from Mr. Franke was that this rate would come under the City' s jurisdiction. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner then moved that this emergency number be approved with the understanding that we will not have to pay for the service until we get ready to actually use it; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Discussion concerning a resolution on Bethel Road and Esters Road was held next. After the City attorney had a chance to look over the resolution, Council- man Carter moved that this resolution be adopted with the heading that the Bethel-Beltline extension is our first priority; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded and motion carried 4-1 with Councilman Tiner against and the mayor showing his approval. A copy of the resolution is attached as a permanent part of these m i nut e s. The proposed water line on CoppellRoad was the next item to be considered. City ,,~ Administrator George Campbell stated that the original estimate had been around $7,500 for the complete project. Now that the one trailer park will not be developed as planned, the cost to the City could be estimated at $7,500 for the materials plus the additional cost of backhoe and other labor. The cost for the materials is based on the fact that the City may be able to buy the approx. 4, 00 feet of 8" pipe needed for this project at the same price of $1.88 per foot that was paid for the pipe to be used in the Heartz Road water line projet. Councilman Carter moved that if it can be done legal, that the City buy the 8" pipe at a price of $1.88 per foot, and if it is not legal, that the City advertise for bids for the pipe; Mayor Pro Tem Hefner seconded. After further discussion on this subject, Councilman Carter amended his motion to state this pipe be bought only if there is money in the pro-rata fund. Mayor Pro Tem Hefner declined the second and the original motion was voted on and passed 4-1 with Councilman Carter against and the mayor showing his approval. City Administrator George Campbell stated that the Heartz Road station that has been used for a meeting place has worked out as far as he knows and that he has not received any complaints. As far as is known, the meeting place has not actually been used very much. Under old business, Councilman Harris brought to the Council's attention that he would like to see something done about the east end of Kaye Street on around to Harris Road. After discussion on this subject, it was decided that the city administrator would ask for a quote from the County for grade and gravel on this street. Mayor Hulen Scott stated that a mobile X-Ray unit will be in Coppell on Tuesday, April 2, and will be giving free x-rays to persons 15 and older. City Administrator George Campbell stated that Councilwoman Beal will be on Channel 5 on Tuesday, April 2, and on KJIM radio on April 21. The approval of the bills was the next item to be considered. After discussion on the bills, Mayor Pro Tem Hegfer moved that the bills be paid as submitted; motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Carter moved that the bills be approved for payment with the exception of the TRA bill; Councilman Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Hefner against and the mayor showing his approval. Councilwoman Beal gave a report on the Citizen's Advisory Committee. She stated that on the beautification program, Barbara is heading the planning and the firemen's wives will be working on this committee. The Soil Conservation service has said that they will furnish the City with plants, seeds, and trees for the park on Bethel Road. Councilwoman Beal questioned the status of the house that had been moved in on Nash Street. It was decided that the city administrator and the water super- intendent would follow up on this. Councilman Carter asked that the discussion on old business be reopened so that he could bring the Council up to date on the MUD proceedings. He stated that he had four names for the temporary board of directors and that he would like the Council to state their opinion on the fifth name to be submitted. The first four names are Jesse Franklin, W.W.. Sommerville, Doc Cornutt, and Horace Vail. The fifth name is that of Morris Ethridge, and since there was no objection from the Council members, this name will be added to the list of the temporary .Board of Directors for the MUD. The meeting was then closed for an executive session under Article 6252-17, Section Z (g), discussion concerning personnel. Following the executive session, the meeting was adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor AT TEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary