The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on September
24, 1974, in the First Bank of Coppell meeting room.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Sam Tiner, Mayor Pro Tem
Frank Wilkins, Councilman
Don Carter, Councilman
Bill Harris, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
Also present were City Administrator George Campbell and City Secretary
Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman
Wilkins gave the invocation.
Councilman Carter moved that the minutes not be read; Mayor Pro Tem Tiner
seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Council-
man Wilkins moved that the minutes be approved; Councilman Carter seconded
and motion carried 3-0-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Tiner abstaining and the mayor
showing his approval.
Bob Hefner was present to discuss with the Council the formation of a bicentennial
committee. He stated that the plans are to be divided into two phases. Phase I
will include next year's Fourth of July parade and picnic and Phase II would be
in 1976 for the actual celebration. Mr. Hefner requested a grant of $500 now to
get things going and one next year for $2, 500 to see the plans through. He
then brought in two representatives dressed as early Americans to show what
could be done. Following discussion on this item, Councilwoman Beal moved
that upon formation of a committee to carry out the bicentennial, the City
back them with the request of $500 for Phase I; Councilman Wilkins seconded
and motion carried 3-1 with Councilman Carter against and the mayor abstaining
from approval or disapproval.
Next, the changes in the lease agreement with Mr. J.C. Nisbett was discussed.
Councilman Harris arrived at this time. Following the discussion, Councilman
Carter moved that the agreement be signed with up to two years at the present
rate for rent and for up to two additional years with a ceiling for the rent of
$120; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing
his approval.
The sewer line on Bullock Street was the next item discussed. Water Superintendent
A.P. Vanbebber stated that if the line was lowered 8" on the north end, it would
be adequate. Councilman Carter stated that he would like to recommend that the
City redo this line. This would cost approximately $5,000 plus the cost of
paving the street again. Councilwoman Beal moved that this line be repaired;
Councilman Wilkins seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his
In addition to the sewer problems on Bullock Street, this street also has a storm
drainage problem. It was the consensus of the Council that Mayor Scott and
Councilman Wilkins would see about getting the residents of this street to co-
operate in getting something done.
Consideration of a walkway for the children of Bullock and Howell Streets
was the next item on the agenda. The approximate cost for this walkway would
be $100 for the 150 feet. Councilman Harris' moved that the City buy the gravel
for this walkway if the CAC would take care of the spreading of it in the alley~
Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing
his approval.
Councilwoman Beal gave a report on the Citizen's Advisory Committee. She
stated that there will be an art show of local artists at the First Bank of Coppell ,-~
during the first two weeks of October. Anyone wishing to enter should contact
Betty Rainey. The CAC is also studying the formation of a Business and
Professional Women's Club here in Coppell. The committee is also requesting - J
that the month of October be proclaimed Community Improvement and Clean-
up Month. Councilman Carter moved that this proclamation be issued; Council-
man Wilkins seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Carter moved that Ordinance #140 establishing the 1974 tax rate
at$. 95 per $100 valuation be approved; Councilman Wilkins seconded and motion
carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
It was the consensus of the Council that the discussion of the water and sewer
pro-rata charges would be tabled until the October 22, 1974, Council meeting.
The Council next considered what needed to be done about the animal shelter.
City Administrator George Campbell stated that to drill deeper for water
would cost between $900 and $1,000. This cost would not include any improve-
ments to the shelter itself. Mr. Campbell also stated that the city attorney
had indicated that other cities are having this same problem and that they are
trying to work something out with more than one city. It was decided that this
item would be tabled until the city administrator could see if something can
be worked out with Carrollton.
Councilman Carter moved that the budget transfers and supplements presented
by the city administrator be approved; Councilman Wilkins seconded and
motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing hi.s approval.
Under old business, Councilman Carter gave a report on the MUD meeting
held prior to the Council meeting. He stated that they will be ready to go
before the water rights commission on December 1, 1974, and that they
hope to begin selling bonds on February 1, 1975.
City Administrator George Campbell then presented to the Council a petition
to annex land into the MUD with an ordinance approving this annexation.
Councilman Carter moved that this ordinance #142 be approved; Councilwoman
Beal seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Also under old business, it was the decision of the Council that the C.D. 's
that the City presently holds would be put on safekeeping receipts.
Under new business, bids on a truck for the public works and water departments
was considered. Bids were received from Johnston's Chevrolet for $4, Zl~I},
Huffines Chevrolet for $4, 929, Jet Port Dodge for $4, 362, and two bids from
Masters International in the amount of $4, 195 for a one ton-nine foot bed and
$4,Z95 for a one ton- l2 foot bed. Councilman Harris moved that the bid from
Master's Internation.for $4,295 for a one ton pickup with a 12 foot bed be
accepted; Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
TQi. Honorable Mayor, Councilmen, and Councilwoman
FROM: George Campbell - City Administrator
SUBJECT: Budget Transfers
Each of the transfers listed on the following pages are line item
account transfers within individual departments except for the following, which
will require Council approval and are transfers from one department to another
in the General Fund. I will be happy to identify each account number into which
funds have been transferred at your request.
To Account No. From Account No.
Library Department
48l-$ 100 208 (GG)-$ 100
Tax Department
421-$ 285 428 (GG)-$ 285
Fire Department
101-$ 300 421 (GG)-$ 300
301- ~' ,25'0 421 (GG)- 1., 2~5~0
428- 60 421 {GG)- 60
411- 130 421 (GG)- 130
432 - 47 42 1 (GG) - 47
435- 24 421 (GG)- 24
512- 408 421 (GG)- 408
General Government
203-$ 20 303- $ 20
209- 65 306 - 65
432 - 99 422 - 99
464- 210 422- 210
442 - 100 422 - 100
Library Departinert
482 -$ 100 208- $ 100
To Account No. From Account No.
Fire Department
101-$ 300 421 (GG)-$ 300
202 - 25 106 25
203- ZO 206- 10
414- 10
204- ZOO 415- 186
303- 14
205 - ZO 422 - ZO
ZZ1 - lZ5 441 - 125
ZZZ - 5 206 - 5
301-1,250 421 (GG)-$,I~2~O
304- ZZ0 301 - 5
31Z - 60
442 - 50
506 - 10~
428- 60 421 (GG)- 60
411- 130 4Zl (GG)- 130
432- 47 421 (GG)- 47
435 - Z4 4Z 1 (GG)- 24
51Z- 408 4Zl (GG)- 408
Public Works Department
101- ~,,,0[~) 426- 1,000
106 - 3Z 205 - 32
Z01 - 100 432 - 100
211- 25 Z03- Z5
3Z4-1,010 4Z6- 1,010
332- Z50' 3Z1 - Z50
411- 800 102- 800
Water & Sewer Department
101- Z,800 3Z?-- Z, 800
302 - 50 306 - 50
415 - ]10 441 - 10
4Zl- 3,000 416- 3,000
463-1,436 3Z3- 1,436
50Z- 7,646 416- 7,646
5ZZ-11,500 416- 11,500
523- 200 411- 200
To Account No FromAccount No.
Tax Department
421~- 900 201- $ 250
208- 100
209- 25
425- 50
441- 75
442- 15
503- 100
4284GG)- 285
Municipal Court
208-$ 55 441- $ 55
Police Department
ZZl-$ 450 204- $ 300
311- 150
301-$1,250 101- 1,000
311- 250
304- 200 423- 200
4,5- 245 411- lO0
421- 100
' 207- 45
43Z- 38 442- 38
443- 200 106- 150
206- 50
504- 666 423- 666
506- 703 207- 30
Z08- 80
Z09- Z5
ZZZ- 100
303- 140
311- 100
414- 30
423- 184
442- 14
City Administrator George Campbell then stated that the Carrollton newspaper
will be putting out a special edition of the newspaper on Sunday, September 29,
1974, to be sent to prospective developers for this area. The price for a full
page ad will be $425. It was decided to move this item to the last on the agenda.
Councilman Wilkins stated that the City needed to establish a pay range or a
pay base for each department. It was decided that the city administrator
would work on this.
Councilman Wilkins moved that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman
Harris seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then closed for an executive session as provided under
Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel.
Following the executive session, the meeting was declared open.
Councilman Carter moved that the present c. d. 's be renewed at the existing
interest rate for a period of 60 days; Mayor Pro Tem Tiner seconded and
motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
It was also the consensus of the Council that the city administrator would try
to work out something with the bank concerning the ad that would be put in the
special edition of the Carrollton Chronicle.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen A. SCott, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary