The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on October 22,
1974, in the FirSt Bank of Coppoll meeting room.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Sam Tiner, Mayor Pro Tem
Bill Harris, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
Councilmen Frank Wilkins and Don Carter were not present. Also present
were City Administrator George Campbell and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Mayor Pro
Tem Tiner gave the invocation.
Councilman Harris moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Mayor Pro
Tem Tiner seconded and motion carried 2-0-1 with Councilwoman Beal abstaining
and the mayor showing his approval. Mayor Pro Tem Tiner moved that the minutes
be approved; Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 2-0-1 with Council-
woman Beal abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Councilwoman Beal reported for the Citizen's Advisory Committee. She stated
that the committee had begun working on several things, one of which is the
bicentennial. She also reported that the Fire Department is planning to burn the
park area after the first frost in an effort to control the weeds. The last report
presented was the clean-up campaign held during the month of October which was
going very well.
Next, Marcus Pritchett made a presentation on the method used by General
Telephone Company to determine the allocation investment figures for each city.
A copy of the presentation in on file in City Hall.
A discussion on the repair work on the police vehicle was held next. Following this
discussion, it was determined that the police chief would drive the vehicle for two
weeks and then report back to the Council.
On the ordinance raising the pro-rata rates to the next step, Mayor Pro Tem
Tiner moved that ordinance No. 116-A-2 be approved to be effective November 15;;
Councilman Harris seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his
The next item to be considered was the project schedule for the water and sewer
grant application. It was decided to change the dates on Step I and II to the same
dates as Step III which is 7-1-75. Councilman Harris moved that a resolution be
passed with the above dates; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0
with the mayor showing his approval.
City Administrator George Campbell stated that he had received a request from
Mr. Bill Walker to grant a variance from the zoning regulations on a garage he
had begun building on his property that was located too close to the property line.
Following discussion on this, Mayor Pro Tem Tiner moved that this request be
denied; Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
A request for street lights was presented next. These would be located on Denton
Tap in front of the Baptist Church, on Sandy Lake Road across from the metering
station, and on DeForest Road in front of Mrs. Edward's property. Councilman
Harris moved that the street lights be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Timer seconded
and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Under old business, City Administrator George Campbell stated that the MUD
attorneys have the deed description to talk with the property owners on the right-
of-way for the sewer trunk line.
Next under old business, was a discussion on the purchase of water from the City
of Dallas. It 'was decided that this item would be tabled until all the members of
the Council could be present to discuss this matter. It was also decided that the
city administrator would get a cost estimate from the engineers on a study for the
most economical alternative to this problem.
On the fees for the building, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical permits, it was
the consensus of the Council that an ordinance would be prepared for the next
Council meeting for their consideration.
City Administrator George Campbell reported that he had talked with Carrollton on
the dog pound situation and had been told that it would be possible but that they
would like to study it. Also if Coppell has as many as five or six dogs a week, it
would overload the Carrollton pound. Since Carrollton has considered enlarging
their pound in the near future, it was decided that the city administrator would
go back to Carrollton with the offer that if they expanded their pound, we would
pay them a set fee per month.
Under new business, a fire hydrant request on Heartz Road in front of the proposed
Assembly of God Church was discussed. Following this discussion, Councilman
Harris moved that a fire hydrant be put in at the City's expense at the regulated
interval; Mayor Pro Tem Tiner seconded and motion carried. 3-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
The peddler's and solicitor's permit ordinance was also discussed under new
business. It was decided that the city administrator would work out something and
bring it back to the Council.
Mayor Pro Tem Tiner moved that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman
Harris seconded and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary