CM 1974-12-19STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in special called session on December 19, 1974, at City Hall. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor Sam Tiner, Mayor Pro Tem Frank Wilkins, Councilman Bill Harris, Councilman Don Carter, Councilman Hazel Beal, Councilwoman Also present was city administrator George Campbell. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman Wilkins gave the invocation. Councilman Don Carter arrived at this time. The only item on the agenda was an executive session, and the meeting was closed to the public. During the executive session, four persons were interviewed concerning the position of chief of police. During and following these interviews, was discussion concerning the applicants. The meeting was then opened to the public. Mayor Pro Tem Tiner moved that Mr. Richard Nurse be hired as chief of police at a salary of nine hundred ($900j. 00) per month effective December 26, 1974, provided a committee of three Council members be appointed to go to De Soto to seek recommendations as to Mr. Richard Nurse's capabilities as a chief of police, and no opposition is expressed by Council prior to December 26; motion was seconded by Councilman Harris and carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The meeting was then adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor ATTEST: George C. Campbell, City Administrator