CM 1975-04-08 93
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on April 8, 1975,
in the Council Chambers of the First Bank of Coppell.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Sam Tiner, Mayor Pro Tem
Frank Wilkins, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
Bill Harris, Councilman
Don Carter, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator George Campbell, City Attorney Larry
Jackson, Consulting Engineer Derrell Johnson, and Acting City Secretary
Margaret Johnson.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman
Carter gave the invocation.
Councilman Wilkins moved that the reading of the minutes of March 25, 1975, be
waived, seconded by Councilman Carter, the motion carried 5-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
Councilwoman Beal moved that the minutes of the March 25, 1975, meeting be
adopted with the correction to Item F, under New Business to reflect that the
mesquite was cleared from the park by citizens rather than the Public Works
Department. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wilkins and motion carried 4-0
with Councilman Carter abstaining.
Next on the agenda was the report from the Citizen's Advisory Committee. Council-
woman Beal advised that she would have some instructions from the Soil Conser-
vation soon, on a way to get rid of the mesquite in the park.
Item 5, Canvass of Returns of the April 5, 1975 Election was considered next.
Councilman Carter moved that the official returns be approved; Councilman Harris
seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Following
the canvass of the returns, the following were sworn in with the official oaths of
office: Mayor Hulen A. Scott and Councilmembers Hazel R. Beal and James M.
Rainey. A copy of the canvass of the returns and the oaths of office are attached
as a permanent part of these minutes. Former Councilman Bill Harris then retired
at 7:50 p.m.
Item 11, Discuss and consider policy concerning the proposed county road bond
program, as it relates to Coppell, was considered next as County Commissioner
was in attendance. After much discussion concerning Bethel Road, motion was
made by Councilman Carter, seconded by Councilman Wilkins, that City Admin-
istrator Campbell write a letter to the County Commissioners advising them that
the wishes of the Council of the City of Coppell were that a two lane thoroughfare
from the Dallas Power and Light Plant to the County Line, be built with a high
bridge and six inches of asphalt rather than the four lane thoroughfare that was
presently planned on the bond program, and with the stipulation that if this did not
deplete the money allotted, the balance would be used on Esters Road. Motion
carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 6, Discuss activities for ground breaking of MUD facilities, was considered
next and Mr. Carl Cooper was present and advised that the Greater Northwest
Dallas County Chamber of Commerce would help in the ground breaking activities.
Mr. Marcus Pritchett had not yet arrived and Councilman Carter made motion,
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, that this item be moved to Item 15-A on the
agenda to allow time for Mr. Pritchett to arrive. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
Item 10, Consider authorizing the filing of application for eligibility in National
Flood Insurance Program, was next on the agenda, as Mr. Derrell Johnson,
Consulting Engineer, was present to discuss this. He gave a report on the program
and area maps were shown of the flood plains. He advised that if the city desired
to have this. Flood insurance would be available to residents of 10% of the cost
of commercial insurance. The only requirements for Coppell would be to have a
building permit system, which the city presently has, and would involve the settirg
up of a Flood Plain Management Program. Two resolutions would be required for
this. Motion was made by Councilman Carter to table this until the City could get
the opinion of the MUD District Engineers. Motion was seconded by Mayor Pro
Tern Tiner and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. This
application would have to be made before July 1, 1975, according to Mr. Johnson.
Next item considered was item 8, consider adoption, of amendment to Ordinance
No. 1Z4, concerning police reserves. Mr. Bob Anderson was present to discuss
this with the Council and he pointed out that one additional man was needed so
that there would be one reserve for each night of the week to ride with the regular
patrolman, as it was dangerous for one patrolman to be in the car alone at night.
Councilman Wilkins asked if there was enough money in the current budget to
provide uniforms for this additional reserve and staff was to advise about this.
Mayor Pro Tem Tiner made motion to table this item until the April 22nd, 1975
meeting, seconded by Councilman Wilkins and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
Item 13, Old Business, was next and under this, Mr. Marcus Pritchett from
General Telephone Company, was present to discuss the rate increase request.
He advised that General Telephone had been in a meeting with the City of Lewisville
and that they were about to reach an agreement. He presented a rate schedule
which was lower than that previously requested and asked that Council consider
this with the stipulation that should any city in the same exchange as Coppell reach
an agreement with General Telephone that had lower rates than Coppell, that
Coppell would also get the lowest rate. Councilman Wilkins moved that this be
accepted with all the contingencies such as the lower rates and that customers
would be advised of this change in advance and have a 60 day grace period to have
their service changed to lesser service, if they so desired and that an ordinance
would be drawn by the next Council meeting, on April 22nd, 1975, which would
reflect the second compromise schedule or a lower rate with the date to be worked
out when it would go into effect. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carter and
motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter and
Councilman Rainey retired at 10:15p. m.
Next on the agenda was item 7, report on PL 92-500 Sewer Grant Application, and
Mr. Bob Kyle was present and advised that Step 1-E. P.A. Requirements were
complete. His firm and Mr. Vanbebber of the City of Coppell had checked the
storm water inflow and there was a small problem which would be eliminated with
the installation of waterproof manhole covers. Mr. Kyle showed maps that had 185
homes and businesses not on present sewer system which would be eligible for
this service. Mr. Kyle asked Council to approve a resolution reflecting some
minor changes in the other resolution previously passed and motion was made by
Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, seconded by Councilwoman Beal to approve these changes
and the resolution and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 9, consider adopting an amendment to Ordinance No. 95, concerning animal
control was next. Motion was made by Councilman Wilkins to charge $3.00
impounding fee and a $2.00 per day for food and shelter, and to pass the ord-
inance with these fees incorporated. Motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tern
Tiner and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 12, consider approval of merit salary increase for city employee J.R. Hamm
was next. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner to approve this increase to
$820.00 per month effective April 1, 1975, seconded by Councilwoman Beal and
motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 13, old business, was considered again with item B, hearing on Brim Property
and Council was advised by City Administrator that a hearing would be held in
the very near future. Councilwoman Beal asked about the status of Mr. Harris
being hired as previously brought up at another Council meeting, and City Admin-
istrator Campbell advised that the application for C. E. T.A. would be sent in this
week. Also, it was mentioned by Councilwoman Beal that there were three bad
places in town where people had dumped trash on private property and was advised
that letters would be sent to the people in question concerning this. Mayor Scott
mentioned that the ditch on Sandy Lake Road west of Allen needed to be cleaned
out as the trees in the ditch cause water to run over the road several feet deep.
It was also mentioned that a sign should be ordered with the caption "loose gravel"
which would be portable and could be moved to wherever the county had patched
roads and there was loose gravel.
Item 14, other new business was considered next. The Texas Municipal League
Meeting, to be held in Houston on October 26th thru 28th was mentioned and City
Administrator Campbell asked Council to be considering who would attend. Under
new business, City Administrator Campbell discussed paying full time firemen
for the time they put in as volunteers and motion was made by Councilman Wilkins
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, that these three men be paid retroactive to
time employed. Motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval. City
Administrator Campbell asked that City Attorney Larry Jackson research the
new law that went into effect on January 1, 1975, concerning overtime pay for all
employees with the exception of department heads and come backto Council with
this information.
Item 15, approval of bills was considered next. Motion was made by Mayor Pro
Tem Tiner, seconded by Councilman Wilkins that bills be approved, including
the supplemental list, and motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 15-A, ground breaking of MUD facilities, that 'was continued to this time on
the agenda due to Mr. Pritchett not being present, was mentioned after item 13,
when Mr. Pritchett was present in regard to General Telephone and he advised
at that time he would be in contact with the city administrator and Councilwoman
Beal the following week concerning these activities.
Motion was then made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, seconded by Councilman Wilkins,
that Council adjourn. Motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Margaret Johnson, Acting City Secretary