CM 1975-05-27 103
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on May 27, 1975,
in the Council Chambers of the First Bank of Coppell.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Sam Tiner, Mayor Pro Tem
Don Carter, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
James Rainey, Councilman
Councilman Frank Wilkins was not present. Also present was City Administrator
George Campbell, City Attorney Larry Jackson, and Acting City Secretary Margaret
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman
Carter gave the invocation.
Council then went into Executive Session (Closed to the public)
A. Article 6Z5Z-17, Section Z (g) discussion
concerning city officials and personnel
The meeting was then re-opened to the public.
Councilman Rainey moved that Council accept the resignation of Councilman Frank
Wilkins, whose letter of resignation was read at the previous meeting on May 13,
1975. Motion was seconded by Councilman Carter and motion carried 4-0 with
the mayor showing his approval.
Motion was made by Councilwoman Beal that Mr. Fred Baker be appointed to
finish the unexpired term of Councilman Wilkins and motion was seconded by
Councilman Rainey. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Mr.
Baker is to be administered the oath of office on June 2, 1975.
Councilman Rainey moved that the reading of the minutes of May 13, 1975, meeting
be waived, seconded by Councilman Carter and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
Councilman Rainey moved that the minutes of the May 13, 1975, meeting be adopted
with no corrections, motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner and motion
carried 3-0 with Councilman Carter abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Next on the agenda was the report from the Citizen's Advisory Committee by Council-
woman Beal. She advised that Mr. Nisbett had donated the materials and labor to
make the "Yard of the Month" plaques. Mr. Henry Tate was to get the playground
equipment put together for the park.
Item 6 on the agenda, Report concerning Housing and Community Development Act
of 1974 was next and City Administrator Campbell advised that Mr. Morgan Dring,
who had been to Washington, D.C. concerning the Community Development Program,
could not be there and that he had advised Mr. Campbell that there was some
success resulting from the trip in that fifty-five million dollars would be available
for the entire United States but it was not known just what, if any, would be available
for Coppell at this time.
Next for consideration was item 7 and Steve Harrison from Rady & Associates, Inc.
Consulting Engineers, was present and gave a synopsis of the report "Economic
Analysis and Report on the Water Supply Facilities to serve the City of Coppell,
Texas" for Councilman Carter who had not been present for the previous presentation.
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Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner that Council accept the report from
Rady & Associates, Inc. and authorize them to bring Phase I, the first two
recommendations of the report. Motion was seconded by Councilman Rainey and
motion carried 3-0 with Councilman Carter abstaining and the mayor showing
his approval.
Item 8 was next and motion was made by Councilman Carter, seconded by Mayor
Pro Tem Tiner, to adopt a Resolution revising the time table for PL-9Z-500
Sewer Grant Application. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
City Attorney Larry Jackson had a Site Certificate for council' s approval that
had been requested by Mr. Bob Kyle concerning the securing of easements by
the City of Coppell. After discussion, motion was made by Councilman Carter,
seconded by Councilwoman Beal, to approve the Site Certificate with the changes
requested by Council, stating that Council would secure easements and right-
of-way necessary "as grant funds became available". Motion carried 4-0 with
the mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Carter made motion to re-appoint Councilwoman Beal as voting
representative to NCTCOG for another year, motion was seconded by Councilman
Rainey and motion carried 3-0 with Councilwoman Beal abstaining and the mayor
showing his approval.
Item 10, consider adopting ordinance appointing 3 members to the Board of
Equalization, was next on the agenda. Motion was made by Councilman Carter
to appoint the following:
Mr. Jim Gilchrist
Mr. Wayne Jackson
Mrs. Lucile Young
Also, the first meeting for the Board of Equalization was set for June 10, 1975,
at 7:00 p.m. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Beal and motion carried
4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Next on the agenda was to consider appointing 3 members of Planning and
Zoning Commission. Motion was made by Councilman Carter that the following
be appointed:
Mr. Charles Williams (2 year term)
Mr. Wayne Musgrave (2 year term)
Mr. Harvey James (1 year term)
Motion was seconded by Councilman Rainey and motion carried 4-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
Item 12, consider appointment of 4 alternate members to the Board of Adjustment
was next. City Administrator Campbell advised that only three people who had
been contacted had agreed to serve and motion was made by Councilwoman
Beal that the following alternate members be appointed:
Mrs. Barbara Austin
Mr. Bill Cozby
Mr. Bill Harrison
Motion was seconded by Councilman Rainey and motion carried 4-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
Next item for consideration was item 13, discuss traffic signal light at Cowboy
Drive and Beltline Road. Motion was made by Councilman Carter, seconded by
Councilman Rainey, to direct the city administrator get prices on a new light for
this intersection and put the light that is presently installed there back in service
on a 24 hour basis.
Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. It was also decided
by Council that a letter be written to Dallas County, over the mayor' s signature,
requesting a blinking light at Van Zandt Street, by the park at Beltline Road, be
installed due to the fact that there had been accidents at that intersection, with
the letter being addressed to Mr. Jim Jackson and carbon copies to Mr. Judson
Shook and Judge Whittington.
Next item on the agenda, item 14, City Administrator Campbell advised that Mr.
Leon Zetley had requested that he be given commercial rates on water and sewer
services for his mobile home park and also that the City maintain the lift station
at this park. Council was of the consensus that they did not consider a mobile home
park as a commercial use nor was it the City's policy to accept maintenance of
privately owned lift stations.
Item 15, Old Business was next and a report on the MUD was given by Councilman
Carter. He advised that bids had been opened on Tuesday, May 27, 1975, for the
construction work and that bids were to be tabulated and a meeting of the MUD
Board of Directors was to be held at 4:00 p.m. , May 28th, at the First Bank of
Coppell in this regard. He advised that bonds had already been approved but that
each sale of the bonds would have to be approved by the Attorney General of Texas.
Council indicated that their wish was to have construction to begin as soon as
po s s ible.
Item 16, New Business, was next and was as follows:
A. Resolution concerning Taxing Authority within the Airport Boundaries. Council-
man Carter made motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, that Council
adopt this resolution concerning the Airlines and lease holds being taxed.
Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
B. Discussion concerning Federal Aid Urban Highway System was held and Council
advised that a letter should be written to the County stating the preferences ,.
of the City as to what roads should be repaired or built and the Bethel-Beltline
extension was mentioned.
C. Discuss Neighborhood Youth Corps. City Administrator Campbell advised that
the Neighborhood Youth Corps program had funds avilable for 5 boys to work in
Coppell and that staff had advised that these five boys could be utilized for the
Summer, working 32 hours each per week. Council indicated they thought this
was a good program and this would be at no cost to the City.
Item 17, approval of bills, motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner that bills
be approved as listed and motion was seconded by Councilman Rainey, after his
question concerning the difference in telephone bills between the fire and police
departments, the motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 18, discuss and consider amendment to Building Code regarding permit fees
was next, and Councilman Rainey made motion that the building code be amended
to show reduction in permit fees under Ordinance No. 100-A-3, motion was
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner and motion carried 3-0 with Councilman Carter
abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Item 19, discuss and consider amendment to Electrical Code was next and Mayor
Pro Tern Tiner made motion that the electrical code be amended under Ordinance
No. 101-A-Z, motion seconded by Councilman Rainey and motion carried 3-0
with Councilman Carter abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Item 20, discuss and consider amendment to Plumbing Code was the next item on
the agenda and Mayor Pro Tem Tiner made motion that the plumbing code be
amended under Ordinance No. 103-A-2, motion was seconded by Councilman Rainey
and motion carried 3-0 with Councilman Carter abstaining and the mayor showing
his approval.
Item 2l, discuss. and consider amendment to Mechanical Code, and Councilman
Rainey made motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, that the Mechanical
Code be amended under Ordinance No. 10Z-A-Z and motion carried 3-0 with
Councilman Carter abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Council also indicated that they desired a resolution be drawn to show that in
future installations of S.prinkler systems in commercial buildings that there be
two water lines installed, which would be completely independent of each other,
with one for the domestic water system and one for the sprinkler system, with
the sprinkler system not being metered and a flow alarm system be wired to the
fire station so that in the event the sprinkler system was activated that the alarm
would sound at the fire station.
Council then went back into Executive Session (Closed to the public)
Article 5252-17, Section 2 (g)
discussion concerning personnel.
The meeting was the re-opened to the public. Several raises for City employees
were approved and some disapproved during the executive session.
Meeting then adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Margaret Johnson, Acting City Secretary : :