The City Council met in regular session on August 12, 1975, in the meeting
room of the First Bank of Coppell.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Sam Tiner, Mayor Pro Tem
Fred Baker, Councilman
Don Carter, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
James Rainey, Councilman
City Attorney Larry Jackson was absent. Also present was City Administrator
George Campbell and City Secretary Margaret Johnson.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman
Baker gave the invocation.
Mayor Pro Tem Tiner moved that the reading of the minutes of the July 22, 1975
meeting be waived and motion was seconded by Councilman Carter and motion
carried 4-0 with Councilman Rainey abstaining, and the mayor showing his
Councilman Carter asked that the minutes of the meeting of July 22, 1975 be
approved with the correction to the paragraph on Old Business where Council-
man Carter reported on the MUD construction correcting to show the time
schedule as 350 working days or earlier. Motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem
Tiner, seconded by Councilman Baker, to accept the minutes with this corr-
ection. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilman Rainey abstaining.
Item 4, report from the Citizens Advisory Committee was next and Council-
woman Beal advised that the promotion and tour of the City of Coppell has been
postponed until a later date when some of the new projects had been completed.
She also advised that Mrs. Barbara Austin was working up a program with the
ladies of the community for this event.
Item 5, discuss requirements of issuing building permits in the flood plain was
next and Mrs. Long who has some property on DeForest Road was present
along with prospective buyers for this property which is shown to be partly
in the flood plain. After much discussion Council advised that perhaps a building
permit could be issued with deed restrictions holding the city harmless and also
furnishing an elevation figure on this property after it had been surveyed.
Council agreed to furnish the location of a bench maker and an elevation at that
point that the surveyor could use. Rady and Assohiates, City Engineers, were
to be asked for an elevation figure that the construction would need to stay above.
Item 6, discuss advantages and possibilities of sending city representative on
promotion tours was next and Mr. Dave Wells, Councilman of the City of
Carrollton, was present and told council of the advantages that Carrollton had
achieved in participating in tours. A discussion was held concerning a proposed
tour of the west coast by the East Texas Chamber of Commerce and sending a
representative to this from Coppell, but no decision was made concerning this.
Item 7, discuss and consider hiring of public relations consultant was next, and
Councilwoman Beal made motion to employ Kay Tiller for a period of one year
as public relations consultant with the stipulation that either party would give a
30 day notice if they wished to discontinue this contract and at a salary to be
paid by the City Of $50.00 per month. Councilman Baker seconded the motion
and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 8, discuss mutual aid agreement with Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport
for ambulance service was next and Richard Lee, Coppell Fire Chief, was
present to discuss this with council. He advised that the airport had requested
this mutual aid agreement, but that the details had not been worked out and he
was present to be advised of council's feeling on this. Council ask that he get
with the airport people and see what kind of agreement could be worked out.
Item 9, discuss proposed county wide health program was next and Richard Lee,
city representative to the committee working on this program, was present
and advised council of the progress that had been made on this program, but
that nothing had been finalized at this point.
Item 10, consider adopting ordinance establishing employee retirement pro-
gram was next and after some discussion motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem
Tiner, seconded by Councilman Carter, to table this until the August 26th
council meeting so that staff could have additional information concerning this
program that Council requested. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing
his approval.
Item 11, consider authorizing installation of street light on Holly Street was
next, and motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner to table this action until
a later meeting so that a study could be made on this location, motion was
seconded by Councilman Baker and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing
his approval. "
Item l2, consider employment of police patrol officer was next and Councilman
Rainey, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, made motion that Richard Gibson
be employed as recommended by City Administrator Campbell and Police Chief
Griffin. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 13, discuss installation of traffic signal at Beltline Road and Cowboy Drive
was next and after discussion of this light, as well as the intersection at Belt-
line and Coppell Road, motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner to leave the
light as is at Beltline at this time, seconded by Councilman Baker and motion
carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Staff is to get prices on
blinking amber lights at Cowboy and Beltline and blinking red lights and stop
signs for Beltline and Coppell Road intersections.
Item 14, Other Old Business was next and Councilman Carter advised that the
water line was tied in and was being pressurized. The sewer line was going
well but work could not be started on the lift station as yet. Also under old
business, discuss enforcement of Weed and Brush Ordinance #113 was next,
and motion was made by Councilman Carter, seconded by Councilman Rainey
that this continue to be handled on a complaint basis and motion carried 4-1
with Councilwoman Beal voting nay. Council was advised that the Board of
Equalization had been meeting and that several tax consultants who represented
several large land owners and several other taxpayers had met with the Board.
It was the consensus of opinion that a re-evaluation program would be needed
for next year.
Item 16, approval of bills was considered next as Mr. Bob Kyle of Robert Kyle
and Associates was present to present his bill for $7,500 for preliminary
engineering os Sewer Grant for the City of Coppell, as a check had been re-
ceived from Elba for $27, 500. Motion was made by Councilman Carter to
approve bills as presented and the $7,500 to Mr. Kyle. The other invoice Mr.
Kyle presented was appr0ved, subject to an answer from EPA on the 25% they
had withheld from payment. Motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner and
motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 15, Other New Business was next and a letter was given council from the
Tens Water Development Board regarding the Farmers Branch/Carrollton
Flood Control District and a meeting to be held in Austin, Texas on August 19.
It was decided not to send anyone as the MUD was to have a representative there.
The East Texas Chamber of Commerce tour was tabled until the August 26
meeting. Council was advised that the Dairy Queen Stores had asked for pro-rata
costs to be determined.
Councilman Carter made motion that upon the Dairy Queen furnishing a "Site
Plan" they would only be required to pay pro-rata on that portion of the acreage
that would be used by the Dairy Queen. Mayor Pro Tem Tiner seconded the
motion and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Meeting was adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Margaret Johnson, City Secretary