CM 1975-08-26· -12 0
The City Council met in regular session on August 26~ 1975 in the meeting
room of the First Bank of Coppell.
The following members were present:
Hulen Scott, Mayor
Sam Tiner, Mayor Pro Tem
Fred Baker, Councilman
Hazel Beal, Councilwoman
James Rainey, Councilman
Councilman Don Carter was absent. Also present was City Administrator George
Campbell, City Attorney Larry Jackson, and City Secretary Margaret Johnson.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman
Rainey gave the invocation.
Councilwoman Beal moved that the reading of the minutes of the August l2, 1975
meeting be waived and motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner. Motion
carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Baker moved that the minutes of the August l2, 1975 meeting be
tabled until the next council meeting due to conflicting opinions on how the
paragraph concerning the employment of Kay Tiller as Public Relations Con-
sultant needed to be worded. Motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner and
motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 4, report from Citizen's Adviosry Committee was next and Councilwoman
Beal advised that the brochure is in the process of being completed, but did
not have information on the .cost and she advised that they hoped to have it
complete by September 20, 1975. Mrs. Barbara Austin came before council in '
regard to the Bicentennial Committee funds for 1976. She requested funds for
fireworks, books, film, framing a declaration, flag and permanent flag pole
which would be illuminated, as well as funds for three stage productions and
other miscellaneous expenses totaling $1,050.55. She advised that the Bicen-
tennia Committee still had funds in the Bicentennial Committee in the bank
of $500.00. Councilman Baker made motion to authorize $750.00 for the
Bicentennial Committee for the coming year, this amount to include the cost
of the lighting for the flag pole, which was not included in Mrs. Austins' figure
of $1,050.55. Councilman Rainey seconded the motion and vote was 2 for,
Councilman Baker and Councilman Rainey and 2 against, Councilwoman Beal
and Mayor Pro Tem Tiner and the mayor voted for the motion, thereby breaking
the tie.
Item 5, Public Hearing on Proposed 1975-76 Budget was next and Mayor Scott
announced that the PUblic Hearing on the Budget was open to the public and asked
if anyone present wished to speak. No one came forward and the public hearing
was closed. Mayor Pro Tem Tiner made comment that he felt that the city
administrator and staff had done a good job on the budget and, in holding down
service increase costs to less than the original 1974-75 Operating Budget. ~.~
Councilwoman Beal advised that she concurred.
Item 6, Consider ordinance approving 1975-76 Budget was next and Mayor Pro
Tem Tiner moved that the budget as proposed, be approved without amendment.
Councilman Baker seconded the motion and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor
showing his approval. The $750 for the Bicentennial activities which was
approved was appropriated from the special projects fund in the 1975-76 budget.
Item 7, consider ordinance establishing 1975-76 Tax Rate was next and Council-
man Rainey made motion that OrdinanCe No. 155 establishing the tax rate of
$. 95 per one hundred dollars of valuation be approved and motion was seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 8, Discuss and consider rate increase request of Lone Star Gas Company.
Mr. Don Huff and Mr. Woodrow Austin were present from Lone Star Gas .Co.
to present their proposed rate increase. After hearing their proposal, Mayor
Pro Tem Tiner made motion to table their request until the next council meeting,
motion was seconded by Councilwoman Beal and motion carried 4-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
Item 9, discussion concerning animal control was next and Animal Warden Tom
Collins was present. The complainant was not present and this item was deleted.
Councilman Rainey made motion that the recommendation of Librarian Diane
Baker of hiring Mrs. Dorothy Hefner as Assistant Librarian be accepted.
Councilwoman Beal seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing
his approval.
Councilman Baker made motion that staff be authorized to advertise for bids
on a police vehicle and motion was seconded by Councilman Rainey. Motion
carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 12, consider adopting ordinance providing for retirement program fbr
municipal employees was next and Councilman Rainey made motion to accept
the recommendation of the city administrator to go into the Texas Municipal
Retirement System with the city participating on a one to one basis until
January 1, 1976, and then on a two to one basis, on full salary for each employee.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Baker and motion carried 4-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
Item 13, Street Light on Holly Street. Motion was made by Councilman Rainey,
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, to put the light in as requested and motion
carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 14, discussion concerning traffic signals on Beltline and Denton Tap was
next and city administrator presented a drawing on proposed changes at the
intersection of Coppell Road and Beltline and Denton Tap and discussion was
held concerning this. Consideration of the widening of Coppell Road at this
intersection and blocking off the portion of the road which bears to the right,
and is between the bank and the flower bed. Staff was to get with the Dallas County
traffic people to see what the county would do on paving this. Blinking red lights
are to be installed for the north and south bound traffic on Beltline Road and
Denton Tap Road.
Item 15, Other Old Business was next and since Councilman Carter was not
present, City Administrator Campbell advised that construction was progressing
and that the lift station has been started. He also advised that Mayor Scott, City
Administrator Campbell, Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, and Councilman Don Carter
were to go to Austin, Texas for meeting of Water Quality Board on August 2-9,
concerning the MUD and the Sewer Grant. Part B, East Texas Chamber Tour.
It was decided not to send a representative on the East Texas Chamber of
Commerce Tour to the west coast at this time. Part C, Tax Re-evaluation Pro-
gram. This item concerning a tax re-evaluation for 1976 was next and Councilman
Baker made motion to table this item until the next meeting in order to look into
the possibility of combining this with the Coppell School tax program, if they
anticipated doing one for 1976 and motion was seconded by Councilman Rainey.
Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Item 16, Other New Business was next and council was asked to consider
authorizing payroll deductions for employees cancer insurance policy. Motion
was made by Councilman Baker, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner to
authorize this deduction and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his
approval. City Administrator Campbell advised that the school tax office asked
for an ordinance requiring mobile homes to have a permit to move into and
out of town so that their taxes could be checked to see if paid. Council was of
the opinion that this type ordinance would be almost impossible to enforce due
to limited manpower.
Item 17, approval of bills. Mayor Pro Tem Tiner made motion to pass bills as
presented, seconded by Councilman Baker and motion carried 4-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
Item 18, Executive Session (Closed to the public).
Due to the fact that all councilmembers were not present no executive session
was held.
Meeting adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Margaret Johnson, City Secretary