CM 1975-12-09 t37 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council met in regular session on December 9, 1975, at 7:30 p. m. , in the meeting room at the First Bank of Coppell. The following members were present: Hulen Scott, Mayor Fred Baker, Councilman Sam Tiner, Mayor Pro Tem Don Carter, Councilman James Rainey, Councilman Absent was Councilwoman Hazel Beal. Also present was City Administrator George Campbell, City Attorney Larry Jackson, City Engineer Steve Harr- ison and City Secretary Margaret Johnson. The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Mayor Pro Tem Tiner gave the invocation. Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, to waive the reading of the minutes of November 2.5, 1975 meeting. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter made motion, secon= ded by Councilman Rainey, that the minutes be approved as presented with no corrections Motion carried 3-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tiner abstaining and the · mayor showing his approval. There was no report from the Citizen's Advisory Committee as Councilwoman Beal was not present. Item 5, consider adoption of proposed personnel policies was next and Council- man Baker made motion to approve as City Administrator Campbell had presented them witha stipulation of sixty (60) days maximum sick leave to be accumulated, with each person currently employed to start with sick leave accumulated to a maximum of ten (10) days and the Friday after Thanksgiving added as a holiday to those presently being taken. Councilman Rainey seconded the motion and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. ~ Item 6, consider supplement to Library Department Budget, after discussion, Councilman Carter made motion to get a new heater for the library, motion seconded by Councilman Baker and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Rainey made motion to pay for the air conditioner that was purchased for the library, motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. The consensus was for budget transfers to be made at this time and if a supplement is needed at the end of fiscal year, then the supplement could be made. Item 7, discuss and consider recommended changes to proposed TRA contract, City Administrator Campbell advised that the City Attorney, MUD Attorney, Councilman Carter, City Administrator Campbell were to meet concerning the changes on Thursday, December 11, 1975, and a report on this meeting would be made at the next council meeting. Item 8, Other Old Business: A. Report on the MUD, Councilman Carter advised that the MUD had discussed the TRA contract. Also had approved funds, $10,700, for changing out pumps at the lift station and that the MUD project expected to be complete in June 1976. B. Correction to Lone Star Gas Company rate ordinance. City Administrator Campbell advised that the error was just a typographical one and this was on the agenda to advise council only. Councilman Carter asked about the information that Don Huff of Lone Star Gas was to furnish council on their contract with the City of Richardson. 188 City Administrator Campbell advised that this information had not been received and the consensus was that Lone Star Gas Company should have this information ready for the first council meeting in January and that they should be on the agenda for this information only. C. Report on sewer grant application, City Administrator Campbell reported that EPA had declared some lines in the original appli- cation ineligible and that the facility plan had to be revised .... also that the City would need to receive a grant offer on this before Christmas but that it looked good to receive this offer. The 25% matching funds should come from the MUD if the TRA contract is negotiated. D. Councilman Ca rte r made motion that no council meeting be held on December Z3, 1975 due to the fact that, after a poll of council, a quorum would not be present. Motion was seconded by Councilman Rainey and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Item 9, Other New Business, Steve Harrison, City Engineer, made a report on the projection of income and expenditures in the Water & Sewer Department for TRA in regard to the proposed water tower and bond sales, also, a pro- jection for population and expected growth for Coppell. Item 10, Consider approval of bills. An additional bill from T.P. & L. for the fire department was presented for approval along with those listed and Councilman Carter made motion to approve the bills as presented. Mayor Pro Tem Tiner seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing. his approval. Item 11, Executive Session (Closed to the public) A.Article 6252-17, Section ?- (f) discussion concerning exchange of real property Council went back into open session and Mayor Pro Tem Tiner made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter, that the merit: raises for Fireman Troy Glidewell and Fireman Joe Plumlee, which were due on December 1, 1975, be approved. Motion carried 3-0 with Councilman Rainey abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. Council then went back into Executive Session (Closed to the public) (see above). Meeting was then adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Margaret Johnson, City Secretary