CM 1976-04-27STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on April 27, 1976, at 7:30 P.M., in the meeting room at'the First Bank of Coppell. The following members were present: Hulen A. Scott, Mayor Sam Tiner, Mayor.'Pro Tem Don Carter, Councilman James Rainey, COuncilman Hazel Beal, Councilwoman CoUncilman Baker was absent. Also present was City Administrator Campbell, City Attorney Larry Jackson, City Engineer Steve Harrison, and City Secretary Margaret Johnson. The invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner. 76-73 Mayor ProTem Tiner made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter, to waive the reading of the minutes of April 13, 1976 meeting. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Rainey, to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with an addition to show that City Administrator Campbell had made a special .effort to get the property owners along Beltline Road to clean up their property, as requested by Councilwoman Beal. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 76-74 Item 10 was considered next and Mrs. Doris Gilchrist was present with reccomen- ations for the new members of the Library Board as well as re-appointment of some present members. Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Rainey to appoint the following: Charles checkley 2 Years June 1978 Verlie Brinson 2 Years June 1978 Evelyn Ottinger 2 Years June 1978 Theresa Eby 2 Years June 1978 Anita Mitchell I Year June 1977 and with Doris Gilchrist and Walter Pettijohn reafirmed as members, with terms to run to June 1977. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 76-75 Item 5 was considered next and Mr. Dan Vance with the Trinity River Authority of Texas was present, as well as Mr. Jim Kerley and Mr. Boyd London with the First Southwest Corporation, and Mr. Steve Harrison, Rady & Associates, City Engineers. Mr. Vance fiscussed with council the proposed elevated storage facilities and the financing of bonds which would be necessary to build the elevated storage. He advised, along with Mr. Kerley and Mr. London, that the best route to take would be through TRA and the Texas Water Development Board, which would generate a lower interest rate than on the open bond market. Council was also advised that the Texas Water Development Board would require either a 20% increase in'water rates with a back-up pledge of tax revenue or a pledge of ad valorum taxes only with the tax rate increase to be passed by ordinance prior to the issuance of the bonds. The meeting of the Texas Water Quality Board at which this would probably be decided is June 18, 1976 It was the consenus of council that taxes be levied to pay the - new debt service requirements. 76-76 Item 8 was considered next and Mr. Fred Harrington was present with the request to have his property disannexed from the city. After listening to Mr. Harrington for some time and trying to determine if his request was valid, Councilman Carter made motion to deny his request. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Beal and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 76-77 Councilwoman Beal gave a report from the Citizens Advisory Committee and advised that Lone Star Gas would pay for the printing of the brochure on Coppell. She also advised that theCoppell Industrial Committee would have another meeting concerning the up-coming tour on the 25th of May at 7:30 A.M., and that General Telephone will host the breakfast at the Holiday Inn. City Administrator Campbell had a map which had the route of the tour marked and this was discussed with council. He also advised that he had been in'touch with the MUD concerning sending a representative to Minneapolis and St. Paul on the North Texas Commission trip. 76-78 Mayor Pro Tem Tiner made motion to appoint Mayor Scott as a voting representative to the.North Central Texas Council of Governments. Councilman Carter seconded and motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Scott abstaining. 76-79 Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner, to amend the old Resolution to N.C.T.C.O.G. requesting radio equipment for the Coppell Police Depart- ment with the cost to be shared 75% Federal/State and 25% City of Coppell, adding one mobile unit and one portable unit with battery charger. City's cost to be $528.40. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his. approval. 76-80 Councilman Carter reported on the MUD. he advised that Mr. Horace Vail would probably be the representative on the North Texas Commission Tour and that there was no definite date when the lift stations would be completed. City Director of Utilities Vanbebber advised that the line that the City is constructing to tie to the MUD lines had been tested and the city would resume construction on it since the water was good. City Administrator Campbell advised on the status of the Sewer Grant Application. He had received a letter from Mr. Tom Collum with EPA concerning the work done on the design by Robert Kyle and Associates and that he would talk,with TRA concerning this. He was also to have a meeting with Mr. Kyle on May 5, 1976. City Administrator Campbell advised that the Coppell Industrial Committee had met and had received a $200 donation toward.the Coppell Tour on May 25th. 76-81 Other New Business. city Admiaistrator Campbell brought up the question of an Open House for the Dairy Queen-and the consenus of council was that it was a little late for an open house and City Administrator Campbell was to contact the Chamber of Commerce and ask them to get in touch with the manager of the Dairy Queen and see what they would like to do since the business is fairly new to Coppell. 76-82 Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Mayor Pro" Tem Tiner, to approve the bills as presented and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 76-83 Executive Session {closed to the public} A. Article 6252-17, Section '2 {g} discussion concerning personnel. 76-84 '- Council went back into open session and Councilman Carter made motion to accept the City of Irving compromise on the extraterritorial jurisdiction between Irving and Coppell as shown on a map by City Attorney Larry Jackson. Councilman Rainey seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. I 59 It was the consenus of council, after the suggestion by Councilman Carter, to advise the LoneStar Gas Company that the City of Coppell has hired a Rate Expert in the case before the Railroad Commission between the gas company and the City of Coppell, and.that if, when the expert was through, he had convinced us that Lone Star deserved more money, .then we would be in a position to try to compromise with them,'and would take another'look at the Situation at that time. City Attorney Jackson was to contact Lone Star Gas about joining us in a request for postponement of hearing. Councilman Carter made motion to have the city attorney talk with Dallas Power and Light concerning the possibility of. disannexation by the City of Dallas and annexation by the City of Coppell and let them know the services we have to offer them which would be advantageous to them. Motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tiner and motion Carried '4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Meeting then adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Margaret Johnson, City Secretary