The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on May 25,
1976, at 7:30 P.M. , in the meeting room at the First Bank of Coppell.
The following members were present:
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Donald J. Carter, Councilman ..~
Hazel R. Beal, Councilwoman
Fred Baker, Councilman
James Rainey, Councilman (arrived at 8:15)
Absent was Mayor Pro. Tem San Tiner. 'Also present .was City Administrator
Campbell, City Attorney Larry Jackson, and City Secretary Margaret Johnson.
The invocation was given by Councilman Baker.
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Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilwoman Beal, to waive
the reading of the minutes of the May 11, 1976 meeting. Motion carried 3-0
with the mayor showing his approval.
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Councilwoman Beal advised there was no report from the Citizens Advisory
Committee but that she wished to discuss the up-coming Breakfast and Tour
of Coppell later in the meeting.
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Mrs. Barbara Austin was present to give a report on the Bicentennial
Committee. Mrs. Austin has brought with her to show Council the original
copy of the Bicentennital Declaration which had been signed by the members
of the original Bicentennial Committee, and framed for posterity, to be hung
at present in the Library or First Bank of Coppell, and later when there is a
new City Hall, there. She advised that the 4th of July celebration would be
on Sunday, the 4th and that there would be a parade with floats, then supper
at 5:30 with booths selling various foods and fireworks display and a sing-a-
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Mr. Robert Kyle of Robert Kyle and Associates was present to advise Council
of the status of Step 2 of the Sewer Grant and discuss with Council the design
work of the line from the Beltline Lift Station to the TRA Elm Fork Interceptor.
After much discussion, it was decided that City Administrator Campbell, Mr.
Kyle, Mr. Dan Vance of Trinity River Authority, should have a meeting con-
cerning the status of the TRA line, and report back to Council.
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Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilwoman Beal to approve
Ordinance No. 160, appointing Mr. Wayne Jackson, Mr. Dan Carroll, and
Mr. Glen White to the Board of Equalization and setting their first meeting
at 6:00 p. m. , June 8, 1976. Motion carried 3-0 with the mayor showing his
Councilman Baker made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter to re-
appoint Mr. Harvey James, Mr. Frank Fitzgerald and Mr. Charles Hitch-
cock to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion carried 3-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
City Administrator Campbell advised Council that work had begun on the
1976-77 Fiscal Budget and that the time table was tentatively set for the
work session with Council for June 29th, in a daytime session.. Council-
members were to check their calendars and advise if this date would be
sati sfa cto ry.
Other Old Business:
A. Report on MUD. Councilman Carter advised that there had not been
a MUD meeting since the last report, and that the MUD Board had
been out actively contacting those who might be interested in Coppell.
B. Mayor Scott advised that he had been attending several meetings on
the County Bond Program and asked about priorities on the four
items requested by Coppell. After much discussion, it was the con-
senus of Council that the re-building of Bethel Road from the City
Park to the Tarrant County line would be the item to eliminate in
the event a deletion was necessary.
C. City Administrator advised Council that Mr. Jimmy Blackmon had
been issued tickets and had been set for a court date. However, he
became ill and asked that this be re-set to June 3rd.
D. Councilwoman Beal discussed the Breakfast and Tour set for June
8th, at this point as she had previously requested. She asked Council's
opinion of the brochure on Coppell which had just been received and
there was. favorable comment on the brochure. The tour route and
highlights of the tour were discussed. Council was advised that the
invitations were in the mail and some R.S.V.P. cards had been
returned at this time.
E. City Administrator Campbell advised that the meeting of the Texas
Water Development Board would be June 15th in McAllen and that as
many of the Council as possible would be needed to attend. The meeting
of the TRA Board is set for June 28th.
There was no new business.
Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Baker, to pay bills
as presented. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Rainey, to have a
light and a bell outside the fire station for emergency calls, when someone
comes there looking for help and needs to get a fireman or policeman and the
doors are closed. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Margaret Johnson, City Secretary