CM 1976-06-0811 64
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on June 8,
1976, at 7:30 P.M. , in the meeting room at the First Bank of Coppell.
The following members were present:
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Hazel R. Beal, Councilwoman
Fred Baker, Councilman
James M. Rainey, Councilman
Donald J. Carter (arrived at 7:50)
Absent was Mayor Pro Tem San Tiner. Also present was City Administrator
Campbell, City Engineer Steve Harrison and City Secretary Margaret Johnson.
The invocation was given by Councilman Baker.
Councilman Baker made motion, seconded by Councilman Rainey, to waive
the reading of the minutes of the May 25, 1976 meeting. Motion carried 3-0
with the mayor showing his approval.
Councilwoman Beal advised that the Coppell Industrial Committee Breakfast
andrTour was favorably artended by approximately l25 developers, builders,
press people and other interested people, that there was good news coverage
and everyone seemed to have been impressed with the effort put forth to
present Coppell.
City Administrator Campbell reported on the meeting between TRA, Robert
Kyle and Associates and the City and advised that no definite decision had
been made in regard to TRA participation in the cost of the line between the
Beltline Lift Station and the TRA Elm Fork Interceptor. City Administrator
Campbell and Mr. Dan Vance of TRA will meet again to arrive at a decision.
Item 6, Workmen's Compensation coverage was next and after some discussion
and question about some premiums quoted, Councilman Rainey made motion,
seconded by Councilman Carter, to table this item until the June 22nd meeting.
Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Other Old Business:
A. Report on MUD. Councilman Carter advised that there was a real
possibility that an industry might be interested in locating in Coppell 1"
and if so, would need to have water and sewer lines built to the
location, and this would involve a large outlay of money. He advised
that the MUD would probably be interested in supplying these funds
and take this area into the MUD, if the City did not have the funds
C. Re port on the Water Tower was considered next as City Engineer
Steve Harrison and Dr. Jim Cathey were present from Rady and
Associates, for this report. Mr. Harrison advised that the Texas
Water Development Board meeting at which Coppell's application
for funding of the proposed elevated storage would be approved or
disapproved would be June 15, 1976 in McAllen, Texas.
Mr. Harrison also brought new contracts between Rady and Associates
and the city for engineering services and authorization to begin pre-
liminary work on the water tower to Council for their approval.
These were to be reviewed by the City Attorney. Mr. Harrison advised
that the City would need to employ an outside laboratory for soil
testing when the site for the water tower had been determined.
Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Rainey, to
authorize Rady and Associates to begin the design phase on the elevated
water storage facility after the June 15th meeting of the Texas Water
Development Board. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his
Mr. Harrison also reported on the hearing in Austin on June 7th of the
Public Utilities Commission of Texas which he artended. He advised
that some of the cities have asked an Attorney General' s opinion on
the requirement by the Public Utilities Commission of the certificate
of convenience and necessity for the area to serve with water and
sewer. The consenus of Council was to have the City Attorney review
~ B. Report on Road Bond Program was moved to later in the meeting.
~ D. Councilman Carter made motion to have the City write a follow-up
t:~ letter to the Baptist Foundation and make a final offer on the proposed
site of the elevated water tower and advise the Baptist Foundation that
an acceptance or rejection must be received within a certain time
frame, if no reply to the first letter had been received by June 15th,
1976. Motion was seconded:by-Councilwoman Beal and motion carried
4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Other New Business:
A. Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Rainey, to
purchase four new City Limit signs, with the Coppell Logo and in the
Coppell colors. No population figure to be listed. Motion carried 4-0
with the mayor showing his approval.
B. Councilman Baker asked that a letter be written to the City of Irving
concerning the cattle that continue to run loose on Beltline Road in
the Irving City Limits, as they are a danger to traffic along Be ltline
C. City Administrator Campbell advised that the Ford Police Car needed
repair to the steering. Councilman Rainey made motion, seconded by
Councilman Carter to authorize repair after an estimate had been made
and repair not to exceed $150..00. Motion carried 3-0 with Council-
woman Beal abstaining.
D. City Administrator Campbell asked which Councilmembers would
attend the Texas Water Development meeting in McAllen, Texas, on
June 15, 1976, and to let him know as soon as possible so that
reservations could be made.
E. Councilman Baker asked that Kay Tiller, Public Relations Consultant,
be present at next Council meeting to give Council a report on her
activities in behalf of Coppell.
Other Old Business:
Item B: Report on Road Bond Program. Mayor Scott advised that the
County had cut the amount of funds which would be included for Coppell at
the last meeting and that there was to be another meeting June 9th which
the City Administrator would attend. He asked Council's opinion to closing
the part of Beltline Road that would not be needed when the Bethel-Beltline
Extension is completed to D.P. & L. It was the consenus of Council that "~
that portion of the road be closed. .
Councilman Rainey made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter, to
approve the bills as presented. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing
his approval.
Meeting was then adjourned.
Hulen A. Scott, Mayor
Margaret Johnson, City Secretary