CM 1976-10-26STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas met in regular session on October 26, 1976, at 7:30 P.M., in the meeting room at the First Bank of Coppell. The following members were present: Hulen A. Scott, Mayor Hazel R. Beal, Councilwoman Donald J. Carter, Councilman Roy C. Brock, Councilman Stubby Steadman, Councilman Absent was Mayor Pro Tem Fred Baker and City Attorney Larry Jackson. Also present was City Administrator Campbell and City Secretary Margaret Johnson. The invocation was given by Councilman Carter. 76-210 Councilman Steadman made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter, to waive the reading of the minutes of the October 12, 1976 meeting. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Councilman Brock made motion to approve minutes with no corrections. Motion was seconded by Councilman Steadman and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 76-211 Councilwoman Beal reported that she had met with Mr. Fred Willis, Mr. George McKinney and Mr. Bill Lacy of Texas Power and Light regarding a training pro- gram for interested citizens and council, for an Industrial Committee for future Community Development. There would be four two hour sessions and Council- woman Beal asked for some input from Council on this. After discussion, Council asked that plans be formulated to go ahead with the program. 76-212 Other Old Business A. City Administrator Campbell advised there was no MUD Board meeting the past month. He advised that he, Larry Jackson, and Paul Phy had met concerning the MUD's participation in the Sewer Grant. Mr. Phy had been instructed by some members of the MUD to find out how many people would tie on to sewer if it was made available to them. Mr. Campbell had a draft of a letter to homeowners, for Council's approval, outlining the approximate cost to construct this project. Following discussion of this letter, Councilman Brock made the motion, seconded by. Councilman Carter, that the City reduce the tap fee for connections made at the time this project is constructed from $100.00 to $50.00 and that the letter reflect this reduction in the fee. City Administrator Campbell advised that the City had received the first utility bill on the lift stations from Texas Power and Light and that it was in error and was being re-billed. This in turn will be billed to the MUD. 76-213 Other New Business A. City Administrator Campbell advised that Revenue Sharing had been funded for another three and thre-fourths years and stated that Revenue Sharing funds can be used as matching funds for grants that the city might receive, that the amount to be received for this year would be approximately the same as this past year. B. Status on bridge on Esters Road. City Administrator Campbell advised that there was essentially no change in the status at this time. Councilman Carter advised that progress is being made toward getting the pipe donated. 76-214 Councilwoman Beal made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried 4-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 76-215 Executive Session (Closed to the public) A. 'Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. Meeting then adjourned. Hulen A. Scott, Mayor ATTEST: Margaret Johnson, City Secretary