CM 1977-05-24STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas met in regular session on May 24, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the meeting room at the Coppell Fire Station. The following members were present: John R. Burns, Mayor Fred Baker, Mayor Pro Tem Donald d. Carter, Councilman Stubby Steadman, Councilman Roy C. Brock, Councilman Andy Grant, Councilman Also present was City Administrator George Campbell. City Attorney Larry Jackson and City Secretary Margaret Johnson was absent. The invocation was given by Mayor Pro Tem Baker. 77-116 Councilman Steadman made motion, seconded by Councilman Brock, to waive the reading of the minutes of the May 10, 1977 meeting. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval . Mayor Pro Tem Baker made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter, to approve the minutes as corrected. The corrections included: (a) Item 77-113 should show that Mayor Burns expressed approval of item 77-113B. (b) Item 77-115 should reflect that an executive session was not held. Motion to approve the minutes as corrected carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-117 Item #4 - Citizens Advisory Committee Report was considered next and there was no report.. 77-118 A public hearing concerning the proposed use of Revenue Sharing Funds was called to order by Mayor Burns. City Administrator Campbell advised council and citizens present that the city would receive approximately $25,992 in additional Revenue Sharing Funds in the current fiscal year and that a budget supplement would be required. He advised that this hearing was to gain citizen participation in the proposed use of such funds. Mr. Bill Harris asked for an explanation of the uses of Revenue Sharing Funds in the past and suggested that some of these additional funds could be used to update or review the city's Master Plan. Mrs. Hazel Beal suggested an inquiry into the possibility of a bond election to cover the city's 25% share of the proposed Sewer Grant in order that Revenue Sharing Funds could be used for other purposes. Mr. Fred Harrington suggested funds could be used to extend water facilities to his property on Sandy Lake Road. Councilman Grant stated that citizens were not informed as to the amount of funds to be available and were not prepared to make reccomen- dations to the council, Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Start( to continue this hearing at the June 14, 1977 city council meeting. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-119 Item #9 concerning pro-rata charges was considered next and Mayor Burns sugg- ested that several residents would connect to the city water system and increase the city's water revenue if they were not required to pay a pro-rata charge and he suggested that the pro-rata ordinance be repealed. Following discussion the staff was instructed to request an opinion from the city attorney to determine whether or not the pro-rata charges could be waived for current residents while continuing to charge new residents. Staff was also to determine whether or not pro-rata payments already made by some residents would have to be refunded if the charges were waived in the future. Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Grant, to table this item for future discussion. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 22S 77-120 Mr. Aubrey Smith was present to discuss with council his desire to develop a parcel of land in Northwest Coppell as residential. Following discussion, the city administrator was instructed to provide Mr. Smith with approximate costs under the grant proposal for furnishing sewer service to the property and to determine the developers cost to pay the city's 25% share of the grant. 77-121 The council next considered the adoption of an Ordinance establishing a rate to be charged gas customers by Lone Star Gas Company. Mr. Don Huff of Lone Star Gas Company was present to discuss the proposed rate ordinance. Following discussion, Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Grant to adopt Ordinance #169 establishing a rate for natural gas. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-122 The council next considered the adoption of an Ordinance establishing a rate to be charged electric service customers by Texas Power and Light Company. Mr. Mark Gordon, Mr. Fred Willis and Mr. Mike McKinney of T.P. & L. were present to discuss the proposed rate ordinance. They explained that the rate schedule had been revised downward to reflect rates approved by the Public Utilities Commission for service to customers in the unincorporated service areas of T.P. & L. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Baker made motion, seconded by Councilman Steadman to adopt Ordinance #170 establishing an electric rate schedule. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor abstaining from either approval or disapproval. 77-123 Council next considered adopting an amendment to Ordinance #130 (Subdivision Regulations} that would establish engineering and construction standards. The city administrator advised council that these standards, basically as presented in the proposed amendment were part of the city's master plan. Councilman Steadman made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter to adopt Ordinance #130-A-1 as an amendment to Ordinance #130. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-124 Item #11 was considered next. Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Grant to discuss appointments to the Board of Equalization in Executive Session. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-125 Appointments to the Library Board were considered next. Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Grant, to approve the recommendation of the Library Board. That recommendation was that Doris Gilchrist, Walter Pettijohn and Jeanne Pennick be appointed to serve until June 1979 and that the council confirm the additional appointments of Troy Williams and Diane Baker until June 1979. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-126 The council next considered the appointment of a voting representative to the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Mayor Pro Tem Baker made motion, seconded by Councilman Brock that Councilman Stubby Steadman be appointed. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilman Steadman abstaining and the mayor showing his approval. 77-127 Council considered appointment of a member and alternate member to the Trinity River Authority Advisory Committee. Councilman Carter made motion seconded by Councilman Grant to appoint Mayor Burns as the member and Mayor Pro Tem Baker as the alternate member. Motion carried 4-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Baker abstaining and the mayor abstaining from approval or disapproval. 229 77-128 It was the consensus of council that item 15 concerning the appointment of members to the Planning and Zoning should be discussed in executive session. 77-129 The next item considered was adoption of a resolution establishing signatory authority for the city regarding the City's PL-92 500 Sewer Grant Application. Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Grant that Resolution #2 be adopted authorizing either the mayor or mayor pro tem as signatory ,=- authority on the grant project. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-130 The city administrator and Councilman Carter then advised council that they had met with representatives of the MUD to discuss progress on reaching an ~ agreement for services. The utility district's attorneys are attempting to prepare such an agreement in order that a joint meeting of the district board and city council may be scheduled. 77-131 Under New Business, Mayor Pro Tem Baker made motion to change the official meeting place of the city council back to the elementary school. The motion died for lack of a second. The city administrator was requested to place consideration of this item back on the council agenda for June 14. 77-132 Consideration was given to approval of bills. Mayor Pro Tem Baker made motion, seconded by Councilman Carter to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-133 The meeting was then closed to the public for an executive session. During this session the council discussed qualifications of individuals considered for appointment to the Planning and Zoning and Board of Equalization. The meeting was then opened to the public. Mayor Pro Tem Baker 'made motion, seconded by Councilman Grant that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Meeting then adjourned. John R. Burns, Mayor ATTEST: Margaret V. Johnson, City Secretary l'