CM 1977-06-14230 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas met in regular session on June 14, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the meeting room at the Coppell Fire Station. The following members were present: John R. Burns, Mayor Fred Baker, Mayor Pro Tem Donald J. Carter, Councilman Stubby Steadman, Councilman Roy C. Brock, Councilman Andy Grant, Councilman Also present was City Administrator George Campbell, City Attorney Larry Jackson, Bud Napier of Rady & Associates, City Engineers and City Secretary Margaret Johnson. The invocation was given by Councilman Stubby Steadman. 77-134 Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Baker, to waive the reading of the minutes of the May 24, 1977 meeting. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-135 Report on Citizen's Advisory Committee. Mrs. Jean Pennick was present to thank council for their help and support in the preparation for the Fourth of July festivities. She reported that donations had been received in an amount of $325.00 and more would be forthcoming, which would help defray the expenses. 77-136 Continuation of Public Hearing regarding proposed use of Revenue Sharing Funds. Mayor Burns reopened the public hearing and asked if anyone present would like to address council for a proposed use for Revenue Sharing Funds. Mr. Walter Pettijohn of the Coppell Library Board was present and asked to be heard. Other members of the Library Board were also present. Mr. Pettijohn asked that council consider using $1,325.00 of the available funds to supplement the Library budget, as the following were needed badly there: shelving, air conditioner and selectric typewriter. As there were no others to be heard, Mayor Burns,closed the public hearing. Councilman Carter then moved to supplement the Library budget in the amount requested of $1,325.00, out of the Revenue Sharing Funds. Councilman Stead- man seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. City Administrator Campbell will bring recommendations to council in the near future on the use of the remaining funds. 77-137 Consider appointment of memebers to the Board of Equalization for 1977. Four persons were nominated out of the seven that were contacted by the city administrator, six of which advised that they would serve if asked. They were: Mr. Dan Carroll, Mr. Dudley Pennick, Mr. Wheelice Wilson and Mr. J.C. Thweatt. Vote was taken and the votes received as follows: Dan Carroll-5; Dudley Pennick-4; Wheelice Wilson-5; and J.C. Thweatt-1. Mr. Carroll, Mr. Pennick and Mr. Wilson received the most votes and were therefore appointed. 77-138 Consider appointment of members to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Four persons were nominated out of those contacted by the city administrator. They were: Gueren Burton, Paul Ford, Foy Layton and Cullen Jack Hayes. Councilman Grant made motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Baker, to declare the seat vacant that has been filled by Charles Hitchcock. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. Votes received as follows: Gueren Burton-4; Paul Ford-5; Foy Layton-5 and Cullen Jack Hayes-1. Mr. Burton, Mr. Ford and Mr. Layton were appointed. Councilman Carter made motion to have Mr. Foy Layton fill the unexpired term for one year and Mr. Burton and Mr. Ford to fill the two year terms. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-139 Consider approval of Change Order to Water Line Contract. City Administrator Campbell explained a letter from Mr. John Miller of Crookham & Vessels requesting a change order to cover their cost of 1" and 2" service tap made to the 16" water line at the city's request. The cost to the contract was $789 and taps were requested by the city to change existing water customers on Bethel Road from the existing old 2" line to the new line. After this explanation, Councilman Carter made motion, seconded by Councilman Grant, to approve the change order. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-140 Consider approval and authorization to pay contract estimate #2 from Crookham & Vessels, Inc. City administrator Campbell advised that estimate #2 had been re- ceived from the contractor in the amount of $23,929.88. He advised that the city engineers and water superintendent had recommended payment of this estimate. Councilman Brock made motion, seconded by Councilman Steadman, to pay this estimate. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-141 Consider approval of trial service increases for two employees. Councilman Carter made motion to approve six months salary increase for Richard Terry, from $790.20 per month to $809.96; and James Kemp, from $3.84 per hour to $3.94 per hour, effective June 15, 1977 and July 15, 1977, respectively. Councilman Steadman seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-142 ~-- Consider approval of bills. Mayor Pro Tem Baker made motion, seconded by Council- man Brock to appprove the bills as presented. Motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. 77-143 Other Old Business A. City Administrator Campbell commented that the MUD Board had met and that discussion was held on whether or not the warranty on the lift station equipment would cover the repairs expected to cost approximately $4,000 to $4,500. Mayor Burns advised that he and the city administrator had met with Attorney Ray Hutchison concerning the problem with the Municipal Utilities District and recommended that the city employ Mr. Hutchison to draft a contract that would a-low the city and the district to co-mingle their systems. Following some discussion, Councilman Carter made motion to employ Mr. Hutchison, after determin- ation had been made that the MUD could be biled for the cost of $50.00 per hour to work on the contract between the city and the MUD. Councilman Steadman seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval. B. Discuss and consider official council meeting place. After some discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Baker made motion to move the meeting place for the city council from the Coppell Fire Station to the Coppell Elementary School. Motion was seconded by Councilman Steadman and motion earried 3-2 with Councilman Carter and Councilman Brock voting against and the mayor showing his disapproval. C. Report on Pro-Rata Ordinance. Discussion was held on this and Mr. W..M. Wilson was present and stated that he wished to tie on to city water but could not afford the pro-rata charges for his trailer park on Sandy Lake Road. Councilman Carter asked Mr. Wilson if he was aware that the pro-rata charges and the tap fees could be paid out over a twenty-four months period with no down payment? Mr. Wilson advised that he had been aware of this and when this was explained to him, staff was instructed to prepare a letter agreement with Mr. Wilson so that he could be served by city water and a twenty-four months payout with no down payment arranged. 232 77-144 Other New Business. There was no other new business. 77-145 Executive Session (closed to the publiC). Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. No executive session was held. Meeting adjourned. John R. Burns, Mayor ATTEST: Margaret V. Johnson, City Secretary