CM 2022-07-12255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 City of Coppell, Texas Minutes City Council 5:30 PM Council ChambersTuesday, July 12, 2022 WES MAYS BIJU MATHEW Mayor Mayor Pro Tem CLIFF LONG KEVIN NEVELS Place 1 Place 4 BRIANNA HINOJOSA-SMITH JOHN JUN Place 2 Place 5 DON CARROLL MARK HILL Place 3 Place 7 MIKE LAND City Manager Wes Mays;Cliff Long;Don Carroll;Kevin Nevels;John Jun;Biju Mathew and Mark Hill Present 7 - Brianna Hinojosa-SmithVirtual1 - Also present were Deputy City Managers Vicki Chiavetta and Traci Leach, and City Secretary Ashley Owens. City Attorney Robert Hager was present remotely. The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Session on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. Call to Order1. Mayor Wes Mays called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present and convened into the Executive Session at 5:33 p.m. Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room2. Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic Development Negotiations. Discussion regarding economic development prospects north of Airline Drive and west of S. Belt Line Road. Discussed under Executive Session Page 1City of Coppell, Texas July 12, 2022City Council Minutes Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room3. Mayor Wes Mays adjourned the Executive Session at 6:00 p.m. and reconvened into the Work Session at 6:02 p.m. A.Discussion regarding agenda items. B.Presentation by YMCA and discussion of service organization requests. C.Presentation and discussion regarding City Council budget. D.Discussion regarding Boards and Commissions attendance policy. E.Discussion regarding revenue recovery program. F.Discussion regarding citizen survey. At 6:28 p.m., due to a conflict of interest with Work Session Item B, Councilmember Cliff Long removed himself from the discussion table and did not participate in the discussion regarding the Historical Society's service organization request. Councilmember Long returned to Work Session at 7:06 p.m. City Council recessed the Work Session at 7:32 p.m. and reconvened into Regular session at 7:41 p.m. City Council recessed the Regular Session at 10:55 p.m. and reconvened into Work Session at 11:00 p.m. Item F will be discussed at the July 26, 2022, City Council meeting. All other items were presented during Work Session. Regular Session Mayor Wes Mays recessed the Work Session at 7:32 p.m. and convened into the Regular Session at 7:41 p.m. Invocation 7:30 p.m.4. Dr. Davoodi with the Allies in Community Interfaith group gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance5. Mayor Wes Mays and the City Council led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Citizens’ Appearance6. Mayor Wes Mays asked for those who signed up to speak: 1) Barbara Bailey, 232 Plantation, spoke in regards to curbs and sidewalks in her neighborhood. Proclamations Page 2City of Coppell, Texas July 12, 2022City Council Minutes 7.Consider approval of a Proclamation declaring the month of July as “Park and Recreation Month”; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Wes Mays read the proclamation into the record and presented the same to Director of Parks and Recreation Jessica Carpenter and her team. A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Consent Agenda8. Mayor Pro Tem Biju Mathew requested Consent Agenda Item B be pulled from the Consent Agenda to discuss and vote on separately. A.Consider approval of Minutes: June 14, 2022, June 16, 2022, June 21, 2022, and June 23, 2022. A motion was made by Councilmember Mark Hill, seconded by Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A, C and D be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. B.Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas amending Ordinance No. 2021-1563, the budget for Fiscal Year October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Pro Tem Biju Mathew requested Consent Agenda Item B be pulled from the Consent Agenda to discuss. A motion was made by Councilmember Mark Hill, seconded by Councilmember Cliff Long, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Enactment No: OR 2022-1579 C.Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Coppell and The Colony for cooperative purchasing activities; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. A motion was made by Councilmember Mark Hill, seconded by Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A, C and D be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. D.Consider approval of appointments to the Special Ethics Legal Counsel and the Ethics Review Panel as presented. A motion was made by Councilmember Mark Hill, seconded by Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A, C and D be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. End of Consent Agenda 9.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider amending the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Article 29 Page 3City of Coppell, Texas July 12, 2022City Council Minutes (Sign Regulations), Section 12-29-1 (Definitions), to amend 12-29-4 (Provisions for business zoning districts) and to add 12-29-7 (Digital Signs) to define and allow for pylon signage adjacent to SH 121 and IH 635; and to allow public and private schools to use changeable letters on their monument signs; and to change "gasoline" to "fuel"; and to add 12-29-7 (Digital Signs) to allow for the relocation and digital conversion of two off premise sign structures; and provide for regulations and definitions. Presentation: Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator, made a presentation to the City Council. Mayor Wes Mays opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one had signed up to speak. A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by Councilmember Cliff Long, to close the Public Hearing and approve this Agenda Item. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Enactment No: OR 2022-1580 10.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of a zoning change request from PD-259R-SF-7/SF-9 (Planned Development 259- Revised Single-Family-7/Single-Family-9) to PD-259R2-SF-7/SF-9 (Planned Development 259-Revision 2- Single-Family-7/Single-Family-9) to amend the PD conditions for the overall development and within Phase 2, reducing the number of residential lots from 20 to nine (9); shortening the cul-de-sac on Windmill Drive; and allowing Lot 5R, Block D to have an accessory dwelling unit and additional accessory structures, on 54.855.acres of land located on the northeast quadrant of Sandy Lake Road and MacArthur Blvd at the request of Terry Holmes of HBBL, Inc., being represented by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Presentation: Mary Paron-Boswell, Senior Planner, made a presentation to the City Council. The applicant, Terry Holmes, was present to address questions and concerns from City Council. Mayor Wes Mays opened the Public Hearing and called those who signed up to speak: 1) Raj Akula, 1180 E Sandy Lake Road, spoke in regards to public notices needing to include all of the changes within the notice. 2) Marla Williams, 137 Hollywood Drive, spoke in opposition to the zoning change request due to the public notice being improper. 3) Christopher Williams, 137 Hollywood Drive, spoke in opposition to the zoning change request due to the public notice being improper. 4) Julie Mercado, 200 Hollywood Drive, spoke in opposition to the zoning change request due to the public notice being improper. She also spoke in regards to the smell and noise that would be caused by livestock. Page 4City of Coppell, Texas July 12, 2022City Council Minutes 5) Michael Mercado, 200 Hollywood Drive, spoke in opposition to the zoning change request due to the public notice being improper. He also spoke in regards to the smell and noise that would be caused by livestock. Discussion ensued between City Council. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, Mayor Wes Mays convened into closed Executive Session at 9:26 p.m. to seek consultation from the City Attorney and reconvened into the Regular Session at 10:00 p.m. A motion was made by Councilmember Mark Hill, seconded by Councilmember Cliff Long, to close the Public Hearing and approve this Agenda Item with conditions. A motion to amend the main motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, to ... (conditions) The motion to amend the main motion failed by the following vote (3-4): Aye: Councilmember Cliff Long, Councilmember Don Carroll, Councilmember Kevin Nevels Nay: Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, Councilmember John Jun, Mayor Pro Tem Biju Mathew, Councilmember Mark Hill The main motion to close the Public Hearing and approve this Agenda Item with the following conditions: The following conditions are for the overall amended PD: •To require a minimum 2,800-sf house, for both phases of development. •To allow early start building permits for up to 10 homes may be issued after infrastructure acceptance by the City, in advance of landscape acceptance by the City. No Certificates of Occupancy will be allowed prior to landscaping being accepted. •This subdivision must comply with the American Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Act of 1940 and regulations promulgated thereunder. •Lots with permitted swimming pools may have a pool cabana with a restroom. The following PD conditions pertain directly to Lot 5R, Block D: 1. Up to six (6) accessory structures with a combined size not to exceed the square footage of the main residence. 2. The accessory structures include: a. One (1) detached accessory dwelling unit with a secondary kitchen and bathroom, not to exceed 1,700-sf of living area, 500-sf garage and 300-sf of patio area. b. One (1) shop/barn not to exceed 2,600-sf. c. One (1) barn not to exceed 2,000-sf. d. One (1) aviary not to exceed 600-sf. e. One (1) decorative windmill f. One (1) pool cabana not to exceed 800-sf. Page 5City of Coppell, Texas July 12, 2022City Council Minutes 3. Maximum accessory building height 25-ft to the peak. 4. Each accessory structure may be allowed to have a restroom and/or sink. 5. Any horse, cattle, sheep or goat or any other livestock may be allowed within 100-ft of any residence or occupied building on Lot 5R, Block D. 6. Any enclosure, pen, corral or other restrictive area for livestock may be located within 10 ft of any property used for residential purposes on Lot 5R, Block D. 7. Must meet all other livestock requirements. 8. If the Accessory Dwelling Unit were to be subdivided from the main lot, it must meet all residential requirements. The main motion passed by the following vote (5-2): Aye: Councilmember Cliff Long, Councilmember Don Carroll, Councilmember Kevin Nevels, Mayor Pro Tem Biju Mathew, Councilmember Mark Hill Nay: Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, Councilmember John Jun 11.Consider declaring a vacancy on the Library Board pursuant to Section 2-1-4(E) of the Code of Ordinances. A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by Councilmember Cliff Long, that this Agenda Item approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. 12.Deliberate and consider an appointment to a vacancy on the Library Board pursuant to Section 2-1-4(E) of the Code of Ordinances. A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by Councilmember Cliff Long, to appoint Sekhar Katkam to the vacant position on the Library Board. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. City Manager Reports - Project Updates and Future Agendas13. Deputy City Manager Vicki Chiavetta gave the following reports: Water update report - With the extreme weather conditions and the demand for water being close to reaching maximum capacity, the city is asking the public to please help with water conservation. Since the beginning of June, water demand in Coppell has increased by over 8 million gallons per day. Our highest daily demand last week was 17.7 million gallons (hit on 2 separate days). The City’s maximum contracted water supply from DWU is 18.5 million gallons. We want to avoid increasing our maximum supply from DWU (to 19.5 MGD) because it will negatively impact long-term utility costs and rates. By ordinance, Stage 2 requirements (watering 3 days per week) will be triggered if: Page 6City of Coppell, Texas July 12, 2022City Council Minutes We exceed 90% of our maximum supply (16.65 million gallons) for 5 consecutive days. Or, we are unable to fill our ground storage tanks for 2 consecutive days. By ordinance, Stage 3 requirements (watering 2 days per week) will be triggered if: We exceed 95% of the maximum supply (17.58 million gallons) for 5 consecutive days. Or, we are unable to fill our ground storage tanks for 3 consecutive days. We need to be able to fill our tanks to maintain adequate pressure in our treated water system and avoid major impacts to treated water delivery (such as a boil water notice). Last week, we exceeded 16.65 million gallons for 4 consecutive days, but we were able to fill our tanks each day. The trend over the last month is that one or both of the Phase 2 triggers could be met this week. The city has reduced its watering schedule which residents may notice with increased hot spots in our parks, facilities and medians. CISD has also reduced their watering schedule in cooperation with the City. We have sent emails to the Chamber of Commerce, HOAs, and Businesses directly to request assistance in reducing water use by 20%. We are currently in Stage 1 for water conservation, meaning that there is no watering allowed between 10 am and 6 pm daily. To avoid moving into Stage 2, which is allowing watering 3 days a week, we need help from our water customers to reduce consumption by 20%. Doing one of the following will help meet that goal: Use the seasonal adjustment on your irrigation controller and set it to 80%. Reduce the number of days watered by 1…preferably by eliminating a Monday or Friday. Go back to how you were watering 3 weeks ago. If you need to fill your pool, spread that activity over several days. Hand-watering is still allowed, and preferable to automatic irrigation. Be mindful of domestic use…for example, don’t leave the water running while shaving/brushing teeth, etc., only have it running when needed; take shorter showers; EVERY REDUCTION HELPS! We have been appealing to customers through our normal communication Page 7City of Coppell, Texas July 12, 2022City Council Minutes channels, but we will be sending out a direct request to customers utilizing Everbridge Wednesday morning. If we can achieve the reductions we are targeting, we expect to be able to avoid implementing Stage 2 or 3 requirements. Power Service report - Oncor has reached out to echo ERCOT’s appeal for conservation of electricity in its role as the transmission and distribution company, or the poles and wires company that delivers electricity to many Texans. It does not own or operate power generation facilities, or sell, purchase or offer electricity retail services. Oncor will continue to follow direction from ERCOT. Customers can help by taking the following conservation steps: Turn off any unnecessary lights and equipment. Turn thermostat up 2 to 3 degrees. Set programmable thermostats to higher temperatures when no one is home. Use fans to feel 4 to 6 degrees cooler. Limit use of large appliances (i.e., dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc.). If you cook indoors, use a microwave or slow cooker. Close blinds and drapes during late afternoon. Schedule pool pumps to run in the early morning or overnight hours. Belt Line - Utility relocations / installations continue from Dividend to Hackberry, subgrade preparation continues on the inside lanes from Southwestern to Wrangler, paving continues from Wrangler to Saintsbury, and conduit installations continue for the street lighting. Roadway Re-striping – Our contractor’s crews were impacted by COVID and they had to delay the start of work to next week. As a reminder, our plan is to re-stripe Denton Tap, MacArthur, East Belt Line, and four major intersections around the city Budget Calendar Change: The Public Hearing to adopt the Budget and Tax Rate originally scheduled for August 9th will be moved to August 23rd. Mayor and Council Reports14. Report by Mayor and City Council on recent and upcoming events. Theatre Coppell Presents: Little Shop of Horrors Weekends July 15 – 31 | Fridays and Saturdays 8 pm & Sundays 2:30 pm Coppell Arts Center | 505 Travis St. In this deviously delicious smash hit musical, the meek floral assistant Seymour Krelborn stumbles across a new breed of plant – a singing carnivore Page 8City of Coppell, Texas City Council Minutes July 12, 2022 that promises unending fame and fortune as long as Seymour keeps feeding it BLOOD! Recently revived on Broadway, the show previously ran off-Broadway for 30 years. This tongue-in-cheek comedy brings an arrangement of laughter, tears, and toe-tapping tunes. Tickets are $22 for adults and $19 for seniors and students, plus fees. Visit Coppell Arts Center online for more information and to purchase tickets. 2022 Summer Music Workshop Series: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Singing -But Were Afraid to Askl Mondays, July 18 -August 8 I 7 -8:30 pm Coppell Arts Center I 505 Travis St. This four week course designed by Dr. Joshua Brown of Ouachita Baptist University was created to provide a fundamental level of musical information in a practical way to empower singers to feel confident in their abilities to make a meaningful contribution to a choral/vocal ensemble. The four classes are: July 18: Music Making Skills July 25: Historical Contexts and Personal Connections August 1: Elements of Music August 8: Ensemble Skills Tickets are $25 per class or $90 for all four classes. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit coppellcommunitychorale.org. 15.Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no Council action or deliberation permitted. Nothing to report. 16.Necessary Action from Executive Session 17.Adjournment City of Coppell, Texas There was no action resulting from Executive Session. City Council recessed the Regular Session at 10:55 p.m. and reconvened into Work Session at 11 :00 p.m. City Council adjourned the Work Session at 11 :35 p.m. and reconvened into Regular Session at 11 :36 p.m. There being no further business before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11 :36 p.m. Page9