CP 2022-09-13City Council City of Coppell, Texas Meeting Agenda 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 Council Chambers5:30 PMTuesday, September 13, 2022 WES MAYS BIJU MATHEW Mayor Mayor Pro Tem CLIFF LONG KEVIN NEVELS Place 1 Place 4 BRIANNA HINOJOSA-SMITH JOHN JUN Place 2 Place 5 DON CARROLL MARK HILL Place 3 Place 7 MIKE LAND City Manager Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in Regular Called Session at 5:30 p.m. for Executive Session, Work Session will follow immediately thereafter, and Regular Session will begin at 7:30 p.m., to be held at Town Center, 255 E. Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein. As authorized by Section 551.127, of the Texas Government Code, one or more Councilmembers or employees may attend this meeting remotely using videoconferencing technology. The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign the Work Session or called Executive Session or order of business at any time prior to adjournment. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: 1. Call to Order 2.Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney. Page 1 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 September 13, 2022City Council Meeting Agenda Consultation with City Attorney and special legal counsel, regarding City of Coppell, et. al. vs. Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. 3. Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room A. Discussion regarding agenda items. B. Discussion regarding winter-averaging for sewer billing. C. Discussion regarding grant agreement with Coppell Historical Society. D. Discussion regarding political signs. Winter Averaging Memo.pdf Historical Society Funding Memo.pdf Political Signs Memo.pdf Attachments: Regular Session 4. Invocation 7:30 p.m. 5. Pledge of Allegiance Proclamations 6.Consider approval of a Proclamation naming the month of September as “Senior Center Month;” and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Proclamation.pdfAttachments: 7. Citizens’ Appearance 8. Consent Agenda A.Consider approval of Minutes: August 23, 2022, and August 30, 2022. CM 2022-08-23.pdf CM 2022-08-30.pdf Attachments: B.Consider approval of an Ordinance for case PD-250R26-H, Old Town Addition, Lot 4R, Block D, a zoning change request from PD-250R8-H (Planned Development- 250 Revision 8- Historic) to PD-250R26-H (Planned Development-250-Revision 26 - Historic), to approve a Detail Site Plan for a 10,215-square-foot, two-story mixed-use building with retail on the first floor and two residential units on the second floor on 0.25 acres of land located on the west side of West Main St. between Houston St. and Travis St., at 767 W. Main St, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Memo.pdf Ordinance.pdf Exhibit A - Legal Description.pdf Exhibit B - Site Plan.pdf Attachments: Page 2 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 September 13, 2022City Council Meeting Agenda Exhibit C - Landscape Plan.pdf Exhibit D - Elevations & Rendering.pdf C.Consider approval of amendment #2 for the S. Belt Line Road Design Contract with Halff Associates; in the amount of $100,000; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents. Memo.pdf Belt Line Supplemental Agreement #2.pdf Attachments: D.Consider approval of an election services contract with Dallas County to conduct a Joint Election on November 8, 2022; in an amount not to exceed $70,279.53; and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Memo.pdf Estimated Cost_Coppell.pdf Joint Election Services Contract.pdf Attachments: E.Consider accepting the resignation of Seth Phillips from the Ethics Review Panel; and leaving the seat vacant for the remainder of the unexpired term. Memo.pdf Resignation_ Ethics Review Panel.pdf Attachments: F.Consider approval of “Policy for Donations to the Parks System”. Memo.pdf Memorial Policy.pdf Attachments: G.Consider approval of the Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement by and between the City of Coppell and Denton County Transportation Authority to provide transportation services for Coppell businesses; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Memo.pdf Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement.pdf Attachments: H.Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Interlocal Government Agreement, effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; in the amount of $3,131.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Memo.pdf City of Coppell 2023 ILA Health Svcs.pdf Attachments: I.Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Interlocal Government Agreement for mosquito spraying; effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Memo.pdfAttachments: Page 3 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 September 13, 2022City Council Meeting Agenda Mosquito Ground Control Agreement 2022-23 Coppell.pdf J.Consider approval of a contract for the renewal of an Interlocal Agreement with Trinity River Authority, effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023, in the amount of $9,500.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Memo.pdf TRA Contract.pdf Attachments: K.Consider approval and adoption of the FY 2022-23 Council Goals and Staff Work Plan. FY23 Work Plan Packet.pdfAttachments: End of Consent Agenda 9.CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 Municipal Budget. Memo.pdf 9-3 publish Public Hearing Budget 22-23 (Rambler).pdf 9-4 publish Public Hearing Budget 22-23 (Gazette).pdf Attachments: 10.CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 tax rate of $0.518731. Memo.pdf Tax Rate Full Page Ad.pdf 9-3 publish Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate 22-23-Rambler.pdf 9-4 publish Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate 22-23-Gazette.pdf Attachments: 11.Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the City of Coppell, Texas for the fiscal year of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Memo.pdf 02-Budget Adoption Ordinance 2022-23.pdf Attachments: 12.Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying the ad valorem taxes for the tax year 2022 at $0.518731 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property, on which $0.441836 is for operations and maintenance and $0.076895 is for interest and sinking; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Memo.pdf Tax Rate Ordinance 2022-23.pdf Attachments: 13.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-301R2-HC a zoning change request from Page 4 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 September 13, 2022City Council Meeting Agenda PD-301R-HC (Planned Development 301 Revised- Highway Commercial) to PD-301R2-HC (Planned Development 301-Revision 2- Highway Commercial) to revise the Concept PD for the overall development of the site and allow for a combination of retail, restaurant, offices, medical office, banquet center, and daycare uses; on approximately 10 lots on 16.766 acres of property located at the southeast corner of Belt Line Road and Dividend Drive, at the request of Beltline Properties, LLC, being represented by Kirkman Engineering. Memo.pdf PZ Staff Report.pdf Concept Site Plan.pdf Concept Landscape Plan.pdf Elevations & Material Board.pdf Sign Plan.pdf Focal Point.pdf Attachments: 14.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of case PD-181R3-SF-12, Larson Residence & Garage, Bethel Road Estates Addition, Lot 1R, Block 1, a zoning change request from C (Commercial), R (Retail) and PD-181R2-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 2 Single-Family- 12) to PD-181R3-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 3 Single-Family - 12) to approve a Detail Site Plan for an existing single-family residence with a 300 square foot addition and the construction of a 4,000 square foot accessory garage structure, and modification of the front yard fence located on 2.065 acres of land, located on the northside of W. Bethel Road, approximately 325 ft east of Hearthstone Lane, at the request of Raymond and Virginia Larson, being represented by Greg Frnka of GPF Architects, LLC. Memo.pdf Staff Report.pdf Zoning Exhibit.pdf Site Plan.pdf Floor Plan.pdf Tree Survey.pdf Elevations.pdf Attachments: 15.Consider voting for a candidate to Places 6 - 9 to the Board of Trustees to the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP); and authorizing the Mayor to sign and complete the ballot. Memo.pdf TMLIRP Board of Trustees Ballot.pdf Attachments: 16. City Manager Reports - Project Updates and Future Agendas Page 5 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 September 13, 2022City Council Meeting Agenda 17. Mayor and Council Reports Report from Mayor and City Council on recent and upcoming events. 18.Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no Council action or deliberation permitted. 19. Necessary Action from Executive Session 20. Adjournment ________________________ Wes Mays, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on this 9th day of September, 2022, at _____________. ______________________________ Ashley Owens, City Secretary PUBLIC NOTICE - STATEMENT FOR ADA COMPLIANCE AND OPEN CARRY LEGISLATION The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs, services and/or meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services seventy-two (72) hours – three (3) business days ahead of the scheduled program, service, and/or meeting. To make arrangements, contact Kori Allen, ADA Coordinator, or other designated official at (972) 462-0022, or (TDD 1-800-RELAY, TX 1-800-735-2989). Page 6 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6422 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6422 Agenda Item Executive Session 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 08/01/2022File Created: Final Action: 3.334 UpdateFile Name: Title: Consultation with City Attorney and special legal counsel, regarding City of Coppell, et. al. vs. Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6422 Title Consultation with City Attorney and special legal counsel, regarding City of Coppell, et. al. vs. Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Summary Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6516 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6516 Agenda Item Work Session 1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance 09/05/2022File Created: Final Action: Winter-Averaging for Sewer BillingFile Name: Title: A. Discussion regarding agenda items. B. Discussion regarding winter-averaging for sewer billing. C. Discussion regarding grant agreement with Coppell Historical Society. D. Discussion regarding political signs. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Winter Averaging Memo.pdf, Historical Society Funding Memo.pdf, Political Signs Memo.pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6516 Title A. Discussion regarding agenda items. B. Discussion regarding winter-averaging for sewer billing. C. Discussion regarding grant agreement with Coppell Historical Society. D. Discussion regarding political signs. Summary Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Discussion regarding the use of winter-averaging as the billing method for sewer service 2040: Sustainable Government Background: As part of the 2020 water and sewer rate study, staff recommended a move to a tiered rate structure to bill water usage and began exploring a change to the billing method used to bill for sewer services. In April 2021, Council approved moving to a tiered rate structure for water and a reduction in the sewer cap from 14,000 gallons to 13,000 gallons. In addition, Council expressed an interest in moving from the current capped billing method that was approved by Council on November 27, 1989 to a winter-averaging billing method. Staff provided Council with a timeline concerning when winter-averaging could be implemented. The timeline took into consideration the fact that Utility Billing was in the middle of implementing new billing software. Staff expressed the importance of maintaining the current billing method for sewer, so they could conduct parallel testing (running billing in the old system and new system to ensure the new system was setup correctly.) The tiered rate structure for water was already established in the system since the City would revert to tiered billing for the period June 1 through October 1. However, the old system was not setup to perform winter-averaging and the software implementation team strongly discouraged implementing anything new while implementing new software. Based on the above, staff presented a timeline to implement winter-averaging in April 2023. The timeline showed that winter-averaging data would be collected beginning in November 2022 if Council approved a change to winter-averaging in September/October 2022. Once Council approves the billing method change, staff would begin communicating the change to residents. Analysis: Based on the timeline outlined above, this item is being brought forward to Council to continue the discussion regarding winter-averaging. During work session on September 13, staff will share additional history concerning the Water Sewer Fund, provide options and share recommendations concerning the various aspects of winter averaging. Staff will be seeking Council’s direction concerning which option to bring forward for consideration of approval. Legal Review: N/A Fiscal Impact: Recommendation: This item is to receive direction from Council. 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mike Land, City Manager Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: FY23 Historical Society Funding Introduction: The purpose of this agenda item is to suggest a modification to the Council’s initial direction related to annual funding for the Coppell Historical Society. Previous year’s annual funding amount of $10,000 was utilized for their annual events, such as Pioneer Day and Vintage Christmas for example. The Historical Society requested additional funds for FY23 to enhance tourism in Coppell through the development of a museum. To obtain museum status, the Historical Society must apply for consideration. The Council recognized this effort during their earlier discussion on this matter, designating the first $10,000 of their total ask for that effort. Council directed staff to include this HOT funding for FY23 and develop a separate grant agreement for the remainder of the Historical Society’s request. In my subsequent discussions with the Historical Society, we talked about the different uses of the funds and their respective timing, thus the reason for this work session item. Staff recommends a slight clarification to the HOT funding for FY 23. The recommended funding is as follows: • Allocate $10,000 that is typically granted on an annual basis to the Coppell Historical Society to host their annual events such as Pioneer Day, etc.; and • Develop a separate agreement to address the remainder of the requested funding including the initial $10,000 so that they can make the desired application for the museum designation. The other milestones previously discussed would remain in place in order to access the remaining funds. Legal Review: The City Attorney will develop the grant agreements, as appropriate. Fiscal Impact: As these are Hotel Occupancy Tax Funds, the above-described breakdown of funds if supported by City Council will be reflected in the FY 23 HOT Budget. Recommendation: Staff recommends the funding strategy outlined above. 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mike Land, City Manager Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Oversized Political Signs Introduction: The purpose of this agenda item is to discuss oversized political signs with the Council. Bob Hager will be presenting information on this item. Legal Review: N/A Recommendation: None. Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6458 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6458 Agenda Item Proclamations 1Version: Reference: In Control: Parks and Recreation 08/15/2022File Created: Final Action: Sr. Center ProclamationFile Name: Title: Consider approval of a Proclamation naming the month of September as “Senior Center Month;” and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Proclamation.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6458 Title Consider approval of a Proclamation naming the month of September as “Senior Center Month;” and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Summary Fiscal Impact: [Enter Fiscal Impact Statement Here] Staff Recommendation: The Parks and Recreation Department recommends approval. Strategic Pillar Icon: Perpetuate a Learning Environment Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6458) Foster an Inclusive Community Fabric Enhance the Unique 'Community Oasis' Experience Future Oriented Approach to Residential Development Create Business and Innovation Nodes Implement Innovative Transportation Networks Apply 'Smart City' Approach to Resource Management Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, September has been designated National Senior Center Month by the National Institute of Senior Centers; and WHEREAS, National Senior Center month celebrates how senior centers strengthen community connections by providing adults 50 and over access to programs, services, opportunities, and resources they need to age well; and WHEREAS, the Coppell Senior and Community Center is the trusted place in the Coppell community that contributes to the physical and social wellbeing of adults 50 and over through delivering essential services, providing a space for social engagement and meaningful activities, and creative active recreation opportunities; and WHEREAS, the Coppell Senior and Community Center staff has registered more than 1,200 members since reopening and created opportunities to help build engagement and promote connections among adults 50 year of age and over in our community. NOW THEREFORE, I, Wes Mays, Mayor of the City of Coppell, do hereby proclaim the month of September as "SENIOR CENTER MONTH” In the City of Coppell, and I encourage all citizens to celebrate by recognizing the Coppell Senior and Community Center, its volunteers, community partners, members, and staff who value the importance of community connections in the quality of life for all adults 50 and over in our community. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Coppell to be affixed this 13th day of September 2022. ________________________________ Wes Mays, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ Ashley Owens, City Secretary Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6520 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6520 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 09/06/2022File Created: Final Action: MinutesFile Name: Title: Consider approval of Minutes: August 23, 2022, and August 30, 2022. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: CM 2022-08-23.pdf, CM 2022-08-30.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6520 Title Consider approval of Minutes: August 23, 2022, and August 30, 2022. Summary Fiscal Impact: None. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. Strategic Pillar Icon: Sustainable Government Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 City of Coppell, Texas Minutes City Council 5:30 PM Council ChambersTuesday, August 23, 2022 WES MAYS BIJU MATHEW Mayor Mayor Pro Tem CLIFF LONG KEVIN NEVELS Place 1 Place 4 BRIANNA HINOJOSA-SMITH JOHN JUN Place 2 Place 5 DON CARROLL MARK HILL Place 3 Place 7 MIKE LAND City Manager Wes Mays;Cliff Long;Brianna Hinojosa-Smith;Don Carroll;Kevin Nevels;John Jun;Biju Mathew and Mark Hill Present 8 - Also present were Deputy City Managers Vicki Chiavetta and Traci Leach, City Attorney Robert Hager and City Secretary Ashley Owens. The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Session on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. Call to Order1. Mayor Wes Mays called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present and convened into the Work Session at 5:30 p.m. Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room2. A. Discussion regarding agenda items. B. Coppell Independent School District presentation regarding district demographics and future planning. C. Discussion regarding the workforce transit. D. Discussion regarding the draft Memorial Policy. E. Discussion regarding Work Plan for FY22-23. Presented in Work Session Page 1City of Coppell, Texas August 23, 2022City Council Minutes Regular Session Mayor Wes Mays recessed the Work Session at 6:43 p.m. and convened into the Regular Session at 7:30 p.m. Invocation 7:30 p.m.3. Councilmember Don Carroll gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance4. Mayor Wes Mays and the City Council led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Presentations 5.Annual report by SPAN, Inc. Diane Beck, Mobility Manager with SPAN, Inc., gave a presentation to City Council. 6.Presentation and Update by the Coppell Arts Center Foundation. Greg Goyne, President of the Coppell Arts Center Foundation, gave a presentation to City Council. Citizens’ Appearance7. Mayor Wes Mays asked for those who signed up to speak: 1) Jennifer Martinez, 120 S Denton Tap Road, Suite #310, Coppell, TX 75019, spoke in regards to the Business Support Program grants and requested that City Council extend the eligibility requirements. Consent Agenda8. A.Consider approval of Minutes: August 9, 2022 A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A-E be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. B.Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Lewisville; for the installation and maintenance of median street lights on Denton Tap Road; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A-E be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. C.Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement renewal between the City Page 2City of Coppell, Texas August 23, 2022City Council Minutes of Coppell and Coppell Independent School District for School Resource Officer (SRO) protection services for the school year 2022-2023; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A-E be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. D.Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Grapevine to provide detention services for all detainees of the City of Coppell Police Department in an amount not to exceed $121,808.00; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A-E be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. E.Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement renewal between the City of Coppell and SPAN, Inc., for the provision of transit services for older persons, persons with disabilities, veterans, and the general public; as provided for by the CARES Act funding as dispensed through SPAN, Inc., authorizing the Mayor to sign and the City Manager to sign any necessary documents. A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A-E be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. End of Consent Agenda 9.PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment on the proposed 2022-23 Budget for the Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District. Presentation: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance, made a presentation to the City Council regarding the Crime Control and Prevention District Budget. Mayor Wes Mays opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by Councilmember Don Carroll, to close the Public Hearing. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. 10.PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 Municipal Budget. Presentation: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance, made a presentation to the City Council regarding the Municipal Budget. Mayor Wes Mays opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. Page 3City of Coppell, Texas August 23, 2022City Council Minutes A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, to continue the Public Hearing to the September 13, 2022, City Council meeting. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. 11.PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 tax rate of $0.518731. Presentation: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance, made a presentation to the City Council regarding the proposed tax rate. Mayor Wes Mays opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. A motion was made by Councilmember Mark Hill, seconded by Councilmember Don Carroll, to continue the Public Hearing to the September 13, 2022, City Council meeting. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. City Manager Reports - Project Updates and Future Agendas12. City Manager Mike Land gave the following project updates Belt Line - McMahon Contracting plans to start shutting down the north half of Airline and directing the traffic one way westbound. McMahon plans to have the traffic control up and concrete removal starting on Thursday, August 25th. Panel Replacement Project - Mockingbird complete, Falcon complete, working on Dividend, Moore/Sandy Lake open for school, will start small areas that won’t impact school traffic next week. E. Bethel Bridge (Creekview) - expected to start in September will communicate with residents and homeowners association on traffic control and schedule prior. Village Parkway Pump Station Standby Generator – Contractor has mobilized to install the new switch gear to accommodate the larger permanent generator. Permanent generator is back ordered and is expected to be delivered in February of 2023. Intersection Improvement project – poles at Bethel School Road are now gone, pavement should commence once rain stops. City Council will hold a 5th Tuesday Work Session on August 30, 2022, at 6 p.m. The Work Session will be held in the 2nd Floor Conference Room of Town Center, 255 E Parkway Blvd. Mayor and Council Reports13. Report by Mayor and City Council on recent and upcoming events. The Coppell Chamber of Commerce hosted a New Teacher Lunch and Expo for all new teachers working at Coppell ISD (CISD). There are approximately 260 Page 4City of Coppell, Texas August 23, 2022City Council Minutes new teachers at CISD. Head out to Andrew Brown Park East for Andy Brown Eats! Stop by on Thursday, August 25th between 5:30pm - 7:30pm and grab a quick dinner from a local food truck to take home with you, or enjoy a meal in the park! Come and see one of the world’s most celebrated illusionists, Rob Lake’s mind-blowing illusions dazzle and entertain millions across. You can purchase tickets online from the Coppell Arts Center for show on August 28th. Join guest instructor Sheela Singla for an introduction to mindfulness and mindfulness meditation practice at the Cozby Library August 28th from 2:00pm-3:30pm. Sheela is currently in training with UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center to become a certified mindfulness teacher. This session is open to adults age 18 and up. Registration is not required. Register to take a free CPR-AED Class at Life Safety Park on September 8th. Class registration and details are available online. Performing at the Coppell Art Center September 9th, the members of Damn Tall Buildings blend elements of bluegrass, blues, roots-rock and vintage swing to create a captivating, high-energy sound. Tickets are available for purchase. Council Committee Reports concerning items of community involvement with no Council action or deliberation permitted. 14. A. Report on Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition - Councilmember Don Carroll B. Report on Woven Health Clinic - Councilmember Mark Hill C. Report on Metrocrest Services - Mayor Pro Tem Biju Mathew Councilmember Don Carroll reported on guest speakers that have recently attended the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition's meetings. Councilmember Carroll also reminded the audience that transportation is key to keep up with growth, especially in North Texas. Councilmember Mark Hill did not receive an update from the Woven Health Clinic by the time of the meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Biju Mathew gave statistics relative to Coppell from Metrocrest Services. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no Council action or deliberation permitted. 15. Councilmember Don Carroll announced that in September, in conjunction with Hunger Action Month (HAM), the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) will hold a peanut butter drive. Peanut Butter, along with other nut butters, is kid-friendly, nutritious, and high in protein. It's also a food that might be considered expensive, therefore not being a popular donated item. NFTB's goal is to collect 500,000 pounds/dollars of peanut butter to help feed hungry children and families. Coppell citizens are encouraged to donate physical peanut butter as well as virtual peanut butter Page 5City of Coppell, Texas August 23, 2022City Council Minutes (dollars!). Please visit ntfb.org/peanutbutterdrive to find out how you can donate! Necessary Action from Executive Session16. There was no Executive Session. Adjournment17. There being no further business before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. ________________________ Wes Mays, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________ Ashley Owens, City Secretary Page 6City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 City of Coppell, Texas Minutes City Council 6:00 PM 2nd Floor Conference RoomTuesday, August 30, 2022 5th Tuesday Work Session WES MAYS BIJU MATHEW Mayor Mayor Pro Tem CLIFF LONG KEVIN NEVELS Place 1 Place 4 BRIANNA HINOJOSA-SMITH JOHN JUN Place 2 Place 5 DON CARROLL MARK HILL Place 3 Place 7 MIKE LAND City Manager Wes Mays;Cliff Long;Brianna Hinojosa-Smith;Don Carroll;Kevin Nevels;John Jun;Biju Mathew and Mark Hill Present 8 - The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Work Session on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. Work Session (Open to the Public) 2nd Floor Conference Room Call to OrderI. Mayor Wes Mays called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present and convened into the Work Session at 6:00 p.m. Citizens’ AppearanceII. No one signed up to speak. III.a. Planned Developments Review. b. Arts Center Operations Update. c. Fire Station #1 relocation discussion. Presented in Work Session. Page 1City of Coppell, Texas August 30, 2022City Council Minutes Council Member Brianna Hinojosa-Smith left the meeting at 7:33 p.m. AdjournmentIV. There being no further business before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m. ________________________ Wes Mays, Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ Sara Egan, Deputy City Secretary Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6392 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6392 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 3Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 07/12/2022File Created: Final Action: Old Town Addition ReplatFile Name: Title: Consider approval of an Ordinance for case PD-250R26-H, Old Town Addition, Lot 4R, Block D, a zoning change request from PD-250R8-H (Planned Development- 250 Revision 8- Historic) to PD-250R26-H (Planned Development-250-Revision 26 - Historic), to approve a Detail Site Plan for a 10,215-square-foot, two-story mixed-use building with retail on the first floor and two residential units on the second floor on 0.25 acres of land located on the west side of West Main St. between Houston St. and Travis St., at 767 W. Main St, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Ordinance.pdf, Exhibit A - Legal Description.pdf, Exhibit B - Site Plan.pdf, Exhibit C - Landscape Plan.pdf, Exhibit D - Elevations & Rendering.pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: 1 PassApproved07/21/2022Planning & Zoning Commission 2 Close the Public Hearing and Approve 08/09/2022City Council Text of Legislative File 2022-6392 Title Consider approval of an Ordinance for case PD-250R26-H, Old Town Addition, Lot 4R, Block D, a zoning change request from PD-250R8-H (Planned Development- 250 Revision 8- Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6392) Historic) to PD-250R26-H (Planned Development-250-Revision 26 - Historic), to approve a Detail Site Plan for a 10,215-square-foot, two-story mixed-use building with retail on the first floor and two residential units on the second floor on 0.25 acres of land located on the west side of West Main St. between Houston St. and Travis St., at 767 W. Main St, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Summary Fiscal Impact: None Staff Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends approval of the ordinance. Strategic Pillar Icon: Enhance the Unique 'Community Oasis' Experience Create Business and Innovation Nodes Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Consider approval of an Ordinance for case PD-250R26-H, Old Town Addition, Lot 4R, Block D, a zoning change request from PD-250R8-H (Planned Development- 250 Revision 8- Historic) to PD-250R26-H (Planned Development-250-Revision 26 – Historic), to approve a Detail Site Plan for a 10,215-square-foot, two-story mixed-use building with retail on the first floor and two residential units on the second floor on 0.25 acres of land located on the west side of West Main St. between Houston St. and Travis St., at 767 W. Main St, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 2040 Pillars: Enhance the Unique “Community Oasis” Experience & Create Business and Innovation Nodes Executive Summary: This is an ordinance resulting from Council approval of a request to construct a two-story building with 3,347 square-feet of retail on the ground level and two, 2,306 square-foot residential units above. This is a mixed-use project similar to the project under construction to the north but larger in size. Analysis: On July 21, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (6-0) of PD- 250R26-H, subject to the following conditions: 1. Detailed engineering review to take place with engineering permit submittal. 2. Include additional garage area to accommodate two vehicles for each of the residential units. 3. The Director of Community Development shall have the authority to administratively approve the proposed signage for this development in accordance with planned development regulations for PD-250R8-H and the Historic District. 4. The second-floor residences shall be developed in accordance with local ordinance and building codes; and shall be used for residential purposes only. After the Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, the applicant revised the plans to address condition #2 above. On August 9, 2022, Council APPROVED (5-0) PD-250R26-H, Old Town Addition, Lot 4R, Block D, subject to the following conditions: 1. Detailed engineering review to take place with engineering permit submittal. 2. The Director of Community Development shall have the authority to administratively approve the proposed signage for this development in accordance with planned development regulations for PD-250R8-H and the Historic District. 2 3. The second-floor residences shall be developed in accordance with local ordinance and building codes; and shall be used for residential purposes only. Legal Review: The City Attorney reviewed the case and wrote the draft ordinance. Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends approval of the ordinance. Attachments: 1. Ordinance 2. Exhibit A – Legal Description 3. Exhibit B – Site Plan 4. Exhibit C – Landscape Plan 5. Exhibit D – Elevations and Renderings CITY OF COPPELL ORDINANCE TM131114 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. ________ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND MAP OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, BY GRANTING A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM PD-250R8-H (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-250 REVISION 8-HISTORIC) TO PD-250R26-H (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT-250 REVISION 26-HISTORIC), TO APPROVE A DETAIL SITE PLAN FOR A 10,215-SQUARE-FOOT, 2- STORY MIXED-USE BUILDING WITH RETAIL ON THE FIRST FLOOR AND TWO RESIDENTIAL UNITS ON THE SECOND FLOOR ON 0.251 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT 767 W. MAIN STREET (LOT 4R, BLOCK D, OLD TOWN ADDITION), AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE DETAIL SITE PLAN; LANDSCAPE PLAN; BUILDING ELEVATIONS AND RENDERINGS, ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBITS “B”, “C” AND “D” RESPECTIVELY; PROVIDING FOR DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF FINE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Planning and Zoning Commission and the governing body of the City of Coppell, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas and pursuant to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Coppell, have given requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners generally, and to all persons interested and situated in the affected area and in the vicinity thereof, the said governing body is of the opinion that Zoning Application No. PD-250R26-H should be approved, and in the exercise of legislative discretion have concluded that the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map should be amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance and Map of the City of Coppell, Texas, duly passed by the governing body of the City of Coppell zoning change from PD-250R8-H (Planned Development-250 Revision 8-Historic) to PD-250R26-H (Planned Development-250 Revision 26-Historic), to approve a Detail Site Plan for a 10,215-square-foot, 2-story mixed-use CITY OF COPPELL ORDINANCE TM131114 (retail/residential) on 0.251 acres of land located at 767 W. Main St and being more particularly described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes; SECTION 2. That Planned Development-250R26-Historic shall be used and developed in accordance with the Historic District regulations except as provided herein and subject to the following development regulations: A) Except as amended herein and as provided in this Ordinance, the property shall be developed and used as provided herein in accordance with H, Historic District, as codified in Chapter 12, Article 28A of the Coppell Code of Ordinances. B) Except as amended herein and as provided in this Ordinance, the property shall be developed and used as provided herein in accordance as set forth in PD- 250R8-H, Ordinance No. 91500-A-615, which are incorporated herein as set forth in full and hereby republished and the exhibits attached hereto. C) The Director of Community Development shall have the authority to administratively approve the proposed signage for this development in accordance with planned development regulations for PD-250R8-H and the Historic District. D) The building shall have retail on the first floor and the second-floor shall be used for residential purposes only, and shall be developed, constructed and maintained in accordance with local ordinance and building codes; as provided in Exhibits “B” through “D”. SECTION 3. In addition, the Detail Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Building Elevations and Renderings set forth therein, are hereby adopted, attached hereto as Exhibits “B”, “C” and “D”, CITY OF COPPELL ORDINANCE TM131114 respectively, as development regulations; and, the Property shall be redeveloped, used and maintained in accordance with said Exhibits as adopted herein as development regulations. SECTION 4. That the above property shall be used only in the manner and for the purpose provided for by the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Coppell, as heretofore amended, and as amended herein. SECTION 5. That the development of the property herein shall be in accordance with building regulations, zoning ordinances, and any applicable ordinances except as may be specifically altered or amended herein. SECTION 6. That all provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Coppell, Texas, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed, and all other provisions not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 7. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole. SECTION 8. An offense committed before the effective date of this ordinance is governed by prior law and the provisions of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, as amended, in effect when the offense was committed and the former law is continued in effect for this purpose. SECTION 9. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Coppell, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Two Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense; and each and every day such violation shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate offense. CITY OF COPPELL ORDINANCE TM131114 SECTION 10. That this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and the publication of its caption, as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the _______ day of ___________________, 2022 APPROVED: _________________________________________ Wes Mays, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________________ ASHLEY OWENS, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: _______________________________________ ROBERT E. HAGER, City Attorney Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A Page 2 of 2 A-001THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERMIN REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, ON THIS PLOT DATE AND IS NOT TO BE USED BY AUTHORITIES HAVING JURSDICTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ISSUING CONSTRUCTION PERMITSDETAILED SITE PLANSheet Number: Scale: Drawn: Job: REVISIONSThese plans are intended to provide the basic construction information necessary tosubstantially complete this structure. These construction documents must be verified andchecked by the builder or person in authority of this project. Any discrepancy, error, and/or omissions, if any, are to be brought to the attention of the Designer prior to anyconstruction or purchases being made. It is recommended that the owner or builder obtaincomplete engineering services for: foundation, HVAC, and structural, prior to constructionof any kind. NOTE: All Federal, state, and Local codes, ordinances, and restrictions takeprecedence over any part of these construction documents which may conflict with same,and must be strictly obeyed and followed before and during construction.THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THERE USE, ARE THE PROPERTY OFWILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE TRACED, REUSED ORREPRODUCED IN ANY WAY, BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. ALL RIGHTSRESERVEDISSUE DATE:WILLIAM PECK &A S S O C I A T E S I N C.A R C H I T E C T SLewisville, Tx 972) 221-1424MIXED-USE767 WEST MAIN STREETCOPPELL, TEXAS 75019REF. PLAN M.W. 2022-08-08 FOR P&Z REVIEW 22-172-001 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111213UP22R(0'-7 5/8")21R(0'-11")1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111213UP22R(0'-7 5/8")21R(0'-11")N 12'-1 1/2"3'-0"4'-0"3'-0"10'-0"15'-0"19'-0"11'-0"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0" 8'-8"9'-0"3'-0"20'-6"2'-10"9'-0"9'-0"9'-0"2'-10"20'-6"3'-0"9'-0"8'-8" 37'-2 3/8"9'-0"22'-2 1/8"9'-0"21'-11"9'-0"6'-8 1/2"10'-0"18'-0"24'-0"COMMON ACCESS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT4'-0"5'-6"7'-0"TRAFFIC RATED BOX FDC 5' UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT WATER EASEMENT FDC EXISTING LIGHT POLE EXISTING LIGHT POLEEXISTING LIGHT POLE NEW CONCRETE PAVING VAULT FDC 8,550 SQ.FT. (0.196 ACRES) EXISTING BUILDING RETAIL 20 PARKING SPACES OR 10 DOUBLE PARKING SPACES LOT R3 BLOCK D GRASS PAVERS GRASS PAVERS COMMON AREA LOT 17R-X ALLEY N 01˚47' 53" W 89.89' S 01˚47' 53" E 89.89'N 88˚12' 07" E 95.00'N 01˚47' 53" W 90.00'N 88˚12' 07" E 95.00'S 88˚12' 07" W 95.00'S 01˚47' 53" E 90.00' WEST MAIN STREET FIRE RISER ROOM 2-CAR GARAGE 2-CAR GARAGE FRONT PORCH RESIDENTIAL ENTRY LOT R4 BLOCK D RETAIL/ RESTAURANT LOT R2 BLOCK D N 01˚47' 53" W 80.00' S 01˚47' 53" E 80.00' N 01˚47' 53" E 115.00' S 01˚47' 53" E 115.00' W RETAIL RESIDENTIAL ENTRY 10,925 SQ.FT. (0.251 ACRES)123456789101112131415UPCustom Text NEW LANDSCAPING 1 PARKING SPACE 3 PARKING SPACES NEW SIDEWALKNEW SIDEWALK NEW SIDEWALKNEW LANDSCAPINGPROPOSED LOCATION OF A/C COMP.NEW SIDEWALK3 PARKING SPACES 1 PARKING SPACE NEW LANDSCAPING LADDER TO ROOF ABOVE NEW SIDEWALK NEW LANDSCAPING NEW LANDSCAPING NEW LANDSCAPING 9 PARKING SPACES NEW SIDEWALK 2 RESIDENCE PARKING SPACE 2 RESIDENCE PARKING SPACE TYPE AREA FACTOR REQUIRED PROVIDED ON-SITE PROVIDED ON-STREET SHARED TOTAL PROVIDED RESIDENTIAL 99 TOWNHOUSE PH I - IV }+ George Unit 96 UNITS 2.5 240 212 22 234 RETAIL R3, APARTMENT 1 2.5 3 4 4 RETAIL RETAIL R1 (Tangerine Salon)5039 200 25 2 13 15 RETAIL R3 2577 200 13 5 8 13 RETAIL R4 3134 200 16 5 9 14 COTTAGE 11 (f ormer Frost Cupcakery)3826 200 19 2 3 5 COTTAGE 13 (Remainder Retail)964 200 5 SERVICE S1 2288 200 11 6 7 13 OFFICE SERVICE 25301 COTTAGE 05 1430 300 5 2 0 2 COTTAGE 06 1857 300 6 2 0 2 COTTAGE 09 1565 300 5 3 4 7 COTTAGE 10 1606 300 5 2 4 6 COTTAGE 12 2848 300 9 2 5 7 COTTAGE 14 (Pence Of f ice)1448 300 5 2 3 5 RETAIL R2 3000 300 10 9 5 14 SERVICE S2 5531 300 18 7 6 13 RETAIL R5 3974 300 13 4 8 12 GEORGE - OFFICE 2042 300 7 2 5 7 RESTAURANT 22786 LOCAL DINER 3574 100 36 35 11 46 GEORGE 3186 100 32 0 10 10 TWISTED 8026 100 80 0 13 13 RESTAURANT F2 8000 100 80 0 9 9 MEDICAL 2144 COTTAGE 13 2144 175 12 3 6 9 PAVILLION THEATER HALL 445 SEATS 1:3 149 90 53 143 BLACK BOX 175 SEATS 1:3 59 MULTI-PURPOSE-EVENT 1966 20 SHARED ON-STREET 404 404 TOTAL ALL 888 407 608 1015 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL ONLY 248 224 22 246 TOTAL COMMERCIAL ONLY 640 183 586 769 Old Town Shared Parking Tabulation EXCLUDED FROM PARKING REQUIREMENTS RETAIL R4, APARTMENTS 2 2.5 5 8 8 18041 N SCALE: 1" = 10'1 DETAILED SITE PLAN SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION MAP CODE SUMMARY USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: MERCANTILE - 3,347/60 = 56 OCCUPANTS TOTAL OCCUPANCY - 56 OCCUPANTS CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-B FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM: REQUIRED MINIMUM EXITS REQUIRED: 2 PROVIDED: 2 SITE DATA TABLE LOT-4R BLK-D 767 WEST MAIN ST. EXISTING ZONING - PD-250R8-H PROPOSED ZONING - PD-250R25-H PROPOSED USE - MIXED USE: RETAIL RESIDENTIAL AREA OF PROPOSED USE - 0.251 ACRES BUILDING AREA CALCULATIONS A/C SPACE: RETAIL - 3,134 SQ. FT. RESIDENCE - 1ST FLOOR (ENTRY) - 410 SQ. FT. 2ND FLOOR - 4,612 SQ. FT. FRONT PORCH - 665 SQ. FT. GARAGES - 960 SQ. FT. BALCONY - 378 SQ. FT. FIRE RISER ROOM - 56 SQ. FT. TOTAL BUILDING FOOTAGE -10,215 SQ. FT. BUILDING HEIGHTS (T.O. PARAPET) : 33'-11" PARKING CALCULATIONS: RESIDENCE REQUIRED - 5 SPACES PROVIDED - 4 SPACES (GARAGE) + 4 SPACE= 8 TOTAL SPACES RETAIL REQUIRED - 3,134/ 200 = 16 SPACES PROVIDED PARKING - SHARED PARKING + 5 SPACES REQUIRED TOTAL - 21 SPACES PROVIDED TOTAL - SHARED PARKING + 13 SPACES ( NOTE: SQUARE FOOTAGE FOR PARKING CALCULATIONS DOES NOT INCLUDE GARAGES OR PORCHES) PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE - 48% PD CONDITIONS: 1. THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SHALL HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTRATIVELY APROVE THE PROPOSED SIGNAGE FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR PD-250R8-H AND THE HISTORIC DISTRICT. 2. THE SECOND FLOOR RESIDENCE SHALL BE DEVELOPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL ORDINANCE AND BUILDING CODES; AMD SHALL BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY. OWNER & PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION DEVELOPER DIANA AHMAD 767 WEST MAIN ST. COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 P: 817-939-3379 ARCHITECT BILL PECK WILLIAM PECK AND ASSOC., INC. 105 WEST MAIN ST. LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 P: 972-221-1424 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CAROL FELDMAN FELDMAN DESIGN STUDIOS P.O. BOX 832346 RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75083 T: (972) 980-1730 CIVIL ENGINEER MIKE GLENN GLENN ENGINEERING 105 DECKER COURT, SUITE 910 IRVING, TEXAS 75062 P: (972) 717-5151 F: (972) 717-2176 12345678910111213UP22R(0'-7 5/8" ) 21R(0'-11" ) 12345678910111213UP22R(0'-7 5/8" ) 21R(0'-11" ) FDCEXISTING FIREHYDRANTFDCFDCCOMMON AREA LOT 17R-XALLEYALLEY47' 53" W 89.89'47' 53" E 89.89'N 88˚12' 07" E 95.00'VS 88˚12' 07" W 95.00'FIRERISERROOM2-CARGARAGE1-CARGARAGEFRONT PORCHRESIDENTIALENTRYLOT R4BLOCK DN 01˚47' 53" E 115.00'S 01˚47' 53" E 115.00'WRETAILRESIDENTIALENTRY10,925 SQ.FT. (0.251 ACRES)8,539 SQ.FT. (0.196 ACRES)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 UPCustom Text36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 1 SALVIA GREGGI 2 GULF MUHLY 3 COREOPSIS 2 PAVONIA 1 MEXICAN OREGANO 3 HINKLEY'S COLUMBINE 4 GULF MUHLY 4 GULF MUHLY 2 PAVONIA 1 MEXICAN OREGANO 3 HINKLEY'S COLUMBINE 12 LIRIOPE TURF TURF ADJACENT LANDSCAPE BERMUDA GRASS SOD PROPERTY LINE ROOT BARRIER FELDMANDESIGN STUDIOSRETAIL 4767 W MAIN STREETSHEET NO. L1.01P.O. Box 832346, Richardson, Texas 75083Mobile: 972 523-4944carol@feldmandesign.comScale: 1" = 10' PLANTING PLAN 00 10'20' DRAWING KEY PLANT LIST LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN Jurisdiction of Project Professionals Information Landscaping Requirements Irrigation Requirements Site Location ARCHITECT WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. LEWISVILLE, TEXAS 972.221.1424 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FELDMAN DESIGN STUDIOS P.O. BOX 832346, RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75083 ATTN: CAROL FELDMAN, 972-523-4944 CAROL@FELDMANDESIGN.COM SITE REGULATORY AUTHORITIES: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING & ZONING 255 PARKWAY BLVD. PO BOX 9478 COPPELL, TX 75019 972 304-7092 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION ELIMINATION OF ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS E.O. THOMPSON STATE OFFICE BUILDING 920 COLORADO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 (512) 463-3211 (512) 475-2886 (FAX) CITY OF COPPELL LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS ARTICLE 34. LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS PD REQUIREMENTS SEC. 12-34-8 MIN REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING AND VEHICULAR USE AREAS A. PROJECT IS EXEMPT BY MEETING EXEMPTION PARAGRAPH 1 ARTICLE A AND B INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS A. SCREENING OF PARKING B. SCREENING OF A/C UNITS PERIMETER LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS A. ALL TREE REQUIREMENTS MET VIA STREET LANDSCAPE NO EXISTING TREES ON SITE. UNDERGROUND AUTOMATIC SPRINKLING SYSTEM PROVIDED. SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO TCEQ LAWS AND REGULATIONS PROVIDING FOR 100% COVERAGE ON ALL LANDSCAPE AND TURF. THE SYSTEM SHALL INCLUDE A FREEZE-RAIN SENSOR.COPPELL, TEXAS OLD TOWN ADDITION12345678910111213UP22R(0'-7 5/8")21R(0'-11")12345678910111213UP22R(0'-7 5/8")21R(0'-11")FDCEXISTING FIREHYDRANTFDCFDC47' 53" E 89.89'N 88˚12' 07" E 95.00'VS 88˚12' 07" W 95.00'FIRERISERROOM2-CAR GARAGE FRONT PORCHRESIDENTIALENTRYLOT R4 BLOCK D S 01˚47' 53" E 115.00'WRETAILRESIDENTIALENTRY10,925 SQ.FT. (0.251 ACRES)8,539 SQ.FT. (0.196 ACRES)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 UPCustom Text36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 1 SALVIA GREGGI 2 GULF MUHLY 3 COREOPSIS 2 PAVONIA 1 MEXICAN OREGANO 3 HINKLEY'S COLUMBINE 4 GULF MUHLY 4 GULF MUHLY 2 PAVONIA 1 MEXICAN OREGANO 3 HINKLEY'S COLUMBINE 12 LIRIOPE TURF TURF Scale: 1" = 10' PLANTING PLAN 00 10'20'12345678910111213UP22R(0'-7 5/8" ) 21R(0'-11" ) 12345678910111213UP22R(0'-7 5/8" ) 21R(0'-11" ) FDCEXISTING FIREHYDRANTFDCFDCCOMMON AREA LOT 17R-XALLEYALLEY47' 53" W 89.89'47' 53" E 89.89'N 88˚12' 07" E 95.00'VS 88˚12' 07" W 95.00'FIRERISERROOM2-CARGARAGE1-CARGARAGEFRONT PORCHRESIDENTIALENTRYLOT R4BLOCK DN 01˚47' 53" E 115.00'S 01˚47' 53" E 115.00'WRETAILRESIDENTIALENTRY10,925 SQ.FT. (0.251 ACRES)8,539 SQ.FT. (0.196 ACRES)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 UPCustom Text36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 36 LIRIOPE 1 SAVANNAH HOLLY ROOT BARRIER, SEE DETAIL 1 SALVIA GREGGI 2 GULF MUHLY 3 COREOPSIS 2 PAVONIA 1 MEXICAN OREGANO 3 HINKLEY'S COLUMBINE 4 GULF MUHLY 4 GULF MUHLY 2 PAVONIA 1 MEXICAN OREGANO 3 HINKLEY'S COLUMBINE 12 LIRIOPE TURF TURF ADJACENT LANDSCAPE BERMUDA GRASS SOD PROPERTY LINE ROOT BARRIER FELDMANDESIGN STUDIOSRETAIL 4767 W MAIN STREETSHEET NO. L1.01P.O. Box 832346, Richardson, Texas 75083Mobile: 972 523-4944carol@feldmandesign.comScale: 1" = 10' PLANTING PLAN 00 10'20' DRAWING KEY PLANT LIST LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN Jurisdiction of Project Professionals Information Landscaping Requirements Irrigation Requirements Site Location ARCHITECT WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. LEWISVILLE, TEXAS 972.221.1424 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FELDMAN DESIGN STUDIOS P.O. BOX 832346, RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75083 ATTN: CAROL FELDMAN, 972-523-4944 CAROL@FELDMANDESIGN.COM SITE REGULATORY AUTHORITIES: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING & ZONING 255 PARKWAY BLVD. PO BOX 9478 COPPELL, TX 75019 972 304-7092 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATION ELIMINATION OF ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS E.O. THOMPSON STATE OFFICE BUILDING 920 COLORADO AUSTIN, TEXAS 78701 (512) 463-3211 (512) 475-2886 (FAX) CITY OF COPPELL LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS ARTICLE 34. LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS PD REQUIREMENTS SEC. 12-34-8 MIN REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING AND VEHICULAR USE AREAS A. PROJECT IS EXEMPT BY MEETING EXEMPTION PARAGRAPH 1 ARTICLE A AND B INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS A. SCREENING OF PARKING B. SCREENING OF A/C UNITS PERIMETER LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS A. ALL TREE REQUIREMENTS MET VIA STREET LANDSCAPE NO EXISTING TREES ON SITE. UNDERGROUND AUTOMATIC SPRINKLING SYSTEM PROVIDED. SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED ACCORDING TO TCEQ LAWS AND REGULATIONS PROVIDING FOR 100% COVERAGE ON ALL LANDSCAPE AND TURF. THE SYSTEM SHALL INCLUDE A FREEZE-RAIN SENSOR.COPPELL, TEXAS OLD TOWN ADDITIONALLEY47' 53" W 89.89'N 01˚47' 53" E 115.00'2-CAR GARAGE FORM SAUCER WITH 4" EXISTING TOPSOIL PLANT SHRUB WITH TOP OF ROOTBALL LEVEL WITH EXISTING GRADE 3" SHREDDED MULCH BACKFILL WITH ORIGINAL SOIL, WATER THOROUGHLY TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS SHRUB & ORNAMENTAL GRASS PLANTING DETAIL PLANT SHRUB WITH TOP OF ROOTBALL LEVEL WITH EXISTING GRADE 3" SHREDDED MULCH EXISTING GRADE PLANT INTO TILLED AND AMENDED SOIL NOTE: FOR ROOT-BOUND PLANTS, LOOSEN ROOTS AT OUTER EDGE PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL 1. 2. 3. 4. “ ” “” ” “” ” 2X ROOT BALL WIDTH BACKFILL WITH ORIGINAL SOIL, WATER THOROUGHLY TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS PLANT TREE WITH ROOT FLARE LEVEL WITH FINISHED GRADE CUT ROPES AT TOP OF ROOTBALL REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP AND ALL WIRE AND OTHER NON-BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL EXISTING GRADE 3" SHREDDED MULCH EXISTING SOIL TREE PLANTING FORM SAUCER WITH 4" EXISTING TOPSOIL TREE STAKE KIT, TYP. PROTECTION (HOSE COVERED WIRE) AROUND TREE TRUNK ROOT BALL TREE TRUNK NOTE: PLACE 2 TREE STAKES ON SOUTH SIDE OF ROOT BALL AND ONE TREE STAKE ON NORTH SIDE OF ROOT BALL NOTE: TREE STAKES TO BE REMOVED BY OWNER 18 MONTHS AFTER INSTALLATION. CONCRETE BACK OF CURB AT STREET, PARKING OR SIDEWALK RAMP 36" DEPTH DUAL PURPOSE ROOT AND WATER BARRIER. (CENTURY PRODUCTS USA MODEL CR-PE 3-20 OR EQUIVALENT, AS APPROVED BY OWNER.) TREE (AS PER PLAN) GROUNDCOVER OR SHRUBS (AS PER PLAN) SIDEWALK OR OTHER PAVING SOIL SET TOP OF ROOT BARRIER 1/2" BELOW TOP OF CONCRETE CURB FELDMANDESIGN STUDIOSSHEET NO. L1.02 LANDSCAPE DETAILS Scale: 1/2"= 1' TREE STAKE DETAIL Scale: Not to scale TREE PLANTING Scale: Not to scale SHRUB & ORNAMENTAL GRASS PLANTING DETAIL Scale: Not to scale PERENNIAL PLANTING DETAIL P.O. Box 832346, Richardson, Texas 75083Office: 972 980-1730 Mobile: 972 523-4944carol@feldmandesign.comRETAIL 4767 W MAIN STREETCOPPELL, TEXAS OLD TOWN ADDITIONScale: 3/8"= 1' ROOT BARRIER DETAIL A-201THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERMIN REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, ON THIS PLOT DATE AND IS NOT TO BE USED BY AUTHORITIES HAVING JURSDICTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ISSUING CONSTRUCTION PERMITSEAST & NORTH ELEVATIONSSheet Number: Scale: Drawn: Job: REVISIONSThese plans are intended to provide the basic construction information necessary tosubstantially complete this structure. These construction documents must be verified andchecked by the builder or person in authority of this project. Any discrepancy, error, and/or omissions, if any, are to be brought to the attention of the Designer prior to anyconstruction or purchases being made. It is recommended that the owner or builder obtaincomplete engineering services for: foundation, HVAC, and structural, prior to constructionof any kind. NOTE: All Federal, state, and Local codes, ordinances, and restrictions takeprecedence over any part of these construction documents which may conflict with same,and must be strictly obeyed and followed before and during construction.THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THERE USE, ARE THE PROPERTY OFWILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE TRACED, REUSED ORREPRODUCED IN ANY WAY, BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. ALL RIGHTSRESERVEDISSUE DATE:WILLIAM PECK &A S S O C I A T E S I N C.A R C H I T E C T SLewisville, Tx 972) 221-1424MIXED-USE767 WEST MAIN STREETCOPPELL, TEXAS 75019REF. PLAN M.W. 2022-07-22 FOR P&Z REVIEW 22-172-001 30'-10 3/8" 32'-3 3/8" 33'-11 1/4"33'-7 1/4" 10'-0" FROM 2ND F.F. 14'-0" 10'-0" 18'-1/2" 10'-6"10'-6"10'-6" 10'-0" AWNINIG PLATE HT. T.O. 2ND F.F. B.O. CORNICE DETAIL T.O. PARAPET T.O. CORNICE DETAIL T.O. PARAPET B.O. FLAT AWNING T.O. BRICK POST B.O. HEADER AWNINIG PLATE HT. SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #1.4 SEE NOTE #1.1 SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #14 SEE NOTE #7 SEE NOTE #6 SEE NOTE #3 SEE NOTE #4 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #5 ALIGN HEADERS ALIGN HEADERS SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #13 SEE NOTE #13 10'-6" 13'-11 3/4" 10'-0" FROM 2ND F.F. 30'-10 3/8" 32'-3 3/8" 33'-11 1/4" 28'-0" 18'-1/2" 14'-0" 33'-7 1/4" 9'-0" 10'-0" AWNINIG PLATE HT. B.O. HEADER T.O. DETAIL T.O. BRICK POST ROOF PLATE HT. B.O. CORNICE DETAIL T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. CORNICE DETAIL T.O. 2ND F.F. AWNINIG PLATE HT. AWNINIG PLATE HT. SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #3 SEE NOTE #5 SEE NOTE #6 SEE NOTE #15 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #1.1 SEE NOTE #14 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.1 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #14 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #12 SEE NOTE #7 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #11 SEE NOTE #9 SEE NOTE #1.2 ALIGN WINDOW HEADERS W/ THE EXTERIOR DOOR HEADER IN THE SAME ROOM SEE NOTE #13 ELEVATION NOTES (cont.): 7. RESIDENTIAL DOORS - MANUF.: MARVIN - COLLECTION: ELEVATE, WOOD-ULTREX - EXTERIOR FINISH: EBONY - GLASS: CLEAR 8. MAIN ROOF - EPDM ROOFING SYSTEM 9. SERVICE DOOR - DOOR & FRAME TO BE PAINTED - PAINT, SHERWIN WILLIAMS - COLOR : TO MATCH BRICK 10. GARAGE DOOR - CLOPAY / MODERN STEEL COLLECTION - DOOR DESIGN: MODERN GROOVED/SOLID - COLOR: BLACK 11. FRONT DOORS WITH SIDELIGHTS & TRANSOM - THERMA TRU - FIBER CLASIC - COLOR: TBD 12. GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS BOX-STYLE GALVALUME GUTTERS W/ GALVALUME DOWNSPOUTS - COLOR: BLACK 13. OUTDOOR LIGHT SCONE - MANUF.: DESIGNERS FOUNTAIN - SERIES: TIVERTON 16.25" - COLOR: BLACK W/ CLEAR GLASS SHADE 14. METAL WALL COPING - GAF - COLOR: SANDSTONE / A-06 15. METAL LADDER TO ROOF - COLOR: BLACK 16. HARDIEPANEL® VERTICAL SIDING - COLOR: TO MATCH BRICK NOTES: REQUIRED PER P&Z: CORNICE, 3% OF TOTAL HEIGHT OF THE BUILDING: 12 1/4" PROVIDED: CORNICE: 17"- 32 7/8" ELEVATION NOTES: 1.1. BRICK RUNNING BOND - ACME BRICK - DENTON PLANT - BLAND NAME: CEDAR VALLEY - DTP121 - TEXTURE: HERITAGE - SIZE NAME: KING SIZE 1.2. BRICK ROWLOCK BOND - ACME BRICK - PERLA EAST GATE PLANT - BLAND NAME: DOVE GRAY - PEP030 - TEXTURE: VELOUR - SIZE NAME: MODULAR 1.3. BRICK SOLDIER BOND - ACME BRICK - PERLA EAST GATE PLANT - BLAND NAME: GLACIER WHITE - PEP050 - TEXTURE: VELOUR - SIZE NAME: MODULAR 1.4. BRICK DETAILS - ACME BRICK - PERLA EAST GATE PLANT - BLAND NAME: GLACIER WHITE - PEP050 - TEXTURE: VELOUR - SIZE NAME: MODULAR 2. FLAT AWNING & TENSION RODS - COLOR : BLACK 3. STOREFRONT WINDOW - THERMAL BRAKE ALUMINUM - COLOR : BLACK ANODIZED/ CLEAR GLASS 4. STOREFRONT DOOR - THERMAL BRAKE ALUMINUM - COLOR : BLACK ANODIZED/ CLEAR GLASS 5. RESIDENTIAL WINDOW - MANUF.: MARVIN - COLLECTION: ELEVATE, WOOD-ULTREX - FIXED & CASEMENT - EXTERIOR FINISH: EBONY - GLASS: CLEAR 6. 3'-6" WROUGHT IRON RAILING - COLOR : BLACK SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 NORTH ELEVATION A-202THIS DOCUMENT IS RELEASED FOR THE PURPOSE OF INTERMIN REVIEW UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, ON THIS PLOT DATE AND IS NOT TO BE USED BY AUTHORITIES HAVING JURSDICTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF ISSUING CONSTRUCTION PERMITSSOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONSSheet Number: Scale: Drawn: Job: REVISIONSThese plans are intended to provide the basic construction information necessary tosubstantially complete this structure. These construction documents must be verified andchecked by the builder or person in authority of this project. Any discrepancy, error, and/or omissions, if any, are to be brought to the attention of the Designer prior to anyconstruction or purchases being made. It is recommended that the owner or builder obtaincomplete engineering services for: foundation, HVAC, and structural, prior to constructionof any kind. NOTE: All Federal, state, and Local codes, ordinances, and restrictions takeprecedence over any part of these construction documents which may conflict with same,and must be strictly obeyed and followed before and during construction.THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THERE USE, ARE THE PROPERTY OFWILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE TRACED, REUSED ORREPRODUCED IN ANY WAY, BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSEDWRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. ALL RIGHTSRESERVEDISSUE DATE:WILLIAM PECK &A S S O C I A T E S I N C.A R C H I T E C T SLewisville, Tx 972) 221-1424MIXED-USE767 WEST MAIN STREETCOPPELL, TEXAS 75019REF. PLAN M.W. 2022-07-22 FOR P&Z REVIEW 22-172-001 10'-0" 28'-0" 14'-0" 32'-3 3/8" 10'-0" 9'-0" 32'-3 3/8" 33'-11 1/4"33'-7 1/4" T.O. 2ND FLOOR ROOF PLATE HT. AWNINIG PLATE HT.AWNINIG PLATE HT. T.O. PARAPET AWNINIG PLATE HT. T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #14 SEE NOTE #10 SEE NOTE #14 SEE NOTE #12 SEE NOTE #5 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #8 SEE NOTE #1.1 SEE NOTE #10 SEE NOTE #9 SEE NOTE #15 SEE NOTE #16 SEE NOTE #13 SEE NOTE #13 28'-0" 14'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" 10'-6" 13'-11 3/4" 18'-1/2" 24'-0" 30'-10 3/8" 32'-3 3/8" 33'-11 1/4"33'-7 1/4" AWNINIG PLATE HT. B.O. HEADER T.O. DETAIL T.O. BRICK POST ROOF PLATE HT. B.O. CORNICE DETAIL T.O. PARAPET T.O. PARAPET T.O. CORNICE DETAIL T.O. 2ND F.F. AWNINIG PLATE HT. AWNINIG PLATE HT. ALIGN WINDOW HEADERS W/ THE EXTERIOR DOOR HEADER IN THE SAME ROOM SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #3 SEE NOTE #5 SEE NOTE #6 SEE NOTE #15 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #1.1 SEE NOTE #14 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.1 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #1.3 SEE NOTE #2 SEE NOTE #14 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #13 SEE NOTE #7 SEE NOTE #1.3SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #11 SEE NOTE #1.2 SEE NOTE #13 SEE NOTE #12 ELEVATION NOTES (cont.): 7. RESIDENTIAL DOORS - MANUF.: MARVIN - COLLECTION: ELEVATE, WOOD-ULTREX - EXTERIOR FINISH: EBONY - GLASS: CLEAR 8. MAIN ROOF - EPDM ROOFING SYSTEM 9. SERVICE DOOR - DOOR & FRAME TO BE PAINTED - PAINT, SHERWIN WILLIAMS - COLOR : TO MATCH BRICK 10. GARAGE DOOR - CLOPAY / MODERN STEEL COLLECTION - DOOR DESIGN: MODERN GROOVED/SOLID - COLOR: BLACK 11. FRONT DOORS WITH SIDELIGHTS & TRANSOM - THERMA TRU - FIBER CLASIC - COLOR: TBD 12. GUTTERS & DOWNSPOUTS BOX-STYLE GALVALUME GUTTERS W/ GALVALUME DOWNSPOUTS - COLOR: BLACK 13. OUTDOOR LIGHT SCONE - MANUF.: DESIGNERS FOUNTAIN - SERIES: TIVERTON 16.25" - COLOR: BLACK W/ CLEAR GLASS SHADE 14. METAL WALL COPING - GAF - COLOR: SANDSTONE / A-06 15. METAL LADDER TO ROOF - COLOR: BLACK 16. HARDIEPANEL® VERTICAL SIDING - COLOR: TO MATCH BRICK NOTES: REQUIRED PER P&Z: CORNICE, 3% OF TOTAL HEIGHT OF THE BUILDING: 12 1/4" PROVIDED: CORNICE: 17"- 32 7/8" ELEVATION NOTES: 1.1. BRICK RUNNING BOND - ACME BRICK - DENTON PLANT - BLAND NAME: CEDAR VALLEY - DTP121 - TEXTURE: HERITAGE - SIZE NAME: KING SIZE 1.2. BRICK ROWLOCK BOND - ACME BRICK - PERLA EAST GATE PLANT - BLAND NAME: DOVE GRAY - PEP030 - TEXTURE: VELOUR - SIZE NAME: MODULAR 1.3. BRICK SOLDIER BOND - ACME BRICK - PERLA EAST GATE PLANT - BLAND NAME: GLACIER WHITE - PEP050 - TEXTURE: VELOUR - SIZE NAME: MODULAR 1.4. BRICK DETAILS - ACME BRICK - PERLA EAST GATE PLANT - BLAND NAME: GLACIER WHITE - PEP050 - TEXTURE: VELOUR - SIZE NAME: MODULAR 2. FLAT AWNING & TENSION RODS - COLOR : BLACK 3. STOREFRONT WINDOW - THERMAL BRAKE ALUMINUM - COLOR : BLACK ANODIZED/ CLEAR GLASS 4. STOREFRONT DOOR - THERMAL BRAKE ALUMINUM - COLOR : BLACK ANODIZED/ CLEAR GLASS 5. RESIDENTIAL WINDOW - MANUF.: MARVIN - COLLECTION: ELEVATE, WOOD-ULTREX - FIXED & CASEMENT - EXTERIOR FINISH: EBONY - GLASS: CLEAR 6. 3'-6" WROUGHT IRON RAILING - COLOR : BLACK SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION These plans are intended to provide the basic construction information necessary to substantially complete this structure. These construction documents must be verified and checked by the builder or person in authority of this project. Any discrepancy, error, and/ or omissions, if any, are to be brought to the attention of the Designer prior to any construction or purchases being made. It is recommended that the owner or builder obtain complete engineering services for: foundation, HVAC, and structural, prior to construction of any kind. NOTE: All Federal, state, and Local codes, ordinances, and restrictions take precedence over any part of these construction documents which may conflict with same, and must be strictly obeyed and followed before and during construction. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THERE USE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE TRACED, REUSED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY, BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WILLIAM PECK & A S S O C I A T E S I N C. A R C H I T E C T S Lewisville, Tx (972) 221-1424 DATE : 2022-07-22 MIXED-USE 767 WEST MAIN STREET, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 OLD TOWN ADDITION LOT 4R, BLOCK D / PD-250R25-H / O,251 AC. These plans are intended to provide the basic construction information necessary to substantially complete this structure. These construction documents must be verified and checked by the builder or person in authority of this project. Any discrepancy, error, and/ or omissions, if any, are to be brought to the attention of the Designer prior to any construction or purchases being made. It is recommended that the owner or builder obtain complete engineering services for: foundation, HVAC, and structural, prior to construction of any kind. NOTE: All Federal, state, and Local codes, ordinances, and restrictions take precedence over any part of these construction documents which may conflict with same, and must be strictly obeyed and followed before and during construction. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THERE USE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE TRACED, REUSED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY, BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WILLIAM PECK & A S S O C I A T E S I N C. A R C H I T E C T S Lewisville, Tx (972) 221-1424 DATE : 2022-07-22 MIXED-USE 767 WEST MAIN STREET, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 OLD TOWN ADDITION LOT 4R, BLOCK D / PD-250R25-H / O,251 AC. These plans are intended to provide the basic construction information necessary to substantially complete this structure. These construction documents must be verified and checked by the builder or person in authority of this project. Any discrepancy, error, and/ or omissions, if any, are to be brought to the attention of the Designer prior to any construction or purchases being made. It is recommended that the owner or builder obtain complete engineering services for: foundation, HVAC, and structural, prior to construction of any kind. NOTE: All Federal, state, and Local codes, ordinances, and restrictions take precedence over any part of these construction documents which may conflict with same, and must be strictly obeyed and followed before and during construction. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THERE USE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE TRACED, REUSED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY, BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WILLIAM PECK & A S S O C I A T E S I N C. A R C H I T E C T S Lewisville, Tx (972) 221-1424 DATE : 2022-07-22 MIXED-USE 767 WEST MAIN STREET, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 OLD TOWN ADDITION LOT 4R, BLOCK D / PD-250R25-H / O,251 AC. These plans are intended to provide the basic construction information necessary to substantially complete this structure. These construction documents must be verified and checked by the builder or person in authority of this project. Any discrepancy, error, and/ or omissions, if any, are to be brought to the attention of the Designer prior to any construction or purchases being made. It is recommended that the owner or builder obtain complete engineering services for: foundation, HVAC, and structural, prior to construction of any kind. NOTE: All Federal, state, and Local codes, ordinances, and restrictions take precedence over any part of these construction documents which may conflict with same, and must be strictly obeyed and followed before and during construction. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THERE USE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE TRACED, REUSED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY, BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WILLIAM PECK & A S S O C I A T E S I N C. A R C H I T E C T S Lewisville, Tx (972) 221-1424 DATE : 2022-07-22 MIXED-USE 767 WEST MAIN STREET, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 OLD TOWN ADDITION LOT 4R, BLOCK D / PD-250R25-H / O,251 AC. These plans are intended to provide the basic construction information necessary to substantially complete this structure. These construction documents must be verified and checked by the builder or person in authority of this project. Any discrepancy, error, and/ or omissions, if any, are to be brought to the attention of the Designer prior to any construction or purchases being made. It is recommended that the owner or builder obtain complete engineering services for: foundation, HVAC, and structural, prior to construction of any kind. NOTE: All Federal, state, and Local codes, ordinances, and restrictions take precedence over any part of these construction documents which may conflict with same, and must be strictly obeyed and followed before and during construction. THESE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND THERE USE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC. AND ARE NOT TO BE TRACED, REUSED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY, BY ANY MEANS, WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF WILLIAM PECK & ASSOCIATES, INC.. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WILLIAM PECK & A S S O C I A T E S I N C. A R C H I T E C T S Lewisville, Tx (972) 221-1424 DATE : 2022-07-22 MIXED-USE 767 WEST MAIN STREET, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 OLD TOWN ADDITION LOT 4R, BLOCK D / PD-250R25-H / O,251 AC. Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6455 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6455 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: Engineering 08/11/2022File Created: Final Action: Belt Line Design CO #2File Name: Title: Consider approval of amendment #2 for the S. Belt Line Road Design Contract with Halff Associates; in the amount of $100,000; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Belt Line Supplemental Agreement #2.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6455 Title Consider approval of amendment #2 for the S. Belt Line Road Design Contract with Halff Associates; in the amount of $100,000; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents. Summary Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this Agenda item is $100,000.00 as provided for in the ¼-cent IMF Fund Balance. Staff Recommendation: The Public Works Department recommends approval. Strategic Pillar Icon: Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6455) Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Kent Collins, P.E., Director of Public Works Mike Garza, P.E., Assistant Director of Public Works Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Design Contract Services Amendment #2 for Belt Line Road Reconstruction Project / General Information: •Original design contract services approved by council to Halff Associates, Inc in 2017 for $1.226 million •Amendment #1 was in August 2020 for $95,000, for value engineering •Original scope included full pavement replacement, utility replacement and rehabilitation, landscaping, sidewalk construction, signal work, and significant traffic control and temporary paving to maintain mobility during construction. •This amendment is for additional design and coordination with adjacent property owners and additional construction administration for the remaining 10 months of construction •The value of the additional design and construction administrative services is not to exceed $100,000. Introduction: This agenda item is being presented to consider approval of Contract Amendment #2 with Halff Associates, Inc. for additional design services related to the reconstruction of Belt Line Road project in the amount of $100,000; and authorizing the City Manager to sign and execute any necessary documents. Analysis: The original scope of the Belt Line reconstruction project included the following elements: •Replacement of all existing pavement with an updated pavement section, Continuously Reinforced Pavement Section (CRCP) •Intersection enhancements to improve mobility and safety •Sidewalks, streetlights and landscaping •Replacement of the water and wastewater infrastructure to renew the lines to match the expected life of the new pavement 2 •Strategic replacement/rehabilitation of the existing storm sewer system •Signal work as needed to accommodate intersection changes and/or traffic control Amendment #1 included revisions to the original scope of services related to traffic control and the pavement section associated with value engineering. Amendment #2 includes: •Additional services related to coordination with TxDOT and the City of Irving for traffic signal and phasing changes for the intersection of 635 and S. Belt Line and accommodation of proposed improvements for IH-635; and •Coordination and design with adjacent developers to incorporate proposed changes at Airline Drive; and •Increase for construction administration services on a time and material basis given that this contract was originally executed in 2017 and did not anticipate a project life of six years. This service includes assistance with RFI (request for information) reviews, additional coordination with adjacent property owners, site visits as well as any other construction-related needs. This amendment is for an additional amount not to exceed $100,000, which brings the total design fee to $1,421,000. This fee is less than eight percent of the construction cost. Exhibit A lists the additional services and fee included in the Contract Amendment #2. Legal Review: The original contract was reviewed by the City Attorney. Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this Agenda item is $100,000 as provided for in the ¼-cent IMF Fund Balance. Recommendation: The Public Works Department recommends approval of this item. City of Coppell Page 1 of 4 Halff Associates, Inc Beltline Road (IH-635 to Southwestern) August 5, 2022 EXHIBIT “A” SCOPE OF SERVICES SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. 2 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AND HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. BELTLINE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION (IH-635 TO SOUTHWESTERN) I. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Beltline Road – IH-635 to Southwestern The project involves improvements for the reconstruction of approximately 8,450 linear feet of Beltline Road as described in the original Professional Service Agreement, dated May 23, 2017 and amended on September 9, 2020. The scope of services will be amended as shown in Task 5. II. TASK SUMMARY Task 1 –30% Construction Plans (Concept) – COMPLETE; NO CHANGES Task 2 – 70% Construction Plans (Preliminary) – COMPLETE; NO CHANGES Task 3 – 90% Construction Plans (Final) – COMPLETE; NO CHANGES Task 4 – 100% Construction Plans (Bid Set) – COMPLETE; NO CHANGES Task 5 – Construction Administration (HOURLY – TIME AND MATERIALS TASK) This supplemental agreement increases the Time and Materials budget for Construction Administration (CA) services. The following services are expected to be performed as part of the CA services for this project: • Construction Administration Services: Engineer will continue to provide CA services for the project. CA services include submittal and RFI reviews, coordination with the Owner’s Representative and site visits. • Field and office work necessary to revise easement and ROW acquisition documents for the project. (The work associated with updating the easement and ROW documents is complete.) • Belt Line / I-635 Signal Changes: revise traffic-signals plans to incorporate City of Irving conduit layouts into this project and revise the paving plans to incorporate changes to the eastern median and curb ramps at this intersection. • Belt Line / I-635 Median Changes: revise the paving, grading and drainage plans to address TxDOT comments related to the paving and median configuration at this intersection. City of Coppell Page 2 of 4 Halff Associates, Inc Beltline Road (IH-635 to Southwestern) August 5, 2022 • Belt Line / Airline Drive Changes: revise the paving, grading, drainage, and traffic-signal plans near Airline Drive to accommodate planned improvements in this area. Coordination effort with the City and other consultants is included for this revision. Task 6 – Right of Way Documents – COMPLETE; NO CHANGES Task 7 – Traffic Engineering – COMPLETE; NO CHANGES Task 8 – Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) and Franchise Utility Conflict Analysis – COMPLETE; NO CHANGES Task 9 – Landscape and Irrigation Design – COMPLETE; NO CHANGES III. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Any items requested that are not outlined in the above scope will be considered additional services and will be provided as requested and authorized by City of Coppell. Halff Associates Inc. can provide the following services; however, these services are excluded from the scope of this agreement: • Changes to plans due to City design criteria changes after the 70% plan review and notice to proceed on the 90% plans. • Submittal, Review, Platting, and Permitting Fees or other Fees associated with adjacent commercial and/or residential development. • Franchise utility infrastructure design. • Legal Descriptions for vacation of utility easements and/or ROW. • Right-of-Way appraisal and acquisition services. • Construction Inspection and Resident Engineering services. • Construction Material Testing services. • CLOMR/LOMR studies and/or applications and field survey for as-built verification. • Individual Section 404 Permitting and site specific mitigation plans. • Preparation of Construction related SWPPP, NOI, NOT, etc. • Construction layout staking. • Hazardous material site assessment. • Conduct traffic counts or LOS analyses at any intersection/driveway beyond those specified in the scope. • Development of signal timing plans for the intersections. • Items not specifically included in the Scope of Services. City of Coppell Page 3 of 4 Halff Associates, Inc Beltline Road (IH-635 to Southwestern) August 5, 2022 COMPENSATION SCHEDULE SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT No. 2 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AND HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. BELTLINE ROAD RECONSTRUCTION (IH-635 TO SOUTHWESTERN) I. REVISED COMPENSATION SCHEDULE – BELTLINE ROAD Task Completion Schedule SA No. 2 Compensation Total Compensation including SA No. 2 Notice-to-Proceed May 2017 Task 1 – 30% Construction Plans October 2017 $0.00 $371,000 Task 2 – 70% Construction Plans October 2020 $0.00 $299,500 Task 3 – 90% Construction Plans January 2021 $0.00 $183,000 Task 4 – 100% Construction Plans March 2021 $0.00 $68,000 Task 5 – Construction Administration July 2023 $100,000 $172,300 Task 5 – Record Drawings Completion of Construction $0.00 $0.00 Task 6 – Right of Way Documents October 2018 $0.00 $64,500 Task 7 – Traffic Engineering See Tasks 1-4 $0.00 $132,700 Task 8 – SUE and Franchise Utility Conflict Analysis See Tasks 1-2 $0.00 $71,000 Task 9 – Landscape and Irrigation See Tasks 1-4 $0.00 $59,000 Total Compensation $100,000 $1,421,000 City of Coppell Page 4 of 4 Halff Associates, Inc Beltline Road (IH-635 to Southwestern) August 5, 2022 II. REVISED COMPENSATION SUMMARY – BELTLINE ROAD Basic Services (Lump Sum) Amount Task 1 – 30% Construction Plans $371,000 Task 2 – 70% Construction Plans $299,500 Task 3 – 90% Construction Plans $183,000 Task 4 – 100% Construction Plans $68,000 Task 7 – Traffic Engineering $132,700 Task 9 – Landscape and Irrigation $59,000 Total Basic Services: $1,113,200 Special Services (Hourly Not-to-Exceed) Amount Task 5 – Construction Administration & Record Drawings $172,300 Task 6 – Right of Way Documents $64,500 Task 8 – SUE and Franchise Utility Conflict Analysis $71,000 Total Special Services: $307,800 Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6504 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6504 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Secretary 09/02/2022File Created: Final Action: Dallas Co election contractFile Name: Title: Consider approval of an election services contract with Dallas County to conduct a Joint Election on November 8, 2022; in an amount not to exceed $70,279.53; and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Estimated Cost_Coppell.pdf, Joint Election Services Contract.pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6504 Title Consider approval of an election services contract with Dallas County to conduct a Joint Election on November 8, 2022; in an amount not to exceed $70,279.53; and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Summary Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this Agenda item is $70,279.53, as budgeted in the City Secretary’s Office budget. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6504) Strategic Pillar Icon: Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Ashley Owens, City Secretary Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Consider approval of an election services contract with Dallas County to conduct a Joint Election on November 8, 2022; in the amount of $70,279.53 as budgeted; and authorizing the City Manager to execute any necessary documents. Introduction: In 2019, Dallas County Elections Department implemented the use of Vote Centers. These countywide polling places allow for voters who reside in the county to vote at any of the polling places in the county. Additionally, Dallas County revised their method of calculating the cost of an election that is based on registered voter count. The formula takes the total cost of the election, calculated by Dallas County, and multiplies that number by the percentage of registered voters in the entity’s territory within the county. On August 26, 2022, Dallas County held their Entities Meeting with all participating entities. Staff received the cost estimate that is attached to this agenda item on August 30, 2022. City Council approved a Resolution in July ordering a Special Election to consider two propositions on November 8, 2022. Proposition A is to consider whether or not to continue the adoption of one- fourth of one percent sales and use tax to provide for revenue for maintenance and repair of municipal streets for a four (4) year period. Proposition B is to consider whether or not to continue the adoption of one-fourth of one percent sales and use tax for crime reduction programs for a ten (10) year period. Analysis: Dallas County is estimating the cost to Coppell at $70,279.53. This does not include the cost associated with Denton County. As of the posting of this agenda, staff has not received a cost estimate from Denton County. To reach the amount listed in the attached Cost Sheet, divide the number of registered voters in Coppell (27,835) by the total number of registered voters in Dallas County (2,231,434) which equals 2 0.0124740414. Multiply that number by the total cost of the election ($5,121,874.99), which equals $63,890.48. As authorized by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code, Dallas County charges a 10% fee of the entities’ cost ($63,890.48) for administering the election. Coppell’s total cost is $70,279.53. Legal Review: The contract has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this Agenda item is $70,279.53, as budgeted in the City Secretary’s Office budget. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. TOTAL COCp 2,231,434 27,835 9 Entities $2.30 $2.30 52 EV Locations (Including 4 Mega Sites)$5,121,874.99 $63,890.48 469 ED Vote Centers 100%1.25% TOTAL COCp $5,121,874.99 $63,890.48 $0.00 $189,736.25 $6,389.05 $5,311,611.23 $70,279.53 $2.38 $2.38 $0.00 $0.00 (Overpaid)/Underpaid $5,311,611.23 $70,279.53 Total Cost Cost Per Registered Voter (w. ESF) Amount of Deposit Election Services Fee (ESF) NOVEMBER 08, 2022 ELECTION ESTIMATED COST INVOICE Subject to Change Registered Voter Split EXHIBIT - A Cost Per Registered Voter (w/o ESF) Total Number of Registered Voters Total Cost % of Units Election Total Exceptional Cost Dallas County Elections Department 1520 Round Table Drive Dallas. Texas 75247 Page 1 of 3 EXP. CODE EARLY VOTING UNITS UNIT COST ESTIMATED COCp POSTAGE 2180 Mail Ballot Kits (AC)60,000 $2.53 $151,800.00 $1,893.56 2170 Postage Ballots Mailed 60,000 $1.60 $96,000.00 $1,197.51 2170 Postage for Defect Carrier Envelope 1,200 $1.56 $1,872.00 $23.35 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7040 EV Model DS200 (Tabulator/Scanner)56 $464.10 $25,989.60 $324.20 7040 EV ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device (BMD)400 $295.00 $118,000.00 $1,471.94 7040 EV ExpressVote (ADA) w. Stand 52 $435.00 $22,620.00 $282.16 7040 EV EPB Printer 252 $62.00 $15,624.00 $194.89 7040 EV Election Supply Cart (ESC)104 $199.80 $20,779.20 $259.20 7050 EV Van / Car Rental $15,000.00 $187.11 7213 Cradlepoint / Cellphones $6,731.00 $83.96 RENTAL BUILDINGS 7010 Building Rental $100,000.00 $1,247.40 PERSONNEL 1020 EV Election Department FT (OT Reg.)$800.00 $9.98 1050 EV Election Department FT (OT)$20,000.00 $249.48 1050 EV Building Security (OT)$2,000.00 $24.95 1050 EV Election Department FT - Central Count (OT)$1,200.00 $14.97 1050 EV Election Department FT - Warehouse (OT)$5,500.00 $68.61 1050 EV Clerks (OT) 56 Hrs 304 $23.30 $396,574.08 $4,946.88 1050 EV Judges (OT) 56 Hrs 52 $26.54 $77,269.92 $963.87 1050 EV Techs (OT) 49 Hrs 8 $26.54 $10,401.72 $129.75 1050 EV Ballot Board Committee (OT)5 $30.00 $750.00 $9.36 1050 EV Signature Verification Committee (OT)7 $30.00 $1,050.00 $13.10 1050 EV Ballot Board Judge (OT) 12 days $30.00 $150.00 $1.87 1050 EV Signature Verification Supervisor (OT) 12 days $30.00 $150.00 $1.87 1050 EV Training Trainers (OT)6 $27.54 $8,096.76 $101.00 1050 EV Election Department PT (OT)$21,000.00 $261.95 1060 EV Clerks (ST) (Includes Training 3 Hrs)304 $15.53 $391,852.96 $4,887.99 1060 EV Judges (ST) (Includes Training 5 Hrs)52 $17.69 $78,189.80 $975.34 1060 EV Judges Delivery (Can Money) 52 $25.00 $1,300.00 $16.22 1060 EV Techs (ST)8 $17.69 $11,321.60 $141.23 1060 EV Ballot Board Committee (ST)15 $20.00 $24,000.00 $299.38 1060 EV Signature Verification Committee (ST)7 $20.00 $11,200.00 $139.71 1060 EV Ballot Board Judge (ST) 12 days $20.00 $1,600.00 $19.96 1060 EV Signature Verification Supervisor (ST) 12 days $20.00 $1,600.00 $19.96 1060 EV Training Trainers (ST)6 $18.36 $8,812.80 $109.93 1060 EV Election Department PT (ST)$15,000.00 $187.11 1111 EV FICA 6.2%$1,829.00 $22.82 1112 EV Medicare 1.45%$427.75 $5.34 1113 EV PARS 1.3%$13,784.16 $171.94 1150 EV Retirement Chargeback 13.93%$4,109.35 $51.26 5590 EV Temp. Employees $100,000.00 $1,247.40 SUPPLY EXPENSE 2180 Official Ballot Report 52 $7.53 $391.56 $4.88 2180 Sample Ballots Handout (8.5x11)20,000 $0.245 $4,900.00 $61.12 2180 Sample Ballots Posting (11x17)52 $0.155 $8.06 $0.10 2180 List of Declared Write-In 850 $0.03 $22.95 $0.29 2180 Official ExpressVote Ballots 500,000 $0.13 $62,500.00 $779.63 2880 Supplies for Early Voting $2,500.00 $31.19 2180 Judges Kits 52 $80.00 $4,160.00 $51.89 SERVICE EXPENSE 2013 Legal Notice $20,000.00 $249.48 5590 ES&S EV Support 15 $1,795.00 $26,925.00 $335.86 5590 GTS IT Services (Avg. 40 hrs ST & 15 hrs OT)22 $35.00 $48,125.00 $600.31 5590 EV Polling Location Change Cards $5,000.00 $62.37 PREPARATION AND TRANSPORTATION OF VOTING EQUIPMENT 2910 Equipment Delivery and Pickup Warehouse 104 $45.00 $4,680.00 $58.38 MILEAGE / FUEL 3095 Fuel $1,000.00 $12.47 EARLY VOTING TOTAL $1,964,598.27 $24,506.48 Misc./Forms/Binders Various Various Various Various Various Various Tech. - Regional Sites - Polling Locations Various Locations Various Temp. Agencies Mini-Vans (Techs) Various Page 2 of 3 EXP. CODE Election Day UNITS UNIT COST ESTIMATED COCp EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7040 ED Model DS200 (Tabulator/Scanner)469 $464.10 $217,662.90 $2,715.14 7040 ED ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device (BMD)2,800 $295.00 $826,000.00 $10,303.56 7040 EV ExpressVote (ADA) w. Stand 469 $435.00 $204,015.00 $2,544.89 7040 ED EPB Printer 2,300 $62.00 $142,600.00 $1,778.80 7040 ED Election Supply Carts (ESC)469 $199.80 $93,706.20 $1,168.90 7050 ED Truck Rental/Van Rental $17,000.00 $212.06 7213 ED Cradlepoint / Cellphones $60,033.00 $748.85 RENTAL BUILDINGS 7010 Location Rental Various Locations $80,000.00 $997.92 PERSONNEL 1020 ED Traffic Control Officers (ST)$15,000.00 $187.11 1020 ED Regional Site Support (ST) 5hrs 80 $20.00 $8,000.00 $99.79 1020 ED Emergency Contract Response (ST) 25hrs 100 $20.00 $50,000.00 $623.70 1020 ED Phone Bank (ST) 15hrs + Training 6hrs 30 $25.00 $15,750.00 $196.47 1020 ED Clerks 15hrs + Training 3hrs 2,500 $16.00 $720,000.00 $8,981.31 1020 ED Judges 15hrs + Training 5hrs 469 $20.00 $187,600.00 $2,340.13 1020 ED Judges Delivery (Can Money) 469 $25.00 $11,725.00 $146.26 1020 ED Techs (ST) 15hrs 25 $25.00 $9,375.00 $116.94 1020 ED S.U.A.T (ST) 3hrs + Training 3hrs 50 $20.00 $6,000.00 $74.84 1020 ED Inspectors (ST) 15hrs + Training 6hrs 40 $25.00 $21,000.00 $261.95 1020 ED Election Department FT (OT Reg.) $3,000.00 $37.42 1020 ED Building Security (ST)$400.00 $4.99 1020 ED County Employees (ST)$700.00 $8.73 1020 ED Sheriff Deputies (ST)$7,000.00 $87.32 1050 ED Election Department FT (OT)$35,000.00 $436.59 1050 ED Building Security (OT)$4,000.00 $49.90 1050 ED County Employees (OT)$4,000.00 $49.90 1050 ED Sheriff Deputies (OT)$45,700.00 $570.06 1050 ED Election Department PT (OT)$12,000.00 $149.69 1060 ED Election Department PT (OT Reg.)$10,000.00 $124.74 1111 ED FICA 6.2%$6,187.60 $77.18 1112 ED Medicare 1.45%$1,447.10 $18.05 1113 ED PARS 1.3%$286.00 $3.57 1150 ED Retirement Chargeback 13.93%$13,902.14 $173.42 5590 ED Temp. Employees $100,000.00 $1,247.40 SUPPLY EXPENSE 2180 Official ExpressVote Ballots 400,000 $0.145 $58,000.00 $723.49 2180 Sample Ballots Handout (8.5x11)12,000 $0.245 $2,940.00 $36.67 2180 Sample Ballots Posting (11x17)938 $0.155 $145.39 $1.81 2180 Official Ballot Report 469 $2.31 $1,083.39 $13.51 2180 Blank Official Ballot & Seal Certificate 30 $6.35 $190.50 $2.38 2880 Supplies for Election Day $2,500.00 $31.19 2180 ED Judge Kit 469 $80.00 $37,520.00 $468.03 SERVICE EXPENSE 5590 ES&S ED Support 9 $1,795.00 $16,155.00 $201.52 5590 ROBIS (ED Support)3 $2,845.00 $8,535.00 $106.47 5590 GTS IT Services 22 $35.00 $11,550.00 $144.08 5590 PrintMailPro for ED $15,000.00 $187.11 PREPARATION & TRANSPORTATION OF VOTING EQUIPMENT 2910 Atlantic Delivery and Pick-up 888 $75.00 $66,600.00 $830.77 2910 Delivery and Pick-up (Warehouse) 50 $45.00 $2,250.00 $28.07 MILEAGE / FUEL 1080 Mileage for Deputies 5,500 $0.585 $3,217.50 $40.14 3095 Fuel $2,500.00 $31.19 ELECTION DAY TOTAL $3,157,276.72 $39,384.00 Tech Cars and Trucks Various Misc./Forms/Binders Runners /Regional Sites Tech. - Regional Sites - Polling Locations Various Temp. Agencies Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Page 3 of 3 November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 1 of 20 ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT (“Election Services Contract” or “Contract”) BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY ON BEHALF OF THE DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR AND City of Carrollton City of Coppell City of Dallas City of Glenn Heights City of Hutchins City of Sachse Cedar Hill ISD Ferris ISD Mesquite ISD Sunnyvale ISD November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 2 of 20 FOR THE CONDUCT OF A GENERAL JOINT ELECTION TO BE HELD SATURDAY, November 8, 2022 TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE DALLAS COUNTY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT 1) STATUTORY AUTHORITY FOR AND PARTIES TO THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT a) Michael Scarpello is the duly appointed County Elections Administrator (“Elections Administrator”) of Dallas County, Texas (“County”) and the Department Head of the Dallas County Elections Department (“DCED”). As such, Michael Scarpello is the County’s Voter Registrar and the Election Officer of Dallas County, Texas and is authorized by Subchapter D of Chapter 31 of Title 3 and Chapter 271 of Title 16 of the Texas Election Code upon approval of the Dallas County Commissioners Court to enter into this Election Services Contract (“Election Services Contract” or “Contract”) with the contracting authorities of the Participating Political Subdivisions listed in “Attachment F” of this Election Services Contract. DCED acts at the direction of the Elections Administrator. The County Elections Administrator, DCED, and the Participating Political Subdivisions together may be referred to collectively as “Parties” or individually as “Party.” b) The contracting authorities of the Participating Political Subdivisions that are participating in this Election Services Contract are listed on the face page of this agreement and in “Attachment F” of this Election Services Contract and are hereby participating with each other in this General Joint Election to be held in Dallas County, Texas on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022 under Chapter 271 of Title 16 of the Texas Election Code (“Joint Election”); and are hereby contracting with the Elections Administrator of Dallas County, Texas to perform the election services set forth in this Election Services Contract under Subchapter D of Chapter 31 of Title 3 of the Texas Election Code. The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that they are participating in this Joint Election with each other to the extent that they have candidates and/or propositions on the ballot in this Joint Election. The terms and conditions of this Elections Services Contract also apply to any run-off election or re-count related to this Joint Election, unless otherwise agreed in writing. c) The Elections Administrator will coordinate, supervise, and handle all aspects of administering this Joint Election in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and as outlined in this Election Services Contract. Each contracting authority of each Participating Political Subdivision will pay its share of the Election Costs to the Elections Administrator for the equipment, supplies, services, and administrative costs outlined in this Election Services Contract. The Elections Administrator will administer the election; however, each Participating Political Subdivision will be responsible for the duties directly administered by the Participating Political Subdivision. Pursuant to Texas Election Code §§ 31.093, and 31.098, the Elections Administrator may enter into a contract to furnish the election services requested within this Election Services Contract. d) If applicable and in the event a runoff election is necessary, the date of the runoff for this November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 3 of 20 Joint election would be December 13, 2022(“Joint Runoff Election”). This Elections Services Contract and its terms will be automatically extended to cover the Joint Runoff Election, unless a Participating Political Subdivision states in writing on or before November, 23, 2022 that it does not wish to participate in a Joint Runoff Election contemplated herein. DCED will provide each Participating Political Subdivision to which this Section 1(d) applies an estimated cost based on the formula in Section 10 (b), and such estimated costs will paid in accordance with Section 10(e) (“Joint Runoff Fees”). e) In the event of a recount and upon a Participating Political Subdivision’s written request, the DCED will provide assistance for a recount to the extent permitted and in accordance with Title 13 of the Texas Election Code (“Recount(s)”). The Participating Political Subdivisions requesting a Recount shall deposit with DCED the deposit received by the candidate requesting the Recount. DCED will bill each Participating Political Subdivision for providing assistance for any Recounts, and such costs will be in accordance with the allowable costs under the Texas Election Code (“Recount Fees”). Recount Fees will be paid by the Participating Political Subdivisions in accordance with Section 10 (e).. 2) ATTACHMENTS The following attachments are hereby incorporated into this Election Services Contract as if set forth herein in their entirety. The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that the following attachments are subject to reasonable changes by the Dallas County Elections Administrator before, during, and after Election Day and any runoff election(s), if any runoff election(s) are required by law to be held. a) “Attachment A” is an itemized list of the estimated election expenses for this Joint Election and the amounts that each Participating Political Subdivision must deposit with the Dallas County Elections Department. It also includes the Deposit Detail for each entity. The Elections Administrator will amend “Attachment A” to reflect the changing estimates of election expenses that are caused by changing circumstances and by the withdrawal of Participating Political Subdivision(s), if any, from this Election Services Contract. b) “Attachment B” is a list of the early voting polling places for this Joint Election. (“early voting vote center(s), or “early voting polling place(s)” c) “Attachment C” is a list of the Election Day Countywide polling places (“vote center(s)”) for this Joint Election. d) “Attachment D” is a list of the people that the Dallas County Elections Administrator will appoint as deputy early voting clerks for this Joint Election. e) “Attachment E” is a list of the presiding election judges and alternate election judges for Election Day for this Joint Election. f) “Attachment F” is a list of the Participating Political Subdivisions that will be holding elections in Dallas County election precincts and sub-precincts and the number of November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 4 of 20 registered voters in each of those election precincts or partial election precincts. “Attachment F” will be amended if any of the Participating Political Subdivisions withdraw from this Election Services Contract. “Attachment F” will be amended to reflect the number of registered voters in each election precinct and sub-precinct as of the statutory deadline of October 14, 2022 for voters to submit applications to register to vote or changes of address in this Joint Election. g) “Attachment G” is a list of the Participating Political Subdivisions & Ballot Details h) “Attachment H” will contain, for each Participating Political Subdivision, the full name of the person serving as a point of contact, the physical address, the mailing address, a facsimile number, and an email address. “Attachment H” will be amended if any of the Participating Political Subdivisions withdraw from this Election Services Contract. i) Within five (5) business days after any of the foregoing attachments are amended by the Elections Administrator, the Elections Administrator will send each Participating Political Subdivision an amended version of the amended attachment by email to the email address provided by each Participating Political Subdivision in “Attachment H.” 3) LEGAL DOCUMENTS a) Each Participating Political Subdivision will prepare, adopt, and publish all legally required election orders, resolutions, notices, and other documents that are required by, or of, their governing bodies. Each Participating Political Subdivision must send the Elections Administrator a copy of any election order, resolution, or notice related to this Joint Election within three (3) business days of publishing, adopting, or ordering it. Such documents can be sent to the attention of: Michael Scarpello, Elections Administrator at 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247; or, emailed to DCECommunications@dallascounty.org, with a copy sent to Michael.Scarpello@dallascounty.org on all communications related to legal documents and questions regarding this election. b) Each Participating Political Subdivision is responsible for having its own election orders, resolutions, notices, or official ballot wording translated into the Spanish and Vietnamese languages. November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 5 of 20 4) VOTING SYSTEMS a) Each Participating Political Subdivision agrees that, during this Joint Election, voters will cast their ballots on the following voting systems, that are approved by the Texas Secretary of State in accordance with the Texas Election Code and the Texas Administrative Code: the ES&S ExpressVote Universal Voting System Ballot Marking Devices (“BMD(s)”), and the ES&S DS200 Digital Vote Center Scanner (“Tabulators”). Each of these systems are accessible to voters with physical disabilities. On TBD, beginning at 10:00 A.M., until completed, at the County Elections Department at 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247, the Elections Administrator will test the BMDs and Tabulators used for counting ballots at the central counting station. At least 48 hours before the date and hour of each test, the Elections Administrator will publish a newspaper notice with the date, hour, and place of the testing. b) The Elections Administrator will provide Electronic Poll Books, BMDs, Tabulators, and any other necessary equipment for this Joint Election. For Early Voting and on Election Day, the Elections Administrator will allocate voting equipment to the vote centers in amounts reasonably sufficient for the anticipated turnout of voters. c) The itemized list of the estimated election expenses for this Joint Election are in “Attachment A,” which includes, but may not be limited to the number of Electronic Poll Books, BMDs, Tabulators, and any other necessary equipment. 5) POLLING PLACES/VOTE CENTERS a) The Elections Administrator will select and arrange for the use of and payment for all of the early voting vote centers listed in “Attachment B” and the Election Day vote centers listed in “Attachment C”. Vote centers identified in Attachments “B” and “C” cannot be changed by a Participating Political Subdivision, but the Elections Administrator may consider changes requested by a Participating Political Subdivision. Any changes to vote centers are subject to the procedures outlined in Section 43.007 of the Texas Election Code. The Elections Administrator will finalize the vote centers as soon as possible before this joint election. b) Whenever possible, previously used vote centers that voters are accustomed to using will be used in this Joint Election; however, the Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge that sometimes previously used vote centers are not available or appropriate for every election. Accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act is an important consideration for all vote centers in this Joint Election. c) In accordance with Section 43.007(o) of the Texas Election Code, the Elections Administrator will post a notice at each vote center of the four nearest vote centers by driving distance. The Participating Political Subdivisions shall be responsible for any notices required under Section 43.062 of the Texas Election Code. 6) PRESIDING ELECTION JUDGES, ALTERNATE PRESIDING ELECTION JUDGES, ELECTION CLERKS, AND OTHER ELECTION DAY PERSONNEL a) In accordance with Sections 32.002 and 32.005 of the Texas Election Code, the Parties are November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 6 of 20 responsible for the appointment of the presiding election judges and alternate election judges listed in “Attachment E” for each vote center listed in “Attachment C” subject to the eligibility requirement found in the Texas Election Code Subchapter C, Chapter 32 and Subchapter A, Chapter 83. The Parties acknowledge that approval of this Election Services Contract by the Participating Political Subdivisions shall constitute approval and appointment of the Judges and Alternate Judges listed in “Attachment E” by the Participating Political Subdivisions. The Elections Administrator will be responsible for the administration of the election judges listed in “Attachment E”. b) In accordance with Section 32.007 of the Texas Election Code, if a person appointed as a presiding election judge or alternate election judge becomes ineligible to serve as such in this Joint Election, and the presiding officer of the appointing authority is unavailable, then the Election Administrator will name a replacement presiding election judge or alternate election judge, amend “Attachment E” accordingly, and send each Participating Political Subdivision the final amended “Attachment E” by email no later than November 9, 2022. c) In accordance with Section 32.007 of the Texas Election Code if a person is unable or unwilling to serve as a presiding election judge or an alternate election judge, and the presiding officer of the appointing authority is unavailable, then the Elections Administrator will name a replacement presiding election judge or alternate presiding judge and send each Participating Political Subdivision the final amended “Attachment E” by email no later than November 9, 2022. d) The Elections Administrator will provide county training programs and applicable notice of such training programs, in keeping with Section 32.114 of the Texas Election Code, for all of the presiding election judges, alternate election judges, and election clerks for this Joint Election. Pursuant to Section 32.114(b), the training programs will be open to the public free of charge. e) To serve in this Joint Election, each presiding election judge and alternate election judge must have attended either an online or in-person training class which includes information regarding recent law changes, court rulings, Voter ID laws, Poll Watcher rules, Election Equipment, election procedures, and COVID-19 safety procedures. New judges and election clerks must attend an in-person training class. f) The Elections Administrator will notify the Participating Political Subdivisions by email and post on the DCED’s website the dates, times, and locations of training classes for both Early Voting and Election Day Workers. g) To comply with the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, vote centers are required to have interpreter assistance. If a presiding election judge of such a vote center is not bilingual and is unable to hire a bilingual election clerk, the Elections Administrator may recommend an individual to provide interpreter assistance. In the event that a bilingual election clerk is hired by the Elections Administrator for a vote center required to have interpreter assistance, the bilingual clerk will be paid according to a rate set by the Elections Administrator. The Elections Administrator will charge that expense to the November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 7 of 20 funds deposited with the Dallas County Elections Department for the conduct of the elections listed in this Election Services Contract. A Participating Political Subdivision may pay more money to a bilingual clerk than the rate set by the Elections Administrator, however that expense will be borne by that Participating Political Subdivision individually and that extra expense will not be charged to the funds deposited with the Dallas County Elections Department for the conduct of the elections listed in this Election Services Contract. h) The Elections Administrator will notify all presiding election judges and alternate election judges about the eligibility requirements of Subchapter C of Chapter 32 of Title 3 of the Texas Election Code and Section 271.005 of the Texas Election Code. The Elections Administrator will take the necessary steps to ensure that all of the presiding election judges, and alternate election judges appointed to serve during this Joint Election are eligible to serve and qualified to serve in this Joint Election. Under Section 32.031 of the Texas Election Code, the presiding election judge for each vote center shall appoint the election clerks to assist the presiding election judge in the conduct of the election at the vote center served by the presiding election judge on Election Day. i) The presiding election judges are responsible for picking up election supplies at the time and place determined by the Elections Administrator, which will be set forth in the letter to the presiding election judges requesting service for this election. Payments for the presiding election judge will be specified in “Attachment A.” j) DCED will pay all election workers for attending a training class and such expense will be billed to the Participating Political Subdivisions and included in “Attachment A”. k) The Elections Administrator will employ and or contract for other personnel necessary for the proper administration of the election, including such part-time help as is necessary to prepare for the election, to ensure the timely delivery of services, supplies, assistance, and equipment, during the period of Early Voting and on Election Day, and for the efficient tabulation of ballots at the central counting station. 7) SUPPLIES AND PRINTING a) The Elections Administrator will obtain and distribute all of the election supplies and election printing necessary for this Joint Election, including, but not limited to, all forms, signs, and other materials used by the presiding election judges and clerks at the vote centers. b) The Elections Administrator will provide if necessary, instructions, and other information that the presiding election judges need to conduct this Joint Election. c) Each Participating Political Subdivision must deliver a list to the Elections Administrator of candidates and propositions for their elections. The list must be in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. The list must include the ballot positions for the candidates and the propositions. The list must include the correct spelling of each candidate’s name and the precise wording of all the propositions. The Elections Administrator will email each Participating Political Subdivision a form for their use to create the required list. As soon November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 8 of 20 as possible after each Participating Political Subdivision has determined its ballot positions for the candidates and propositions in its election, the Participating Political Subdivision must email the completed form to the Elections Administrator. The Elections Administrator will use the forms received from the Participating Political Subdivisions to create the ballot styles for this Joint Election. The Elections Administrator will deliver the proposed ballots to the Participating Political Subdivisions for approval. Each Participating Political Subdivision will be responsible for proofreading the proposed ballots and notifying the Elections Administrator of any corrections that are required for their particular ballots. The Elections Administrator is responsible for implementing the corrections made by the Participating Political Subdivisions to their ballots and then producing the ballots for this Joint Election. 8) OPTICAL SCAN CARD BALLOTS a) The Elections Administrator will supply a sufficient number of ballots to assure that there will be more than enough ballots for the expected turnout for the Joint Election. The ballots will be allocated based on an analysis of voter turnout for comparable elections at each vote center. b) Ballot usage shall be monitored by the Elections Administrator on an hourly and daily basis during early voting and on Election Day and additional ballots will be allocated if necessary. 9) RETURNS OF ELECTIONS a) The County and the Elections Administrator will establish a central counting station to receive and tabulate ballots cast in this Joint Election under Chapter 127 of Title 8 of the Texas Election Code. The Participating Political Subdivisions will designate the central counting station established by the County and Elections Administrator in accordance with Section 127.001(b) of the Texas Election Code. b) The County and the Elections Administrator hereby, in accordance with Sections 127.002, 127.003 and 127.005 of the Texas Election Code, appoint the following central counting station officials: Central Count Station Manager: Michael Scarpello, Dallas County Elections Administrator Tabulation Supervisor: Danielle Grant, Central Count Station Manager Assistant Tabulation Supervisor: Angelica Munoz Central Count Station Lead Clerk The Parties hereby, in accordance with Sections 127.005 of the Texas Election Code, appoint the following central counting station officials: November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 9 of 20 Presiding Judge: TBD, Appointed by the Parties Alternate Presiding Judge: TBD, Appointed by the Parties The Parties acknowledge that approval of this Election Services Contract by the Participating Political Subdivisions shall constitute approval and appointment of the Presiding and Alternate Presiding Judge for the central counting station. c) The Central Count Station Manager or their representative will deliver timely, cumulative reports of the election results as vote centers are tabulated. The Central Count Station Manager will be responsible for releasing cumulative totals and vote center election returns from the election to the Participating Political Subdivisions, candidates, press, and the general public by the distribution of hard copies or electronic transmittals (where accessible). The Elections Administrator will operate an election result center to release election results in the Dallas County Elections Operations Facility, 1520 Round Table Dr., Dallas, Texas 75247. d) The Elections Administrator will link any Participating Political Subdivision’s website to DCED’s website. Participating Political Subdivisions that want such website linkage should deliver their website address to the Tabulation Supervisor at DCED. e) The Elections Administrator will prepare the unofficial canvass report after the results from all vote centers have been counted and will email a copy of the unofficial canvass to each Participating Political Subdivision as soon as possible after all returns, provisional ballots, and late overseas ballots have been tabulated, but no later than November 16, 2022. All Participating Political Subdivisions will be responsible for the official canvass of their respective elections. f) The Elections Administrator will be responsible for conducting the post-election manual recount, unless the Texas Secretary of State grants a waiver under Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code. If no such waiver is given, the Elections Administrator will provide notice and copies of the recount to each Participating Political Subdivision and the Secretary of State’s Office. Each Participating Political Subdivision must notify the Elections Administrator if such a waiver has been granted or denied as soon as possible, but no later than five (5) calendar days before Election Day. 10) ELECTION EXPENSES a) The Participating Political Subdivisions agree to share the costs of administering this Joint Election as specified in “Attachment A.” The Election Administrator will charge a general supervisory fee not to exceed ten (10%) percent of the total cost of this Joint Election as authorized by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code. In no event will the ten (10%) percent general supervisory fee be refunded to any Participating Political Subdivision. If the ballot, candidates, or propositions supplied by the Participating Political Subdivision are changed after their initial programming and/or printing by the Elections Administrator due to a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction, the affected Participating Political Subdivision(s) agrees to pay all expenses associated with November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 10 of 20 re-printing and re-programming the ballots pursuant to a court order including expenses for expedited services and “Attachment A” will be amended by the Election Administrator. b) Allocation of costs among the Participating Political Subdivisions will be according to a formula based on the total cost of the Joint Election multiplied by the Participating Political Subdivision’s percentage of the total current, and active registered voters for the Joint Election (“Election Costs”). Any special requests for additional vote centers, supplies, personnel, or equipment that exceeds the Election Costs will be billed separately as a additional costs (“Special Request Fees”). Special Request Fees will be paid by the Participating Political Subdivision making the request. If the special request is agreed to in by all Participating Political Subdivisions and stated in this Election Services Contract, then the Special Request Fees will be divided equally amongst the Participating Political Subdivisions. c) The expenses for early voting by mail and personal appearance will be paid by each Participating Political Subdivision as set forth in “Attachment A.” d) The Elections Administrator will determine the final election expenses to the extent practicable within one hundred and eighty (180) business days after the final canvass of this Joint Election or Joint Runoff Election, if any. The Elections Administrator will provide each Participating Political Subdivision with a final, written accounting of all money that was deposited into, and payments that were made from, the Joint Election account(s) maintained by the Dallas County Elections Department for this Joint Election and the runoff election, if any. e) If the Elections Administrator requires additional funds to perform their obligations under this Election Services Contract that is more than the estimate listed in “Attachment A” or any estimate provided for Joint Runoff Fees, then the Elections Administrator will bill each Participating Political Subdivision using the same formula listed in Section 10(b) (“Joint Election Fees”). If the Elections Administrator requires additional funds to assist in any Recounts that is more than the estimate provided for Recount Fees, then the Elections Administrator will bill each Participating Political Subdivision for such fees (“Final Recount Fees”). An invoice will be sent to each Participating Political Subdivision which will include the Joint Election Fees, Special Request Fees, and Final Recount Fees (“Final Bill”). The Participating Political Subdivision shall pay the Final Bill within thirty (30) days of receipt except for any amount the Participating Political Subdivision files a timely good faith dispute under Section 17 of this Election Services Contract. After all of the expenses of this Joint Election are paid and disputes, if any, resolved, any monies that remain in the account maintained by the Dallas County Elections Department for this Election Services Contract will be refunded to the Participating Political Subdivisions (the “Refund”) as soon as practicable. November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 11 of 20 11) DEPOSIT OF FUNDS a) Attachment A: Cost Audit details the cost and expenses anticipated for this election; Participating Political Subdivisions will initially receive an estimate cost audit. The Final Bill will be distributed as soon as all cost and expenses for the election can be determined. Each Participating Political Subdivision hereby agrees to deposit with the Dallas County Elections Department one hundred (100%) percent of the full balance of money listed for their entity in “Attachment A: Deposit of Funds Detail” of this Election Services Contract by the due date of (on or before) September 23, 2022 The Dallas County Elections Department will place the money deposited by the Participating Political Subdivisions in a Joint Election account. b) The deposit of funds by each Participating Political Subdivision is an express condition precedent to the participation of each Participating Political Subdivision in this Election Services Contract. A Participating Political Subdivision may seek an extension from the Elections Administrator as to the due date for the deposit of funds. Such an extension must be sought in writing and prior to due date for such deposit by the Participating Political Subdivision. Any decision(s) made by the Elections Administrator will be provided in writing to the Participating Political Subdivision. The Elections Administrator, however, shall not be required to grant an extension for the deposit of funds by a Participating Political Subdivision. For any Participating Political Subdivision that fails to deposit the total amounts specified in “Attachment A” by the dates specified in this Election Services Contract or any extension granted by the Elections Administrator, the Elections Administrator will be relieved from the responsibility to perform under this Election Services Contract for such Participating Political Subdivision. c) The Elections Administrator will only draw money from this Joint Election account to pay for election expenses that are included in “Attachment A” to this Election Services Contract and for other expenses that the Participating Political Subdivisions agree to in writing. d) If a Participating Political Subdivision withdraws completely from this Joint Election by September 16, 2022 then the Elections Administrator will refund (as soon as practicable) that Participating Political Subdivision’s deposit, less any money already expended before the withdrawal and less the general supervisory fee authorized by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code. In the event of a partial withdrawal from this Joint Election, deposits will not be refunded to the Participating Political Subdivisions. e) The Elections Administrator will not make partial refunds to a Participating Political Subdivision if any candidate(s) or propositions do not appear on the ballot for that Participating Political Subdivision. f) Deposits should be made out to Dallas County Elections Department and delivered within the mandatory time frame to: November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 12 of 20 Michael Scarpello Dallas County Elections Administrator 1520 Round Table Drive Dallas, Texas 75247 In the “memo” section of check place Election Escrow Account: 91474 12) RECORDS OF THE ELECTION a) The Elections Administrator is hereby appointed the general custodian of the voted ballots and all election records of this Joint Election to the extent authorized by Sections 31.094, 31.095, 31.096, and 31.097 of the Texas Election Code. b) Access to the election records will be available to each Participating Political Subdivision as well as to the public in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552, Government Code, at the Dallas County Elections Department, 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247 at any time during normal business hours. The Elections Administrator will ensure that the records are maintained in an orderly manner, so that records are clearly identifiable and retrievable per records storage container. However, access to election records that contain confidential information that must be redacted pursuant to federal or state law may be provided at the offices of the Civil Division of the Criminal District Attorney’s Office of Dallas County, Texas at 500 Elm Street, Suite 6300 , Dallas, Texas 75202. c) Pursuant to Section 66.058 of the Texas Election Code, the Elections Administrator will retain the precinct election records that are distributed to the Elections Administrator at the Elections Administrator’s main offices and Elections Warehouse for sixty (60) days after the date of this Joint Election. Sixty (60) days after the date of this Joint Election, the Elections Administrator may arrange for transport of this precinct election records to the Dallas County Record Storage facility. If so, the precinct election records will then become the responsibility of Dallas County Record Storage for the remainder of the twenty-two (22) month preservation period. If the Elections Administrator does not transport the precinct election records to the Dallas County Records Storage facility, then the precinct election records will remain the responsibility of the Elections Administrator for the remainder of the twenty-two (22) month preservation period. Dallas County Record Storage will be responsible for the destruction of this Joint Election records after the preservation period. The Participating Political Subdivisions agree the Elections Administrator may destroy the records from this Joint Election after the twenty-two (22) month preservation period without further notice to the Participating Political Subdivisions, unless the events in Section 12 (d) occur. d) The Participating Political Subdivisions must notify the Elections Administrator in writing within three (3) business days after any official or employee of any Participating Political Subdivision becomes aware of any election contest in connection with this Joint Election. In accordance with Section 1.013 of the Texas Election Code, the election records must be preserved until any election contest is completed and a judgment, if any, becomes final. Also, the election records will be maintained by the Elections Administrator if there November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 13 of 20 is an active criminal investigation, proceeding, or a pending request for public information, related to the election records until such investigation, proceeding, or request for public information is finally concluded. e) The Participating Political Subdivisions acknowledge and agree that the Elections Administrator reserves the right to intervene in any election contest or litigation in connection with this Joint Election in order to preserve any available remedies at law, and to preserve the Elections Administrator’s obligations under this Contract and the Texas Election Code. f) [Intentionally Deleted]. g) [In Intentionally Deleted] 13) EARLY VOTING a) Under Sections 31.094 and 271.006 of the Texas Election Code, the Participating Political Subdivisions hereby appoint the Elections Administrator to be the early voting clerk for all of the political subdivisions participating in this Joint Election. The deputy early voting clerks that will be appointed by the Elections Administrator are listed in “Attachment D.” b) Any qualified voter for this Joint Election may vote early by personal appearance at the main early voting polling place or at one of the early voting branch polling places listed in Attachment B. Early voting will be conducted as follows: October 24-28 Monday- Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm October 29 Saturday 7:00 am – 7:00 pm October 30 Sunday 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm October 31- November 4 Monday-Friday 7:00 am-7:00 pm c) All requests for early voting ballots by mail that are received by a Participating Political Subdivision must be transported by runner on the day of receipt to the Dallas County Elections Department, Elections Operations Facility at 1520 Round Table Drive, Dallas, Texas 75247 for processing. Persons voting by mail must send their voted ballots to the Dallas County Elections Department. d) All early voting ballots will be prepared for counting by an Early Voting Ballot Board appointed under Subchapter A of Chapter 87 of the Texas Election Code. The County Election Board and the Participating Political Subdivisions will appoint the presiding judge, alternate presiding judge, and at least one additional member of the Early Voting Ballot Board. e) In accordance with Section 87.027(a-1), if a written request is received for a signature verification committee by October 1, 2022, then the signature verification committee will be appointed in accordance with Section 87.027 of the Texas Election Code. A list of the members of the signature verification committee will be furnished to each Participating Political Subdivision. f) The presiding judge of the Early Voting Ballot Board shall deliver notices of rejected November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 14 of 20 ballots in compliance with Section 87.0431, Texas Election Code. 14) CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS The Elections Administrator, their agent or assignee will conduct a criminal background check (in accordance with statutory requirements) of any person who is expected to or scheduled to serve or work in this Joint Election at either the Elections Department or an Early Voting location. Any person that does not satisfactorily pass the criminal background check will be ineligible to serve or work in this Joint Election. Failure to obtain a criminal background check does not release the participating entity’s obligation to pay for service rendered in good faith. Additionally, DCED will conduct a review of all poll workers against the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry and provide the results to the Parties. 15) ELECTION REPORTS During the early voting period for this Joint Election, the Elections Administrator will deliver daily reports to each Participating Political Subdivision of the Early Voting Location Turnout Totals and Early Voting Roster. The day after the early voting period ends, the Elections Administrator will deliver to each Participating Political Subdivision, a Daily Early Voting Roster by vote center report that includes the entire Early Voting period. Pursuant to the Texas Election Code Section 87.121, the Elections Administrator will deliver these election reports by providing a link to a website posting. 16) WITHDRAWAL FROM CONTRACT a) No deposits will be refunded if a Participating Political Subdivision withdraws from this Election Services Contract after September 16, 2022. b) In order to withdraw from this Election Services Contract, a Participating Political Subdivision must deliver to the Elections Administrator any certifications and declarations that are required under Subchapter C or Subchapter D of Chapter 2 of Title 1 of the Texas Election Code. c) The Elections Administrator will bill any Participating Political Subdivision that withdraws from this Election Services Contract for any expenses incurred prior to the Elections Administrator receiving copies of the certifications and declarations that are required under Subchapter C or Subchapter D of Chapter 2 of Title 1 of the Texas Election Code. d) Within ten (10) business days after receiving a withdrawal from the Joint Election in accordance with this Election Services Contract, the Elections Administrator will amend the attachments to this Election Services Contract as appropriate and provide updated copies of the amended attachments to all of the remaining Participating Political Subdivisions. e) The general supervisory fee authorized by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code will not be refunded. 17) AUDITING AND PROHIBITION ON WITHHOLDING OF DEPOSITS a) The Dallas County Auditor will conduct a review of the deposits and expenditures related November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 15 of 20 to this Election Services Contract before the Final Bill or Refund is submitted to the Participating Political Subdivisions. Refunds will be submitted as soon as practicable. b) The Participating Political Subdivisions may request a financial audit of the Final Bill or Refund or dispute the Final Bill or Refund under this Section, if: 1) the Final Bill exceeds ten percent (10%) of the amount of the Participating Political Subdivision’s initial deposit as required in “Attachment A” to this Election Services Contract; or 2) the accounting accompanying the Refund is ten percent (10%) less than the amount the Participating Political Subdivision determines, should be refunded, after its good faith review. The request for a financial audit or dispute must be done in accordance with Section 17 (d) below. c) Should the events in Section 17 (b) occur, in lieu of an audit or dispute, the Participating Political Subdivision may make a request that the Elections Administrator ask the Dallas County Auditor to review the cost allocation methodology for the Participating Political Subdivision’s Final Bill or Refund (“Review Request”). Participating Political Subdivisions must submit a Review Request to the Elections Administrator within five (5) business days of receipt of the Final Bill or the Refund, whichever is later. The Review Request must set forth, in detail, the basis for any challenge to the Final Bill or Refund. Corrections to the Participating Political Subdivision’s Final Bill or the Refund, based on a Review Request, will be determined at the sole discretion of the Elections Administrator. A Review Request does not extend the timeframe in Section 17(d). d) Should the circumstances giving rise to an audit or dispute in Section 17 (b) occur, the Participating Political Subdivision may send a formal written notice of dispute of the Final Bill or Refund (“Dispute Notice”) to the Elections Administrator. This Dispute Notice must be received by the Elections Administrator no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date the Participating Political Subdivision receives the Final Bill or Refund. This Dispute Notice must provide: 1) an itemization of the disputed charge(s) by the Participating Political Subdivision; 2) the basis for the dispute; 3) the methodology showing how the Participating Political Subdivision arrived at the amount disputed; and 4) documentation in support thereof. The Participating Political Subdivision will have no right to withhold any undisputed amounts set forth in this Election Services Contract or reflected in the Final Bill. Payment of undisputed amounts in the Final Bill must be made by the Participating Political Subdivision as set forth in Section 10 (e) of this Election Services Contract. e) Failure of the Participating Political Subdivision to submit a timely Dispute Notice, as set forth in Section 17(d), shall waive any and all disputes, claims, or challenges to the Final Bill or Refund by the Participating Political Subdivision. The entire amount of the Participating Political Subdivision’s Final Bill shall be due immediately; or, any estimated refund amounts will become final. f) If the Participating Political Subdivision files a timely Dispute Notice in compliance with Section 17(d), the Participating Political Subdivision will have the right to conduct a good faith financial audit (“Financial Audit”) for the deposits and expenditures related to this November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 16 of 20 Elections Services Contract. In conducting the Financial Audit, the Participating Political Subdivision will have no greater right to demand access to or copies of the County’s governmental or election records than those rights specified in the Texas Election Code and the Texas Public Information Act. The cost of any Financial Audit conducted by the Participating Political Subdivision shall be borne by the requesting Participating Political Subdivision and may not be paid for with funds deposited with the Dallas County Elections Department under this Election Services Contract. Further, the Participating Political Subdivision conducting the Financial Audit shall pay the Elections Administrator the reasonable costs for time expended and copies provided in order to perform the Financial Audit. If the Financial Audit identifies overcharges by the Elections Administrator of more than ten percent (10%) of the initial deposit amount required by “Attachment A”, the Elections Administrator will review and assess the findings of the Financial Audit and will negotiate, in good faith, to resolve any disputes for overcharges with the Participating Political Subdivision. The Elections Administrator shall not be bound by the findings or recommendations of the Participating Political Subdivision’s Financial Audit. The financial records will be retained at the County Election Administrator’s office until the conclusion of the Financial Audit and resolution of all outstanding audit disputes. g) In the event the representatives of the Participating Political Subdivision and the Elections Administrator cannot agree on the amount of the disputed Final Bill as set forth in this Section, then the Parties may agree to submit to non-binding mediation. If mediation is acceptable to both parties to resolve a dispute concerning the disputed Final Bill, the Parties will agree to use a mutually agreed-upon mediator. Unless the Parties come to a written agreement at mediation, the mediation will not constitute a final and binding resolution of the dispute. h) The Participating Political Subdivision acknowledges that the practical effect of the Participating Political Subdivision withholding undisputed funds that are required under this Election Services Contract would result in breach of this Elections Services Contract and the other Participating Political Subdivisions’ taxpayers subsidizing the withholding Participating Political Subdivision’s election expenses. 18) NOTICE Any addendum to, change/modification of, clarification of, and/or withdrawal from this contract requires written notice to and written approval by Dallas County. Whenever this Election Services Contract requires any consent, approval, notice, request, or demand, it must be in writing to be effective and must be delivered to the party intended to receive it as shown below: Address for notice to the Elections Administrator: Michael Scarpello Dallas County Elections Administrator 1520 Round Table Drive Dallas, Texas 75247 November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 17 of 20 (214) 819-6334 telephone (214) 819-6301 facsimile and, to the physical addresses and facsimile numbers for notice to the Participating Political Subdivisions are in “Attachment F” to this Election Services Contract. Any written notice required under this Contract shall be deemed to have been given when personally delivered, or if mailed, seventy-two (72) hours after deposit of the same in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, certified, or registered, return receipt requested, properly addressed to the contact person shown at the respective addresses set forth above, or at such other addresses as shall be specified by written notice delivered in accordance this notice section. 19) LIABILITY FOR NEGLIGENCE ALL PARTIES TO THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT AGREE TO BE RESPONSIBLE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAW, EACH FOR THEIR OWN NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS, OR OTHER TORTIOUS CONDUCT IN THE COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OF THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT WITHOUT WAIVING ANY SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY, GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY, STATUTORY IMMUNITY, OR OTHER DEFENSES AVAILABLE TO THE PARTIES UNDER FEDERAL OR STATE LAW. NOTHING IN THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO CREATE OR GRANT ANY RIGHTS, CONTRACTUAL OR OTHERWISE, IN OR TO ANY THIRD PERSONS OR ENTITIES. ALL PARTIES AGREE THAT ANY SUCH LIABILITY OR DAMAGES OCCURRING DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT CAUSED BY THE JOINT OR COMPARATIVE NEGLIGENCE OF THE PARTIES, OR THEIR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR OFFICERS WILL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMPARATIVE RESPONSIBILITY LAWS OF TEXAS, BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT SUCH LAWS ARE APPLICABLE TO THE PARTY. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IF LEGAL ACTION IS FILED AGAINST A PARTY TO THIS ELECTION SERVICES CONTRACT, THAT PARTY SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN RESPECTIVE COSTS AND DEFENSE OF THAT SUIT. 20) CHOICE OF LAW This Election Services Contract will be governed and interpreted by the laws of the State of Texas. 21) VENUE AND JURISDICTION The courts of the State of Texas and the United States of America that are physically located in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas are the exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any lawsuit, cause of action, temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, injunction, petition for extraordinary relief, mandamus, or any other legal proceeding or claim arising out of the performance of this Election Services Contract. 22) SEVERABILITY If any term of this Election Services Contract is held by a court of competent jurisdiction November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 18 of 20 to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms of this Election Services Contract will remain in full force and effect and will in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated. 23) ENTIRE CONTRACT This Election Services Contract, including any exhibits or attachments, contains the entire agreement between the Elections Administrator and the Participating Political Subdivisions concerning the duties required by this Election Services Contract. The Elections Administrator of Dallas County, Texas and each Participating Political Subdivision hereby expressly warrant and represent that they are not relying on any promises or agreements that are not contained in this Election Services Contract concerning any of the terms in this Election Services Contract. Except otherwise specified in this Election Services Contract, no modification, amendment, novation, renewal, or other alteration of this Election Services Contract shall be effective unless mutually agreed upon in writing and executed by the Parties hereto. 24) PLURALITY, GENDER, AND HEADINGS In this Election Services Contract, words in the singular number include the plural, and those in the plural include the singular. Words of any gender also refer to any other gender. Headings in this Election Services Contract are terms of inclusion, not exclusion. 25) RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES The Participating Political Subdivisions, including their agents, or employees, are not an agent, servant, joint enterpriser, joint venturer, or employee of the County Elections Administrator, the County or DCED, and are responsible for their own acts, forbearance, negligence and deeds, and for those of their agents, or employees in conjunction with the performance of services covered under this Election Services Contract. The Participating Political Subdivisions represent that they have, or will secure at their own expense, all personnel and consultants required in performing the duties directly administered by the Participating Political Subdivision. Such personnel and consultants shall not be employees of or have any contractual relationship with the County, the County Elections Administrator, or DCED. 26) FORCE MAJEURE No Party shall be in default or responsible for delays or failures in performance resulting from causes beyond its control. Such causes include but are not limited to acts of God, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, natural disaster, pandemic, epidemic, nuclear accident, strike, air traffic disruption, lockout, riot, freight embargo, public regulated utility, or governmental statutes, orders, or regulations superimposed after the fact. Any Party delayed by force majeure shall as soon as reasonably possible give the other Party written notice of the delay. The Party delayed shall use reasonable diligence to correct the cause of the delay, if correctable, and if the condition that caused the delay is corrected, the Party delayed shall immediately give the other Parties written notice November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 19 of 20 thereof and shall resume performance under this Election Services Contract as soon as practicable. The date of delivery or of performance shall be extended for at least a minimum time period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay. 27) DEFAULT/CUMULATIVE RIGHTS/MITIGATION. It is not a waiver of default if the non-defaulting Party fails to immediately declare a default or delays in taking any action. The rights and remedies provided by this Election Services Contract are cumulative, and no Party’s use of any right or remedy will preclude or waive its right to any other remedy. These rights and remedies are in addition to any other rights the Parties may have by law, statute, ordinance or otherwise. All Parties have a duty to mitigate damages. 28) CONTRA PROFERENTEM The legal doctrine of contra proferentem will not apply to this Election Services Contract. Consequently, any ambiguity that may exist in this Election Services Contract will not be construed against the Party who drafted this Election Services Contract. 29) ORDER OF PRECEDENCE Any inconsistencies in this Election Services Contract will be resolved by reviewing and considering this Election Services Contract and Attachments A through H to this Election Services Contract together in context with each other. 30) SIGNATORY WARRANTY Dallas County and the Elections Administrator of Dallas County, Texas and all of the contracting authorities of all of the Participating Political Subdivisions listed in “Attachment F” of this Election Services Contract represent that each has the full right, power and authority to enter into and perform this Election Services Contract in accordance with all of its terms and conditions, and that the execution and delivery of this Election Services Contract has been made by authorized representatives of the Participating Political Subdivisions to validly and legally bind the Participating Political Subdivisions to all terms, performances, and provisions set forth in this Election Services Contract. 31) COUNTERPARTS. This Election Services Contract may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same Contract. The Parties shall be entitled to sign and transmit an electronic signature of this Contract (whether by facsimile, PDF or other email transmission), which signature shall be binding on the Party whose name is contained therein. A signed copy of this Contract transmitted by facsimile, email or other means of electronic transmission shall be deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original executed copy of this Contract for all purposes. [Signatures on following page] November 8, 2022 Joint Election Services Contract Page 20 of 20 WITNESS HEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed in triplicate originals this Election Services Contract on ________________, 2022. (“Effective Date”) DALLAS COUNTY: _____________________ CLAY JENKINS DALLAS COUNTY JUDGE RECOMMENDED AND APPROVED: APPROVED AS TO FORM* ______________________ _______________________ MICHAEL SCARPELLO James R. Palomo COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS DISTRICT ATTORNEY DALLAS COUNTY CRIMINAL ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, CIVIL DIVISION *By law, the Criminal District Attorney’s Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties. Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval, and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s). ACCEPTED TO AND AGREED TO BY THE CITY OF COPPELL: APPROVED __________________________ MIKE LAND, CITY MANAGER CITY OF COPPELL TOTAL DALLAS CTY COC COCp COD FISD COGH COH MISD SISD COSa 2,231,434 1,404,815 27,054 27,835 656,004 86 6,574 2,301 89,258 5,851 11,656 9 Entities $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 $2.30 52 EV Locations (Including 4 Mega Sites)$5,121,874.99 $3,224,512.49 $62,097.83 $63,890.48 $1,505,744.95 $197.40 $15,089.49 $5,281.55 $204,876.47 $13,429.97 $26,754.35 469 ED Vote Centers 100%62.96%1.21%1.25%29.40%0.00%0.29%0.10%4.00%0.26%0.52% TOTAL DALLAS CTY COC COCp COD FISD COGH COH MISD SISD COSa $5,121,874.99 $3,224,512.49 $62,097.83 $63,890.48 $1,505,744.95 $197.40 $15,089.49 $5,281.55 $204,876.47 $13,429.97 $26,754.35 $0.00 $189,736.25 $6,209.78 $6,389.05 $150,574.50 $19.74 $1,508.95 $528.16 $20,487.65 $1,343.00 $2,675.44 $5,311,611.23 $3,224,512.49 $68,307.61 $70,279.53 $1,656,319.45 $217.14 $16,598.44 $5,809.71 $225,364.12 $14,772.97 $29,429.79 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $2.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (Overpaid)/Underpaid $5,311,611.23 $3,224,512.49 $68,307.61 $70,279.53 $1,656,319.45 $217.14 $16,598.44 $5,809.71 $225,364.12 $14,772.97 $29,429.79 Election Services Fee (ESF) NOVEMBER 08, 2022 ELECTION ESTIMATED COST INVOICE Subject to Change Registered Voter Split EXHIBIT - A Cost Per Registered Voter (w/o ESF) Total Number of Registered Voters Total Cost % of Units Election Total Exceptional Cost Total Cost Cost Per Registered Voter (w. ESF) Amount of Deposit Dallas County Elections Department 1520 Round Table Drive Dallas. Texas 75247 Page 1 of 3 EXP. CODE EARLY VOTING UNITS UNIT COST ESTIMATED DALLAS CTY COC COCp COD FISD COGH COH MISD SISD COSa POSTAGE 2180 Mail Ballot Kits (AC)60,000 $2.53 $151,800.00 $95,566.76 $1,840.43 $1,893.56 $44,626.64 $5.85 $447.22 $156.53 $6,072.04 $398.03 $792.93 2170 Postage Ballots Mailed 60,000 $1.60 $96,000.00 $60,437.48 $1,163.91 $1,197.51 $28,222.38 $3.70 $282.82 $98.99 $3,840.03 $251.72 $501.46 2170 Postage for Defect Carrier Envelope 1,200 $1.56 $1,872.00 $1,178.53 $22.70 $23.35 $550.34 $0.07 $5.52 $1.93 $74.88 $4.91 $9.78 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7040 EV Model DS200 (Tabulator/Scanner)56 $464.10 $25,989.60 $16,361.94 $315.10 $324.20 $7,640.50 $1.00 $76.57 $26.80 $1,039.59 $68.15 $135.76 7040 EV ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device (BMD)400 $295.00 $118,000.00 $74,287.73 $1,430.64 $1,471.94 $34,690.01 $4.55 $347.64 $121.68 $4,720.03 $309.41 $616.38 7040 EV ExpressVote (ADA) w. Stand 52 $435.00 $22,620.00 $14,240.58 $274.25 $282.16 $6,649.90 $0.87 $66.64 $23.33 $904.81 $59.31 $118.16 7040 EV EPB Printer 252 $62.00 $15,624.00 $9,836.20 $189.43 $194.89 $4,593.19 $0.60 $46.03 $16.11 $624.96 $40.97 $81.61 7040 EV Election Supply Cart (ESC)104 $199.80 $20,779.20 $13,081.69 $251.93 $259.20 $6,108.73 $0.80 $61.22 $21.43 $831.17 $54.48 $108.54 7050 EV Van / Car Rental $15,000.00 $9,443.36 $181.86 $187.11 $4,409.75 $0.58 $44.19 $15.47 $600.00 $39.33 $78.35 7213 Cradlepoint / Cellphones $6,731.00 $4,237.55 $81.61 $83.96 $1,978.80 $0.26 $19.83 $6.94 $269.24 $17.65 $35.16 RENTAL BUILDINGS 7010 Building Rental $100,000.00 $62,955.70 $1,212.40 $1,247.40 $29,398.32 $3.85 $294.61 $103.12 $4,000.03 $262.21 $522.35 PERSONNEL 1020 EV Election Department FT (OT Reg.)$800.00 $503.65 $9.70 $9.98 $235.19 $0.03 $2.36 $0.82 $32.00 $2.10 $4.18 1050 EV Election Department FT (OT)$20,000.00 $12,591.14 $242.48 $249.48 $5,879.66 $0.77 $58.92 $20.62 $800.01 $52.44 $104.47 1050 EV Building Security (OT)$2,000.00 $1,259.11 $24.25 $24.95 $587.97 $0.08 $5.89 $2.06 $80.00 $5.24 $10.45 1050 EV Election Department FT - Central Count (OT)$1,200.00 $755.47 $14.55 $14.97 $352.78 $0.05 $3.54 $1.24 $48.00 $3.15 $6.27 1050 EV Election Department FT - Warehouse (OT)$5,500.00 $3,462.56 $66.68 $68.61 $1,616.91 $0.21 $16.20 $5.67 $220.00 $14.42 $28.73 1050 EV Clerks (OT) 56 Hrs 304 $23.30 $396,574.08 $249,666.01 $4,808.08 $4,946.88 $116,586.10 $15.28 $1,168.34 $408.94 $15,863.08 $1,039.85 $2,071.52 1050 EV Judges (OT) 56 Hrs 52 $26.54 $77,269.92 $48,645.82 $936.82 $963.87 $22,716.05 $2.98 $227.64 $79.68 $3,090.82 $202.61 $403.62 1050 EV Techs (OT) 49 Hrs 8 $26.54 $10,401.72 $6,548.48 $126.11 $129.75 $3,057.93 $0.40 $30.64 $10.73 $416.07 $27.27 $54.33 1050 EV Ballot Board Committee (OT)5 $30.00 $750.00 $472.17 $9.09 $9.36 $220.49 $0.03 $2.21 $0.77 $30.00 $1.97 $3.92 1050 EV Signature Verification Committee (OT)7 $30.00 $1,050.00 $661.03 $12.73 $13.10 $308.68 $0.04 $3.09 $1.08 $42.00 $2.75 $5.48 1050 EV Ballot Board Judge (OT) 12 days $30.00 $150.00 $94.43 $1.82 $1.87 $44.10 $0.01 $0.44 $0.15 $6.00 $0.39 $0.78 1050 EV Signature Verification Supervisor (OT) 12 days $30.00 $150.00 $94.43 $1.82 $1.87 $44.10 $0.01 $0.44 $0.15 $6.00 $0.39 $0.78 1050 EV Training Trainers (OT)6 $27.54 $8,096.76 $5,097.37 $98.17 $101.00 $2,380.31 $0.31 $23.85 $8.35 $323.87 $21.23 $42.29 1050 EV Election Department PT (OT)$21,000.00 $13,220.70 $254.60 $261.95 $6,173.65 $0.81 $61.87 $21.65 $840.01 $55.06 $109.69 1060 EV Clerks (ST) (Includes Training 3 Hrs)304 $15.53 $391,852.96 $246,693.79 $4,750.84 $4,887.99 $115,198.17 $15.10 $1,154.43 $404.07 $15,674.23 $1,027.47 $2,046.86 1060 EV Judges (ST) (Includes Training 5 Hrs)52 $17.69 $78,189.80 $49,224.94 $947.98 $975.34 $22,986.48 $3.01 $230.35 $80.63 $3,127.61 $205.02 $408.43 1060 EV Judges Delivery (Can Money) 52 $25.00 $1,300.00 $818.42 $15.76 $16.22 $382.18 $0.05 $3.83 $1.34 $52.00 $3.41 $6.79 1060 EV Techs (ST)8 $17.69 $11,321.60 $7,127.59 $137.26 $141.23 $3,328.36 $0.44 $33.35 $11.67 $452.87 $29.69 $59.14 1060 EV Ballot Board Committee (ST)15 $20.00 $24,000.00 $15,109.37 $290.98 $299.38 $7,055.60 $0.92 $70.71 $24.75 $960.01 $62.93 $125.37 1060 EV Signature Verification Committee (ST)7 $20.00 $11,200.00 $7,051.04 $135.79 $139.71 $3,292.61 $0.43 $33.00 $11.55 $448.00 $29.37 $58.50 1060 EV Ballot Board Judge (ST) 12 days $20.00 $1,600.00 $1,007.29 $19.40 $19.96 $470.37 $0.06 $4.71 $1.65 $64.00 $4.20 $8.36 1060 EV Signature Verification Supervisor (ST) 12 days $20.00 $1,600.00 $1,007.29 $19.40 $19.96 $470.37 $0.06 $4.71 $1.65 $64.00 $4.20 $8.36 1060 EV Training Trainers (ST)6 $18.36 $8,812.80 $5,548.16 $106.85 $109.93 $2,590.81 $0.34 $25.96 $9.09 $352.51 $23.11 $46.03 1060 EV Election Department PT (ST)$15,000.00 $9,443.36 $181.86 $187.11 $4,409.75 $0.58 $44.19 $15.47 $600.00 $39.33 $78.35 1111 EV FICA 6.2%$1,829.00 $1,151.46 $22.17 $22.82 $537.70 $0.07 $5.39 $1.89 $73.16 $4.80 $9.55 1112 EV Medicare 1.45%$427.75 $269.29 $5.19 $5.34 $125.75 $0.02 $1.26 $0.44 $17.11 $1.12 $2.23 1113 EV PARS 1.3%$13,784.16 $8,677.91 $167.12 $171.94 $4,052.31 $0.53 $40.61 $14.21 $551.37 $36.14 $72.00 1150 EV Retirement Chargeback 13.93%$4,109.35 $2,587.07 $49.82 $51.26 $1,208.08 $0.16 $12.11 $4.24 $164.38 $10.78 $21.47 5590 EV Temp. Employees $100,000.00 $62,955.70 $1,212.40 $1,247.40 $29,398.32 $3.85 $294.61 $103.12 $4,000.03 $262.21 $522.35 SUPPLY EXPENSE 2180 Official Ballot Report 52 $7.53 $391.56 $246.51 $4.75 $4.88 $115.11 $0.02 $1.15 $0.40 $15.66 $1.03 $2.05 2180 Sample Ballots Handout (8.5x11)20,000 $0.245 $4,900.00 $3,084.83 $59.41 $61.12 $1,440.52 $0.19 $14.44 $5.05 $196.00 $12.85 $25.60 2180 Sample Ballots Posting (11x17)52 $0.155 $8.06 $5.07 $0.10 $0.10 $2.37 $0.00 $0.02 $0.01 $0.32 $0.02 $0.04 2180 List of Declared Write-In 850 $0.03 $22.95 $14.45 $0.28 $0.29 $6.75 $0.00 $0.07 $0.02 $0.92 $0.06 $0.12 2180 Official ExpressVote Ballots 500,000 $0.13 $62,500.00 $39,347.32 $757.75 $779.63 $18,373.95 $2.41 $184.13 $64.45 $2,500.02 $163.88 $326.47 2880 Supplies for Early Voting $2,500.00 $1,573.89 $30.31 $31.19 $734.96 $0.10 $7.37 $2.58 $100.00 $6.56 $13.06 2180 Judges Kits 52 $80.00 $4,160.00 $2,618.96 $50.44 $51.89 $1,222.97 $0.16 $12.26 $4.29 $166.40 $10.91 $21.73 SERVICE EXPENSE 2013 Legal Notice $20,000.00 $12,591.14 $242.48 $249.48 $5,879.66 $0.77 $58.92 $20.62 $800.01 $52.44 $104.47 5590 ES&S EV Support 15 $1,795.00 $26,925.00 $16,950.82 $326.44 $335.86 $7,915.50 $1.04 $79.32 $27.76 $1,077.01 $70.60 $140.64 5590 GTS IT Services (Avg. 40 hrs ST & 15 hrs OT)22 $35.00 $48,125.00 $30,297.43 $583.47 $600.31 $14,147.94 $1.85 $141.78 $49.63 $1,925.01 $126.19 $251.38 5590 EV Polling Location Change Cards $5,000.00 $3,147.79 $60.62 $62.37 $1,469.92 $0.19 $14.73 $5.16 $200.00 $13.11 $26.12 PREPARATION AND TRANSPORTATION OF VOTING EQUIPMENT 2910 Equipment Delivery and Pickup Warehouse 104 $45.00 $4,680.00 $2,946.33 $56.74 $58.38 $1,375.84 $0.18 $13.79 $4.83 $187.20 $12.27 $24.45 MILEAGE / FUEL 3095 Fuel $1,000.00 $629.56 $12.12 $12.47 $293.98 $0.04 $2.95 $1.03 $40.00 $2.62 $5.22 EARLY VOTING TOTAL $1,964,598.27 $1,236,826.68 $23,818.87 $24,506.48 $577,558.79 $75.72 $5,787.88 $2,025.85 $78,584.49 $5,151.34 $10,262.17 Various Temp. Agencies Mini-Vans (Techs) Various Various Various Various Various Various Various Tech. - Regional Sites - Polling Locations Various Locations Misc./Forms/Binders Page 2 of 3 EXP. CODE Election Day UNITS UNIT COST ESTIMATED DALLAS CTY COC COCp COD FISD COGH COH MISD SISD COSa EQUIPMENT RENTAL 7040 ED Model DS200 (Tabulator/Scanner)469 $464.10 $217,662.90 $137,031.21 $2,638.95 $2,715.14 $63,989.23 $8.39 $641.25 $224.45 $8,706.58 $570.73 $1,136.97 7040 ED ExpressVote Ballot Marking Device (BMD)2,800 $295.00 $826,000.00 $520,014.12 $10,014.46 $10,303.56 $242,830.08 $31.83 $2,433.47 $851.75 $33,040.24 $2,165.84 $4,314.65 7040 EV ExpressVote (ADA) w. Stand 469 $435.00 $204,015.00 $128,439.08 $2,473.49 $2,544.89 $59,976.97 $7.86 $601.05 $210.38 $8,160.66 $534.94 $1,065.68 7040 ED EPB Printer 2,300 $62.00 $142,600.00 $89,774.83 $1,728.89 $1,778.80 $41,922.00 $5.50 $420.11 $147.05 $5,704.04 $373.91 $744.88 7040 ED Election Supply Carts (ESC)469 $199.80 $93,706.20 $58,993.40 $1,136.10 $1,168.90 $27,548.04 $3.61 $276.07 $96.63 $3,748.27 $245.71 $489.48 7050 ED Truck Rental/Van Rental $17,000.00 $10,702.47 $206.11 $212.06 $4,997.71 $0.66 $50.08 $17.53 $680.00 $44.58 $88.80 7213 ED Cradlepoint / Cellphones $60,033.00 $37,794.20 $727.84 $748.85 $17,648.69 $2.31 $176.86 $61.90 $2,401.34 $157.41 $313.59 RENTAL BUILDINGS 7010 Location Rental Various Locations $80,000.00 $50,364.56 $969.92 $997.92 $23,518.65 $3.08 $235.69 $82.49 $3,200.02 $209.77 $417.88 PERSONNEL 1020 ED Traffic Control Officers (ST)$15,000.00 $9,443.36 $181.86 $187.11 $4,409.75 $0.58 $44.19 $15.47 $600.00 $39.33 $78.35 1020 ED Regional Site Support (ST) 5hrs 80 $20.00 $8,000.00 $5,036.46 $96.99 $99.79 $2,351.87 $0.31 $23.57 $8.25 $320.00 $20.98 $41.79 1020 ED Emergency Contract Response (ST) 25hrs 100 $20.00 $50,000.00 $31,477.85 $606.20 $623.70 $14,699.16 $1.93 $147.30 $51.56 $2,000.01 $131.10 $261.18 1020 ED Phone Bank (ST) 15hrs + Training 6hrs 30 $25.00 $15,750.00 $9,915.52 $190.95 $196.47 $4,630.23 $0.61 $46.40 $16.24 $630.00 $41.30 $82.27 1020 ED Clerks 15hrs + Training 3hrs 2,500 $16.00 $720,000.00 $453,281.07 $8,729.31 $8,981.31 $211,667.87 $27.75 $2,121.18 $742.45 $28,800.21 $1,887.90 $3,760.95 1020 ED Judges 15hrs + Training 5hrs 469 $20.00 $187,600.00 $118,104.90 $2,274.47 $2,340.13 $55,151.24 $7.23 $552.69 $193.45 $7,504.05 $491.90 $979.94 1020 ED Judges Delivery (Can Money) 469 $25.00 $11,725.00 $7,381.56 $142.15 $146.26 $3,446.95 $0.45 $34.54 $12.09 $469.00 $30.74 $61.25 1020 ED Techs (ST) 15hrs 25 $25.00 $9,375.00 $5,902.10 $113.66 $116.94 $2,756.09 $0.36 $27.62 $9.67 $375.00 $24.58 $48.97 1020 ED S.U.A.T (ST) 3hrs + Training 3hrs 50 $20.00 $6,000.00 $3,777.34 $72.74 $74.84 $1,763.90 $0.23 $17.68 $6.19 $240.00 $15.73 $31.34 1020 ED Inspectors (ST) 15hrs + Training 6hrs 40 $25.00 $21,000.00 $13,220.70 $254.60 $261.95 $6,173.65 $0.81 $61.87 $21.65 $840.01 $55.06 $109.69 1020 ED Election Department FT (OT Reg.) $3,000.00 $1,888.67 $36.37 $37.42 $881.95 $0.12 $8.84 $3.09 $120.00 $7.87 $15.67 1020 ED Building Security (ST)$400.00 $251.82 $4.85 $4.99 $117.59 $0.02 $1.18 $0.41 $16.00 $1.05 $2.09 1020 ED County Employees (ST)$700.00 $440.69 $8.49 $8.73 $205.79 $0.03 $2.06 $0.72 $28.00 $1.84 $3.66 1020 ED Sheriff Deputies (ST)$7,000.00 $4,406.90 $84.87 $87.32 $2,057.88 $0.27 $20.62 $7.22 $280.00 $18.35 $36.56 1050 ED Election Department FT (OT)$35,000.00 $22,034.50 $424.34 $436.59 $10,289.41 $1.35 $103.11 $36.09 $1,400.01 $91.77 $182.82 1050 ED Building Security (OT)$4,000.00 $2,518.23 $48.50 $49.90 $1,175.93 $0.15 $11.78 $4.12 $160.00 $10.49 $20.89 1050 ED County Employees (OT)$4,000.00 $2,518.23 $48.50 $49.90 $1,175.93 $0.15 $11.78 $4.12 $160.00 $10.49 $20.89 1050 ED Sheriff Deputies (OT)$45,700.00 $28,770.76 $554.07 $570.06 $13,435.03 $1.76 $134.64 $47.12 $1,828.01 $119.83 $238.72 1050 ED Election Department PT (OT)$12,000.00 $7,554.68 $145.49 $149.69 $3,527.80 $0.46 $35.35 $12.37 $480.00 $31.46 $62.68 1060 ED Election Department PT (OT Reg.)$10,000.00 $6,295.57 $121.24 $124.74 $2,939.83 $0.39 $29.46 $10.31 $400.00 $26.22 $52.24 1111 ED FICA 6.2%$6,187.60 $3,895.45 $75.02 $77.18 $1,819.05 $0.24 $18.23 $6.38 $247.51 $16.22 $32.32 1112 ED Medicare 1.45%$1,447.10 $911.03 $17.54 $18.05 $425.42 $0.06 $4.26 $1.49 $57.88 $3.79 $7.56 1113 ED PARS 1.3%$286.00 $180.05 $3.47 $3.57 $84.08 $0.01 $0.84 $0.29 $11.44 $0.75 $1.49 1150 ED Retirement Chargeback 13.93%$13,902.14 $8,752.19 $168.55 $173.42 $4,086.99 $0.54 $40.96 $14.34 $556.09 $36.45 $72.62 5590 ED Temp. Employees $100,000.00 $62,955.70 $1,212.40 $1,247.40 $29,398.32 $3.85 $294.61 $103.12 $4,000.03 $262.21 $522.35 SUPPLY EXPENSE 2180 Official ExpressVote Ballots 400,000 $0.145 $58,000.00 $36,514.31 $703.19 $723.49 $17,051.02 $2.24 $170.87 $59.81 $2,320.02 $152.08 $302.97 2180 Sample Ballots Handout (8.5x11)12,000 $0.245 $2,940.00 $1,850.90 $35.64 $36.67 $864.31 $0.11 $8.66 $3.03 $117.60 $7.71 $15.36 2180 Sample Ballots Posting (11x17)938 $0.155 $145.39 $91.53 $1.76 $1.81 $42.74 $0.01 $0.43 $0.15 $5.82 $0.38 $0.76 2180 Official Ballot Report 469 $2.31 $1,083.39 $682.06 $13.14 $13.51 $318.50 $0.04 $3.19 $1.12 $43.34 $2.84 $5.66 2180 Blank Official Ballot & Seal Certificate 30 $6.35 $190.50 $119.93 $2.31 $2.38 $56.00 $0.01 $0.56 $0.20 $7.62 $0.50 $1.00 2880 Supplies for Election Day $2,500.00 $1,573.89 $30.31 $31.19 $734.96 $0.10 $7.37 $2.58 $100.00 $6.56 $13.06 2180 ED Judge Kit 469 $80.00 $37,520.00 $23,620.98 $454.89 $468.03 $11,030.25 $1.45 $110.54 $38.69 $1,500.81 $98.38 $195.99 SERVICE EXPENSE 5590 ES&S ED Support 9 $1,795.00 $16,155.00 $10,170.49 $195.86 $201.52 $4,749.30 $0.62 $47.59 $16.66 $646.20 $42.36 $84.39 5590 ROBIS (ED Support)3 $2,845.00 $8,535.00 $5,373.27 $103.48 $106.47 $2,509.15 $0.33 $25.14 $8.80 $341.40 $22.38 $44.58 5590 GTS IT Services 22 $35.00 $11,550.00 $7,271.38 $140.03 $144.08 $3,395.51 $0.45 $34.03 $11.91 $462.00 $30.29 $60.33 5590 PrintMailPro for ED $15,000.00 $9,443.36 $181.86 $187.11 $4,409.75 $0.58 $44.19 $15.47 $600.00 $39.33 $78.35 PREPARATION & TRANSPORTATION OF VOTING EQUIPMENT 2910 Atlantic Delivery and Pick-up 888 $75.00 $66,600.00 $41,928.50 $807.46 $830.77 $19,579.28 $2.57 $196.21 $68.68 $2,664.02 $174.63 $347.89 2910 Delivery and Pick-up (Warehouse) 50 $45.00 $2,250.00 $1,416.50 $27.28 $28.07 $661.46 $0.09 $6.63 $2.32 $90.00 $5.90 $11.75 MILEAGE / FUEL 1080 Mileage for Deputies 5,500 $0.585 $3,217.50 $2,025.60 $39.01 $40.14 $945.89 $0.12 $9.48 $3.32 $128.70 $8.44 $16.81 3095 Fuel $2,500.00 $1,573.89 $30.31 $31.19 $734.96 $0.10 $7.37 $2.58 $100.00 $6.56 $13.06 ELECTION DAY TOTAL $3,157,276.72 $1,987,685.81 $38,278.96 $39,384.00 $928,186.16 $121.68 $9,301.61 $3,255.71 $126,291.97 $8,278.63 $16,492.18 Various Various Various Various Various Tech Cars and Trucks Various Misc./Forms/Binders Runners /Regional Sites Tech. - Regional Sites - Polling Locations Various Temp. Agencies Various Various Various Various Various Page 3 of 3 Early Voting Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations and times are subject to change 1 Dates Fechas Ngày Day of the Week Día de la semana Ngày trong tuần Time Horario Thời gian October 24 – 28 24 – 28 de octubre Ngày 24 – 28 Tháng 10 Monday – Friday Lunes – Viernes Thứ Hai – Thứ Sáu 8am – 5pm October 29 29 de octubre Ngày 29 Tháng 10 Saturday Sábado Thứ Bảy 7am – 7pm October 30 30 de octubre Ngày 30 Tháng 10 Sunday Domingo Chủ Nhật 12pm – 6pm October 31 – November 4 31 de octubre – 4 de noviembre Ngày 31 Tháng 10 - Ngày 4 Tháng 11 Monday – Friday Lunes – Viernes Thứ Hai – Thứ Sáu 7am – 7pm # VC# Location Edificio Địa Điểm Voting Area Lugar De Votación Khu vực bỏ phiếu Address Dirección Địa chỉ City Ciudad Thành Phố Zip Codigo Postal Mã bưu chính 1 E3106 A E Sims Cedar Hill Rec Center Lobby 310 E Parkerville Rd Cedar Hill 75104 2 E3408 Balch Springs Recreation Center Meeting Room 4372 Shepherd Ln Balch Springs 75180 3 E4629 Bear Creek Community Church Lobby Breezeway 2700 Finley Rd Irving 75062 4 E2059 Bethany Lutheran Church Lobby 10101 Walnut Hill Ln Dallas 75238 5 E2307 Brookhaven Campus-Dallas College H125 3939 Valley View Ln Farmers Branch 75244 6 E3072 Cedar Valley Campus-Dallas College Rm M105 3030 N Dallas Ave Lancaster 75134 7 E2805 Coppell Town Center Atrium 255 E Parkway Blvd Coppell 75019 8 E4516 Crosswinds High School Lobby 1100 N Carrier Pkwy Grand Prairie 75050 9 E3605 Disciple Central Community Church Youth Room 104 901 N Polk St Desoto 75115 10 E3202 Duncanville Library Mtg Rm 1-3 201 James Collins Blvd Duncanville 75116 11 E1303 Eastfield Campus-Dallas College C Building Lobby 3737 Motley Dr Mesquite 75150 12 E3007 El Centro Campus-Dallas College ELB-Student Center Main Area 801 Main St Dallas 75202 Early Voting Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations and times are subject to change 2 # VC# Location Edificio Địa Điểm Voting Area Lugar De Votación Khu vực bỏ phiếu Address Dirección Địa chỉ City Ciudad Thành Phố Zip Codigo Postal Mã bưu chính 13 E1301 Florence Recreation Center Event Center 2501 Whitson Way Mesquite 75150 14 E2052 Fretz Park Library Black Box Theater 6990 Belt Line Rd Dallas 75254 15 E3064 Friendship West Baptist Church Banquet Hall Foyer 2020 W Wheatland Rd Dallas 75232 16 E1708 Garland Center-Dallas College Conference Room A/B/C 675 W Walnut St Garland 75040 17 E3008 George L Allen Sr Court Building Main Lobby 600 Commerce St Dallas 75202 18 E4086 Grauwyler Park Recreation Center Gym B 7780 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas 75235 19 E1116 Harry Stone Recreation Center Multi-Purpose Room 104 2403 Millmar Dr Dallas 75228 20 E3073 Highland Hills Library Auditorium 6200 Bonnie View Rd Dallas 75241 21 E4607 Irving City Hall Main Lobby 825 W Irving Blvd Irving 75060 22 E2407 Josey Ranch Lake Library Meeting Room 1700 Keller Springs Rd Carrollton 75006 23 E3309 Lakeside Activity Center Large Room 101 Holley Park Dr Mesquite 75149 24 E3809 Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library Meeting Room 1600 Veterans Memorial Pkwy Lancaster 75134 25 E1052 Lochwood Branch Library Classrooms 1 & 2 11221 Lochwood Blvd Dallas 75218 26 E2005 Marsh Lane Baptist Church Fellowship Hall 10716 Marsh Ln Dallas 75229 27 E3020 Martin Luther King Jr Community Ctr Building A Foyer 2922 MLK Jr Blvd Dallas 75215 28 E4064 Martin Weiss Recreation Center Auditorium 1111 Martindell Ave Dallas 75211 29 E4050 Mountain Creek Library Auditorium 6102 Mountain Creek Pkwy Dallas 75249 30 E4113 Mountain View Campus-Dallas College E Bldg., East Foyer 4849 W Illinois Ave Dallas 75211 31 E4633 North Lake Campus-Dallas College Rm F105 5001 N Macarthur Blvd Irving 75038 32 E4071 Oak Cliff Government Center Main Lobby 702 E. Jefferson Blvd Ste 1200 Dallas 75203 33 E1022 Oaklawn Branch Library Auditorium 4100 Cedar Springs Rd Dallas 75219 34 E2027 Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Parlor Room 7611 Park Ln Dallas 75225 35 E4528 Our Redeemer Lutheran Church-GP Fellowship Hall 4729 S Carrier Pkwy Grand Prairie 75052 36 E3043 Paul L Dunbar Lancaster-Kiest Lib Auditorium 2008 E Kiest Blvd Dallas 75216 37 E1096 Pleasant Grove Ctr-Dallas College PG 108/109 802 S Buckner Blvd Dallas 75217 38 E2516 Richardson Civic Center Parks Room 411 W Arapaho Rd Richardson 75080 Early Voting Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations and times are subject to change 3 # VC# Location Edificio Địa Điểm Voting Area Lugar De Votación Khu vực bỏ phiếu Address Dirección Địa chỉ City Ciudad Thành Phố Zip Codigo Postal Mã bưu chính 39 E1029 Richland Campus-Dallas College LeCroy Bldg. Rm 012 & 019 12800 Abrams Rd Dallas 75243 40 E2924 Rowlett City Hall Annex Conference Room 4004 Main St Rowlett 75088 41 E2942 Sachse Senior Center-Bldg A Multi-Purpose Room 3815 Sachse Road Sachse 75048 42 E1074 Samuell Grand Rec Center Computer Lab 111 6200 E Grand Ave Dallas 75223 43 E1088 Skyline Branch Library Auditorium 6006 Everglade Rd Dallas 75227 44 E1723 South Garland Branch Library Program Room 4845 Broadway Blvd Garland 75043 45 E2220 University Park United Methodist Church Caldwell Room 120 4024 Caruth Blvd Dallas 75225 46 E2604 Valley Ranch Branch Library Meeting Room 401 Cimarron Trl Irving 75063 47 E4029 West Dallas Center-Dallas College Main Lobby 3330 N Hampton Rd Dallas 75212 48 E0004 Elections Training/Warehouse ** Room 102 1460 Roundtable Dr Dallas 75247 49 E3950 Hutchins City Hall Council Chambers 321 N Main St Hutchins 75141 **Early Voting Location Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 1 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V1001 SAM TASBY MIDDLE SCHOOL 7001 FAIR OAKS AVE DALLAS 75231 V1002 VICKERY BAPTIST CHURCH 5814 RIDGECREST RD DALLAS 75231 V1003 HAMILTON PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11881 SCHROEDER DR DALLAS 75243 V1004 FOREST MEADOW JR HIGH SCHOOL 9373 WHITEHURST DR DALLAS 75243 V1005 NEW MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 9530 SHEPHERD RD DALLAS 75243 V1006 MOSS HAVEN ELEM SCHOOL 9202 MOSS FARM LN DALLAS 75243 V1008 LEE MCSHAN JR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8307 MEADOW RD DALLAS 75231 V1013 NORTH DALLAS HIGH SCHOOL 3120 N HASKELL AVE DALLAS 75204 V1015 MULTIPLE CAREERS MAGNET CTR 4528 RUSK AVE DALLAS 75204 V1019 SOLAR PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 2617 N HENDERSON AVE DALLAS 75206 V1020 BEN MILAM ELEM SCH - DISD 4200 MCKINNEY AVE DALLAS 75205 V1022 OAKLAWN BRANCH LIBRARY 4100 CEDAR SPRINGS RD DALLAS 75219 V1023 THE FATHER'S CHURCH 2707 ABRAMS RD DALLAS 75214 V1027 AUDELIA CREEK ELEM SCHOOL 12600 AUDELIA RD DALLAS 75243 V1029 RICHLAND COLLEGE-LECROY CENTER 12800 ABRAMS RD DALLAS 75243 V1030 A M AIKIN ELEM SCHOOL 12300 PLEASANT VALLEY DR DALLAS 75243 V1032 NORTHWOOD HILLS ELEM SCH 14532 MEANDERING WAY DALLAS 75254 V1033 SPRING VALLEY ELEM SCHOOL 13535 SPRING GROVE AVE DALLAS 75240 V1036 RISD ACADEMY 13630 COIT RD DALLAS 75240 V1040 DALLAS FIRE STATION #57 9666 FERRIS BRANCH BLVD DALLAS 75238 V1043 SKYVIEW ELEM SCHOOL 9229 MEADOWKNOLL DR DALLAS 75243 V1045 PERSONALIZED LEARN. ACADEMY@HIGHLAND MDW ES 8939 WHITEWING LN DALLAS 75238 V1047 MARTHA T REILLY ELEM 11230 LIPPITT AVE DALLAS 75218 V1049 MERRIMAN PARK ELEM SCHOOL 7101 WINEDALE DR DALLAS 75231 V1052 LOCHWOOD BRANCH LIBRARY 11221 LOCHWOOD BLVD DALLAS 75218 V1054 CASA VIEW ELEM SCHOOL 2100 N FAROLA DR DALLAS 75228 V1056 CHARLES A GILL ELEM SCH 10910 FERGUSON RD DALLAS 75228 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 2 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V1057 ST PIUS X CHURCH PARISH 3030 GUS THOMASSON RD DALLAS 75228 V1058 BRYAN ADAMS HIGH SCHOOL 2403 MILLMAR DR DALLAS 75228 V1059 REINHARDT ELEM SCHOOL 10122 LOSA DR DALLAS 75218 V1060 ALEX SANGER PREPARATORY SCHOOL 8410 SAN LEANDRO DR DALLAS 75218 V1061 W H GASTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 9565 MERCER DR DALLAS 75228 V1063 GEORGE TRUETT ELEM SCH 1811 GROSS RD DALLAS 75228 V1070 GRACE UNITED METH CHURCH 4105 JUNIUS ST DALLAS 75246 V1071 LAKEWOOD BRANCH LIBRARY 6121 WORTH ST DALLAS 75214 V1073 THE CHURCH AT JUNIUS HEIGHTS 5429 REIGER AVE DALLAS 75214 V1074 SAMUELL GRAND REC CENTER 6220 E GRAND AVE DALLAS 75223 V1076 EDUARDO MATA MONTESSORI SCHOOL 7420 LA VISTA DR DALLAS 75214 V1078 BAYLES ELEM SCHOOL 2444 TELEGRAPH AVE DALLAS 75228 V1079 S S CONNER ELEM SCHOOL 3037 GREENMEADOW DR DALLAS 75228 V1081 OWENWOOD FARM & NEIGHBOR SPACE 1451 JOHN WEST RD DALLAS 75228 V1083 COLONIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 6459 SCYENE RD DALLAS 75227 V1084 EDNA ROWE ELEM SCHOOL 4918 HOVENKAMP DR DALLAS 75227 V1085 URBAN PARK ELEM SCHOOL 6901 MILITARY PKWY DALLAS 75227 V1087 SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL 7777 FORNEY RD DALLAS 75227 V1088 SKYLINE BRANCH LIBRARY 6006 EVERGLADE RD DALLAS 75227 V1090 SAN JACINTO ELEM SCHOOL 7900 HUME DR DALLAS 75227 V1091 ANNIE WEBB BLANTON SCHOOL 8915 GREENMOUND AVE DALLAS 75227 V1092 EDWARD TITCHE ELEM SCHOOL 9560 HIGHFIELD DR DALLAS 75227 V1093 NUEVA VIDA LIFE ASSEMBLY 10747 BRUTON RD DALLAS 75217 V1094 SYLVIA MENDEZ (CREW) LEADERSHIP ACADEMY 1515 N JIM MILLER RD DALLAS 75217 V1095 NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE SCHOOL 7800 UMPHRESS RD DALLAS 75217 V1096 EASTFIELD COLLEGE PLEASANT GROVE CAMPUS 802 S BUCKNER BLVD DALLAS 75217 V1097 W W SAMUELL HIGH SCHOOL 8928 PALISADE DR DALLAS 75217 V1098 YMLA @ FLORENCE MIDDLE SCHOOL 1625 N MASTERS DR DALLAS 75217 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 3 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V1100 E B COMSTOCK MIDDLE SCHOOL 7044 HODDE ST DALLAS 75217 V1101 PLEASANT GROVE LIBRARY 7310 LAKE JUNE RD DALLAS 75217 V1102 B H MACON ELEM SCHOOL 650 HOLCOMB RD DALLAS 75217 V1104 WILLIAM ANDERSON ELEM SCH 620 N ST AUGUSTINE RD DALLAS 75217 V1107 RICHARD LAGOW ELEM SCHOOL 637 EDGEWORTH DR DALLAS 75217 V1108 H GRADY SPRUCE HIGH SCHOOL 9733 OLD SEAGOVILLE RD DALLAS 75217 V1109 SURE FOUNDATION BAPTIST CHURCH 8601 FIRESIDE DR DALLAS 75217 V1116 EDWIN J KIEST ELEM SCHOOL 2611 HEALEY DR DALLAS 75228 V1118 IGNITE MIDDLE SCHOOL 2211 CADDO ST DALLAS 75204 V1119 ST LUKE COMMUNITY UMC 5710 E R L THORNTON FRWY DALLAS 75223 V1120 SOLAR PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS 1802 MOSER AVE DALLAS 75206 V1121 LIVING WATERS CHURCH OF GOD 11110 SHILOH RD DALLAS 75228 V1128 LAKE HIGHLANDS HIGH SCHOOL 9449 CHURCH RD DALLAS 75238 V1134 FORESTER FIELD HOUSE 8233 MILITARY PKWY DALLAS 75227 V1300 ED VANSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 3230 KARLA DR MESQUITE 75150 V1301 FLORENCE RECREATION CENTER 2501 WHITSON WAY MESQUITE 75150 V1302 VERNON PRICE ELEM SCHOOL 630 STROUD LN GARLAND 75043 V1303 EASTFIELD COLLEGE-MAIN CAMPUS, C BLDG 3737 MOTLEY DR MESQUITE 75150 V1304 GOODBAR RECREATION CENTER 3000 CONCORD DR MESQUITE 75150 V1305 ZACK MOTLEY ELEM SCHOOL 3719 MOON DR MESQUITE 75150 V1308 RANGE ELEM SCHOOL 4060 EMERALD DR MESQUITE 75150 V1310 TOSCH ELEM SCHOOL 2424 LARCHMONT DR MESQUITE 75150 V1311 J C RUGEL ELEM SCHOOL 2701 SYBIL DR MESQUITE 75149 V1312 GALLOWAY ELEM SCHOOL 200 CLARY DR MESQUITE 75149 V1314 WEST MESQUITE HIGH SCHOOL 2500 MEMORIAL PKWY MESQUITE 75149 V1500 DOVER ELEM SCHOOL 700 DOVER DR RICHARDSON 75080 V1501 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR-RISD 701 W BELT LINE RD RICHARDSON 75080 V1502 MATH/SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY MAGNET-RISD 450 ABRAMS RD RICHARDSON 75081 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 4 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V1503 RICHLAND ELEM SCHOOL 550 PARK BEND DR RICHARDSON 75081 V1700 BRADFIELD REC CENTER 1146 CASTLE DR GARLAND 75040 V1701 BUSSEY MIDDLE SCHOOL 1204 TRAVIS ST GARLAND 75040 V1702 GOLDEN MEADOWS ELEM SCHOOL 1726 TRAVIS ST GARLAND 75042 V1703 A R DAVIS ELEM SCHOOL 1621 MCCALLUM DR GARLAND 75042 V1705 O. HENRY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4100 TYNES DR GARLAND 75042 V1706 BRADFIELD ELEM SCHOOL-GISD 3817 BUCKNELL DR GARLAND 75042 V1708 RICHLAND COLLEGE - GARLAND CAMPUS 675 W WALNUT ST GARLAND 75040 V1709 AUSTIN ACADEMY 1125 BEVERLY DR GARLAND 75040 V1710 KIMBERLIN ACADEMY 1520 CUMBERLAND DR GARLAND 75040 V1711 GRANGER RECREATION CENTER 1310 W AVE F GARLAND 75040 V1712 WILLIAMS ELEM SCHOOL 1821 OLD GATE LN GARLAND 75042 V1713 MEMORIAL PATHWAY ACADEMY 2825 S FIRST ST GARLAND 75041 V1715 WATSON TECHNOLOGY CENTER 2601 DAIRY RD GARLAND 75041 V1716 SOUTH GARLAND HIGH SCHOOL 600 COLONEL DR GARLAND 75043 V1717 CLASSICAL CENTER @ BRANDENBURG MS 626 NICKENS RD GARLAND 75043 V1718 SOUTHGATE ELEM SCHOOL 1115 MAYFIELD AVE GARLAND 75041 V1719 MONTCLAIR ELEM SCHOOL 5200 BROADMOOR DR GARLAND 75043 V1720 O'BANION MIDDLE SCHOOL 700 BIRCHWOOD DR GARLAND 75043 V1722 CLASSICAL CENTER AT VIAL ELEM SCHOOL 126 CREEKVIEW DR GARLAND 75043 V1723 SOUTH GARLAND BRANCH LIBRARY 4845 BROADWAY BLVD GARLAND 75043 V1726 ROUTH ROACH ELEM SCHOOL 1811 MAYFIELD AVE GARLAND 75041 V1728 SAM HOUSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 2232 SUSSEX DR GARLAND 75041 V2002 THOMAS C MARSH PREPARATORY ACADEMY 3838 CROWN SHORE DR DALLAS 75244 V2003 W T WHITE HIGH SCHOOL 4505 RIDGESIDE DR DALLAS 75244 V2004 NATHAN ADAMS ELEM SCHOOL 12600 WELCH RD DALLAS 75244 V2005 MARSH LANE BAPTIST CHURCH 10716 MARSH LANE DALLAS 75229 V2006 HARRY C WITHERS ELEM SCHOOL 3959 NORTHAVEN RD DALLAS 75229 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 5 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V2007 MIDWAY HILLS CHRISTIAN CHURCH 11001 MIDWAY RD DALLAS 75229 V2008 JOHN J PERSHING ELEM SCHOOL 5715 MEADERS LN DALLAS 75229 V2009 L G CIGARROA ELEM SCHOOL 9990 WEBB CHAPEL RD DALLAS 75220 V2010 EDWARD CARY MIDDLE SCHOOL 3978 KILLION DR DALLAS 75229 V2011 WALNUT HILL REC CENTER 10011 MIDWAY RD DALLAS 75229 V2013 LOVERS LANE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 9200 INWOOD RD DALLAS 75220 V2016 UNITY CHURCH OF DALLAS 6525 FOREST LN DALLAS 75230 V2018 NORTHAVEN UN METHODIST CHURCH 11211 PRESTON RD DALLAS 75230 V2019 GEORGE B DEALEY MONTESSORI ACADEMY 6501 ROYAL LN DALLAS 75230 V2020 ARTHUR KRAMER ELEM SCHOOL 7131 MIDBURY DR DALLAS 75230 V2021 HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL 9924 HILLCREST RD DALLAS 75230 V2023 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN - IEA 6920 MEADOW RD DALLAS 75230 V2026 PRESTON HOLLOW UN METHODIST CHURCH 6315 WALNUT HILL LN DALLAS 75230 V2027 OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 7611 PARK LN DALLAS 75225 V2029 WESTMINISTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 8200 DEVONSHIRE DALLAS 75209 V2030 THE MUSEUM OF BIBLICAL ART 7500 PARK LN DALLAS 75225 V2032 SKILLMAN SOUTHWESTERN BRANCH LIBRARY 5707 SKILLMAN ST DALLAS 75206 V2034 HENRY W LONGFELLOW - CEA 5314 BOAZ ST DALLAS 75209 V2035 MOCKINGBIRD COMMUNITY CHURCH 5470 ELLSWORTH AVE DALLAS 75206 V2036 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 6121 E LOVERS LN DALLAS 75214 V2038 GENEVA HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY 2911 DELMAR AVE DALLAS 75206 V2040 ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3204 SKILLMAN ST DALLAS 75206 V2041 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-DALLAS, VISITOR CTR 800 W CAMPBELL RD RICHARDSON 75080 V2042 PARKHILL JR HIGH SCHOOL 16500 SHADYBANK DR DALLAS 75248 V2043 BRENTFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL 6767 BRENTFIELD DR DALLAS 75248 V2044 TEXAS A&M RESEARCH EXT CTR 17360 COIT RD DALLAS 75252 V2047 JAMES BOWIE ELEM SCHOOL-RISD 7643 LA MANGA DR DALLAS 75248 V2048 DALLAS FIRE STATION #7 6010 DAVENPORT RD DALLAS 75248 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 6 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V2050 PRESTONWOOD ELEM SCHOOL 6525 LA COSA DR DALLAS 75248 V2051 SPRING CREEK ELEM-RISD 7667 ROUNDROCK RD DALLAS 75248 V2052 FRETZ PARK LIBRARY 6990 BELT LINE RD DALLAS 75254 V2056 KING OF GLORY LUTHERAN CHURCH 6411 LBJ FWY DALLAS 75240 V2058 PARK CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH 7777 LBJ FWY DALLAS 75240 V2059 BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 10045 AUDELIA RD DALLAS 75238 V2060 NORTHLAKE ELEM SCH - RISD 10059 RAVENSWAY DR DALLAS 75238 V2061 LAKE HIGHLANDS ELEM SCHOOL 9501 FERNDALE RD DALLAS 75238 V2062 LAKE HIGHLANDS JR HIGH 10301 WALNUT HILL LN DALLAS 75238 V2063 WALLACE ELEM SCHOOL-RISD 9921 KIRKHAVEN DR DALLAS 75238 V2064 HIGHLAND OAKS CHURCH OF CHRIST 505 EASTON RD DALLAS 75218 V2065 VICTOR HEXTER ELEM SCHOOL 9720 WATERVIEW RD DALLAS 75218 V2066 LAKE HIGHLANDS NORTH REC CTR 9940 WHITE ROCK TRL DALLAS 75238 V2067 L L HOTCHKISS ELEM SCHOOL 6929 TOWN NORTH DR DALLAS 75231 V2068 DAN D ROGERS ELEM SCHOOL 5314 ABRAMS RD DALLAS 75214 V2069 RIDGEWOOD REC CENTER 6818 FISHER RD DALLAS 75214 V2071 LAKEWOOD ELEM SCHOOL 3000 HILLBROOK ST DALLAS 75214 V2072 NORTHRIDGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 6920 BOB-O-LINK DR DALLAS 75214 V2073 BATH HOUSE CULTURAL CENTER 521 E LAWTHER DR DALLAS 75218 V2077 E D WALKER MIDDLE SCHOOL 12532 NUESTRA DR DALLAS 75230 V2079 ANNE FRANK ELEM SCHOOL 5201 CELESTIAL RD DALLAS 75254 V2200 CENTRAL COMMONS CHURCH 4711 WESTSIDE DR DALLAS 75209 V2203 JOHN S ARMSTRONG ELEM 3600 CORNELL AVE DALLAS 75205 V2220 UNIVERSITY PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4024 CARUTH BLVD DALLAS 75225 V2221 JOHN S. BRADFIELD ELEMENTARY 4300 SOUTHERN AVE DALLAS 75205 V2223 UNIVERSITY PARK SCH-W 3505 AMHERST AVE DALLAS 75225 V2224 HIGHLAND PARK MIDDLE SCHOOL 3555 GRANADA DR DALLAS 75205 V2225 SMU/HUGHES-TRIGGS STUDENT CTR 3140 DYER ST DALLAS 75205 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 7 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V2226 HIGHLAND PARK ISD ADMIN BLDG 7015 WESTCHESTER DR DALLAS 75205 V2300 ST ANDREWS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2783 VALWOOD PKWY FARMERS BRANCH 75234 V2301 LOOS FIELD HOUSE 3815 SPRING VALLEY RD ADDISON 75001 V2302 VIVIAN FIELD MIDDLE SCHOOL 13551 DENNIS LN FARMERS BRANCH 75234 V2303 FARMERS BRANCH RECREATION CENTER 14050 HEARTSIDE PL FARMERS BRANCH 75234 V2305 FARMERS BRANCH MANSKE LIBRARY 13613 WEBB CHAPEL RD FARMERS BRANCH 75234 V2306 CHAPEL HILL PREPARATORY SCHOOL 12701 TEMPLETON TRL DALLAS 75234 V2307 BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE 3939 VALLEY VIEW LN FARMERS BRANCH 75244 V2310 WEBB CHAPEL UMC 2536 VALLEY VIEW LN FARMERS BRANCH 75234 V2401 TED POLK MIDDLE SCHOOL 2001 KELLY BLVD CARROLLTON 75006 V2402 MCCOY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2425 MCCOY RD CARROLLTON 75006 V2403 JERRY R JUNKINS ELEM SCHOOL 2808 RUNNING DUKE DR CARROLLTON 75006 V2404 BLANTON ELEM SCHOOL 2525 SCOTT MILL RD CARROLLTON 75006 V2405 NEWMAN SMITH HIGH SCHOOL 2335 N JOSEY LN CARROLLTON 75006 V2406 KELLER SPRINGS BAPTIST CHUR 3227 KELLER SPRINGS RD CARROLLTON 75006 V2407 JOSEY RANCH LAKE LIBRARY 1700 KELLER SPRINGS RD CARROLLTON 75006 V2408 CROSBY RECREATION CENTER 1610 E CROSBY RD CARROLLTON 75006 V2409 NORTH DALLAS FAMILY CHURCH 1700 S JOSEY LN CARROLLTON 75006 V2500 GREENWOOD HILLS ELEM SCHOOL 1313 W SHORE DR RICHARDSON 75080 V2501 CANYON CREEK ELEM SCHOOL 2100 COPPER RIDGE DR RICHARDSON 75080 V2502 PRAIRIE CREEK ELEM SCHOOL 2120 E PRAIRIE CREEK DR RICHARDSON 75080 V2503 MOHAWK ELEM SCHOOL 1500 MIMOSA DR RICHARDSON 75080 V2504 RICHARDSON N JR HIGH SCHOOL 1820 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON 75080 V2505 NORTHRICH ELEM SCHOOL 1301 CUSTER RD RICHARDSON 75080 V2506 ARAPAHO CLASSICAL MAGNET SCHOOL 1300 CYPRESS DR RICHARDSON 75080 V2507 RICHARDSON HEIGHTS ELEM 101 N FLOYD RD RICHARDSON 75080 V2508 RICHARDSON TERRACE ELEMENTARY 300 N DOROTHY DR RICHARDSON 75081 V2509 CARE CHURCH 1504 E CAMPBELL RD RICHARDSON 75081 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 8 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V2510 YALE ELEM SCHOOL 1900 E COLLINS BLVD RICHARDSON 75081 V2511 DARTMOUTH ELEM SCHOOL 417 DARTMOUTH LN RICHARDSON 75081 V2513 SPRINGRIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1801 E SPRING VALLEY RD RICHARDSON 75081 V2514 JESS HARBEN ELEM SCHOOL 600 S GLENVILLE DR RICHARDSON 75081 V2516 RICHARDSON CIVIC CENTER 411 W ARAPAHO RD RICHARDSON 75080 V2601 VALLEY RANCH ELEM SCHOOL 9800 RODEO DR IRVING 75063 V2602 CIMARRON RECREATION CENTER 201 RED RIVER TRL IRVING 75063 V2603 FREEMAN ELEM SCHOOL-CFBISD 8757 VALLEY RANCH PKWY W IRVING 75063 V2604 VALLEY RANCH BRANCH LIBRARY 401 CIMARRON TRL IRVING 75063 V2700 BIG SPRINGS ELEM SCHOOL 3301 W CAMPBELL RD GARLAND 75044 V2701 SPRINGPARK SPORTS CLUB 3330 SPRINGPARK WAY GARLAND 75044 V2702 SPRING CREEK ELEM -GISD 1510 SPRING CREEK DR GARLAND 75040 V2704 NORTH GARLAND BRANCH LIBRARY 3845 N GARLAND AVE GARLAND 75040 V2705 HICKMAN ELEM SCHOOL 3114 PINEWOOD DR GARLAND 75044 V2706 WALLACE ETHRIDGE ELEM SCHOOL 2301 SAM HOUSTON DR GARLAND 75044 V2709 COOPER ELEM SCHOOL 1200 KINGSBRIDGE DR GARLAND 75040 V2710 LISTER ELEM SCHOOL 3131 MARS DR GARLAND 75040 V2712 NORTHLAKE ELEM SCHOOL -GISD 1626 BOSQUE DR GARLAND 75040 V2713 CLUB HILL ELEM SCHOOL 1330 COLONEL DR GARLAND 75043 V2714 LYLES MIDDLE SCHOOL 4655 S COUNTRY CLUB RD GARLAND 75043 V2715 NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH-GA 2510 N GLENBROOK DR GARLAND 75040 V2801 COPPELL ARTS CENTER 505 TRAVIS ST COPPELL 75019 V2802 WILSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 200 S COPPELL RD COPPELL 75019 V2803 MOCKINGBIRD ELEM SCHOOL 300 MOCKINGBIRD LN COPPELL 75019 V2805 COPPELL TOWN CENTER 255 E PARKWAY BLVD COPPELL 75019 V2807 LAKESIDE ELEM SCHOOL-COISD 1100 VILLAGE PKWY COPPELL 75019 V2808 COTTONWOOD CREEK ELEM SCH 615 MINYARD DR COPPELL 75019 V2809 RIVERCHASE ELEM SCHOOL 272 S MACARTHUR BLVD COPPELL 75019 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 9 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V2900 ADDISON FIRE STATION # 2 3950 BELTWAY DR ADDISON 75001 V2902 ADDISON FIRE STATION # 1 4798 AIRPORT PKWY ADDISON 75001 V2920 COYLE MIDDLE SCHOOL 4500 SKYLINE DR ROWLETT 75088 V2921 BACK ELEM SCHOOL 7300 BLUEBONNET DR ROWLETT 75089 V2922 LIBERTY GROVE ELEM SCHOOL 10201 LIBERTY GROVE RD ROWLETT 75089 V2924 ROWLETT CITY HALL ANNEX 5300 MAIN ST ROWLETT 75088 V2925 ROWLETT ELEM SCHOOL 3315 CARLA DR ROWLETT 75088 V2926 HERFURTH ELEM SCHOOL 7500 MILLER RD ROWLETT 75088 V2927 SCHRADE MIDDLE SCHOOL 6201 DANRIDGE RD ROWLETT 75089 V2940 CHASE OAKS CHUCH-WOODBRIDGE CAMPUS 2709 3RD ST SACHSE 75048 V2941 SACHSE SENIOR CENTER 3815 SACHSE RD SACHSE 75048 V2942 BG HUDSON MIDDLE SCHOOL 4405 HUDSON DR SACHSE 75048 V3000 WILLIAM B TRAVIS ACADEMY 3001 MCKINNEY AVE DALLAS 75204 V3003 T W BROWNE MIDDLE SCHOOL 3333 SPRAGUE DR DALLAS 75233 V3004 DANIEL WEBSTER ELEM SCHOOL 3815 S FRANKLIN ST DALLAS 75233 V3007 EL CENTRO COLLEGE CAMPUS 801 MAIN ST DALLAS 75202 V3008 GEORGE L ALLEN SR. COURTS BLDG 600 COMMERCE ST DALLAS 75202 V3009 EXALL RECREATION CENTER 1355 ADAIR ST DALLAS 75204 V3011 ST EDWARDS CATHOLIC CHURCH 4033 ELM ST DALLAS 75226 V3016 Dallas College - BILL J PRIEST Center 1402 CORINTH ST DALLAS 75215 V3017 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR ARTS ACADEMY 1817 WARREN AVE DALLAS 75215 V3018 PARK SOUTH YMCA 2500 ROMINE AVE DALLAS 75215 V3019 JAMES MADISON HIGH SCHOOL 3000 MLK BLVD DALLAS 75215 V3020 MARTIN LUTHER KING CORE BLDG 2922 MARTIN L KING BLVD DALLAS 75215 V3022 IRMA RANGEL-YOUNG WOMEN'S SCHOOL 1718 ROBERT B CULLUM BLVD DALLAS 75210 V3025 MT HOREB BAPTIST CHURCH 3306 CARPENTER AVE DALLAS 75215 V3026 ST PAUL BAPTIST CHURCH 1600 PEAR ST DALLAS 75215 V3027 LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL -CHM 2826 ELSIE FAYE HEGGINS ST DALLAS 75215 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 10 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V3029 EVANGELIST TEMPLE CHURCH 2627 DORRIS ST DALLAS 75215 V3032 HECTOR P GARCIA MIDDLE SCHOOL-DISD 700 E 8TH ST DALLAS 75203 V3034 GREATER MT PLEASANT BAPTIST CHURCH 1403 MORRELL AVE DALLAS 75203 V3035 F D ROOSEVELT HS OF INNOVATION 525 BONNIE VIEW RD DALLAS 75203 V3038 THE WAY-TRUTH-LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1702 S DENLEY DR DALLAS 75216 V3039 OLIVER W HOLMES MIDDLE SCHOOL 2001 E KIEST BLVD DALLAS 75216 V3040 GOOD STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 3110 BONNIE VIEW RD DALLAS 75216 V3042 JOHN NEELY BRYAN ELEM SCHOOL 2001 DEER PATH DR DALLAS 75216 V3043 PAUL L DUNBAR LANCASTER-KEIST LIBRARY 2008 EAST KIEST BLVD DALLAS 75216 V3044 W W BUSHMAN ELEM SCHOOL 4200 BONNIE VIEW RD DALLAS 75216 V3045 GETHSEMANE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 4600 SOLAR LN DALLAS 75216 V3046 JOHN W CARPENTER ELEM SCHOOL 2121 TOSCA LN DALLAS 75224 V3047 CFNI STUDENT CENTER 444 FAWN RIDGE DR DALLAS 75224 V3048 SOUTH OAK CLIFF HIGH SCHOOL 3601 S MARSALIS AVE DALLAS 75216 V3049 CLARA OLIVER ELEM SCHOOL 4010 IDAHO AVE DALLAS 75216 V3050 H I HOLLAND ELEM SCHOOL @ LISBON 4203 S LANCASTER RD DALLAS 75216 V3051 FOUNTAIN OF THE LIVING WORD CHURCH 2543 E LEDBETTER DR DALLAS 75216 V3052 ELISHA M PEASE ELEM SCHOOL 2914 CUMMINGS ST DALLAS 75216 V3054 W M HAWLEY ATWELL LAW ACADEMY 1303 REYNOLDSTON LN DALLAS 75232 V3055 ADELLE TURNER ELEM SCHOOL 5505 S POLK ST DALLAS 75232 V3056 MARK TWAIN LEADERSHIP VANGUARD 724 GREEN COVE LN DALLAS 75232 V3057 TG TERRY ELEM SCHOOL 6661 GREENSPAN AVE DALLAS 75232 V3058 ST PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH 5725 S MARSALIS AVE DALLAS 75241 V3059 IDEAL FAMILY CHURCH 1000 E REDBIRD LN DALLAS 75241 V3060 R L THORNTON ELEM SCHOOL 6011 OLD OX RD DALLAS 75241 V3061 BOML ACADEMY @ A MACEO SMITH 3030 STAG RD DALLAS 75241 V3062 J N ERVIN ELEM SCHOOL 3722 BLACK OAK DR DALLAS 75241 V3063 RONALD E MCNAIR ELEM SCHOOL 3150 BAINBRIDGE AVE DALLAS 75237 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 11 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V3064 FRIENDSHIP WEST BAPTIST CHURCH 2020 WHEATLAND RD DALLAS 75232 V3065 UMPHREY LEE ELEM SCHOOL 7808 RACINE DR DALLAS 75232 V3066 MARTIN WEISS ELEM SCHOOL 8601 WILLOUGHBY BLVD DALLAS 75232 V3067 DA HULCY STEAM MIDDLE SCHOOL 9339 S POLK ST DALLAS 75232 V3068 SINGING HILLS REC CENTER 6805 PATROL WAY DALLAS 75241 V3069 CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH 2817 CHERRY VALLEY BLVD DALLAS 75241 V3070 TOMMIE ALLEN REC CENTER 7071 BONNIE VIEW RD DALLAS 75241 V3071 HIGHLAND HILLS UN METHODIST CHURCH 3800 SIMPSON STUART RD DALLAS 75241 V3072 CEDAR VALLEY COLLEGE-M BLDG 3030 N DALLAS AVE LANCASTER 75134 V3073 HIGHLAND HILLS LIBRARY 6200 BONNIE VIEW RD DALLAS 75241 V3075 WILMER-HUTCHINS HIGH SCHOOL 5520 LANGDON RD DALLAS 75241 V3078 PARK IN THE WOODS REC CENTER 6801 MOUNTAIN CREEK PKWY DALLAS 75249 V3079 HENRIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 253 W LAWSON RD DALLAS 75253 V3080 KLEBERG/RYLIE REC CENTER 1515 EDD RD DALLAS 75253 V3081 BOOKER T WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 2501 FLORA ST DALLAS 75201 V3082 W A BLAIR ELEM SCHOOL 7720 GAYGLEN DR DALLAS 75217 V3083 EBBY HALLIDAY ELEM SCHOOL 10210 TEAGARDEN RD DALLAS 75217 V3090 JONSSON CENTRAL LIBRARY 1515 YOUNG ST DALLAS 75201 V3092 THURGOOD MARSHALL REC CENTER 5150 MARK TRAIL WAY DALLAS 75232 V3097 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS AT DALLAS 7300 UNIVERSITY HILLS BLVD DALLAS 75216 V3100 A E SIMS CEDAR HILL RECREATION CENTER 310 E PARKERVILLE RD CEDAR HILL 75104 V3102 KIM LEWIS AUXILIARY SERVICES CTR 202 E BELTLINE RD CEDAR HILL 75104 V3103 BESSIE COLEMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL 1208 E PLEASANT RUN RD CEDAR HILL 75104 V3104 MADDOX TEACHING & LEARNING CTR 1533 HIGH POINTE LN CEDAR HILL 75104 V3105 CEDAR HILLS GOVERNMENT CENTER 285 UPTOWN BLVD CEDAR HILL 75104 V3106 PLUMMER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1203 S CLARK RD CEDAR HILL 75104 V3107 HIGHLANDS ELEM SCHOOL-CHISD 131 SIMS DR CEDAR HILL 75104 V3108 BRAY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 218 N BROAD ST CEDAR HILL 75104 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 12 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V3109 LAKE RIDGE ELEM SCHOOL 1020 LAKE RIDGE PKWY CEDAR HILL 75104 V3200 H BOB DANIEL SR INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 1007 SPRINGWOOD DR DUNCANVILLE 75137 V3201 ALEXANDER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 510 SOFTWOOD DR DUNCANVILLE 75137 V3202 DUNCANVILLE LIBRARY 201 JAMES COLLINS BLVD DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3203 DUNCANVILLE'S FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 323 W WHEATLAND RD DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3204 REED MIDDLE SCHOOL 530 E FREEMAN ST DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3205 BRANDENBURG INTERMEDIATE SCH-DUISD 1903 BLUERIDGE DR DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3206 BYRD MIDDLE SCHOOL 1040 W WHEATLAND RD DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3207 ARISE CHURCH 201 W CENTER ST DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3208 CENTRAL ELEM SCHOOL- DUISD 302 E FREEMAN ST DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3209 DUNCANVILLE HS PERFORMANCE HALL 900 W CAMP WISDOM RD DUNCANVILLE 0 V3211 FAIRMEADOWS ELEM SCHOOL 101 E FAIRMEADOWS DR DUNCANVILLE 75116 V3300 PORTER ELEM SCHOOL 517 VIA AVENIDA MESQUITE 75150 V3301 DUNFORD REC CENTER 1015 GREEN CANYON DR MESQUITE 75150 V3302 GEORGIA KIMBALL ELEM 4010 CORYELL WAY MESQUITE 75150 V3303 DR JC CANNADAY ELEM SCHOOL 2701 CHISOLM TRL MESQUITE 75150 V3304 POTEET HIGH SCHOOL 3300 POTEET DR MESQUITE 75150 V3305 MESQUITE CITY HALL 757 N S GALLOWAY AVE MESQUITE 75149 V3307 W L WILKINSON MIDDLE SCHOOL 2100 CREST PARK DR MESQUITE 75149 V3309 LAKESIDE ACTIVITY CENTER 101 HOLLEY PARK DR MESQUITE 75149 V3310 MESQUITE HIGH SCHOOL 300 E DAVIS ST MESQUITE 75149 V3312 PIRRUNG ELEM SCHOOL 1500 CREEK VALLEY RD MESQUITE 75181 V3313 J R THOMPSON ELEM SCHOOL 2525 HELEN LN MESQUITE 75181 V3314 A C NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL 3700 S BELT LINE RD MESQUITE 75181 V3315 TISINGER ELEM SCHOOL 1701 HILLCREST ST MESQUITE 75149 V3316 RUTHERFORD REC CENTER 900 RUTHERFORD DR MESQUITE 75149 V3317 HORN HIGH SCHOOL 3300 E CARTWRIGHT RD MESQUITE 75181 V3400 BALCH SPRINGS CIVIC CENTER 12400 ELAM RD BALCH SPRINGS 75180 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 13 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V3404 HICKORY TREE BAPTIST CHURCH 3200 HICKORY TREE RD BALCH SPRINGS 75180 V3405 HODGES ELEM SCHOOL 14401 SPRING OAKS DR BALCH SPRINGS 75180 V3408 BALCH SPRINGS RECREATION CENTER 4372 SHEPHERD LN BALCH SPRINGS 75180 V3500 SUNNYVALE TOWN HALL 127 N COLLINS RD SUNNYVALE 75182 V3601 FAITH BIBLE CHURCH 1437 W PLEASANT RUN RD DESOTO 75115 V3604 RUBY YOUNG ELEM SCHOOL 707 YOUNG BLVD DESOTO 75115 V3605 DISCIPLE CENTRAL COMMUNITY CHURCH 901 N POLK ST DESOTO 75115 V3606 THE MEADOWS ELEM SCHOOL 1016 THE MEADOWS PKWY DESOTO 75115 V3607 COCKRELL HILL ELEM SCHOOL 425 S COCKRELL HILL RD DESOTO 75115 V3609 DESOTO HIGH SCHOOL 600 EAGLE DR DESOTO 75115 V3611 DESOTO EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL 601 E BELT LINE RD DESOTO 75115 V3616 BELT LINE CONFERENCE CENTER 200 E BELT LINE RD DESOTO 75115 V3617 GLENN HEIGHTS CITY HALL 1938 S HAMPTON RD GLENN HEIGHTS 75154 V3700 COUCH ELEM SCHOOL 4349 WATERHOUSE BLVD GARLAND 75043 V3702 TOLER ELEM SCHOOL 3520 GUTHRIE RD GARLAND 75043 V3800 HOUSTON ELEM SCHOOL-LISD 2929 MARQUIS LN LANCASTER 75134 V3802 PLEASANT RUN ELEM SCHOOL 427 W PLEASANT RUN RD LANCASTER 75146 V3803 ROLLING HILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 450 ROLLING HILLS PL LANCASTER 75146 V3805 ROSA PARKS-MILLBROOK ELEM SCHOOL 630 MILLBROOK DR LANCASTER 75146 V3807 ELSIE ROBERTSON MIDDLE SCHOOL 822 W PLEASANT RUN RD LANCASTER 75146 V3808 WEST MAIN ELEM SCHOOL 531 W MAIN ST LANCASTER 75146 V3809 LANCASTER VETERANS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1600 VETERANS MEMORIAL PKWY LANCASTER 75134 V3900 MCCOWAN MIDDLE SCHOOL 1500 MAJESTIC MEADOW DR GLENN HEIGHTS 75154 V3920 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH-SEAGOVILLE 108 E FARMERS RD SEAGOVILLE 75159 V3921 SEAGOVILLE CITY HALL 702 N HWY 175 SEAGOVILLE 75159 V3940 WILMER COMMUNITY CENTER 101 DAVIDSON PLZ WILMER 75172 V3950 HUTCHINS COMMUNITY CENTER 500 W HICKMAN ST HUTCHINS 75141 V4002 CAILLET ELEM SCHOOL 3033 MERRELL RD DALLAS 75229 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 14 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V4004 MARCUS REC CENTER 3003 NORTHAVEN RD DALLAS 75229 V4006 DEGOLYER ELEM SCHOOL 3453 FLAIR DR DALLAS 75229 V4010 STEPHEN FOSTER ELEM SCH 3700 CLOVER LN DALLAS 75220 V4014 SUDIE WILLIAMS TAG ACADEMY 4518 POMONA RD DALLAS 75209 V4015 NORTH PARK COMMUNITY CORP 4619 W UNIVERSITY BLVD DALLAS 75209 V4016 K B POLK VANGUARD CENTER ATG 6911 VICTORIA AVE DALLAS 75209 V4018 MAPLE LAWN ELEM SCHOOL 3120 INWOOD RD DALLAS 75235 V4019 ARLINGTON PARK RECREATION CENTER 1505 RECORD CROSSING RD DALLAS 75235 V4022 ESPERANZA HOPE MEDRANO ELEM SCHOOL 2221 LUCAS DR DALLAS 75219 V4024 L G PINKSTON HIGH SCHOOL 2200 DENNISON ST DALLAS 75212 V4028 VICTORY CATHEDRAL 3407 N WESTMORELAND RD DALLAS 75212 V4029 DALLAS COLLEGE-WEST DALLAS CENTER 3330 NORTH HAMPTON RD DALLAS 75212 V4031 C F CARR ELEM SCHOOL 1952 BAYSIDE ST DALLAS 75212 V4032 REVERCHON RECREATION CENTER 3505 MAPLE AVE DALLAS 75219 V4033 DALLAS FIRE STATION #1 1901 IRVING BLVD DALLAS 75207 V4035 MARGARET B. HENDERSON ELEM SCHOOL 2200 S EDGEFIELD AVE DALLAS 75224 V4038 HARRELL BUDD ELEM SCHOOL 2121 S MARSALIS AVE DALLAS 75216 V4039 BEXAR STREET BAPTIST CHURCH 2018 S MARSALIS AVE DALLAS 75216 V4040 TRINITY HEIGHTS TALENTED & GIFTED 1515 LYNN HAVEN AVE DALLAS 75216 V4043 THE UNION CHURCH 3410 S POLK ST DALLAS 75224 V4046 CLINTON P RUSSELL ELEM SCHOOL 3031 S BECKLEY AVE DALLAS 75224 V4050 MOUNTAIN CREEK LIBRARY 6102 MOUNTAIN CREEK PKWY DALLAS 75249 V4052 BILHARTZ ELEM SCHOOL 6700 WANDT DR DALLAS 75236 V4055 LESLIE STEMMONS ELEM SCHOOL 2727 KNOXVILLE ST DALLAS 75211 V4056 PALABRA DE VIDA CHURCH 2550 W ILLINOIS AVE DALLAS 75233 V4057 KIEST REC CENTER 3081 S HAMPTON RD DALLAS 75224 V4060 NANCY JANE COCHRAN ELEMENTARY 6000 KEENELAND PKWY DALLAS 75211 V4061 L O DONALD ELEM SCHOOL 1218 PHINNEY AVE DALLAS 75211 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 15 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V4062 LELIA P COWART ELEM SCHOOL 1515 S RAVINIA DR DALLAS 75211 V4063 ELMWOOD-EL BUEN SAMARITANO UMC 1315 BERKLEY AVE DALLAS 75224 V4064 MARTIN WEISS REC CENTER 1111 MARTINDELL AVE DALLAS 75211 V4065 ARCADIA PARK ELEM SCHOOL 1300 N JUSTIN AVE DALLAS 75211 V4066 ANSON JONES ELEM SCHOOL 3901 MEREDITH AVE DALLAS 75211 V4067 GEORGE PEABODY ELEM SCHOOL 3101 RAYDELL PL DALLAS 75211 V4068 LIDA HOOE ELEM SCHOOL 2419 GLADSTONE DR DALLAS 75211 V4069 WINNETKA ELEM SCHOOL 1151 S EDGEFIELD AVE DALLAS 75208 V4070 JOHN F PEELER ELEM SCHOOL 810 S LLEWELLYN AVE DALLAS 75208 V4071 OAK CLIFF SUB-COURTHOUSE 702 E JEFFERSON BLVD DALLAS 75203 V4073 PREPARING THE WAY MINISTRIES 2442 W JEFFERSON BLVD DALLAS 75211 V4074 SUNSET HIGH SCHOOL-ANNEX BUILDING 2021 W TENTH ST DALLAS 75208 V4075 Bishop Arts Steam Academy 201 N ADAMS AVE DALLAS 75208 V4076 STEVENS PARK ELEM SCHOOL 2615 W COLORADO BLVD DALLAS 75211 V4077 ROSEMONT ELEM SCHOOL/UPPER CAMPUS 719 N MONTCLAIR AVE DALLAS 75208 V4078 KIDD SPRINGS REC CENTER 711 W CANTY ST DALLAS 75208 V4079 KESSLER PARK UNITED METHODIST CHUR 1215 TURNER AVE DALLAS 75208 V4081 ELADIO R MARTINEZ LEARNING CENTER 4500 BERNAL DR DALLAS 75212 V4083 JESUS MOROLES EXPRESSIVE ARTS VANGUARD 1400 WALMSLEY AVE DALLAS 75208 V4085 ANITA MARTINEZ REC CENTER 3212 N WINNETKA AVE DALLAS 75212 V4086 GRAUWYLER PARK REC CENTER 7780 HARRY HINES BLVD DALLAS 75235 V4087 BACHMAN REC CENTER 2750 BACHMAN DR DALLAS 75220 V4094 PARK FOREST BRANCH LIBRARY 3421 FOREST LN DALLAS 75234 V4097 DAVID G BURNET ELEM SCHOOL 3200 KINKAID DR DALLAS 75220 V4110 BOUDE STOREY MIDDLE SCHOOL 3000 MARYLAND AVE DALLAS 75216 V4113 MOUNTAIN VIEW COLLEGE-E BLDG 4849 W ILLINOIS AVE DALLAS 75211 V4300 COCKRELL HILL CITY HALL 4125 W CLARENDON DR COCKRELL HILL 75211 V4501 SUZANNA DICKINSON ELEM 1902 PALMER TRL GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 16 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V4502 BETTY WARMACK LIBRARY 760 BARDIN RD GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4507 DANIELS ACADEMY 801 SW 19TH ST GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4508 ELLEN OCHOA STEM ACADEMY/MILAM- GPISD 2030 PROCTOR DR GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4509 YWLA @ ARNOLD MIDDLE SCHOOL 1204 E MARSHALL DR GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4511 BOWIE FINE ARTS ACADEMY -GPISD 425 ALICE DR GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4512 CHARLEY TAYLOR REC CENTER 601 E GRAND PRAIRIE RD GRAND PRAIRIE 75051 V4513 HOUSTON PROFESSIONAL STAFF DEVELOPMENT CTR 1502 COLLEGE ST GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4514 CROSSWINDS HIGH SCHOOL 1100 N CARRIER PARKWAY GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4515 TRAVIS WORLD LANGUAGE ACADEMY 525 NE 15TH ST GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4517 EISENHOWER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2102 N CARRIER PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4518 MINISTERIOS CIELO EN LA TIERRA 3313 GILBERT RD GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4519 RONALD W REAGAN MIDDLE SCHOOL 4616 BARDIN RD GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4520 SAM RAYBURN ELEM SCHOOL 2800 REFORMA DR GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4521 LORENZO DE ZAVALA ACADEMY 3410 KIRBY CREEK DR GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4522 TRUMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL 1501 COFFEYVILLE TRL GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4525 JOHNSON (LBJ) DAEP -GPISD 650 STONEWALL DR GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4527 HECTOR P. GARCIA ELEM SCHOOL-GPISD 2444 GRAHAM ST GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 V4528 OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH- GP 4729 S CARRIER PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4538 GLOBAL LEADERSHIP ACADEMY at BUSH ELEM SCHOOL 511 E SPRINGDALE LN GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 V4601 SALLY B ELLIOTT ELEM SCHOOL 1900 S STORY RD IRVING 75060 V4602 NIMITZ HIGH SCHOOL 100 W OAKDALE RD IRVING 75060 V4605 OTIS BROWN ELEM SCHOOL 2501 W TENTH ST IRVING 75060 V4606 LAMAR MIDDLE SCHOOL 219 CRANDALL RD IRVING 75060 V4607 IRVING CITY HALL 825 W IRVING BLVD IRVING 75060 V4608 J O DAVIS ELEM SCHOOL 310 DAVIS DR IRVING 75061 V4610 L B BARTON ELEM SCHOOL 2931 CONFLANS RD IRVING 75061 V4613 IRVING HIGH SCHOOL 900 N O'CONNOR RD IRVING 75061 V4616 GOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL-IRISD 1200 E UNION BOWER RD IRVING 75061 Election Day Vote Center Locations November 8, 2022 General Election Locations are subject to change 17 Vote Center # Vote Center Name Address City Zip V4618 DAVID CROCKETT MIDDLE SCHOOL 2431 HANCOCK ST IRVING 75061 V4619 LIVELY ELEM SCHOOL 1800 PLYMOUTH DR W IRVING 75061 V4620 OAK HAVEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1600 N IRVING HEIGHTS DR IRVING 75061 V4621 THOMAS HALEY ELEM SCHOOL 3601 CHEYENNE ST IRVING 75062 V4622 W T HANES ELEM SCHOOL 2730 CHEYENNE ST IRVING 75062 V4623 A S JOHNSTON ELEM SCHOOL 2801 RUTGERS DR IRVING 75062 V4624 BRANDENBURG ELEM 2800 HILLCREST DR IRVING 75062 V4626 MACARTHUR HIGH SCHOOL 3700 N MACARTHUR BLVD IRVING 75062 V4627 IRVING FIRE STATION # 8 650 E LAS COLINAS BLVD IRVING 75039 V4629 BEAR CREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH 2700 FINLEY RD IRVING 75062 V4630 T J LEE ELEM SCHOOL 1600 CARLISLE ST IRVING 75062 V4631 TRAVIS MIDDLE SCHOOL 1600 FINLEY RD IRVING 75062 V4633 NORTH LAKE COLLEGE-F BLDG 5001 N MACARTHUR BLVD IRVING 75038 V4634 SINGLEY ACADEMY 4601 N MCARTHUR BLVD IRVING 75038 V4640 HOUSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL-IRISD 3033 W COUNTRY CLUB RD IRVING 75038 V4642 IRVING ARTS CENTER 3333 N MACARTHUR BLVD IRVING 75062 V4645 LAS COLINAS ELEM SCHOOL 2200 KINWEST PKWY IRVING 75063 V4646 BARBARA CARDWELL CAREER PREP 101 E UNION BOWER RD IRVING 75061 V4647 MUSTANG PARK REC CENTER 2223 KINWEST PKWY IRVING 75063 V4652 BRITAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 631 EDMONDSON DR IRVING 75060 V4654 IRVING FIRE STATION # 2 1306 N STORY RD IRVING 75061 V4663 UNIVERSITY OF DALLAS - CARDINAL FARRELL HALL 2815 LYNCH CIR IRVING 75062 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO FRIENDSHIP WEST BAPTIST CHURCH 2020 WHEATLAND RD DALLAS 75232 DIANNA JACKSON PATRICIA PIERSONDR GEORGE L ALLEN SR. COURTS BLDG 600 COMMERCE ST DALLAS 75202 NICOLE SIMS WILLIAM HAUGENDR GRAUWYLER PARK REC CENTER 7780 HARRY HINES BLVD DALLAS 75235 MARK W. BAKER LYIAH CLARKDR HARRY STONE RECREATION CENTER 2403 MILLMAR DR DALLAS 75228 BEN DAY LATRESE ADKINSDR HIGHLAND HILLS LIBRARY 6200 BONNIE VIEW RD DALLAS 75241 DEBBIE LEE JOSEPH HERNANDEZDR** IRVING CITY HALL 825 W IRVING BLVD IRVING 75060 MAGGIE MARTINS DEBRA ARNETTDR JOSEY RANCH LAKE LIBRARY 1700 KELLER SPRINGS RD CARROLLTON 75006 TERRY BARKER KALPANA PARAMESHDR LAKESIDE ACTIVITY CENTER 101 HOLLEY PARK DR MESQUITE 75149 ZINA WEST-LEWIS ERMINIA RINCONESDR Page 3 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:12 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO LANCASTER VETERANS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1600 VETERANS MEMORIAL LANCASTER 75134 CARLA REYNOLDS-GROGAN MICHAEL VOLGERDR LOCHWOOD BRANCH LIBRARY 11221 LOCHWOOD BLVD DALLAS 75218 GEORGE SIGGERS CORRINE HARDINDR MARSH LANE BAPTIST CHURCH 10716 MARSH LANE DALLAS 75229 BETTY ROWE WILLIAMS DAVID W. WALLACEDR MARTIN LUTHER KING CORE BLDG 2922 MARTIN L KING BLVD DALLAS 75215 GERRE WILLIAMS JOHN MAYFIELDDR MARTIN WEISS REC CENTER 1111 MARTINDELL AVE DALLAS 75211 JOE BURKLEO GLORIA HIBDONDR MOUNTAIN CREEK LIBRARY 6102 MOUNTAIN CREEK PK DALLAS 75249 DIANA KRIS FARRELL CLARISSA LINDSEYDR MOUNTAIN VIEW COLLEGE-E BLDG 4849 W ILLINOIS AVE DALLAS 75211 WILLIAM WOODS DON WEEKSDR NORTH LAKE COLLEGE-F BLDG 5001 N MACARTHUR BLVD IRVING 75038 VALERIE HUTCHINS MATHEW LIGUEZ D R Page 4 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:12 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO ROWLETT CITY HALL ANNEX 4004 MAIN ST ROWLETT 75088 MAGGIE ENSLEY MARIA MARCONDR** SACHSE SENIOR CENTER 3815 SACHSE RD, BLDG A SACHSE 75048 SANDRA FRANKLIN LEZETTE MCFADDENDR SAMUELL GRAND REC CENTER 6200 E GRAND AVE DALLAS 75223 LOTA DUNHAM VIRGINIA MONTFORT D R SKYLINE BRANCH LIBRARY 6006 EVERGLADE RD DALLAS 75227 TRACY DOTIE HILL BONNIE WATT D R SOUTH GARLAND BRANCH LIBRARY 4845 BROADWAY BLVD GARLAND 75043 NGENA WHITE MATTHEW FONTAINEDR UNIVERSITY PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4024 CARUTH BLVD DALLAS 75225 JOSEPH SPERANDEO LINDA COLLINSDR VALLEY RANCH BRANCH LIBRARY 401 CIMARRON TRL IRVING 75063 JUZAR HASTA JOHN COTHRANDR Page 6 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:12 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO BALCH SPRINGS CIVIC CENTER 12400 ELAM RD BALCH SPRINGS 75180 JACQUELINE FAIN CAROL DUKE 1081261030 1083796214 D R BEAR CREEK COMMUNITY CHURCH 2700 FINLEY RD IRVING 75062 DOROTHY CHAMBERS KEVIN RENO 1184395681 1080405132 D R BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH 10101 WALNUT HILL LN DALLAS 75238 SANDRA BIGGS TANYA PIPKEN 1083093440 1081571177 D R BROOKHAVEN COLLEGE 3939 VALLEY VIEW LN FARMERS BRAN 75244 JAMECIA JOHNSON BRUCE BRADLEY 1159943564 1079043284 D R CEDAR HILL RECREATION CENTER 310 E PARKERVILLE RD CEDAR HILL 75104 EMELDA MARTIN DIANE KATSULIS 1098996319 1088807614 D R CEDAR VALLEY COLLEGE-M BLDG 3030 N DALLAS AVE LANCASTER 75134 FRANKIE WALKER LEONARD VIRGINIA ESQUIVEL 1085560911 1088400767 D R COPPELL TOWN CENTER 255 E PARKWAY BLVD COPPELL 75019 NANCY WANG KATHLEEN HODGES 1081409787 1081318844 D R CROSSWINDS HIGH SCHOOL 1100 N CARRIER PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE 75050 MAE CHOICE DANEE ROEDL 1084055952 1083773320 D R Page 1 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:11 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO DISCIPLE CENTRAL COMMUNITY CHURCH 901 N POLK ST DESOTO 75115 PATRICIA CARR SYLVIA BRACKS 1085720427 1087146338 D R DUNCANVILLE LIBRARY 201 JAMES COLLINS BLVD DUNCANVILLE 75116 BARBARA LEWIS VICKI MARSH 1084113729 1080157320 D R EASTFIELD COLLEGE-MAIN CAMPUS, C BLDG 3737 MOTLEY DR MESQUITE 75150 NGINA WHITE MOLLY BISHOP 1203713290 1083684156 D R EASTFIELD COLLEGE-PLEASANT GROVE CAMPUS 802 S BUCKNER BLVD DALLAS 75217 BOBBYE ROSS ANDREW CASTILLO 1161782389 2001963376 D R EL CENTRO COLLEGE-MAIN CAMPUS 801 MAIN ST DALLAS 75202 CHERI BALL-MEZA JAN NORRIS 1083048522 1080469747 D R EL CENTRO COLLEGE-WEST CAMPUS 3330 NORTH HAMPTON RD DALLAS 75212 DEBORAH CULBERSON DEBRA AGUILAR 1083065266 1078994440 D R FLORENCE RECREATION CENTER 2501 WHITSON WAY MESQUITE 75150 CHARLES MULLINS RUSSELL JOHNSON 1087660838 1084922195 D R FRETZ PARK LIBRARY 6990 BELT LINE RD DALLAS 75254 VICTOR DAVIS BILL THORESON 1084490211 1081627091 D R Page 2 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:12 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO FRIENDSHIP WEST BAPTIST CHURCH 2020 WHEATLAND RD DALLAS 75232 DIANNA JACKSON PATRICIA PIERSON 1188905807 1155966120 D R GEORGE L ALLEN SR. COURTS BLDG 600 COMMERCE ST DALLAS 75202 NICOLE SIMS WILLIAM HAUGEN 1086954383 1082759879 D R GRAUWYLER PARK REC CENTER 7780 HARRY HINES BLVD DALLAS 75235 MARK W. BAKER LYIAH CLARK 1083402357 2170463201 D R HARRY STONE RECREATION CENTER 2403 MILLMAR DR DALLAS 75228 BEN DAY LATRESE ADKINS 1080297198 1151196150 D R HIGHLAND HILLS LIBRARY 6200 BONNIE VIEW RD DALLAS 75241 DEBBIE LEE JOSEPH HERNANDEZ 1091325853 1088334104 D R** IRVING CITY HALL 825 W IRVING BLVD IRVING 75060 MAGGIE MARTINS DEBRA ARNETT 1087639334 1084843959 D R JOSEY RANCH LAKE LIBRARY 1700 KELLER SPRINGS RD CARROLLTON 75006 TERRY BARKER KALPANA PARAMESH 1082988961 1086208163 D R LAKESIDE ACTIVITY CENTER 101 HOLLEY PARK DR MESQUITE 75149 ZINA WEST-LEWIS ERMINIA RINCONES 1158644283 1080487708 D R Page 3 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:12 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO LANCASTER VETERANS MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1600 VETERANS MEMORIAL LANCASTER 75134 CARLA REYNOLDS-GROGAN MICHAEL VOLGER 1084450205 2125635541 D R LOCHWOOD BRANCH LIBRARY 11221 LOCHWOOD BLVD DALLAS 75218 GEORGE SIGGERS CORRINE HARDIN 1082187251 1080987675 D R MARSH LANE BAPTIST CHURCH 10716 MARSH LANE DALLAS 75229 BETTY ROWE WILLIAMS DAVID W. WALLACE 1083174779 2148257111 D R MARTIN LUTHER KING CORE BLDG 2922 MARTIN L KING BLVD DALLAS 75215 GERRE WILLIAMS JOHN MAYFIELD 1186300576 1082963418 D R MARTIN WEISS REC CENTER 1111 MARTINDELL AVE DALLAS 75211 JOE BURKLEO GLORIA HIBDON 1087627273 1080961858 D R MOUNTAIN CREEK LIBRARY 6102 MOUNTAIN CREEK PK DALLAS 75249 DIANA KRIS FARRELL CLARISSA LINDSEY 1145233168 1085899671 D R MOUNTAIN VIEW COLLEGE-E BLDG 4849 W ILLINOIS AVE DALLAS 75211 WILLIAM WOODS DON WEEKS 1080877445 1083889958 D R NORTH LAKE COLLEGE-F BLDG 5001 N MACARTHUR BLVD IRVING 75038 VALERIE HUTCHINS MATHEW LIGUEZ 1081152404 1046380960 D R Page 4 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:12 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO OAK CLIFF SUB-COURTHOUSE 410 S BECKLEY AVE DALLAS 75203 DIANA BROADUS PATRICK DALE 1084042061 1121250454 D R OAKLAWN BRANCH LIBRARY 4100 CEDAR SPRINGS RD DALLAS 75219 DAVID FISHER DANIELLE COFNAS 1002113326 2174504412 D R OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH 7611 PARK LN DALLAS 75225 MICHELE VALENTINO ROWELL LUBBERS 1083188383 1083340864 D R OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH- GP 4729 S CARRIER PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE 75052 EVELYN GRAY ADRIANA ANGEL 1084425491 1172788889 D R PAUL L DUNBAR LANCASTER-KEIST LIBRARY 2008 EAST KIEST BLVD DALLAS 75216 YVONNE WILLIAMS THERESA HAYES 1084019290 1084048456 D R RICHARDSON CIVIC CENTER 411 W ARAPAHO RD RICHARDSON 75080 LORI RALEY CYNTHIA HOLLIDAY 1081065167 1083072882 D R RICHLAND COLLEGE-GARLAND CAMPUS 675 W WALNUT ST GARLAND 75040 JANET HARRIS SHIRLEY RAVEN 1083757176 1083569898 D R RICHLAND COLLEGE-MAIN CAMPUS 9596 WALNUT ST DALLAS 75243 GREGORY BYRNE JULIANA MARTINEZ 1088536933 1081229049 D R Page 5 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:12 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2021 - 2023 TERM EARLY VOTING PRESIDING ELECTION OFFICERS AND ALTERNATE ELECTION OFFICERS SUBMISSION Updated PEO and AEO ROWLETT CITY HALL ANNEX 4004 MAIN ST ROWLETT 75088 MAGGIE ENSLEY MARIA MARCON 1078459158 1083317792 D R** SACHSE SENIOR CENTER 3815 SACHSE RD, BLDG A SACHSE 75048 SANDRA FRANKLIN LEZETTE MCFADDEN 1081451706 1080217902 D R SAMUELL GRAND REC CENTER 6200 E GRAND AVE DALLAS 75223 LOTA DUNHAM VIRGINIA MONTFORT 1080364148 1083391257 D R SKYLINE BRANCH LIBRARY 6006 EVERGLADE RD DALLAS 75227 TRACY DOTIE HILL BONNIE WATT 1080969076 1080481782 D R SOUTH GARLAND BRANCH LIBRARY 4845 BROADWAY BLVD GARLAND 75043 NGENA WHITE MATTHEW FONTAINE 1203886713 1082858849 D R UNIVERSITY PARK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4024 CARUTH BLVD DALLAS 75225 JOSEPH SPERANDEO LINDA COLLINS 1086380675 1083226666 D R VALLEY RANCH BRANCH LIBRARY 401 CIMARRON TRL IRVING 75063 JUZAR HASTA JOHN COTHRAN 1083705225 1081316773 D R Page 6 of 6Thursday, August 26, 2021 3:20:12 PM Subject to Change * Indicates a change has been made since the initial submission 2022 General /Joint Election Participants PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 1004 1,077 City of Dallas3209161023 1004 590 City of Dallas3209161023 1006 1,675 City of Dallas2409161083 1007 395 City of Dallas2409161083 1039 292 City of Dallas3209161023 1040 1,721 City of Dallas3209161023 1040 1,314 City of Dallas3209161023 1041 1,009 City of Dallas3209161023 1043 1,912 City of Dallas2409161023 1043 438 City of Dallas2409161023 1044 2,982 City of Dallas2409161083 1045 2,111 City of Dallas3209161143 1046 341 City of Dallas3209161143 1047 1,503 City of Dallas3209161143 1048 2,737 City of Dallas3209231143 1049 1,978 City of Dallas3209161083 1050 160 City of Dallas3213231143 1051 216 City of Dallas3209231143 1052 3,555 City of Dallas3209231143 1054 1,668 City of Dallas3213161073 1055 900 City of Dallas3213161073 1056 1,059 City of Dallas3213161072 1057 2,096 City of Dallas3213161072 1058 2,124 City of Dallas3213161143 1059 1,680 City of Dallas3213231143 1060 4,327 City of Dallas3213231143 1061 1,458 City of Dallas3213231143 1062 46 City of Dallas3213161072 1063 1,751 City of Dallas3213161072 1064 154 City of Dallas3213231002 1065 3,023 City of Dallas3213231002 1067 2 City of Dallas Mesquite - ISD3213161072 1067 9 City of Dallas3213161072 1068 71 City of Dallas3213161072 1076 45 City of Dallas3213161005 1078 185 City of Dallas3213231003 1078 1,091 City of Dallas3213231003 1079 1,944 City of Dallas3213231003 1080 1,040 City of Dallas3213231003 1081 2,982 City of Dallas3213231005 1082 326 City of Dallas3213231145 Page 1 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 1083 1,866 City of Dallas3013231145 1084 3,369 City of Dallas3213231005 1084 55 City of Dallas3213231005 1085 1,457 City of Dallas3013231145 1086 562 City of Dallas3213231005 1087 3,376 City of Dallas3213231005 1088 2,317 City of Dallas3213231005 1089 2,260 City of Dallas3213231005 1089 1 City of Dallas Mesquite - ISD3213231005 1090 2,366 City of Dallas3013161005 1091 2,342 City of Dallas3213231005 1092 3,093 City of Dallas3213231005 1092 691 City of Dallas3213231005 1093 5 City of Dallas Mesquite - ISD3213231075 1093 1,762 City of Dallas3213231075 1094 1,344 City of Dallas3013231105 1095 1,529 City of Dallas3013161105 1096 1,495 City of Dallas3013161105 1097 2,737 City of Dallas3213161105 1098 2,169 City of Dallas3213161075 1099 75 City of Dallas3213161105 1100 1,446 City of Dallas3013231101 1100 1,712 City of Dallas3013231101 1101 1,308 City of Dallas3013161105 1101 471 City of Dallas3013161105 1101 60 City of Dallas3013161105 1102 2,105 City of Dallas3013161105 1103 529 City of Dallas3013161075 1104 2,753 City of Dallas3213161075 1105 41 City of Dallas3213161105 1106 235 City of Dallas3213161075 1107 890 City of Dallas3213161105 1108 2,687 City of Dallas3013161105 1109 597 City of Dallas3013161101 1110 30 City of Dallas3213161105 1111 1,636 City of Dallas3013161101 1113 271 City of Dallas3013231005 1114 781 City of Dallas3213231005 1115 1,471 City of Dallas3213161073 1116 1,522 City of Dallas3213161072 1121 2,387 City of Dallas3213161073 1121 26 City of Dallas3213161073 1124 7 City of Dallas3013161101 1125 160 City of Dallas3213161072 1125 2,061 City of Dallas3213161072 Page 2 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 1128 682 City of Dallas2409161083 1129 176 City of Dallas3209161143 1133 353 City of Dallas3213231143 1134 565 City of Dallas3213231005 1135 1,658 City of Dallas3213161075 1136 7 City of Dallas3013161101 1137 37 City of Dallas3213161073 1139 10 Mesquite - ISD509021132 1141 1,283 City of Dallas2409161083 1142 2,816 City of Dallas2409161083 1143 1,526 City of Dallas2409161083 1144 3,026 City of Dallas2409161083 1144 55 City of Dallas2409161083 1146 2,238 City of Dallas2409161083 1147 791 City of Dallas2409161083 1151 70 City of Dallas3213161002 1153 20 City of Dallas3213161005 1163 1,391 City of Dallas3209161083 1164 2,377 City of Dallas3209161083 1165 2,052 City of Dallas3209161083 1168 2,991 City of Dallas3209161143 1169 2,932 City of Dallas3209161143 1170 1,481 City of Dallas3209161143 1171 2,562 City of Dallas3209161143 1172 305 City of Dallas3209161143 1172 2 City of Dallas3209161143 1172 1,757 City of Dallas3209161143 1173 1,042 City of Dallas3209231143 1174 2,615 City of Dallas3209231143 1300 2,758 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1300 20 5 13 16 107 2 1300 3 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1301 1,604 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1301 1,003 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1302 2,465 Mesquite - ISD509021132 1303 150 32 13 23 107 2 1304 1,559 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1305 1,673 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1305 12 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1307 244 32 13 23 107 2 1308 2,012 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1308 12 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1309 439 Mesquite - ISD3213231072 1310 17 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1310 2,810 Mesquite - ISD513161072 Page 3 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 1311 2,302 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1312 1,088 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1313 386 Mesquite - ISD3213161072 1314 1,702 Mesquite - ISD3213161072 1314 701 Mesquite - ISD3213161072 1314 87 32 13 16 107 2 1315 30 5 13 16 107 2 1315 22 Mesquite - ISD513161072 1316 522 Mesquite - ISD513161132 1316 385 Mesquite - ISD513161132 1324 2,880 Mesquite - ISD509021132 1325 2,814 Mesquite - ISD509021132 1326 1,461 Mesquite - ISD509021132 1327 2,296 Mesquite - ISD509161132 1327 683 Mesquite - ISD509161132 1328 6 Mesquite - ISD3213161072 1329 4 Mesquite - ISD3213161072 1401 413 32 13 16 110 2 1402 494 Mesquite - ISD3213161102 1402 746 Mesquite - ISD3213161102 1402 1,352 Mesquite - ISD3213161102 1403 37 Mesquite - ISD3213161102 1404 685 Mesquite - ISD3209161102 1405 424 32 13 16 110 2 1405 86 32 13 16 110 2 1406 38 Mesquite - ISD3209161102 1406 396 Mesquite - ISD3209161102 1407 10 32 13 16 110 2 1408 2 32 13 16 110 2 1409 282 32 13 16 110 2 1409 446 32 13 16 110 2 1410 327 32 13 16 110 2 1410 1,004 32 13 16 110 2 1410 516 Mesquite - ISD3213161102 1410 342 Mesquite - ISD3213161102 1411 21 Mesquite - ISD3209161102 1411 789 Mesquite - ISD3209161102 1411 2,642 Mesquite - ISD3209161102 1412 1 City of Dallas3213161102 1412 405 32 13 16 110 2 1700 2,387 5 09 02 107 2 1701 2,201 5 09 02 107 2 1702 2,937 5 09 02 107 2 1703 3,367 32 09 02 102 2 1704 1,493 32 09 02 102 2 1705 2,072 32 09 02 102 2 Page 4 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 1706 3,210 32 09 02 102 2 1707 11 32 09 02 102 2 1707 9 32 09 02 102 2 1707 858 32 09 02 102 2 1708 655 5 09 02 107 2 1708 87 5 09 02 107 2 1709 3,753 5 09 02 113 2 1710 1,648 5 09 02 107 2 1711 2,373 5 09 02 107 2 1712 2,184 5 09 02 107 2 1712 8 5 09 02 107 2 1713 1,172 5 09 02 107 2 1714 2,097 5 09 02 107 2 1715 1,718 5 09 02 113 2 1716 2,202 5 09 02 112 2 1717 3,450 5 09 02 113 2 1718 1,585 5 09 02 107 2 1719 931 5 09 02 107 2 1719 1,819 5 09 02 107 2 1720 2,802 5 09 02 107 2 1721 151 5 09 02 113 2 1721 55 Mesquite - ISD509021132 1721 1,924 Mesquite - ISD509021132 1722 3,149 5 09 02 113 2 1723 218 5 09 02 113 2 1724 181 Mesquite - ISD509021132 1725 501 5 09 02 107 2 1726 1,952 5 09 02 107 2 1727 243 5 09 02 107 2 1728 1,460 5 09 02 107 2 1729 1,697 5 09 02 113 2 1732 1,473 5 09 02 102 2 1733 2,712 5 09 02 102 2 1733 974 5 09 02 102 2 1734 1,409 5 09 02 112 2 1734 36 5 09 02 112 2 1735 4,070 5 09 02 112 2 1735 888 5 09 02 112 2 1736 1,829 5 09 02 112 2 1737 4,805 5 09 02 112 2 1738 3,226 5 09 02 112 2 1739 2,940 5 09 02 113 2 1740 4,533 5 09 02 113 2 1741 3,560 5 09 02 113 2 1741 1,463 5 09 02 113 2 Page 5 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 1742 873 5 09 02 113 2 1742 3,954 5 09 02 113 2 1743 4,284 5 09 02 113 2 1744 28 5 09 02 113 2 1744 58 5 09 02 113 2 1745 2,770 5 09 02 113 2 1746 1,882 5 09 02 113 2 1747 2,910 5 09 02 113 2 1748 2,184 32 09 02 102 2 1749 3,911 32 09 02 102 2 1750 3,085 32 09 02 102 2 1751 20 32 09 02 112 2 1751 3 32 09 02 112 2 1751 1,834 32 09 02 112 2 1751 1,251 32 09 02 112 2 1751 2,307 32 09 02 112 2 1752 2,430 32 09 02 112 2 1752 953 32 09 02 112 2 2000 14 City of Dallas6131610325 2001 29 City of Dallas33121210325 2002 1,357 City of Dallas24121210325 2003 2,733 City of Dallas24121210825 2004 2,172 City of Dallas24121210825 2005 1,031 City of Dallas33121210825 2006 1,559 City of Dallas24121210825 2007 3,099 City of Dallas24121210825 2008 699 City of Dallas24121210825 2008 781 City of Dallas24121210825 2009 2,066 City of Dallas33121610825 2010 1,509 City of Dallas24121610825 2011 2,173 City of Dallas24121210825 2015 1,231 City of Dallas24121210823 2016 3,287 City of Dallas24121210823 2016 210 City of Dallas24121210823 2017 1,880 City of Dallas32121610223 2018 947 City of Dallas24121210823 2019 1,798 City of Dallas24121210823 2020 2 City of Dallas32121610223 2020 2,495 City of Dallas32121610223 2021 3,697 City of Dallas24121610823 2022 773 City of Dallas24121610823 2023 1,344 City of Dallas24121610823 2024 1,801 City of Dallas24121610823 2025 2,768 City of Dallas24121210823 2026 3,029 City of Dallas24121210823 Page 6 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 2027 1,638 City of Dallas24121210823 2028 1 City of Dallas33141210325 2030 1,143 City of Dallas24121210823 2030 1,047 City of Dallas24121210823 2030 44 City of Dallas24121210823 2031 4,030 City of Dallas32091611423 2032 2,411 City of Dallas32091611423 2033 2,202 City of Dallas32091610823 2035 1,628 City of Dallas32091610823 2035 435 City of Dallas32091610823 2037 1,486 City of Dallas24131610823 2038 3,407 City of Dallas32131611423 2039 2,975 City of Dallas32091610823 2040 1,742 City of Dallas32091610823 2041 4,557 City of Dallas32121211223 2041 88 City of Dallas32121211223 2042 3,079 City of Dallas32120211223 2043 2,101 City of Dallas32120211223 2044 967 City of Dallas32120211223 2044 136 City of Dallas32120211223 2045 1,955 City of Dallas32120211223 2046 1,791 City of Dallas24120211223 2047 2,450 City of Dallas24120211223 2048 4,472 City of Dallas32121211523 2049 1,055 City of Dallas24121211223 2049 578 City of Dallas24121211223 2050 767 City of Dallas24121211223 2050 932 City of Dallas24121211223 2051 2,526 City of Dallas24121211223 2052 182 City of Dallas24121210823 2052 1,255 City of Dallas24121210823 2053 2,926 City of Dallas32121211523 2054 2,866 City of Dallas32121211523 2055 1,643 City of Dallas32121211523 2055 28 City of Dallas32121211523 2056 755 City of Dallas24121210823 2056 637 City of Dallas24121210823 2057 437 City of Dallas24121210823 2057 134 City of Dallas24121210823 2058 1,046 City of Dallas24121210223 2058 144 City of Dallas24121210223 2074 11 33 14 12 115 24 2074 1,268 City of Dallas33141211524 2076 11 City of Dallas6131210325 2077 1,399 City of Dallas24121210823 2079 2,113 City of Dallas32121211523 Page 7 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 2080 277 City of Dallas24121210223 2081 6 City of Dallas32132311425 2081 147 City of Dallas32132311425 2081 638 City of Dallas32132311425 2082 1,596 City of Dallas32132311425 2082 1,414 City of Dallas32132311425 2083 1,681 City of Dallas32132311425 2084 538 City of Dallas32132311421 2085 286 City of Dallas32132311425 2086 2,984 City of Dallas32132311423 2087 2,787 City of Dallas32132311423 2090 57 City of Dallas24121210223 2091 176 City of Dallas24121210223 2091 540 City of Dallas24121210223 2091 257 City of Dallas24121210223 2094 597 City of Dallas24091610823 2094 347 City of Dallas24091610823 2095 1 City of Dallas24091610823 2098 1,705 City of Dallas30131610325 2098 1 City of Dallas30131610325 2099 17 City of Dallas30131610325 2099 3,852 City of Dallas30131610325 2100 1,932 City of Dallas30132310325 2100 1,771 City of Dallas30132310325 2101 1,730 City of Dallas30131611425 2102 2,958 City of Dallas30131611425 2102 1,772 City of Dallas30131611425 2103 988 City of Dallas30132311425 2103 156 City of Dallas30132311425 2103 2 City of Dallas30132311425 2104 480 City of Dallas30132311421 2105 2,681 City of Dallas30132311421 2106 2,006 City of Dallas30132311421 2107 5 City of Dallas30132311421 2107 38 City of Dallas30132311421 2108 486 City of Dallas32121210223 2108 312 City of Dallas32121210223 2110 566 City of Dallas30132310025 2111 38 City of Dallas30132310325 2112 132 City of Dallas30132310325 2114 2,162 City of Dallas30131610825 2114 16 City of Dallas30131610825 2114 400 City of Dallas30131610825 2115 281 City of Dallas30132310825 2116 38 City of Dallas30132310825 2116 121 City of Dallas30132310825 2117 1,995 City of Dallas30132311421 Page 8 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 2118 239 City of Dallas32132310025 2118 591 City of Dallas32132310025 2118 597 City of Dallas32132310025 2119 364 City of Dallas32121210223 2119 14 City of Dallas32121210223 2120 2,455 City of Dallas32091610223 2121 1,407 City of Dallas32091610223 2122 1,606 City of Dallas32091610223 2123 369 City of Dallas32091610223 2123 1,504 City of Dallas32091610223 2124 4 City of Dallas32091610223 2124 2,833 City of Dallas32091610223 2124 3 City of Dallas32091610223 2125 26 City of Dallas32091610223 2125 3,441 City of Dallas32091610223 2126 631 City of Dallas32091610223 2127 1,906 City of Dallas32091610223 2127 2,102 City of Dallas32091610223 2128 2,205 City of Dallas32091610223 2128 270 City of Dallas32091610223 2129 726 City of Dallas32121610223 2130 1,644 City of Dallas32121610223 2131 1,868 City of Dallas32121610223 2132 861 City of Dallas32121610223 2133 157 City of Dallas32121210823 2134 1,419 City of Dallas32091610823 2137 1,477 City of Dallas32091611423 2138 908 City of Dallas32091611423 2139 904 City of Dallas32091611423 2140 1,011 City of Dallas32091611423 2141 865 City of Dallas32091611423 2142 1,317 City of Dallas32091611423 2143 436 City of Dallas32121611423 2143 3 City of Dallas32121611423 2144 1,638 City of Dallas32132311423 2145 3,027 City of Dallas32132311425 2145 287 City of Dallas32132311425 2146 2,753 City of Dallas32132311425 2147 2,050 City of Dallas32132311423 2148 637 City of Dallas32132311425 2148 191 City of Dallas32132311425 2149 1,857 City of Dallas32132311423 2150 1,555 City of Dallas32132311425 2151 263 City of Dallas32132311425 2152 2,044 City of Dallas32132311425 2152 132 City of Dallas32132311425 Page 9 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 2153 805 City of Dallas32132311425 2153 749 City of Dallas32132311425 2154 49 City of Dallas32132311425 2155 1,137 City of Dallas32132311423 2155 1,057 City of Dallas32132311423 2200 1,177 24 12 12 108 23 2200 684 24 12 12 108 23 2201 1,897 24 12 12 108 23 2201 6 24 12 12 108 23 2201 1 City of Dallas24121210823 2202 1,934 24 12 12 108 23 2202 13 24 12 12 108 23 2203 1,613 24 12 12 108 23 2203 17 24 12 12 108 23 2220 1,833 24 12 12 108 23 2221 3,621 24 12 12 108 23 2222 3,081 24 12 12 108 23 2223 1,672 24 12 12 108 23 2224 1,976 24 12 12 108 23 2225 1,773 24 12 12 108 23 2226 2,935 24 12 12 108 23 2226 5 24 12 12 108 23 2300 1,336 33 14 12 103 25 2300 93 33 14 12 103 25 2301 424 24 14 12 115 25 2301 2,007 24 14 12 115 25 2302 1,654 33 14 12 103 25 2302 399 33 14 12 103 25 2302 4 33 14 12 103 25 2303 114 24 14 12 115 25 2303 1,729 24 14 12 115 25 2303 758 24 14 12 115 25 2305 115 32 12 12 115 25 2305 840 32 12 12 115 25 2305 1,457 32 12 12 115 25 2306 1,431 24 12 12 103 25 2307 709 24 12 12 115 25 2308 2,091 33 14 12 103 25 2308 1 33 14 12 103 25 2308 31 33 14 12 103 25 2309 2,149 33 13 12 103 25 2310 86 24 14 12 103 25 2310 137 24 14 12 103 25 2310 2,014 24 14 12 103 25 2311 418 33 14 12 103 25 2311 169 33 14 12 103 25 2312 75 33 14 12 103 25 2312 1 33 14 12 103 25 Page 10 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 2313 4 24 14 12 103 25 2315 183 24 12 12 115 25 2316 625 24 12 12 115 25 2316 37 24 12 12 115 25 2316 1,007 24 12 12 115 25 2316 202 24 12 12 115 25 2400 200 City of Carrollton24141211524 2401 2,652 City of Carrollton24141211524 2401 766 City of Carrollton24141211524 2402 3,284 City of Carrollton32141211524 2403 2 32 12 12 115 24 2403 1 City of Carrollton32121211524 2404 2,170 City of Carrollton32141211524 2405 3,364 City of Carrollton24141211524 2406 3,317 City of Carrollton32121211524 2406 47 City of Carrollton32121211524 2407 4,278 City of Carrollton24141210324 2408 1,939 City of Carrollton33141210324 2409 2,329 City of Carrollton33141210324 2410 17 City of Carrollton32121211524 2410 1,730 City of Carrollton32121211524 2411 798 City of Carrollton33141210324 2412 1 City of Carrollton24121211524 2417 135 City of Carrollton32141211524 2417 80 City of Carrollton32141211524 2500 1,716 24 12 16 112 23 2501 1,407 32 12 02 112 23 2502 1,906 32 12 02 112 23 2503 2,639 24 12 16 112 23 2504 1,451 24 12 02 112 23 2505 2,281 32 12 02 112 23 2506 2,296 24 12 16 112 23 2507 2,228 24 12 16 112 23 2508 3,762 32 12 02 112 23 2509 2,960 32 12 02 112 23 2510 1,884 32 12 02 112 23 2511 2,106 32 12 02 102 23 2512 1,509 32 12 16 102 23 2513 2,828 32 09 16 102 23 2514 2,873 32 12 16 102 23 2515 806 24 12 02 112 23 2517 2,744 32 09 16 102 23 2518 1,950 32 09 16 102 23 2519 2,427 32 12 16 102 23 Page 11 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 2520 3,325 32 12 16 102 23 2520 352 32 12 16 102 23 2521 1,367 32 12 16 102 23 2521 909 32 12 16 102 23 2523 825 32 12 16 112 23 2523 310 City of Dallas32121611223 2601 1,130 33 14 12 115 24 2601 957 33 14 12 115 24 2602 3,242 33 14 12 115 24 2603 1,625 33 14 12 115 24 2603 1,690 33 14 12 115 24 2604 3,122 33 14 12 115 24 2605 9 33 14 12 115 24 2605 2,861 33 14 12 115 24 2606 1,128 6 11 16 115 24 2606 1,282 6 11 16 115 24 2607 5 24 11 12 115 24 2608 3,145 24 11 12 115 24 2608 38 24 11 12 115 24 2609 16 24 11 12 115 24 2611 774 33 11 12 115 24 2611 178 33 11 12 115 24 2611 704 33 11 12 115 24 2612 405 33 11 12 115 24 2613 27 33 11 12 115 24 2613 4,138 33 11 12 115 24 2614 169 33 11 12 115 24 2800 2 City of Coppell24141211524 2801 3,474 City of Coppell24141211524 2802 4,702 City of Coppell24141211524 2803 1,325 City of Coppell24141211524 2804 974 City of Coppell24141211524 2804 12 City of Coppell24141211524 2804 1,535 City of Coppell24141211524 2804 19 City of Coppell24141211524 2805 4,096 City of Coppell24141211524 2806 2,711 City of Coppell24141211524 2807 2,528 City of Coppell24141211524 2807 31 City of Coppell24141211524 2808 3,327 City of Coppell24141211524 2809 2,040 City of Coppell24141211524 2809 1,084 City of Coppell24141211524 2810 25 City of Coppell24141211524 2900 3,373 24 12 12 115 23 2901 1,976 32 14 12 115 23 2902 2,033 32 12 12 115 23 2902 70 City of Dallas32121211523 Page 12 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 2903 3,085 32 12 12 115 23 2904 12 24 12 12 115 23 2905 528 24 12 12 115 23 2910 68 24 14 12 115 24 2911 305 24 14 12 115 24 2913 8 32 12 12 115 23 3000 4,405 City of Dallas3013161081 3001 266 City of Dallas3013231111 3001 309 City of Dallas3013231111 3002 1,043 City of Dallas3313231111 3003 1,816 City of Dallas3013231111 3004 1,980 City of Dallas3013231111 3005 984 City of Dallas3013231005 3006 4,537 City of Dallas3013231081 3007 418 City of Dallas3013231081 3007 1,296 City of Dallas3013231081 3008 1 City of Dallas3013231141 3008 3,696 City of Dallas3013231141 3008 240 City of Dallas3013231141 3008 24 City of Dallas3013231141 3010 532 City of Dallas3313231041 3011 1,138 City of Dallas3013231001 3012 48 City of Dallas3013231101 3012 142 City of Dallas3013231101 3013 762 City of Dallas3009161101 3013 168 30 09 16 110 1 3014 1,240 City of Dallas3009161101 3014 1,664 City of Dallas Mesquite - ISD3009161101 3015 294 City of Dallas3009161101 3015 2 30 09 16 110 1 3016 1,142 City of Dallas3013231001 3016 740 City of Dallas3013231001 3017 856 City of Dallas3013231001 3018 1,821 City of Dallas3013231001 3019 839 City of Dallas3013231001 3020 222 City of Dallas3013231005 3021 1,077 City of Dallas3013231001 3022 1,988 City of Dallas3013231001 3023 1,308 City of Dallas3013231001 3024 1,605 City of Dallas3013231001 3025 170 City of Dallas3013231001 3026 883 City of Dallas3013231001 3027 1,320 City of Dallas3013231001 3028 1,002 City of Dallas3013231001 3029 909 City of Dallas3013231001 Page 13 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 3030 13 30 13 16 110 1 3031 842 City of Dallas3009161101 3032 1,279 City of Dallas3313231045 3033 498 City of Dallas3013231005 3034 1,470 City of Dallas3013231001 3035 1,580 City of Dallas3013231001 3036 31 City of Dallas3013231001 3037 439 City of Dallas3013231001 3038 828 City of Dallas3013231001 3039 2,120 City of Dallas3013231101 3040 1,491 City of Dallas3013231001 3041 215 City of Dallas3313231115 3042 1,520 City of Dallas3013231101 3043 2,003 City of Dallas3013231101 3044 2,714 City of Dallas3013231101 3045 657 City of Dallas3013231001 3046 2,350 City of Dallas3013231111 3047 1,885 City of Dallas3013231111 3048 2,371 City of Dallas3013231101 3049 1,916 City of Dallas3013231101 3050 1,930 City of Dallas3013231101 3051 848 City of Dallas3013231101 3052 2,644 City of Dallas3013231101 3053 4 City of Dallas3013231111 3053 2,727 City of Dallas3013231111 3054 2,548 City of Dallas3013231111 3055 2,190 City of Dallas3013231111 3056 2,222 City of Dallas3013231111 3057 2,623 City of Dallas3013231111 3058 2,094 City of Dallas3013231101 3059 1,197 City of Dallas3013231101 3060 1,420 City of Dallas3013231101 3061 1,625 City of Dallas3013231101 3062 3,080 City of Dallas3013231101 3063 3,814 City of Dallas3013231111 3064 2,458 City of Dallas3013231111 3065 2,334 City of Dallas3013231111 3066 2,054 City of Dallas3013231111 3067 1,208 City of Dallas3013231111 3067 1,623 City of Dallas3013231111 3068 3,875 City of Dallas3013231091 3068 32 City of Dallas3013231091 3069 1,823 City of Dallas3013231101 Page 14 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 3070 3,114 City of Dallas3013231101 3071 2,503 City of Dallas3013231101 3072 75 City of Dallas3013231101 3073 186 City of Dallas3013231101 3074 819 City of Dallas3013231111 3075 114 City of Dallas3013231091 3075 4 City of Dallas3013231091 3075 79 City of Dallas3013231091 3077 3,156 City of Dallas3013231111 3078 2,105 City of Dallas3013231111 3078 891 City of Dallas Cedar Hill - ISD3013231111 3079 360 City of Dallas3009161101 3079 319 City of Dallas Mesquite - ISD3009161101 3080 1,354 City of Dallas3009161101 3081 1,667 City of Dallas3013231085 3082 3,044 City of Dallas3013231101 3082 59 City of Dallas3013231101 3083 51 30 13 16 109 1 3083 1,293 City of Dallas3013161091 3084 213 City of Dallas3013231035 3084 1,063 City of Dallas3013231035 3085 347 City of Dallas3013161101 3085 50 30 13 16 110 1 3086 2,929 City of Dallas3013161081 3086 1,167 City of Dallas3013161081 3088 84 City of Dallas3313231111 3089 104 City of Dallas3013231085 3090 1,552 City of Dallas3013231141 3092 1,664 City of Dallas3013231111 3092 8 City of Dallas3013231111 3093 15 City of Dallas3013161101 3094 1 City of Dallas3013231005 3095 1,907 City of Dallas3013231141 3095 335 City of Dallas3013231141 3095 314 City of Dallas3013231141 3096 39 City of Dallas3013231141 3096 2,625 City of Dallas3013231141 3096 264 City of Dallas3013231141 3097 155 City of Dallas3013231101 3098 256 City of Dallas3013231101 3099 330 City of Dallas3013231101 30A4 4 City of Dallas Mesquite - ISD3009161091 30T4 13 City of Dallas3009161091 3100 2,324 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3100 20 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 Page 15 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 3101 217 30 13 23 109 1 3101 6 30 13 23 109 1 3101 654 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231091 3101 5 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231091 3102 3,153 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3103 2,204 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3103 945 30 13 23 109 4 3104 2,720 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3105 2,440 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3105 93 30 13 23 109 4 3106 3,777 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3107 2,615 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3108 2,526 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3109 3,872 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3110 3,112 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3111 10 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3112 42 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3113 7 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3114 6 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3115 2,212 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231094 3115 136 30 13 23 109 4 3116 7 City of Dallas3213231005 3117 38 City of Dallas3013231001 3200 2,159 30 13 23 111 1 3200 74 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231111 3201 1,386 30 13 23 111 1 3201 387 30 13 23 111 1 3202 2,177 30 13 23 111 1 3202 26 30 13 23 111 1 3203 1,669 30 13 23 111 1 3203 346 30 13 23 111 1 3204 2,276 30 13 23 111 1 3204 396 30 13 23 111 1 3205 1,847 30 13 23 111 1 3206 2,377 30 13 23 111 1 3207 2,248 30 13 23 111 1 3207 600 30 13 23 111 1 3208 337 30 13 23 111 1 3208 1,649 30 13 23 111 1 3209 192 30 13 23 111 1 3210 2,151 30 13 23 111 1 3211 1,410 30 13 23 111 1 32T0 2 Cedar Hill - ISD3013231091 3304 2,001 Mesquite - ISD509021132 3304 766 Mesquite - ISD509021132 3304 231 Mesquite - ISD509021132 Page 16 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 3305 4,188 Mesquite - ISD509021132 3306 333 Mesquite - ISD509161072 3306 1,602 Mesquite - ISD509161072 3307 2,141 Mesquite - ISD509161072 3308 2,342 Mesquite - ISD3209161072 3309 2,101 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3310 2,952 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3310 14 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3311 2,469 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3312 3,283 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3313 3,470 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3314 1,294 Mesquite - ISD3209161132 3314 1,740 Mesquite - ISD3209161132 3314 496 Mesquite - ISD3209161132 3315 1,019 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3315 746 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3316 1,225 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3316 702 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3316 968 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3317 2,043 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3317 256 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3318 1,507 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3318 104 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3319 126 Mesquite - ISD509161092 3325 1,846 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3325 31 Mesquite - ISD509161132 3327 5 Mesquite - ISD3209161132 3328 44 Mesquite - ISD3209161132 3500 3,786 Sunnyvale-ISD509021122 3500 7 Mesquite - ISD509021122 3501 6 Sunnyvale-ISD509021122 3503 1,231 Sunnyvale-ISD509021122 3503 62 Mesquite - ISD509021122 3504 828 Sunnyvale-ISD509021122 3600 1,512 30 13 23 111 1 3600 689 30 13 23 111 1 3600 253 30 13 23 111 1 3600 11 30 13 23 111 1 3601 36 30 13 23 111 4 3601 2,004 30 13 23 111 4 3602 659 30 13 23 111 4 3603 239 30 13 23 111 4 3603 28 30 13 23 111 4 3604 2,823 30 13 23 109 4 3605 2,369 30 13 23 109 1 3606 2,505 30 13 23 111 1 3606 52 30 13 23 111 1 Page 17 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 3607 3,966 30 13 23 111 4 3608 3,394 30 13 23 111 4 3609 3,447 30 13 23 109 4 3610 559 30 13 23 109 4 3611 1,161 30 13 23 109 1 3612 3,156 30 13 23 109 1 3613 720 30 13 23 109 1 3614 960 30 13 23 109 1 3615 2,659 30 13 23 109 1 3616 735 30 13 23 111 1 3617 2,635 30 13 23 109 1 3618 669 30 13 23 111 1 3619 330 30 13 23 109 1 3620 1,388 30 13 23 111 4 3621 725 30 13 23 111 1 3701 5 5 09 02 112 2 3800 1,771 30 13 23 109 1 3800 683 30 13 23 109 1 3800 34 30 13 23 109 1 3800 2,108 30 13 23 109 1 3800 146 30 13 23 109 1 3801 545 30 13 23 109 1 3801 10 30 13 23 109 1 3802 2,254 30 13 23 109 1 3802 1,739 30 13 23 109 1 3802 107 30 13 23 109 1 3802 1 30 13 23 109 1 3803 1,816 30 13 23 109 1 3803 648 30 13 23 109 1 3803 873 30 13 23 109 1 3803 367 30 13 23 109 1 3805 1,746 30 13 23 109 1 3805 2,026 30 13 23 109 1 3805 1,310 30 13 23 109 1 3805 1 30 13 23 109 1 3806 927 30 13 23 109 1 3806 129 30 13 23 109 1 3807 566 30 13 23 109 1 3807 89 30 13 23 109 1 3807 173 30 13 23 109 1 3807 500 30 13 23 109 1 3807 1,050 30 13 23 109 1 3807 195 30 13 23 109 1 Page 18 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 3808 1,102 30 13 23 109 1 3808 1,162 30 13 23 109 1 3808 114 30 13 23 109 1 3808 21 30 13 23 109 1 3808 92 30 13 23 109 1 3808 195 30 13 23 109 1 3808 342 30 13 23 109 1 3808 1,133 30 13 23 109 1 3808 104 30 13 23 109 1 3808 169 30 13 23 109 1 3809 292 30 13 23 109 1 3809 95 30 13 23 109 1 3809 8 30 13 23 109 1 3900 3,404 City of Glenn Hei3013231091 3920 370 5 09 02 109 1 3920 172 5 09 02 109 1 3920 2,043 5 09 02 109 1 3921 4,253 5 09 02 109 1 3921 1,145 Mesquite - ISD509021091 3922 93 30 09 16 109 1 3940 15 Ferris - ISD3013231091 3940 1 Ferris - ISD3013231091 3940 2 Ferris - ISD3013231091 3940 26 30 13 23 109 1 3940 35 30 13 23 109 1 3940 71 Ferris - ISD3013231091 3940 2,106 30 13 23 109 1 3940 437 30 13 23 109 1 3940 1 30 13 23 109 1 3950 2,305 City of Hutchins3013231091 3950 198 30 13 23 109 1 3951 3,187 City of Glenn Hei3013231091 3952 144 30 13 23 111 1 3960 3,301 5 09 02 112 2 3960 312 5 09 02 112 2 3961 2,746 5 09 02 112 2 3962 5,084 5 09 02 113 2 3963 2,456 5 09 02 112 2 3963 10 City of Dallas509021122 3963 44 5 09 02 112 2 3964 2,259 5 09 02 112 2 3965 3,408 5 09 02 112 2 3966 3,822 5 09 02 113 2 3967 1,530 5 09 02 112 2 3968 3,871 5 09 02 112 2 3969 2,943 5 09 02 112 2 3970 3,512 5 09 02 112 2 3971 3,195 5 09 02 112 2 3980 3,786 City of Sachse509021122 Page 19 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 3981 1,596 City of Sachse509021122 3981 86 City of Sachse509021122 3982 2,613 City of Sachse509021122 3982 566 5 09 02 112 2 3982 427 5 09 02 112 2 3983 2,012 City of Sachse509021122 3983 149 5 09 02 112 2 3983 173 City of Sachse509021122 3984 1,449 City of Sachse509021122 3984 23 City of Sachse509021122 4000 514 City of Dallas6131610345 4000 22 City of Dallas6131610345 4001 1,272 City of Dallas33131610345 4002 1,052 City of Dallas33131610345 4003 446 City of Dallas33131610345 4004 1,801 City of Dallas33131610345 4005 987 City of Dallas33121210345 4006 1,344 City of Dallas33121610345 4007 196 City of Dallas33121610345 4008 805 City of Dallas33131610345 4009 1,604 City of Dallas33131610345 4010 1,359 City of Dallas33131610345 4011 881 City of Dallas33131610345 4012 94 City of Dallas33131610345 4013 334 City of Dallas24121610845 4014 2,049 City of Dallas24121210845 4015 1,708 City of Dallas30131610345 4016 1,709 City of Dallas30131610345 4017 476 City of Dallas30121610345 4018 1,188 City of Dallas30121610845 4019 1,884 City of Dallas30132310345 4019 878 City of Dallas30132310345 4020 952 City of Dallas30131610345 4020 240 City of Dallas30131610345 4021 2,104 City of Dallas30131610345 4021 196 City of Dallas30131610345 4021 382 City of Dallas30131610345 4022 1,471 City of Dallas30132310345 4023 5 City of Dallas30132310045 4024 2,340 City of Dallas30132310045 4024 2 City of Dallas30132310045 4025 392 City of Dallas33132310345 4026 46 City of Dallas33131610345 4026 120 City of Dallas33131610345 4027 391 City of Dallas33131610345 Page 20 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 4028 993 City of Dallas33132310345 4028 130 City of Dallas33132310345 4029 23 City of Dallas33132310045 4030 21 City of Dallas33132310045 4031 75 City of Dallas33132310045 4031 229 City of Dallas33132310045 4031 2,160 City of Dallas33132310045 4033 1 City of Dallas30132310045 4033 2,117 City of Dallas30132310045 4035 682 City of Dallas30132310045 4035 583 City of Dallas30132310045 4036 853 City of Dallas33132310045 4036 38 City of Dallas33132310045 4037 190 City of Dallas33132310045 4038 2,109 City of Dallas30132310045 4039 691 City of Dallas30132311041 4040 816 City of Dallas30132310041 4041 673 City of Dallas30132310041 4043 1,320 City of Dallas33132310045 4044 1,213 City of Dallas33132311045 4046 1,347 City of Dallas33132311041 4047 931 City of Dallas30132311041 4048 72 City of Dallas30132311041 4050 4,271 City of Dallas30132311141 4052 4,225 City of Dallas30132311141 4053 278 City of Dallas33132310441 4053 218 City of Dallas33132310441 4054 561 City of Dallas33131610445 4055 2,159 City of Dallas33132310445 4055 582 City of Dallas33132310445 4056 2,678 City of Dallas33132310045 4056 275 City of Dallas33132310045 4057 1,728 City of Dallas33132310045 4058 1,023 City of Dallas33132310045 4059 430 City of Dallas33132310444 4060 1 City of Dallas33131610445 4060 2,745 City of Dallas33131610445 4061 2,537 City of Dallas33131610445 4062 2,032 City of Dallas33131610445 4063 2,413 City of Dallas33132310045 4063 631 City of Dallas33132310045 4065 816 City of Dallas33131610345 4066 1,292 City of Dallas33131610445 4067 2,179 City of Dallas33131610445 4068 2,076 City of Dallas33131610445 Page 21 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 4069 3,166 City of Dallas33131610445 4070 1,725 City of Dallas33132310445 4071 370 City of Dallas33132310445 4072 340 City of Dallas33132310445 4073 1,586 City of Dallas33131610445 4074 132 City of Dallas33132310445 4074 2,624 City of Dallas33132310445 4075 1,339 City of Dallas33132310445 4075 3 City of Dallas33132310445 4076 1,828 City of Dallas33131610345 4076 935 City of Dallas33131610345 4076 244 City of Dallas33131610345 4076 4 City of Dallas33131610345 4077 889 City of Dallas33132310345 4077 149 City of Dallas33132310345 4078 59 City of Dallas33132310445 4078 1,857 City of Dallas33132310445 4079 109 City of Dallas30132310345 4079 3,826 City of Dallas30132310345 4080 697 City of Dallas30132310345 4081 3,193 City of Dallas33131610345 4081 254 City of Dallas33131610345 4081 320 City of Dallas33131610345 4082 1,876 City of Dallas33132310345 4083 1,436 City of Dallas33132310345 4084 677 City of Dallas33132310345 4085 1,041 City of Dallas33132310345 4086 2 City of Dallas33131610345 4086 3,138 City of Dallas33131610345 4087 1,145 City of Dallas33131610345 4088 492 City of Dallas33131610345 4090 99 City of Dallas33132310445 4092 179 City of Dallas33121610345 4093 93 City of Dallas30132311141 4094 376 City of Dallas33121210345 4094 136 City of Dallas33121210345 4095 53 City of Dallas33121610345 4096 10 City of Dallas33121210345 4097 1,030 City of Dallas33131610345 4098 44 City of Dallas33131610345 4099 1,325 City of Dallas24121610845 4100 27 City of Dallas30132310045 4101 152 City of Dallas33132310045 4107 139 City of Dallas33132310045 4108 64 City of Dallas33132311041 Page 22 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 4109 57 City of Dallas33132311045 4110 1,009 City of Dallas30132311041 4111 360 City of Dallas33132310441 4112 115 City of Dallas30132310445 4113 2,228 City of Dallas33131610445 4114 1,821 City of Dallas33131610445 4115 249 City of Dallas30132310445 4115 84 City of Dallas30132310445 4117 178 City of Dallas30132310045 4119 2 City of Dallas30131610345 4120 796 City of Dallas33131610345 4126 1,344 City of Dallas24121210845 4126 220 City of Dallas24121210845 4126 26 City of Dallas24121210845 4127 525 City of Dallas24121210845 4128 1,362 City of Dallas24121210845 4129 362 City of Dallas24121210845 4129 8 City of Dallas24121210845 4129 1,438 City of Dallas24121210845 4130 1,745 City of Dallas24121610845 4131 661 City of Dallas30131610045 4131 1,113 City of Dallas30131610045 4135 1,812 City of Dallas30132310045 4141 136 City of Dallas30132310445 4143 143 City of Dallas30132311041 4147 58 City of Dallas33132310045 4149 6 City of Dallas33131610345 4149 58 City of Dallas33131610345 4152 1 City of Dallas33132310345 4153 220 City of Dallas33132310345 4157 271 City of Dallas33131610445 4157 68 City of Dallas33131610445 4161 992 City of Dallas30132311141 4166 6 City of Dallas30132311145 4300 1,581 33 13 16 104 45 4500 2,022 30 13 23 111 44 4500 420 30 13 23 111 44 4501 860 30 13 23 111 44 4501 1,558 30 13 23 111 44 4502 3,730 30 13 23 111 44 4503 4,776 30 13 23 104 44 4503 159 30 13 23 104 44 4504 1,462 30 13 23 104 44 4505 833 30 13 23 104 44 4505 1,337 30 13 23 104 44 4505 33 30 13 23 104 44 Page 23 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 4506 1,471 30 13 23 104 44 4506 93 30 13 23 104 44 4507 929 33 13 23 104 44 4507 279 33 13 23 104 44 4508 658 33 13 23 104 44 4508 58 33 13 23 104 44 4509 1,492 30 13 23 104 44 4509 171 30 13 23 104 44 4510 2,309 33 13 23 104 44 4511 1,018 6 13 23 104 44 4511 469 6 13 23 104 44 4511 543 6 13 23 104 44 4512 1,408 6 13 23 104 44 4513 1,869 6 13 23 104 44 4513 1,072 6 13 23 104 44 4513 44 6 13 23 104 44 4514 1,431 6 13 16 104 44 4514 53 6 13 16 104 44 4515 2,347 33 13 16 104 44 4516 53 33 13 16 104 44 4517 3,183 6 13 16 104 44 4518 896 6 13 16 104 44 4518 1,238 6 13 16 104 44 4518 1 6 13 16 104 44 4518 3 6 13 16 104 44 4519 3,298 30 13 23 111 44 4520 1,081 30 13 23 104 44 4521 1,371 30 13 23 104 44 4521 1,153 30 13 23 104 44 4521 1,235 30 13 23 104 44 4521 678 30 13 23 104 44 4522 696 Cedar Hill - ISD30132310944 4522 3,379 30 13 23 109 44 4522 3 30 13 23 109 44 4523 614 Cedar Hill - ISD30132310944 4525 1,551 30 13 23 104 44 4525 1 30 13 23 104 44 4527 1 33 13 16 104 44 4527 1,047 33 13 16 104 44 4527 825 33 13 16 104 44 4527 3 33 13 16 104 44 4529 784 30 13 23 111 44 4530 394 33 13 23 104 44 4531 225 33 13 23 104 44 4531 231 33 13 23 104 44 4531 147 33 13 23 104 44 4532 76 33 13 23 104 44 4532 265 33 13 23 104 44 Page 24 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 4533 1,118 33 13 23 104 44 4534 106 33 13 23 104 44 4535 947 33 13 23 104 44 4536 48 30 13 23 104 44 4537 4 Cedar Hill - ISD30132310944 4538 966 30 13 23 104 44 4554 61 33 13 23 104 44 4555 44 33 13 23 104 44 4600 1,935 6 13 16 105 44 4600 547 6 13 16 105 44 4600 3 6 13 16 105 44 4601 3,927 6 13 16 105 44 4602 2,112 6 13 16 105 44 4603 76 33 13 16 103 44 4604 3,106 6 13 16 105 44 4605 2,602 6 13 16 105 44 4606 1,064 6 13 16 105 44 4606 1,901 6 13 16 105 44 4607 1,918 33 13 16 105 44 4608 86 33 13 16 105 44 4608 1,611 33 13 16 105 44 4608 2,080 33 13 16 105 44 4609 1,941 6 13 16 105 44 4609 116 6 13 16 105 44 4610 1,281 6 13 16 105 44 4610 958 6 13 16 105 44 4610 103 6 13 16 105 44 4611 1,299 6 13 16 105 44 4611 504 6 13 16 105 44 4612 324 6 13 16 105 44 4613 741 33 13 16 105 44 4613 105 33 13 16 105 44 4614 530 6 11 16 105 44 4615 171 6 13 16 105 44 4615 53 6 13 16 105 44 4616 1,338 33 13 16 105 44 4617 189 6 13 16 103 44 4618 471 6 11 16 105 44 4619 1,324 6 11 16 105 44 4620 1,451 6 11 16 105 44 4620 285 6 11 16 105 44 4621 3,186 33 11 16 105 44 4621 617 33 11 16 105 44 4622 1,127 6 11 16 105 44 4622 845 6 11 16 105 44 4623 2,577 6 11 16 105 44 Page 25 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 4624 1,687 6 11 16 105 44 4625 1,565 6 11 16 105 44 4625 579 6 11 16 105 44 4626 1,035 6 11 16 105 44 4626 1,748 6 11 16 105 44 4627 3,109 6 11 16 105 44 4627 1,415 6 11 16 105 44 4628 2,022 33 11 16 105 44 4628 173 33 11 16 105 44 4629 512 6 11 16 105 44 4629 766 6 11 16 105 44 4630 1,008 6 11 16 105 44 4630 574 6 11 16 105 44 4631 1,069 6 11 16 105 44 4631 145 6 11 16 105 44 4632 3 33 11 16 105 44 4632 597 33 11 16 105 44 4632 1,268 33 11 16 105 44 4632 16 33 11 16 105 44 4632 2 33 11 16 105 44 4632 267 33 11 16 105 44 4633 1,183 33 11 16 105 44 4634 3,090 6 11 16 105 44 4634 952 6 11 16 105 44 4639 693 6 11 16 105 44 4640 334 33 11 16 105 44 4640 2,516 33 11 16 105 44 4641 553 6 11 16 105 44 4642 177 6 11 16 105 44 4644 20 24 11 16 105 44 4646 575 6 13 16 103 44 4646 26 6 13 16 103 44 4648 2,403 33 11 16 105 44 4649 122 6 13 16 105 44 4651 80 33 13 16 105 44 4652 106 33 13 16 105 44 4652 763 33 13 16 105 44 4653 135 6 13 16 105 44 4654 767 6 13 16 105 44 4654 291 6 13 16 105 44 4654 198 6 13 16 105 44 4655 49 6 13 16 105 44 4656 148 33 13 16 105 44 4657 104 6 13 16 105 44 4658 98 6 11 16 105 44 4659 241 6 11 16 105 44 4660 41 6 11 16 105 44 Page 26 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes PCT Reg. Voters ISD City U.S. REP St. Board of Education State Senate State House Co. Comm JP/Constable 4661 817 33 11 16 105 44 4661 179 33 11 16 105 44 4662 259 33 13 16 103 44 4662 63 33 13 16 103 44 4662 8 33 13 16 103 44 4664 637 6 11 16 103 44 4664 362 6 11 16 103 44 4675 147 33 13 16 103 44 4677 645 33 11 16 105 44 4678 173 33 11 16 105 44 Page 27 of 27*Information as of August 24,2022 - subject to changes ATTACHMENT G BALLOT ISSUES FOR PARTICIPATING POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS Subject to Change 1 The City of Carrollton (COC): For 5 Bond Propositions in 21 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. The City of Coppell (COCP): For 2 Propositions in 21 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. The City of Dallas (COD): For 1 Propositions in 788 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. The City of Glenn Heights (COGH): For Mayoral Position, For Place 2, 4, 6 and Special Election to Fill a Vacancy Place 5 in 5 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. The City of Hutchins (COH): For 1 Bond Propositions in 5 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. The City of Sachse (COH): For 22 Charter Amendments in 10 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. The Cedar Hill Independent School District (CHISD): For Bond Propositions in 40 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. The Ferris Independent School District (FISD): For 3 Propositions in 6 Dallas County precincts. The Mesquite Independent School District (MISD): For 1 Proposition in 149 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. The Sunnyvale Independent School District (SUISD): For Propositions in 12 Dallas County voting precincts and Subs. “Attachment H” Participating Political Subdivisions November 8, 2022 General & Joint Election ENTITY NAME LNAME CONTACT PH EMAIL ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP CITY OF CARROLLTON CHLOE SAWATZKY (972) 466-4892 chloe.sawatzky@cityofcarrollton.com 1945 E JACKSON RD CARROLLTON TX 75006 CITY OF COPPELL ASHLEY OWENS (972)304-7021 aowens@coppelltx.gov 255 PARKWAY BLVD COPPELL TX 75019 THE CITY OF DALLAS BILIERAE JOHNSON 214-670-5029 bilierae.johnson@dallascityhall.com 1500 MARILLASTREET RM 5DS DALLAS TX 75201 CITY OF GLENN HEIGHTS BRANDI BROWN 972-223-1690 Brandi.brown@glennheightstx.gov 1938 S. HAMPTON RD GLENN HEIGHTS TX 75154 CITY OF HUTCHINS CYNTHIA OLGUIN (972) 225-7435 colguin@cityofhutchins.org 300 N. MAIN HUTCHINS TX 75141 CITY OF SACHSE LEAH GRANGER (469) 429-4773 lgranger@cityofsachse.com 3815-B SACHSE RD SACHSE TX 75048 CITY OF WILMER MAYRA ORTIZ (972) 441-6373 mortiz@cityofwilmer.net 128 N. DALLAS AVE WILMER TX 75172 CEDAR HILL ISD COURTNEY LACKEY (214) 291- 1581X4011 janine.fields@chisd.net 285 UPTOWN BLVD - SUITE 300 CEDAR HILL TX 75104 MESQUITE ISD LINDA SAMPLES 972-882-7311 lsamples@mesquiteisd.org 3819 TOWN CROSSING MESQUITE TX 75150 SUNNYVALE ISD BECKY GILMORE 972-226-5974 becky.gilmore@sunnyvilleisd.com 417 E. TRIPP SUNNYVALE TX 75182 Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6511 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6511 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 09/02/2022File Created: Final Action: ERP ResignationFile Name: Title: Consider accepting the resignation of Seth Phillips from the Ethics Review Panel; and leaving the seat vacant for the remainder of the unexpired term. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Resignation_ Ethics Review Panel.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6511 Title Consider accepting the resignation of Seth Phillips from the Ethics Review Panel; and leaving the seat vacant for the remainder of the unexpired term. Summary Fiscal Impact: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends accepting the resignation. Strategic Pillar Icon: Sustainable Government Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6511 Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Ashley Owens, City Secretary Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Consider accepting the resignation of Seth Phillips from the Ethics Review Panel; and leaving the seat vacant for the remainder of the unexpired term. Ethics Review Panel member Seth Phillips informed staff that he would be moving outside the city of Coppell in late August. Due to his move, Mr. Phillips resigned his seat on the Ethics Review Panel. His email resignation is attached to this agenda item. The Ethics Review Panel meets when necessary, therefore staff recommends leaving the seat vacant for the remainder of the unexpired term. The seat will be filled January of 2024. Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6482 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6482 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: Parks and Recreation 08/24/2022File Created: Final Action: Memorial PolicyFile Name: Title: Consider approval of “Policy for Donations to the Parks System”. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Memorial Policy.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6482 Title Consider approval of “Policy for Donations to the Parks System”. Summary See attached memo. Fiscal Impact: [Enter Fiscal Impact Statement Here] Staff Recommendation: The Parks and Recreation Department recommends approval. Strategic Pillar Icon: Sustainable Government Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Jessica Carpenter, Director of Parks and Recreation Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Consider approval of “Policy for Donations to the Parks System” 2040: Pillar 0: Sustainable City Government Goal 3: Well-maintained City Infrastructure General Information: Consider approval of the “Policy for Donations to the Parks System” which outlines the process to allow for donations of memorials and monuments to be placed on City-owned property. The policy includes clarification on criteria for what constitutes a “Coppell resident” per Council discussion on August 23. Staff recommends that a “Coppell resident” be an individual who has resided in the city of Coppell for at least 10 years. Legal Review: The policy was reviewed by the City’s legal counsel. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact related to this item at this time. Recommendation: The Parks and Recreation Department recommends approval of this item. Policy for Donation to the Parks System 1 City of Coppell Parks and Recreation Department Policy for Donations to the Parks System Effective November 2022 Statement The City of Coppell (hereinafter “City”) has the desire to preserve the aesthetics and integrity of the park system while allowing donated projects (memorials, monuments, benches, etc.) for the further development of the parks. Various city organizations, civic groups and others occasionally approach the Parks and Recreation Department with proposed projects for installation in the park system. The City desires to create an application process which will outline the requirements for potential projects and donations. This application will require a review process by the City and, if necessary, the Parks and Recreation Board (per Section C of this document) to determine if the qualifying criteria have been met. Compliance with this policy, and subsequent approval of the project or donation, shall be a condition precedent to performing work on Public Park property unless contracted otherwise by the City. While the City understands the occasional desire to donate monuments, memorials, or other projects, the City is under no obligation to accept the donation even if it meets all criteria set forth in this policy and meets all required application criteria. I. Procedure In order to apply to have a particular project reviewed, a responsible representative for the applying group must make application following the procedures below: A. Application Criteria Each applicant should be prepared to enter into an Agreement for Donation to the Parks System which will cover the work to be completed, submittal of documents to the Parks and Recreation Department for review, and will require a maintenance agreement unless waived by the City. 1. An Application for Donation to the Parks System Agreement should be filed with the Parks and Recreation Department at least 120 days prior to the beginning of the proposed work. 2. If construction is to take place by the applicant (in coordination with and approved by the City), applicant shall provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance with endorsement naming the City of Coppell as additional insured. Policy for Donation to the Parks System 2 3. The Agreement shall be accompanied by drawings, specifications and descriptions of the proposal sufficient to describe the exact location of the project, materials to be used, colors, size of structures, etc. 4. Proposals that include structures of any type shall be accompanied by drawings sealed by a Texas Registered Engineer. 5. Proper Building Permits will be required after preliminary approval of the project, prior to any work beginning. B. Criteria for Project or Donation The following criteria are to establish the types of projects that will be allowed in the park system: 1. The project or donation is to benefit the park-going community. The project or donation must have a direct tie to the City of Coppell , a citizen of Coppell (who has resided in the city for at least 10 years), Coppell business owner, or Coppell volunteer. 2. Projects or items that have been endorsed and prioritized by the Parks and Recreation Board will be encouraged. 3. Projects or donations will be reviewed for potential impact to the city budget for future maintenance. The applicant should be prepared to file a maintenance agreement with the Parks and Recreation Department and may be required to remit documentation guaranteeing a perpetual maintenance fund. 4. Recognition of Applicant: The applicant will be allowed to place a plaque on the project or donation in recognition of the project. The plaque shall be no larger than 8”x12”, made of metal, with engraved lettering. No graphics (logos, banners, symbols, etc.) shall be allowed on the plaque. The lettering shall read “A donation was made to the Coppell Parks and Recreation Department by (your group) for this (item, project)”. Additional lettering shall be reviewed on a case by case basis, and City reserves the right to accept or reject the same in its sole discretion. 5. Donation/installation of living elements (trees, shrubs, etc.): the donation of living elements to the park system is discouraged. The applicant will be encouraged to make a monetary donation to the Parks and Recreation Department for tree plantings in lieu of donating living elements. 6. Projects or donations that interfere with any future plans for the park system will not be allowed, whether documented or otherwise Policy for Donation to the Parks System 3 C. Approval Process 1. Initial Review of Application: Once applicant submits an Application containing all required information and documentation to the Parks and Recreation Department, the Director of Parks and Recreation will review and approve (if request is for a standard memorial bench only) or forward to the Parks and Recreation Board (all other requests) for further review. If Board review is required, the proposal will be placed on a Parks and Recreation Board meeting agenda within the next two regularly scheduled meetings for consideration. 2. Review by the Parks and Recreation Board: The Parks and Recreation Board will review the applicant’s request and supporting documentation to determine feasibility, desirability, and compatibility of the proposal as it relates to the current and future vision and planning of the parks and recreation system. The Parks and Recreation Board may recommend approving placement of the proposed project; it may request additional information on the proposal; or it may deny placement of the proposed project or donation. 3. Denial by the Parks and Recreation Board: If the project or donation is not approved for placement by the Parks and Recreation Board, there is no further appeal. II. Non Compliance The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements of this policy. Noncompliance will result in temporary or permanent suspension of the agreement. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall make all determination and interpretation of this policy and compliance therewith. Policy for Donation to the Parks System 4 City of Coppell Parks and Recreation Department Application for Donation to the Parks System Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________________________________ State/Zip _____________________________________ Telephone ____________________________ Organization _________________________________________________________________ Address (if different from above) Name of Park and Exact Location of Desired Placement in Park (final location placement shall be the sole discretion of the City): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Please give a brief description of the proposed project: ______________________________ Approximate timeframe for project: Describe how this donation will benefit the park-going community and how it ties to the City of Coppell, a Coppell resident, business owner or volunteer: I have attached: Drawings of project .................................  Specifications ..........................................  Detailed description ................................  Will a plaque be attached to the development/donation?  Yes  No Does applicant plan to submit a Perpetual Maintenance Agreement?  Yes  No Will the development require utility service such as water or electricity?  Yes  No ................................................... ................................................................................................................. To be determined by the Parks and Recreation Department: Certificate of Liability Insurance & Endorsement naming the City of Coppell as additional insured (required for construction activities on city property).  Yes  No PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT APPROVAL Park Operations ________________________ Director _____________________________ Assistant Director _______________________ Policy for Donation to the Parks System 5 STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § LICENSE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Coppell, Texas, a Home Rule City (the “CITY”), and _______________________________, a _______________ Company (hereinafter, “LICENSEE”): RECITALS WHEREAS, the City has the desire to allow projects for further developm ent of the parks and to preserve the aesthetics and integrity of the park system; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted a Policy for Donation to the Parks System (“Policy”) and an Application for Donation to the Parks System (“Application”) to be provided to interested Licensees; and WHEREAS, the Licensee desires to develop that certain portion of the ___________ Park (“Park”) as depicted on Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes; and WHEREAS, Licensee has read the Policy, understands and agrees to the terms and conditions provided therein, and has completed the Application; and WHEREAS, the City and Licensee desire to enter into an Agreement for Licenseeship for said development as depicted in Exhibit “A” under the terms and conditions provided herein; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and other valuable consideration, the sufficiency and receipt of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: That Licensee shall develop that certain portion of the Park as depicted in Exhibit “A,” which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. That the development shall be in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted by the Licensee and approved by the City, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibits “A” and “B”, respectively, and which shall be generally described as follows: It is understood and agreed that maintenance to the improvements made under this Agreement are the full responsibility of the Licensee, except as follow: Any and all monuments and/or landscaping shall be in accordance with the Policy and shall be approved by the City. Nothing contained herein may be construed to create a partnership at law nor any estate in land. Any and all licenses granted herein are revocable. NOTICE All notices required by this Agreement shall be addressed to the following, or other such other party or address as either party designates in writing, by certified mail, postage prepaid or by hand delivery: If intended for the Licensee, to: ___________________________ ATTN: ____________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ If intended for CITY, to: Policy for Donation to the Parks System 6 City of Coppell, Texas City Manager P.O. Box 9478 Coppell, Texas 75019 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties to it and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. SEVERABILITY In the event any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word herein shall, for any reason, be held invalid, illegal, unenforceable or unconstitutional in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, unenforceability or unconstitutionality shall not effect any other provision and the balance of this Agreement shall be enforceable and shall be enforced as if the parties intended at all times to delete said invalid section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word as if the portion had never b een contained therein. GOVERNING LAW The validity of this Agreement and any of its terms and provisions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas; and venue for any action concerning this Agreement shall be in State District Court of Dallas County, Texas. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement embodies the complete agreement of the parties hereto, superseding all oral or written, previous and contemporary agreements between the parties and relating to the matters in this Agreement, and except as otherwise provided herein cannot be modified without written a greement of the parties to be attached to and made a part of this Agreement. INCORPORATION OF RECITALS The determination recited and declared in the preambles to this Agreement are hereby incorporated herein as part of this Agreement. EXHIBITS All exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated herein by reference for all purposes wherever reference is made to the same. EXECUTED in duplicate originals this the _____ day of _______________, 2022. CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS LICENSEE By: __________________________ By: ____________________________________ Michael Land, City Manager ___________________________________ Its: ____________________________________ ATTEST: Policy for Donation to the Parks System 7 By: _______________________________ Ashley Owens, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: _______________________________ Robert E. Hager, City Attorney CITY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the _____day of _______________, 20 22 by Michael Land, City Manager of the City of Coppell, Texas, a municipal corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public, State of Texas My commission Expires: LICENSEE’S ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This instrument was acknowledged before me on the _____ day of _______________20__, by ______________________, __________________________, on behalf of said ____________________. Notary Public, State of My Commission Expires: Policy for Donation to the Parks System 8 EXHIBIT “A” SITE PLAN AND/OR DRAWING DEPICTING PORTION OF PARK AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Policy for Donation to the Parks System 9 EXHIBIT “B” SPECIFICATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS Policy for Donation to the Parks System 10 EXHIBIT “C” MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6492 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6492 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 08/30/2022File Created: Final Action: DCTA - ILA for Workforce TransitFile Name: Title: Consider approval of the Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement by and between the City of Coppell and Denton County Transportation Authority to provide transportation services for Coppell businesses; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement.pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6492 Title Consider approval of the Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement by and between the City of Coppell and Denton County Transportation Authority to provide transportation services for Coppell businesses; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Summary This contract allows the city to extend the current workforce transit test program by one year for data collection. All services and contract details remain the same. Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact is $50,000 included in the fiscal year 2022-23 General Fund budget. Staff Recommendation: Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6492) Staff recommends approval. Strategic Pillar Icon: Create Business and Innovation Nodes Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Consider approval of the Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement by and between the City of Coppell and Denton County Transportation Authority to provide transportation services for Coppell businesses; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 2040: Create Business and Innovation Nodes Introduction: In partnership with Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) and Lyft, the City of Coppell started a workforce transit test program for Coppell businesses on October 1, 2019. The one-year program was established to study trends and gauge the need for a long-term solution to workforce transit in Coppell. The program started slowly as staff was trying to get the word out to all Coppell businesses, but the hope was that it would grow each month as more businesses and individuals learned about the program. The program was beginning to gain momentum in December of 2019 and steadily increased through March of 2020 when COVID-19 hit. City Council has since approved a one-year extension to the contract with DCTA two times. The current ILA will expire on September 30, 2022. Ridership continues to increase and is being utilized by a larger number of companies. The service is being utilized seven days a week across different shift times throughout the day. Riders were concentrated on the west side of town when the program began, but we now have individuals using it to get to work on the east side of town. There are also Coppell residents that are relying on this service for access to work at business locations in Coppell. Coppell currently has 25 businesses that have signed up to utilize the test Workforce Transit program. On average, there are approximately 200 rides per month, and there is typically anywhere from 15 – 20 unique riders each month. Ridership is still heavily concentrated on the west side of town, but the number of riders on the east side of town is growing each month. Staff is working with DCTA to create unique ridership codes for each participating business to provide improved tracking on utilization by business. Staff will also be conducting an extensive marketing push for the program this year to reach new and existing businesses that are not currently utilizing the program. 2 Staff believes that the utilization of a first-mile, last-mile connection will increase after the DART Silver Line is open and operating. Exploring other options for service such as fixed route service might become more viable at that time, but until then, staff believes this is the best option for the first- mile, last-mile connection. Staff is requesting to extend the ILA with DCTA to continue the program an additional year to continue analyzing ridership trends and data in hopes that utilization will grow even larger as employees continue to return to the office after COVID-19. Analysis: Lyft will continue providing all mobility services, and DCTA will administer the contract and provide all administrative and operational services associated with the program. The City of Coppell will make monthly payments to DCTA for reimbursement of all costs associated with services provided by Lyft and the monthly administrative fee. Partnering with Lyft for the mobility service provides the greatest amount of flexibility for this program. Everything about the program will remain the same. Lyft will continue to pick up from the six designated transit stops, which include the DART Trinity Mills Station, the DCTA Hebron Station, the DART Belt Line Station, the DART Bus stop at Saintsbury and Belt Line, the DART Bus Stop at Regent and Royal and the Trinity Metro TEXRail stop at the Grapevine-Main Street station. Lyft will transport passengers to the businesses located within the City of Coppell. The proposed budget for the program is $50,000 for FY 22-23. Staff has consistently received feedback from the businesses that this program has provided great benefits, and the hope is that this upcoming year will provide even greater benefit as the ridership grows. Staff will continue to monitor the data on ridership so that an analysis can be provided on the long-term needs for workforce transit in Coppell. Legal Review: N/A Fiscal Impact: $50,000 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval. Page 1 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement STATE OF TEXAS § § THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED § INTERLOCAL COOPERATION § AGREEMENT COUNTY OF DENTON § This Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and between Denton County Transportation Authority (“DCTA”) and the City of Coppell, Texas (“Coppell”), (each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties”), acting by and through their authorized representatives. RECITALS WHEREAS, Coppell is a home-rule municipality and local governmental entity located within the State of Texas and in the counties of Dallas and Denton; and WHEREAS, DCTA is a coordinated county transportation authority created under Chapter 460 of the Texas Transportation Code; and WHEREAS, the Parties have agreed on the terms and conditions for DCTA to deploy first/last mile workforce mobility solutions within the city limits of Coppell and between transit stations located outside of the city limits, as set forth in Section 3.1(b) of this Agreement, through use of a mobility provider; and WHEREAS, the Parties previously entered into that certain Interlocal Cooperation Agreement dated September 24, 2019, for purposes of providing transportation services to meet the mobility needs of Coppell businesses and residents (the "Original Agreement"); WHEREAS, the Parties previously entered that certain First Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement on September 30, 2020, extending the Term of the Agreement for one (1) year, beginning October 1, 2020 and continuing through September 30, 2021; and WHEREAS, the Parties previously entered that certain Second Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement on October 7, 2021, extending the Term of the Agreement for one (1) year, beginning October 1, 2021 and continuing through September 30, 2022; and WHEREAS, due to the success of the program, the Parties desire to enter into this Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement to extend the Term of the Agreement for one (1) year, beginning October 1, 2022 and continuing through September 30, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act (“Act”), Chapter 791, Texas Government Code; and WHEREAS, DCTA and Coppell are units of local government that have the statutory authority under the Act to perform the services set forth in this Agreement; and Page 2 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 460 of the Texas Transportation Code, DCTA is authorized to enter into this Agreement with Coppell to provide transportation services; and NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth in this Agreement, and other valuable consideration, the receipts and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Article I Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the administration and operation of mobility services to improve access to jobs within the city limits of Coppell for trips originating in a defined geofence to destinations located in the geofence and to/from designated transit stops as defined in section 3.1(b). Mobility services may include DCTA directly providing transportation to employees and residents in Coppell or through third-party service providers that directly contract with DCTA, including but not limited to taxi providers and transportation network companies (TNCs). 1.2 DCTA may execute a task order for a period not to exceed twelve (12) months with a contracted mobility provider (e.g. Lyft) to deploy first/last mile mobility services in the city limits of Coppell and as defined in section 3.1(b). The hours and days of operation shall be agreed upon by the Parties and adjusted based on ridership. 1.3 DCTA has entered into an appropriate mobility services provider agreement to provide their services herein; and, DCTA shall receive assurances under such agreement regarding the services provided herein; and, Coppell’s sole responsibility shall be to fund such services. Article II Term 2.1 Term. The Term of this Agreement shall begin on October 1, 2022 and continue for the period ending on September 30, 2023 unless sooner terminated as provided herein (the “Term”). 2.2 Termination. Either Party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, by giving sixty (60) days prior written notice to the other Party. After the Initial Term, the required notice to terminate shall be at least ninety (90) days. Article III Services 3.1 DCTA shall provide the Mobility Services as follows: (a) Beginning on October 1, 2019, DCTA shall deliver the Mobility Services during the hours and days of operation as mutually agreed upon by the Parties and based on ridership. Page 3 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (b)Mobility services will initially be provided generally within the city limits to serve the workforce population and to and from designated transit stops and stations that fall outside the Coppell city limits. Specific parameters will be determined through the Task Order process and in coordination with DCTA and Coppell. Location of mobility services and geofence boundaries may be amended in writing as mutually agreed upon by the Parties and based on ridership trends. (c)The Parties shall work together to analyze and review ongoing service levels and alternative Mobility Service delivery methods and cost estimates to meet the long-term public transit needs of Coppell. (d)During the Term of this Agreement, DCTA shall provide all administrative and operational services associated with the Mobility Services including, but not limited to, employment and management of necessary and sufficient personnel, contract management of third-party providers, billing, customer service, program management, and data reporting and analytics. (e)During the Term of this Agreement, Coppell shall be responsible for all primary marketing and outreach efforts, with ancillary support provided by DCTA. Payment. Coppell shall pay DCTA within thirty (30) days of the receipt of each Article IV Compensation and Fees 4.1 DCTA Compensation. DCTA shall be reimbursed for one-hundred percent (100%) of all costs for services invoiced from the mobility provider associated with this agreement, and an administrative fee per the schedule in Exhibit 1. Total costs shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in a twelve (12) month period, unless amended as mutually agreed upon in writing by the parties. 4.2 Invoicing. On or before the last day of each calendar month during the Term of this Agreement, DCTA shall prepare a written invoice to Coppell including number of trips, operating expenses, and administrative management fees for the services provided in the previous month. 4.3 monthly invoice. 4.4 Current Revenues. To the extent applicable, Coppell and DCTA acknowledge that Coppell shall make payment of the aforementioned sums from current revenues. Coppell further agrees to make all appropriations reasonable and necessary to effectuate the terms of, and its responsibilities under, this Agreement. However, the Parties recognize that the continuation of this Agreement after the close of any given fiscal year of Coppell, September 30 of each calendar year, shall be subject to approval by Coppell’s City Council. This approval may be presumed if the City Council includes funding for the Mobility Services in an adopted budget. This Agreement cannot be an unfunded liability of Coppell in violation of the Texas Constitution’s unfunded debt Page 4 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement prohibition applicable to home-rule cities. The Parties agree that this Agreement may be terminated by Coppell with notice as provided herein, without any penalty or liability to Coppell except for monies owed DCTA for Mobility Services provided pursuant to this Agreement and for any costs incurred for demobilization, in the event Coppell’s City Council fails to approve or appropriate funds for any continuation of this Agreement. 4.5 Fares. Customers utilizing the first/last mile service will pay a fare that shall be subsidized by Coppell. The subsidy and amount paid by the passenger shall be mutually agreed upon by DCTA and Coppell. 4.6 Additional Services. In an effort to provide the best Mobility Services possible, DCTA may work with additional third-party service providers to enhance service delivery to Coppell. At all times, DCTA shall be responsible for contracting directly with the third-parties and shall be responsible for ensuring the overall customer experience and complying with this Agreement. Furthermore, DCTA shall be responsible for managing the cost of such service providers within the mutually agreed funding authorizations established and approved between DCTA and Coppell. Article V Dispute Resolution The Parties agree to make a good faith effort to resolve through informal discussions any disagreement or other dispute between them in connection with this Agreement (a “Dispute”). If a Dispute cannot be resolved through informal discussions, before seeking an alternative remedy, either Party must submit a written complaint to the other Party setting out the basis of the complaint and a proposed resolution to the Dispute. The Party receiving the complaint must respond in writing within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of the complaint, by accepting the proposed resolution, rejecting the proposed resolution, or proposing an alternative resolution to the Dispute. If the proposed resolution is rejected, the Parties may seek alternative remedies as they deem appropriate. If an alternative resolution is proposed, the recipient of that alternative proposal shall, within twenty-one (21) days after receipt, either accept the alternative or reject it. If it is rejected, the Parties may seek alternative remedies as they deem appropriate. Subject to the procedure outlined in this section, both Parties will have all legal remedies allowed to them by applicable law. The provisions of this section are strictly limited in scope to serve as a prerequisite to the enforcement of remedies under this Agreement. Failure by either Party to raise a Dispute through this process shall not constitute waiver or acceptance of an alleged violation of this Agreement. Article VI Insurance During the Term of this Agreement, the mobility provider shall maintain and enforce during the Term, at the mobility provider’s own expense, at least the following coverages: (a) Workers’ Compensation Insurance in accordance with state statutory laws, including Employers’ Liability with minimum limits of $1,000,000 each Accident; Page 5 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (b) Commercial General Liability Insurance including, but not limited to, product and completed operations, personal and advertising injury and contractual liability coverage with minimum limits of $1,000,000 Each Occurrence; $2,000,000 General Aggregate; and (c) Commercial Auto Liability Insurance including a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000 each accident and Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000. The mobility provider will include Coppell as an additional insured via blanket endorsement under the mobility provider’s commercial general liability insurance policy. All policies maintained shall be written as primary policies, not contributing with and not supplemental to coverage Coppell may carry and will contain a waiver of subrogation against Coppell and its insurance carrier(s) with respect to all obligations assumed by the mobility provider under this Agreement. The fact that the mobility provider has obtained the insurance required hereunder shall in no manner lessen or otherwise affect such mobility provider’s other obligations or liabilities set forth in this Agreement. Article VII Miscellaneous 7.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior understandings written or oral agreements between the Parties with respect to this subject matter. 7.2 Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party. 7.3 Successors and Assigns. Subject to the provisions regarding assignment, this Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the Parties to it and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. 7.4 Governing Law. The laws of the State of Texas shall govern this Agreement; and venue for any action concerning this Agreement shall exclusively be in the State District Court of Denton County, Texas. The Parties agree to submit to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction of said court. 7.5 No Waiver of Liability. The Parties acknowledge that neither Party is an agent, servant, or employee of the other Party, and each Party agrees it is responsible for its own individual negligent acts or omissions or other tortious conduct, as well as such acts and deeds of its contractors, agents, representatives, and employees, during the performance of this Agreement without waiving any governmental immunity available to the Parties under Texas law and other applicable law, and without waiving any available defenses under Texas law and other applicable law. Further, in the execution and performance of this Agreement, the Parties do not waive, and neither Party shall be deemed to have waived, any other immunity or defense that would otherwise Page 6 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement be available to each Party as a local governmental entity and/or political subdivision of the State of Texas. 7.6 Amendments. This Agreement may be amended by the mutual written agreement of the Parties. 7.7 Severability. In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions, and the Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained in it. 7.8 Notice. Any notice required or permitted to be delivered hereunder may be sent by first class mail, overnight courier or by confirmed telefax or facsimile to the address specified below, or to such other Party or address as either Party may designate in writing, and shall be deemed received three (3) days after delivery set forth herein: If intended for DCTA: With Copy to: Paul Cristina Joseph J. Gorfida, Jr. Interim Chief Executive Officer Nichols, Jackson, Dillard, Hager & Smith, L.L.P. DCTA 1800 Ross Tower, 500 North Akard 1955 Lakeway Drive, Suite 260 500 North Akard Lewisville, Texas 75067 Dallas, Texas 75201 Phone: 972-221-4600 Phone: 214-965-9900 If intended for City of Coppell: Mike Land City Manager 255 Parkway Blvd. P. O. Box 9478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Phone: 972-304-3618 7.9 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed by the Parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. Each counterpart may consist of any number of copies hereof each signed by less than all, but together signed by all of the Parties hereto. 7.10 Exhibits. The Exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein. 7.11 Recitals. The recitals to this Agreement are incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all purposes. Page 7 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement 7.12 Authorization. Each Party represents that it has full capacity and authority to grant all rights and assume all obligations that are granted and assumed under this Agreement. 7.13 Survival of Covenants. Any of the representations, warranties, covenants, and obligations of the Parties, as well as any rights and benefits of the Parties, pertaining to a period of time following the termination of this Agreement shall survive termination hereof. 7.14 Approval of Parties. Whenever this Agreement requires or permits the approval or consent to be given by a Party, the Parties agree that such approval or consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. 7.15 No Third-Party Beneficiary. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating or giving rise to any rights of third-parties or any persons other than the Parties hereto. 7.16 Recordkeeping and Right to Inspect Records. Each Party shall have mutual access to, and the right to examine, all books, documents, papers, and other records of the other Party involving transactions relating to this Agreement. Each Party shall have access during normal business hours to all necessary facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. Each Party shall give the other Party advanced written notice of at least forty-eight (48) business hours of intended audits. (signature page to follow) Page 8 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement EXECUTED this _______ day of _____________________, 2022. Denton County Transportation Authority By: ___________________________________ Paul Cristina, Interim Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: ___________________________________ Joseph J. Gorfida, Jr., General Counsel (09-06-2022: TM 131347) EXECUTED this _______ day of _____________________, 2022. City of Coppell, Texas a home-rule municipality By: ____________________________________ Wes Mays, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: ____________________________________ Robert E. Hager, Coppell City Attorney Exhibit 1 DCTA and City of Coppell Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Cooperation Agreement EXHIBIT 1 AGENCY Service Rendered Cost Allocation Per Year $50,000 Denton County Transportation Authority Contracted Mobility Provider Service: Direct invoiced costs Not-to-exceed $28,125 Administrative Fee: Contract management, billing, administration, reporting, data analytics, and customer service Not-to-exceed 60% of the direct invoiced costs City of Coppell Marketing and Outreach Not-to-exceed $5,000 TOTAL: $50,000 Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6522 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6522 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 09/07/2022File Created: Final Action: Dallas County Health and Human Services 22-23File Name: Title: Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Interlocal Government Agreement, effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; in the amount of $3,131.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, City of Coppell 2023 ILA Health Svcs.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6522 Title Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Interlocal Government Agreement, effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; in the amount of $3,131.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Summary Fiscal Impact: Funds are budgeted in the Environmental Health, Other Professional Services line item for this agreement. Staff Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends approval. Strategic Pillar Icon: Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6522) Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Dallas County Health and Human Services Contract 2040: Sustainable Government Introduction: The purpose of this memo is to inform the City Council about the annual Interlocal Agreement for coordinated Health Services between the City of Coppell and Dallas County Health and Human Services that will be on the agenda on September 13, 2022. Background: Under this interlocal agreement, Dallas Health and Human Services shall offer our residents the following services: tuberculosis control services; sexually transmitted disease control services; communicable disease control services; and laboratory services. The County also agrees to provide to the city, per state and federal law, the following public health services: immunizations; child health care, high-risk infant case management; and home visits. The County uses “a sliding-scale fee” based on the residents’ ability to pay for these services, and the City pays $3,131.00 per year, which is the agreed-upon amount for the City’s share of the total cost of the program less federal and state funding. Analysis: This agreement has been in existence for over 25 years, and the city is billed by the County monthly. The billing amount has remained the same for over 15 years. Legal Review: N/A 2 Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this Agenda item will not exceed $3,131.00. Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends approval. 1 ILA FOR COORDINATED HEALTH SVCS BETW DALLAS COUNTY & CITY OF COPPELL—FY2023 THE STATE OF TEXAS § INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR § COORDINATED HEALTH SERVICES § BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, ON § BEHALF OF DALLAS COUNTY HEALTH AND § HUMAN SERVICES, AND THE CITY COUNTY OF DALLAS § OF COPPELL, TEXAS 1. PARTIES Whereas, Dallas County (“County”) has offered to provide certain health services to the various cities throughout Dallas County on a contract for services basis; and Whereas, the City of Coppell, Texas (“City”) desires to participate with County in establishing coordinated health services for City and Dallas County; and Whereas, County will operate certain health services for the residents of City in order to promote the effectiveness of local public health services and goals (“Program”); and Whereas, the cooperative effort will allow cities located within Dallas County to participate in providing public health services for their residents; and Whereas, such cooperative effort serves and furthers the public purpose and benefits the citizens of County as a whole. Now therefore, County, on behalf of Dallas County Health and Human Services (“DCHHS”), enters into this Interlocal Agreement (“Agreement”) with City, pursuant to the authorities of the Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 121, the Texas Government Code Chapter 791, and other applicable laws for health services to City. 2. HEALTH SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED A. County agrees to operate the Program, which will include the following health services: 1) Tuberculosis Control Services: providing preventive, diagnostic treatment, and epidemiological services; 2) Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Services: consisting of education to motivate people to use preventive measures and to seek early treatment, prophylaxis, epidemiological investigation, and counseling in accordance with County policy; 3) Communicable Disease Control Services: providing information concerning immunization and communicable diseases and coordinating with the Texas Department of State Health Services (“DSHS”) in monitoring communicable diseases; 2 ILA FOR COORDINATED HEALTH SVCS BETW DALLAS COUNTY & CITY OF COPPELL—FY2023 4) Laboratory Services: performing chemical, biological, and bacteriological analysis and tests on which are based diagnosis of disease, effectiveness of treatment, the quality of the environment, the safety of substance for human consumption, and the control of communicable disease. B. County agrees to provide to City, in accordance with state and federal law, the following public health services: 1) Immunizations; 2) Child health care; 3) High risk infant case management; and 4) Home visits. County also agrees to work with City in order to decentralize clinics and to plan and provide for desired services by City; however, any other services that City requires, in addition to the above mentioned services, may result in additional fees to City. C. County agrees to charge a sliding-scale fee based on ability to pay to all residents of every municipality, including City, in Dallas County. The fees charged by County for the services listed in Section 2A of this Agreement will be used to offset the City’s Program costs for the next Agreement Term. A schedule of fees to be charged by County is set out in Exhibit A, attached and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes. D. County agrees that the level of service provided in the Program for City will not be diminished below the level of service provided to City for the same services in the prior Agreement Term except as indicated in Section 2E of this Agreement. For purposes of Section 2E, level of service is measured by the number of patient visits and number of specimens examined. County will submit to City a monthly statement, which will also include the number of patient visits and number of specimens examined during the preceding month. E. The possibility exists of reductions in state and federal funding to the Program that could result in curtailment of services, if not subsidized at the local level. County will notify City in writing of any amount of reduction, and any extent to which services will be curtailed as a result. The notice will also include an amount that City may elect to pay to maintain the original level of services. City will notify County in writing no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the date of City’s receipt of the notice of funding reduction as to City’s decision to pay the requested amount or to accept the curtailment of service. If City elects to pay the requested amount, payment is due no later than forty-five (45) calendar days after the date of the notice of funding reduction. 3. BUDGET A. County agrees to submit to City by July 31st of each year a proposed budget describing the 3 ILA FOR COORDINATED HEALTH SVCS BETW DALLAS COUNTY & CITY OF COPPELL—FY2023 proposed level of services for the next Agreement Term; B. For the Term of this Agreement, County agrees to provide the services listed in Section 2 of this Agreement at the level of services and for the amount stated in Exhibit B, C, and D which are attached and incorporated herein by reference for all purposes; C. Payment. City shall pay County the following amount, as stated in Exhibit D Three Thousand One Hundred Thirty One and 00/100 Dollars ($3,131.00), which is the agreed upon amount for City’s share of the total cost of the Program less federal and state funding. D. In lieu of paying the actual dollar amount stated in this Agreement, City has the option, to the extent authorized by law, ordinances or policy, of making a request to negotiate for in-kind services that are equal in value to the total amount. E. This Agreement is contingent upon City’s appropriation of funds, or ability to perform in- kind services as described in Section 3D of this Agreement, for the services set forth herein. In the event City fails to appropriate such funds, or provide in-kind services, County shall not incur any obligations under this Agreement. 4. ASSURANCES A. County shall operate and supervise the Program. B. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to restrict the authority of City over its health programs or environmental health programs or to limit the operations or services of those programs. C. City agrees to provide to County or assist County in procuring adequate facilities to be used for the services under this Agreement. These facilities must have adequate space, waiting areas, heating, air conditioning, lighting, and telephones. None of the costs and maintenance expenses associated with these facilities shall be the responsibility of County and County shall not be liable to City or any third party for the condition of the facilities, including any premises defects. D. City and County agree that other cities/towns/municipalities may join the Program by entering into an agreement with County that contains the same basic terms and conditions as this Agreement. E. Each party paying for the performance of governmental functions or services under this Agreement must make those payments from current revenues available to the paying party. 5. FINANCING OF SERVICES A. The health services provided under this Agreement will be financed as follows: 1) City and County will make available to the Program all appropriate federal and state funds, personnel, and equipment to provide the health services included under this 4 ILA FOR COORDINATED HEALTH SVCS BETW DALLAS COUNTY & CITY OF COPPELL—FY2023 Agreement and will use best efforts to cause these funds and resources to continue to increase. 2) City shall pay to County, or provide in-kind services, its share of budgeted costs that are in excess of the federal and state funding for providing the health services under this Agreement. Budgeted costs shall not exceed those reflected in Exhibits B, C, and D for the appropriate Agreement Term. B. County shall bill City each month an amount equal to one-twelfth (1/12) of its share of annual budgeted costs that exceed federal and state funding for the expenses of the preceding month. C. Any payment not made within thirty (30) calendar days of its due date shall bear interest in accordance with Chapter 2251 of the Texas Government Code. D. City and County agree that no more than ten percent (10%) of the City’s cost of participating in the Program will be used for administration of the Program. 6. TERM The Term of this Agreement shall be effective from October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023, unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. 7. TERMINATION A. Without Cause: This Agreement may be terminated in writing, without cause, by either party upon thirty (30) calendar days prior written notice to the other party. B. With Cause: Either party may terminate the Agreement immediately, in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, by written notice to the other party, for the following reasons: 1) Lack of, or reduction in, funding or resources; 2) Non-performance; 3) The improper, misuse, or inept use of funds or resources directly related to this Agreement; 4) The submission of data, statements, and/or reports that is incorrect, incomplete, and/or false in any way. 8. RESPONSIBILITY County and City agree that each shall be responsible for its own negligent acts or omissions or other tortious conduct in the course of performance of this Agreement, without waiving any governmental immunity available to County or City or their respective officials, officers, employees, or agents under Texas or other law and without waiving any available defenses 5 ILA FOR COORDINATED HEALTH SVCS BETW DALLAS COUNTY & CITY OF COPPELL—FY2023 under Texas or other law. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to create or grant any rights, contractual or otherwise, in or to any third persons or entities. 9. INSURANCE City and County agree that they will, at all times during the Term of this Agreement, maintain in full force and effect insurance or self-insurance to the extent permitted by applicable laws. City and County will be responsible for their respective costs of such insurance, any and all deductible amounts in any policy and any denials of coverage made by their respective insurers. 10. ACCESS TO RECORDS RELEVANT TO PROGRAM City and County agree to provide to the other upon request, copies of the books and records relating to the Program. City and County further agree to give City and County health officials access to all Program activities. Both City and County agree to adhere to all applicable confidentiality provisions, including those relating to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) information, as mandated by federal and state law, as well as by DSHS. 11. NOTICE Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given if reduced to writing and delivered in person by a reputable courier service or mailed by Registered Mail, postage pre-paid, to the party who is to receive such notice, demand or request at the addresses set forth below. Such notice, demand or request shall be deemed to have been given, if by courier, at the time of delivery, or if by mail, three (3) business days subsequent to the deposit of the notice in the United States mail in accordance herewith. The names and addresses of the parties’ hereto to whom notice is to be sent are as follows: Dr. Philip Huang, Director Ashley Owens, City Secretary Dallas County Health & Human Services City of Coppell 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, LB 12 255 Parkway Blvd Dallas, TX 75207-2710 Coppell, TX 75019 972-304-3669 12. IMMUNITY This Agreement is expressly made subject to County’s and City’s Governmental Immunity, including, without limitation, Title 5 of the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code, and all applicable federal and state law s. The parties expressly agree that no provision of this Agreement is in any way intended to constitute a waiver of any immunities from suit or from liability, or a waiver of any tort limitation, that City or County has by operation of law or otherwise. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to benefit any third party beneficiary. 13. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND VENUE In providing services required by this Agreement, City and County must observe and comply with all licenses, legal certifications, or inspections required for the services, facilities, equipment, or 6 ILA FOR COORDINATED HEALTH SVCS BETW DALLAS COUNTY & CITY OF COPPELL—FY2023 materials, and all applicable federal, State, and local statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. Texas law shall govern this Agreement and exclusive venue shall lie in Dallas County, Texas. 14. AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES IN THE LAW No modification, amendment, novation, renewal, or other alteration of this Agreement shall be effective unless mutually agreed upon in writing and executed by the parties hereto. Any alteration, addition or deletion to the terms of this Agreement which are required by changes in federal or state law are automatically incorporated herein without written amendment to this Agreement and shall be effective on the date designated by said law. 15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including all exhibits and attachments, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any other agreements concerning the subject matter of this transaction, whether oral or written. 16. BINDING EFFECT This Agreement and the respective rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto, as well as the parties themselves. 17. GOVERNMENT FUNDED PROJECT If this Agreement is funded in part by either the State of Texas or the federal government, County and City agree to timely comply without additional cost or expense to the other party, unless otherwise specified herein, to any statute, rule, regulation, grant, contract provision, or other state or federal law, rule, regulation, or other similar restriction that imposes additional or greater requirements than stated herein and that is directly applicable to the services rendered under the terms of this Agreement. 18. DEFAULT/ CUMULATIVE RIGHTS/ MITIGATION In the event of a default by either party, it is not a waiver of default if the non-defaulting party fails to immediately declare a default or delays in taking any action. The rights and remedies provided by this Agreement are cumulative, and either party’s use of any right or remedy will not preclude or waive its right to use any other remedy. These rights and remedies are in addition to any other rights the parties may have by law, statute, ordinance, or otherwise. Both parties have a duty to mitigate damages. 19. FISCAL FUNDING CLAUSE Notwithstanding any provisions contained herein, the obligations of County and City under this Agreement are expressly contingent upon the availability of funding for each item and obligation contained herein for the Term of the Agreement and any extensions thereto. City and County shall have no right of action against the other party in the event the other party is unable to fulfill its 7 ILA FOR COORDINATED HEALTH SVCS BETW DALLAS COUNTY & CITY OF COPPELL—FY2023 obligations under this Agreement as a result of lack of sufficient funding for any item or obligation from any source utilized to fund this Agreement or failure to budget or authorize funding for this Agreement during the current or future Agreement Terms. In the event that County or City is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement as a result of lack of sufficient funding, or if funds become unavailable, each party, at its sole discretion, may provide funds from a separate source or may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party at the earliest possible time. 20. COUNTERPARTS, NUMBER, GENDER AND HEADINGS This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Words of any gender used in this Agreement shall be held and construed to include any other gender. Any words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Headings herein are for the convenience of reference only and shall not be considered in any interpretation of this Agreement. 21. PREVENTION OF FRAUD AND ABUSE City and County shall establish, maintain, and utilize internal management procedures sufficient to provide for the proper, effective management of all activities funded under this Agreement. Any known or suspected incident of fraud or program abuse involving County or City’s employees or agents shall be reported immediately for appropriate action. Moreover, City and County warrant to be not listed on a local, county, state, or federal consolidated list of debarred, suspended, and ineligible contractors and grantees. City and County agree that every person who as part of their employment, receives, disburses, handles or has access to funds collected pursuant to this Agreement does not participate in accounting or operating functions that would permit them to conceal accounting records and the misuse of said funds. Each party shall, upon notice by the other party, refund their respective expenditures that are contrary to this Agreement. 22. AGENCY / INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR County and City agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement do not constitute the creation of a separate legal entity or the creation of legal responsibilities of either party other than under the terms of this Agreement. County and City are and shall be acting as independent contractors under this Agreement; accordingly, nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as establishing a master/servant, employer/employee, partnership, joint venture, or joint enterprise relationship between County and City. City and County are responsible for their own acts, forbearance, negligence and deeds, and for those of their respective officials, agents or employees in conjunction with the performance of work covered under this Agreement. 23. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement is construed to be illegal or invalid, this will not affect the legality or validity of any of the other provisions in this Agreement. The illegal or invalid provision will be deemed stricken and deleted, but all other provisions shall continue and be given effect as if the illegal or invalid provisions had never been incorporated. 8 ILA FOR COORDINATED HEALTH SVCS BETW DALLAS COUNTY & CITY OF COPPELL—FY2023 24. SIGNATORY WARRANTY Each person signing and executing this Agreement does hereby warrant and represent that such person has been duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of City or County, as the case may be. DALLAS COUNTY: CITY OF COPPELL: __________________________________ ____________________________________ By: Clay Lewis Jenkins By: _______________________________ Dallas County Judge Mayor DATE: ___________________________ DATE: _____________________________ Recommended: Attested: __________________________________ ____________________________________ By: Dr. Philip Huang By: ___________________________________ Director, DCHHS City Secretary Approved as to Form*: Approved as to Form: JOHN CREUZOT DISTRICT ATTORNEY __________________________________ _____________________________________ By: Lacey B. Lucas By:_________________________________ Assistant District Attorney City Attorney *By law, the District Attorney’s Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties. Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval, and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s). Revised on May 18, 2021 (Court Order: 2021-0487) EXHIBIT A FEE SCHEDULE SEXUAL HEALTH CLINIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES Office Visits $20/visit Non-Contagious Disease Certification Letter $20 each Blood Drawing $5 each Chemical Lesion Reduction $45 each Medical Records Copies $5 each Cryotherapy $15 each TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC TB Testing-Level I (Office Visit) $30/Visit Comprehensive TB Testing & $80 each TB Testing-Level II (IGRA) $50 each Evaluation (Incl. Chest X-ray) Chest X-Ray Copies $5 each LABORATORY GC Culture $14 each Pregnancy Test $20 each GEN Probe GC/CT Combo $15 each Urinalysis $15 each Trichomonas Testing $17 each Dark Field $16 each HIV 1&2 Test $15 each Herpes Culture $38 each HIV Test - Rapid $20 each HIV-1 RNA Testing $115 each MTB Testing for TB $85 each HIV-1 Quant Assay Testing $80 each TB Culture & Concentration $25 each Herpes Type 1 & 2 Serology $50 each TB Identification $15 each Residual Clinical Specimens $5 each TB Susceptibility $31 each TB Acid Fast Stain $8 each NURSING SERVICE Hepatitis A Havrix* $55/Injection Varivax* $155/Injection Hepatitis B Vaccine* $60/Injection Meningococcal (MCV4)* $140/Injection Twinrix $105/Injection Shingrix $185/Injection Rabies (PE) $340/Injection Gardasil (HPV)* $260/Injection IPV $50/Injection Hepatitis A (Pediatric) $45/Injection Pneumococcal* $125/Injection Hepatitis B (Pediatric) $30/Injection Adacel (Pertusis) (Tdap) $35/injection DT $70/Injection HIB $25/injection DTaP (Daptacel) $40/Injection Japanese Encephalitis $335/Injection DTap-HepB-IPV $85/Injection Typhoid (Polysaccharide) $90/Injection DTaP-IPV $65/Injection Typhoid (Oral) $75 box Rotavirus $140/Injection Yellow Fever Vaccine** $185/Injection PCV13 $235/Injection Boostrix Vaccine*(Tdap) $50/Injection MMR* $100/Injection Influenza Vaccine* $30/Injection Communicable Disease Program: Influenza (High Dose) $70/Injection Hepatitis A/B/C Screening General $35/Test Rabies Administrative Fee/ Hepatitis A/B/C Screening Qualified $10/Test Serves State Vaccine $25 each Immunization/VFC Program: Foreign Travel Office Visit Fee $25/visit DPT,DT,Hib, $5/Per child TD* $50/Injection Well Baby $5/Visit Diabetic Testing $5/Test Immunization Record $5 each Foreign Travel Yellow Card $5 each Note: (1)*Vaccines marked with asterisks are part of the Adult Safety Net Program (ASNP). Clients eligible to receive through the ASNP will be charged a fee of $10/shot . (2) **Vaccine Unavailable. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Septic Tank Inspection $310/Commercial/Business Day Care Center Inspections $2/per authorized child $260/Residential Temporary Food Permit $75/plus $10 per day Septic Tank Re-inspection $35/Residential Funeral Home Inspection $200 $85/Commercial FHA, VA, Conventional Loans $125/Licensed Food Establishment Inspection $150/yr./establishment $150/Unlicensed Half-Way Houses & Boarding $75/plus $25 for each Annual Group Home Inspection $50 Homes, Residential additional unit on site Food Handler Class $15/per person Mosquito Spraying for Non- Sub-division Plat Approval $200/Residential contracting cities $185/ per hour $150/Commercial Water Sample $50 Animal Control/Quarantine $7/per day Mosquito Testing $35 Animal Control/Vicious Animal $12/per day Food Mgr. Cert. Program $100/per person Food Manager Re-certification $50/Test Food Mgr. Cert. Retesting $50/per person W/Multiple Test Sites Note: 1) # Indicates $10 charge for State fee Exhibit B Tuberculosis Sexually Transmitted Diseases Laboratory Communicable Diseases Municipality Addison 24 24 62 26 Balch Springs 587 587 292 43 Carrollton 517 517 301 155 Cedar Hill 237 237 200 71 Cockrell Hill 0 0 0 47 Coppell 133 133 27 33 Dallas 14,681 14,681 49,019 25,643 Desoto 237 237 282 270 Duncanville 344 344 243 66 Farmers Branch 100 100 173 69 Garland 3,307 3,307 1,864 113 Glenn Heights 41 41 64 34 Grand Prairie 812 812 1,142 315 Highland Park 0 0 0 11 Hutchins 21 21 56 8 Irving 2,197 2,197 1,964 430 Lancaster 289 289 354 57 Mesquite 529 529 1,129 350 Richardson 402 402 236 215 Rowlett 304 304 187 30 Sachse 63 63 20 8 Seagoville 124 124 180 31 Sunnyvale 0 0 1 48 University Park 0 0 0 15 Wilmer 10 10 61 3 Out of County 644 644 23,242 547 25,603 25,603 81,099 28,638 Dallas County Health and Human Services Annual Summary of Services January 1, 2021 thru December 31, 2021 Total Exhibit CTuberculosisSexually Transmitted Diseases LaboratoryCommunicable DiseasesFY '22 Contract TotalMunicipalityAddison2,676$ 12,609$ 2,499$ 849$ 2,500$ Balch Springs65,452$ 19,486$ 11,770$ 1,404$ 9,377$ Carrollton57,647$ 42,247$ 12,132$ 5,061$ 23,823$ Cedar Hill26,426$ 38,153$ 8,061$ 2,318$ 2,498$ Cockrell Hill-$ -$ -$ 1,535$ 1,011$ Coppell14,830$ 6,877$ 1,088$ 1,078$ 3,131$ Dallas1,636,967$ 1,378,585$ 1,975,816$ 837,310$ 1,754,252$ Desoto26,426$ 57,311$ 11,367$ 8,816$ 17,620$ Duncanville38,357$ 26,527$ 9,795$ 2,155$ 11,273$ Farmers Branch11,150$ 21,451$ 6,973$ 2,253$ 6,856$ Garland368,739$ 108,728$ 75,133$ 3,690$ 80,156$ Glenn Heights4,572$ 20,796$ 2,580$ 1,110$ 574$ Grand Prairie90,540$ 70,247$ 46,031$ 10,286$ 38,854$ Highland Park-$ 164$ -$ 359$ 132$ Hutchins2,342$ 7,041$ 2,257$ 261$ 3,149$ Irving244,971$ 141,314$ 79,163$ 14,041$ 81,906$ Lancaster32,224$ 51,908$ 14,269$ 1,861$ 12,106$ Mesquite58,985$ 104,143$ 45,507$ 11,428$ 31,608$ Richardson44,824$ 27,346$ 9,512$ 7,020$ 23,756$ Rowlett33,897$ 16,866$ 7,537$ 980$ 4,925$ Sachse7,025$ 1,801$ 806$ 261$ 362$ Seagoville13,826$ 10,480$ 7,255$ 1,012$ 6,440$ Sunnyvale-$ 1,146$ 40$ 1,567$ 99$ University Park-$ 491$ -$ 490$ 48$ Wilmer1,115$ 6,059$ 2,459$ 98$ 2,597$ Out of County71,808$ 607,992$ 936,819$ 17,861$ 77,142$ 2,854,797$ 2,779,767$ 3,268,870$ 935,104$ 2,196,195$ TotalDallas County Health and Human ServicesFY2023Contract Cost by Category Exhibit D Municipality Addison 2,500$ Balch Springs 9,377$ Carrollton 23,823$ Cedar Hill 2,498$ Cockrell Hill 1,011$ Coppell 3,131$ * Dallas 1,754,252$ * Desoto 17,620$ * Duncanville 11,273$ Farmers Branch 6,856$ * Garland 80,156$ Glenn Heights 574$ Grand Prairie 38,854$ Highland Park 132$ Hutchins 3,149$ Irving 81,906$ Lancaster 12,106$ * Mesquite 31,608$ * Richardson 23,756$ * Rowlett 4,925$ * Sachse 362$ * Seagoville 6,440$ Sunnyvale 99$ University Park 48$ Wilmer 2,597$ * Out of County 77,142$ 2,196,195$ *Non-contracting Dallas County Health and Human Services Total Contract Costs FY2023 Total Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6523 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6523 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 09/07/2022File Created: Final Action: Mosquito Spraying 22-23File Name: Title: Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Interlocal Government Agreement for mosquito spraying; effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Mosquito Ground Control Agreement 2022-23 Coppell.pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6523 Title Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Interlocal Government Agreement for mosquito spraying; effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Summary Fiscal Impact: Funds are budgeted in the Environmental Health, Other Professional Services line item for this agreement. Staff Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends approval. Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6523) Strategic Pillar Icon: Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Annual Vector Control Contract 2040: Sustainable Government Introduction: The purpose of this memo is to inform the City Council about the annual contract for mosquito adulticiding and larvaciding between the City of Coppell and Dallas County Health and Human Services that will be on the Council agenda on September 13, 2022. Background: The City of Coppell Environmental Health Division has an Integrated Mosquito Management Program. The purpose of the program is to mitigate vector control diseases using effective and environmentally sensitive methods and to reduce the risk of vector-borne diseases such as West Nile Virus. The city is divided into six different mosquito management areas. Staff traps mosquitoes in each of these areas on Thursday, collects mosquito samples on Friday. Samples are sent to Dallas County Public Health laboratory for testing. If West Nile Virus or any other viruses are detected in mosquito samples or confirmed human cases, adulticiding is necessary and Dallas County will perform ground spraying. If areas that have tested positive are not treated as quickly as possible, disease can continue to spread, so response time with chemical treatment is an important factor in slowing down disease transmission. Legal Review: This item does not require legal review. Fiscal Impact: 2 The fiscal impact of this Agenda item is an amount not to exceed $60,000, as budgeted in the FY23 budget. Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends approval. MOSQUITO GROUND CONTROL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS & MUNICIPALITY 2022—2023 1 STATE OF TEXAS § MOSQUITO GROUND CONTROL AGREEMENT BETWEEN § DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS, ON BEHALF OF THE DALLAS § COUNTY HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT, AND COUNTY OF DALLAS § THE CITY OF COPPELL , TEXAS, A MUNICIPALITY 1. PARTIES This Interlocal Agreement (“Agreement”) is an Interlocal contract made by and between the City of Coppell, Texas, a “Municipality” as defined by Section 1.005(3) of the Texas Local Government Code (“Municipality”), and Dallas County, Texas (“County”), on behalf of the Dallas County Health and Human Services Department (“DCHHS”), based on the authority of the Interlocal Cooperation Act in Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, and the Local Public Health Reorganization Act in Chapter 121 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, to protect the public health by controlling the population of mosquitos by ground spraying of adult mosquitoes (“adulticiding”) and by treating standing water to destroy mosquito larvae (“larvaciding”) in order to prevent and control the outbreak of diseases associated with mosquitoes. 2. DURATION OF THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement is effective from October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023, unless otherwise stated in this Agreement the (“Term”). 3. ADULTICIDING AND LARV ACIDING SPRAYING SERVICES A. Upon written request from Municipality, County will provide adulticiding and larvaciding by way of ground application at the rate set forth in Paragraph 4; B. In the event that aerial spraying is needed to control the St. Louis Encephalitis or the West Nile virus throughout the County, Municipality will have the option to participate in the County’s separate emergency aerial mosquito spraying plan. If Municipality agrees to participate in the County’s separate emergency aerial mosquito spraying plan, Municipality must provide written notice to County and agree in writing to the following: 1) Indicate in writing the areas and amount of acres to be sprayed; and 2) Pay Municipality’s proportioned share of the cost based upon the number of acres to be sprayed multiplied by the per-acre spraying cost, as determined by County. 4. BUDGET AND PAYMENT BY MUNICIPALITY TO COUNTY A. Municipality will pay County at a rate of One Hundred Eighty-Five ($185.00) Dollars per hour, with a minimum of one (1) hour of service assessed. B. After the initial one (1) hour minimum service time for a given day of spraying, spraying services will be assessed using thirty (30) minute minimum intervals. C. Only spraying time will be assessed. Travel time to or from the site of ground spraying or treating standing water will not be assessed. D. Municipality must pay County the assessed fees within thirty (30) days of receipt by Municipality of the monthly written request for payment, or if County fails to make any written payment request(s), then Municipality will pay any remaining assessed fees no later than the last day of the Term of this Agreement. E. Any payment not made within thirty (30) days of its due date will bear interest in accordance with Chapter 2251 of the Texas Government Code. Municipality’s obligation MOSQUITO GROUND CONTROL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS & MUNICIPALITY 2022—2023 2 to pay fees assessed and interest accrued under this Agreement will survive the Term of this Agreement until the Municipality pays the assessed fees and accrued interest. 5. AUDITING AND WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENTS The Dallas County Auditor has the exclusive right and authority to audit this Agreement or to demand access to or copies of County’s records concerning this Agreement or the County’s administration of this Agreement. Municipality will have no right or authority to audit this Agreement or to demand access to or copies of County’s records concerning this Agreement or the County’s administration of this Agreement. Municipality has no right to withhold payments to County pending any audit of or inquiry about this Agreement or the County’s administration of this Agreement. 6. TERMINATION A. Without Cause: This Agreement may be terminated in writing, without cause, by either party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party. B. With Cause: The County reserves the right to terminate the Agreement immediately, in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, for the following reasons: 1) Municipality’s lack of or reduction in funding or resources, financial or otherwise; or 2) Municipality’s misuse of resources, financial or otherwise; or 3) Municipality’s failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement; or 4) Municipality’s submission of inaccurate, incomplete, or false data, statements, or reports. 7. NO INDEMNIFICATION COUNTY AND MUNICIPALITY, INCLUDING THEIR RESPECTIVE ELECTED OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES, AGREE THAT EACH WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS OWN NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OR OTHER TORTIOUS CONDUCT IN THE COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT, WITHOUT WAIVING ANY GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITIES AVAILABLE TO COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY UNDER TEXAS LAW OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS AND WITHOUT WAIVING ANY AVAILABLE DEFENSES UNDER TEXAS LAW OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS. NOTHING IN THIS PARAGRAPH MAY BE CONSTRUED TO CREATE OR GRANT ANY RIGHTS, CONTRACTUAL OR OTHERWISE, IN OR TO ANY THIRD PERSONS OR ENTITIES. 8. INSURANCE Municipality agrees that Municipality will at all times during the Term of this Agreement maintain in full force and effect general liability insurance; or self-insurance, to the extent permitted by applicable law under a plan of self-insurance, that is also maintained in accordance with sound, generally accepted accounting practices. Municipality expressly understands and agrees that it is solely responsible for 1) all costs of such general liability insurance; 2) any and all deductible amounts in any general liability insurance policy; and 3) any liability in the event that any insurance company denies coverage for any incident reasonably related to the performance of this Agreement. 9. NOTICE Any notice or certification required or permitted to be delivered under this Agreement will be deemed to have been given when personally delivered, or if mailed, seventy-two (72) hours after deposit of the notice or certification in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, and properly addressed to the contact person shown at their respective addresses set forth below, or at such other addresses as MOSQUITO GROUND CONTROL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS & MUNICIPALITY 2022—2023 3 may be specified by written notice delivered by the methods described above in this subsection: Dallas County, Texas City of Coppell, Texas Philip Huang, Director ______________________ Dallas County Health & Human Svcs ______________________ 2377 N. Stemmons Frwy, Suite 600 _________________________ Dallas, Texas 75207-2710 ______________________ 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement, including any Exhibits and Attachments, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any other agreement concerning the subject matter of this transaction, whether oral or written. No modification, amendment, novation, renewal, or other alteration of this Agreement can be effective unless mutually agreed upon in writing and executed by the parties. 11. COUNTERPARTS, NUMBER, GENDER, AND HEADINGS This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but all of which will constitute one and the same instrument when considered together in context. Words of any gender used in this Agreement will be held and construed to include any other gender any words in the singular will include the plural and vice versa, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Headings are for the convenience of reference only and cannot be considered in any interpretation of this Agreement. 12. SEVERABILITY If any term of this Agreement is construed to be illegal, invalid, void or unenforceable, this construction will not affect the legality or validity or any of the remaining terms. The unenforceable or illegal term will be deemed stricken and deleted, but the remaining terms will not be affected or impaired and such remaining terms will remain in full force and effect. 13. FISCAL FUNDING CLAUSE Notwithstanding any terms contained in this Agreement, the obligations of the County under this Agreement are expressly contingent upon the availability of funding for each item and obligation for the Term of the Agreement and any pertinent extensions. Municipality has no right of action against County in the event County is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement as a result of lack of sufficient funding for any item or obligation from any source utilized to fund this Agreement or failure to budget or authorize funding for this Agreement during the current or future fiscal years. In the event that County is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement as a result of lack of sufficient funding, or if funds become unavailable, County, at its sole discretion, may provide funds from a separate source or may terminate this Agreement by written notice to Municipality at the earliest possible time prior to the end of its fiscal year. 14. DEFAULT - CUMULATIVE RIGHTS - MITIGATION It is not a waiver of default if the non-defaulting party fails to immediately declare a default or delays in taking any action. The rights and remedies provided by this Agreement are cumulative, and either party’s use of any right or remedy will not preclude or waive its right to use any other remedy. These rights and remedies are in addition to any other rights the parties may have by law, statute, ordinance, or otherwise. Both parties have a duty to mitigate damages. MOSQUITO GROUND CONTROL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS & MUNICIPALITY 2022—2023 4 15. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY THIS AGREEMENT IS EXPRESSLY MADE SUBJECT TO MUNICIPALITY’S AND COUNTY’S GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, TITLE 5 OF THE TEXAS CIVIL PRACTICE AND REMEDIES CODE AND ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS. THE PARTIES EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT NO TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT IS IN ANY WAY INTENDED TO CONSTITUTE A WAIVER OF ANY IMMUNITIES FROM SUIT OR FROM LIABILITY, OR A WAIVER OF ANY TORT LIMITATION, AND ANY DEFENSES THAT MUNICIPALITY OR COUNTY HAVE BY OPERATION OF LAW, OR OTHERWISE. NOTHING IN THIS AGREEMENT IS INTENDED TO OR DOES BENEFIT ANY THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY. 16. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW, CHOICE OF LAW, AND VENUE In providing services required by this Agreement, Municipality and County must observe and comply with all licenses, legal certifications, or inspections required for the services, facilities, equipment, or materials, and all applicable Federal, State, and local statutes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The laws of the State of Texas govern this Agreement. Exclusive venue for any action or claim arising from this Agreement is in the State or Federal District Courts that are physically located in Dallas County, Texas. 17. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES County and Municipality are each independent political subdivisions of the State of Texas. Neither is an agent, servant, joint enterpriser, joint venturer, or employee of the other. Municipality and County agree and acknowledge that each governmental entity will be responsible for its own acts, forbearance, negligence and deeds, and for those of its agents or employees in conjunction with the performance of work covered under this Agreement. The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. MOSQUITO GROUND CONTROL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS & MUNICIPALITY 2022—2023 5 18. SIGNATORY WARRANTY Municipality and County represent that each has the full right, power, and authority to enter and perform this Agreement in accordance with all of its terms and conditions, and that the execution and delivery of this Agreement has been made by authorized representatives of the parties to validly and legally bind the parties to all terms set forth in this Agreement. COUNTY: MUNICIPALITY: BY: Clay Lewis Jenkins BY: _________________ County Judge City Manager/ Mayor Dallas County, Texas City of Coppell, Texas DATE SIGNED: ______________________ DATE SIGNED: Recommended: ____________________________________ BY: Philip Huang, MD, MPH Director, DCHHS Dallas County, Texas Approved as to Form*: Approved as to Form: DALLAS COUNTY MUNICIPALITY JOHN CREUZOT District Attorney BY: Lacey B. Lucas BY: Assistant District Attorney ___________________ Civil Division Attorney for Municipality *By law, the District Attorney’s Office may only advise or approve contracts or legal documents on behalf of its clients. It may not advise or approve a contract or legal document on behalf of other parties. Our review of this document was conducted solely from the legal perspective of our client. Our approval of this document was offered solely for the benefit of our client. Other parties should not rely on this approval, and should seek review and approval by their own respective attorney(s). Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6524 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6524 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 09/07/2022File Created: Final Action: Trinity River AuthorityFile Name: Title: Consider approval of a contract for the renewal of an Interlocal Agreement with Trinity River Authority, effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023, in the amount of $9,500.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, TRA Contract.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6524 Title Consider approval of a contract for the renewal of an Interlocal Agreement with Trinity River Authority, effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023, in the amount of $9,500.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Summary Fiscal Impact: Funds are budgeted in the Environmental Health, Other Professional Services line item for this agreement. Staff Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends approval. Strategic Pillar Icon: Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6524) Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Reference: 2040: Mayor and City Council Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development September 13, 2022 Trinity River Authority Contract Sustainable Government Introduction: The purpose of this memo is to inform the Council about the annual contract for industrial inspection services between the City of Coppell and Trinity River Authority that will be on the Council agenda on Sep 13,2022. Background: The City of Coppell contracts with Trinity River Authority for industrial inspection services, industrial sampling services, and analytical services. This contract enables the city to comply with all applicable state and federal laws, including the Clean Water Act and the General Pretreatment Regulations. Under this contract, Trinity River Authority performs all industrial user survey activities, notifies industrial users required to complete the Industrial User Survey Form, permits industrial users, and inspects permitted facilities as needed. 2 Trinity River Authority also performs sampling services and classifies and documents all of the required discharge practices of industrial users. Analysis: The contract amount for FY 2-23 is estimated to be $9,500.00, which is the same dollar amount as FY 21-22. All expenses incurred by the Environmental Health Division for inspections and sampling are charged back to the industrial user. Legal Review: N/A Fiscal Impact: The fiscal impact of this Agenda item is an amount not exceed $9,500, as budgeted in the FY 23 budget. Recommendation: The Community Development Department recommends approval. August 2, 2022 FY 2023 Regulatory Services Agreement Page2 After execution by the Authority's General Manager, one (1) original Regulatory Services Agreement will be returned for your files. Should you have any questions concerning the FY 2023 Regulatory Services Agreement or the revised Regulatory Services Fee Schedule, please contact this office at your convenience. Sincerely, JOSEPH K. FIELDING Manager, Regulatory Services and Compliance JKF/mlt Enclosures c : Matthew S. Jalbert, Executive Manager, Northern Region John K. Bennett, Deputy Executive Manager, Northern Region Jennifer I. Moore, Senior Manager, Operations and Compliance Natalie D. Taylor, Manager, Environmental Services 1 TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS REGULATORY SERVICES AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF TARRANT § This Regulatory Services Agreement (Agreement) is made and entered into as of __________________________, by and between the Trinity River Authority of Texas, with its principal office at 5300 South Collins Street, Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas 76018 (Authority) and __________________________, with its principal office at _________________________ (Customer); singularly and collectively referred to as “Party” and “Parties,” respectively. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has authorized the execution of Interlocal Cooperation Agreements between and among governmental entities pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 791; WHEREAS, the Authority owns and operates a Regulatory Services and Compliance Laboratory certified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to analyze environmental samples under National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference standards (NELAC); WHEREAS, water and wastewater testing are critical to the maintenance of public health and such testing is therefore, a governmental function and service; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the Authority and Customer believe that this Agreement is necessary for the benefit of the public and that each Party has the legal authority to provide governmental function as described in this Agreement; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the agreements and covenants contained herein, the Authority and Customer agree as follows: ARTICLE I SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED To discharge the responsibilities associated with the enforcement of federal, state and municipal regulations, Customer requires services of a laboratory qualified to perform water and wastewater analysis, and of personnel to conduct industrial inspection and sampling services as described below. A. NON-SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER INSPECTION AND CLASSIFICATION SERVICES Customer employs the Authority and the Authority agrees to perform industrial user survey services and inspections for non-significant industrial users within the parameters listed 2 on the schedule sheet, attached hereto as Attachment A, and in accordance with the Customer’s industrial waste and sewer ordinances. The Authority shall perform all industrial user survey activities including organization of users to be surveyed utilizing the Texas Manufacturing Guide, notification to industrial users that require completion of the Customer’s Industrial User Survey Form, necessary industrial user inspections, and proper classification and documentation of industrial users’ discharge practices. Authority will provide, on behalf of Customer, updates to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) when required. Industrial user survey procedures are established by the Authority to meet industrial discharge notification requirements found in the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits issued to the Authority and in accordance with 40 CFR § 403.8. Documentation associated with the industrial user survey shall be maintained as required by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) general pretreatment regulations, 40 CFR § 403.12. B. SIGNIFICANT INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT AND INSPECTION SERVICES Customer employs the Authority and the Authority agrees to perform permitting and industrial inspection services for significant industrial users within the parameters listed on Attachment A. The Authority shall perform all industrial pretreatment inspections, review permit applications and prepare for submittal Permits to Discharge Industrial Wastes to the Sanitary Sewer in accordance with the procedures established by the Authority in accordance with 40 CFR § 403.8. Industrial pretreatment inspections, application review and permit preparation and submittals shall comply with the Customer’s industrial waste and sewer ordinances and the EPA’s general pretreatment regulations for existing and new Sources. Records of inspections, applications and permits shall be maintained as required by the EPA under 40 CFR § 403.12. C. INDUSTRIAL USER SAMPLING SERVICES Customer employs the Authority and the Authority agrees to perform industrial user sampling services within the parameters listed on Attachment A and in accordance with the Customer’s industrial waste and sewer ordinances. The Authority shall perform all sample collection and preservation, and maintain chain-of-custody records in accordance with the approved procedures set forth in EPA Manual SW -846, EPA Manual EPA-600/4-79-020, and EPA Manual EPA-600/4-82-029. Samples shall be properly collected, preserved and delivered by the Authority to the Authority’s laboratory located at 6500 W est Singleton Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75212. When feasible, the Authority will conduct flow or time composite sampling. When composite sampling is not feasible, grab sampling will be performed. D. ANALYTICAL SERVICES Customer employs the Authority and the Authority agrees to perform analytical services within the parameters listed on Attachment A. Customer shall collect and deliver samples to the Authority’s laboratory for analysis. Samples shall be properly collected and preserved in accordance with applicable sections of the 3 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration’s “A Practical Guide to Water Quality Studies of Streams”, EPA manual “Methods for Chemical Analysis for Water and Wastes” and the latest edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater”. Additionally, requirements set by NELAC shall be followed as mandated by the TCEQ for state accreditation. A chain-of-custody procedure shall be maintained in both the field and laboratory in accordance with procedures established by the Customer. Customer shall furnish all applicable chains-of-custody to the Authority. The Authority will perform all analyses according to the approved procedures set forth in the current edition of “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater” or the latest edition of the EPA Manual’s “Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes”. Additionally, requirements set by NELAC shall be followed as mandated by the TCEQ for state accreditation. Samples shall be analyzed by these methods on the production basis, to include appropriate analytical quality assurance procedures. Records will be kept of the Authority's quality assurance program and made available to Customer upon request. Unusual interferences and problems shall be reported to Customer at its authorized address noted above. Research into specific techniques to overcome these difficulties will be undertaken by mutual agreement when practical. The chain-of-custody sheet submitted with each sample shall designate the particular analysis or analyses to be made of each submitted sample. The Authority shall operate the laboratory in such a manner as to ensure the legal sufficiency of the sample handling; analytical and reporting procedures; and to remedy defects in procedures should such be discovered. Laboratory personnel shall be directed, upon 72 hours advanced written notice from the Customer, to appear and testify in enforcement actions. In such event, travel and per diem expenses for such employees shall be paid by Customer. Travel and per diem expenses for court appearances hereunder shall be in accordance with Texas law. Customer may deliver to the Authority samples for analyses separate and apart from those samples collected by the Authority. When Customer delivers samples to the Authority for analyses, Customer shall indicate the nature and extent of the analysis it desires to be conducted. Authority shall not be responsible for the manner of collection or chain-of-custody in matters entirely outside Authority’s control. Authority shall receive, log and perform such sample analyses in accordance with the chain-of-custody procedures identified under “Transfer of Custody and Storage” in Attachment B, attached hereto. Samples analyzed to maintain the Authority’s laboratory normal quality assurance program will be charged to Customer at the same rate as submitted samples. 4 ARTICLE II CALCULATION OF REIMBURSABLE COSTS The basis for calculating reimbursable costs shall be as stated in the Regulatory Services Fee Schedule, attached hereto as Attachment A, which may be revised and updated annually by the Authority. Any revisions shall be incorporated by reference herein. A cost analysis shall be prepared and approved each year by the Authority prior to the effective date of said revision. Expenditures by the Authority of funds paid to it under this Agreement shall be subject to required state and federal audit procedures and state and federal auditor accepted practices. The Authority shall be responsible for maintaining books of account that clearly, accurately and currently reflect financial transactions. Financial records must include all applicable documents substantiating cost that support the entries in the account records. The Authority must keep these records readily available for examination for a period of three years after the close of the last expenditure. ARTICLE III COMPENSATION The total amount charged by the Authority to Customer shall not exceed $_____________________ per annum during the Agreement Term, unless mutually agreed to by the Parties. ARTICLE IV PAYMENT FOR SERVICES The Authority shall bill Customer monthly for services performed. Charges for these services shall be based on the Regulatory Services Fee Schedule, attached hereto as Attachment A. Customer shall pay monthly invoices within 30 days of receipt. ARTICLE V ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains all the terms, commitments and covenants of the Parties pursuant to this Agreement. Any verbal or written commitment not contained in this Agreement or expressly referred to in this Agreement and incorporated by reference shall have no force or effect. No amendment, modification or alteration of the terms hereof shall be binding unless the same is in writing, dated subsequent to the date hereof and duly executed by the Parties. ARTICLE VI TERMINATION Either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving the other Party 30 days’ written notice to their authorized address as noted above. Upon delivery of such notice by either Party to the other and before expiration of the 30-day period, the Authority will proceed to cancel all 5 existing orders, contracts and obligations chargeable to this Agreement. After notice of termination is given, the Authority shall furnish Customer an invoice for all work performed under this Agreement. Customer shall pay the Authority for all work performed less any prior payments. Copies of all completed or partially completed reports, documents and studies prepared under this Agreement shall be delivered by the Authority to Customer in the event this Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the prescribed work. ARTICLE VII AGREEMENT TERM This Agreement shall become effective on _______________, 20__ and terminate on ______________, 20__. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties acting under authority of their respective governing bodies have caused this Agreement to be duly executed in several counterparts, each of which is deemed to be an original, as of the date first written above. ________________________________ TRINITY RIVER AUTHORITY OF TEXAS (Customer) (Authority) ________________________________ __________________________________ NAME: J. KEVIN WARD, General Manager Title: ATTEST: ATTEST: _____________________________ __________________________________ NAME: HOWARD S. SLOBODIN, Secretary Board of Directors (SEAL) (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM AND APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: LEGALITY: ___________ NAME: HOWARD S. SLOBODIN Title: General Counsel REGULATORY SERVICES FEE SCHEDULE FOR LABORATORY ANALYSES, INDUSTRIAL INSPECTIONS AND INDUSTRIAL SAMPLING FISCAL YEAR 2023 December 1, 2022 through November 30, 2023 NELAP CERTIFICATE T104704287-10-TX Attachment A NELAP Accreditation *Non-Potable Water **Drinking Water *** Solids CHEMICAL ANALYSES Liquid Samples Alkalinity: Phosphorus: Total (*) (**) $13.00 Ortho (*) $15.25 Total (*) $20.00 Biochemical Oxygen Demand: Solids Testing (Gravimetric): 5-Day (*) $25.00 Total (TS) $16.85 5-Day Carbonaceous (*) $30.00 Total Dissolved (TDS) (*) $32.00 5-Day Filtered (Dissolved) $54.00 Total Suspended (TSS) (*) $25.20 7-Day $50.00 Volatile Suspended (VSS (*) $8.50 Extra Dilution (Each) $2.50 (after TSS) Percent Solids, Total and Volatile $20.25 Chlorophyll “a” $25.80 Sulfate (*) $17.80 Chlorophyll “a” and Pheophytin $35.80 Chemical Oxygen Demand (*) $20.00 Turbidity (*) (**) $11.50 Chloride (*) $17.80 Conductance, Specific (*) (**) $11.50 UV254 $18.00 Cyanide: Mercury (*) (**) $20.00 Total (*) $45.00 Amenable to Chlorination (*) $56.00 Fluoride, Total (**) $17.80 Metals (EPA 200.8) (*) (**) (***): $15.00 ea. Glycols $23.00 Hardness (*) (**) $28.00 Aluminum Lead Arsenic Manganese Nitrogen: Antimony Molybdenum Ammonia (*) $20.00 Barium Nickel Ammonia by Distillation (*) $30.00 Beryllium Selenium Kjeldahl, Total (*) $29.25 Boron Silver Nitrate (*) $17.80 Cadmium Thallium Nitrite (*) $17.80 Chromium Tin Total $40.00 Cobalt Titanium Copper Vanadium Oil and Grease (*) $75.00 Iron Zinc Organic Carbon: Minerals (*): $15.00 ea. Dissolved $23.00 Total (*) (**) $14.50 Calcium Magnesium pH (*) $13.50 Potassium (***) Silica Solid Samples Sodium Ammonia (***) $30.00 Chemical Oxygen Demand $35.00 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total $40.40 Phosphorus, Total (***) $20.00 pH (***) $22.00 Mercury (***) $20.00 Metals Preparation $41.00 NELAP Accreditation *Non-Potable Water **Drinking Water *** Solids MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSES Drinking Water: Wastewater: Total Coliform (MMO/MUG) (**) $20.00 Coliform, Fecal (Membrane Filter (*) $20.00 Heterotrophic Plate Count $22.00 Coliform, Fecal (MPN (***) $73.50 Coliform, Total (MPN-Q Tray) $21.20 E. Coli (MPN-Q Tray) (*) $21.20 Streptococcus, Fecal (Membrane. Filter) (*) $20.60 TRACE ORGANIC (GC-GC/MS) ANALYSES EPA 624 (*): Pesticides/PCB 3-Day (unpreserved) $125.00 BTEX (only) $125.00 EPA 608 (*): Trip Blanks $125.00 Full List $332.00 Geosmin/MIB $97.00 Chlorinated Pesticides (only) $216.00 PCB (aqueous $216.00 EPA 625 (*): PCB Solid - EPA 8082: $162.00 Total Semi-Volatiles $205.00 Semi-Volatile Trip Blank $205.00 BY QUOTE Chromium Hexavalent Oil and Grease (solids) Organophosphate Pesticide Phenols TCLP Metals TCLP Organic Compounds Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (solids and liquids) ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES NELAP Accreditation *Non-Potable Water **Drinking Water *** Solids SAMPLING Composite Sample $ 250.00 Additional Composite Sample $ 124.00 Grab Sample $ 98.00 Additional Grab Sample $ 28.00 pH only $ 98.00 Field pH $ 30.00 Field Measurement $ 52.00 Sampling Event Cost for a Failed Sample $ 130.00 Industry Split Sample $ 31.00 Boat Fee $ 120.00 QA/QC Fee $ 25.00 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ASSISTANCE Inspection (permitted users) $ 850.00 Inspection (unpermitted users) $ 90.00 Permit Preparation (4yr permit) $2,190.00 Field Surveillance Event $1,100.00 Industrial User Survey Fee see below Industrial User Survey Fee Formula: (No. of Survey Entities1 X $4.50) + (No. of identified industrial users2 X $19.50) Formula Footnotes: 1 Users from the Texas Manufactures Guide List for Contracting Party’s jurisdiction. 2 Users that require further manufacturing process and discharge classification ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INCLUDE • Grab Sampling • Appropriate Industrial User Pretreatment Classification • Installation of Automatic Composite Samplers • Verification of Permit Application Data • Field Testing Available • Chemical Inventory Review • Proper Field QA/QC • Permit Drafting • Industry Split Sampling • Semiannual Report Review • Sample Preservation • Appropriate Inspection Documentation • Chain of Custody Monitoring/Tracking • Enforcement Guidance • Delivery to TRA Laboratory • Consultation with Industries on Industrial Pretreatment • Sample Data Review with Report Summaries NELAP Accreditation *Non-Potable Water **Drinking Water *** Solids GENERAL SERVICE INFORMATION 1. Effective Date: December 1, 2022. All prices listed are per sample and subject to review. 2. All analyses are performed in accordance with “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, ” 20th Edition, 1998 or most recently approved and/or EPA “Manual of Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes,” 1983 and the “3rd Edition of Solid Waste Manual SW 846.” 3. Prices include the cost to maintain the normal quality assurance program. 4. Standard turn-around time is generally 15 business days for most testing. Priority is half of the standard time. Customer requiring PRIORITY turn-around time will be billed at one and one-half (1 ½) times the routine rate. A customer requiring RUSH turn-around time (samples run immediately on the next or a special run), will be billed at two times the normal rate. It is recommended to call in advance of sample submission or to inquire at the time of submission for an estimated turn- around time. 5. The Laboratory will follow instructions as stated on Chain-of-Custody instructions submitted by contracting parties. The Customer may be contacted by the lab representative on any variance issues and written instruction may be requested concerning the variance. 6. For EPA624 VOC 3-day analysis, do not lower the pH of the sample. 7. Sampling supplies will be provided at a reasonable charge upon request. Bacteriological sampling supplies are included in the cost of analyses. 8. Samples other than bacteriological samples should be delivered to the laboratory before 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. Samples cannot be accepted on weekends or holidays, unless special arrangements are made in advance. Bacteriological samples should be delivered prior to 2:00 p.m., unless special arrangements are made in advance. For after-hour samples, please call for an analyses request form. 9. Monthly invoices for completed analyses are mailed during the following month. 10. Laboratory Services hours are Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To contact the lab about emergency samples, use the number below. 11. Environmental Services office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For after-hour emergencies, leave a message with the computer operator or use the contact number below. 12. Environmental Services must be scheduled a minimum of 72 hours in advance. 13. Laboratory Certificate Number T104704287-10-2. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: METRO: (972) 263-2251 FAX: (972) 975- 4414 JOSEPH K. FIELDING Manager, Regulatory Services and Compliance 214-499-8930 CRAIG HARVEY Laboratory Services Division Chief 972-975-4331 NATALIE TAYLOR Manager, Environmental Services 972-975-4322 JENNIFER I. MOORE Senior Manager, Operations and Compliance 6 ATTACHMENT B CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY PROCEDURES Sample Collection and Shipment 1. All samples should be handled by the minimum possible number of persons. 2. Stream and effluent samples should be obtained using standard field sampling techniques and preservation procedures. 3. Chain-of-Custody sheets should be attached to each sample at the time of collection. Sample containers must be appropriate for requested testing with legible labels and appropriate preservation. The tag or sheet contains basically laboratory (requested parameters) information; however, certain identifying items including city, city code, contact name and phone number, type sample matrix, material sampled, and method of preservation must be completed by the field personnel collecting the sample. In completing the Chain-of-Custody tag or sheet, care should be utilized to ensure that all necessary information is correctly and legibly entered onto the form. A black ballpoint pen with water proof ink should be used at all times. 4. During shipment, samples should be appropriately cooled. The Authority laboratory technician receiving the sample will check the temperature. Transfer of Custody and Storage 1. All samples should be handled by the minimum possible number of persons. 2. All incoming samples shall be received by the laboratory technician, or their alternate, and logged into a database. Information to be entered into the database shall include the client sample number, date received, source, times sampled, dates sampled, analyses requested and chain-of -custody comments. 3. Promptly after logging, the custodian technician will distribute the sample to an analyst or place the sample in the secure sample vault, which will be locked at all times except when samples are removed or returned by analysts. The sample will be tracked internally in the laboratory. 4. Samples shall be kept in the sample storage security area at all times when not actively being used by analysts, such as during overnight absences. The technician shall ensure that heat-sensitive samples, or other sample materials having unusual physical characteristics or requiring special handling, are properly stored and maintained. 5. A log of sample removal and replacement will be kept in the secure sample vault and retained as a permanent record of the laboratory. The original chain-of-custody and a sample evaluation/variance record shall be furnished by the laboratory to the appropriate Customer control point as part of the final data report. Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6488 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6488 Agenda Item Consent Agenda 1Version: Reference: In Control: Administration 08/25/2022File Created: Final Action: FY2022-23 Work PlanFile Name: Title: Consider approval and adoption of the FY 2022-23 Council Goals and Staff Work Plan. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: FY23 Work Plan Packet.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6488 Title Consider approval and adoption of the FY 2022-23 Council Goals and Staff Work Plan. Summary Fiscal Impact: [Enter Fiscal Impact Statement Here] Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the FY2022-23 Work Plan. Strategic Pillar Icon: Sustainable Government Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Mayor and City Council Traci Leach, Deputy City Manager September 13, 2022 Reference: FY23 Annual Work Plan Introduction: Attached you will find the final draft of the FY 2023 Council Goals and Staff Work Plan. The plan was developed in response to the work and direction done by the Coppell City Council during the January 2022 Council Retreat with some additional input around the Vision 2040 Plan. The results of the Council’s work were incorporated into the development of the proposed 2022-23 Budget and provides the direction for staff’s activities in accomplishing the Council’s stated Goals for the coming fiscal year. Analysis: The document is formatted as it has been in the past to reflect the Vision 2040 Pillars and Goals. The first column identifies the 2040 Pillar. The second column identifies the 2040 Goals as prioritized by the Council during the January retreat and in support of the specific pillar. The third column identifies the work plan objectives in support of the Council adopted pillars and goals. Work on these items will begin after October 1, 2022 with the start of the new fiscal year. Legal Review: N/A Fiscal Impact: All fiscal impact related to items in this Work Plan were incorporated into the proposed FY23 Budget, as presented on tonight's agenda for approval. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the FY23 Work Plan, as presented. 2040 Pillar: All Six Pillars, plus the Foundation, are Represented Icon Goal Work Plan Objective Responsibility Target Status Partner with Northlake/New Tech to engage and educate youth and parents All Increased engagement with Boards to serve as "knowledge sharers" (communication, involvement, transparency)Board liaisons/ CSO Implement Coppell ISD Allies Program/ Youth Allies Program CMO/EX Evaluate/collaborate needs for juveniles/teen outreach programs; engage youth to evaluate current levels of inclusion in city programs/services CMO/PD Accessibility of public facilities and amenitities (on-going work with ADA Facilities plan and expanding svcs)PARKS/PW Develop a "sense of neighborhood" at an appropriate scale Host a Neighborhood Summit CD Earmark FOARD Board to incentivize reno/refurb (grant programs/incentives for repair/curb appeal)CD Implement FOARD Board recommendations CD Expand Neighbors Helping Neighbors CD Explore a community tool lending program CD Present a plan to implement a "village concept"CD FOARD recommendations to Council CD Complete community engagement around scenario planning, make a recommendation to Council, and include a RFP for a consultant CD Promote a Knowledge-Sharing Environment Purposefully break barriers to inclusion Pillar Three: Enhance the Unique "Community Oasis" Experience 2040 Strategy Pillar One: Perpetuate a Learning Environment Pillar Two: Foster an Inclusive Community Fabric Explore refit and refurbishment of older housing stock Pillar Four: Future-Oriented Approach to Residential Housing Explore new options for 55 plus (or aging in place) that maintain high standard of living while reducing footprint Legend: CSO: City Secretary's Office CMO: City Manager's Office EX: Employee Experience Department PD: Police Department PARKS: Parks and Recreation PW: Public Works Department CD: Community Development Department ES: Enterprise Solutions Department Icon Goal Work Plan Objective Responsibility Target Status Implement pop-up retail CD Create spaces for conversation CMO Work with the commercial/ warehouse district on future Version 2.0 and encourage redevelopment of ‘hot spots’ along commercial/retail corridors as major creativity zones Begin revising regulations for development/redevelopment based on input from existing businesses and developers CD Pillar Six: Implement Innovative Transportation Networks Finish Belt Line Reconstruction PW Finish the design and begin Royal Lane Reconstruction PW Monitor DART Silver Line Construction PW Extend partnership with LYFT to support workforce transit CD Evaluate city-wide travel time/route selection system PW Pillar 7: Apply Smart City Approach to Resource Management Identify and install additional fiber for network resilience ES/PW Implement data collection/data visibility (internal focus)ES Electric Grid discovery for electric vehicles ES/PW Explore the creation of Smart Board/Smart City-related education programs ES Build Coppell’s transportation system to connect with regional systems Build backbone of Smart Operating Systems for all resource management Support the Old Town area and concept Pillar Five: Create Business and Innovation Nodes Icon Goal Work Plan Objective Responsibility Target Status Foundation: Sustainable Government Invest in robust legislative recommendation during upcoming legislative session CMO Leverage technology to be force multipliers ES Realign Organizational Change Management Team to maintain communication with organization CMO Evaluate city website and app to improve user experience CMO Revisit program/Service participant surveys (outcomes/impacts)CMO Work with community Political Action Committee to provide facts for Crime Control & prevention District and Infrastructure Maintenance Fund reauthorization CMO Finish design of Service Center Phase 3 PW Complete rehabilitate of pavement - Mockingbird, Falcon, Dividend, Royal, Moore, Sandy Lake PW Finish Enterprise Asset Management Phase 2 implementation PW Finish Village Parkway Generator & Sandy Lake Lift Station projects PW City Infrastructure will be wellmaintained and consistent with the Council's value proposition. As a fiduciary, the City will ensure that there are adequate financial resources to support City services. City Services will be provided in a manner that ensures high levels of customer satisfaction Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6514 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6514 Agenda Item Public Hearing 1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance 09/05/2022File Created: Final Action: Public HearingFile Name: Title: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 Municipal Budget. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, 9-3 publish Public Hearing Budget 22-23 (Rambler).pdf, 9-4 publish Public Hearing Budget 22-23 (Gazette).pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6514 Title CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 Municipal Budget. Summary Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Continuation of Public Hearing on the proposed 2022-23 Municipal Budget 2040: Sustainable City Government Introduction: This is a continuation of the August 23 public hearing. Pursuant to the City Charter, this public hearing provided citizens with another opportunity to provide input and express their views concerning the proposed 2022-23 Municipal budget. Notice of this public hearing was posted in both the Rambler and Gazette on September 3 and 4, respectively. Staff will be available to answer any questions. Analysis: Pursuant to City Charter, the proposed budget was filed with the City Secretary on August 5, 2022. It is also available for viewing at the Cozby Library and Community Commons as well as on the City’s website. Legal Review: This agenda item was reviewed by legal during the Council packet review process. MEMORANDUM Date: August 29, 2022 To: Rambler From: Tamara Smith, Budget Officer City of Coppell Subject: Notice of Public Hearing Proposed Budget Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on September 3, 2022: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED 2022-2023 BUDGET CITY OF COPPELL A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas to receive public comment concerning the Proposed 2022-2023 Budget. The Public Hearing will be held on September 13, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019. A copy of the Proposed Budget is on file for public view in the William T. Cozby Public Library and Community Commons or on the City’s website. MEMORANDUM Date: August 29, 2022 To: Gazette From: Tamara Smith, Budget Officer City of Coppell Subject: Notice of Public Hearing Proposed Budget Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on September 4, 2022: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED 2022-2023 BUDGET CITY OF COPPELL A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas to receive public comment concerning the Proposed 2022-2023 Budget. The Public Hearing will be held on September 13, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019. A copy of the Proposed Budget is on file for public view in the William T. Cozby Public Library and Community Commons or on the City’s website. Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6515 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6515 Agenda Item Public Hearing 1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance 09/05/2022File Created: Final Action: Public HearingFile Name: Title: CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 tax rate of $0.518731. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Tax Rate Full Page Ad.pdf, 9-3 publish Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate 22-23-Rambler.pdf, 9-4 publish Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate 22-23-Gazette.pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6515 Title CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 tax rate of $0.518731. Summary Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Mayor and City Council Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance September 13, 2022 Reference: 2040: Continuation of Public Hearing on the proposed 2022-23 tax rate of $0.518731 Sustainable City Government Introduction: The public hearing held at the regular Council meeting on August 23, 2022 was continued to the regular Council meeting on September 13, 2022. The proposed tax rate for fiscal year 2022-2023 is $0.518731 per $100 of assessed value. Individual taxes may be also affected by change in property value. Staff will be available to answer any questions. Analysis: Pursuant to Section 26.05(d) of the Texas Property Tax Code, “The governing body of a taxing unit other than a school district may not adopt a tax rate that exceeds the lower of the voter- approval tax rate or the no-new-revenue tax rate calculated as provided by this chapter until the governing body has held a public hearing on the proposed tax rate and has otherwise complied with Section 26.06 and Section 26.065.” As required by Texas Property Tax Code, Section 26.061, Notice of Meeting to Vote on Proposed Tax Rate That Does Not Exceed Lower of No-New-Revenue or Voter-Approval Tax Rate, the attached notices were published in both the Rambler and the Gazette newspapers on September 3 and 4, respectively. Legal Review: This agenda item was reviewed by legal counsel during the Council packet review process. 1 As a result of Senate Bill 2, the City presented a few different tax rates: the proposed rate, the no new revenue rate, and the voter approval rate. Only the proposed tax rate will be presented to City Council for approval. PROPOSED RATE: 0.518731 THIS RATE WILL BE PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. This is the rate that the City has determined will raise the necessary revenue to fund public safety, public works and quality of life projects. This rate represents a decrease from the current tax rate, and it is lower than the other rates presented. NO NEW REVENUE RATE: 0.519193 THIS RATE IS HIGHER THAN THE PROPOSED RATE AND WILL NOT BE PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. This rate has historically been referred to as the effective rate. It is the property tax rate that the City would need to set to not generate any additional revenue from the same property over the previous year if the properties were taxed in both years. VOTER APPROVAL RATE: 0.595479 THIS RATE IS HIGHER THAN THE PROPOSED RATE AND WILL NOT BE PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. This is the tax rate at which City Council would need to call an election to allow for voter approval. Under Senate Bill 2, an election must be called if the proposed tax rate generates more than a 3.5% increase in revenue from existing property. • The proposed tax rate of $0.518731 is lower than the no new revenue rate and represents the lowest proposed tax rate since at least 1990. • Total proposed expenditures represent an increase of approximately 11.27% over the current year's adopted budget. Fully funding the City's Capital Replacement Fund and Enterprise Solutions Replacement Fund are the primary factors contributing to this increase. • If the expenses to fully fund the Replacement Funds is subtracted, total expenditures increased by only 2.66%. In an inflationary period of nearly 9%, City staff is pleased to present a budget that allows us to provide the services our residents expect while also keeping expenditures down. The Coppell City Council will consider the proposed budget and tax rate for approval at a meeting on August 23, 2022. Join us in person, watch the livestream, or view the recording at your leisure at coppelltx.gov/meetings! The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2022 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for City of Coppell from the same properties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax year. The voter-approval rate is the highest tax rate that City of Coppell may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate. The proposed tax rate is not greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that City of Coppell is not proposing to increase property taxes for the 2022 tax year. A PUBLIC MEETING TO VOTE ON THE PROPOSED TAX RATE WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 23, 2022, AT 7:30 P. M. AT CITY HALL IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED AT, 255 PARKWAY BOULEVARD, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019. The proposed tax rate is also not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, City of Coppell is not required to hold an election to seek voter approval of the rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the City Council of City of Coppell at their offices or by attending the public meeting mentioned above. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE TAX RATES MENTIONED ABOVE CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: Property tax amount = ( tax rate ) x ( taxable value of your property ) / 100 FOR the proposal: Long, Carroll, Jun, Hill, Nevels AGAINST the proposal: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: Mathew, Hinojosa-Smith Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including informa- tion about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Coppell last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Coppell this year. For assistance with tax calculations, please contact John R. Ames, PCC, CTA, Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector, the tax assessor for City of Coppell at 214-653-7811 or TNTHELP@dallascounty.org or visit www.coppelltx.gov for more information. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX RATE A tax rate of $0.518731 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of the City of Coppell. PROPOSED TAX RATE NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE VOTER-APPROVAL RATE $0.518731 per $100 $0.519193 per $100 $0.595479 per $100 2021 2022 Change Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.580000 $0.518731 Decrease of -10.56% Average homestead taxable value $411,167 $451,133 Increase 9.72% Tax on average homestead $2,384.77 $2,340.17 Decrease $44.60 or -1.87% Total tax levy on all properties $50,665,646 $49,906,615 Decrease of $759,031 or -1.50% $0.518731 PER $100 VALUATION Lower thancurrent rate of $0.5800!Lower thanno new revenue rate! PROPOSED TAX RATEFISCAL YEAR 20222023 WHEN WILL COUNCIL VOTE? WHAT ARE THE VARIOUS TAX RATES? COPPELLTX.GOVBUDGET MEMORANDUM Date: August 29, 2022 To: Rambler From: Tamara Smith, Budget Officer City of Coppell Subject: Notice of Meeting to Vote on Tax Rate Please publish the following Notice of the Notice of Meeting to Vote on September 3, 2022. The notice should be ¼ of a page, with the title 24 point, and published in the regular section of the paper (not the classified/legal notice section). NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX RATE A tax rate of $0.518731 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of City of Coppell. PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.518731 per $100 NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE $0.519193 per $100 VOTER-APPROVAL TAX RATE $0.595479 per $100 The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2022 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for City of Coppell from the same properties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax year. The voter-approval rate is the highest tax rate that City of Coppell may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate. The proposed tax rate is not greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that City of Coppell is not proposing to increase property taxes for the 2022 tax year. A PUBLIC MEETING TO VOTE ON THE PROPOSED TAX RATE WILL BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2022, AT 7:30 P. M. AT CITY HALL IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED AT, 255 PARKWAY BOULEVARD, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019. The proposed tax rate is also not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, City of Coppell is not required to hold an election to seek voter approval of the rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the City Council of City of Coppell at their offices or by attending the public meeting mentioned above. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE RATES MENTIONED ABOVE CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: Property tax amount= (tax rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100 FOR the proposal: Long, Carroll, Jun, Hill, Nevels, AGAINST the proposal: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: Mathew, Hinojosa-Smith Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Coppell last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Coppell this year. 2021 2022 Change Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.580000 $0.518731 Decrease of -10.56% Average homestead taxable value $411,167 $451,133 Increase 9.72% Tax on average homestead $2384.77 $2340.17 Decrease $44.60 or -1.87% Total tax levy on all properties $50,665,646 $49,906,615 Decrease of $759,031 or -1.50% For assistance with tax calculations, please contact John R. Ames, PCC, CTA, Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector, the tax assessor for City of Coppell at 214-653-7811 or TNTHELP@dallascounty.org or visit www.coppelltx.gov for more information. MEMORANDUM Date: August 29, 2022 To: Gazette From: Tamara Smith, Budget Officer City of Coppell Subject: Notice of Meeting to Vote on Tax Rate Please publish the following Notice of the Notice of Meeting to Vote on September 4, 2022. The notice should be ¼ of a page, with the title 24 point, and published in the regular section of the paper (not the classified/legal notice section). NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX RATE A tax rate of $0.518731 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of City of Coppell. PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.518731 per $100 NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE $0.519193 per $100 VOTER-APPROVAL TAX RATE $0.595479 per $100 The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2022 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for City of Coppell from the same properties in both the 2021 tax year and the 2022 tax year. The voter-approval rate is the highest tax rate that City of Coppell may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate. The proposed tax rate is not greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that City of Coppell is not proposing to increase property taxes for the 2022 tax year. A PUBLIC MEETING TO VOTE ON THE PROPOSED TAX RATE WILL BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2022, AT 7:30 P. M. AT CITY HALL IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED AT, 255 PARKWAY BOULEVARD, COPPELL, TEXAS 75019. The proposed tax rate is also not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, City of Coppell is not required to hold an election to seek voter approval of the rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the City Council of City of Coppell at their offices or by attending the public meeting mentioned above. YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE RATES MENTIONED ABOVE CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS: Property tax amount= (tax rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100 FOR the proposal: Long, Carroll, Jun, Hill, Nevels, AGAINST the proposal: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: Mathew, Hinojosa-Smith Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property. The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state. The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Coppell last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Coppell this year. 2021 2022 Change Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.580000 $0.518731 Decrease of -10.56% Average homestead taxable value $411,167 $451,133 Increase 9.72% Tax on average homestead $2384.77 $2340.17 Decrease $44.60 or -1.87% Total tax levy on all properties $50,665,646 $49,906,615 Decrease of $759,031 or -1.50% For assistance with tax calculations, please contact John R. Ames, PCC, CTA, Dallas County Tax Assessor/Collector, the tax assessor for City of Coppell at 214-653-7811 or TNTHELP@dallascounty.org or visit www.coppelltx.gov for more information. Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6512 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6512 Agenda Item Agenda Ready 1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance 09/05/2022File Created: Final Action: Adopting BudgetFile Name: Title: Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the City of Coppell, Texas for the fiscal year of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, 02-Budget Adoption Ordinance 2022-23.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6512 Title Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the City of Coppell, Texas for the fiscal year of October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Summary See attached memorandum. Fiscal Impact: Staff Recommendation: The Finance Department recommends approval of the Ordinance. Strategic Pillar Icon: Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6512) Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Reference: 2040: Mayor and City Council Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance September 13, 2022 Consider approval of an Ordinance to adopt the FY 2022-23 Annual Budget Sustainable Government Introduction: This item is being presented for approval to adopt the FY 2022-23 Annual Budget for the City of Coppell for the period of October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023. Notice of the public hearing was published in The Rambler on September 3, 2022 as well as the Coppell Gazette on September 4, 2022 as required by Local Government Code 102.0065: Special Notice by Publication for Budget Hearing. Tonight, the official public hearing on the budget was held in accordance with Local Government Code 102.006: Public Hearing on Proposed Budget. In addition to this evening’s public hearing, the City held five budget workshops with City Council that were open to the public. Analysis: The total General Fund revenues are estimated to be $65,258,732 while the total General Fund expenditures are estimated to be $76,919,461. When considering all the funds included in the FY 2022-23 Annual Budget, the total expenditures are approximately $132,630,436. In addition to the General Fund, this budget includes the Special Revenue Funds, the Water Sewer Fund, Internal Service Funds, and the Debt Service Funds. The approval of this ordinance is required to establish the City of Coppell FY 2022-23 Annual Budget. Legal Review: This agenda item was reviewed during the Council packet review process. Recommendation: The Finance Department recommends approval of this Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-____ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2022, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2023; APPROPRIATING THE VARIOUS AMOUNTS REQUIRED FOR SUCH BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR RECORDING OF THE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Coppell, Texas, has submitted to the City Council a proposed budget of the revenues and expenditures of conducting the affairs of the City and providing a complete financial plan for 2022-2023; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell has received the proposed budget, a copy of which proposed budget and all supporting schedules has been filed with the City Secretary of the City of Coppell; and WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted the necessary public hearings as required by law; NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the proposed budget of the revenues of the City of Coppell and the expenditures of conducting the affairs of the City, providing a complete financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2023 as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager, be, and the same is hereby, in all things adopted and approved as the budget of all current revenues and expenditures of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2023. SECTION 2. That the sum of $132,630,436 is hereby appropriated for the expenditures established in the approved budget, attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and made part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 3. That the City Council reserves the authority to transfer designated appropriations to any individual department or activity. SECTION 4. That all notices and public hearings required by law have been duly completed. SECTION 5. That all ordinances of the City of Coppell in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of Coppell not in conflict with the provisions of the Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this Ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part thereof decided to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provides. DULY PASSED and adopted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the 13th day of September, 2022. APPROVED: ___________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________________ CITY ATTORNEY Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6513 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6513 Agenda Item Agenda Ready 1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance 09/05/2022File Created: Final Action: Authorizing Tax RateFile Name: Title: Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying the ad valorem taxes for the tax year 2022 at $0.518731 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property, on which $0.441836 is for operations and maintenance and $0.076895 is for interest and sinking; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Tax Rate Ordinance 2022-23.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6513 Title Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying the ad valorem taxes for the tax year 2022 at $0.518731 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property, on which $0.441836 is for operations and maintenance and $0.076895 is for interest and sinking; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Summary See attached memorandum. Fiscal Impact: Staff Recommendation: The Finance Department recommends approval of this Ordinance. Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6513) Strategic Pillar Icon: Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Consider approval of an Ordinance to levy an ad valorem tax for the year 2022 at $0.518731 2040: Sustainable Government Introduction: This item is being presented for approval to adopt the fiscal year 2022-23 ad valorem tax rate of $0.518731 per $100 of assessed valuation which is less than both the No New Revenue Rate of .519193 and the Voter Approval Rate of .518735. The property tax rate is divided into two parts, with $0.441836 or 85.18 % being used for operations, and the remaining $0.076895 or 14.82% of the tax rate for the annual debt service requirements. This tax rate is $0.061269 cents lower than last year’s property tax rate. This is the lowest tax rate since at least 1990. Analysis: The Property Tax Code’s Truth-in-Taxation legal requirements for setting a property tax rate have been satisfied and the approval of this Ordinance is required to fund the City of Coppell’s FY 2022-23 Annual Budget. Legal Review: This agenda item was reviewed during the Council packet review process. Recommendation: The Finance Department recommends approval of this Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-____ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, LEVYING THE AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE YEAR 2022 AT A RATE OF .518731 PER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) ASSESSED VALUATION ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY AS OF JANUARY 1, 2022; TO PROVIDE AN INTEREST AND SINKING FUND ON ALL OUTSTANDING DEBTS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR DUE AND DELINQUENT DATES TOGETHER WITH PENALTIES AND INTEREST; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the property tax rate for the year 2022-2023 will decrease by the adoption of $0.518731. WHEREAS, THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR’S TAX RATE. WHEREAS, THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE RAISED BY 3.499% WHICH IS THE AMOUNT THAT THE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS TAX RATE EXCEEDS THE NO-NEW-REVENUE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS RATE AND WILL RAISE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS ON A $100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY $14.94. WHEREAS, THE TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE DECREASED BY -16.68% WHICH IS THE AMOUNT THAT THE INTEREST & SINKING TAX RATE IS LESS THAN THE NO-NEW-REVENUE INTEREST AND SINKING TAX RATE AND WILL DECREASE TAXES FOR INTEREST & SINKING ON A $100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY -$15.40. WHEREAS, THE TOTAL TAX RATE WILL EFFECTIVELY BE DECREASED BY -.089% AND WILL DECREASE TOTAL ADVALOREM TAXES ON A $100,000 HOME BY APPROXIMATELY -$0.46. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That there be and is hereby levied for the year 2022 on all taxable property, real, personal, and mixed, situated within the limits of the City of Coppell, Texas, and not exempt by the Constitution of the State and valid State laws, a tax of .518731 on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property, and shall be apportioned and distributed as follows: a)For the PURPOSE of defraying the current expenses of the municipal government of the City, a tax of $.441836 on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) assessed value of all taxable property. THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE MORE TAXES FOR MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS THAN LAST YEAR’S TAX RATE. b)For the PURPOSE of creating a sinking fund to pay the interest and principal on all outstanding bonds of the City, not otherwise provided for, a tax of $.076895 on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) assessed value of all taxable property, within the City which shall be applied to the payment of such interest and maturities of all outstanding bonds. THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE LESS TAXES FOR INTEREST AND SINKING THAN LAST YEAR’S TAX RATE. SECTION 2. That all ad valorem taxes shall become due and payable on October 1, 2022 and all ad valorem taxes for the year shall become delinquent after January 31, 2023. There shall be no discount for payment of taxes prior to said January 31, 2023. A delinquent tax shall incur all penalty and interest authorized by law (Section 33.01, et seq., Texas Property Tax Code), to wit: a penalty of six percent of the amount of the tax for the first calendar month it is delinquent plus one percent for each additional month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid prior to July 1 of the year in which it becomes delinquent. Provided, however, a tax delinquent on July 1, incurs a total penalty of twelve percent (12%) of the amount of the delinquent tax without regard to the number of months the tax has been delinquent. A delinquent tax shall also accrue interest at a rate of one percent for each month or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid. An additional penalty on delinquent personal property taxes for tax years 2021 and subsequent years is hereby authorized and imposed as provided by Section 33.11. TEXAS PROPERTY TAX CODE, in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the delinquent tax, penalty and interest if tax becomes delinquent on February 1 of a year and remains delinquent on the 60th day thereafter. Taxes that remain delinquent on July 1, 2023, incur an additional penalty not to exceed twenty percent of the amount of taxes, penalty, and interest due; such additional penalty is to defray costs of collection due to contract with the City’s Attorney pursuant to Section 6.30 and Section 33.07 of the Property Tax Code, as amended. Taxes for the year 2021 and taxes for all future years that remain delinquent on or after June 1 under Texas Property Tax Code Sections 26.07(f), 26.15(e), 31.03, 31.031, 31.032 or 31.04 incur an additional penalty in an amount not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas Property Tax code Section 6.30 and Section 33.08, as amended. SECTION 3. Taxes are payable in Dallas County, Texas, at the office of the Tax Assessor/Collector. The City shall have available all rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of taxes levied under this ordinance. SECTION 4. That the tax rolls, as presented to the City Council together with any supplement thereto, be, and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 5. The fact that it is necessary that this ordinance be enacted in order to authorize the collection of ad valorem taxes for the tax year 2022, this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED and adopted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the 13th day of September 2022. APPROVED: MAYOR WES MAYS ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY ASHLEY OWENS APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6444 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6444 Agenda Item Public Hearing 2Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 08/08/2022File Created: Final Action: Victory Shops PD-301R2-HCFile Name: Title: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-301R2-HC a zoning change request from PD-301R-HC (Planned Development 301 Revised- Highway Commercial) to PD-301R2-HC (Planned Development 301-Revision 2- Highway Commercial) to revise the Concept PD for the overall development of the site and allow for a combination of retail, restaurant, offices, medical office, banquet center, and daycare uses; on approximately 10 lots on 16.766 acres of property located at the southeast corner of Belt Line Road and Dividend Drive, at the request of Beltline Properties, LLC, being represented by Kirkman Engineering. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, PZ Staff Report.pdf, Concept Site Plan.pdf, Concept Landscape Plan.pdf, Elevations & Material Board.pdf, Sign Plan.pdf, Focal Point.pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6444 Title PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-301R2-HC a zoning change request from PD-301R-HC (Planned Development 301 Revised- Highway Commercial) to PD-301R2-HC (Planned Development 301-Revision 2- Highway Commercial) to revise the Concept PD for the overall development of the site and allow for a combination of retail, restaurant, offices, medical office, banquet center, and daycare uses; on approximately 10 lots on 16.766 acres of property located at the Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6444) southeast corner of Belt Line Road and Dividend Drive, at the request of Beltline Properties, LLC, being represented by Kirkman Engineering. Summary Fiscal Impact: None. Staff Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL of the PD request subject to staff conditions listed above. Strategic Pillar Icon: Create Business and Innovation Nodes Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Public Hearing: Consider approval of PD-301R2-HC a zoning change request from PD-301R-HC (Planned Development 301 Revised- Highway Commercial) to PD-301R2-HC (Planned Development 301-Revision 2- Highway Commercial) to revise the Concept PD for the overall development of the site and allow for a combination of retail, restaurant, offices, medical office, banquet center, and daycare; on approximately 10 lots on 16.766 acres of property located at the on the southeast corner of Belt Line Road and Dividend Drive at the request of Beltline Properties, LLC, being represented by Kirkman Engineering. 2040: Create Business and Innovation Nodes Executive Summary: This is one of the few properties located on the east side of S. Belt Line Road and just north of I-635, that is in Coppell. The eastern perimeter of the site is the city limit line between the City of Coppell and City of Dallas (Cypress Waters Development). This property is designated as Freeway Special District on the future Land Use Map. The proposed variety of uses are compatible with the Freeway Special District. This 16.766-acre tract stretches along the east side of Belt Line Road from Dividend Drive to Hackberry Road. The proposed concept plan identifies 10 lots ranging in size with a variety of commercial uses. Introduction: The Concept PD shows an amenitzed linear park area dividing the front half of the site from the rear half of the site with a path that extends to the Springhill Suites site on Hackberry. Staff has also discussed the possibility of placing some art sculptures in this focal area as well. The pad sites fronting S. Belt Line Road are proposed to allow for a combination of retail, restaurant, and a medical office building. In addition, there are also a combination of Quick Serve Restaurants (QSR’s) with drive-throughs and sit-down restaurants with outdoor patios. All the pad sites along Belt Line Road with restaurants are proposed to have a drive-through component. The three lots at the rear of the property are proposed to contain larger buildings, ranging from one to three stories in height. These pad sites will also have a combination of office, retail and restaurants in addition to a banquet facility and daycare facility with an outdoor play area. The Victory at Coppell site will contain 10 lots that share common design elements and materials. The material board identifies the color palette to be used on the buildings within the development. As depicted on the Sign Plan, the developer is proposing to have a variety of signage on site, including two individual monument signs, with a brick base four feet in height (40 sq. ft. in size), one multi-tenant monument sign, with a brick base four feet in height (40 sq. ft. in size), and two multi-tenant monument signs six feet in height (60 sq. ft. in size), three multi-tenant monument signs ten feet in height (63 sq. ft). The landscape buffer along S. Belt Line Road has been enhanced and will range from 30-60 feet in depth and 30-feet along Dividend and Hackberry. Staff has been working with the applicant on the Traffic Impact Analysis (T.I.A), which was not available at the time of the Planning and Zoning meeting. Based on the updated information from the TIA and internal discussion, staff will require a traffic signal be installed at the Hackberry Road and S. Belt Line Road intersection. This will help with traffic flow not only into and out of the center, but for all the development in that area. 2 Analysis: On August 18, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended APPROVAL (4-0) of PD- 301R2-HC, subject to the following conditions: 1. There may be additional comments during the Detail Engineering review. 2. A final plat will be required. 3. A right turn lane be constructed on S. Belt Line Road with this project. 4. PD Conditions: a. All signage shall comply with City regulations. b. Plans for the linear park shall require staff approval. c. The focal point artwork shall require staff approval and shall be in place prior to the issuance of a CO for the buildings at the rear of the property. d. A P.O.A. shall be required prior to the filing of the final plat. e. A Detailed Site Plan shall be required for the development of any of the lots. f. A Tree Survey and tree mitigation, if any, shall be required at the time of Detail Planned Development. g. Daycare shall be allowed and shall not require a circular drive. h. Parking shall be allowed in the front yard as shown. i. Restaurants with drive throughs shall be allowed as shown on the concept plan. j. To allow the monument signs as presented. k. To allow a banquet hall. 5. A traffic signal shall be required at the intersection of Hackberry Road and S. Belt Line Road. Legal Review: None Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL of the PD request subject to staff conditions listed above. Attachments: 1. PZ Staff Report 2. Concept Site Plan 3. Concept Landscape Plan 4. Elevations & Material Board 5. Sign Plan 6. Focal Point ITEM # 9 Page 1 of 4 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE No.: PD-301R2-HC, Victory at Coppell P&Z HEARING DATE: August 18, 2022 C.C. HEARING DATE: September 13, 2022 STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell, Senior Planner LOCATION: East side of S. Belt Line Road, between Dividend Drive and Hackberry Road SIZE OF AREA: 16.766 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: PD-301R-HC (Planned Development 301 Revised- Highway Commercial) REQUEST: PD-301R-HC (Planned Development 301 Revised- Highway Commercial) to PD- 301R2-HC (Planned Development 301-Revision 2- Highway Commercial) to revise the Concept PD for the overall development of the site and allow for a combination of retail, restaurant, offices, medical office, banquet center, and daycare on approximately 10 lots APPLICANT: Engineer: Owner: Patrick Filson Beltline Properties, LLC Kirkman Engineering 1159 Cottonwood Lane 5200 State Highway 121 Irving, Texas 75038 Colleyville, Texas 76034 817-488-4960 patrick.filson@trustke.com HISTORY: Over the last decade or so, this property has been intermingled with other surrounding sites conceptually such as the QuikTrip and a multi-family request but has not had any plans or change in zoning approved until 2020 when Dave and Busters came forward with a proposal to build their headquarters on a 6-acre portion of the property, but those plans fell through. A Springhill Suites hotel was approved at the southern end of this site along Hackberry Road. HISTORIC COMMENT: This property has no noted historical significance. TRANSPORTATION: South Belt Line Road is a six-lane divided thoroughfare built within a 110-foot right-of-way. Dividend Drive is a four-lane divided thoroughfare and Hackberry Road is a two-lane street. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North: QuikTrip (PD-237R4-HC); Vacant Land (A - Agricultural) ITEM # 9 Page 2 of 4 South: Springhill Suites Hotel (PD-237R8-HC); City of Dallas (Cypress Waters) East: City of Dallas (Cypress Waters) West: Caliber Home Loans Office & Point West Development (PD-221-HC) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Coppell 2030, A Comprehensive Master Plan, shows this property as appropriate for Freeway Special District. DISCUSSION: This is one of the few properties located on the east side of S. Belt Line Road and just north of I-635, that is in Coppell. The eastern perimeter of the site is the City limit line between the City of Coppell and City of Dallas (Cypress Waters Development.) To the west is Caliber Home Loan Office Building and the new Point West development which is under construction and contains retail, restaurants, and hotels. This 16.766-acre tract stretches along the east side of Belt Line Road from Dividend Drive to Hackberry Road. The proposed concept plan identifies 10 lots ranging in size with a variety of retail, restaurant, and a medical office building fronting on S. Belt Line Road. There is a combination of Quick Serve Restaurants (QSR’s) with drive-throughs and sit-down restaurants with outdoor patios. All the pad sites along Belt Line Road with restaurants are proposing a drive-through component. The three lots at the rear of the property are proposed to contain larger buildings, ranging from one to three stories in height. These pad sites will also have a combination of retail and restaurant. One of the pad sites at the back of the property is proposed to be three stories tall and have an office component as well as a proposed daycare facility. The daycare facility has an outdoor shaded children’s play area proposed at the rear of the building. The variance requested for the daycare facility is to not require a circular drive drop-of area. Parents will be required to park and walk their children into the building. A similar request was granted for a daycare facility at MacArthur Blvd and SH 121. The final lot is proposed to have a two-story building that is proposed to have retail and restaurant and outdoor dining, in addition to a banquet facility on the second floor. Another PD condition is that the development of all future lots require a detail site plan. Parking for this site was calculated per lot. According to the Concept Plan they are meeting their parking requirements. A requirement of the HC District is that no more than 50% of parking be located in the front yard. This site is constrained by the fact that it has three frontages. The applicant has provided a vary generous landscape buffer along these street frontages as well as a linear park area. Staff supports this front yard parking request. Building Elevations The Victory at Coppell site will contain 10 lots that share common design elements and materials. The material board identifies the color palette to be used on the buildings within the development. There are three different bricks to be utilized, one is gray while the other two are more beige in color. In addition to the brick, the facades will be a combination of stucco and architectural panels with a metal ITEM # 9 Page 3 of 4 coping and awnings, as well as glazing. Because there are a variety of materials and colors, each building will share a common theme. Staff would expect that the restaurants follow these colors and materials. Staff would request that the elevations be revised to remove the cluttered signs shown since no building signs are being proposed at this time. Signs As depicted on the Sign Plan, the developer is proposing to have a variety of signage on site, including two individual monument signs, with a brick base four feet in height (40 sq. ft. in size), one multi-tenant monument sign, with a brick base four feet in height (40 sq. ft. in size), and two multi-tenant monument signs six feet in height (60 sq. ft. in size), three multi-tenant monument signs ten feet in height (63 sq. ft). Although no specific wall signs were presented with this submittal, they will most likely be adding wall signs onto the buildings and the applicant understands that all signs will need to comply with ordinance requirements. Staff is in favor of the proposed signs. Landscaping This property is designated as Freeway Special District on the future Land Use Map. The proposed variety of uses are compatible with the Freeway Special District. The landscape buffer along S. Belt Line Road has been enhanced and will range from 30-60 feet in depth and 30-feet along Dividend and Hackberry. Overstory trees will be placed in this landscape buffer along with a variety plants, shrubs and ground cover placed in a meandering landscape bedded area. The same design is proposed to extend along the Dividend Drive frontage. Additional overstory trees are proposed along the remaining perimeter and parking areas of each lot. Dividing the front half of the site from the back portion will be an enhanced linear park area. The enhanced landscaping will start from the main entrance from S. Belt Line Road westward, then at the center of the site it will spread north and south. This area will be amenitzed with a five-foot sidewalk, benches and arbors situated along the path. Grass, trees, shrubs, and seasonal color will line the path. The path extends to the Springhill Suites site on Hackberry. Staff has also discussed the possibility of placing some art sculptures in this area as well. One of the PD conditions will require that the details of the focal point area require staff approval and shall be in place prior to the CO of the buildings at the rear of the property. This site exceeds the amount of landscaping required by ordinance. Access Two driveway entrances are proposed for this site along Dividend Drive, one along Hackberry and three along S. Belt Line Road. The main entrance will be mid-block on S. Belt Line Road. Staff required a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for this site. Two deceleration lanes are proposed at two of the three S. Belt Line entrances, and a right turn lane at from S. Belt Line Road onto Dividend Drive will also be constructed by the City with the reconstruction of S. Belt Line Road. Overall, this site is well suited for this development, with good access to the highway and frontage roads. Staff is working with the applicant on the TIA requirements. ITEM # 9 Page 4 of 4 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of the request subject to: 1. There may be additional comments during the Detail Engineering review. 2. A final plat will be required. 3. A right turn lane be constructed on S. Belt Line Road with this project. 4. PD Conditions: a. All signage shall comply with City regulations. b. Plans for the linear park shall require staff approval. c. The focal point artwork shall require staff approval and shall be in place prior to the issuance of a CO for the buildings at the rear of the property. d. A P.O.A. shall be required prior to the filing of the final plat. e. A Detailed Site Plan shall be required for the development of any of the lots. f. A Tree Survey and tree mitigation, if any, shall be required at the time of Detail Planned Development. g. Daycare shall be allowed and shall not require a circular drive. h. Parking shall be allowed in the front yard as shown. i. Restaurants with drive throughs shall be allowed as shown on the concept plan. j. To allow the monument signs as presented. k. To allow a banquet hall. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approval of the request 2. Denial of the request 3. Modification of the request 4. Take the case under advisement to a future date ATTACHMENTS: 1. Concept Site Plan 2. Concept Landscape Plan 3. Elevations & Material Board 4. Sign Plan 5. Focal Point PLAZA LODGING LLC, ATEXAS LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANYDOC.# 201600297271O.P.R.D.C.T.ZONING-HCLOT 2, BLOCK H/8465CYPRESS WATERSADDITION NO. 2 PHASE 3DOC.# 201400117339P.R.D.C.T.CITY OF DALLASZONING-PD 741LOT 1A, BLOCK H/8465DOC.# 201500010982P.R.D.C.T.CITY OF DALLASZONING-PD 741LOT 1B, BLOCK H/8465DOC.# 201500010982P.R.D.C.T.CITY OF DALLASZONING-PD 741LOT 1, BLOCK BLESLEY RETAIL ADDITION,LOT 1, BLOCK BDOC.# 201200003710P.R.D.C.T.ZONING-HCLOT 3, BLOCK H/8465CYPRESS WATERSADDITION NO. 2, PHASE 1DOC.# 201400071819P.R.D.C.T.CITY OF DALLASZONING-PD 741N89° 29' 25.00"E605.000N00° 30' 47.51"W 1981.790 N89° 09' 16.45"E397.385N00° 50' 40.41"W 439.640 S89° 29' 25.00"W195.180N00° 30' 35.00"W 1413.971 FIRE & MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT WATER EASEMENT SIDEWALK EASEMENT OUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEX WTREX WTRWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWICVICVICVICVICVICVICVLPICVFHFHFHFHFHFHEAST DIVIDEND DRIVE(90' ROW, DOC.# 200900100537, O.P.R.D.C.T.)BELTLINE ROAD (120' ROW, VOL. 4499, PAGE 159, D.R.D.C.T.)UPGUYTPEDGUYGUYGUYUPUPUPUPUPRIM=536.1'UPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPRIM=525.9'RIM=527.9'RIM=526.7'RIM=529.5'RIM=528.5'RIM=522.5'RIM=530.6'1/2" REBAR "YELLOW"ALUM. MONUMENT"X" FND.5/8" REBARWATERMAG NAILCONC. MONUMENTGASGASGASGASGASCOUC ELEC.UC ELEC.UC ELEC.UC ELEC.SSRIM=530.4'SSSSRIM=536.5'SSRIM=536.8'SSRIM=533.6'SSRIM=532.2'SSRIM=531.0'SSSSSSSSFL BOX" =517.7'RIM=525.9'RIM=527.9'RIM=526.7'RIM=529.5'RIM=528.5'RIM=522.5'RIM=530.6'RIM=533.7'RIM=529.1'GVSIGN "NO PARKING"SIGN "NO PARKING"TSPTSPTSPEX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTRHACKBERRY ROAD(VARIABLE WIDTH ROW)SS SS FH FH FH SS SS SS SS SS SSSS FH SSFH FH FH FHFH FHFH COPPELL CITY LIMITS 37.4'169.5'227.0'146.7'84.1'239.1'164.7'169.4'324.3'30.0'212.6'21.0'30' LANDSCAPE BUFFER10' PERIMETER BUFFER 10' PERIMETER BUFFER10' PERIMETER BUFFERR30' 24.0'24.0'19.0'24.0'19.0'19.0'19.0'19.0'24.0'FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEONEWAYONEWAYONEWAYFIRELANEDRIVETHRUONEWAYONEWAYDRIVETHRU DRIVETHRUPATIO ONEWAY ONEWAYDRIVETHRU FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE13 13 12 10 15 97 4 14 14 5 10 8 10 10 7 10 15 14 8 12 10 3 2 2 4 7 6 6 4 10 7 9 4 10 8 98 6 15 12 11 11 14 119 10 9 9 12 8 7 12 15 15 13 13 13 15 4 12 5 14 5 13 1310 4 4 11 7 15 8 5 14 9 8 7 9 5 8 14 14 3 3 4 15 QSR 3000 sf 1 story 14,875 sf 3 story 40,400 sf PAD SITE 5 1.21 ac 2 story ( partial ) 33,000 sf Retail / Restaurant ±10,350 sf Retail/ Restaurant 4,900 sf MOB 4,000 sf PAD SITE 4 1.56 ac PAD SITE 10 1.18 ac Pad Site 2 1.02 ac Retail/ Restaurant 5,400 sf PAD SITE 9 0.87 ac Retail / Restaurant ±9,550 sf Pad Site 1 1.23 ac PAD SITE 6 2.01 ac PAD SITE 7 2.38 ac PAD SITE 8 2.84 ac QSR 2200 sf PAD SITE 3 1.85 ac Outdoor Play Area 3,718 sf 24.0'24.0'24.0'30.0' 36.0'18.0'18.0'18.0'18.0'18.0'24.0'18.0'18.0'24.0'18.0'18.0'24.0'18.0'18.0'24.0'24.0'9.0'9.0'9.0'9.0'18.0'18.0'18.0'24.0'18.0'18.0'24.0'18.0'18.0'24.0'18.0'24.0' 18.0'24.0'18.0'9.0'33.1'7.3'24.6'12.0'12.0'10.1'24.0'24.0'16.4'36.0'18.0'10.1'24.0'15.0'8.5'18.0'24.0'18.0'24.0'18.0' 18.0'18.0'24.2'20.5'23.0'7.8'23.0' 18.0'24.0'8.4'6.0' 24.0'18.0' 6.4' 12.0'30.1'R30' R3 0 ' R 30' R 30'R 30'R30'R30'R3 0' R 30'R30'R 3 0 'R30'R3 0 'R30'R 30'R 30'R 3 0 'R30'R30'R 30'R3 0'R30'R30'R 30'R30'R30'R30' DALLAS CITY LIMITS DALLAS CITY LIMITS COPPELL CITY LIMITS 5.9' 60' FRONT YARD SETBACK 30' SIDE YARD SETBACK 20' REAR YARD SETBACK 20' REAR YARD SETBACK 20' REAR YARD SETBACK 30' SIDE YARD SETBACK 18.0'18.0'24.0'18.0'18.0'20.0'18.0'20.0'18.0'216.7'9.0'9.0'12' X 30' LOADING ZONE 12' X 30' LOADING ZONE SHADE STRUCTURE 12' X 30' LOADING ZONE 12' X 30' LOADING ZONE 12' X 30' LOADING ZONE 12' X 30' LOADING ZONE 18.0' 16.0'16.0'16.0' 19.0'19.0'19.0'18.0'18.0'18.0'18.0'18.0'18.0' 18.0' 7.9'18.0'20.0'SP 1.0 FILENAME: C3.0 SITE PLAN_.dwgPLOTTED BY: Patrick FilsonFULL PATH: K:\Jobs\VIC20008_Coppell\Drawings\03 - ProductionK:\Jobs\VIC20008_Coppell\Drawings\03 - Production\C3.0 SITE PLAN_PLOTTED DATE: 8/11/2022LEGEND 2911 TURTLE CREEK BLVD, STE 700 DALLAS, TX 75219 972-707-9555 SHEET:REV:DATE:DESCRIPTION:LOT 2-10, BLOCK 1CITY OF COPPELLDALLAS COUNTY, TEXASKIRKMAN ENGINEERING, LLC 5200 STATE HIGHWAY 121 COLLEYVILLE, TX 76034 TEXAS FIRM NO. 15874 JOB NUMBER: ISSUE DATE: VIC20008 E N G I N E E R I N GVICTORY COPPELLP R E L I M I N A R Y F O R R E V I E W O N L YTHESE DOCUMENTS ARE FORD E S I G N R E V I E W O N L Y A N DNOT INTENDED FOR THE PURPOSESOF CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING OR PERMIT. THEY WERE PREPAREDBY, OR UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: P.E.# 138295JOHN D. GARDNER DATE: August 11, 2022 CONCEPT SITE PLAN CITY PROJECT NO. PD-301R-HC VICTORY AT COPPELL 16.766 ACRES LOT 1-10, BLOCK 1 SURVEY ADDITION NAME (INST. NO. 20190215010000670) CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS PREPARATION DATE: 06/20/2022 OWNER/APPLICANT VICTORY REAL ESTATE GROUP 2911 TURTLE CREEK BLVD, SUITE 700 DALLAS, TX 75219 PH: 469-646-6184 CONTACT: BOBBY MENDOZA ENGINEER KIRKMAN ENGINEERING, LLC 5200 STATE HIGHWAY 121 COLLEYVILLE, TX 76034 PH: 817-488-4960 CONTACT: JOHN GARDNER, PE SURVEYOR BARTON CHAPA SURVEYING 5200 STATE HIGHWAY 121 COLLEYVILLE, TX 76034 PH: 817-864-1957 CONTACT: JACK BARTON, RPLS SITE PLAN NOTE TO CONTRACTOR THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES (WHETHER SHOWN ON PLANS OR NOT) PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. IF FIELD CONDITIONS DIFFER SIGNIFICANTLY FROM LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE PROJECT ENGINEER PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH CONSTRUCTION. GRAPHIC SCALE FEET012060 SCALE: 1" = 60' LAYOUT & DIMENSIONAL CONTROL NOTES: 1. BOUNDARY LINES AND EASEMENT: REFER TO THE FINAL PLAT TO VERIFY PROPERTY LINES AND EXISTING EASEMENT LOCATIONS. 2. DIMENSION CONTROL: UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ALL PAVING DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO FACE OF CURB. 3. CURB RADII: UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ALL CURB RADII SHALL BE 3' AT FACE OF CURB. 4. BUILDING DIMENSIONS: REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT BUILDING DIMENSIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND COORDINATES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6. ALL COORDINATES ARE U.S. SURVEY FEET, NAD '83 SURFACE. 7. REFER TO SHEET(S) CX.X - X.X FOR SITE DETAILS. PROPOSED SIGN FIRE LANE STRIPING PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE PROPOSED CURB INLET PROPOSED GRATE INLET ACCESSIBLE ROUTE PARKING COUNT PROPOSED RETAINING WALL PROPOSED FDC PROPERTY BOUNDARY FH FIRELANE 10 SS KE PARKING DATA TABLE PAD SITE 1 PAD SITE 2 PAD SITE 3 PAD SITE 4 PAD SITE 5 PAD SITE 6 PAD SITE 7 PAD SITE 8 PAD SITE 9 PAD SITE 10 TOTAL ZONING HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL USE RETAIL/RESTAURANT QSR RETAIL/RESTAURANT RETAIL/RESTAURANT QSR RETAIL/RESTAURANT RETAIL/RESTAURANT/ OFFICE / DAYCARE RETAIL/RESTAURANT MEDICAL OFFICE RETAIL/RESTAURANT PROP. FLOOR AREA BY USE 3,400 SF (RETAIL) 2,000 SF (REST.)3,000 SF (REST.) 4,850 SF(RETAIL) 5,500 SF (REST.) 400 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 5,830 SF(RETAIL) 3,720 SF (REST.) 100 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 2,220 SF 10,413 SF(RETAIL) 4,462 SF (REST.) 1,200 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 3,700 SF (REST.) 500 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 25,000 SF (OFFICE) 11,200 SF (DAYCARE) 21,600 SF(RETAIL) 2,400 SF (REST.) 1,500 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 7,500 SF (BANQUET HALL) 4,000 SF (MEDICAL OFFICE) 1,400 SF (RETAIL) 200 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 3,500 SF(REST.) PARKING REQUIREMENTS 1 PER 200 SF (RETAIL) 1 PER 100 SF (REST.)1 PER 100 SF (REST.) 1 PER 200 SF(RETAIL) 1 PER 100 SF (REST.) 1 PER 100 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 1 PER 200 SF(RETAIL) 1 PER 100 SF (REST.) 1 PER 100 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 1 PER 100 SF 1 PER 200 SF(RETAIL) 1 PER 100 SF (REST.) 1 PER 100 (OUTDOOR DINING) 1 PER 200 SF(RETAIL) 1 PER 100 SF (REST.) 1 PER 300 SF (OFFICE) 1 PER 10 STUDENTS+3 (DAYCARE) 1 PER 200 SF(RETAIL) 1 PER 100 SF (REST.) 1 PER 100 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) 1 PER 100 SF (BANQUET HALL) 1 PER 175 SF (MEDICAL OFFICE) 1 PER 200 SF (RETAIL) 1 PER 100 SF(REST.) 1 PER 250 SF (OUTDOOR DINING) PKG. SPACES REQUIRED 37 SPACES 30 SPACES 84 SPACES 71 SPACES 22 SPACES 110 SPACES 149 SPACES 222 SPACES 23 SPACES 43 SPACES 791 SPACES PKG. SPACES PROVIDED (SURFACE)39 SPACES 30 SPACES 89 SPACES 71 SPACES 22 SPACES 112 SPACES 150 SPACES 222 SPACES 33 SPACES 44 SPACES 812 SPACES ADA PARKING REQUIRED 2 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN)1 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN)5 SPACES (1 VAN)6 SPACES (1 VAN)6 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN) ADA PARKING PROVIDED 2 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN)3 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN)5 SPACES (1 VAN)6 SPACES (1 VAN)6 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN)2 SPACES (1 VAN) BUILDING AREA 5,400 SF 3,800 SF 10,750 SF 9,550 SF 2,200 SF 16,075 SF 40,400 SF 33,000 SF 4,000 SF 4,900 SF LOT 1.23 AC 1.13 AC 1.73 AC 1.56 AC 1.21 AC 2.01 AC 2.38 AC 3.43 AC 0.87 AC 1.18 AC LOT COVERAGE 7.53%7.85%14.47%15.33%5.46%18.97%14.43%16.17%11.13%10.70% NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE (SF)22,800 15,120 23,720 21,300 15,710 15,490 17,300 21,840 12,065 18,960 NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE (%)42.55%30.18%31.84%31.34%29.80%17.70%16.69%17.47%31.83%36.89%S BELTLINE RDPROJECT SITE HACKBERRY DRIVE RANCH TRAILL Y N DO N B JO H N SO N F R E EW A Y EAST DIVIDEND DRIVE 635 VICINITY MAP N.T.S. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LONDON LANDSCAPES P.O. BOX 28 COLLINSVILLE, TEXAS 76233 PH: 972-800-0676 EMAIL: AMY_LONDON@ LONDON-LANDSCAPES.NET CONTACT: AMY LONDON, RLA 18' 20' 30°'10.4'ANGLED PARKING DETAIL 18.0'18.0'20.0'18.0'COPPELL CITY LIMITS PATIO PATIOPATIO PATIO SS SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SS SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSFH WW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WWFH FH SSSSSS SS SSSSSSSSSS SSSS FH SS WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WFH FH FH FHFH FHFH W MAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYMAGS. BAYFHFHFHOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUFHOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUOUFHOUOUOUOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSFHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTRUPGUYTPEDGUYWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWGUYGUYUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW1/2" REBAR "YELLOW"ALUM. MONUMENT"X" FND.5/8" REBARMAG NAILGASGASGASGASGASCOUC ELEC.UC ELEC.UC ELEC.UC ELEC.SSRIM=530.4'SSRIM=536.8'SSRIM=533.6'SSRIM=532.2'SSRIM=531.0'FL BOX" =517.7'GVSIGN "NO PARKING"SIGN "NO PARKING"TSPTSPTSPICVICVICVICVICVICVICVLPICVFHFHFHFHFHFHBELTLINE PROPERTIES, LLCDOC.# 201600361918O.P.R.D.C.T.16.766 ACRES730,325 SQUARE FEETEAST DIVIDEND DRIVE(90' ROW, DOC.# 200900100537, O.P.R.D.C.T.)BELTLINE ROAD (120' ROW, VOL. 4499, PAGE 159, D.R.D.C.T.) HACKBERRY ROAD(VARIABLE WIDTH ROW)UPGUYTPEDGUYGUYGUYUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPSDRIM=525.9'SDRIM=527.9'SDRIM=526.7'SDRIM=529.5'SDRIM=528.5'SDRIM=522.5'SDRIM=530.6'1/2" REBAR "YELLOW"ALUM. MONUMENT"X" FND.5/8" REBARMAG NAILCONTROL XCS BOX30103533.56'GASGASGASGASGASCOUC ELEC.UC ELEC.UC ELEC.UC ELEC.SSRIM=530.4'SSSSRIM=536.8'SSRIM=533.6'SSRIM=532.2'SSRIM=531.0'SSSSSSSSFL BOX" =517.7'SDRIM=525.9'SDRIM=527.9'SDRIM=526.7'SDRIM=529.5'SDRIM=528.5'SDRIM=522.5'SDRIM=530.6'SDRIM=533.7'SDRIM=529.1'GVTBM XCS BOX530.06'TBM XCF BOX536.84'SIGN "NO PARKING"SIGN "NO PARKING"TSPTSPTSPTBM XCS BOX530.06'TBM XCF BOX536.84'EX WTREX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTR EX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTREX WTRPLAZA LODGING LLC, ATEXAS LIMITED LIABILITYCOMPANYDOC.# 201600297271O.P.R.D.C.T.ZONING-HCLOT 1A, BLOCK H/8465DOC.# 201500010982P.R.D.C.T.CITY OF DALLASZONING-PD 741LOT 1B, BLOCK H/8465DOC.# 201500010982P.R.D.C.T.CITY OF DALLASZONING-PD 741P.R.D.C.T.ZONING-HCLOT 3, BLOCK H/8465CYPRESS WATERSADDITION NO. 2, PHASE 1DOC.# 201400071819P.R.D.C.T.CITY OF DALLASZONING-PD 741N44°29'25"E21.22'S00°30'35"E 1019.33'S00°50'40"E 437.33'S89°29'25"W195.18'N45°30'35"W42.43'N00°30'35"W 1413.97'S89°09'16"W 397.39'N00°30'35"W40.33'575.12'N89°29'25"E 605.00'S00°30'35"E 439.65'N89° 29' 25.00"E605.000N00° 30' 47.51"W1981.790N89° 09' 16.45"E397.385N00° 50' 40.41"W439.640S89° 29' 25.00"W195.180N00° 30' 35.00"W1413.971FIRE & MUTUAL ACCESS EASEMENT WATER EASEMENT SIDEWALK EASEMENTFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEONEWAYONEWAY ONEWAYFIRELANEFIRELANEDRIVETHRUONEWAYONEWAYDRIVETHRU DRIVETHRUPATIO ONEWAY ONEWAYDRIVETHRU FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEF I R E L A N E FIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANE FIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEFIRELANEQSR 3800 sf 1 story 14,875 sf 3 story 40,400 sf PAD SITE 5 1.21 ac Restaurant (2,200 sf) @ 1/100 sf= 22 2 story ( partial ) 33,000 sf Retail / Restaurant ±10,350 sf Retail/ Restaurant 4,900 sf MOB 4,000 sf PAD SITE 4 1.56 ac Retail (4,550 sf) @ 1/200 sf=23 Restaurant (5,000 sf) @ 1/100 sf= 50 Outdoor Dining (400 sf) @ 1/100 sf = 4 PAD SITE 10 1.18 ac Retail (900 sf) @ 1/200 sf=5 Restaurant (4,000 sf) @ 1/100 sf= 40 Outdoor Dining (200 sf) @ 1/100 sf = 2 Pad Site 2 1.15 ac Restaurant (3,800 sf) @ 1/100 sf= 38 Retail/ Restaurant 5,400 sf PAD SITE 9 0.87 ac Medical office (4,000 sf) @ 1/175 sf=23 Retail / Restaurant ±9,550 sf Pad Site 1 1.23 ac Retail (3,400 sf) @ 1/200 sf=17 Restaurant (2,000 sf) @ 1/100 sf= 20 PAD SITE 6 2.01 ac Retail (8,875 sf) @ 1/200 sf=45 Restaurant (6,000 sf) @ 1/100 sf= 60 Outdoor Dining (1,200 sf) @ 1/100 sf = 12 PAD SITE 7 2.38 ac 1st Floor Daycare (200 pupils) @ 1/10 Students + 3 =23 1sf Floor Restaurant (3,700 sf) @ 1/100 sf= 37 1st Floor Outdoor Dining (500 sf) @ 1/100 sf = 5 2nd Floor Office (12,500 sf) @ 1/300 sf = 42 3rd Floor Office (12,500 sf) @ 1/300 sf = 42 PAD SITE 8 2.84 ac 1st Floor Grocery (20,000 sf) @ 1/200 sf = 100 1st Floor Restaurant (4,000 sf @ 1/100 sf = 40 2nd Floor Banquet Hall (7,500 sf) @ 1/100 sf = 75 2nd Floor Outdoor Dining (1,500 sf) @ 1/100 sf = 15 Outdoor Play Area 3,718 sf QSR 2200 sf PAD SITE 3 1.71 ac Retail (4,850 sf) @ 1/200 sf=25 Restaurant (5,500 sf) @ 1/100 sf= 55 Outdoor Dining (400 sf) @ 1/100 sf = 4 SEASONAL COLORMONDO GRASS (TYP.)MONDO GRASS (TYP.)MONDO GRASS (TYP.) MONDO GRASS (TYP.) MONDO GRASS (TYP.) SEASONAL COLOR ENHANCED LANDSCAPING ENHANCED LANDSCAPING 10' PERIMETER BUFFER 10' PERIMETER BUFFER 10' PERIMETER BUFFER 30' LANDSCAPE BUFFER30' LANDSCAPE BUFFER30' LANDSCAPE BUFFER ASIAN JASMINE (TYP.) ASIAN JASMINE (TYP.)ASIAN JASMINE (TYP.)ASIAN JASMINE (TYP.) BENCH (TYP.) ARBOR (TYP.) P.O. BOX 28 COLLINSVILLE, TEXAS 76233 WWW.LONDON-LANDSCAPES.NET 0 GRAPHIC SCALE (IN FEET) 1 INCH = FEET60 1206060 IRRIGATION NOTE LANDSCAPE PLAN L1.00 KEY SHRUBS GROUNDCOVER TREES 8/9/22HIOSTEMCCTTESAAETSTAIREG12 O F 9 7 ET XR LDRE CAANDS EP A NNOL D S.Y 8201 PRESTON RD #700 DALLAS, TX 75255 972-707-9555 SHEET:REV:DATE:DESCRIPTION:LOT 1, BLOCK 1CITY OF COPPELLDALLAS COUNTY, TEXASKIRKMAN ENGINEERING, LLC 5200 STATE HIGHWAY 121 COLLEYVILLE, TX 76034 TEXAS FIRM NO. 15874 JOB NUMBER: ISSUE DATE: VIC20008 8/9/22 E N G I N E E R I N GVICTORY COPPELLLANDSCAPE TABULATIONS PAD SITE 1 PAD SITE 2 PAD SITE 3 PAD SITE 4 PAD SITE 5 PAD SITE 6 PAD SITE 7 PAD SITE 8 PAD SITE 9 PAD SITE 10 ZONING HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL USE BANK / RETAIL QSR RETAIL/RESTAURANT RETAIL/RESTAURANT QSR RETAIL/RESTAURANT RETAIL/RESTAURANT/ OFFICE / DAYCARE RETAIL/RESTAURANT MEDICAL OFFICE RETAIL/RESTAURANT LOT 1.23 AC 1.15 AC 1.71 AC 1.56 AC 1.21 AC 2.01 AC 2.38 AC 3.43 AC 0.87 AC 1.18 AC LANDSCAPE AREA 20,800 SF (38%)13,529 SF (27%)19,687 SF (26%)18,623 SF (31%)16,725 SF (31%)17,272 SF (19.7%)15,445 SF (14.8%)29,015 SF (19.4%)11,343 SF (30%)17,680 SF (36%) NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE (SF)22,800 15,120 23,720 21,300 15,710 15,490 17,300 21,840 12,065 18,960 NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE (%)42.55%30.18%31.84%31.34%29.80%17.70%16.69%17.47%31.83%36.89% NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE TREES (REQ. AND PROV.)8 5 8 7 6 6 7 9 4 6 PERIMETER LANDSCAPE AREA 19,491 SF 11,201 SF 16,538 SF 16,017 SF 14,797 SF 12,783 SF 10,967 SF 22,717 SF 9,480 SF 14,851 SF PERIMETER TREES (1/50 LF)4 4 5 5 3 5 0 7 4 8 INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA (1/400 SF)1,309 SF 2,328 SF 3,149 SF 2,606 SF 1,928 SF 4,489 SF 4,478 SF 6,298 SF 1,863 SF 2,829 SF INTERIOR TREES (REQ. AND PROV.)4 6 8 7 5 11 11 16 5 7 CONCEPT SITE PLAN CITY PROJECT NO. PD-301R-HC VICTORY AT COPPELL 16.766 ACRES LOT 1-10, BLOCK 1 SURVEY ADDITION NAME (INST. NO. 20190215010000670) CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS PREPARATION DATE: 07/20/2022 OWNER/APPLICANT VICTORY REAL ESTATE GROUP 2911 TURTLE CREEK BLVD, SUITE 700 DALLAS, TX 75219 PH: 469-646-6184 CONTACT: BOBBY MENDOZA ENGINEER KIRKMAN ENGINEERING, LLC 5200 STATE HIGHWAY 121 COLLEYVILLE, TX 76034 PH: 817-488-4960 CONTACT: JOHN GARDNER, PE SURVEYOR BARTON CHAPA SURVEYING 5200 STATE HIGHWAY 121 COLLEYVILLE, TX 76034 PH: 817-864-1957 CONTACT: JACK BARTON, RPLS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LONDON LANDSCAPES P.O. BOX 28 COLLINSVILLE, TEXAS 76233 PH: 972-800-0676 EMAIL: AMY_LONDON@ LONDON-LANDSCAPES.NET CONTACT: AMY LONDON, RLA MAGS. BAY TM/SJ DG 7/15/22 Victory Group N. Beltline Rd. Coppell, TX 1 6 Survey Permits Sales Art Copyright 2018 TSS This drawing is the property of Turner Sign Systems Inc. All rights to its use for reproducon are reserved by Turner Sign Systems Inc. 1302 AVENUE R GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050 R1 7/15/2022 changed qty and site plan r3 8/5/2022 changed panel type and color r4 8/5/2022 changed color scheme TSS-1974 R5 r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme 65 74 8 321 TM/SJ DG 7/15/22 Victory Group N. Beltline Rd. Coppell, TX 2 5 Survey Permits Sales Art Copyright 2018 TSS This drawing is the property of Turner Sign Systems Inc. All rights to its use for reproducon are reserved by Turner Sign Systems Inc. 1302 AVENUE R GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050 R1 7/15/2022 changed qty and site plan r3 8/5/2022 changed panel type and color r4 8/5/2022 changed color scheme r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme TSS-1974 R7 r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme6’-2”15⁄.”15 5"11 3/4"10"12 1/2"4'-8 1/4"10'-0" 6"8'-11 1/4"15"15"15"87 3/4" TM/SJ DG 7/15/22 Victory Group N. Beltline Rd. Coppell, TX 3 5 Survey Permits Sales Art Copyright 2018 TSS This drawing is the property of Turner Sign Systems Inc. All rights to its use for reproducon are reserved by Turner Sign Systems Inc. 1302 AVENUE R GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050 R1 7/15/2022 changed qty and site plan r3 8/5/2022 changed panel type and color r4 8/5/2022 changed color scheme r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme TSS-1974 R5 r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme SCALE: 3/4” = 1’-0” TWO ( 2 ) REQ’D - MANUFACTURE & INSTALL ALONG N. BELTLINE ROAD65 9.14 Sq. Ft.9.14 Sq. Ft.9.14 Sq. Ft.16”16” 14”12” SHOPS AT COPPELL SHOPS AT COPPELLSHOPS AT COPPELL 6'-0"SIGN AREA: 60 SF TURNER SIGNS FOR MASONRY BASE COLOR TO MATCH DK. GRAY ON COLOR BOARD SIX (6) TENANT ID FACE PANELS PER SIDE .080” ALUMINUM PTM BR3 GRAY w/ 3M WHITE HIGH-PERFORMANCE VINYL COPY TOPPER ALUM. FRAME w/ ALUM. FACE PTM ‘NICHIHA RIBBED IVORY’& DARK GRAY TOPPER 1” THICK REVERSE CHANNEL LOGO & LETTERS - FLUSH MOUNT EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION - BY OTHERS PAINTED WHITE 5"11 3/4"SHOPS AT COPPELL SCALE: 3/4” = 1’-0” ONE ( 1 ) REQ’D - MANUFACTURE & INSTALL ALONG N. BELTLINE ROAD8 16”16” 14”12” SIGN AREA: 40 SF4'-0"10"14"32 3/4"10'-0" 87 3/4" 6"8'-11 1/2"12 1/2"12 1/2"7.62 Sq. Ft.7.62 Sq. Ft.TM/SJ DG 7/15/22 Victory Group N. Beltline Rd. Coppell, TX 4 5 Survey Permits Sales Art Copyright 2018 TSS This drawing is the property of Turner Sign Systems Inc. All rights to its use for reproducon are reserved by Turner Sign Systems Inc. 1302 AVENUE R GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050 R1 7/15/2022 changed qty and site plan r3 8/5/2022 changed panel type and color TURNER SIGNS FOR MASONRY BASE COLOR TO MATCH DK. GRAY ON COLOR BOARD TWO (2) TENANT ID FACE PANELS PER SIDE .080” ALUMINUM PTM BR3 GRAY 3M WHITE HIGH-PERFORMANCE VINYL COPY TOPPER ALUM. FRAME w/ ALUM. FACE PTM ‘NICHIHA RIBBED IVORY & DARK GRAY TOPPER 1” THICK REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS LOGO & COPY DIRECT MOUNT EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION - BY OTHERS LOGO & COPY WILL BE PAINTED WHITE r4 8/5/2022 changed color scheme r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme TSS-1974 R5 r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme 5"11 3/4"10'-0"4'-0"10"14"32 3/4"6"8'-11 1/2" 87 3/4" SHOPS AT COPPELL 16”16” 14”12” SCALE: 3/4” = 1’-0” TWO ( 2 ) REQ’D - MANUFACTURE & INSTALL ALONG N. BELTLINE ROAD74D/F SINGLE TENANT MONUMENT SIGN SIGN AREA: 40 SF 20"12.19 Sq. Ft.TM/SJ DG 7/15/22 Victory Group N. Beltline Rd. Coppell, TX 5 5 Survey Permits Sales Art Copyright 2018 TSS This drawing is the property of Turner Sign Systems Inc. All rights to its use for reproducon are reserved by Turner Sign Systems Inc. 1302 AVENUE R GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050 R1 7/15/2022 changed qty and site plan r3 8/5/2022 changed panel type and color TURNER SIGNS FOR MASONRY BASE COLOR TO MATCH DK. GRAY ON COLOR BOARD ONE (1) TENANT ID FACE PANELS PER SIDE .080” ALUMINUM PTM BR3 GRAY 3M WHITE HIGH-PERFORMANCE VINYL COPY TOPPER ALUM. FRAME w/ ALUM. FACE PTM ‘NICHIHA RIBBED IVORY & DK GRAY TOPPER 1” THICK REVERSE CHANNEL LETTERS LOGO & COPY DIRECT MOUNT EXTERNAL ILLUMINATION - BY OTHERS LOGO & COPY WILL BE PAINTED WHITE r4 8/5/2022 changed color scheme r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme TSS-1974 R5 r5 8/8/2022 changed color scheme Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6446 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6446 Agenda Item Public Hearing 2Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 08/08/2022File Created: Final Action: Larson Residence & Garage PD-181R3-SF-12File Name: Title: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of case PD-181R3-SF-12, Larson Residence & Garage, Bethel Road Estates Addition, Lot 1R, Block 1, a zoning change request from C (Commercial), R (Retail) and PD-181R2-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 2 Single-Family- 12) to PD-181R3-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 3 Single-Family - 12) to approve a Detail Site Plan for an existing single-family residence with a 300 square foot addition and the construction of a 4,000 square foot accessory garage structure, and modification of the front yard fence located on 2.065 acres of land, located on the northside of W. Bethel Road, approximately 325 ft east of Hearthstone Lane, at the request of Raymond and Virginia Larson, being represented by Greg Frnka of GPF Architects, LLC. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, Staff Report.pdf, Zoning Exhibit.pdf, Site Plan.pdf, Floor Plan.pdf, Tree Survey.pdf, Elevations.pdf Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6446 Title PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of case PD-181R3-SF-12, Larson Residence & Garage, Bethel Road Estates Addition, Lot 1R, Block 1, a zoning change request from C (Commercial), R (Retail) and PD-181R2-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 2 Single-Family- 12) to Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6446) PD-181R3-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 3 Single-Family - 12) to approve a Detail Site Plan for an existing single-family residence with a 300 square foot addition and the construction of a 4,000 square foot accessory garage structure, and modification of the front yard fence located on 2.065 acres of land, located on the northside of W. Bethel Road, approximately 325 ft east of Hearthstone Lane, at the request of Raymond and Virginia Larson, being represented by Greg Frnka of GPF Architects, LLC. Summary Fiscal Impact: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends following the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation of approval. Strategic Pillar Icon: Enhance the Unique 'Community Oasis' Experience Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 1 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of case PD-181R3-SF-12, Larson Residence & Garage, Bethel Road Estates Addition, Lot 1R, Block 1, a zoning change request from C (Commercial), R (Retail) and PD-181R2-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 2 Single-Family- 12) to PD-181R3-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 3 Single-Family - 12) to approve a Detail Site Plan for an existing single-family residence with a 300 square foot addition and the construction of a 4,000 sf accessory garage structure, and modification of the front yard fence located on 2.065 acres of land located on the northside of W. Bethel Road, approximately 325 ft east of Hearthstone Lane, at the request of Raymond and Virginia Larson, being represented by Greg Frnka of GPF Architects, LLC. 2040: Enhance the Unique “Community Oasis” Experience Executive Summary: In January 2000, City Council approved a request to change the zoning from Commercial to Planned Development 181-SF-12 to allow the development of 2 residential lots on 3.2 acres of property. The easternmost half of the subject property was part of that zoning change that cont ains the current Larson Residence, built in 2004. The western half of the subject property was purchased by the Larsons in June 2018. It has a residence and is considered legal non-conforming because it predates the zoning of the property (Commercial and Retail). This rezoning will allow for the combining of the two properties into one lot, removal the privacy fence currently separating the two properties, demolition of the home from the western portion and construction of a 4,000 square-foot, 30-foot-high accessory garage structure in its place. A 300 square foot addition is also planned on the front of the eastern residence and a sidewalk to connect the residence to the garage and a new driveway for access. The portion of the driveway on the southside of the structure will be constructed of grasscrete which will be better for the survival of the 35-caliper inch oak. The existing fence in the front yard is proposed to be modified from iron to a solid stone to match the existing fence on the eastern portion of the property. The fence will be stepped back to align with existing fence to the west and will be stepped back at the new pedestrian gate area proposed to be added along Bethel Road. A driveway gate will be rebuilt at the existing driveway this will be setback 21.5 feet from the front property line; enough room for a vehicle to pull off the road and wait while it opens into the site. 2 Introduction: The proposed improvements shown on the Site Plan are mainly for the western portion of the subject property except for the 300 square foot addition to the existing home and a sidewalk that connect to the proposed accessory structure. The Planned Development Conditions listed are listed in the Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation. Analysis: On August 18, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended APPROVAL (4-0) of PD- 250R26-H, subject to the following conditions: 1. There may be additional comments at the time of Building Permit. 2. Building permits shall be required for all proposed buildings, structures, paving and fences/walls. 3. To allow for a washroom with a kitchenette in the proposed accessory garage structure. 4. To allow the accessory building height to be 30’ as opposed to the maximum 12’ required in the Zoning Ordinance. 5. To allow an option of either cement plaster or stone on the accessory building to match the existing home. 6. To allow the stone screening wall within the front yard as previously permitted on the eastern half of the subject property. 7. To allow grass-crete as an acceptable material for the driveway south of the structure. Legal Review: The City Attorney met with staff and the Larson’s and recommended that the revision to the existing Planned Development was the proper way to request the desired improvements. Fiscal Impact: None Recommendation: Staff recommends following the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation of APPROVAL, subject to the following conditions: 1. There may be additional comments at the time of Building Permit. 2. Building permits shall be required for all proposed buildings, structures, paving and fences/walls. 3. To allow for a washroom with a kitchenette in the proposed accessory garage structure. 4. To allow the accessory building height to be 30’ as opposed to the maximum 12’ required in the Zoning Ordinance. 5. To allow an option of either cement plaster or stone on the accessory building to match the existing home. 6. To allow the stone screening wall within the front yard as previously permitted on the eastern half of the subject property. 7. To allow grass-crete as an acceptable material for the driveway south of the structure. Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Zoning Exhibit 3. Site Plan 4. Floor Plan 5. Tree Survey 6. Elevations ITEM # 7 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PD-181R3-SF-12, Larson Residence & Garage, Bethel Road Estates Addition, Lot 1R, Block 1 P&Z HEARING DATE: August 18, 2022 C.C. HEARING DATE: September 13, 2022 STAFF REP.: Matthew Steer, AICP, Development Services Administrator LOCATION: Northside of W. Bethel Road, approximately 325 ft east of Hearthstone Lane SIZE OF AREA: 2.065 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: C (Commercial), R (Retail) and PD-181R2-SF-12 (Planned Development 181- Revision 2 - Single-Family-12) REQUEST: PD-181R3-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 3 Single-Family - 12) to approve a Detail Site Plan for an existing single-family residence with a 300 square foot addition, the construction of a 4,000 square foot accessory garage structure, and modification of the front yard fence. APPLICANT: Architect: Owner: Greg Frnka Ray & Virginia Larson 549 E Sandy Lake Road, Suite 100 560 W Bethel Road Coppell, Texas 75019 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-824-7966 322larson@gmail.com gfrnka@gpfarchitects.com HISTORY: In January 2000, City Council approved a request to change the zoning from Commercial to Planned Development 181-SF-12 to allow the development of 2 residential lots on 3.2 acres of property. The easternmost half of the subject property was part of that zoning change that contains the current Larson Residence. The western half of the subject property has a residence and is considered legal non-conforming because it predates the zoning of the property (Commercial and Retail). ITEM # 7 Page 2 of 3 HISTORIC COMMENT: According to Dallas County Central Appraisal District, the existing house on the west portion of the lot was built in 1940. It is not included as part of the Historic Resource Survey and has no historic significance. TRANSPORTATION: West Bethel Road is a 28-foot, two-lane concrete roadway. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North: Creek and Residential – Big Cedar, PD-119-SF-9 South: Residential – The Reserve, PD-108R2-SF-9 East: Residential – Bethel Road Estates Lot 2R, Block 1, PD-181R2-SF-12 West: Residential - Bethel Road Estates 2, PD-176R3-SF-12 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The 2030 Comprehensive Plan of shows the property as suitable for Residential Neighborhood. DISCUSSION: The Larson’s built their current residence in 2004 on the eastern portion of the subject property (Lot 1, Bethel Road Estates). They purchased the western portion of the subject property (property not yet platted) in June of 2018. They are proposing to combine the two properties into one lot, remove the privacy fence currently separating the two properties, demolish the home from the western portion and build a 4,000 square-foot, 30-foot-high accessory garage structure in its place. A 300 square foot addition is also planned on the front of the eastern residence. As depicted on the proposed Floor Plan, the accessory structure will be used for the storage of antique cars owned by the applicant. A small washroom and kitchenette (refrigerator, microwave and sink) are proposed within the structure, and are listed as a condition of the PD. Typically, an accessory structure is not allowed to have plumbing. The existing fence in the front yard is proposed to be modified from iron to a solid stone to match the existing fence on the eastern portion of the property. At various locations the fence will be stepped back to align with existing fence to the west and at the new pedestrian gate area proposed to be added along Bethel Road. A driveway gate will be rebuilt at the existing driveway this will be setback 21.5 feet from the front property line; enough room for a vehicle to pull off the road and wait while it opens into the site. Site Plan: The proposed improvements shown on the Site Plan are mainly for the western portion of the subject property except for the 300 square foot addition to the existing home and a sidewalk that connect to the proposed accessory structure. The Planned Development Conditions listed are to allow: - a washroom with a kitchenette in the proposed accessory garage structure, - to allow the height to be 30’ as opposed to the maximum 12’ required in the Zoning Ordinance for an accessory structure, - to allow an option of either cement plaster or stone on the accessory building to match the existing home, and ITEM # 7 Page 3 of 3 - to allow the stone screening wall within the front yard as previously permitted on the eastern half of the subject property. Elevations: The proposed structures will match the existing home in material and architectural style. There are different options that are being shown. All of which are acceptable and are recommended by staff. Tree Survey: There are 10 specimen trees on the property. Ranging in size from 24 to 36 caliper inches in size. All trees are proposed to be preserved. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of PD-181R3-SF-12, subject to the following conditions: 1. There may be additional comments at the time of Building Permit. 2. Building permits shall be required for all proposed buildings, structures, paving and fences/walls. 3. To allow for a washroom with a kitchenette in the proposed accessory garage structure. 4. To allow the accessory building height to be 30’ as opposed to the maximum 12’ required in the Zoning Ordinance. 5. To allow an option of either cement plaster or stone on the accessory building to match the existing home. 6. To allow the stone screening wall within the front yard as previously permitted on the eastern half of the subject property. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1. Zoning Exhibit 2. Site Plan 3. Floor Plan 4. Tree Survey 5. Elevations A1.1 LARSON RESIDENCEZoning ExhibitScale: 1" = 30'01 A1.0 LARSON RESIDENCESite Plan Scale: 1" = 20'01Site DataPlanned Development Conditions495' ELEVATIONFLOOD LINE495' ELEVATIONFLOOD LINE100-YEAR FLOOD LINESCALED FROM FEMAFIRMN84°45' 17"E 160.70'N4 6 ° 5 9 ' 1 6 " E 1 9 0 . 2 3 'N89° 59' 26" W 270.02'N00° 54'15" E 223.32'S 54D 09' 16" E78.70'N4 2 ° 1 6 ' 4 3 " E 5 9 . 0 0 ' S 00° 57'15" W 357.38'S89° 42' 02" W 130.02'S 01° 01' 20" W 7.35' A2.0 LARSON RESIDENCEFloor PlanScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"01 TS1.0 LARSON RESIDENCEBENCHMARK #1:SQUARE "X" CUTELEV=507.21504.8505.9507.2507.2505.6504.2504.2505.2504.7503.7502.5BENCHMARK #1:SQUARE "X" CUTELEV=507.21504.7503.4497.5TP504.94TP505.13TP5 0 4 . 9 2TP505.00TP 5 0 4 . 9 1TP504.58503.3501.7505.7504.7TP505.00TP 5 0 3 . 9 1 TP503.81TP504.03TP504.60489.7489.4489.1489.3496.1495.8492.8493.3TP502.24TP503.00TP502.85TP504.20TP504.02TP503.65TP503.38TP5 0 3 . 4 3TC507.15G 506.80TC507.75G 507.30TC506.66G 506.24TC505.58G 505.14TC504.58G 504.09TC 5 0 3 . 0 9G 502.65TC506.04G 505.52TC507.45G 507.06TC507.58G 507.14CHAIN LINK FENCECHAIN LINK FENCE STONE RETAININGWALL (TYP.)N84°45' 17"E 160.70'N4 6 ° 5 9 ' 1 6 " E 1 9 0 . 2 3 ' S01°30'37"W 114.74'S00°55'16"W 114.47'N89° 59' 26" W 270.02'N00° 54'15" E 223.32'S 54D 09' 16" E78.70'CHAIN LINK FENCEWOODEN FENCEONE STORY STONEBUILDINGADDRESS246 BETHEL RDBETHEL ROAD ESTATES PH 2LOT 1R, BLOCK 1VOL. 2003252, PG. 111EDDIE & REBECCA BROWNINST. 201500122351BIG CEDAR ADDITIONVOL. 95226, PG. 2280BLOCK 1LOT 8RLAURA BARNETTINST. 2002023511LOT 9RDAVID & APRIL TERRYINST. 201000276998PART OFTRACT 1RAYMOND & VIRGINIA LARSONINST. 201800155282TRACT 2RAYMOND & VIRGINIA LARSONINST. 201800155282BETHEL ROAD(50'-R.O.W.)5 0 5 5025035 0 4 5 0 6 5 0 7 4 9 9 4 9 8 4 9 7 4 9 6 4944934924914 8 9490 4 8 8487 485484483482502503504505506507503504 505 506507 STONE TABLEWROUGHT IRONFENCECOLUMN(TYP.)14.3'13. 1 '12.1'7.8'11.5'32.6'20.5'11.5'12'6.8'13.6'5.5' 5.7'18.8'13.7'55.5' 4.3' 5.2'60.8'46.8'ONE STORY STONEBUILDINGPARK ROAD WOODEN FENCE12" PVCZONE "X"ZONE "X"60.1'LOT 118,727 SQ. FT.0.430 ACRESLOT 231,926 SQ. FT.0.733 ACRES100.00'169.98'36.44'124.26'4 9 5485490495500483484486487488489491492493494496497498499501 485490495483484486487488489491492493494496497498WOOD RETAININGWALL (TYP.)495' ELEVATIONFLOOD LINE495' ELEVATIONFLOOD LINE100-YEAR FLOOD LINESCALED FROM FEMAFIRMAPPROXIMATE LOCATIONEROSION HAZARD SETBACKPER CITY ORDINANCEOVERALL50,653 SQ. FT.1.163 ACRESN4 2 ° 1 6 ' 4 3 " E 5 9 . 0 0 ' S 00° 57'15" W 357.38'S89° 42' 02" W 130.02'S 01° 01' 20" W 7.35'Tree SurveyScale: 1" = 20'01Tree TablePoint #4000040001400024000340004400054000640007400084000940010400114001240013400144001540016400174001840019400204002140023Description24" OAK24" OAK28" OAK10" OAK10" OAK14" OAK16" OAK6" OAK10" CEDAR6" CEDAR14" OAK14" OAK24" OAK12" OAK6" OAK6" PECAN12" OAK12" CEDAR8" PECAN10" OAK18" OAK12" OAK8" CREPE MYRTLETree TablePoint #4002440025400344003540065400664006740068400694007040071400724016440165401664016740168401694017040171402854028640287Description8" CREPE MYRTLE8" CREPE MYRTLE20" OAK32" OAK6" CEDAR8" CEDAR8" OAK20" OAK14" PECAN36" COTTON8" OAK16" OAK6" ELM8" ELM8" ELM8" ELM20" OAK20" OAK8" ELM8" ELM30" OAK16" OAK12" PECANTree TablePoint #402884028940290402914029240293402944029540296402974029840299403004030140303501125011550117501185011950120Description12" ELM14" OAK14" OAK6" OAK10" OAK14" OAK12" ELM12" ELM20" OAK6" OAK6" OAK6" OAK18" OAK18" CEDAR32" OAK24" RED OAK14" LIVE OAK12" RED OAK2-8" RED OAK36" RED OAK36" RED OAKBENCHMARK #1:SQUARE "X" CUTELEV=507.21504.8505.9507.2507.2505.6504.2504.2505.2504.7503.7502.5BENCHMARK #1:SQUARE "X" CUTELEV=507.21504.7503.4497.5TP504.94TP505.13TP504.92TP5 0 5 . 0 0TP504.91TP504.58503.3501.7505.7504.7TP505.00TP5 0 3 . 9 1 TP503.81TP 5 0 4 . 0 3TP504.60489.7489.4489.1489.3496.1495.8492.8493.3TP502.24TP503.00TP502.85TP504.20TP504.02TP503.65TP503.38TP503.43TC507.15G 506.80TC507.75G 507.30TC506.66G 506.24TC505.58G 505.14TC504.58G 504.09TC 503.09G 502.65TC506.04G 505.52TC507.45G 507.06TC507.58G 507.14CHAIN LINK FENCECHAIN LINK FENCE STONE RETAININGWALL (TYP.)N84°45' 17"E 160.70'N4 6 ° 5 9 ' 1 6 " E 1 9 0 . 2 3 ' S01°30'37"W 114.74'S00°55'16"W 114.47'N89° 59' 26" W 270.02'N00° 54'15" E 223.32'S 54D 09' 16" E78.70'CHAIN LINK FENCEWOODEN FENCEONE STORY STONEBUILDINGADDRESS246 BETHEL RDBETHEL ROAD ESTATES PH 2LOT 1R, BLOCK 1VOL. 2003252, PG. 111EDDIE & REBECCA BROWNINST. 201500122351BIG CEDAR ADDITIONVOL. 95226, PG. 2280BLOCK 1LOT 8RLAURA BARNETTINST. 2002023511LOT 9RDAVID & APRIL TERRYINST. 201000276998PART OFTRACT 1RAYMOND & VIRGINIA LARSONINST. 201800155282TRACT 2RAYMOND & VIRGINIA LARSONINST. 201800155282BETHEL ROAD(50'-R.O.W.)5 0 5 5025035 0 4 5 0 6 5 0 7 4 9 9 4 9 8 4 9 7 4 9 6 4944934924914 8 9490 4 8 8487 485484483482502503504505506507503504 505 506507 STONE TABLEWROUGHT IRONFENCECOLUMN(TYP.)14.3'13. 1 '12.1'7.8'11.5'32.6'20.5'11.5'12'6.8'13.6'5.5' 5.7'18.8'13.7'55.5' 4.3' 5.2'60.8'46.8'ONE STORY STONEBUILDINGPARK ROAD WOODEN FENCE12" PVCZONE "X"ZONE "X"60.1'LOT 118,727 SQ. FT.0.430 ACRESLOT 231,926 SQ. FT.0.733 ACRES100.00'169.98'36.44'124.26'4 9 5485490495500483484486487488489491492493494496497498499501 485490495483484486487488489491492493494496497498WOOD RETAININGWALL (TYP.)495' ELEVATIONFLOOD LINE495' ELEVATIONFLOOD LINE100-YEAR FLOOD LINESCALED FROM FEMAFIRMAPPROXIMATE LOCATIONEROSION HAZARD SETBACKPER CITY ORDINANCEOVERALL50,653 SQ. FT.1.163 ACRESS 00° 57'15" W 357.38'S89° 42' 02" W 130.02'S 01° 01' 20" W 7.35'BENCHMARK #1:SQUARE "X" CUTELEV=507.21504.8505.9507.2507.2505.6504.2504.2505.2504.7503.7502.5BENCHMARK #1:SQUARE "X" CUTELEV=507.21504.7503.4497.5TP504.94TP505.13TP5 0 4 . 9 2TP505.00TP504.91TP504.58503.3501.7505.7504.7TP505.00TP503.91TP503.81TP504.03TP504.60489.7489.4489.1489.3496.1495.8492.8493.3TP502.24TP503.00TP502.85TP504.20TP504.02TP503.65TP503.38TP503.43TC507.15G 506.80TC507.75G 507.30TC506.66G 506.24TC505.58G 505.14TC504.58G 504.09TC 503.09G 502.65TC506.04G 505.52TC507.45G 507.06TC507.58G 507.14CHAIN LINK FENCECHAIN LINK FENCE STONE RETAININGWALL (TYP.)N84°45' 17"E 160.70'N4 6 ° 5 9 ' 1 6 " E 1 9 0 . 2 3 ' S01°30'37"W 114.74'S00°55'16"W 114.47'N89° 59' 26" W 270.02'N00° 54'15" E 223.32'S 54D 09' 16" E78.70'CHAIN LINK FENCEWOODEN FENCEONE STORY STONEBUILDINGADDRESS246 BETHEL RDBETHEL ROAD ESTATES PH 2LOT 1R, BLOCK 1VOL. 2003252, PG. 111EDDIE & REBECCA BROWNINST. 201500122351BIG CEDAR ADDITIONVOL. 95226, PG. 2280BLOCK 1LOT 8RLAURA BARNETTINST. 2002023511LOT 9RDAVID & APRIL TERRYINST. 201000276998PART OFTRACT 1RAYMOND & VIRGINIA LARSONINST. 201800155282TRACT 2RAYMOND & VIRGINIA LARSONINST. 201800155282BETHEL ROAD(50'-R.O.W.)5 0 5 5025035 0 4 5 0 6 5 0 7 4 9 9 4 9 8 4 9 7 4 9 6 4944934924914 8 9490 4 8 8 4 87 485484483482502503504505506507503504 505 506 50 7 STONE TABLEWROUGHT IRONFENCECOLUMN(TYP.)14.3'13. 1 '12.1'7.8'11.5'32.6'20.5'11.5'12'6.8'13.6'5.5' 5.7'18.8'13.7'55.5' 4.3' 5.2'60.8'46.8'ONE STORY STONEBUILDINGPARK ROAD WOODEN FENCE12" PVCZONE "X"ZONE "X"60.1'LOT 118,727 SQ. FT.0.430 ACRESLOT 231,926 SQ. FT.0.733 ACRES100.00'169.98'36.44'124.26'4 9 5485490495500483484486487488489491492493494496497498499501 485490495483484486487488489491492493494496497498WOOD RETAININGWALL (TYP.)495' ELEVATIONFLOOD LINE495' ELEVATIONFLOOD LINE100-YEAR FLOOD LINESCALED FROM FEMAFIRMAPPROXIMATE LOCATIONEROSION HAZARD SETBACKPER CITY ORDINANCEOVERALL50,653 SQ. FT.1.163 ACRESS 00° 57'15" W 357.38'S89° 42' 02" W 130.02'S 01° 01' 20" W 7.35' A3.0 LARSON RESIDENCESouth Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"01East Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"03West ElevationScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"04North Elevation Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0"02Existing Wall Existing Gate Existing Cement Plaster Existing Roof TilesExisting WallExisting Home A3.1 LARSON RESIDENCEWest Elevation AlternateScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"02South Elevation AlternateScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"04South Elevation AlternateScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"03East Elevation AlternateScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"01 Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6481 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6481 Agenda Item Agenda Ready 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 08/22/2022File Created: Final Action: TMLIRP BallotFile Name: Title: Consider voting for a candidate to Places 6 - 9 to the Board of Trustees to the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP); and authorizing the Mayor to sign and complete the ballot. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Memo.pdf, TMLIRP Board of Trustees Ballot.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6481 Title Consider voting for a candidate to Places 6 - 9 to the Board of Trustees to the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP); and authorizing the Mayor to sign and complete the ballot. Summary Fiscal Impact: None Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends electing Mike Land, City Manager, to Place 8; and electing Opal Mauldin-Jones, City Manager for the City of Lancaster, to Place 9. Strategic Pillar Icon: Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 Master Continued (2022-6481) Sustainable Government Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor and City Council From: Mike Land, City Manager Date: September 13, 2022 Reference: Consider voting for a candidate to Places 6 - 9 to the Board of Trustees to the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP); and authorizing the Mayor to sign and complete the ballot. Introduction: The Risk Pool provides a stable and economic source of risk financing and loss prevention services to almost 2,800 governmental entities throughout the state of Texas. The Risk Pool was created in 1973 by the Texas Legislature. The primary service of the pool is to provide workers’ compensation liability, property and cyber coverage for cities, regardless of the size of the city. The City of Coppell first became a member of The Risk Pool – Workers’ Compensation in 1977, Liability and Property in 1986, and Cyber Liability in 2016. The Risk Pool is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 15 members who are either elected or appointed officials from municipalities throughout the state of Texas. Twelve of the Board positions are elected to the Board by TML member cities. TMLIRP board members serve six-year staggered terms. This being an even-numbered year, Places 6-9 expire October 1, 2022. On August 9, 2022, City Council approved a Resolution of Support nominating me for Place 8 on the TMLIRP Board of Trustees. I am now seeking to be elected to Place 8 on the Board. Places 6, 7, and 9 nominations are also listed with potential board members and their biographical information if Council chooses to complete the full ballot. Recommendation: Staff recommends electing Mike Land, City Manager, to Place 8; and electing Opal Mauldin-Jones, City Manager for the City of Lancaster, to Place 9. OFFICIAL BALLOT Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool Board of Trustees Election This is the official ballot for the election of Places 6 -9 of the Board of Trustees for the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool. Each Member of the Pool is entitled to vote for Board of Trustee members. Please record your organization's choices by placing an "X" in the square beside the candidate's name or writing in the name of an eligible person in the space provided. You can only vote for one candidate for each place. The officials listed on this ballot have been nominated to serve a six-year term on the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool (Workers' Compensation, Property and Liability) Board of Trustees. The , names of the candidates for each Place on the Board of Trustees are listed in alphabetical order on this ballot. Ballots must reach the office of David Reagan, Secretary of the Board, no later than September 30, 2022. Ballots received after September 30, 2022, cannot be counted. The ballot must be properly signed and all pages of the ballot must be mailed to: Trustee Election, David Reagan, Secretary of the Board, P.O. Box 149194, Austin, Texas 78714-9194. If the ballot is not signed, it will not be counted. Page 1 of6 □ □ PLACE6 Allison Heyward. Councilmember for the City of Schertz (Region 7) since 2018. She also serves as the Mayor Pro Tern. Mrs. Heyward was appointed to represent the Texas Municipal League Board of Directors as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from Texas Southern University in 1990 and is a 2020 graduate of the Chamber Leadership Core Program. She is a TML Leadership Fellow, a Certified Municipal Officer (CMO), as well as a member of the TMRS Advisory Board on Benefit Design. Kimberly Meismer. Assistant City Manager for the City of Kerrville (Region 7). Ms. Meismer has over 25. years of public service, which includes serving Kerrville and La Porte. She earned a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the University of Texas at Arlington and a Bachelor's Degree in Human Resource Management from Columbia Southern University. She is a member ofTCMA and serves on the Ethics Committee as the Region 8 Representative. She is also serving a second year as the Chair of the Ethics and Integrity Award subcommittee. WRITE IN CANDIDATE: Page 2 of6 PLACE7 D Mary Dennis (Incumbent). Mayor for the City of Live Oak (Region 7) since 2010. Mayor Dennis has served on the TML Risk Pool Board since 2018. She is currently Vice- Chair of the TML Risk Pool Board, and on October 1, 2022, will begin a two-year term as Chair. Among, her numerous civic activities are serving as 2016/2017 President for the Texas Municipal League, 2021-2023 NLC Board Director, Treasurer of the Greater Bexar County Council of Governments, Chair of the Judson ISD Facilities Committee, Chair of the Bexar County Suburban Cities Committee, and President of the Live Oak Economic Development Corporation. She is also a 2019 Inductee of the San Antonio Women's Hall of Fame and the 2019 San Antonio Women's Chamber of Commerce "Comet Award." D James A. Douglas, Ph.D. City Councilmember for the City of Kenedy (Region 7). Dr. Douglas is a current criminal justice instructor at Kenedy ISD. He is a national Law and Public Safety Education Network (LAPSEN) Honor T_ea~her who, along with some of-his students, recently participated in the Washington, D.C. National Academy of Law and Justice. The LAPSEN Honor Teachers were identified from a national application process to identify educators with a passion for law and justice, excellence in leadership and teaching. D Rebecca (Becky) Haas. Mayor of Richmond (Region 14). Mayor Haas is a business-owner in the historic downtown district of Richmond. She is a direct descendant of one of Stephen F. Austin's first settlers in Texas who are known as the Old Three Hundred. She is Chaplain for and a charter board member of the Descendants of Austin's Old Three Hundred organization. She is passionate about Texas history, a member of the Fort Bend County Historical Commission, a former member of the Richmond Historical Commission, a member of the Fort Bend County Museum, a board member of the Black Cowboy Museum, member of Historic Richmond Association, and is a Fort Bend Docent. D James Hotopp. City Manager for Weatherford (Region 8) since 2019. Mr. Hotopp joined the City in 2007 as its Director of Water/Wastewater and Engineering and served the City in several capacities, including Utility Engineer, Director of Planning and Development, and Assistant City Manager. He serves as a voting member of Region C Water Planning Group for Texas, which prepares a regional water plan for a 16-county group in North Texas. Mr. Hotopp is a member of the North Texas City Manager's Association, the North Texas Commission, and a board member of the Texas Public Power Association Previously, he worked in consulting engineering where he designed water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, water pump stations, wastewater lift stations, and distribution/collection lines. WRITE IN CANDIDATE: Page 3 of6 PLACES D Chris Coffman. City Manager of Granbury (Region 8). Mr. Coffman has 24 years in public management. He has served as City Manager for Sealy, Borger, the Village of Timbercreek Canyon, and Panhandle. He has also served as the Director of Local Government Services of the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission and served as Interim City Manager for the Cities of Fritch and Stratford. During his time at the Panhandle Regional Planning Commission, he served 26 counties and 62 cities in the Panhandle. He is a past President of the TCMA. Mr. Coffman holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Administration from West Texas A&M University and has a Certified Public Manager designation through Texas Tech University. D Brett Haney. City Administrator for the City of Cockrell Hill (Region 13) since 2015. Mr. Haney has been with Cockrell Hill since 2006 and was promoted to Assistant City Administrator in 2011. He is originally from Southern California and moved to North Texas in 2000. Mr. Haney earned Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences at1d_Ma~!~r of_Publl_c_ _ Administration degrees from the University of North Texas. He is a member of TCMA and currently serves on the Public Policy Committee and has served on the TCMA Advocacy Committee in recent years. He is very active as Cubmaster and Den Leader for Cub Scout Pack 717 in Keller, Texas. D Mike Land. City Manager for the City of Coppell (Region 13) since 2017, and Deputy City Manager from 2012-2017. Previously, he was Town Manager for Prosper, City Manager for Gainsville, and Executive Director for the Southwestern Diabetic Foundation. Mr. Land has served on the International City/County Management (ICMA) Board of Directors, ICMA's Advisory Board on Graduate Education, Texas A&M University's Development Industry Advisory Council, School Board Trustee for Gainesville Independent School District, and President of TCMA. Currently, he serves on the Texas Women's Leadership Institute Advisory Board and the UTA MP A Advisory Board. D Marian Mendoza. City Administrator for the City of Helotes (Region 7) since 2020. Ms. Mendoza has held positions with the City of Alamo Heights, as Assistant to the City Manager (2005-2020), and with the City of San Antonio as a Management Analyst (2003-2005). Previously she served as a Director overseeing homeless transition housing programs for the Salvation Army. She also serves as the Ex-Officio Board Member of the Helotes Economic Development Corporation. Ms. Mendoza earned a Bachelor's Degree from St. Mary's University and is part of the Certified Public Management program at Texas State University. She is a member of the ICMA, TCMA, and the International Hispanic Network. D Louis R. Rigby. Mayor of the City of La Porte (Region 14) since 2010. Mayor Rigby previously served as the District 5 Councilperson from 2004 until 2010, before being elected Mayor. He is a member and past Director of the La Porte-Bayshore Chamber of Commerce and has held the offices of Treasurer, Vice-President, and President of the Harris County Mayors and Councils Association. He graduated from San Jacinto College and the University of Houston before earning an MP A from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Mayor Rigby served in the U.S. Airforce from 1968-1972. He has actively advocated for the La Porte region on issues including heavy haul and solutions for hurricane damage and m~agement. WRITE IN CANDIDATE: Page 4 of6 □ □ □ □ □ PLACE9 Barry Beard. Commissioner for the City of Richmond (Region 14) since 2016. Mr. Beard retired from Moody National Bank where he was the Senior Vice President. He has served on many civic and community boards. He was President of the Board for Oak Bend Hospital, past Chair of the Central Fort Bend Chamber Alliance, past Chair of Arc of Fort Bend, Congressman Olson's Service Academy Interview Committee and Fort Bend Partnership for Youth. He also served on the original Richmond Charter Commission, Richmond Parks Commission, Richmond Development Corporation, Richmond Historical Commission,. Richmond Comprehensive Planning Advisory Committee, and the Richmond Rosenberg Local Government Corporation. Stephanie Fisher. Councilmember for Johnson City (Region 7). In 2021, she was appointed as the Johnson City representative to the General Assembly of the Capital Area Council of Governments. The Executive Committee of the Capital Area COG appointed her to represent the COG on the Unified Scoring Committee of the Texas Department of Agriculture's Community Block Grant program. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Hill Country --100 -Club and the Johnson City Community Education Foundation. She -also is the - Commissioner for the Johnson City Youth Football program and sits on an advisory committee for the Johnson City Youth Sports Association. She is active in her church, as well as multiple activities within Johnson City ISD, and is a member of the Blanco County Eclipse Task Force. Carl Joiner. Mayor for the City of Kemah (Region 14) since 2015. Prior to that, he served as a Kemah City Councilmember for three years. He has served as President of the Kemah Community Development Corporation, Chairman of the Bay Area Houston Transportation Partnership, member of the Convention and Visitors Bureau Board, Chairman of the Clear Creek Education Foundation, board member of the Chris Reed Foundation, Chairman of the Clear Lake Area Chamber, and Treasurer of the League City Regional Chamber of Commerce. He has received awards such as the Chairman's A ward in 2020 for the League City Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Sam Walton Award for Integrity in Business. Opal Mauldin-Jones (Incumbent). City Manager for the City of Lancaster (Region 13) since 2011, and in various other roles for Lancaster since 2003. Under her leadership, the City has experienced two consecutive bond rating increases without issuing debt. The City has been designated a 2019 All-America City and received the CiCi Award. It is one of less than 25 communities with all five Transparency Stars awarded by the Texas Comptroller. Ms. Mauldin-Jones earned her Bachelor Business Administration and Master Public Administration degrees from the University of Texas at Arlington. She currently serves on the TCMA Board as Director-at-Large and as Vice President-Elect, and on the Board of the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool. William Linn. City Manager of Kenedy (Region 7). Mr. Linn is a member of TCMA ind ICMA. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business from Indiana University's Southeast campus. Thereafter, he was accepted to several law schools where he intended to specialize in business and intellectual property law. However, Mr. Linn opted to enroll in Southern New Hampshire University where he earned a Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Organizational Leadership concurrently. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Certified Public Manager. He is working to complete the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt and Project Manager Professional Certifications. WRITE IN CANDIDATE: Page 5 of6 Certificate I certify that the vote cast above has been cast in accordance with the will of the majority of the governing body of the public entity named below. Witness my hand, this ___ day of ___________ , 2022. Signature of Authorized Official Title Printed Name of Authorized Official Printed Name of Political Entity Page 6 of6 Master City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 File Number: 2022-6521 File ID: Type: Status: 2022-6521 Agenda Item Mayor and Council Reports 1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council 09/06/2022File Created: Final Action: Mayor/CC ReportsFile Name: Title: Report from Mayor and City Council on recent and upcoming events. Notes: Sponsors: Enactment Date: Attachments: Enactment Number: Hearing Date: Contact: Effective Date: Drafter: Related Files: History of Legislative File Action: Result: Return Date: Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver- sion: Text of Legislative File 2022-6521 Title Report from Mayor and City Council on recent and upcoming events. Summary Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 9/9/2022