CM 2022-09-13255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
City of Coppell, Texas
City Council
5:30 PM Council ChambersTuesday, September 13, 2022
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 1 Place 4
Place 2 Place 5
Place 3 Place 7
City Manager
Wes Mays;Cliff Long;Brianna Hinojosa-Smith;Don Carroll;Kevin Nevels;John
Jun and Biju Mathew
Present 7 -
Mark HillAbsent1 -
Also present were Deputy City Managers Vicki Chiavetta and Traci Leach, City Attorney
Robert Hager and City Secretary Ashley Owens.
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September
13, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway
Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
Call to Order1.
Mayor Wes Mays called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was
present and convened into the Executive Session at 5:30 p.m.
Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room2.
Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney.
Consultation with City Attorney and special legal counsel, regarding City
of Coppell, et. al. vs. Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Discussed under Executive Session
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September 13, 2022City Council Minutes
Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room3.
Mayor Wes Mays adjourned the Executive Session at 5:53 p.m. and convened
into the Work Session at 5:56 p.m.
A.Discussion regarding agenda items.
B.Discussion regarding winter-averaging for sewer billing.
C.Discussion regarding grant agreement with Coppell Historical
D.Discussion regarding political signs.
All items were presented in Work Session.
Due to a conflict of interest of Councilmember Cliff Long Work Session Item C,
Councilmember Long excused himself from the discussion and left the room.
Regular Session
Invocation 7:30 p.m.4.
Pastor Rolando Carrizales, with Mundo de Fe, gave the invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance5.
Mayor Wes Mays and the City Council led those present in the Pledge of
6.Consider approval of a Proclamation naming the month of September as
“Senior Center Month;” and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Mayor Wes Mays read the proclamation into the record and presented the
same to Coppell Senior Center Callie Willis and seniors. A motion was made
by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by Councilmember John Jun, that
this Agenda Item be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Citizens’ Appearance7.
Mayor Wes Mays asked for those who signed up to speak:
1) James Ford, 342 Woodhurst Place, spoke in regards to trash harassment.
Consent Agenda8.
A.Consider approval of Minutes: August 23, 2022, and August 30, 2022.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
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B.Consider approval of an Ordinance for case PD-250R26-H, Old Town
Addition, Lot 4R, Block D, a zoning change request from PD-250R8-H
(Planned Development- 250 Revision 8- Historic) to PD-250R26-H
(Planned Development-250-Revision 26 - Historic), to approve a Detail
Site Plan for a 10,215-square-foot, two-story mixed-use building with
retail on the first floor and two residential units on the second floor on
0.25 acres of land located on the west side of West Main St. between
Houston St. and Travis St., at 767 W. Main St, and authorizing the Mayor
to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
C.Consider approval of amendment #2 for the S. Belt Line Road Design
Contract with Halff Associates; in the amount of $100,000; and
authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
D.Consider approval of an election services contract with Dallas County to
conduct a Joint Election on November 8, 2022; in an amount not to
exceed $70,279.53; and authorizing the City Manager to execute any
necessary documents.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
E.Consider accepting the resignation of Seth Phillips from the Ethics
Review Panel; and leaving the seat vacant for the remainder of the
unexpired term.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
F.Consider approval of “Policy for Donations to the Parks System”.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
G.Consider approval of the Third Amended and Restated Interlocal
Cooperation Agreement by and between the City of Coppell and Denton
County Transportation Authority to provide transportation services for
Coppell businesses; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
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The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
H.Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human
Services Interlocal Government Agreement, effective October 1, 2022,
through September 30, 2023; in the amount of $3,131.00; as budgeted in
FY 22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
I.Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human
Services Interlocal Government Agreement for mosquito spraying;
effective October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023; in an amount
not to exceed $60,000.00; as budgeted in FY 22-23; and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
J.Consider approval of a contract for the renewal of an Interlocal
Agreement with Trinity River Authority, effective October 1, 2022, through
September 30, 2023, in the amount of $9,500.00; as budgeted in FY
22-23; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
K.Consider approval and adoption of the FY 2022-23 Council Goals and
Staff Work Plan.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, that Consent Agenda Items A - K be approved.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
End of Consent Agenda
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 Municipal
Presentation: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance, made a presentation to the City
Mayor Wes Mays announced that this was a continued Public Hearing and
stated that no one had signed up to speak.
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, to close the Public Hearing. The
motion passed by an unanimous vote.
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September 13, 2022City Council Minutes
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2022-23 tax rate of
Presentation: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance, made a presentation to the City
Mayor Wes Mays announced that this was a continued Public Hearing and
stated that no one had signed up to speak.
A motion was made by Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, to close the Public Hearing. The motion passed
by an unanimous vote.
11.Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget
for the City of Coppell, Texas for the fiscal year of October 1, 2022,
through September 30, 2023; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Presentation: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance, made a presentation to the City
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, to approve this Agenda Item. The
motion passed by an unanimous vote.
12.Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying
the ad valorem taxes for the tax year 2022 at $0.518731 on each one
hundred dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property, on which
$0.441836 is for operations and maintenance and $0.076895 is for
interest and sinking; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Presentation: Kim Tiehen, Director of Finance, made a presentation to the City
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Biju Mathew, seconded by
Councilmember Cliff Long, to approve this Agenda Item. The motion passed by
an unanimous vote.
Consider approval of PD-301R2-HC a zoning change request from
PD-301R-HC (Planned Development 301 Revised- Highway
Commercial) to PD-301R2-HC (Planned Development 301-Revision 2-
Highway Commercial) to revise the Concept PD for the overall
development of the site and allow for a combination of retail, restaurant,
offices, medical office, banquet center, and daycare uses; on
approximately 10 lots on 16.766 acres of property located at the
southeast corner of Belt Line Road and Dividend Drive, at the request of
Beltline Properties, LLC, being represented by Kirkman Engineering.
Presentation: Mary Paron-Boswell, Senior Planner, made a presentation to the
City Council.
Mayor Wes Mays opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one had signed
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up to speak.
Bobby Mendoza, Kirkman Engineering, was present to answer questions and
concerns from City Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, to close the Public Hearing and approve this
Agenda Item subject to the conditions listed:
1. There may be additional comments during the Detail Engineering review.
2. A final plat will be required.
3. A right turn lane be constructed on S. Belt Line Road with this project.
4. PD Conditions:
a. All signage shall comply with City regulations.
b. Plans for the linear park shall require staff approval.
c. The focal point artwork shall require staff approval and shall be in place
prior to the issuance of a CO for the buildings at the rear of the property.
d. A P.O.A. shall be required prior to the filing of the final plat.
e. A Detailed Site Plan shall be required for the development of any of the lots.
f. A Tree Survey and tree mitigation, if any, shall be required at the time of
Detail Planned Development.
g. Daycare shall be allowed and shall not require a circular drive.
h. Parking shall be allowed in the front yard as shown.
i. Restaurants with drive throughs shall be allowed as shown on the concept
j. To allow the monument signs as presented.
k. To allow a banquet hall.
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Consider approval of case PD-181R3-SF-12, Larson Residence &
Garage, Bethel Road Estates Addition, Lot 1R, Block 1, a zoning change
request from C (Commercial), R (Retail) and PD-181R2-SF-12
(Planned Development-181-Revision 2 Single-Family- 12) to
PD-181R3-SF-12 (Planned Development-181-Revision 3 Single-Family
- 12) to approve a Detail Site Plan for an existing single-family residence
with a 300 square foot addition and the construction of a 4,000 square
foot accessory garage structure, and modification of the front yard fence
located on 2.065 acres of land, located on the northside of W. Bethel
Road, approximately 325 ft east of Hearthstone Lane, at the request of
Raymond and Virginia Larson, being represented by Greg Frnka of GPF
Architects, LLC.
Presentation: Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator, made a
presentation to the City Council.
Mayor Wes Mays opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one had signed
up to speak.
Greg Frnka, GPF Architects, was present to answer questions and concerns
from City Council.
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A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, to close the Public Hearing and approve this
Agenda Item subject to the conditions listed:
1. There may be additional comments at the time of Building Permit.
2. Building permits shall be required for all proposed buildings, structures,
paving and fences/walls.
3. To allow for a washroom with a kitchenette in the proposed accessory
garage structure.
4. To allow the accessory building height to be 30’ as opposed to the maximum
12’ required in the Zoning Ordinance.
5. To allow an option of either cement plaster or stone on the accessory
building to match the existing home.
6. To allow the stone screening wall within the front yard as previously
permitted on the eastern half of the subject property.
7. To allow grass-crete as an acceptable material for the driveway south of the
8. To prohibit the conversion of the accessory structure into a habitable
The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
15.Consider voting for a candidate to Places 6 - 9 to the Board of Trustees
to the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP);
and authorizing the Mayor to sign and complete the ballot.
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, to vote for Mike Land, City Manager, to Place 8;
and voting for Opal Mauldin-Jones, City Manager for the City of Lancaster, to
Place 9. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
City Manager Reports - Project Updates and Future Agendas16.
City Manager Mike Land gave the following project updates:
Signal work at Bethel School Road should be complete by the end of next
week and then we can finish the pavement (ramps, stamped concrete and
street paving). We anticipate completing Bethel School in the next 3-4 weeks.
We are waiting on Oncor to set the new electric service at Denton Tap/121
which should be done this week. We anticipate this location to be complete by
the end of October.
S. Belt Line Road - anticipating switching traffic to the west side (new
pavement) in by the end of October.
Boards and Commissions applications are open through October 7. The City is
currently seeking passionate residents to be a part of nine Boards and
Commissions that help guide development, future needs, regulations, and
more for Coppell. Applicants must have established residency in Coppell for at
least 12 months and be registered to vote in Coppell. Learn more about each
board and commission and apply at
Mayor and Council Reports17.
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September 13, 2022City Council Minutes
Report from Mayor and City Council on recent and upcoming events.
It’s time to check your voter registration! The last day to register to vote in the
November 8, 2022, election is Tuesday, October 11. Visit
for more information about the upcoming election, check your status, and get
registered to vote in your county.
The City of Coppell will hold a special election to consider two propositions:
Whether or not to continue a one-fourth of one percent sales and use tax for
maintenance and repair of municipal streets for a 4-year period; and whether
or not to continue a one-fourth of one percent sales and use tax for crime
reduction programs for a 10-year period. Early Voting begins October 24th. Visit more information!
On Sunday, September 18 from 2 - 3:30 pm, at the Cozby Library, You're invited
to attend a Latin American Folklore & Dance Program to celebrate Hispanic
Heritage Month! Presented by Tex-Latins, Inc., this fun and educational
program will feature folklore from Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia,
and Venezuela along with traditional dance performances. It will also
highlight traditions from each of these ethnic groups including dress, important
symbols, and cultural nuances among Latin American countries. This event is
sponsored by the Community Builders, which consists of city staff and
community members interested in promoting cultural inclusivity and diverse
programming for members of the Coppell community. Registration is not
required. Don't miss it!
On Saturday, September 24 at 7pm, in Old Town Coppell, grab a delicious
dinner from a local food truck and enjoy a night of music in Old Town! Fans of
all ages and backgrounds can sing along to epic rock from Queen, Muse, Pink
Floyd, The Killers, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, and more at Sunset Socials: Music in
Old Town featuring Epic Unplugged!
Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
Nothing to report.
Necessary Action from Executive Session19.
There was no necessary action out of Executive Session.
There being no further business before the City Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
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