RE 2023-0124.1 Order of General Election (English)Page 1 TM133182
RESOLUTION NO. 2023-0124.1
May 6, 2023
BE IT REMEMBERED THAT on this the 24th day of January 2023, at a duly posted
meeting of the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, a quorum being present, the meeting
was called to order, and the Council issued the following order:
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a general election be held on the 6th day of May 2023,
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., for the purpose of electing one Councilmember for Place 1, one
Councilmember for Place 3, one Councilmember for Place 5, one Councilmember for Place 7 for
a term of three years. The candidate for such office receiving a majority of all votes cast for all
candidates for such office shall be elected to serve such term or until his or her successor is duly
elected and qualified. The election shall be held as a Joint Election administered by the Dallas and
Denton County Elections Administrators, respectively, in accordance with the provisions of the
Texas Election Code and a Joint Election Agreement with each of the respective counties.
In the event any candidate for said office fails to receive a majority of all votes cast for all
the candidates for such office, a run-off election shall be held. If a run-off election becomes
necessary, the run-off election will be held on Saturday, June 10, 2023.
The election shall be held as a Joint Election administered by the Dallas and Denton County
Elections Administrators, respectively, in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election
Code and a Joint Election Agreement with each of the respective counties. The City Manager is
hereby authorized to execute the Election Contracts with the Counties of Dallas and Denton for
the conduct of the election. Pursuant to the Joint Election Contracts, the County Elections
Administrator of each county shall serve as Election Administrator for the election for such county.
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Presiding Election Judges and Alternate Presiding Election Judges appointed to serve at said
polling places shall be those election officials furnished by the Elections Administrator(s) from the
list of proposed elections judges listed in an attachment to the Joint Election Contract(s).
Notice of the election shall be posted on the bulletin board used to post notice of the City
Council meetings and be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. Said notice
must be published on the same day in each of two successive weeks, with the first publication
occurring no earlier than the thirtieth day and no later than the fourteenth day before the date of
the election. A copy of the published notice that contains the name of the newspaper and the date
of publication shall be retained as a record of such notice, and such person posting the notice shall
make a record of the time of posting, starting date and the place of posting.
Early voting by personal appearance for Dallas County and Denton County residents will
be set forth in accordance with state law and as stated in the Joint Elections Contracts and posted
on the City’s webpage. Application for ballot by mail must be received no later than the close of
business on April 25, 2023. Applications for early voting ballot by mail shall be mailed to:
Dallas County residents Denton County residents
Dallas County Elections Department Denton County Elections Administration
1520 Round Table Drive P.O. Box 1720
Dallas, Texas 75247 Denton, TX 76208
That the City Secretary shall present the election returns to the City of Coppell City Council
at a City Council meeting for the canvassing of said election in accordance with the Texas Election
DULY ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas the 24th day of
January 2023.