CP 2023-08-22City Council
City of Coppell, Texas
Meeting Agenda
255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
Council Chambers6:30 PMTuesday, August 22, 2023
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 1 Place 4
Place 2 Place 6
Place 3 Place 7
City Manager
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in Regular
Called Session at 6:30 p.m. for Executive Session, Work Session will follow immediately
thereafter, and Regular Session will begin at 7:30 p.m., to be held at Town Center, 255 E.
Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be
convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice
from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein.
As authorized by Section 551.127, of the Texas Government Code, one or more
Councilmembers or employees may attend this meeting remotely using videoconferencing
The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign the Work Session or
called Executive Session or order of business at any time prior to adjournment.
The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items:
1. Call to Order
2.Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic Development Negotiations.
Page 1 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
August 22, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda
Discussion regarding economic development prospects north of Sandy
Lake Road and west of Freeport Parkway.
3.Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Citizen comments will not be heard during the Work Session, but will be heard during
the Regular Session under Citizens' Appearance.
A. Discussion regarding agenda items.
B. Discussion regarding Workforce Transit.
Workforce Transit Memo.pdfAttachments:
Regular Session
4. Invocation 7:30 p.m.
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6.Presentation on city-wide water usage and water restrictions.
7. Citizens’ Appearance
8. Consent Agenda
A.Consider approval of the Minutes: July 24, 2023, and August 8, 2023.
CM 2023-07-24 (Budget WKS).pdf
CM 2023-08-08.pdf
B.Consider adoption of the Annual Investment Policy.
Invest Policy Fiscal Year 23.pdf
GTOT Investment Certificate 2022.pdf
C.Consider approval of revisions to the written Fund Balance Policy of the
City of Coppell, Texas, to include undesignated fund balance requirements
for the General Fund and adding both the Hotel Occupancy Tax and
Drainage Utility District Special Revenue Funds to the policy.
Fund Balance Policy.pdf
D.Consider approval of change order #3 for the S. Belt Line Reconstruction
project with McMahon Contracting; in the amount of $1,556,196.30;
provided for through proceeds from the Northlake sale; and authorizing the
City Manager to sign any necessary documents.
Page 2 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
August 22, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda
S. Belt Line CO#3 Pricing.pdf
End of Consent Agenda
To receive public comment on the proposed 2023-24 Budget for the
Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District.
CCPD Proposed Budget.pdf
2023 CCPD PH Notices.pdf
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2023-24 Municipal
2023 Budget PH Notices.pdf
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2023-24 tax rate of
2023 Tax Rate PH Notice.pdf
12.Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for
the City of Coppell, Texas for the fiscal year of October 1, 2023, through
September 30, 2024; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
13.Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying
the ad valorem taxes for the tax year 2023 at $0.491818 on each one
hundred dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property, on which
$0.421666 is for operations and maintenance and $0.070152 is for
interest and sinking; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
14.Consider ratification of the vote on the FY 2023-24 annual budget which
results in more revenue from ad valorem taxes than the previous year.
Cover Page 2023-24.pdf
15.City Manager Reports, Project Updates, Future Agendas, and Direction from Work
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August 22, 2023City Council Meeting Agenda
16. Mayor and Council Reports on Recent and Upcoming Events.
17.Council Committee Reports concerning items of community involvement with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
A. Report on Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition - Councilmember Don
18.Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
19. Necessary Action from Executive Session
20. Adjournment
Wes Mays, Mayor
I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of
the City of Coppell, Texas on this 18th day of August, 2023, at _____________.
Ashley Owens, City Secretary
The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require
special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and
amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs,
services and/or meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services
seventy-two (72) hours – three (3) business days ahead of the scheduled program, service,
and/or meeting. To make arrangements, contact Kori Allen, ADA Coordinator, or other
designated official at (972) 462-0022, or (TDD 1-800-RELAY, TX 1-800-735-2989).
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City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7063
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7063 Agenda Item Executive Session
1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council
08/15/2023File Created:
Final Action: Exec 8/22File Name:
Title: Discussion regarding economic development prospects north of Sandy
Lake Road and west of Freeport Parkway.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Attachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7063
Discussion regarding economic development prospects north of Sandy Lake Road and west
of Freeport Parkway.
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City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7058
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7058 Agenda Item Work Session
1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council
08/14/2023File Created:
Final Action: WKS 8/22/23File Name:
Title: A. Discussion regarding agenda items.
B. Discussion regarding Workforce Transit.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Workforce Transit Memo.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7058
A. Discussion regarding agenda items.
B. Discussion regarding Workforce Transit.
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development
Date: August 22, 2023
Reference: Workforce Transit
2040: Create Business and Innovation Nodes
The purpose of this item is to obtain Council direction regarding extending the partnership with
Denton County Transit Authority and Lyft for work force transit. There are no proposed changes to
the existing service.
In partnership with Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) and Lyft, the City of Coppell
started a workforce transit test program for Coppell businesses on October 1, 2019. The one-year
program was established to study trends and gauge the need for a long-term solution to workforce
transit in Coppell.
The program started slow, as staff was trying to get the word out to all Coppell businesses. The hope
was that it would grow each month as more businesses and individuals learned about the program.
The program was beginning to gain momentum in December of 2019 and steadily increased through
March of 2020 when COVID-19 hit.
City Council has since approved a one-year extension to the contract with DCTA three times. The
current interlocal agreement will expire on September 30, 2023. Ridership continues to increase and
is being utilized by a larger number of companies. The service is being utilized seven days a week
across different shift times throughout the day. Riders were concentrated on the west side of town
when the program began, but we now have individuals using it to get to work on the east side of town.
There are also Coppell residents that are relying on this service for access to work at business
locations in Coppell.
Staff believes that the utilization of a first-mile, last-mile connection will increase after the DART
Silver Line is open and operating. Exploring other options for service such as fixed route service
might become more viable at that time, but until then, staff believes this is the best option for the first-
mile, last-mile connection. Staff is requesting to extend the interlocal agreement with DCTA to
continue the program an additional year to continue analyzing ridership trends and data in hopes that
utilization will grow even larger as employees learn about the program.
Lyft will continue providing all mobility services, and DCTA will administer the contract and provide
all administrative and operational services associated with the program. The City of Coppell will
make monthly payments to DCTA for reimbursement of all costs associated with services provided
by Lyft and the monthly administrative fee.
Partnering with Lyft for the mobility service provides the greatest amount of flexibility for this
program. Everything about the program will remain the same. Lyft will continue to pick up from the
six designated transit stops, which include the DART Trinity Mills Station, the DCTA Hebron
Station, the DART Belt Line Station, the DART Bus Stop at Saintsbury and Belt Line, the DART
Bus Stop at Regent and Royal and the Trinity Metro TEXRail stop at the Grapevine-Main Street
station. Lyft will transport passengers to the businesses located within the City of Coppell.
The proposed budget for the program is $50,000 for FY 23-24. Staff has consistently received
feedback from the businesses that this program has provided great benefits, and the hope is that this
upcoming year will provide even greater benefit as the ridership grows. Staff will continue to monitor
the data on ridership so that an analysis can be provided on the long-term needs for workforce transit
in Coppell.
If City Council authorizes staff to work with DCTA on an extension to the contract, staff will bring
back a finalized contract for City Council consideration at a later date.
Legal Review:
Fiscal Impact:
Staff recommends approval.
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7064
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7064 Agenda Item Presentations
1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council
08/15/2023File Created:
Final Action: Water PresentationFile Name:
Title: Presentation on city-wide water usage and water restrictions.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Attachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7064
Presentation on city-wide water usage and water restrictions.
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City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7035
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7035 Agenda Item Consent Agenda
1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council
08/09/2023File Created:
Final Action: Minutes 8/22/23File Name:
Title: Consider approval of the Minutes: July 24, 2023, and August 8, 2023.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
CM 2023-07-24 (Budget WKS).pdf, CM
Attachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7035
Consider approval of the Minutes: July 24, 2023, and August 8, 2023.
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255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
City of Coppell, Texas
City Council
6:00 PM 2nd Floor Conference RoomMonday, July 24, 2023
Budget Workshop
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 1 Place 4
Place 2 Place 6
Place 3 Place 7
City Manager
Jim Walker;Brianna Hinojosa-Smith;Don Carroll;Kevin Nevels;John Jun;Biju
Mathew and Mark Hill
Present 7 -
Wes MaysAbsent1 -
Also present were Deputy City Managers Kent Collins and Traci Leach, City Secretary
Ashley Owens, Director of Finance Kim Tiehen, and Budget Officer Jesica Almendarez.
Call to OrderI.
Mayor Pro Tem John Jun called the meeting to order, determined that a
quorum was present and convened into the Work Session at 6:02 p.m.
Citizens’ AppearanceII.
Mayor Pro Tem John Jun stated that no one signed up to speak.
III.Presentation and discussion regarding Water and Sewer Budget:
A. Revenue Summary
B. Expense Summary
Presentation: Jerry Young, Business Analyst, presented to and answered
questions of Mayor Pro Tem John Jun and City Council.
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas
July 24, 2023City Council Minutes
IV.Discussion regarding Water and Sewer Budget.
Discussion ensued between City Council regarding the Water and Sewer
Citizens’ AppearanceV.
Mayor Pro Tem John Jun stated that no one signed up to speak.
There being no further business before the City Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 6:29 p.m.
Wes Mays, Mayor
Ashley Owens, City Secretary
Page 2City of Coppell, Texas
255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
City of Coppell, Texas
City Council
6:00 PM Council ChambersTuesday, August 8, 2023
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 1 Place 4
Place 2 Place 6
Place 3 Place 7
City Manager
Wes Mays;Jim Walker;Brianna Hinojosa-Smith;Don Carroll;Kevin
Nevels;John Jun;Biju Mathew and Mark Hill
Present 8 -
Also present were Deputy City Manager Traci Leach, City Attorney David Berman, and
City Secretary Ashley Owens.
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Session on Tuesday, August 8,
2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway
Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
Call to Order1.
Mayor Wes Mays called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was
present and convened into the Executive Session at 6:00 p.m.
Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room2.
Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic Development Negotiations.
Discussion regarding economic development prospects north of Sandy
Lake Road and west of Freeport Parkway.
Discussed under Executive Session
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas
August 8, 2023City Council Minutes
Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Citizen comments will not be heard during the Work Session, but will be heard during
the Regular Session under Citizens' Appearance.
Mayor Wes Mays adjourned the Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. and convened
into the Work Session at 6:32 p.m.
A. Discussion regarding agenda items.
B. Discussion regarding City Council committee and community liaison
Presented in Work Session
Regular Session
Mayor Wes Mays adjourned the Work Session at 7:09 p.m. and convened into
the Regular Session at 7:30 p.m.
Invocation 7:30 p.m.4.
Richa Yadar, with Allies InterFaith Group, gave the invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance5.
Mayor Wes Mays led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
6.Presentation of a Proclamation celebrating the 20th anniversary of the
Friends of Coppell Nature Park.
Mayor Wes Mays read the Proclamation into the record and presented the
same to Calie Willis and the Friends of the Coppell Nature Park.
Citizens’ Appearance7.
Mayor Wes Mays stated that no one signed up to speak.
Consent Agenda8.
A.Consider approval of the Minutes: July 25, 2023 and July 27, 2023.
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A through F be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
B.Consider approval of an Ordinance for PD-295R4-HC, Popeyes, a
zoning change request from PD-295-HC, to approve a Detail Site Plan
for a Popeyes restaurant and double drive-thru on 0.97 acres of property
located on the south side of SH 121 between Freeport Parkway and
Page 2City of Coppell, Texas
August 8, 2023City Council Minutes
Northwestern Drive; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A through F be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Enactment No: OR 91500-A-796
C.Consider approval of an Ordinance for PD-295R5-HC, Tim Hortons, a
zoning change request from PD-295-HC, to approve a Detail Site Plan
for a Tim Hortons restaurant and double drive-thru on 0.76 acres of
property located on the south side of SH 121 between Freeport Parkway
and Northwestern Drive; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A through F be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Enactment No: OR 91500-A-797
D.Consider approval of text change amendments to the Code of
Ordinances, Chapter 12, Article 35, Accessory Structure Regulations by
adding new Section 12-35-5 ‘Garages and Carports’ to same Chapter
and Article; approving an Ordinance for the same; and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A through F be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Enactment No: OR 91500-A-798
E.Consider approval of a purchase for weight machine equipment from
Advanced Exercise for Life Fitness for The CORE, in the amount of
$154,089.04 as provided for in the Coppell Recreation Development
Corporation fund, with contract pricing through Buy Board, Contract No
665-22; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A through F be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
F.Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Lewisville,
for property located at the southeast corner of Business 121 and Vista
Ridge Mall Drive, to provide for permitting and jurisdictional
responsibilities for various municipal services for a new development that
spans both cities; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Don Carroll, that Consent Agenda Items A through F be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Page 3City of Coppell, Texas
August 8, 2023City Council Minutes
End of Consent Agenda
9.Consider approval of a maximum proposed tax rate of $0.491818 for the
2023 tax year and to set the Public Hearings on the budget and
proposed tax rate for the regularly scheduled City Council Meeting on
August 22, 2023, at 7:30 p.m.
Director of Strategic Financial Engagement Kim Tiehen gave a presentation to
City Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Mark Hill, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem
John Jun, to approve the agenda item. The motion passed by an unanimous
Consider approval of a Resolution granting a distance variance of two
hundred and forty-one (241') feet to St. Ann's Catholic Parish for a
temporary event, from the 300-foot prohibited requirement, for the
on-premise sale of alcoholic beverages, with an address being 180
Samuel Boulevard; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
City Secretary Ashley Owens gave a presentation to City Council.
The applicant, Ken Whisler with St. Ann's Catholic Parish, was present to
answer any questions of City Council.
Mayor Wes Mays opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one had signed
up to speak.
A motion was made by Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, seconded by
Councilmember Kevin Nevels, to close the Public Hearing and approve the
agenda item. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Enactment No: RE 2023-0808.1
City Manager Reports, Project Updates, Future Agendas, and Direction from Work
City Manager Mike Land gave the following updates:
Moore Road Boardwalk - We are nearing the end of the project. The contractor
has almost completed grading the ground back to the original grade and
making the west sidewalk connection to the boardwalk. The fence
sub-contractor is also making progress on the boardwalk fence.
The Duck Pond Park Improvements – The contractor continues to work on the
concrete channel on the north of the park. They are also focusing on the ledge
stone footer on the south end of the pond. We are close to 30-35% project
completion. As a reminder, this park will be closed for public access during the
duration of the project.
Thweatt Park – The contractor is making good progress, we are close to 50%
project completion. As a reminder, this park will be closed for public access
Page 4City of Coppell, Texas
August 8, 2023City Council Minutes
during the duration of the project.
S. Belt Line Road – The contractor continues working on medians and
landscaping. The final phase from Hackberry to 635 will begin in the coming
weeks and will take four to six months to complete.
Moore Road Pavement Repair – Moore Road Pavement repair is complete.
DART - MacArthur track work – Continuing to install the track, they anticipate
moving traffic to the inside lanes by the end of this week.
Village Parkway Pump Station Generator – The permanent generator is
expected to be delivered next week.
Denton Tap/Natches Trace Pavement Repair – The repair to the storm drain
and pavement will be completed by the end of this week.
Dividend Crack Sealing – Our contractor began crack sealing Dividend last
night and will continue to work nights and have lanes back open by 6 a.m.
each day.
Mayor and Council Reports on Recent and Upcoming Events.12.
The City of Coppell has entered the second stage of its Water Conservation
Plan, Water Watch. As a result, utility customers may only irrigate on specified
days. Please visit the city’s website for more information.
The City of Coppell is requesting resident feedback! The City’s FOARD Task
Force has released a survey – which can be found at the city’s website – to
gather feedback about housing options for Coppell’s active adults, residents
over the age of 55. The survey will be open until September 1, 2023.
Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
Nothing to report.
Necessary Action from Executive Session14.
There was no action resulting from Executive Session.
There being no further business before the City Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Page 5City of Coppell, Texas
August 8, 2023City Council Minutes
Wes Mays, Mayor
Ashley Owens, City Secretary
Page 6City of Coppell, Texas
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7037
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7037 Agenda Item Consent Agenda
1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance
08/10/2023File Created:
Final Action: Annual Investment Policy AdoptionFile Name:
Title: Consider adoption of the Annual Investment Policy.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, Invest Policy Fiscal Year 23.pdf, GTOT
Investment Certificate 2022.pdf
Attachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7037
Consider adoption of the Annual Investment Policy.
See attached memo.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no direct fiscal impact from this agenda item.
Staff Recommendation:
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval.
Strategic Pillar Icon:
Sustainable Government
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Vanessa Tarver, Financial Relationships Group Manager
VIA: Kim Tiehen, Director of Strategic Financial Engagement
Date: August 22, 2023
Reference: Consider adoption of the Annual Investment Policy.
2040: Sustainable City Government
As required by the Texas Public Funds Investment Act, the written Investment Policy must be
reviewed and adopted on an annual basis by the governing body.
Strategic Financial Engagement updated the policy to include the title changes from Controller to
Financial Relationships Group Manager, and Director of Finance to Director of Strategic Financial
The most recent changes to the Public Funds Investment Act were done in 2019, and no changes
to the Public Funds Investment Act were made in the 2023 Legislation Session. Non-legislative
changes regarding best practices with naming specific statues were recommended by Government
Treasurer’s Organization of Texas (GTOT) and the policy has been updated to reflect such
Furthermore, the investment policy has been reviewed by the GTOT Review Committee to ensure
it meets the requirements of the Texas Public Funds Investment Act. The investment policy
originally received the Certificate of Distinction Award on July 10, 2001, and has subsequently
been recertified on a biannual basis. The current Certification of Investment Policy is effective for
a two-year period ending August 31, 2024. The GTOT has indicated our policy meets the criteria
set forth in the investment policy review checklist and is an excellent example of a comprehensive
written investment policy.
Legal Review:
Agenda item was reviewed by legal as part of the agenda packet.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no direct fiscal impact from this agenda item.
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval.
The purpose of this document is to set forth specific investment policy and strategy guidelines
for the City of Coppell in order to achieve the goals of safety, liquidity, yield, and public trust for
all investment activity. The City Council of the City of Coppell shall review its investment
strategies and policy not less than annually. This policy serves to satisfy the statutory
requirement of Chapter 2256, Texas Government Code as amended, to define, adopt and review
a formal investment strategy and policy.
The City of Coppell maintains portfolios utilizing four specific investment strategy considerations
designed to address the unique characteristics of the fund groups represented in the portfolios:
A. Investment strategies for operating funds and commingled pools containing operating
funds have as their primary objective to assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with
adequate investment liquidity. The secondary objective is to create a portfolio structure
which will experience minimal volatility during economic cycles. This may be
accomplished by purchasing high quality, short-to-medium-term securities which will
complement each other in a laddered or barbell maturity structure. The dollar weighted
average maturity of 365 days or less will be calculated using the stated final maturity date
of each security.
B. Investment strategies for debt service funds shall have as the primary objective the
assurance of investment liquidity adequate to cover the debt service obligation on the
required payment date. Securities purchased shall not have a stated final maturity date that
exceeds the debt service payment date, or funds shall be maintained in an investment pool
to be available for debt service payments.
C. Investment strategies for debt service reserve funds shall have as the primary objective the
ability to generate a dependable revenue stream to the appropriate debt service fund from
securities with a low degree of volatility. Securities should be of high quality and, except
as may be required by the bond ordinance specific to an individual issue, of short to
intermediate-term maturities. Volatility shall be further controlled through maturity and
quality range, without paying premium, if at all possible. Such securities will tend to hold
their value during economic cycles.
D. Investment strategies for special projects or special purpose fund portfolios will have as
their primary objective to assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate
investment liquidity. These portfolios should include at least 10% in highly liquid securities
to allow for flexibility and unanticipated project outlays. The stated final maturity dates of
securities held should not exceed the estimated project completion date.
This investment policy applies to all financial assets of the City of Coppell. This policy includes
all funds listed and accounted for in the City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
and include:
* General Fund
* Special Revenue Funds
* Debt Service Funds
* Capital Projects Funds
* Proprietary Funds
* Trust and Agency Funds
* Component Units
All funds noted above hold pooled cash assets, and all funds above except Debt Service hold
separately invested assets.
The City of Coppell shall manage and invest its cash with four objectives, listed in order of priority:
Safety, Liquidity, Yield, and Public Trust. The safety of the principal invested always remains the
primary objective. All investments shall be designed and managed in a manner responsive to the
public trust and consistent with State and Local law.
The City shall maintain a comprehensive cash management program that includes collection of
accounts receivable, vendor payment in accordance with invoice terms, and prudent investment of
available cash. Cash management is defined as the process of managing monies in order to insure
maximum cash availability and maximum yield on short-term investment of pooled idle cash. The
City monitors rates using their Financial Advisor, who provides daily ratings information for Pools,
Agencies (callable and non-callable), and Treasury Bills.
The primary objective of the City's investment activity is the preservation of capital in the overall
portfolio. Each investment transaction shall be conducted in a manner to avoid capital losses,
whether they are from securities default or erosion of market value.
The City's investment portfolio shall be structured such that the City is able to meet all obligations
in a timely manner. This shall be achieved by matching investment maturities with forecasted cash
flow requirements and by investing in securities with active secondary markets.
The City's cash management portfolio shall be designed with the objective of regularly exceeding
the average rate of return on three-month U.S. Treasury Bills. The investment program shall seek
to augment returns above this threshold consistent with risk limitations identified herein and
prudent investment policies.
Public Trust
All participants in the City's investment process shall seek to act responsibly as custodians of the
public trust. Investment officials shall avoid any transaction that might impair public confidence
in the City's ability to govern effectively.
Investment Committee
An Investment Committee, consisting of the City Manager, Deputy City Manager, the Director of
Strategic Financial Engagement, and Financial Relationships Group Manager, shall meet at least
quarterly to determine operational strategies and to monitor results. The Investment Committee
shall include in its deliberation such topics as: performance reports, economic outlook, portfolio
diversification, maturity structure, potential risk to the City's funds, authorized brokers and dealers,
annually adopt the qualified bidders list, and the target rate of return on the investment portfolio.
Delegation of Authority and Training
Authority to manage the City's investment program is derived from a resolution of the City
Council. The Director of Strategic Financial Engagement, Financial Relationships Group Manager,
and the Chief Accountant are designated as the investment officers of the City and are responsible
for investment decisions and activities. The Director of Strategic Financial Engagement shall
establish written procedures for the operation of the investment program, consistent with this
investment policy. The investment officers shall attend a training session not less than once in a
two-year period that begins on the first day of the City’s fiscal year and consists of the two
consecutive fiscal years after that date, and receive not less than 8 hours of training approved by
the governing body relating to the officer's responsibility under the Act. The investment officers
must also receive 10 hours of training within 12 months after taking office or assuming duties.
This training must include education in investment controls, security risks, strategy risks, market
risks, diversification of investment portfolio and compliance with the Texas Public Funds
Investment Act.
Sources of authorized independent training are those sponsored by:
• Government Finance Officers Association (G.F.O.A.)
• Government Finance Officers Association of Texas (G.F.O.A.T.)
• Government Treasurers Organization of Texas (G.T.O.T.)
• University of North Texas - Center for Public Management
• Texas Tech - Center for Professional Development
• TEXPO – Alliance of Texas Treasury Associations
• Texas Municipal League
• Any online training (affiliated with Texas Municipal League)
Internal Controls
The Director of Strategic Financial Engagement is responsible for establishing and maintaining an
internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the entity are protected from loss, theft
or misuse. The internal control structure shall be designed to provide reasonable assurance that
these objectives are met. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that (1) the cost of a
control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the valuation costs and benefits
require estimates and judgements by management.
Accordingly, the Director of Strategic Financial Engagement shall establish a process in
conjunction with the annual financial audit to assure compliance with policies and procedures. The
internal controls shall address the following points:
A. Control of collusion.
B. Separation of transaction authority from accounting and record keeping.
C. Custodial safekeeping.
D. Avoidance of physical delivery securities.
E. Clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members.
F. Written confirmation for telephone (voice) transactions for investments and wire transfers.
G. Development of a wire transfer agreement with the depository bank or third party
The standard of prudence to be applied by the investment officer shall be the "prudent investor"
rule, which states: "Investments shall be made with judgment and care, under circumstances then
prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of
their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their
capital as well as the probable income to be derived." In determining whether an investment officer
has exercised prudence with respect to an investment decision, the determination shall be made
taking into consideration:
A. The investment of all funds, or funds under the City's control, over which the officer had
responsibility rather than a consideration as to the prudence of a single investment.
B. Whether the investment decision was consistent with the written investment policy of the
The investment officer, acting in accordance with written procedures and exercising due diligence,
shall not be held personally responsible for a specific security's credit risk or market price changes,
providing that these deviations are reported immediately and that appropriate action is taken to
control adverse developments.
Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
City staff involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could
conflict with the proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair the ability to
make impartial investment decisions. City staff shall disclose to the City Manager any material
financial interests in financial institutions that conduct business with the City and they shall further
disclose positions that could be related to the performance of the City's portfolio. City staff shall
subordinate their personal financial transactions to those of the City, particularly with regard to
timing of purchases and sales.
An investment officer of the City who has a personal business relationship with an organization
seeking to sell an investment to the City shall file a statement disclosing that personal business
interest. An investment officer who is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity
to an individual seeking to sell an investment to the City shall file a statement disclosing that
relationship. A statement required under this subsection must be filed with the Texas Ethics
Commission and the governing body of the entity.
Quarterly Reporting
The Director of Strategic Financial Engagement shall submit a signed quarterly investment report
that is in compliance with this policy and the Texas Public Funds Investment Act and summarizes
current market conditions, economic developments and anticipated investment conditions. The
report shall summarize investment strategies employed in the most recent quarter, and describe the
portfolio in terms of investment securities, maturities, risk characteristics, and shall explain the
total investment return for the quarter.
Annual Report
Within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Director of Strategic Financial Engagement shall
present an annual report on the investment program and investment activity. This report may be
presented along with the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report to the City Manager and City
The quarterly investment report shall include a succinct management summary that provides a
clear picture of the status of the current investment portfolio and transactions made over the last
quarter. This management summary will be prepared in a manner that will allow the City to
ascertain whether investment activities during the reporting period have conformed to the
investment policy. The reports shall be formally reviewed at least annually by an independent
auditor, if investments are other than those offered by the City's depository. The portfolio shall be
marked to market monthly. The market value of the securities is to be provided by the City's
depository or by a third-party valuation service.
The report will be provided to the City Manager and City Council. The report will include the
A. A listing of individual securities (investment position) held at the end of the reporting
B. Unrealized gains or losses resulting from appreciation or depreciation by listing the
beginning and ending book and market value of securities for the period.
C. Additions and changes to the market value during the period.
D. Average weighted yield to maturity of portfolio on entity investments as compared to
applicable benchmark.
E. Listing of investment by maturity date.
F. The percentage of the total portfolio each type of investment represents.
G. Statement of compliance of the City's investment portfolio with State Law and the
investment strategy and policy approved by the City Council. H. Prepared and signed by
the investment officers.
I. Fully accrued interest for the period.
J. States account or fund for each investment.
The City shall pursue an active versus a passive portfolio management philosophy. That is,
securities may be sold before they mature if market conditions present an opportunity for the City
to benefit from the trade. The investment officer will routinely monitor the contents of the portfolio,
the available markets, and the relative value of competing instruments, and will adjust the portfolio
Assets of the City of Coppell may be invested in the following instruments; provided, however,
that at no time shall assets of the City be invested in any instrument or security not authorized for
investment under the Act, as the Act may from time to time be amended.
I. Authorized
A. Obligations, including letters of credit, of the United States of America, its agencies and
instrumentalities (including Government Sponsored Enterprises).
B. Direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies and instrumentalities.
C. Other obligations, the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by
the State of Texas or United States of America.
D. Obligations of the State, agencies thereof, Counties, Cities, and other political subdivisions
of any state having been rated as investment quality by a nationally recognized investment
rating firm and having received a rating of not less than "A" or its equivalent.
E. Interest-bearing banking deposits that are guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or its successor
F. Interest-bearing banking deposits other than those described by (E) above if:
(1) the funds invested in the banking deposits are invested through:
(i) a broker with a main office or branch office in Texas that has been
approved by the investment committee or
(ii) a depository institution with a main office or branch office in Texas that
the investment committee approves;
(2) the broker or depository institution selected as described by (1) above arranges
for the deposit of the funds in the banking deposits in one or more federally insured
depository institutions, regardless of where located, for the City of Coppell’s
(3) the full amount of the principal and accrued interest of the banking deposits is
insured by the United States or an instrumentality of the United States; and
(4) the City of Coppell appoints as it’s custodian of the banking deposits issued for
the City’s account:
(i) the depository institution selected as described by (1) above;
(ii) A custodian must be approved by the City and be:
(a) a state or national bank that:
- is designated by the comptroller as a state depository;
- has its main office or a branch office in this state; and
- has a capital stock and permanent surplus of $5 million or
(b) the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company;
(c) a Federal Reserve Bank or a branch of a Federal Reserve Bank;
(d) a federal home loan bank; or
(e) a financial institution authorized to exercise fiduciary powers that
is designated by the comptroller as a custodian; or
(iii) a clearing broker dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission and operating under Securities and Exchange Commission
Rule 15c3-3.
G. Certificates of Deposit of state and national banks with a branch in Texas, guaranteed or
insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, collateralized or secured by
obligations described in A through D above or in accordance with Chapter 2257 or in any
other manner provided by law, which are intended to include all direct agency or
instrumentality issued mortgage backed securities rated AAA by at least one nationally
recognized rating agency and that have a market value of not less than the principal amount
of the certificates.
H. Fully collateralized direct repurchase agreements with a defined termination date secured
by obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities. These shall be
pledged to the City of Coppell, held in the City’s name, and deposited at the time the
investment is made with the City or with a third party selected and approved by the City.
Repurchase agreements must be purchased through a primary government securities dealer,
as defined by the Federal Reserve, or a bank domiciled in Texas. A Master Repurchase
Agreement must be signed by the bank\dealer prior to investment in a repurchase
agreement. All repurchase agreement transactions will be on a delivery versus payment
basis. Securities received for repurchase agreements must have a market value greater than
or equal to 105 percent at the time funds are disbursed.
I. Local government investment pools in accordance with the conditions prescribed in
Section 2256.016 and that have been authorized by the governing body by rule, ordinance
or resolution. The investment pool must maintain a rating no lower than AAA or AAA-M
by at least one nationally recognized rating service. Investment in such pools shall be
limited to 75% of the City’s entire portfolio, with no more than 25% of the entire portfolio
invested in any one authorized pool, and hold a weighted average maturity of 1.
Ratings shall be monitored using nationally recognized financial information sources, including
actions published on rating agency websites. Any investment currently held that does not meet the
guidelines of this policy, but was authorized at the time of purchase, shall be exempted from the
requirements of this policy and investment officers shall not be required to liquidate the
investment. At maturity or liquidation, such monies shall be reinvested only as provided by this
II. Not Authorized
The City's authorized investments options are more restrictive than those allowed by
2256.009(b)(1-4). 2256.009(b)(1-4) specifically prohibits investment in the following
investment securities.
A. Obligations whose payment represents the coupon payments on the
outstanding principal balance of the underlying mortgage backed security
collateral and pays no principal.
B. Obligations whose payment represents the principal stream of cash flow from the
underlying mortgage-backed security collateral and bears no interest.
C. Collateralized mortgage obligations that have a stated final maturity date of greater than 10
D. Collateralized mortgage obligations the interest rate of which is determined by an index
that adjusts opposite to the changes in a market index.
Holding Period
The City of Coppell intends to match the holding periods of investment funds with liquidity needs
of the City. In no case will the average maturity of investments of the City's operating funds exceed
one year. The maximum final stated maturity of any investment shall not exceed five years.
Investments in all funds shall be managed in such a way that the market price losses resulting from
interest rate volatility would be offset by coupon income and current income received from the
volume of the portfolio during a twelve-month period.
Risk and Diversification
The City of Coppell recognizes that investment risks can result from issuer defaults, market price
changes or various technical complications leading to temporary illiquidity. Risk is controlled
through portfolio diversification which shall be achieved by the following general guidelines;
A. Risk of issuer default is controlled by limiting investments to those
instruments allowed by the Act, which are described herein.
B. Risk of market price changes shall be controlled by avoiding overconcentration of assets
in a specific maturity sector, limitation of average maturity of operating funds
investments to one year, and avoidance of overconcentration of assets in specific
instruments other than U.S. Treasury Securities and insured or Collateralized Certificates
of Deposits.
C. Risk of illiquidity due to technical complications shall be controlled by the selection of
securities dealers as described herein.
D. All prudent measures will be taken to liquidate an investment that is
downgraded to less than our minimum stated required rating.
At least every five (5) years a Depository shall be selected through the City's banking services
procurement process, which shall include a formal request for proposal (RFP). In selecting a
depository, the credit worthiness of institutions shall be considered, and the Director of Strategic
Financial Engagement shall conduct a comprehensive review of prospective depository bank’s
credit characteristics and financial history.
Certificates of Deposit
Banks seeking to establish eligibility for the City's competitive certificate of deposit purchase
program shall submit for review annual financial statements, evidence of federal insurance and
other information as required by the Director of Strategic Financial Engagement.
Qualified Representatives
Investment officials shall not knowingly conduct business with any firm with whom public entities
have sustained losses on investments. All qualified representatives shall provide the City with
references from Public entities they are currently serving.
All financial institutions and qualified representatives who desire to become qualified bidders for
investment transactions must supply the following as appropriate:
- audited financial statements
- proof of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) certification
- proof of state registration
- completed broker/dealer questionnaire
- Certification of having read the City's investment policy signed by a
qualified representative of the organization
- Acknowledgement that the organization has implemented reasonable procedures and
controls in an effort to preclude imprudent investment transactions conducted between
the entity and the organization that are not authorized by the entity’s investment policy.
The investment officers are precluded from purchasing an investment from a representative who
has not delivered the written certification
An annual review of the financial condition and registration of qualified bidders will be conducted
by the Director of Strategic Financial Engagement.
Competitive Bids
Competitive quotes must be taken from at least three (3) qualifying financial institutions or
broker/dealers for any investment transaction involving an individual security. Investment
transactions should include written confirmation of offers on the Investment Bid Tabulation form.
Insurance or Collateral
All deposits and investments of City funds other than direct purchases of U.S. Treasuries or
Agencies shall be secured by pledged collateral. In order to anticipate market changes and provide
a level of security for all funds, the collateralization level will be 105% of market value of principal
and accrued interest on the deposits or investments less an amount insured by the FDIC or NCUA.
Evidence of the pledged collateral shall be maintained by the Director of Strategic Financial
Engagement or a third-party financial institution. The City’s Depository Agreement shall specify
the acceptable investment securities for collateral, the substitution or release of investment
securities, ownership of securities, and the method of valuation of securities. Repurchase
agreements shall be documented by a
specific agreement noting the collateral pledge in each agreement. Collateral shall be reviewed
monthly to assure that the market value of the pledged securities is adequate.
Safekeeping Agreement
Collateral pledged to secure deposits and investments, and investment securities purchased by the
City shall be held by a safekeeping institution in accordance with the Safekeeping Agreement. The
Safekeeping Agreement clearly defines the procedural steps for gaining access to the collateral
should the City of Coppell determine that the City's funds are in jeopardy. The safekeeping
institution, or Trustee, shall be the Federal Reserve Bank or an institution not affiliated with the
firm pledging the collateral. The safekeeping agreement shall include the signatures of authorized
representatives of the City of Coppell, the firm pledging the collateral, and the Trustee.
Collateral Defined
The City of Coppell shall accept only the following securities as collateral:
A. FDIC andNCUA insurance coverage.
B. A bond, certificate of indebtedness, or Treasury Note of the United States, or other evidence
of indebtedness of the United States that is guaranteed as to principal and interest by the
United States.
C. Obligations, the principal and interest on which, are unconditionally guaranteed or insured
by the State of Texas.
D. A bond of the State of Texas or of a county, city or other political subdivision of the State
of Texas having been rated as investment grade (investment rating no less than "A" or its
equivalent) by a nationally recognized rating agency with a remaining maturity of five (5)
years or less.
Subject to Audit
All collateral shall be subject to inspection and audit by the Director of Strategic Financial
Engagement or the City's independent auditors.
Delivery vs. Payment
Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds and Government Agencies' securities shall be purchased using the
delivery vs. payment method. That is, funds shall not be wired or paid until verification has been
made that the correct security was received by the Trustee. The security shall be held in the name
of the City or held on behalf of the City. The Trustee's records shall assure the notation of the City's
ownership of or explicit claim on the securities. The original copy of all safekeeping receipts shall
be delivered to the City.
The City of Coppell’s investment policy shall be adopted annually by the City Council. The policy
shall be reviewed for effectiveness on an annual basis by the Investment Committee and any
modifications will be recommended for approval to the City Council.
Agencies: Federal agency securities.
Ask: The price at which securities are offered.
Bid: The price offered for securities.
Broker: A broker brings buyers and sellers together for a commission paid by the initiator of the
transaction or by both sides. In the money market, brokers are active in markets, in which banks
buy and sell money, and in interdealer markets.
Certificate of Deposit (CD): A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a certificate.
Large-denomination CD's are typically negotiable.
Collateral: Securities, evidence of deposit or other property that a borrower pledges to secure
repayment of loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits of public monies.
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR): The official annual report for the City of
Coppell. It includes combined statements and basic financial statements for each individual fund
and account group prepared in conformity with GAAP. It also includes supporting schedules
necessary to demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and contractual provisions,
extensive introductory material, and a detailed Statistical Section.
Coupon: The annual rate of interest that a bond's issuer promises to pay the bondholder on the
bond's face value
Dealer: A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling
for his own account.
Debenture: A bond secured only by the general credit of the issuer.
Delivery versus Payment: There are two methods of delivery of securities: delivery versus
payment and delivery versus receipt Delivery versus payment is delivery of securities with an
exchange of money for the securities. Delivery versus receipt is delivery of securities with an
exchange of a signed receipt for the securities.
Discount Securities: Non-interest bearing money market instruments that are issued at a discount
and redeemed at maturity for full face value, such as U.S. Treasury bills.
Diversification: Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering independent
Federal Credit Agencies: Agencies of the Federal government set up to supply credit to various
classes of institutions and individuals, such as Savings and Loans, small business firms, students,
farmers, farm cooperatives, and exporters.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): A federal agency that insures bank deposits,
currently up to $100,000 per deposit.
Federal Funds Rate: The rate of interest at which Fed funds are traded. This rate is currently set
by the Federal Reserve through open-market operations.
Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB): The institutions that regulate and lend to savings and loan
associations. The Federal Home Loan Banks play a role analogous to that played by the Federal
Reserve Banks vis-a-vis member commercial banks.
Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA): FNMA, like GNMA, was chartered under the
Federal National Mortgage Association Act in 1938. FNMA is a federal corporation working under
the auspices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, H.U.D. It is the largest single
provider of residential mortgage funds in the United States. Fannie Mae, as the corporation is
called, is a private stockholder-owned corporation. The corporation's purchases include a variety of
adjustable mortgages and second loans in addition to fixed-rate mortgages. FNMA's securities are
also highly liquid and are widely accepted. FNMA assumes and guarantees that all security holders
will receive timely payment of principal and interest.
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC): Consists of seven members of the Federal Reserve
Board and five of the twelve Federal Reserve Bank Presidents. The President of the New York
Federal Reserve Bank is a permanent member while the other Presidents serve on a rotating basis.
The Committee periodically meets to set Federal Reserve guidelines regarding purchases and sales
of Government Securities in the open-market as a means of influencing the volume of bank credit
and money.
Federal Reserve System: The central bank of the United States created by Congress and
consisting of a seven-member Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., 12 regional banks and
commercial banks that are members of the system.
Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA or Ginnie Mae): Securities guaranteed
by GNMA and issued by mortgage bankers, commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and
other institutions. Security holder is protected by full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.
Ginnie Mae securities are backed by FHA, VA or FMHM mortgages. The term pass-throughs is
often used to describe Ginnie Maes.
• Government Sponsored Enterprises: a financial services corporation created by the United
States Congress. Examples include the following: Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB), Federal
National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
(Freddie Mac), Federal Farm Credit Banks (FCB), and Federal Agricultural Mortgage
Corporation (Farmer Mac)
Liquidity: A liquid asset is one that can be converted easily and rapidly into cash without a
substantial loss of value. In the money market, a security is said to be liquid if the spread
between bid and asked prices is narrow and reasonable size can be done at those quotes.
Market Value: The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or
Master Repurchase Agreement: To protect investors, many public investors will request that
repurchase agreements be preceded by a master repurchase agreement between the investor and
the financial institution or dealer. The master agreement should define the nature of the
transaction, identify the relationship between the parties, establish normal practices regarding
ownership and custody of the collateral securities during the term of the investment, provide
remedies in the case of default by either party and clarify issues of ownership. The master
repurchase agreement protects the investor by eliminating the uncertainty of ownership and
hence, allowing investors to liquidate collateral if a bank or dealer defaults during the term of the
Maturity: The date upon which the principal or stated value of an investment becomes due and
Money Market: The market in which short-term debt instruments (bills, commercial paper,
bankers' acceptances) are issued and traded.
Open Market Operations: Purchases and sales of government and certain other securities in the
open market by the New York Federal Reserve Bank as directed by the FOMC in order to influence
the volume of money and credit in the economy. Purchases inject reserves into the bank system
and stimulate growth of money and credit; sales have the opposite effect. Open market operations
are the Federal Reserve's most important and most flexible monetary policy tool.
Portfolio: Collection of securities held by an investor.
Primary Dealer: A group of government securities dealers that submit daily reports of market
activity and positions and monthly financial statements to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
and are subject to its informal oversight. Primary dealers include Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) registered securities broker-dealers banks and a few unregulated firms.
Prudent Person Rule: An investment standard. Investments shall be made with judgment and
care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence
exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation, but for investment,
considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived.
Rate of Return: The yield obtainable on a security based on its purchase price or its current market
price. This may be the amortized yield to maturity on a bond or the current income return.
Repurchase Agreement (RP of REPO): A holder of securities sells these securities to an investor
with an agreement to repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date. The security "buyer" in
effect lends the "seller" money for the period of the agreement, and their terms of the agreement
are structured to compensate him for this.
Government Treasurers’ Organization of Texas Certification of Investment Policy Presented to the City of Coppell for developing an investment policy that meets the requirements of the Public Funds Investment Act and the standards for prudent public investing established by the Government Treasurers’ Organization of Texas. ______________________________________ ________________________________________ Government Treasurers’ Organization of Texas Investment Policy Review Committee President For the two-year period ending August 31, 2024
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7047
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7047 Agenda Item Consent Agenda
1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance
08/13/2023File Created:
Final Action: Fund Balance Policy - 2023File Name:
Title: Consider approval of revisions to the written Fund Balance Policy of the
City of Coppell, Texas, to include undesignated fund balance requirements
for the General Fund and adding both the Hotel Occupancy Tax and
Drainage Utility District Special Revenue Funds to the policy.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, Fund Balance Policy.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7047
Consider approval of revisions to the written Fund Balance Policy of the City of Coppell,
Texas, to include undesignated fund balance requirements for the General Fund and adding
both the Hotel Occupancy Tax and Drainage Utility District Special Revenue Funds to the
See attached memorandum.
Fiscal Impact:
Financial policies provide for the basic framework for the fiscal management of the City.
Staff Recommendation:
The Finance Department recommends approval.
Goal Icon:
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
Master Continued (2023-7047)
Sustainable Government
Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Strategic Financial Engagement
Date: August 22, 2023
Reference: Consider approval of revisions to the written Fund Balance Policy of the City of
Coppell, Texas, to include undesignated fund balance requirements for the General
Fund and adding both the Hotel Occupancy Tax and Drainage Utility District Special
Revenue Funds to the policy.
2040: Sustainable Government
The purpose of this agenda item is to formally update the fund balance policy, as discussed at the July
27, 2023, budget workshop. The change that is being proposed to the Fund Balance Policy is to
establish a policy regarding the undesignated fund balance of the General Fund and add both the
Hotel Occupancy Tax and Drainage Utility District Special Revenue Funds to the policy. The
proposed changes are highlighted on pages 2 and 3 of the Fund Balance Policy (see Attachment).
Financial policies provide for the basic framework for the financial management of the City. The
policies are intended to assist the City Council and City staff in evaluating current activities and
proposals for future programs.
A fund balance policy improves the quality of decisions, identifies policy goals, and demonstrates a
commitment to long-term financial planning, including a multi-year capital plan. Adherence to a fund
balance policy signals to rating agencies and the capital markets that a government is well managed
and should meet its obligations in a timely manner.
Benefit to the Community:
Fund Balance policies are written guidelines that document sound financial management principles
that will provide a stable financial base for the City.
Legal Review:
The agenda item was reviewed by Legal as part of the agenda packet.
Fiscal Impact:
Financial policies provide for the basic framework for the fiscal management of the City.
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval of this agenda item.
City of Coppell, Texas
Fund Balance Policy
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish a key element of the financial stability of the City by setting
guidelines and parameters for fund balance of the various funds used by the City of Coppell. Unassigned
fund balance is an important measure of economic stability. It is essential that the City maintain adequate
levels of unassigned fund balance to mitigate financial risk that can occur from unforeseen revenue
fluctuations, unanticipated expenditures, and similar circumstances. Advantages of a fund balance policy
are as follows:
• Enhances the quality of decisions by imposing order and discipline
• Promotes consistency and continuity in decision making
• Demonstrates a commitment to long term financial planning objectives
2. Definitions
Fund Equity – A fund’s equity is generally the difference between its assets and its liabilities.
Fund Balance – An accounting distinction is made between the portions of fund equity that are spendable
and nonspendable. These are broken up into five categories:
1. Nonspendable Fund Balance – includes amounts that are not in spendable form or are required
to be maintained intact.
2. Restricted Fund Balance – includes amounts that can be spent only for the specific purposes
stipulated by external resource providers either constitutionally or through enabling legislation.
3. Committed Fund Balance – includes amounts that can be used only for the specific purposes
determined by a formal action of the government’s highest level of decision making authority.
Commitments may be changed or lifted only by the government taking the same formal action
that imposed the constraint originally.
4. Assigned Fund Balance – comprises amounts intended to be used by the government for
specific purposes. Intent can be expressed by the governing body or by an official or body to
which the governing body delegates the authority. In governmental funds other than the general
fund, assigned fund balance represents the amount that is not restricted or committed. This
indicates that the resources in other governmental funds are, at a minimum, intended to be used
for the purpose of that fund.
5. Unassigned Fund Balance – is the residual classification of the general fund and includes all
amounts not contained in other classifications. Unassigned amounts are technically available
for any purpose.
3. Policy Statement
Committed Fund Balance
The City Council is the City’s highest level of decision-making authority and the formal action that is
required to be taken to establish, modify, or rescind a fund balance commitment is an ordinance or
resolution approved by the Council at the City’s Council meeting. The ordinance or resolution must either
be approved or rescinded, as applicable, prior to the last day of the fiscal year for which the commitment
is made. The amount subject to the constraint may be determined in the subsequent period.
Assigned Fund Balance
The City Council has authorized the City Manager or Director of Finance as the officials authorized to
assign fund balance to a specific purpose as approved by this fund balance policy.
Unassigned Fund Balance
The unassigned fund balance for the General Fund of the City of Coppell will be maintained at a level
sufficient to provide the required resources to meet operating cost needs, to allow for unforeseen needs of
an emergency nature, and to permit orderly adjustment to changes resulting from fluctuation of revenue
4. Order of Expenditure of Funds
When multiple categories of fund balance are available for expenditure, the City will start with the most
restricted category and spend those funds first before moving down to the next category with available
5. Funding Levels
The City establishes the following funding levels concerning fund balances in the various funds used by
the City of Coppell:
• The annual budget shall be presented to Council, with each fund reflecting minimum ending
funds balances as follows:
General Fund 10% of the next years budgeted expenditures as required by
City Charter, plus 15%. (Approximately 60 to 90 days). For
undesignated fund balance, the target is no less than 50% of
budgeted expenditures.
Debt Service Funds An amount of one (1) month of next year’s budget for principal
and interest
Water and Sewer Fund 180 days of expenditures
Self-Insurance Fund The sum of the six largest months of claims for the most recent
24-month period or six months of average monthly claims since
inception, whichever results in the lower balance.
Cemetery Fund 60 days of expenditures
Crime Control Special
Revenue Fund 25% of the next year’s budgeted expenditures
Infrastructure 25% of the next year’s budgeted revenues as it relates to sales
Maintenance Fund tax.
Coppell Recreation
Development Corp 25% of the next year’s budgeted revenues.
Hotel Occupancy Tax 25% of the next year’s budgeted revenues.
Drainage Utility District 25% of the next year’s budgeted revenues.
• Fund balances, which exceed the minimum levels established for each of the funds, may be
appropriated as shown in the Financial Projections section of the City of Coppell’s Five-Year
• Fund balances, which exceed the minimum levels established for each of the funds, may be
appropriated for non-recurring capital projects or programs. The Council recognizes that any
such funds should be appropriated for non-recurring expenditures as they represent prior year
surpluses that may or may not materialize in subsequent fiscal years.
• The City of Coppell will exercise diligence in avoiding the appropriation of fund balance for
recurring operating expenditures. In the event fund balance is appropriated for recurring
operating expenditures to meet the needs of the community, the budget document shall include
an explanation of the circumstances requiring the appropriation and the methods to be used to
fund this operating expenditure in the future.
6. Monitoring and Reporting
The City Manager and the Director of Finance shall annually prepare a report documenting the status of
the fund balances with this policy and present to the Council in conjunction with the presentation of the
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and in conjunction with the development of the annual budget.
7. Replenishment
Should the fund balances fall below the targeted level, the Council must approve and adopt a plan to restore
the balance to the targeted level within two (2) years. If restoration cannot be accomplished within such
period without severe hardship, then the Council will establish a different but reasonable time period.
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7057
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7057 Agenda Item Consent Agenda
1Version: Reference: In Control: Engineering
08/14/2023File Created:
Final Action: Belt Line CO#3 - McMahonFile Name:
Title: Consider approval of change order #3 for the S. Belt Line Reconstruction
project with McMahon Contracting; in the amount of $1,556,196.30;
provided for through proceeds from the Northlake sale; and authorizing the
City Manager to sign any necessary documents.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, S. Belt Line CO#3 Pricing.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7057
Consider approval of change order #3 for the S. Belt Line Reconstruction project with
McMahon Contracting; in the amount of $1,556,196.30; provided for through proceeds from
the Northlake sale; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.
Fiscal Impact:
The fiscal impact of this Agenda Item is $1,556,196.30 as provided for from the proceeds of
the Northlake Sale.
Staff Recommendation:
The Public Works Department recommends approval.
Strategic Pillar Icon:
Sustainable Government
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
Master Continued (2023-7057)
Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Mike Garza, P.E., Director of Public Works
Date: August 22, 2023
Reference: Consider approval of change order #3 for the S. Belt Line Reconstruction project
with McMahon Contracting; in the amount of $1,556,196.30; provided for through
proceeds from the Northlake Sale; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any
necessary documents.
2040: Sustainable Government
The agenda item requests that City Council consider approving change order #3 to the construction
contract with McMahon Contracting for the S. Belt Line Rd. project, in the amount of
$1,556,196.30, as provided for through the proceeds of the Northlake sale.
The S. Belt Line reconstruction project was awarded to McMahon Contracting at the
August 10, 2021, City Council meeting with a contract value of $18.3 million. Construction work
for this project commenced on February 28, 2022, with an original contract duration of 480 days.
The initial scope encompassed the complete replacement of existing pavement with an upgraded
pavement section, enhancements to intersections to improve mobility through the addition of new
traffic signals, incorporation of a hike and bike trail alongside sidewalks, replacement of median
landscaping, and installation of city-owned streetlights within the medians. Furthermore, the
project scope entailed certain replacements within the water, sewer, and storm drain systems. The
limits of construction were from Southwestern to IH 635.
This project was originally designed to be completed in two phases with half the road closed and
traffic one lane in each direction on the other half of the roadway. Due to utility conflicts and
coordination with traffic control at the intersection of IH 635, the project was divided into three
phases with the last phase being Hackberry to IH 635.
Throughout the construction process, the contractor encountered challenges related to
constructability at several intersections in relation to neighboring properties' access. As a result,
modifications were required to facilitate the construction of specific intersections. Change Order
#1 extended the contract period by 90 days to accommodate the necessary coordination and
construction adjustments. This alteration expanded the contract timeline to 570 days. CO #1 did
not increase the contract value amount.
A subsequent change, Change Order #2, was prompted by the need to revise the median
landscaping design to promote future water conservation efforts. This alteration led to an extension
of the contract by 35 days, resulting in a total contract duration of 605 days. CO #2 did not increase
the contract value amount.
In early 2023, a developer proposed improvements to the vacant property between Hackberry and
Dividend Dr. This development necessitated a comprehensive revision of the Hackberry
intersection, including the incorporation of driveways, turn lanes, and required the installation of
a new traffic signal. Change Order #3 captures the comprehensive adjustments necessary for these
intersection improvements, including the installation of the traffic signal. This change order also
includes pricing increases in materials for this work from the original contract price. This change
order carries a financial implication of $1,556,196.30 and extends the project timeline by 247 days,
to conclude on June 29, 2024. This includes the lead time for the purchase of the new traffic
signals. Although the work for this change order extends the contract to June 2024, staff and the
contractor will continue to work together to accelerate the timeline and complete the work as soon
as possible.
It is important to note that a developer's agreement is in progress and will be presented during an
upcoming City Council meeting. This agreement outlines the partial reimbursement from the
developer for a portion of Change Order #3 expenses. The expected reimbursement is
approximately $300,000, covering the full cost of the traffic signal design as well as 25% of the
costs related to the traffic signal installation and associated paving improvements.
Benefit to the Community:
The changes being made to the intersection design will improve turning movements and traffic
flow at Hackberry.
Legal Review:
The City’s standard construction contract has been reviewed by Legal periodically, with changes
made as requested.
Fiscal Impact:
The fiscal impact of this agenda item is $1,556,196.30, as provided for through the proceeds of
the Northlake Sale.
The Public Works Department recommends approval of Change Order #3.
MCMAHON CONTRACTING LLCFROM:McMahon Contracting L.P.DATE: 8/14/20233019 Roy Orr Blvd.Grand Prairie, TX 75050PROJECT: S BELT LINE RDPhone: 972-263-6907Fax: 972-264-0008TO:City of CoppellWe hereby propose the following changes and/or additions to the original contract.Additional working days required: 247TOTAL: $1,556,196.30McMahon Contracting Rep:Customer:LS 1.00REVISION #5 SummaryUOMQUANTITY UNIT PRICENET COST CHANGEDESCRIPTIONHackberry Rd. Traffic Signals: New and Existing Items with updated pricing515,508.20$ 515,508.20$ LS1.0042,157.80$ 42,157.80$ 349,262.11$ 349,262.11$ 2,409,418.88$ 2,409,418.88$ Traffic Signal Changes at 635Drainage/Utility Improvements: New and Existing Items with updated pricing for REV. 5Roadway Improvements, Pavement Marks and SignsLS1.00LS1.00(1,915,899.13)$ (1,915,899.13)$ DEDUCTIONS from Remaining QTY's155,748.44$ 155,748.44$ LS1.00Traffic Signal/Illumination Original Bid Item Price IncreasesLS1.00
Item DescriptionUnit Est. QtyBean Unit PriceSub Total Mark Up 15% Bond 1%McMahon Unit PriceDays AddedNEW ITEMRELOCATE LIGHT POLEEA1.002,650.00$ 2,650.00$ 397.50$ 30.48$ 3,077.98$ NEW ITEMDRILL SHAFT (TRF SIG POLE) (24 IN)LF28.50285.00$ 8,122.50$ 1,218.38$ 93.41$ 9,434.28$ TS-2DRILL SHAFT (TRF SIG POLE) (36 IN)LF26.40$601.0015,866.40$ 2,379.96$ 182.46$ 18,428.82$ TS-3DRILL SHAFT (TRF SIG POLE) (48 IN)LF43.80$937.0041,040.60$ 6,156.09$ 471.97$ 47,668.66$ TS-4CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (2")LF10.00$27.50275.00$ 41.25$ 3.16$ 319.41$ TS-5CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (3")LF124.00$32.003,968.00$ 595.20$ 45.63$ 4,608.83$ TS-6CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (4")LF18.00$34.00612.00$ 91.80$ 7.04$ 710.84$ NEW ITEMCONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (4") BORELF573.0045.50$ 26,071.50$ 3,910.73$ 299.82$ 30,282.05$ TS-7ELEC CONDR (NO. 8) INSULATEDLF716.00$2.301,646.80$ 247.02$ 18.94$ 1,912.76$ TS-8GROUND BOX TY C (162911) W/ APRONEA5.00$1,967.009,835.00$ 1,475.25$ 113.10$ 11,423.35$ TS-9INSTALLING HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SIGNALSEA1.0048,400.00$ 48,400.00$ 7,260.00$ 556.60$ 56,216.60$ TS-12VEH SIG SEC (12") LED (GRN)EA11.00$360.003,960.00$ 594.00$ 45.54$ 4,599.54$ TS-13VEH SIG SEC (12") LED (GRN ARW)EA6.00$360.002,160.00$ 324.00$ 24.84$ 2,508.84$ TS-14VEH SIG SEC (12") LED (YEL)EA11.00$360.003,960.00$ 594.00$ 45.54$ 4,599.54$ TS-15VEH SIG SEC (12") LED (YEL ARW)EA12.00$360.004,320.00$ 648.00$ 49.68$ 5,017.68$ TS-16VEH SIG SEC (12") LED (RED)EA11.00$360.003,960.00$ 594.00$ 45.54$ 4,599.54$ TS-17VEH SIG SEC (12") LED (RED) (ARW)EA6.00$360.002,160.00$ 324.00$ 24.84$ 2,508.84$ TS-18PED SIG (LED)(COUNT DOWN)EA6.00$732.004,392.00$ 658.80$ 50.51$ 5,101.31$ TS-19BACK PLATE (12") (3 SEC)EA11.00$162.001,782.00$ 267.30$ 20.49$ 2,069.79$ TS-20BACKPLATE (12")(4 SEC)EA6.00$188.001,128.00$ 169.20$ 12.97$ 1,310.17$ TS-21TRF SIG CBL (TY A)(12 AWG)(2 CONDR)LF874.00$2.201,922.80$ 288.42$ 22.11$ 2,233.33$ TS-22TRF SIG CBL (TY A)(12 AWG)(3 CONDR)LF970.00$2.502,425.00$ 363.75$ 27.89$ 2,816.64$ TS-23TRF SIG CBL (TY A)(12 AWG)(5 CONDR)LF 1221.00$3.804,639.80$ 695.97$ 53.36$ 5,389.13$ TS-24TRF SIG CBL (TY A)(12 AWG)(7 CONDR)LF310.00$4.501,395.00$ 209.25$ 16.04$ 1,620.29$ TS-25TRF SIG CBL (TY A)(12 AWG)(20 CONDR)LF730.00$8.125,927.60$ 889.14$ 68.17$ 6,884.91$ TS-29INS TRF SIG PL AM (S) 1 ARM (36')EA1.00$14,350.0014,350.00$ 2,152.50$ 165.03$ 16,667.53$ TS-31INS TRF SIG PL AM (S) 1 ARM (48')EA1.00$18,000.0018,000.00$ 2,700.00$ 207.00$ 20,907.00$ TS-35INS TRF SIG PL AM (S) 1 ARM (65')EA2.00$49,800.0099,600.00$ 14,940.00$ 1,145.40$ 115,685.40$ TS-37PED POLE ASSEMBLYEA5.00$2,800.0014,000.00$ 2,100.00$ 161.00$ 16,261.00$ TS-38PED DETECT PUSH BUTTON (APS)EA6.00$1,612.009,672.00$ 1,450.80$ 111.23$ 11,234.03$ TS-39VIVIDS PROCESSOR SYSTEMEA1.00$11,400.0011,400.00$ 1,710.00$ 131.10$ 13,241.10$ TS-40VIVIDS SET-UP SYSTEMEA1.00$1,900.001,900.00$ 285.00$ 21.85$ 2,206.85$ TS-41ITERIS VANTAGE VECTOR SENSOREA2.00$6,200.0012,400.00$ 1,860.00$ 142.60$ 14,402.60$ TS-42ITERIS VANTAGE NEXT SENSOREA2.00$7,131.0014,262.00$ 2,139.30$ 164.01$ 16,565.31$ TS-43CONFIRM LIGHTEA4.00$403.001,612.00$ 241.80$ 18.54$ 1,872.34$ TS-44OPTICOMEA4.00$1,045.004,180.00$ 627.00$ 48.07$ 4,855.07$ TS-45PHASE SELECTOREA1.00$4,530.004,530.00$ 679.50$ 52.10$ 5,261.60$ TS-46VIVIDS/RADAR CABLINGLF912.00$2.902,644.80$ 396.72$ 30.42$ 3,071.94$ TS-47OPTICOM CABLELF 870.00$2.522,192.40$ 328.86$ 25.21$ 2,546.47$ TS-49ILLUM STREET NAME SIGNSEA4.00$4,200.0016,800.00$ 2,520.00$ 193.20$ 19,513.20$ TS-50BATTERY BACKUPEA1.00$9,900.009,900.00$ 1,485.00$ 113.85$ 11,498.85$ IL-3CONDUIT (PVC) (SCH 40) (2")(BORE)LF35.00$39.001,365.00$ 204.75$ 15.70$ 1,585.45$ IL-5CONDUIT (PVC - GRAY COLOR)(SCH 40)(3")(ITS)LF5.00$32.00160.00$ 24.00$ 1.84$ 185.84$ IL-6ELEC CONDUCTOR (NO. 6) GROUND BARELF5.00$3.0015.00$ 2.25$ 0.17$ 17.42$ IL-8ELEC CONDUCTOR (NO. 10) GROUND BARELF30.00$1.7552.50$ 7.88$ 0.60$ 60.98$ IL-9ELEC CONDUCTOR (NO. 6) INSULATED XHHWLF10.00$3.2032.00$ 4.80$ 0.37$ 37.17$ IL-11ELEC CONDUCTOR (NO. 10) INSULATED XHHWLF100.00$1.75175.00$ 26.25$ 2.01$ 203.26$ IL-14GROUND BOX TY A (122311) W/ APRON (ITS)EA1.00$1,967.001,967.00$ 295.05$ 22.62$ 2,284.67$ Hackberry Rd. Traffic Signals: New and Existing Items with updated pricing
$ 443,829.70 $ 515,508.20 35Item DescriptionUnit Est. QtyBean Unit PriceSub Total Mark Up 15% Bond 1%McMahon Unit PriceDays AddedNEW ITEMREMOVE AND RELOCATE TXDOT ITS SERVICEEA1.00$21,131.50$21,131.503,169.73$ 243.01$ $24,544.245NEW ITEMCHANGES TO I-635 ELECTRICAL SERVICESEA1.00$15,164.50$15,164.502,274.68$ 174.39$ $17,613.575$36,296.00 $42,157.80 10Item DescriptionUnit Est. QtyBean Unit PriceSub Total Mark Up 15% Bond 1%McMahon Unit PriceDays AddedIL-2DRILL SHAFT (ROADWAY ILLUMINATION POLE) (24")EA6.00$2,280.0013,680.00$ 2,052.00$ 157.32$ 15,889.32$ IL-4CONDUIT (PVC) (SCH 40) (2")(TRENCH)LF 1145.00$27.5031,487.50$ 4,723.13$ 362.11$ 36,572.73$ IL-5CONDUIT (PVC - GRAY COLOR)) (SCH 40) (3") (ITS)LF 1008.00$32.0032,256.00$ 4,838.40$ 370.94$ 37,465.34$ IL-6ELEC. CONDUCTOR (NO. 6) GROUND BARELF 1062.00$3.003,186.00$ 477.90$ 36.64$ 3,700.54$ IL-8 ELEC. CONDUCTOR (NO. 10) GROUND BARELF30.00$1.7552.50$ 7.88$ 0.60$ 60.98$ IL-9 ELEC. CONDUCTOR (NO. 6) INSULATED XHHWLF 2124.00$3.206,796.80$ 1,019.52$ 78.16$ 7,894.48$ IL-11 ELEC. CONDUCTOR (NO. 10) INSULATED XHHWLF 1464.00$1.752,562.00$ 384.30$ 29.46$ 2,975.76$ IL-13FURNISH & INSTALL TY A GROUND BOX W/APRONEA4.00$1,967.007,868.00$ 1,180.20$ 90.48$ 9,138.68$ TS-4CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (2")LF70.00$27.501,925.00$ 288.75$ 22.14$ 2,235.89$ TS-5CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (3")LF95.00$32.003,040.00$ 456.00$ 34.96$ 3,530.96$ TS-6CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (4")LF458.50$34.0015,589.00$ 2,338.35$ 179.27$ 18,106.62$ TS-7ELEC CONDR (NO. 8) INSULATEDLF250.00$2.30575.00$ 86.25$ 6.61$ 667.86$ TS-8GROUND BOX TY C (162911) W/APRONEA4.00$1,967.007,868.00$ 1,180.20$ 90.48$ 9,138.68$ TS-21 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (2 CONDR)LF 1094.00$2.202,406.80$ 361.02$ 27.68$ 2,795.50$ TS-22 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (3 CONDR)LF445.00$2.501,112.50$ 166.88$ 12.79$ 1,292.17$ TS-23 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (5 CONDR)LF150.00$3.80570.00$ 85.50$ 6.56$ 662.06$ TS-24 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (7 CONDR)LF90.00$4.50405.00$ 60.75$ 4.66$ 470.41$ TS-25 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (20 CONDR)LF85.00$8.12690.20$ 103.53$ 7.94$ 801.67$ TS-46 VIVIDS / RADAR CABLINGLF580.00$2.901,682.00$ 252.30$ 19.34$ 1,953.64$ TS-47 OPTICOM CABLELF135.00$2.52340.20$ 51.03$ 3.91$ 395.14$ $ 134,092.50 $ 155,748.44 Item DescriptionUnit Est. Qty Unit Price Sub Total Mark Up 15% Bond 1%McMahon Unit PriceDays AddedNEW ITEMROADWAY SLOTTED DRAINEA1.00$19,069.71$19,069.71-$ -$ $19,069.71NEW ITEM18" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CL IV) STORM LF40.00$137.85$5,514.00-$ -$ $5,514.00D-1REMOVE EXISTING STORM DRAIN (18" TO 27")LF100.00$16.50$1,650.00-$ -$ $1,650.00Traffic Signal Changes at 635Total AdditionsDrainage/Utility Improvements: New and Existing Items with updated pricing for REV. 5Traffic Signal/Illumination Original Bid Item Price IncreasesTotal AdditionsTotal Additions
D-2REMOVE SMALL CURB INLET (4' TO 8')EA 3.00 $552.11 $1,656.33 -$ -$ $1,656.33D-518" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CL III) STORM LF68.00$135.53$9,216.04-$ -$ $9,216.04D-621" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CL III) STORM LF85.00$100.95$8,580.75-$ -$ $8,580.75D-724" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CL III) STORM LF13.00$130.88$1,701.44-$ -$ $1,701.44D-930" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CL III) STORM LF390.00$166.57$64,962.30-$ -$ $64,962.30D-1710' RECESSED CURB INLET (Tops & Throat only) A5, A7, A9 A10 (IMT Construction)EA2.00$4,980.00$9,960.001,494.00$ 114.54$ $11,568.54D-1710' RECESSED CURB INLET (Full Inlet) A7A (IMT Construction)EA1.00$7,300.00$7,300.001,095.00$ 83.95$ $8,478.95D-1815' RECESSED CURB INLET (Full Inlet) A1, A6 (IMT Construction)EA2.00$10,200.00$20,400.003,060.00$ 234.60$ $23,694.60D-2020' RECESSED CURB INLET (Full Inlet) A2-A(IMT Construction)EA1.00$14,000.00$14,000.002,100.00$ 161.00$ $16,261.00D-2210' STANDARD CURB INLET (Full Inlet) (A1_A, A1_B, A2_C) (IMT Construction)EA3.00$7,150.00$21,450.003,217.50$ 246.68$ $24,914.18D-245' TXDOT CURB & GRATE INLET UNDER ROAD (Tops & Throat only) X1,X4 (IMT Construction)EA1.00$4,200.00$4,200.00630.00$ 48.30$ $4,878.30D-245' TXDOT CURB & GRATE INLET UNDER ROAD (Full Inlet) 2+02.08,129.93, STA 1+40.54 (IMT)EA1.00$4,200.00$4,200.00630.00$ 48.30$ $4,878.30D-2510' TXDOT CURB & GRATE INLET UNDER ROAD (Tops & Throat only) X2 (IMT Construction)EA0.50$5,640.00$2,820.00423.00$ 32.43$ $3,275.43D-2510' TXDOT CURB & GRATE INLET UNDER ROADWAY (Full Inlet) A2_B (IMT Construction)EA1.00$8,500.00$8,500.001,275.00$ 97.75$ $9,872.75D-2615' TxDOT CURB & GRATE INLET UNDER ROADWA (Tops & Throat only) A3 (IMT Construction)EA0.50$7,080.00$3,540.00531.00$ 40.71$ $4,111.71D-2615' TxDOT CURB & GRATE INLET UNDER ROADWA (Full Inlet) Y1 (IMT Construction)EA2.00$11,200.00$22,400.003,360.00$ 257.60$ $26,017.60D-274'X4' PAZD W/ RC & 4' APRON (Tops & Throat only) X2a (IMT Construction)EA0.50$5,040.00$2,520.00378.00$ 28.98$ $2,926.98U1STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLYEA1.00$4,808.33$4,808.33-$ -$ $4,808.33U-46” PVC C-900 DR-14 WATER LINEEA7.00$258.29$1,808.03-$ -$ $1,808.03U-66” GATE VALVEEA1.00$2,167.26$2,167.26-$ -$ $2,167.26U-7TRENCH SAFETY FOR WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTLF7.00$2.00$14.00-$ -$ $14.00U-112" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE AND METEREA1.00$6,211.44$6,211.44-$ -$ $6,211.44U-142" TYPE 2 WATER AIR RELEASE VALVEEA1.00$21,981.14$21,981.14-$ -$ $21,981.14U-17EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE REHABILITATION (REVENSEAL COATING)EA4.00$11,070.76$44,283.05-$ -$ $44,283.05U18EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE REHABILITATION (CONE REPLACEMENT)EA4.00$3,120.81$12,483.25-$ -$ $12,483.25U-2612"X6" TAPPING SLEEVE AND GATE VALVEEA1.00$2,276.71$2,276.71-$ -$ $2,276.71$310,604.07 $349,262.11 35Item DescriptionUnit Est. Qty Unit Price Sub Total Mark Up 15% Bond 1%McMahon Unit PriceDays AddedP-1MOBILIZATIONLS1.00283,969.58$ $283,969.58-$ -$ $283,969.58P-6FURNISH, INSTALL, MAINTAIN AND REMOVE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AND DETOURSLS1.008,674.97$ $8,674.97-$ -$ $8,674.97P-7PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGNEA2.002,559.38$ $5,118.75-$ -$ $5,118.75P-8RIGHT-OF-WAY PREPARATIONSTA6.003,755.36$ $22,532.18-$ -$ $22,532.18P-9REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENTSY 9332.017.69$ $71,763.16-$ -$ $71,763.16P-11REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING STREET LUMINAIRE FOUNDATIONEA2.00317.41$ $634.83-$ -$ $634.83P-12UNCLASSIFIED ROADWAY EXCAVATION (CUT: 29,000 CY/FILL: 3000 CY)CY 1740.0021.69$ $37,736.25-$ -$ $37,736.25P-138" FLEXBASE (TXDOT 247, TYPE A)SY 16934.0015.08$ $255,364.72-$ -$ $240,360.72P-1410" REINFORCED CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENTSY 14876.4778.10$ $1,161,852.31-$ -$ $1,161,852.31P-1510" REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTSY 752.00104.88$ $78,869.76-$ -$ $78,869.76P-1610" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (STAMPED AND COLORED) (LUIGIS)SY 542.00175.80$ $95,283.6014,292.54$ 1,095.76$ $110,671.90P-176" REINFORCED STAMPED MEDIAN PAVEMENT (LUIGIS)SY 1191.00104.00$ $123,864.0018,579.60$ 1,424.44$ $143,868.04P-214" THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT (ALL SIDEWALK LESS THAN 8-FT WIDE) (LUIGIS)SY 1641.0059.14$ $97,048.7414,557.31$ 1,116.06$ $112,722.11P-228-FT WIDE 5" THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT (LUIGIS)SY 206.89$0.00-$ -$ $0.00P-24BARRIER FREE RAMPS (ALL TYPES) (LUIGIS)SY 393.00130.67$ $51,353.317,703.00$ 590.56$ $59,646.87P-26STREET SIGNS AND FOUNDATIONSEA3.00$870.19$2,610.56-$ -$ $2,610.56P-34RESTORE IRRIGATION SYSTEMLS0.25$36,562.50$9,140.63-$ -$ $9,140.63P-35RESTORE PARKWAY AND DISTRUBED AREASLS0.25$104,122.13$26,030.53-$ -$ $26,030.53Total AdditionsRoadway Improvements, Pavement Marks and Signs
NEW ITEMBOLT DOWN DELINEATORSEA 38.00 312.70$ $11,882.60-$ -$ $11,882.60NEW ITEM4" SOLID WHITE WITH TYPE II-C-RLF490.001.48$ $725.20-$ -$ $725.20NEW ITEM8" SOLID WHITE WITH TYPE II-C-RLF 1020.003.07$ $3,131.40-$ -$ $3,131.40NEW ITEM24" THERMOPLASTIC STOP BARLF190.0011.80$ $2,242.00-$ -$ $2,242.00NEW ITEMDOTTED WHITE STRIPELF18.0011.80$ $212.40-$ -$ $212.40NEW ITEMTHERMOPLASTIC LANE MARKER - ARROWEA10.00188.80$ $1,888.00-$ -$ $1,888.00NEW ITEMTHERMOPLASTIC LANE MARKER - "ONLY" TEXTEA8.00188.80$ $1,510.40-$ -$ $1,510.40NEW ITEMTREE REMOVALEA3.003,800.00$ $11,400.00-$ -$ $11,400.00NEW ITEM4" BROKEN YELLOWLF31.001.48$ $45.88-$ -$ $45.88NEW ITEM4" SOLID YELLOWLF121.001.47$ $177.87-$ -$ $177.87$2,365,063.61 $2,409,418.88 167Item DescriptionUnit Est. Qty Unit PriceMcMahon Unit PriceDays AddedP-8RIGHT-OF-WAY PREPARATIONSTA-6.003,004.29$ ($18,025.74)-$ -$ ($18,025.74)P-9REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENTSY -4812.007.45$ ($35,849.40)-$ -$ ($35,849.40)P-11REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING STREET LUMINAIRE FOUNDATIONEA-2.00253.93$ ($507.86)-$ -$ ($507.86)P-12UNCLASSIFIED ROADWAY EXCAVATION (CUT: 29,000 CY/FILL: 3000 CY)CY -1740.0017.35$ ($30,189.00)-$ -$ ($30,189.00)P-138" FLEXBASE (TXDOT 247, TYPE A)SY -11788.0014.28$ ($168,332.64)-$ -$ ($168,332.64)P-1410" REINFORCED CONCRETE STREET PAVEMENTSY -10650.0055.58$ ($591,927.00)-$ -$ ($591,927.00)P-1510" REINFORCED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENTSY -732.0062.73$ ($45,918.36)-$ -$ ($45,918.36)P-1610" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (STAMPED AND COLORED)SY -357.00117.06$ ($41,790.42)-$ -$ ($41,790.42)P-176" REINFORCED STAMPED MEDIAN PAVEMENTSY-1131.0088.13$ ($99,675.03)-$ -$ ($99,675.03)P-194" ASPHALT (HMAC) BASE LAYER (TYPE B) ON 6" COMPACTED SUBGRADESY -250.0037.44$ ($9,360.00)-$ -$ ($9,360.00)P-202" ASPHALT (HMAC) SURFACE LAYER (TYPE D)SY -250.0037.44$ ($9,360.00)-$ -$ ($9,360.00)P-214" THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENT (ALL SY -1641.0058.50$ ($95,998.50)-$ -$ ($95,998.50)P-228-FT WIDE 5" THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAVEMENTSY -206.8956.16$ ($11,618.94)-$ -$ ($11,618.94)P-24BARRIER FREE RAMPS (ALL TYPES)SY -392.89129.87$ ($51,024.62)-$ -$ ($51,024.62)P-34RESTORE IRRIGATION SYSTEMLS-0.25$29,250.00($7,312.50)-$ -$ ($7,312.50)P-35RESTORE PARKWAY AND DISTRUBED AREASLS-0.25$83,297.70($20,824.43)-$ -$ ($20,824.43)P-39CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND REMOVE CONSTRUCTION DETOURSSY -3038.0045.87$ ($139,353.06)-$ -$ ($139,353.06)P-40FURNISH AND INSTALL LOW PROFILE CONCRETE BARRIERSLS -6560.006.12$ ($40,147.20)-$ -$ ($40,147.20)P-41MOVE LOW PROFILE CONCRETE BARRIERSLS -2160.004.58$ ($9,892.80)-$ -$ ($9,892.80)P-42REMOVE LOW PROFILE CONCRETE BARRIERSLS -6560.006.12$ ($40,147.20)-$ -$ ($40,147.20)D-2REMOVE SMALL CURB INLET (4' TO 8')EA-3.00341.83$ ($1,025.49)-$ -$ ($1,025.49)D-518" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CL III) STORM LF-6.0098.92$ ($593.52)-$ -$ ($593.52)D-621" REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CL III) STORM LF-16.0072.40$ ($1,158.40)-$ -$ ($1,158.40)D-1710' RECESSED CURB INLET EA-3.004,855.50$ ($14,566.50)-$ -$ ($14,566.50)D-1815' RECESSED CURB INLET EA-1.506,435.00$ ($9,652.50)-$ -$ ($9,652.50)D-2020' RECESSED CURB INLET EA-1.008,459.10$ ($8,459.10)-$ -$ ($8,459.10)D-2210' STANDARD CURB INLETEA-4.004,797.00$ ($19,188.00)-$ -$ ($19,188.00)D-245' TXDOT CURB & GRATE INLET UNDER ROADEA-2.004,095.00$ ($8,190.00)-$ -$ ($8,190.00)D-2615' TxDOT CURB & GRATE INLET UNDER ROADWAYEA-0.506,903.00$ ($3,451.50)-$ -$ ($3,451.50)D-274'X4' PAZD W/ RC & 4' APRON EA-0.504,914.00$ ($2,457.00)-$ -$ ($2,457.00)U-1STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLYEA-1.003,846.66$ ($3,846.66)-$ -$ ($3,846.66)U-46" PVC C-900 DR-14 WATER LINELF-35.0090.40$ ($3,164.00)-$ -$ ($3,164.00)U-512" WATER LINE LOWERINGEA-4.0010,608.62$ ($42,434.48)-$ -$ ($42,434.48)U-66” GATE VALVEEA-1.001,733.81$ ($1,733.81)-$ -$ ($1,733.81)U-7TRENCH SAFETY FOR WATER LINE IMPROVEMENTLF -140.001.33$ ($186.20)-$ -$ ($186.20)Total AdditionsDEDUCTIONS
U-8WATER VAULTEA -1.00 9,867.52$ ($9,867.52)-$ -$ ($9,867.52)U-91.5" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE AND METEREA-1.004,889.70$ ($4,889.70)-$ -$ ($4,889.70)U-101.5" IRRIGATION WATER SERVICE AND METEREA-2.004,581.73$ ($9,163.46)-$ -$ ($9,163.46)U-112" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE AND METEREA-1.004,969.15$ ($4,969.15)-$ -$ ($4,969.15)U-142" TYPE 2 WATER AIR RELEASE VALVEEA-1.0017,584.91$ ($17,584.91)-$ -$ ($17,584.91)U-16REMOVE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLEEA-4.001,083.67$ ($4,334.68)-$ -$ ($4,334.68)U-19SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE (4')EA-2.008,373.59$ ($16,747.18)-$ -$ ($16,747.18)U-20SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE (6')EA-3.0015,798.93$ ($47,396.79)-$ -$ ($47,396.79)U-2112" SANITARY SEWER LINE (SDR 26)LF-45.00163.80$ ($7,371.00)-$ -$ ($7,371.00)U-23REMOVE SANITARY SEWER LINE (ALL SIZES)LF-40.0017.25$ ($690.00)-$ -$ ($690.00)U-25TRENCH SAFETY FOR SANITARY SEWER LINE IMPROVEMENTSLF-45.0054.60$ ($2,457.00)-$ -$ ($2,457.00)U-2612"X6" TAPPING SLEEVE AND GATE VALVEEA-1.001,821.37$ ($1,821.37)-$ -$ ($1,821.37)IL-2DRILL SHAFT (ROADWAY ILLUMINATION POLE) (24")EA-6.002,410.20$ ($14,461.20)-$ -$ ($14,461.20)IL-4CONDUIT (PVC) (SCH 40) (2")(TRENCH)LF -1145.0019.31$ ($22,109.95)-$ -$ ($22,109.95)IL-5CONDUIT (PVC - GRAY COLOR)) (SCH 40) (3") (ITS)LF -1008.0022.23$ ($22,407.84)-$ -$ ($22,407.84)IL-6ELEC. CONDUCTOR (NO. 6) GROUND BARELF -1062.002.81$ ($2,984.22)-$ -$ ($2,984.22)IL-8 ELEC. CONDUCTOR (NO. 10) GROUND BARELF-30.001.58$ ($47.40)-$ -$ ($47.40)IL-9 ELEC. CONDUCTOR (NO. 6) INSULATED XHHWLF -2124.002.81$ ($5,968.44)-$ -$ ($5,968.44)IL-11 ELEC. CONDUCTOR (NO. 10) INSULATED XHHWLF -1464.001.58$ ($2,313.12)-$ -$ ($2,313.12)TS-4CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (2")LF-70.0021.65$ ($1,515.50)-$ -$ ($1,515.50)TS-5CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (3")LF-95.0025.16$ ($2,390.20)-$ -$ ($2,390.20)TS-6CONDT (PVC) (SCH 40) (4")LF -458.5035.10$ ($16,093.35)-$ -$ ($16,093.35)TS-7ELEC CONDR (NO. 8) INSULATEDLF -250.002.22$ ($555.00)-$ -$ ($555.00)TS-8GROUND BOX TY C (162911) W/APRONEA-4.001,384.11$ ($5,536.44)-$ -$ ($5,536.44)TS-21 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (2 CONDR)LF -1094.001.81$ ($1,980.14)-$ -$ ($1,980.14)TS-22 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (3 CONDR)LF -445.002.11$ ($938.95)-$ -$ ($938.95)TS-23 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (5 CONDR)LF-150.002.81$ ($421.50)-$ -$ ($421.50)TS-24 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (7 CONDR)LF-90.003.39$ ($305.10)-$ -$ ($305.10)TS-25 TRF SIG CBL (TY A) (12 AWG) (20 CONDR)LF-85.008.31$ ($706.35)-$ -$ ($706.35)TS-36INS TRF SIG PL AM (S) 2 ARM (36-36')EA-1.0018,078.84$ ($18,078.84)-$ -$ ($18,078.84)TS-46 VIVIDS / RADAR CABLINGLF -580.002.87$ ($1,664.60)-$ -$ ($1,664.60)TS-47 OPTICOM CABLELF -135.002.34$ ($315.90)-$ -$ ($315.90)X-1PROJECT ALLOWANCE FOR WATER IMPROVEMENTSLS-1.0015,116.94$ ($15,116.94)-$ -$ ($15,116.94)X-2PROJECT ALLOWANCE FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTSLS-1.0039,295.06$ ($39,295.06)-$ -$ ($39,295.06)X-3PROJECT ALLOWANCE FOR STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTSLS-1.00331.71$ ($331.71)-$ -$ ($331.71)X-5PROJECT ALLOWANCE FOR STREET ILLUMINATION IMPROVEMENTSLS-1.0024,802.50$ ($24,802.50)-$ -$ ($24,802.50)X-6PROJECT ALLOWANCE FOR LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTSLS-1.00904.26$ ($904.26)-$ -$ ($904.26)($1,915,899.13)($1,915,899.13)Total Deductions
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7053
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7053 Agenda Item Public Hearing
1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance
08/13/2023File Created:
Final Action: Public HearingFile Name:
To receive public comment on the proposed 2023-24 Budget for the Coppell
Crime Control and Prevention District.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, CCPD Proposed Budget.pdf, 2023 CCPD
PH Notices.pdf
Attachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7053
To receive public comment on the proposed 2023-24 Budget for the Coppell Crime Control and
Prevention District.
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Strategic Financial Engagement
Date: August 22, 2023
To receive public comment on the proposed 2023-24 Budget for the Coppell Crime
Control and Prevention District.
2040: Sustainable Government
The purpose of this item is to hold a public hearing on the Coppell Crime Control and Prevention
District budget. Earlier this summer, the Crime Control Board held a public hearing on
June 13, 2023. No citizens were present to speak. The Board closed the public hearing and approved
the budget as presented.
The only change in the budget since that time is the addition of eight (8) new School Resource
Officers, which will ensure compliance with House Bill 3 that was signed into law this past legislative
Pursuant to Chapter 363 (363.205) of the Local Government Code, the governing body that created
the district shall hold a public hearing on the budget adopted by the Board. Any resident of the district
is entitled to be present and participate at the hearing.
Legal Review:
This agenda item was reviewed by Legal during the Council agenda packet review process.
Fiscal Impact:
Crime Prevention District Special Revenue
The Crime Prevention District special revenue fund is restricted to crime prevention programs and
services. Revenues come primarily from the % cents sales tax, which are expected to decrease due to
changes at the State level. Expenditures in FY2024 include the School Resource Officer program, jail
services, and the joint emergency dispatch center.
Actual Adopted FY 23 Budget FY 24 Budget
Description 21-22 22-23 Amended Proposed
Sales Tax S 7,535,755 S$ 3,335,705 S$ 6,188,767 $ 3,502,490
Sales Tax Recovery 139,998 0 20,039 0
Interest Income 61,415 20,000 20,000 20,000
Salary Reimbursement 219,245 288,750 288,750 700,368
Miscellaneous (813) 0 0 0
Total Revenues S 7,955,600 S 3,644,455 S$ 6,517,556 S$ 4,222,858
Salary & Benefits S 1,245,525 S$ 1,021,129 S$ 1,021,129 S$ 1,867,648
Supplies 15,558 34,000 90,949 227,330
Maintenance 0 6,411 6,411 0
Services 1,708,667 2,077,743 2,045,326 1,721,550
Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0
Transfer Out 589,658 174,640 174,640 394,389
Total Expenditures S 3,559,408 S 3,313,923 $ 3,338,455 S$ 4,210,917
an 4,396,192 330,532 3,179,101 11,941
Fund Balance
Beginning Balance S 15,627,758 $ 20,023,950 $ 20,023,950 $ 23,203,051
Ending Balance S$ 20,023,950 $ 20,354,482 S$ 23,203,051 $ 23,214,992
2023-24 Revenues 2023-24 Expenditures
Supplies Sales Tax
0, aoe Services
Salary &
Interest Income Benefits Transfer
Reimbursement 0.48% 44.35% Out
9.37% 16.58%
Department: Crime Prevention District Function: Special Revenue
The Crime Prevention District facilitates the Coppell Police Department's efforts to maintain a safe
community environment. This is accomplished by providing quality programs and services such as our School
Resource Officers, Community Services Crime Prevention Officer programs and jail services. The district also
provides funding for public safety communications, which is done in collaboration with our partner cities
through the North Texas Emergency Communications Center (NTECC),
Authorized Personnel
Position/Title Pay Grade 21-22 22-23 23-24
Deputy Police Chief 27 1 0 0
Police Sergeant PD 4 1 1 1
Police Corporal PD 3 1 0 0
Police Officer PD 2 13 5 13
Systems Administrator 21 1 0 0
Crime Analyst 12 1 0 0
Terminal Agency Coordinator 9 1 1 1
Total 19 7 15
FY2024 Key Goals & 2040 Pillars Supported
Support the CISD and provide education to the younger citizens of Coppell with the School Resource Officer
program, youth engagement programs, and various safety education classes, including the self-defense for
women course offered to high school senior girls.
Continue to engage our citizens through our perennially award-winning National Night Out program.
Performance Measures
19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24
911 Calls Received
12,381 11,816 16,069 17,675 18,558
Schools with dedicated SRO
Schools "Adopted" by Patrol
10 10 10 10 10
Date: May 25, 2023
To: Coppell Rambler
From: Jesica Almendarez, Budget Officer
City of Coppell
Subject: Notice of Public Hearing
Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District
Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on June 3, 2023:
A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District Board
of the City of Coppell, Texas, to receive public comments concerning the Proposed 2023-2024
budget. The Public Hearing will be held on June 13, 2023, at 5:30 p.m., at 255 Parkway Boulevard,
Coppell, Texas 75019. A copy of the Proposed Budget will be on file for public view in the office
of the Director of Strategic Financial Engagement at City Hall.
Please include our standard Public Notice for ADA Compliance as well. Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be reached at (972) 462-5305.
Thank you.
Date: May 25, 2023
To: Coppell Gazette
From: Jesica Almendarez, Budget Officer
City of Coppell
Subject: Notice of Public Hearing
Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District
Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on June 4, 2023:
A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District Board
of the City of Coppell, Texas, to receive public comments concerning the Proposed 2023-2024
budget. The Public Hearing will be held on June 13, 2023, at 5:30 p.m., at 255 Parkway Boulevard,
Coppell, Texas 75019. A copy of the Proposed Budget will be on file for public view in the office
of the Director of Strategic Financial Engagement at City Hall.
Please include our standard Public Notice for ADA Compliance as well. Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be reached at (972) 462-5305.
Thank you.
Date: August 4, 2023
To: Rambler
From: Jesica Almendarez, Budget Officer
City of Coppell
Subject: Notice of Public Hearing
Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District
Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on August 12, 2023:
A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas to receive
public comment concerning the Proposed 2023-2024 Budget. The Public Hearing will be held on
August 22, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 255 Parkway Boulevard,
Coppell, Texas 75019. A copy of the Proposed Budget will be on file by August 4th for public view
in the William T. Cozby Public Library and Community Commons or on the City’s website.
Please include our standard Public Notice for ADA Compliance as well. Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be reached at (972) 304-5305.
Thank you.
August 4, 2023
Jesica Almendarez, Budget Officer
City of Coppell
Notice of Public Hearing
Coppell Crime Control and Prevention District
Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on August 13, 2023:
A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas to receive
public comment concerning the Proposed 2023-2024 Budget. The Public Hearing will be held on
August 22, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 255 Parkway Boulevard,
Coppell, Texas 75019. A copy of the Proposed Budget will be on file by August 4th for public view
in the William T. Cozby Public Library and Community Commons or on the City’s website.
Please include our standard Public Notice for ADA Compliance as well. Please feel free to contact me if you
have any questions or need additional information. I can be reached at (972) 304-5305. Thank you.
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7050
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7050 Agenda Item Public Hearing
1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance
08/13/2023File Created:
Final Action: Public HearingFile Name:
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2023-24 Municipal
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, 2023 Budget PH Notices.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7050
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2023-24 Municipal Budget.
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Strategic Financial Engagement
Date: August 22, 2023
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2023-24 Municipal Budget.
2040: Sustainable Government
The purpose of this agenda item is to hold the required public hearing to receive public input
concerning the proposed 2023-24 Municipal Budget.
Pursuant to the City Charter and Local Government Code Section 102.006, a public hearing will be
conducted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, to receive public comment concerning
the proposed 2023-24 Municipal Budget. At this hearing, taxpayers must have the opportunity to
express their views on the proposed budget. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the governing
body of the municipality shall take action on the proposed budget (Local Government Code Section
Pursuant to City Charter, the proposed budget was filed with the City Secretary on August 4, 2023.
It is also available for viewing at the Cozby Library and Community Commons as well as on the
City’s website. The notices of public hearing were included in the August 12 and August 13
publications of the Rambler and Gazette, respectively, to comply with Section 102.0065(c) of the
Local Government Code.
Legal Review:
This agenda item was reviewed by legal during the Council packet review process.
Fiscal Impact:
Date: August 4, 2023
To: Rambler
From: Jesica Almendarez, Budget Officer
City of Coppell
Subject: Notice of Public Hearing
Proposed Budget
Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on August 12, 2023:
A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas to receive
public comment concerning the Proposed 2023-2024 Budget. The Public Hearing will be held on
August 22, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 255 Parkway Boulevard,
Coppell, Texas 75019. A copy of the Proposed Budget is on file for public view in the William T.
Cozby Public Library and Community Commons or on the City’s website.
Please include our standard Public Notice for ADA Compliance as well. Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be reached at (972) 304-5305.
Thank you.
Date: August 4, 2023
To: Gazette
From: Jesica Almendarez, Budget Officer
City of Coppell
Subject: Notice of Public Hearing
Proposed Budget
Please publish the following Notice of Public Hearing on August 13, 2023:
A PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas to receive
public comment concerning the Proposed 2023-2024 Budget. The Public Hearing will be held on
August 22, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 255 Parkway Boulevard,
Coppell, Texas 75019. A copy of the Proposed Budget is on file for public view in the William T.
Cozby Public Library and Community Commons or on the City’s website.
Please include our standard Public Notice for ADA Compliance as well. Please feel free to contact
me if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be reached at (972) 304-5305.
Thank you.
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7054
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7054 Agenda Item Public Hearing
1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance
08/13/2023File Created:
Final Action: Public HearingFile Name:
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2023-24 tax rate of
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, 2023 Tax Rate PH Notice.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7054
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2023-24 tax rate of $0.491818.
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Strategic Financial Engagement
Date: August 22, 2023
To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2023-24 tax rate of $0.491818.
2040: Sustainable Government
Pursuant to Section 26.05(d) of the Texas Property Tax Code, “The governing body of a taxing unit
other than a school district may not adopt a tax rate that exceeds the lower of the voter-approval tax
rate or the no-new-revenue tax rate calculated as provided by this chapter until the governing body
has held a public hearing on the proposed tax rate and has otherwise complied with Section 26.06 and
Section 26.065.”
As required by Texas Property Tax Code Section 26.06, attached is the notice that was published in
both the Rambler and the Gazette newspapers on August 12 and 13, 2023, respectively. The ad was
identical and due to the file size, only The Rambler ad is included in the agenda packet. The public
hearing and vote on the tax rate will be at the regular Council meeting on August 22, 2023.
The proposed tax rate for fiscal year 2023-2024 is $0.491818 per $100 of assessed value. Individual
taxes may be also affected by change in property value.
Legal Review:
This agenda item was reviewed by Legal during the Council agenda packet review process.
Fiscal Impact:
•The proposed tax rate of $0.491818 is lower than the current rate and represents
the lowest proposed tax rate since at least 1984.
• Total proposed expenditures represent a decrease of approximately 1.31% as
compared to the current year's adopted budget. The proposed budget includes
additional funding to the Capital Replacement Fund to cover the inflationary
impact to the cost of purchasing public safety vehicles.
• If the expenses to fully fund the Capital Replacement Fund are subtracted, total
proposed expenditures represent an increase of 6.64% as compared to the
current year's adopted budget. The City is pleased to present a budget that
allows us to provide the services our residents expect while also keeping
expenditures down.
The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2023 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for the City of
Coppell from the same properties in both the 2022 tax year and the 2023 tax year.
The voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate that the City of Coppell may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of
the rate.
The proposed tax rate is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that the City of Coppell is proposing to increase property
taxes for the 2023 tax year.
The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, the City of Coppell is not required to hold an election at
which voters may accept or reject the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate
by contacting the members of the City of Coppell City Council of City of Coppell at their offices or by attending the public hearing
mentioned above.
YOUR TAXES OWED UNDER ANY OF THE TAX RATES MENTIONED ABOVE CAN BE CALCULATED AS FOLLOWS:Property tax amount = ( tax rate ) x ( taxable value of your property ) / 100
FOR the proposal: Walker, Hinojosa-Smith, Carroll, Nevels, Jun, Mathew, Hill
AGAINST the proposal:
PRESENT and not voting:
Visit Texas.gov/PropertyTaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your
property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.
The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property
taxes in the state.
The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by the City of Coppell last year to the taxes proposed
to be imposed on the average residence homestead by the City of Coppell this year.
For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for the City of Coppell at 972-462-0022, email
budgetinput@coppelltx.gov, or visit coppelltx.gov for more information.
A tax rate of $0.491818 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of the City of Coppell.
$0.491818 per $100
$0.477650 per $100
$0.568570 per $100
As a result of Senate Bill 2, the City is required to present a few different tax rates: the proposed rate, the no new revenue rate,
and the voter approval rate. Only the proposed tax rate will be presented to City Council for approval.
The Coppell City Council will consider the proposed budget and tax rate for approval at the meeting on August 22, 2023.
Join us in person, watch the livestream, or view the recording at your leisure at coppelltx.gov/meetings!
This rate has historically been referred to as the effective rate. It is the property tax rate that the City would need to set to not
generate any additional revenue from the same property over the previous year if the properties were taxed in both years.
This is the tax rate at which City Council would need to call an election to allow for voter approval. Under Senate Bill 2, an
election must be called if the proposed tax rate generates more than a 3.5% increase in revenue from existing property.
Voter approval rate shown is based on unused increments.
This is the rate that the City has determined will raise the necessary revenue to fund public safety, public works, and quality
of life projects. This rate represents a decrease from the current tax rate.
Lowest tax rate in morethan three decades!Lower than current tax rate of $0.518731!
2022 2023 Change
Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.518731 $0.491818 Decrease of $-0.026913, or -5.19%
Average homestead taxable value $451,133 $489,673 Increase of $38,540, or 8.54%
Tax on average homestead $2,340.17 $2,408.30 Increase of $68.13, or 2.91%
Total tax levy on all properties $49,906,615 $51,695,876 Increase of $1,789,261, or 3.59%
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7051
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7051 Agenda Item Agenda Ready
1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance
08/13/2023File Created:
Final Action: Adopting BudgetFile Name:
Title: Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for
the City of Coppell, Texas for the fiscal year of October 1, 2023, through
September 30, 2024; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, Ordinance.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7051
Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the City of
Coppell, Texas for the fiscal year of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024; and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
See attached memorandum.
Fiscal Impact:
Approval of this item establishes the fiscal year 2023-24 budget.
Staff Recommendation:
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval of the Ordinance.
Strategic Pillar Icon:
Sustainable Government
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
Master Continued (2023-7051)
Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Strategic Financial Engagement
Date: August 22, 2023
Reference: Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the City of
Coppell, Texas for the fiscal year of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024;
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
2040: Sustainable Government
The approval of this ordinance is required to establish the City of Coppell FY 2023-24 Annual Budget.
Texas Local Government Code 102.007, states, “at the conclusion of the public hearing, the
governing body of the municipality shall take action on the proposed budget. A vote to adopt the
budget must be a record vote.”
In addition to the public hearing on August 22, the City held four (4) budget workshops in July with
Council that were open to the public. The budget filed with the City Secretary on August 4, 2023,
was presented and discussed during the budget workshops and includes direction provided by
Approval to adopt the FY 2023-24 Annual Budget for the City of Coppell for the period of
October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024, establishes total expenditures of all funds of the City
at $143,882,848. Total expenditures of the General Fund are approximately $75.9 million and total
revenues are estimated to be $69.6 million. In addition to the General Fund, this budget
includes the Special Revenue Funds, the Water and Sewer Fund, the Internal Service Funds and
the Debt Service Funds.
Benefit to the Community:
The proposed budget includes funding that continues to provide the service level the community
expects and includes Council initiatives that support the 2040 Strategic Plan. Both are accomplished
through a tax rate that effectively increases the tax on the average homestead by 2.91% which is less
than inflation.
Legal Review:
This agenda item was reviewed during the Council packet review process.
Fiscal Impact:
Approval of this item establishes the fiscal year 2023-24 budget.
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval of this Ordinance.
ORDINANCE NO. 2023-1599
WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Coppell, Texas, has submitted to the City Council a
proposed budget of the revenues and expenditures of conducting the affairs of the City and providing a
complete financial plan for 2023-2024; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell has received the proposed budget, a copy of which
proposed budget and all supporting schedules has been filed with the City Secretary of the City of Coppell;
WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted the necessary public hearings as required by law; NOW,
SECTION 1. That the proposed budget of the revenues of the City of Coppell and the expenditures of
conducting the affairs of the City, providing a complete financial plan for the ensuing fiscal year beginning
October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024 as submitted to the City Council by the City Manager, be,
and the same is hereby, in all things adopted and approved as the budget of all current revenues and
expenditures of the City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2024.
SECTION 2. That the sum of $143,882,848 is hereby appropriated for the expenditures established
in the approved budget, attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and made part hereof for all purposes.
SECTION 3. That the City Council reserves the authority to transfer designated appropriations to any
individual department or activity.
SECTION 4. That all notices and public hearings required by law have been duly completed.
SECTION 5. That all ordinances of the City of Coppell in conflict with the provisions of this
ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of
Coppell not in conflict with the provisions of the Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 6. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this
Ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the
validity of this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part thereof decided
to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid.
SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage, as the law
and charter in such cases provides.
DULY PASSED and adopted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the 22nd day of
August 2023.
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7055
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7055 Agenda Item Agenda Ready
1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance
08/13/2023File Created:
Final Action: Authorizing Tax RateFile Name:
Title: Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying
the ad valorem taxes for the tax year 2023 at $0.491818 on each one
hundred dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable property, on which
$0.421666 is for operations and maintenance and $0.070152 is for interest
and sinking; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, Ordinance.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7055
Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying the ad valorem
taxes for the tax year 2023 at $0.491818 on each one hundred dollars ($100) assessed
value of taxable property, on which $0.421666 is for operations and maintenance and
$0.070152 is for interest and sinking; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
See attached memorandum.
Fiscal Impact:
Approval of this ordinance supports the adopted budget.
Staff Recommendation:
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval of this Ordinance.
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
Master Continued (2023-7055)
Strategic Pillar Icon:
Sustainable Government
Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Strategic Financial Engagement
Date: August 22, 2023
Reference: Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying the ad
valorem taxes for the tax year 2023 at $0.491818 on each one hundred dollars ($100)
assessed value of taxable property, on which $0.421666 is for operations and
maintenance and $0.070152 is for interest and sinking; and authorizing the Mayor to
2040: Sustainable Government
The Property Tax Code’s Truth-in-Taxation legal requirements for setting a property tax rate have
been satisfied and the approval of this Ordinance is required to fund the City of Coppell’s FY 2023-
24 Annual Budget. This item is being presented for approval to adopt the FY 2023-24 ad valorem tax
rate of $0.491818 per $100 of assessed valuation.
The property tax rate is divided into two parts, with $0.421666 or 85.74% being used for operations,
and the remaining $0.070152 or 14.26% of the tax rate for the annual debt service requirements. This
tax rate is $0.026913 cents lower than last year’s property tax rate. The proposed tax rate is the lowest
tax rate since at least 1984.
Benefit to the Community:
The proposed budget includes funding that continues to provide the service level the community
expects and includes Council initiatives that support the 2040 Strategic Plan. Both are accomplished
through a tax rate that effectively increases the tax on the average homestead by 2.91%, which is less
than inflation.
Legal Review:
This agenda item was reviewed during the Council packet review process.
Fiscal Impact:
Approval of this ordinance supports the adopted budget.
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval of this Ordinance.
WHEREAS, the property tax rate for the year 2023-2024 will decrease by the adoption of $0.491818.
SECTION 1. That there be and is hereby levied for the year 2023 on all taxable property, real,
personal, and mixed, situated within the limits of the City of Coppell, Texas, and not exempt by the
Constitution of the State and valid State laws, a tax of .491818 on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) assessed
value of taxable property, and shall be apportioned and distributed as follows:
a) For the PURPOSE of defraying the current expenses of the municipal government of the City,
a tax of
$.421666 on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) assessed value of all taxable property. THIS
b) For the PURPOSE of creating a sinking fund to pay the interest and principal on all outstanding
bonds of the City, not otherwise provided for, a tax of $.070152 on each One Hundred Dollars
($100) assessed value of all taxable property, within the City which shall be applied to the
payment of such interest and maturities of all outstanding bonds. THIS TAX RATE WILL RAISE
SECTION 2. That all ad valorem taxes shall become due and payable on October 1, 2023 and all ad
valorem taxes for the year shall become delinquent after January 31, 2024. There shall be no discount for
payment of taxes prior to said January 31, 2024. A delinquent tax shall incur all penalty and interest
authorized by law (Section 33.01, et seq., Texas Property Tax Code), to wit: a penalty of six percent of the
amount of the tax for the first calendar month it is delinquent plus one percent for each additional month
or portion of a month the tax remains unpaid prior to July 1 of the year in which it becomes delinquent.
Provided, however, a tax delinquent on July 1, incurs a total penalty of twelve percent (12%) of the
amount of the delinquent tax without regard to the number of months the tax has been delinquent. A
delinquent tax shall also accrue interest at a rate of one percent for each month or portion of a month the
tax remains unpaid. An additional penalty on delinquent personal property taxes for tax years 2022 and
subsequent years is hereby authorized and imposed as provided by Section 33.11. TEXAS PROPERTY TAX
CODE, in the amount of twenty percent (20%) of the delinquent tax, penalty, and interest if tax becomes
delinquent on February 1 of a year and remains delinquent on the 60th day thereafter. Taxes that remain
delinquent on July 1, 2024, incur an additional penalty not to exceed twenty percent of the amount of
taxes, penalty, and interest due; such additional penalty is to defray costs of collection due to the contract
with the City’s Attorney pursuant to Section 6.30 and Section 33.07 of the Property Tax Code, as amended.
Taxes for the year 2022 and taxes for all future years that remain delinquent on or after June 1 under Texas
Property Tax Code Sections 26.07(f), 26.15(e), 31.03, 31.031, 31.032 or 31.04 incur an additional penalty in
an amount not to exceed twenty percent (20%) of taxes, penalty and interest due, pursuant to Texas
Property Tax Code Section 6.30 and Section 33.08, as amended.
SECTION 3. Taxes are payable in Dallas County, Texas, at the office of the Tax Assessor/Collector.
The City shall have available all rights and remedies provided by law for the enforcement of the collection of
taxes levied under this ordinance.
SECTION 4. That the tax rolls, as presented to the City Council together with any supplement
thereto, be, and the same are hereby approved.
SECTION 5. The fact that it is necessary that this ordinance be enacted in order to authorize the
collection of ad valorem taxes for the tax year 2023, this ordinance shall take effect from and after its
passage as the law in such cases provides.
DULY PASSED and adopted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the 22nd day of August 2023.
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7049
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7049 Agenda Item Agenda Ready
1Version: Reference: In Control: Finance
08/13/2023File Created:
Final Action: Ratification of Tax RateFile Name:
Title: Consider ratification of the vote on the FY 2023-24 annual budget which
results in more revenue from ad valorem taxes than the previous year.
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Memo.pdf, Cover Page 2023-24.pdfAttachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
Due Date: Sent To: Date: Acting Body: Ver-
Text of Legislative File 2023-7049
Consider ratification of the vote on the FY 2023-24 annual budget which results in more
revenue from ad valorem taxes than the previous year.
See attached memorandum.
Fiscal Impact:
The property tax revenue increase is $1,789,261, which is a 3.59% increase from last year’s
budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this
year is $396,510.
Staff Recommendation:
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval.
Strategic Pillar Icon:
Sustainable Government
Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
Master Continued (2023-7049)
Page 2City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kim Tiehen, Director of Strategic Financial Engagement
Date: August 22, 2023
Reference: Consider ratification of the vote on the FY 2023-24 annual budget which results in
more revenue from ad valorem taxes than the previous year.
2040: Sustainable Government
This agenda item is required to be considered for approval when a budget raises more revenue from
property tax than in the previous year.
Pursuant to Section 102.007 (c) of the Texas Local Government Code, when a budget raises more
revenue from property tax than in the previous year, a separate vote of the governing body is
required to ratify this increase. A vote under this section is in addition to and separate from the vote
to adopt the budget or a vote to set the tax rate.
Benefit to the Community:
The proposed tax rate supports the proposed budget which continues to provide service to the
community at the level expected and provides for Council initiatives that support the 2040 Strategic
Legal Review:
This agenda item was reviewed during the Council packet process.
Fiscal Impact:
The property tax revenue increase is $1,789,261, which is a 3.59% increase from last year’s budget.
The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $396,510.
The Strategic Financial Engagement Department recommends approval of this Ordinance.
This budget will raise more revenue from property taxes than
last year’s budget by an amount of $1,789,261, which is a 3.59
percent increase from last year’s budget. The property tax
revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll
this year is $396,510.
City Council Record Vote
PRESENT and not voting:
Tax Rate Proposed FY 2023-24 Adopted FY 2022-23
Property Tax Rate 0.491818 0.518731
No New Revenue Rate 0.477650 0.519193
NNR M&O Tax Rate 0.407411 0.426899
Voter-Approval Tax Rate 0.491822 0.518735
Voter-Approved Tax Rate
(Unused Increment)
0.568570 0.595479
Calculated Debt Rate 0.070152 0.076895
Proposed Debt Rate 0.070152 0.076895
Per Tax Code §26.04 (e-5), the calculation forms completed by Dallas County for the above No-
New-Revenue and Voter-Approval rates are published on our website.
The total amount of municipal debt obligation secured by property taxes for the
City of Coppell is $65,215,000
City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
File Number: 2023-7059
File ID: Type: Status: 2023-7059 Agenda Item Council Committee
1Version: Reference: In Control: City Council
08/14/2023File Created:
Final Action: CC Committee Reports 8/22File Name:
Title: A. Report on Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition - Councilmember Don
Sponsors: Enactment Date:
Attachments: Enactment Number:
Hearing Date: Contact:
Effective Date: Drafter:
History of Legislative File
Action: Result: Return
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Text of Legislative File 2023-7059
A. Report on Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition - Councilmember Don Carroll
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Page 1City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 8/18/2023