CP 2000-06-19 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP AND AGENDA JUNE 19, 2000 CANDY SHEEHAN, LARRY WHEELER, Place 6 Mayor Mayor Pro Tern GREG GARCIA, Place I MARSHA TUNNELL, Place 4 JAYNE PETERS, Place 2 DOUG STOVER, Place 5 PAT KEENAN, Place 3 BILL YORK, Place 7 JIM WITT, City Manager MEETING TIME AND PLACE: Work Session 6:00 p.m. 2nd FI. Conf. Room (Open to the Public) Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in a Budget Workshop on Monday, June 19, 2000, at 6:00 p.m., to be held at Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: ITEM # ITEM DESCRIPTION WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Presentation by Service Organizations A.Coppell Arts Council 1. Larry Mendez 2. Wheelice Wilson 3. Robert Waldman B.Camerata Chamber Winds 1. Larry Mendez C. Coppell Chamber of Commerce 1. Debbie Cook 2. Water/Sewer Fund A. Fund Summary 3. Debt Service Fund A. Assessed Valuation B. Fund Summary ag06192000 Page 1 of 2 ITEM # ITEM DESCRIPTION 4. General Discussion A. Items 1-3 Adjournment. Candy Sheehan, Mayor CERTIFICATE I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on this day of ., 2000, at Kathy Wilkerson, Deputy City Secretary PUBLIC NOTICES STATEMENT FOR ADA COMPLIANCE The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs, services and/or meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, service and/or meeting. To make arrangements, contact Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at (972) 462-0022, or (TDD 1-800-RELAY, TX 1-800-735-2989). IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF COPPELL ORDINANCE NO. 95724 Carrying of a concealed handgun on these premises or at any official political meeting in the City of Coppell is illegal. Es ilegal Ilevar consigo un arma de fuego oculta, adentro de este edificio, o en cualquier junta oficial de politica en la ciudad de Coppell. ag06192000 Page 2 of 2 Budget Meeting June 19, 2000 Agenda I. Presentation by Service Organizations (a) Coppell Arts Council - Larry Mendez - Wheelice Wilson - Robert Waldman (b) Camerata Chamber Winds - Larry Mendez (c) Coppell Chamber of Commerce H. Water/Sewer Fund (a) Fund Summary Ill. Debt Service Fund (a) Assessed Valuation (b) Fund Summary IV. General Discussion (a) Items I-III t Coppell Arts Council c/o Coppell Community Theatre P. O. Box 1232 Coppell, TX 75019 972-745 -7719 Mr. Jim Witt City Manager City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Mr. Witt: The Arts Council has met and agreed to present the following proposals to be considered for inclusion into the city budget for next year. We feel these items are important to the continuing improvement of the facility and hope that the City Council will consider them in the budget process: 1. A permanent marquee outside the Arts Center building that could be used to notify the community of artistic events in the Arts Center. 2. Locks on approximately 6 doors inside the Arts Center facility so that supplies and equipment can be secured. d; ~ 0 -c- 3. Concrete benches or permanent benches outside the Arts Center to replace the existing damaged wooden benches. 4. Contingency funds to provide for the repair and augmentation of the air conditioning problem in the performance space. Although funds were allocated this year to augment the existing air conditioning in the theatre, we feel that there is a very real possibility that what may be installed later this year will still be insufficient and my indeed cause cooling, heating, and sound problems which may make it nearly impossible to perform some programs in the theatre space. In addition to these budget items, we are hoping to work with the city staff to encourage: · . . . , · . · i~eis ..... ing. This is the only city-owne ' ' D 2. Renewed attempts by the city staff to repair the landscaping and sprinkler system and keep it maintained. At present most of the shrubs and grass outside the facility have died. -- r~ ~ ~/fJ"~ 1: If you have any questions, please let me know at 972-393-3045. Many thanks for your help, as always. Sincerely yours, The Coppell Arts Council Wheelice (Pete) Wilson, Jr., for Coppell Community Theatre Robert Waldman, for Coppell Community Chorale Larry Mendez, for Camerata Chamber Winds of Coppell MEMORANDUM Date: June 5, 2000 To: Jim Witt, City Manager From: Sheri Moino, Facilities ManagerL~N~x Subject: Arts Center Improvements for 99-00 - Status Report Hardware Flooring in Stage Area ($20,000.00) Desired flooring specs submitted to Shed Moino by Pete Wilson on 5/31/00. Specs are being prepared to bid with installation anticipated the 2na week in August (as requested by Arts Group) Ticket Booth in entry ($5,000.00) Carpenter working with Facilities staff to complete by end of June. HVAC Improvements ($15,000.00) Our HVAC contractor began working with staff in March to add 10 tons to this theatre facility as budgeted. Based on preliminary findings, the roof structure will not adequately accommodate an additional 10 ton unit and therefore a re- engineered design is required. Design is not included in our HVAC contract and therefore will have to be bid out. Meanwhile our HVAC contractor will provide temporary cooling relief until permanent improvements can be made. Staff has contacted an engineer to prepare the necessary design specifications. March 15, 1999 City of Cop~ll P.O. Box 478 Cop~H, TX 75019 ~ Z~ '~ Cl~ MANGER ~ requ~ for f~ _ CI~ OF COPP~H De~ M~. [ ~ pleased to sub~t our ~equest fo~ ~.di~ of $5,~ for ~e C~eram Ch~be~ W~ds of Coppert 2~/200] ~o~ce season. We ~e excited ~d honored to provide ~e o~y access to live c]assic~ music fo~ residems of Coppel]. Rease note ~at ~is request is fo~ ~e CCW's pro~r~s ~d asset acqujsitio~ o~y, ~d does not i~ciude ~y requests ~at benefit ~e Coppert Ceme~ fo~ ~e Am o~ offier membe~ or~atjo~s · e Arts Council. Also, Z ~ pleased to ~elay ~at we a~e actively pu~sui~ ~nds ~ou~h follow mea~: Grit ~equest of $] ,000 to ~e Texas Co~ission for The Arts (TACA) for of ou~ Dist~ished A~tjst Series. ~is will be a sj~c~t step ~o~ our o~a~ation as TACA ~ndin~ provides new access to ~tin~ ~stjmtio~ ~at wouZd~'t offie~wise be open. · Grit ~equest of $2,~0 to Ta~et Sto~es for support of ou~ chi]d~'s Ex~fie~ce The We a~e inc~easin~ ~e size of ou~ bo~d of directors to p~ovide additional focus on revenue ~ene~ation oppo~m~ties i~clud~ dme~/conce~t packages wi~ ]~a] ~estaura~ts, Our new Season Ticket pro~r~ resulted i~ sales of ove~ $6000 for ~e fall and spfi~ series, expect to continue ~is success as our p~o~ become bette~ ~own ~ou~hout ~e cj~. Your suppo~ last year allowed us to purchase peffo~ce chai~s and music stands peffo~ces as well as a~ displays, a pi~o dolly ~d offie~ equipmere fo~ ~e a~s A~ain, ~a~ you ~o~ you~ ~enerous suppo~ ~d e~ffiusiasm of past yea~s. We look forward to confi~ui~ ou~ work for ~e co~u~ and look forward to seein~ you i~ our audience. to cornact me at ~ Z4.706.77~ shouZd you ~equ~e ~y addition~ i~o~at~on. www. cameratawinds.com Great Music...Up Close Personal COPPELL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE March 29, 2000 Mr. Jim Witt City Manager City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Jim, Please accept this letter as a full and proper request for the City of Coppell to renew its annual membership with the Coppell Chamber of Commerce for the 2000/2001 fiscal year.' Having a healthy and vital Chamber of Commerce that shares a common vision and works closely with the city leadership and staff provides many benefits to the City of Coppell and to both the businesses and homeowners in the community. Among those are: · A true parmership in the area of economic development and business retention. Certainly this includes participation on the Economic Development Committee...but it also includes the things that the Chamber and the Chamber staff do daily to help make Coppell a place where businesses will locate and thrive. · A tree partnership in helping build a sense of community and community pride. Chamber involvement in events and activities like the Coppell Gala, Coppell Celebrates, Coppell Youth Leadership, the Annual Coppell Classic Golf Tournament, Leadership Coppell, and more, contributes to community cohesiveness. This partnership helps to eliminate the conflicts that happen in so many communities between the residential and business segments. We are very fortunate to have the relationship between the City and the Chamber that we all enjoy. Your membership and support of our Chamber programs and activities is important to the financial success of the Chamber. We thank you for your support in the past and respectfully request your continued support in the amount of $10,000 annual dues. Thank you for your consideration and best regards, azelbaker urt H Chairman Treasurer (972) 393-2829. (972) 393-7485 FAX 500 S. Denton Tap Road · P. O. Box 452 · Coppell. Texas 75019 Coppell. Texas 75019 June 7, 2000 Kris Fichtner,Chairperson Coppell Chamber of Commerce P. O. Box 452 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Chamber of Commerce Financial Assistance Request Dear Ms. Fichtner: The City Council has asked that representativgs of the Chamber be in attendance at our June 19, 2000 meeting to discuss your financial assistance request of $10,000.00 for fiscal year 2001. Of particular concern to the Council is the City/Chamber relationship regarding Leadership Coppell, Youth Leadership, community festivals, and other community-wide events in which the Chamber participates. We would like to meet with representatives on the 19th beginning at 6 p.m. to discuss the aforementioned issues, as well as the overall City/Chamber partnership regarding the further development of our community. Please contact Kathy Bowling at (972) 304-3618 to confirm your attendance on June 19. Respectfully, ,,./City Manager JW:kb cc: Jennifer Armstrong The City of Coppell Water and Sewer Fund Revenue Summary Actual FY 00 Budget FY 01 Budget Description 1998-99 Amended Proposed water Service Sales $ 7,691,703 $ 6,564,641 $ 7,060,500 Total Water Sales 7,691,703 6,564,641 7,060,500 Sewer Service Sales 3,832,519 3,970,019 4,363,020 Total Sewer Sales 3,832,519 3,970,019 4,363,020 Interest - Operating 444,642 350,000 400,000 Interest - IMF 36,992 40,000 50,000 Interest - CIP City Sources 108,904 50,000 100,000 Interest - CIP 426 250 250 Interest - CIP 91 10,133 5,000 5,000 Interest - CIP 92 49,980 25,000 15,000 Interest - CIP 95 58,062 35,000 35,000 Interest - CIP 97 147,381 45,000 15,000 Interest - CIP 99 56,704 75,000 90,000 Total Interest Income 913,224 625,250 710,250 Disconnect/Reconnect 1,420 4,000 4,000 Water Tap Fees 23,850 20,000 30,000 Sewer Tap Fees 22,350 20,000 25,000 Utility Inspection Fees 22,650 20,000 25,000 Water Impact Fees 274,789 250,000 250,000 Sewer Impact Fees 214,872 200,000 200,000 Total Fees 559,931 514,000 534,000 Salary Reimbursement 5,155 2,500 2,000 Miscellaneous Income 7,963 6,000 5,000 Lease Proceeds 0 20,500 16,800 Claim/Damage Reimbursement 260 2,000 2,000 Penalties and Interest 171,854 179,000 200,000 Meter Sales Revenue 109,308 75,000 100,000 Sale of City Property 20 0 0 Prior Year A/E/R (2,459) 0 0 Over (Short) (42) 0 0 Total Other Revenue 292,059 285,000 325,800 Total Revenue $ 13,289,436 $ 11,958,910 $ 12,993,570 The City of Coppell Water and Sewer Fund Expense Summary Actual FY 00 Budget FY 01 Budget Department 1998-99 Amended Proposed Utility Operations $ 1,035,940 $ 1,579 231 $ 1,654,692 Utility Billing 273,494 358 082 340,762 Cost of Water 2,746,405 2,935 015 3,161,175 Cost of Sewer 1,298,407 1,679 294 1,489,160 Debt Service 2,443,148 2,466 155 2,467,058 Combined Services 2,629,860 3,318 425 3,233,329 Total Expenses $ 10,427,254 $ 12,336 202 $ 12,346,176 City of Coppell Estimated Ad Valorem Tax Collections and Proposed Distribution Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Assessed Valuation for 2000-01 (100%) $ 2,872,781,651 Proposed Tax Rate 0.64860 Revenue from 2000-01 Taxes 18,632,862 Estimated Collections 98.50% Total Estimated Funds Available $ 18,353,369 Proposed Distribution of Tax Collections TAX RATE PERCENTAGE PER $100 AMOUNT General Fund 63.38% $ 0. 41110 $ 11,632,855 Bonded Indebtedness 36.62% 0. 23750 6,720,514 100.00% $ 0.64860 $ 18,353,369 2000 PRELIMINARY VALUATION ESTIMATE As of 5/17/00 2000 Preliminary Est. 3,076,491,869 1999 Certified Value 2,588.091,578 Valuation Increase 488,400,291 Percentage Growth 18.87% Additional Est. Valuation at Abatement Taxable Value Est. % Certification Loss at Certification Growth 2,952,509,247 0 2,952,509,247 14.08% Highest % Decline -7.44% 2,847,600,874 0 2,847,600,874 10.03% Lowest % Decline ~2.1.9% 3,009,116,697 0 3,009,116,697 16.27% HISTORICAL DATA Original Prelim. Certification Value Valuation Tax Year Value Report Report (7/25) Loss Percent Change 1999 2,796,072,791 2.588,091,578 (207,981,213) *7.44% 1998 2.390,025,212 2,275,968,398 (114,056.814) -4.77% 1997 2,060,218,573 2,005,725,536 (54,493,037) -2.65% 1996 1,742,129,900 1,701,189,848 (40,940,052) -2.35% 1995 1,590,995,441 1,534,334.974 (56.660,467) -3.56% 1994 1,385,648,294 1,339,595,545 (46,052,749) -3.32% 1993 1,159,296.829 1,133.906,263 (25,390,566) *2.19% 1992 1,057,211,744 999, 174,080 (58,037,664) -5.49% 1991 998.432,713 953, 241,850 (45, 190.863) .4.53% Average -4.03% B042CHGS-01 REPORT OF ESTIMATED 2000 DCAD VALUES 06/12/2000 (PRELININARY& UNOFFICIAL ESTINATES) JURISDICTION: CITY OF COPPELL THE FOLLOWING TOTALS ARE BEING PROVIDED BY THE DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT TO KEEP YOU ABREAST OF THE PERIODIC CHANGES IN ESTINATED VALUES PRIOR TO CERTIFICATION OF THE 2000 APPRAISAL ROLL. CURRENT HARKET PREVIOUS NARKET AMOUNT OF ..... VALUE .......... VALUE ......... CHANGE .... $3,425,902,020 $3,465,690,610 $39,788,590- CURRENT TAXABLE PREVIOUS TAXABLE AMOUNT OF ..... VALUE .......... VALUE ......... CHANGE .... $3,033,13~,271 $3,067,358,~22 $3~,22~,151- ' IN CURRENT MARKET VALUE ABOVE) B042CHGS-01 REPORT OF ESTII~ATED 2000 DCAD VALUES 05/27/2000 (PRELIMINARY & UNOFFICIAL ESTII~tATES) JURISDICTION: CITY OF COPPELL THE FOLLOWING TOTALS ARE BEING PROVIDED BY THE DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT TO KEEP YOU ABREAST OF THE PERIODIC CHANGES IN ESTIMATED VALUE~ PRIOR TO CERTIFICATION OF THE 2000 APPRAISAL ROLL. CURRENT I~ARKET PREVIOUS MARKET AMOUNT OF ..... VALUE .......... VALUE ......... CHANGE .... $3,465,690,610 $3,456,364,180 $9,326,430+ CURRENT TAXABLE PREVI'OUS TAXABLE A~OUNT OF ..... VALUE .......... VALUE .......... CHANGE .... $3,067,358,422 $3,076,491,869 $9,133,447- ' ' IN CURRENT ~RKET VALUE ABOVE) City of Coppell Walkforward of Fund Balance Debt Service Beginning Fund Balance 10-01-99 $ 637,512 Add: Budgeted Revenues FY 00 6,034,614 Less: Budgeted Expenditures FY 00 6,192.251 Budgeted Fund Balance 09-30-00 479,875 Add: Budgeted Revenues FY 01 7,035,514 Less: Budgeted Expenditures FY 01 7,041.423 Budgeted Fund Balance 09-30-01 $ 473,966 · ~For arbitrage purposes and per the 5 Year Plan, fund balance is gradually being decreased to $300,000, The City of Coppell Debt Service Fund Revenue Summary Actual FY 00 Budget FY 01 Budget Description 1998-99 Amended Proposed Ad Valorem Tax-Current $ 5,059,488 $ 5,685,892 $ 6,720,514 Ad Valorem Tax-Delinquent 36,099 25,000 20,000 Penalty and Interest 30,658 10,000 15,000 Roll Back Taxes 75,521 17,275 0 Ad Valorem Tax-Delinq-MUD 787 150 0 Penalty and Interest-MUD 678 129 0 Roll back Taxes - MUD 2,179 0 0 Interest Income 123,066 140,000 130,000 Road Assessments 6,500 0 0 Interest - Assessments 0 0 0 Transfer In 150,000 156,168 150,000 Total Revenue $ 5,484,976 $ 6,034,614 $ 7,035,514 The City of Coppell Debt Service Fund Expenditure Summary 1998-99 FY 00 Budget FY 01 Budget Description Actual Amended Proposed Filing Expense $ 13 $ 200 $ 200 Interest Expense 2,505,242 2,671,051 3,022,223 Cost of Bond Issue (3,160) 0 0 Agency Fees 9,468 24,000 24,000 Bond Principal 3,155,000 3,497,000 3,995,000 Total Expenditures $ 5,666,563 $ 6,192,251 $ 7,041,423 Summary City of Coppell, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements Year Principal Interest Total 2001 3,995,000.00 3,022,222.51 7,017,222.51 2002 4,170,000.00 2,817,569.49 6,987,569.49 2003 4,425,000.00 2,593,887.50 7,018,887.50 2004 4,645,000.00 2,358,851.88 7,003,851.88 2005 4,855,000.00 2,114,636.26 6,969,636.26 2006 3,906,940.80 2,531,503.58 6,438,444.38 2007 2,627,398.15 2,372,829.35 5,000,227.50 2008 2,770,035.75 2,241,865.50 5,011,901.25 2009 2,925,000.00 1,396,537.50 4,321,537.50 2010 2,630,000.00 1,250,621.25 3,880,621.25 2011 2,570,000.00 1,113,547.50 3,683,547.50 2012 2,725,000.00 973,150.00 3,698,150.00 2013 2,820,000.00 823,513.75 3,643,513.75 2014 2,835,000.00 669,841.25 3,504,841.25 2015 2,550,000.00 522,791.25 3,072,791.25 2016 1,985,000.00 397,161.25 2,382,161.25 2017 2,100,000.00 287,626.25 2,387,626.25 2018 1,295,000.00 195,312.50 1,490,312.50 2019 1,370,000.00 121,018.76 1,491,018.76 2020 815,000.00 48,900.00 863,900.00 Total $58,014,374.70 $27,853,387.33 $85,867,762.03 City of Coppall, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements General Obligation Bonds Series 1991 $800,000.00 dated September 1, 1991 Due Year Ending February 1st August 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $625.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,625.00 Totals $625.00 $0.00 $20,625.00 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $20,000.00 City of Coppall, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements General Obligation Bonds Series 1992 $2,525,000.00 dated September 1, 1992 Due Year Ending February 1st August 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $8,262.61 $105,000.00 $4,193.64 $117,456.25 2002 4,193.86 110,000.00 0.00 114,193.86 Totals $12,456.47 $4,193.64 $231,650.11 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $215,000.00 City of Coppall, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements General Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 1993 $8,485,000.00 dated March 15, 1993 Due Year Ending February 1st August 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $185,735.00 $590,000.00 $171,722 50 $947,457.50 2002 171,722.50 605,000.00 156,900 00 933,622.50 2003 156,900.00 670,000.00 140,150 00 967,050.00 2004 140,150.00 685,000.00 122,682 50 947,832.50 2005 122,682.50 720,000.00 103,962 50 946,645.00 2006 103,962.50 1,915,000.00 53,215 00 2,072,177.50 2007 53,215.00 545,000.00 38,500.00 636,715,00 2008 38,500.00 585,000.00 22,412.50 645,912.50 2009 22,412.50 625,000.00 5,225.00 652,637.50 2010 5,225.00 190,000.00 0.00 195,225.00 Totals $1,000,505.00 $814,770.00 $8,945,275.00 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $7,130,000.00 Coppell MUD Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements Unlimited Tax and Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds Series 1993 Due Year Ending October 1st April 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $103,222.50 $610,000.00 $103,222.50 $816,445.00 2002 88,735.00 640,000.00 88,735.00 817,470.00 2003 73,055.00 675,000.00 73,055.00 821,110.00 2004 56,180.00 710,000.00 56,180.00 822,360.00 2005 37,720.00 745,000.00 37,720.00 820,440.00 2006 17,605.00 96,940.80 685,664.20 800,210.00 2007 17,605.00 82,398.15 700,206.85 800,210.00 2008 17,605.00 70,035.75 712,569.25 800,210.00 2009 17,605.00 75,000.00 17,605.00 110,210.00 2010 15,505.00 80,000.00 15,505.00 111,010.00 2011 13,225.00 80,000.00 13,225.00 106,450.00 2012 10,925.00 85,000.00 10,925.00 106,850.00 2013 8,481.25 90,000.00 8,481.25 106,962.50 2014 5,893.75 100,000.00 5,893.75 111,787.50 2015 3,018.75 105,000.00 3,018.75 111,037.50 Totals $486,381.25 $2,532,006.55 $7,262,762.50 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $4,244,374.70 City of Coppell, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 1995 $4,720,000.00 dated January 31, 1995 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $110,378.75 $170.000.00 $115,223.75 $395,602.50 2002 104,678.75 200.000.00 110,378.75 415,057.50 2003 99,263.75 190.000.00 104,678.75 393,942.50 2004 93,136.25 215,000.00 99,263.75 407,400.00 2005 86,438.75 235,000.00 93,136.25 414,575.00 2006 79,313.75 250.000.00 86,438.75 415,752.50 2007 71,761.25 265.000.00 79,313.75 416,075.00 2008 63,567.50 285,000.00 71,761.25 420,328.75 2009 54,867.50 300,000.00 63,567.50 418,435.00 2010 45,427.50 320,000.00 54,867.50 420,295.00 2011 35,250.00 345,000.00 45,427.50 425,677.50 2012 24,300.00 365,000.00 35,250.00 424,550.00 2013 12,600.00 390,000.00 24,300.00 426,900.00 2014 0.00 420,000.00 12,600.00 432,600.00 Totals $880,983.75 $996,207.50 $5,827,191.25 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $3,950,000.00 City of Coppell, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 1995 $2,830,000.00 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $62,713.75 $105 000 00 $65,233.75 $232,947.50 2002 59,953.75 115 000 00 62,713.75 237.667.50 2003 57,073.75 120 000 00 59,953.75 237.027.50 2004 54,073.75 125 000 00 57,073.75 2361147.50 2005 50,833.75 135 000 00 54,073.75 239,907.50 2006 47,333.75 140 000 00 50,833.75 238.167.50 2007 43,508.75 150 000 00 47,333.75 240.842.50 2008 39,478.75 155 000 00 43,508.75 237.987.50 2009 35,106.25 165 000.00 39,478.75 239.585.00 2010 30,381.25 175 000.00 35,106.25 240.487.50 2011 25,156.25 190 000.00 30,381.25 245.537.50 2012 19,556.25 200 000.00 25,156.25 244.712.50 2013 13,428.75 215 000.00 19,556.25 247.985.00 2014 6,960.00 225 000.00 13,428.75 245.388.75 2015 0.00 240 000.00 6,960.00 246960.00 Totals $545,558.75 $610,792.50 $3,611,351.25 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $2,455,000.00 City of Coppell, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements General Obligation Bonds Series 1995 $1,170,000.00 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $26,307.50 $45,000 00 $28,040.00 $99,347.50 2002 24,575.00 45,000 00 26,307.50 95,882.50 2003 23,400.00 50,000 00 24,575.00 97,975.00 2004 22,200.00 50,000 00 23,400.00 95,600.00 2005 20,852.50 55 000 00 22,200.00 98,052.50 2006 19,352.50 60.000 00 20,852.50 100,205.00 2007 17,822.50 60 000 00 19,352.50 97,175.00 2008 16,116.25 65 000 00 17,822.50 98,938.75 2009 14,278.75 70.000 00 16,116 25 100,395.00 2010 12,272.50 75 000 00 14,278 75 101,551.25 2011 10,228.75 75 000.00 12,272 50 97',501.25 2012 8,028.75 80 000.00 10,228 75 98,257.50 2013 5,508,75 90 000.00 8,028 75 103,537.50 2014 2,825.00 95 000.00 5,508 75 103,333.75 2015 0.00 100 000.00 2,825 00 102,825.00 Totals $223,768.75 $251,808.75 $1,490,577.50 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $1,015,000.00 City of Coppell, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements Certificates of Obligation Series 1996 $2,650,000.00 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $61,692.50 $1051000.00 $65,892.50 $232.585.00 2002 57,842.50 110,000.00 61,692.50 229535.00 2003 54,967.50 1151000.00 57,842.50 227810.00 2004 51,907.50 120,000.00 54,967.50 226875.00 2005 48,657.50 125,000.00 51,907.50 225 565.00 2006 45,212.50 130,000.00 48,657.50 223 870.00 2007 41,432.50 140.000.00 45,212.50 226 645.00 2008 37,307.50 150.000.00 41,432.50 228 740.00 2009 32,967.50 155.000.00 37,307.50 225 275.00 2010 28,347.50 165.000.00 32,967.50 226 315.00 2011 23,403.75 175,000.00 28,347.50 226 751.25 2012 18,131.25 185.000.00 23,403.75 226 535.00 2013 12,525.00 195.000.00 18,131.25 225 656.25 2014 6,435.00 210.000.00 12,525.00 228 960.00 2015 0.00 220.000.00 6,435.00 226 435.00 Totals $520,830.00 $586,722.50 $3,407,552.50 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $2,300,000.00 City of Coppell, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 1997 $2,000,000.00 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal interest Requirements 2001 $44,160.00 $70,000.00 $45,682.50 $159,842.50 2002 42,491.25 75,000.00 44,160.00 161,651.25 2003 40,428.75 75,000.00 42,491.25 157,920.00 2004 38,588.75 80,000.00 40,428.75 159,017.50 2005 36,463.75 85,000.00 38,588.75 160,052.50 2006 34,303.75 90,000.00 36,463.75 160,767.50 2007 31,976.25 95,000.00 34,303.75 161,280.00 2008 29,601.25 95,000.00 31,976.25 156,577.50 2009 27,101.25 100,000.00 29,601.25 156,702.50 2010 24,296.25 110,000.00 27,101.25 161,,397.50 2011 21,363.75 115,000.00 24,296.25 160,660.00 2012 18,243.75 120,000.00 21,363.75 159,607.50 2013 14,962.50 125,000.00 18,243.75 158,206.25 2014 11,550.00 130,000.00 14,962.50 156,512.50 2015 7,875.00 140,000.00 11,550.00 159,425.00 2016 4,068.75 145,000.00 7,875.00 156,943.75 2017 0.00 155,000.00 4,068.75 159,068.75 Totals $427,475.00 $473,157.50 $2,705,632.50 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $1,805,000.00 City of Coppall, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements General Obligation Refunding & Improvement Bonds Series 1997 $15,525,000.00 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $326,350.00 $1,565,000.00 $360,388.75 $2,251,738.75 2002 290,193.75 1,625,000.00 326,350.00 2,241,543.75 2003 239,456.25 1,845,000.00 290,193.75 2,374,650.00 2004 195,066.25 1,930,000.00 239,456.25 2,364,522.50 2005 145,316.25 1,990,000.00 195,066.25 2,330,382.50 2006 135,356.25 415 000.00 145,316.25 695,672.50 2007 124,698.75 435 000.00 135,356.25 695,055.00 2008 113,198.75 460 000.00 124,698.75 697,897.50 2009 101,198.75 480 000.00 113,198.75 694,397.50 2010 88,321.25 505 000.00 101,198.75 694,520.00 2011 74,933.75 525 000.00 88,321.25 688,255.00 2012 60,243.75 565 000.00 74,933.75 700,177.50 2013 46,200.00 535 000.00 60,243.75 641,443.75 2014 35,568.75 405000.00 46,200.00 486,768.75 2015 24,281.25 430 000.00 35,568.75 489,850.00 2016 12,468.75 450 000.00 24,281.25 486,750.00 2017 0.00 475 000.00 12,468.75 487,468.75 Totals $2,012,852.50 $2,373,241.25 $19,021,093.75 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $14,635,000.00 City of Coppall, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 1997A $3,200,000.00 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $68,387.50 $110.000.00 $70,725.00 $249,112.50 2002 65,886.25 115 000.00 68,387.50 249,273.75 2003 63,216.25 120 000.00 65,886.25 249,102.50 2004 60,258.75 130 000.00 63,216.25 253,475.00 2005 57,120.00 135,000.00 60,258.75 252,378.75 2006 53,830.00 140,000.00 57,120.00 250,950.00 2007 50,350.00 145,000.00 53,830.00 249,180.00 2008 46,630.00 155 000.00 50,350.00 251,980.00 2009 42,630.00 160 000.00 46,630.00 249,260.00 2010 38,380.00 t70 000.00 42,630.00 251,010.00 2011 33,880.00 180 000.00 38,380.00 252,260.00 2012 29,035.00 190 000.00 33,880.00 252,915.00 2013 23,835.00 200 000.00 29,035.00 252,870.00 2014 18,375.00 210 000.00 23,835.00 252,210.00 2015 12,600.00 220 000.00 18,375.00 250,975.00 2016 6,431.25 235 000.00 12,600.00 254,031.25 2017 0.00 245 000.00 6,431.25 251,431.25 Totals $670,845.00 $741,570.00 $4,272,415.00 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $2,860,000.00 City of Coppell, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 1999 $3,300,000.00 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $73,376.88 $110,000.00 $76,195.63 $259 572.51 2002 70,430.00 115,000.00 73,376.88 258 806.88 2003 67,355.00 120,000.00 70,430.00 257 785.00 2004 64,151.88 125,000.00 67,355.00 256 506.88 2005 60,820.63 130,000.00 64,151.88 254 972.51 2006 57,361.25 135.000.00 60,820.63 253 181.88 2007 53,773.75 140,000.00 57,361.25 251 135.00 2008 50,765.00 145.000.00 53,773.75 249 538.75 2009 47,510.00 155.000.00 50,765.00 253 275.00 2010 44,110.00 160.000.00 47,510.00 251 620.00 2011 40,455.00 170,000.00 44,110.00 254 565.00 2012 36,605.00 175,000.00 40,455.00 252 060.00 2013 32,442.50 185.000.00 36,605.00 254 047.50 2014 27,957.50 195.000.00 32,442.50 255 400.00 2015 23,088.75 205.000.00 27,957.50 256 046.25 2016 17,875.00 215.000.00 23,088.75 255 963.75 2017 12,250.00 225.000.00 17,875.00 255 125.00 2018 6,250.00 240.000.00 12,250.00 258 500.00 2019 0.00 250.000.00 6,250.00 256 250.00 Totals $786,578.14 $862,773.77 $4,844,351.91 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $3,195,000.00 City of Coppell, Texas Requirements for Principal and interest Retirements Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation Series 1999A $4,500,000.00 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $121,226.25 $135 000.00 $121,226.25 $377,452.50 2002 116,838.75 140 000.00 116,838.75 373,677.50 2003 112,288.75 150 000.00 112,288.75 374,577.50 2004 107,413.75 160 000.00 107,413.75 374,827.50 2005 102,213.75 165 000.00 102,213.75 369,427.50 2006 96,851.25 175 000.00 96,851.25 368,702.50 2007 91,163.75 185 000.00 91,163.75 367,327.50 2008 86,076.25 195 000.00 86,076.25 367,152.50 2009 81,201.25 205 000.00 81,201.25 367,402.50 2010 76,076.25 220 000.00 76,076.25 372,152.50 2011 70,576.25 230 000.00 70,576.25 371,152.50 2012 64,711.25 245 000.00 64,711.25 374,422.50 2013 58,341.25 255 000.00 58,341.25 371,682.50 2014 51,583.75 270 000.00 51,583.75 373,167.50 2015 44,293.75 285 000.00 44,293.75 373,587.50 2016 36,456.25 300 000.00 36,456.25 372,912.50 2017 28,206.25 320 000.00 28,206.25 376,412.50 2018 19,406.25 335,000.00 19,406.25 373,812.50 2019 9,984.38 355,000.00 9,984.38 374,968.76 Totals $1,374,909.38 $1,374,909.38 $7,074,818.76 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $4,325,000.00 City of Coppall, Texas Requirements for Principal and Interest Retirements General Obligation Bonds Series 2000 $9,865,000 Due Year Ending August 1st February 1st Total Sept. 30 Interest Principal Interest Requirements 2001 $301 018.75 $255,000.00 $301,018.75 $857 037.50 2002 292 093.75 275,000.00 292,093.75 859187.50 2003 282 468.75 295,000.00 282,468.75 859 937.50 2004 272 143.75 315,000.00 272,143.75 859 287.50 2005 261 118.75 335,000.00 261,118.75 857 237.50 2006 249 393.75 360,000.00 249,393.75 858 787.50 2007 236 793.75 385,000.00 236 793.75 858 587.50 2008 223 318.75 410,000.00 223 318.75 856 637.50 2009 209 481.25 435,000.00 209 481.25 853 962.50 2010 197 518.75 460,000.00 197 518.75 855 037.50 2011 184 868.75 485,000.00 184 868.75 854 737.50 2012 171,531.25 515,000.00 171 531.25 858 062.50 2013 157,111.25 540,000.00 157 111.25 854 222.50 2014 141,856.25 575,000.00 141 856.25 858 712.50 2015 125,325.00 605,000.00 125 325.00 855 650.00 2016 107,780.00 640,000.00 107 780.00 855 560.00 2017 89,060.00 680,000.00 89,060.00 858 120.00 2018 69,000.00 720,000.00 69,000.00 858 000.00 2019 47,400.00 765,000.00 47,400.00 859800.00 2020 24,450.00 815,000.00 24,450.00 863900.00 Totals $3,643,732.50 $3,643,732.50 $17,152,465.00 Bonds Outstanding September 30, 2000 $9,865,000.00 · .,~ II II 0 II Q¢ II ¢:~ F- II o ¢/j II LLI¢~I'~' II (~s~,n,,' II .~:a,..,~: II I~"~ II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I-- II II Z II II I,~ II II Z II II ~ II II ¢.~s II II ~ II ¢(C.~ Z: Z ~-~ II H :~ 0~, Lt~"'o ID o O g ~ LPI ID I.~ II II ~ II II II II ,~ tO I.Cl IZ'l I~ It'l II II II I:=1Z ' II U) II,~ .H \ S, ml f-t rl I ¢~ 0 r. 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