CP 2000-06-22 areas are additions. Stfikeeu{ areas are deletions. NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP AND AGENDA JUNE 22, 2000 CANDY SHEEHAN, LARRY WHEELER, Place 6 Mayor Mayor Pro Tem GREG GARCIA, Place I MARSHA TUNNELL, Place 4 JAYNE PETERS, Place 2 DOUG STOVER, Place 5 PAT KEENAN, Place 3 BILL YORK, Place 7 JIM WITT, City Manager MEETING TIME AND PLACE: Work Session 6:00 p.m. 2nd FI. Conf. Room (Open to the Public) Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet '"^-"~" ~i~ai~, June 22, 2000, at 6:00 p.m., to be in a Budget Workshop on ,,, .....7 ................................................... held at Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: ITEM # ITEM DESCRIPTION WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. General Fund A. Proposed Budget to 5-Year Plan B. Fund Summary C. Assessed Valuation Update D. Ad Valurem Collection Rates E. Trend Analysis F. Fund Balance Walkforward G. Enhanced Projects/Fund Balance Designations/Council Projects 2. Mayor and Council Budget A. Discussion of Service Organization Funding Levels B. Line Item Detail agO6222000am Page :[ of 2 amanuenses~ for participation in or Budget Meeting June 22, 2000 Agenda I. General Fund (a) Proposed Budget to 5 Year Plan (b) Fund Summary (c) Assessed Valuation Update (d) Ad Valorem Collection Rates (e) Trend Analysis (f) Fund Balance Walkforward (g) Enhanced Projects/Fund Balance Designations/Council Projects II. Mayor and Council Budget (a) Discussion of Service Organization Funding Levels (b) Line Item Detail HI. General Discussion (a) Budget Process/Future Direction gf 5year rev.xls City of Coppell Revenue Analysis to 5 Year Plan As of 06-19-00 Account 2000-01 Number 5 Year Plan Proposed Difference Ad Valorem Taxes - Current 6010 11,191,551 11,632,855 441,304 Ad Valorera Taxes - Delinquent 6020 27,000 27,000 0 Property Tax - P & I 6030 29,600 28,000 (1,600) Roll Back Taxes 6040 0 0 0 Transmission Line Fee 6090 30,603 30,400 (203) Franchise Tax - Electric 6100 1,214,109 1,350,000 135,891 Franchise Tax - Telephone 6110 145,278 154,000 8,722 Franchise Tax - Gas 6120 181,598 175,000 (6,598) Franchise Tax - Solid Waste 6130 295,745 310,000 14,255 Franchise Tax - Cable 'IV 6140 214,804 227,000 12,196 W/S Reimbursement 6150 2,742,723 2,873,329 130,606 CRDC Reimbursement 6151 55, 155 55, 125 (30) E-911 Revenue 6180 323,762 350,000 26,238 Telecommunications Fee 6181 5,189 0 (5, 189) Salary Reimbursement 6190 40,000 40,000 0 Municipal Court Fines 6200 1,245,240 1,320,000 74,760 M C Time Payment Fees 6201 519 300 (219) Recreational Fees 6240 905,707 907,000 1,293 Fire Services Fees 6250 0 0 0 Sports Entry Fee 6290 0 0 0 Building Permits 6300 1,100,000 1,000,000 (100,000) Zoning &Subdivision Fees 6310 39,500 36,000 (3,500) Street & Sign 6320 22,300 25,000 2,700 Contractor Registration Fees 6330 45,000 45,000 0 Ambulance Services 6340 62,262 66,000 3,738 Maps &Publications 6350 5,500 6,000 500 Street Cut Fees 6360 21,200 21,000 (200) Library Fees 6370 25,943 25 000 (943) Interest Income 6400 540,750 575,000 34,250 M iscel la neous Income 64 10 29,000 34.000 5,000 Health Permits 6420 17,641 20.000 2,359 Licenses 6430 30,000 34 000 4,000 Alarm Permits 6440 22,829 40 000 17, 171 Animal Control 6450 25,943 30 000 4,057 Grant Revenue 6470 100,000 0 (100,000) Sales Taxes 6500 2,801,790 2,843,500 41,710 Mixed Beverage 6501 35,660 35,000 (660) Program Proceeds 6520 0 0 0 Lease Proceeds 6531 0 273,950 273,950 Claims/Damage Reimbursements 6590 0 0 0 Construction Inspection Fees 6810 200,000 200,000 0 Other Financin8 Sources 6890 0 0 0 Sale of City Property 6970 0 0 0 Prior Year A/E/R 6980 0 0 0 Over/Short 6990 0 0 0 23,773,901 24,789,459 1,015,558 Page 1 The City of Coppell General Fund Revenue Summary Actual FY 00 Budget FY 01 Budget Description 1998-99 Amended Proposed Ad Valorem - Current $ 9,214,843 $ 10,848,674 $ 11,632,855 Ad Valorem Delinquent 57,462 27,000 27,000 Penalty and Interest 52,044 29,600 28,000 Roll Back Tax 123,289 0 0 Total Property Tax 9,447,638 10,905,274 11,687,855 Transmission Line Fee 49,755 30,300 30,400 Franchise - Electric 1,138,448 1,170,000 1,350,000 Franchise - Telephone 124,496 140,000 154,000 Franchise - Gas 153,981 175,000 175,000 Franchise - Solid Waste 286,392 285,000 310,000 Franchise - Cable 178,271 207,000 227,000 Total Franchise Tax 1,931,343 2,007,300 2,246,400 W/S Reimbursement 2,317,254 2,612,117 2,873,329 Sales Tax 2,676,966 2,735,000 2,878,500 Municipal Court Fines 732,264 1,200,500 1,320,300 Recreational Fees 4,215 405,500 907,000 Fire Services Fees 0 0 0 Sports Entry Fees 17,370 0 0 Building Permits 993,067 1,100,000 1,000,000 Zoning/Subdivision Fees 35,950 39,500 36,000 Street Lighting/Sign Fees 37,410 22,300 25,000 Contractor Registration 36,233 45,000 45,000 Street Cut Fees 16,000 21,200 21,000 Library Fees 23,907 25,000 25,000 Health Permits 17,980 17,000 20,000 Licenses 33,250 30,000 34,000 Program Proceeds 0 0 0 Alarm Permits 37,500 22,000 40,000 Animal Control 23,899 25,000 30,000 Construction Fees 405,492 150,000 200,000 Total Fees and Permits $ 1,682,273 $ 1,902,500 $ 2,383,000 The City of Coppell General Fund Revenue Summary Actual FY 00 Budget FY 01 Budget Description 1998-99 Amended Proposed E911 Revenue $ 240,361 $ 312,000 $ 350,000 Telecommunications Fee 1,684 5,000 0 CRDC Reimbursement 52,500 52,500 55,125 Salary Reimbursement 76,668 40,000 40,000 Ambulance Services 63,828 60,000 66,000 Maps and Publications 5,511 5,500 6,000 Interest Income 506,333 515,000 575,000 Miscellaneous Income 46,222 29,000 34,000 Grant Revenue 299,883 100,000 0 Claims/Damage Reimbursement 30,157 0 0 Lease Proceeds 47,501 1,203,350 273,950 Transfer In 0 0 0 Sale of City Property 10,885 10,000 0 Prior Year A/E/R 28,393 0 0 Over (Short) (65) 0 0 Total Other Revenue 1,409,861 2,332,350 1,400,075 Total Revenue $ 20,197,599 $ 23,695,041 $ 24,789,459 The City of Coppell General Fund Expenditure Summary Actual FY 00 Budget FY 01 Budget Department 1998-99 Amended Proposed Mayor and Council $ 156,571 $ 232,740 $ 237,795 City Management 428,860 494,502 528,858 Legal Services 312,156 300,000 325,000 Con~nunity Information Services 99,715 143,563 157,094 Finance 399,667 500,819 580,217 Tax Collections 160,345 186,303 210,480 Combined Services 612,658 1,648,693 1,376,058 Human Resources 561,656 665,158 727,352 Purchasing 127,529 147,744 174,694 City Secretary 150,716 201,443 211,338 Records Management 84,558 65,796 131,787 Information Services 198,906 97,300 14,707 Information Systems 731,328 1,866,849 1,366,367 Total General Government 4,024,665 6,550,910 6,041,747 Fire 3,784,217 4,169,078 4,729,878 Emergency Management 17,575 24,699 20,140 Building Inspections 365,955 415,016 412,221 Environmental Health 754,529 508,165 451,096 Municipal Court 448,527 624,205 660,795 Police 3,393,120 4,551,393 4,690,497 Total Public Safety 8,763,923 10,292,556 10,964,627 Engineering 645,040 616,847 765,171 Facilities Management 698,058 804,674 753,491 Streets 1,031,315 1,464,140 822,555 Fleet Services 475,509 474,409 608,652 Traffic Control 0 0 670,090 Planning and Zoning 250,339 304,781 344,580 Total Public Works 3,100,261 3,664,851 3,964,539 Library 825,910 1,093,250 1,229,458 Leisure Services 1,463,659 2,809,425 3,454,300 Total Cultural/Recreational 2,289,569 3,902,675 4,683,758 Total Expenditures $ 18,178,418 $ 24,410,992 $ 25,654,671 City of Coppell Estimated Ad Valorem Tax Collections and Proposed Distribution Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Assessed Valuation for 2000-01 (100%) $ 2,872,781,651 Proposed Tax Rate 0.64860 Revenue from 2000-01 Taxes 18,632,862 Estimated Collections 98.50% Total Estimated Funds Available $ 18,353,369 Proposed Distribution of Tax Collections TAX RATE PERCENTAGE PER $100 AMOUNT General Fund 63.38% $ 0.41110 $ 11,632,855 Bonded Indebtedness 36.62% 0.23750 6,720,514 100.00% $ 0.64860 $ 18,353,369 2000 PRELIMINARY VALUATION ESTIMATE As of 5/17/00 2000 Preliminary Est. 3,076,491,869 1999 Certified Value 2,588,091,578 Valuation Increase 488,400,291 Percentage Growth 18.87% Additional Est. Valuation at Abatement Taxable Value Est. % Certification Loss at Certification Growth 2,952,509,247 0 2,952,509.247 14.08% Highest % Decline -7.44% 2,847,600,874 0 2,847,600,874 10.03% Lowest%Decline .2.3,9% 3,009,116,697 0 3,009,116,697 16.27% HISTORICAL DATA Original Prelim. Certification Value Valuation Tax Year Value Report Report (7/25) Loss Percent Change 1999 2,796,072,791 2,588,091,578 (207,981,213) -7.44% 1998 2,390,025, 212 2,275,968,398 (114,056,814) -4.77% 1997 2,060,218,573 2,005,725,536 (54,493,037) -2.65% 1996 1,742,129,900 1,701,189.848 (40.940.052) -2.35% 1995 1.590.995,441 1,534,334,974 (56.660,467) .3.56% 1994 1,385,648,294 1,339,595,545 (46,052,749) -3.32% 1993 1,159,296,829 1,133,906,263 (25,390,566) .2.19% 1992 1,057,211,744 999, 174,080 (58,037,664) -5.49% 1991 998,432,713 953,241,850 (45,190,863) -4.53% Average -4.03% B042CHGS-01 REPORT OF ESTINATED 2000 DCAD VALUES 06/12/2000 (PRELININARY& UNOFFICIAL ESTII~ATES) JURISDICTION: CITY OF COPPELL THE FOLLOWING TOTALS ARE BEING PROVIDED BY THE DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT TO KEEP YOU ABREAST OF THE PERIODIC CHANGES IN ESTINATED VALUES PRIOR TO CERTIFICATION OF THE 2000 APPRAISAL ROLL. CURRENT NARKET PREVIOUS NARKET AMOUNT OF ..... VALUE .......... VALUE ......... CHANGE .... $3,425,902,020 $3,465,690,610 $39,788,590- CURRENT TAXABLE PREVIOUS TAXABLE AMOUNT OF ..... VALUE .......... VALUE ......... CHANGE .... $3,033,134,271 $3,067,358,422 $34,224,151- ' ' IN CURRENT MARKET VALUE ABOVE) B042CHGS-01 REPORT OF ESTIMATED 2000 DCAD VALUES 05/27/2000 (PRELIMINARY & UNOFFICIAL ESTIMATES) JURISDICTION: CITY OF COPPELL THE FOLLOWING TOTALS ARE BEING PROVIDED BY THE DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT TO KEEP YOU ABREAST OF THE PERIODIC CHANGES IN ESTIMATED VALUES PRIOR TO CERTIFICATION OF THE 2000 APPRAISAL ROLL. CURRENT MARKET PREVIOUS MARKET AMOUNT OF ..... VALUE .......... VALUE ......... CHANGE .... $3,465,690,610 $3',456,364,180 $9,326,430+ CURRENT TAXABLE PREVIbUS TAXABLE AMOUNT OF ..... VALUE .......... VALUE ......... CHANGE .... $3,067,358,422 $3,076,491,869 $9,133,447- ' IN CURRENT MARKET VALUE ABOVE) CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS PROPERTY TAX LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS (1) Total Percent of Fiscal Tax Current Tax Currant Taxes Year Levy (2) Collections Collected 1988 $ 4,520,068 $ 4,430,761 98.02 1989 4,814,693 4,674,607 97.09 1990 4,908,385 4,738,568 96.54 1991 5,757,957 5,623,004 97.66 1992 6,438,392 6,358,439 98.76 1993 6,983,488 6,874,241 98.44 1994 7,809,400 7,761,827 99.39 1995 8,952,872 8,900,813 99.42 1996 10,216,400 10,130,896 99.16 1997 11,328,230 11,273,927 99.52 1998 13,308,006 13,255,980 99.61 1999 14,385,365 14,274,331 99.23 (1) Includes general and debt service funds. (2) Supplementary adjustments after the corresponding fiscal year end are not reflected above. Source: City's Financial Records w o ~ .~ CO'- OLLILL DATE: June 5, 2000 TO: Mayor and City Council to provi~~y~~~~~~ h~ requests that are being made for funding and !as~ year's actual funding, the following chart compares the a~mal funding for fiscal year 2000 and the funding r~lue~ts for 2001. Please note that Denton Council Substance Abuse Commission, the Early Childhood Intervention Program, the Coppell High School Band Booster, as well as the Metrocrest Family Medical Clinic did not make a request to the Council last year. I hope this information is helpful in your deliberations. 2000 200--1 Metrocrest Social Service Center $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Denton County Children's Advocacy Center $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Metrocrest Family Medical Clinic $ 2,500 Coppell Community Chorale $ 2.500 $ 2,500 The Family Place $10,000 $10,000 Senior Adult Services $14,550 $16, 163 Coppell Substance Abuse Commission $ 5,830 $10,0{30-$15,000 Coppell High School Band Boosters $10,000 Early Childhood Intervention Program $12,400 Denton County Substance Abuse C.~mmisoioa ~ 7~! ~ $ 3,000 Presentations will be made .Iune 19, 20Q0. Coppell Arts Council To Be Determined Camerata Chamber Winds $ 2,500 $ 5,000 JW:kb City of Coppell Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Line Item Breakdown Department: Mayor and Council ACCT. NO. 4220 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Council Photographs $ 535.00 Citizen Survey 7,900.00 Various Service Contracts 13,865.00 TOTAL $22,300.00 ACCT. NO. 4230 PRINTING SERVICES Citizen Survey, Quarterly Newsletter $ 7,500.00 and Other Printed Material TOTAL $7,500.00 ACCT. NO. 4240 SPECIAL PROJECTS Chamber Gala $ 600.00 YMCA Diamonds N' Denim 600.00 4th of July Activities 6,750.00 Coppell Woman of the Year 400.00 Thanksgiving Luncheon 2,000.00 Boards &Commission Appreciation 1,550.00 Mayor's Regional Lunches 690.00 Council Retreats 16,585.00 Senior Adult Services 14,550.00 The Family Place 10,000.00 Metrocrest Social Service Center 8,025.00 Coppell Sports Program 850.00 Red Ribbon Kickoff 500.00 New Teachers Breakfast 600.00 Trolley for Christmas Parade 1,000.00 CHS Yearbook 850.00 Youth Leadership 2,000.00 Leadership Coppell 3,000.00 Camp Scholarships 9,500.00 Project Graduation 1,500.00 Denton County Child Advocacy Center 3,500.00 Substance Abuse Council 6,000.00 TOTAL $91,050.00 ACCT. NO. 4320 TRAINING Various Training Courses Sponsored by COG, $ 39,000.00 TML and National League of Cities & Austin TOTAL $39,000.00 City of Coppell Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Line Item Breakdown Department: Mayor and Council ACCT. NO. 4340 DUES & MEMBERSHIPS Texas Municipal League $ 3,000.00 NCTCOG 3,300.00 Metroplex Mayors Commission 450.00 Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition 3,305.00 North Texas Commission 2,435.00 National League of Cities 1,925.00 DFW Regional Film Commission 3,300.00 SW Legal Foundation 75.00 Chamber Luncheons 720.00 Chamber of Commerce 10,700.00 Texas Good Roads 50.00 TOTAL $29,260.00 ACCT. NO. 4350 BOARDS & COMMISSIONS Boards &Commissions Expenses $ 10,000.O0 Board Installation and Preparation Expenses Plaques Training Expenses TOTAL $10,000.00 ACCT. NO. 4370 PUBLICATIONS & SUBSCRIPTIONS Publications $ 750.00 TOTAL $750.00 ACCT. NO. 4950 CONTINGENCY FUNDS Contingency Funds $ 34,000.00 TOTAL $34,000.00