CM 2000-07-25MINUTES OF JULY 25, 2000
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session
Tuesday, July 25, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of
Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following
members were present:
Candy Sheehan, Mayor
Larry Wheeler, Mayor Pro Tem
Greg Garcia, Councilmember
Jayne Peters, Councilmember
Pat Keenan, Councilmember
Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember
Doug Stover, Councilmember
Bill York, Councilmember
Also present were City Manager Jim Witt, City Secretary Libby Ball and
City Attorney Robert Hager.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
1. Call to order.
Mayor Sheehan called the meeting to order and adjourned into Executive
(Closed to the Public)
Convene Executive Session
A. Section 551.071 (1) & (2), Texas Government Code
Consultation with City Attorney.
1. Membership criteria at the Aquatic/Recreation
2. Update on ZC 605 (CH).
Mayor Sheehan convened into Executive Session at 6:13 p.m. as allowed under
the above-stated article. Mayor Sheehan adjourned the Executive Session at
6:58 p.m. and opened the Work Session.
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WORK SESSION (Open to the Public)
Convene Work Session
A. Discussion of Board/Commission Interview
Reception and Swearing-in Ceremony.
B. Schedule for Council Goals and Objectives.
C. Discussion of Agenda Items.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
4. Invocation.
Rod Collver, First Assembly of God Church, led those present in the invocation.
5. Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Sheehan led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consider approval of a proclamation proclaiming "National
Night Out" on Tuesday, August 1, 2000, and providing City
Council Support and Endorsement of National Night Out
festivities and authorizing the mayor to sign.
Mayor Sheehan read the Proclamation for the record and presented the
same to Coppell Police Officer Mary Seck.
Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve a Proclamation proclaiming
"National Night Out" on Tuesday, August 1, 2000. Councilmember
Garcia seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Keenan, Tunnell, Stover
and York voting in favor of the motion.
Citizen's Appearances.
A. Madeline White, 600 Wellington Road, spoke regarding funding for
Coppell Community Chorale.
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Michael Leonard, 1445 Pebble Creek, spoke regarding noise at bars
on Beltline because of outdoor concerts.
8. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items:
A. Consider approval of minutes: July 11, 2000.
Consider approval of a License Agreement between the
City of Coppell and George Dixon concerning
encroachments into an existing sanitary sewer easement
on Lot 20, Block B Northlake Woodlands Section 5 (153
Meadowcreek); and authorizing the City Manager to sign.
Consider approval of a Supplemental City/County
Agreement between the City of Coppell and Dallas County
providing for the City's portion of funding, in the amount
of $344,262.00, for Belt Line Road from Denton Tap to
MacArthur as funded in the Series 1995A Certificate of
Obligation Bonds; and authorizing the City Manager to
Consider approval of a contract for the renewal of the
Dallas County Health Services Agreement, effective
October 1, 2000 to September 30, 2001, in the amount of
$3,131.00, and authorizing the City Manager to sign.
Consider approval of an ordinance amending article 3-5 of
Chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances by adding a new
section 3-5-11 "Roll-off Containers," requiring all
residences and commercial establishments within the
city to use only roll-off containers owned or operated by
the city or its authorized contractor, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B,
C, D, and E carrying Ordinance No. 2000-918. Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler
seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Keenan, Tunnell, Stover
and York voting in favor of the motion.
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Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. ZC-605 (CH),
zoning change request for Tract I from R (Retail) to SF-12
(Single Family-12) on approximately 1.42 acres of property
located along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard,
approximately 476 feet north of DeForest Road, and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler moved to approve Ordinance No. 91500-A-265
for Case No. ZC-605 (CH), zoning change request for Tract 1 from R
(Retail) to SF-12 (Single Family-12) on approximately 1.42 acres of
property located along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard,
approximately 476 feet north of DeForest Road. Councilmember Tunnell
seconded the motion; the motion failed 3-4 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler
and Councilmembers Keenan and Tunnell voting in favor of the motion
and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Stover and York voting against the
To receive citizen's input regarding Council's recommitment to
a fiat tax rate during the life of the recent bond packages
approved by the voters in November 1999.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised no one had
signed up to speak. Mayor Sheehan then closed the Public Hearing.
Consider approval of Council's recommitment to a fiat tax rate
until fiscal year 2005 that will encompass the recent bond
Issues Discussed:
There was discussion regarding committing future City Councirs to items
voted on by the current Council; the uncertainty of the economic future
of the Country; and the long term effects of this item on the City.
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Councilmember Stover moved to postpone a vote on the recommitment to
a fiat tax rate until fiscal year 2005 that will encompass the recent bond
election. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion failed
3-4 with Councilmembers Garcia, Stover and York voting in favor of the
motion and Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Peters,
Keenan, Tunnell and voting against the motion.
Councilmember Keenan moved to recommit to a fiat tax rate until fiscal
year 2005 that will encompass the recent bond election. Councilmember
Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wheeler and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan, and Tunnell voting in
favor of the motion and Councilmembers Garcia, Stover and York voting
against the motion.
To receive citizen's input regarding the establishment of a Tax
Stabilization Reserve to ensure a fiat tax rate until the 2005
fiscal year.
Public Hearing
Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised no one had
signed up to speak. Mayor Sheehan then closed the Public Hearing.
13. Consider approval of the establishment of a Tax Stabilization
Reserve to ensure a fiat tax rate until the 2005 fiscal year.
Issues Discussed:
There was discussion regarding what information is available regarding
what a Tax Stabilization Reserve is; it was requested that copies of any
correspondence from Council members or City Officials on what the Tax
Stabilization Reserve is and how it would affect the City of Coppell be
given to the City Council; how would this Reserve be established, funded
and accessed; how previous emergency items have been handled in the
past and would this be done in the future; and how the Five Year Plan
would be affected.
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Councilmember Keenan moved to approve establishing a Tax
Stabilization Reserve to equal $4,000,000.00 or whatever the forecast
over the periods to be, this Tax Stabilization Reserve should never
increase taxes, but should be there to provide a capability of the City to
anticipate the future needs and match future needs to keep the tax rate
fiat and also to match the deficits that the City will run over the next
several years. Motion died for lack of a second.
Councilmember Keenan moved to establish a Tax Stabilization Reserve
by the first meeting in August, 2000 to ensure a fiat tax to fiscal year
2005. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried
4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Peters, Keenan
and Tunnell voting in favor of the motion and Councilmembers Garcia,
Stover and York voting against the motion.
Consider approval of a Resolution urging the Texas Municipal
League to support changes in state law to create a deposit
system for glass and plastic bottles, and authorizing the Mayor
to sign.
Councilmember York moved to approve a Resolution urging the Texas
Municipal League to support changes in state law to create a deposit
system for glass and plastic bottles. Councilmember Garcia seconded
the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and
Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Keenan, Tunnell, Stover and York voting
in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of a Change Order to the contract with Dean
Construction for development of MacArthur Park to allow
lighting of four fields for a total not to exceed $65,145.00, and
authorizing the City Manager to sign.
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Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve a Change Order to the
contract with Dean Construction for development of MacArthur Park to
allow lighting of four fields for a total not to exceed $65,145.00.
Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Keenan,
Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion.
Necessary action resulting from Work Session.
There was no action necessary under this item.
Presentation by Arthur Kwast regarding the municipal facility
at 157 S. Moore Toad, Texas Accessibility Standards, HC
parking requirements, fire exits, minimum door widths, hall
clearances, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
(TDLR) review, TDLR inspection, and communication with the
Arthur Kwast, 123 Sandy Oak Lane, made a presentation to the Council
regarding parking at the municipal facility at 157 S. Moore Road.
City Manager's Report.
A. Update on Wagon Wheel and MacArthur Parks.
B. Review of Aquatic Center Safety Assessment.
C. Sales Tax Report Update.
Jim Witt, City Manager, updated Council on the progress on the
Wagon Wheel and MacArthur Parks.
Jim Witt, City Manager, reviewed the Aquatic Center Safety
Assessment received by a third party auditor.
C. Jim Witt, City Manager, updated Council on the Sales Tax Report.
Jim Witt, City Manager, announced his intent to resign effective
April 15, 2001.
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19. Mayor and Council Reports. "' A. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Summer Reading
B. Report by Mayor Sheehan regardinK Coppell Night Out.
C. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Coppell Community
Theater/My Fair Lady.
D. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding the Throekmorton
Relief Effort.
E. Report by Councilmember Garcia regarding the Dnllas
20 12 Olympic Proposal.
Mayor Sheehan indicated her surprise at the City Manager's
announcement regarding resigning and passed on the Mayor's report.
E. Councilmember Garcia reported on the Dallas 2012 Olympic
D. Mayor Sheehan reported on the Throckmorton Relief Effort and
recognized the City employees who had travelled to West Texas to
20. Necessary Action Resulting from Executive Session.
There was no action necessary under this item.
There being no further business to come beire the City Council the meeting
C~an~ay Sheebb, Mayor
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