RE 2024-1008.1 Nomination for Denton CAD Board of DirectorsRESOLUT ION No.&Q),t_\.,, \00'3'. \ A RESOL UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL NOMINATING CANDIDATES FOR ELECTION TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF DENTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHERE AS, the C hi ef Appraiser of the Denton Ce ntr al Appraisa l Di strict has been charged with the responsibility of con du cting the election pro cess to determ in e the m embe rship of the Board of Directors of the Dento n Central Apprai sal District, according to the P ro p erty Tax Co de of Texas; and WHEREAS , Texas Property Tax Code Sect ion s 6.03(e) and 6.03(g) pro v id es that each t ax in g unit e ntitl ed to vote may n omin ate by reso luti o n up to fi ve (5) candidates to become a memb er of the Board of Di rectors to be s ubmi tted t o the Chi ef Appra iser befo re October 15 , 2 024; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VE D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL: SECTIO 1. That the C ity Co uncil of th e C ity of Coppe ll does he re by nominate the fo ll ow in g persons as a candidate for e lec tion to the Board of Directors of the D e nto n Central A pp ra isa l Di strict: 1. ~~ 'NttM"+\() 2. 3 . 4. 5. SECTION 2. That thi s Resolution sha ll become effectiv e imm edi ate ly from and after it s p assage. DJJLY RESOLVED AND ADOPTED by the C it y Council of the City of Coppell , on this the "6qh day of October, 2024. 1