CM 2024-09-24255 E. Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
City of Coppell, Texas
City Council
7:30 PM Council ChambersTuesday, September 24, 2024
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 1 Place 5
Place 2 Place 6
Place 3 Place 7
City Manager
Wes Mays;Jim Walker;Brianna Hinojosa-Smith;Don Carroll;Kevin
Nevels;Biju Mathew and Mark Hill
Present 7 -
Ramesh PremkumarVirtual1 -
Also present were Deputy City Manager Kent Collins, City Attorney Bob Hager, and
City Secretary Ashley Owens.
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September
24, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway
Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
Regular Session
Call to Order1.
Mayor Wes Mays called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was
present and convened into the Regular Session at 7:30 p.m.
Invocation 7:30 p.m.2.
Ryan Paulsen with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gave the
Pledge of Allegiance3.
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September 24, 2024City Council Minutes
Mayor Wes Mays led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
4.Presentation of a Proclamation designating September 24, 2024, as
“Chiaka Ogbogu Day”.
Mayor Wes Mays read the Proclamation into the record and presented the
same to Chiaka Ogbogu.
Citizens’ Appearance5.
Mayor Wes Mays asked for those who signed up to speak:
1) Thomas Burrows, 138 Wynnpage, spoke in regards to code compliance.
Consent Agenda6.
At the request of Mayor Wes Mays, Consent Agenda Item I was considered
A.Consider approval of the Minutes: September 10, 2024.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
B.Consider approval of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No.
2023-1599, the budget for Fiscal Year October 1, 2023, through
September 30, 2024; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Enactment No: OR 2024-1615
C.Consider approval of the renewal of an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas
County Health and Human Services for mosquito spraying; in an amount
not to exceed $54,000.00, as budgeted; and authorizing the Mayor to
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
D.Consider approval of the renewal of the Dallas County Health and Human
Services Interlocal Government Agreement, effective October 1, 2024,
through September 30, 2025; in the amount of $3,131.00; as budgeted in
FY 24-25; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
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September 24, 2024City Council Minutes
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
E.Consider approval of renewal of a Regulatory Services Agreement with
Trinity River Authority, for services related to monitoring industrial uses of
the City Sanitary Sewer System, in the amount of $9,500.00; and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
F.Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas,
reappointing a Presiding Municipal Judge of the Coppell Municipal Court
of Record No. 1 of the City of Coppell, Texas; and authorizing the City
Manager to execute an engagement agreement.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Enactment No: OR 2024-1616
G.Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas,
reappointing Alternate Municipal Judges of the Municipal Court of
Record No. 1 of the City of Coppell; authorizing the City Manager to
execute an engagement agreement.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Enactment No: OR 2024-1617
H.Consider approval of the Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2025.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
I.Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas College, to
facilitate “Growing in Cultural Agility” Learning Sessions for all City
employees, in the amount of $48,000, as budgeted in the General Fund
Employee Experience Department; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Nevels, seconded by
Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, that Consent Agenda Item I be
approved as amended. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
J.Consider approval of renewing with United Medical Resources (UMR),
for third party administrative services to administer the City’s medical
and prescription drug plans, in the amount of $190,339.00, as budgeted
in the Self-funded Health Fund; and authorizing the City Manager to sign
any necessary documents.
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September 24, 2024City Council Minutes
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
K.Consider approval of renewing with Tokio Marine HCC, for Organ and
Tissue Transplant coverage for eligible City of Coppell employees and
retirees, in the amount of $74,081.00, as budgeted in the Self-funded
Health Fund; and authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
L.Consider approval of the renewal contract with Mutual of Omaha, for Life,
Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D), Short Term Disability
and Long-Term Disability (LTD) insurance, in the amount of $264,821 as
budgeted in FY 2024-2025 General Fund budget; and authorizing the
City Manager to sign.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
M.Consider approval of renewing with Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
through SA Benefit Services for medical stop loss insurance, in the
amount of $462,479.00, as budgeted in the Self-funded Health Fund; and
authorizing the City Manager to sign any necessary documents.
A motion was made by Councilmember Don Carroll, seconded by
Councilmember Jim Walker, that Consent Agenda Items A - H and J - M be
approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
End of Consent Agenda
7.Consider voting for a candidate to Places 11 - 14 to the Board of
Trustees to the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool
(TMLIRP); and authorizing the Mayor to sign and complete the ballot.
A motion was made by Councilmember Jim Walker, seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Kevin Nevels, that the agenda item be approved and to cast a vote for
Randy Criswell, Place 11, Allison Heyward, Place 12, Harlan Jefferson, Place
13, and Mike Land, Place 14 to the Board of Trustees to the Texas Municipal
League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP). The motion passed by an
unanimous vote.
City Manager Reports, Project Updates, Future Agendas, and Direction from Work
Deputy City Manager Kent Collins gave the following updates:
Magnolia Park Trail – First phases of construction are underway. The
contractor has updated the timeline, and the project is expected to be
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September 24, 2024City Council Minutes
complete at the end of March.
Woodhurst – All the utilities have been completed and paving of the
westbound lanes is finished. The contractor is now working on paving the
eastbound lanes.
DART – They are working on completed all the pavement repairs on S. Coppell
road and its expected to be open by the end of this week.
Fire Station #5 – Underground utilities are complete. The contractor is
preparing the building slab.
Service Center – We have a kickoff meeting with the contractor this week to
begin Phase 1, which is the north parking lot.
Mayor and Council Reports on Recent and Upcoming Events.9.
Reminder that National Night Out is one week from today, October 1, 2024.
National Night Out is a community-building campaign that promotes
police-community partnerships. Check out the location map of all the Block
Parties in Coppell and special thank you to our 2024 sponsors.
Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no
Council action or deliberation permitted.
Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Nevels and Councilmember Ramesh Premkumar
represented the City of Coppell at the annual Grapefest Stomp-a-thon.
Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room11.
Mayor Wes Mays recessed the Regular Session at 7:56 p.m. and convened into
the Executive Session at 7:59 p.m.
At this time, Councilmember Ramesh Premkumar joined the meeting remotely.
Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney.
A.Consultation with City Attorney and special legal counsel, regarding City
of Coppell, et. al. vs. Glenn Hegar, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Discussed under Executive Session
B.Seek legal advice from City Attorney regarding administrative matters at
city facilities.
Discussed under Executive Session
Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room12.
Mayor Wes Mays adjourned the Executive Session at 9:22 p.m. and convened
into the Work Session at 9:26 p.m.
A.Discussion of Code of Ordinances Sec. 1-10-6.2.1 - Order of
Page 5City of Coppell, Texas
City Council
Regular Session
Minutes September 24, 2024
business , Citizens Appearance .
B. Discussion regard ing ordinance updates : Chapter 12 , Section 31 -3
(Off-street loading space , all districts); Chapter 12 , Section 31 -6
(Park ing requirements based on use); Chapter 12 , Section 12-31 -7
(Rules for computing number of parking spaces); Chapter 12 , Section 12
-29 -6 (Nonconforming Signs).
Presented in Work Session
Mayor Wes Mays adjourned the Work Session at 10 :31 p.m . and reconvened
into the Regular Session at 10 :33 p.m.
13. Necessary Action from Executive Session
14. Adjournment
City of Coppell, Tex as
There was no necessary action from Executive Session .
There being no further business before this Council , the meeting adjourned at
10:33 p .m .
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