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BP 2024-11-21 PZPlanning & Zoning Commission City of Coppell, Texas Meeting Agenda 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 255 Parkway Blvd6:00 PMThursday, November 21, 2024 Edmund Haas Glenn Portman (Chair) (Vice Chair) Cindy Bishop Sue Blankenship Freddie Guerra Kent Hafemann Ed Maurer Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell, Texas, will meet on Thursday, November 21, 2024, in Regular Called Session at 6:00 p.m. for Work Session, and Regular Session at 6:30 p.m., at Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein. The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign the Work Session, or called Executive Session, or order of business, at any time prior to adjournment. As authorized by Section 551.127, of the Texas Government Code, one or more commissioners or employees may attend this meeting remotely using videoconferencing technology. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the following items: Regular Session (Open to the Public) 1.Call to order 2.Work Session (Open to the Public) 3.Regular Session (Open to the Public) 4.Citizens Appearance Page 1 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 11/18/2024 November 21, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Provide an opportunity for citizens to address the Planning and Zoning Commission on any matter. Anyone wishing to address the commission should register prior to the start of the meeting. There is a two (2) minute time limit for each citizen to speak however, additional time may be granted by the commissioners. The Planning and Zoning Commission is not permitted to take action on any subject raised by a speaker during Citizens' Appearance. 5.Consider approval of the October 17, 2024, Planning and Zoning meeting minutes. Oct 17, 2024 PZ Minutes.pdfAttachments: 6.Consider approval of the October 24, 2024, joint meeting minutes with the F.O.A.R.D. Task Force and Smart City boards of the City of Coppell. Oct 24, 2024 Joint Meeting Minutes.pdfAttachments: 7.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-319-SF-12, Lot 18, Block 4, North Lake Woodlands 3, a zoning change request from SF-12 (Single-Family-12) to PD-319-SF-12 (Planned Development 319- Single-Family-12) to approve an existing carport encroaching within the required side setback, located at 552 Arbor Brook Lane, at the request of Derric Bonnot, the property owner. STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell PZ Staff Report.pdf Detail Site Plan.pdf BOA Variance Memo.pdf Building Permit Application.pdf Floor Plan.pdf Engineer's Letter.pdf Site Photographs.pdf Applicants Presentation.pdf Petition.pdf Attachments: 8.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-313R-MF-2, Lake Breeze Condominiums, a zoning change request from C (Commercial) to PD-313R-MF-2 (Planned Development 313- Revised -Multi-Family 2) to approve a Detailed Site Plan for a 71-unit, four(4) story condominium apartment complex on approximately 4.4 acres located on the east side of S. Belt Line Road and the west side of Sanders Loop, approximately 660 feet south of E. Belt Line Road and an amendment to the 2030 Comprehensive Master Plan from Mixed Use Community Center to Urban Residential Neighborhood, at the request of Coppell Lake Breeze, LLC, being represented by Greg Frnka of GPF Architects, LLC. STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell Staff Report.pdfAttachments: Page 2 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 11/18/2024 November 21, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Detail Site Plan.pdf Landscape Plans.pdf Tree Survey and Mitigation Plans.pdf Building Elevations Fencing Rendering and Material Board.pdf Floor Plan.pdf Narrative.pdf 9.Consider approval of a resolution of the City of Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission approving a waiver of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, Section 13-9-1(G)(19) of the Coppell Code of Ordinances, requirement that a residential building pad shall not be less than 12 inches above the curb elevation for Lot 6, Block 8, Village at Cottonwood Creek Section 1, 254 Winding Hollow Ln. STAFF REP.: Cole Baker Staff Report.pdf Resolution.pdf Attachments: 10.Update on City Council items. 11.Adjournment The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs, services and/or meetings, the city requests that individuals make requests for these services seventy-two (72) hours – three (3) business days ahead of the scheduled program, service, and/or meeting. To make arrangements, contact Kori Allen, ADA Coordinator, or other designated official at (972) 462-0022, or (TDD 1-800-RELAY, TX 1-800-735-2989). I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on this 18th day of November, 2024, at _____________. ______________________________ Kami McGee, Board Secretary Page 3 City of Coppell, Texas Printed on 11/18/2024 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 City of Coppell, Texas Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 6:00 PM 255 Parkway Blvd.Thursday, October 17, 2024 Edmund Haas Glenn Portman (Chair) (Vice Chair) Cindy Bishop Sue Blankenship Freddie Guerra Kent Hafemann Ed Maurer PRESENT: Chairman, Edmund Haas; Vice Chair, Glenn Portman; Commissioner, Ed Maurer; Commissioner, Kent Hafemann; Commissioner, Cindy Bishop; and Commissioner, Freddie Guerra via Zoom. ABSENT: Commissioner, Sue Blankenship Also present were Mary Paron-Boswell, Senior Planner; Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator; Aaron Tainter, Assistant Director of Public Works; Cole Baker, E.I.T., Graduate Engineer; Dezirae Veuleman, Code Compliance Officer; Phoebe Stell, Deputy City Secretary; Robert Hager, City Attorney; and Kami McGee, Board Secretary. Notice was given that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell, Texas, met on Thursday, October 17, 2024, in Regular Called Session at 6:00 p.m. for Work Session, and Regular Session at 6:30 p.m., at Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein. The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign the Work Session, or called Executive Session, or order of business, at any time prior to adjournment. As authorized by Section 551.127, of the Texas Government Code, one or more commissioners or employees may attend this meeting remotely using videoconferencing technology. The purpose of this meeting was to consider the following items: Page 1City of Coppell, Texas October 17, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes Regular Session (Open to the Public) Call to order1. Chairman Haas called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Work Session (Open to the Public) a. Discussion of agenda items. b. Discussion about Joint Meeting. 2. Regular Session (Open to the Public)3. Chairman Haas called the Regular Session to order at 6:45 p.m. and stated that item #7 would be presented before item #6 because the applicant was running late. Citizens Appearance4. Chairman Haas advised that no one signed up to speak at Citizens Appearance. 5.Consider approval of the September 19, 2024, Planning and Zoning meeting minutes. A motion was made by Vice Chair Portman, seconded by Commissioner Hafemann, to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2024, Planning and Zoning meeting. The motion was approved unanimously, 6-0. 6.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-134R4-SF-7, 134 Turnberry Lane (STR), a zoning change request from PD-134R-SF-7 (Planned Development- 134 Revised- Single-Family-7) to PD-134R4-SF-7 (Planned Development- 134 Revision 4- Single-Family-7) to consider allowing a short-term rental for one room, on 0.17 acres of property located at 134 Turnberry Lane, at the request of Aditi Kharel, the property owner. STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell Mary Paron-Boswell presented the case (after item 7 on the agenda to allow sufficient time for the applicant to be present) with exhibits and stated that staff is recommending approval of this request, subject to the following conditions: 1. PD Conditions: a. To obtain an annual STR permit. b. Notify staff of any change of property ownership. c. Limit the rental to the one room specified for less than 30 days. Aditi Kharel, applicant, 134 Turnberry Lane, Coppell, TX 75019, was present to answer questions of the commission. Chairman Haas opened the Public Hearing and asked for those who signed up to speak. Page 2City of Coppell, Texas October 17, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes 1. Charles Poole, 848 Mullrany Dr., spoke against the proposed request. 2. Carter Smith, 851 Mullrany Dr., spoke against the proposed request. 3. Osualdo Orellaua, 152 Fallkirk, Dr., spoke against the proposed request. 4. Jim Prince, 139 Fallkirk Dr., spoke against the proposed request. Chairman Haas closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Commissioner Maurer, seconded by Commissioner Hafeman, to approve the agenda item subject to the conditions outlined by staff. The motion was approved with the following vote, 4-2. Aye: Vice Chair Portman, Commissioner Maurer, Commissioner Hafemann, Commissioner Bishop Nay: Chairman Haas, Commissioner Guerra 7.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-301R5-HC, Victory Shops Coppell, a zoning change request from PD-301R3-HC (Planned Development 301-Revision 3-Highway Commercial) to PD-301R5-HC (Planned Development 301- Revision 5-Highway Commercial) to revise the Concept Plan for the overall development of the site and allow for a combination of retail, restaurant with and without drive-throughs, and a Hotel on 11 lots totaling approximately 16.77 acres of property; which incorporates a Detail Site Plan to allow a 16,510-sf multi-tenant building with restaurant and retail uses with a drive-through on Lot 3, Block A, on approximately 2.17 acres; a Detail Site Plan for a 16,780-sf multi-tenant building with restaurant and retail uses on Lot 4, Block A, on approximately 2.24 acres of land; a Detail Site Plan for a 9,095-sf building with restaurant and retail uses with a drive-through on Lot 2, Block A, on approximately 1.70 acres; and a Detail Site Plan for a 79,202-sf five-story hotel on Lot 8, Block A, on approximately 2.96 acres of land located at the southeast quadrant of S. Belt Line Road and Dividend Drive, at the request of Victory Retail Coppell, LLC, being represented by Kirkman Engineering, LLC. STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell Mary Paron-Boswell presented the case (before item 6 on the agenda) with exhibits and stated that staff is recommending approval of the request subject to the same previous conditions, and adding (j), (k) and (l): 1. There may be additional comments during the Detail Engineering review. 2. A final plat will be required prior to permitting for each of the Detail Plans. 3. The TIA will need to be updated to reflect the proposed building expansions. 4. A right turn lane be constructed on S. Belt Line Road with this project. 5. Revise the landscape plans and calculations to reflect changes prior to City Council. 6. PD Conditions: a. All signage shall comply with City regulations, unless specifically requested and granted. b. Plans for the linear park shall require staff approval. c. The focal point artwork shall require staff approval and shall be in place prior to the issuance of a CO for the buildings at the rear of the property, which Page 3City of Coppell, Texas October 17, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes includes the hotel. d. A P.O.A. shall be required prior to the filing of the final plat. e. A Detailed Site Plan shall be required for the development of any of the lots. f. A Tree Survey and tree mitigation, if any, shall be required at the time of Detail Planned Development. g. Parking shall be allowed in the front yard as shown. h. Restaurants with drive throughs shall be allowed as shown on the concept plan. i. To allow the monument signs as previously approved. j. To allow the art/lighting component for the Tempo hotel. k. To allow patios under 500-sf, per lot, to not have an additional parking requirement. l. To approve the setbacks as shown. John Garnder, Kirkman Engineering, 5200 State Highway 121, Colleyville, TX 76034, was present to answer questions of the commission. Chairman Haas opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. Chairman Haas closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Vice Chair Portman, seconded by Commissioner Maurer, to approve the agenda item subject to the conditions outlined by staff. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. 8.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of PD-318-LI, 300 Freeport Parkway Redevelopment, Lot 1, Block A, a zoning change request from LI (Light Industrial) and S-1132 (Special Use Permit 1132) to PD-318-LI (Planned Development 318-Light Industrial) allowing for a Detail Site Plan for one office/warehouse building (186,143 sq. ft.) and associated easements and fire lane configuration on 13.05 acres of property, located on the east side of Freeport Parkway and approximately 2,300 -ft south of Sandy Lake Rd, being developed by Alliance Industrial Company, and being represented by Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC. STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell Mary Paron-Boswell presented the case with exhibits and stated that staff is recommending approval of PD-318-LI, subject to the following PD conditions: 1. To allow a living screen instead of a masonry screening wall. 2. To allow for the construction of a 43-ft tall building within 150 ft of residential properties. 3. To request a variance to the City requirement for a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR). Sony David, Langan Engineering, 2999 Olympus Blvd., Dallas, TX 75019, was present to answer questions of the commission. Will Bohls, Lighting Industrial Company, owner representative, 9900 North Central Expressway, Dallas, Tx 75231, was present to answer questions regarding tenant use. Chairman Haas opened the Public Hearing and asked for those who signed up Page 4City of Coppell, Texas October 17, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes to speak. 1.Ram Sunkavalli, 618 Oak Grove Ln., spoke against the proposed request. Chairman Haas closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Vice Chair Portman, seconded by Commissioner Guerra, to approve the agenda item subject to the conditions outlined by staff. The motion was approved with the following vote, 4-2. Aye: Commissioner Guerra, Vice Chair Portman, Commissioner Maurer, Commissioner Bishop Nay: Chairman Haas, Commissioner Hafemann 9.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of 300 Freeport Parkway Redevelopment Addition, Lot 1, Block A, Replat, to plat the two properties into one lot, a portion being a replat of Alford Media Addition, consisting of 13.05 acres of land located south of Sandy Lake Road and on the east side of South Freeport Parkway, being developed by Alliance Industrial Company, and being represented by Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC. STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell Mary Paron-Boswell presented the case with exhibits and stated that staff is recommending approval of 300 Freeport Parkway Redevelopment Addition, Lot 1, Block A, subject to the following condition being met: 1. There may be additional comments at the time of Engineering Review and Building Permit. 2. The tree mitigation fees are paid at time of tree removal permit. Chairman Haas opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. Chairman Haas closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Vice Chair Portman, seconded by Commissioner Maurer, to approve the agenda item subject to the conditions outlined by staff. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. Agenda items 10-13 were presented and voted on as one item. 10.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of text change amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Article 31-3 (Off-street loading space, all districts); adding “Existing loading dock areas of warehouse/distribution sites within the Light Industrial District may be converted to additional off-street parking spaces provided the area is screened from public view or adjacent property with evergreen landscaping in accordance with Section 12-34-7 General Standards, or with a masonry screening wall in accordance with Section 12-33 Screening Standards.” Page 5City of Coppell, Texas October 17, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes STAFF REP.: Matt Steer Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator, presented the case with exhibits and stated that staff is recommending approval of the Zoning Ordinance text amendments. Chairman Haas opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. Chairman Haas closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Chairman Haas, seconded by Vice Chair Portman, to approve the agenda item as amended by the City Attorney. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. 11.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of text change amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Article 31-6 (Parking requirements based on use); amending the off-street parking requirements for “Manufacturing or industrial establishment, research or testing laboratory, creamery, bottling plant, warehouse, printing or plumbing shop, or similar establishment” to replace the term “warehouse” with “warehouse/distribution” and revise the parking requirements from “One parking space for each employee on the maximum working shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith, but not less than one parking space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area” to “One parking space for each employee on the maximum working shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith, but not less than one parking space for each 2,000 square feet of floor area.” STAFF REP.: Matt Steer Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator, presented the case with exhibits and stated that staff is recommending approval of the Zoning Ordinance text amendments. Chairman Haas opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. Chairman Haas closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Chairman Haas, seconded by Vice Chair Portman, to approve the agenda item as amended by the City Attorney. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. 12.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of text change amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Article 31-7 (Rules for computing number of parking spaces); adding “6. The Director of Community Development is authorized to grant a 5% reduction in parking for retail centers greater than 10,000 square feet in building area. 7. The Director of Community Development is authorized to approve a reduction of the number of required parking spaces by more than 5% reduction in the number of required parking spaces for retail centers greater than 10,000 square Page 6City of Coppell, Texas October 17, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes feet in building area, if such reduction is supported by the findings of a parking study and alternate parking plan obtained by the owner or developer of the property that is prepared by a licensed transportation engineer.” STAFF REP.: Matt Steer Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator, presented the case with exhibits and stated that staff is recommending approval of the Zoning Ordinance text amendments. Chairman Haas opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. Chairman Haas closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Chairman Haas, seconded by Vice Chair Portman, to approve the agenda item as amended by the City Attorney. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. 13.PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of text change amendments to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Article 12-29-4 (Provisions for Business Zoning Districts) to allow signs, excluding pole signs, built prior to 1990 to be rebuilt in the same location with the same height and width, provided they are architecturally compatible with the main structure on site. STAFF REP.: Matt Steer Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator, presented the case with exhibits and stated that staff is recommending approval of the Zoning Ordinance text amendments. Chairman Haas opened the Public Hearing and stated that no one signed up to speak. Chairman Haas closed the Public Hearing. A motion was made by Chairman Haas, seconded by Vice Chair Portman, to approve the agenda item as amended by the City Attorney. The motion passed unanimously, 6-0. Update on City Council Items.14. Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator, stated that there were no Planning & Zoning items on the recent City Council agenda. Adjournment15. There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Haas adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. Page 7City of Coppell, Texas October 17, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes ______________________________ Edmund Haas, Chair ______________________________ Kami McGee, Board Secretary Page 8City of Coppell, Texas 255 E. Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019-9478 City of Coppell, Texas Minutes Planning & Zoning Commission 6:00 PM Life Safety Park, 820 S. Coppell Rd.Thursday, October 24, 2024 Joint Meeting: Planning & Zoning, F.O.A.R.D. Task Force, and Smart City Board Edmund Haas Glenn Portman (Chair) (Vice Chair) Cindy Bishop Sue Blankenship Freddie Guerra Kent Hafemann Ed Maurer PRESENT: Chairman, Edmund Haas, Vice Chair, Glenn Portman; Commissioner, Sue Blankenship; Commissioner Ed Maurer; Commissioner, Kent Hafemann; and Commissioner, Cindy Bishop. ABSENT: Commissioner, Freddie Guerra Also present were Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development; Luay Rahil, Assistant Director of Community Development; Mary Paron-Boswell, Senior Planner; Matt Steer, Development Services Administrator; Josh Littrel, Assistant Director of Enterprise Solutions; Kent Collins; Deputy City Manager; Rhonda Johnson, Senior Administrative Assistant; Vandana Sayegh, Senior Administrative Assistant; and Kami McGee, Board Secretary. Notice was given that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell, Texas, met on Thursday, October 24, 2024, in Regular Called Session at 6:00 p.m., for a joint meeting with the Future Oriented Approach to Residential Development (F.O.A.R.D.) Task Force and Smart City Board of the City of Coppell, at Life Safety Park, 820 S. Coppell Rd., Coppell, Texas. As authorized by Section 551.127, of the Texas Government Code, one or more commissioners or employees may attend this meeting remotely using videoconferencing technology. The purpose of this meeting was to consider the following items: Regular Session (Open to the Public) Call to order1. Page 1City of Coppell, Texas October 24, 2024Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes Chairman Haas called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Citizens Appearance2. Chairman Haas advised that no one signed up to speak at Citizens Appearance. 3.Discussion of Vision 2040 and Workplan items. Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development, outlined the meeting format between the Planning and Zoning Commission, F.O.A.R.D. Task Force, and the Smart City Board of the City of Coppell. Chairman Haas, Planning and Zoning, led the discussion of Vision 2040 and Workplan items. 4.Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Mindi Hurley, Director of Community Development, provided updates regarding the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Chairman Haas led the discussion of Vision 2040 and Workplan items. 5.Discussion regarding communication between boards. The Planning and Zoning Commission, F.O.A.R.D. Task Force, and the Smart City Board discussed means of communication between boards. Adjournment6. There being no further business before the Commission, Chairman Haas adjourned the meeting at 7:24 p.m. ______________________________ Edmund Haas, Chair ______________________________ Kami McGee, Board Secretary Page 2City of Coppell, Texas ITEM # 7 Page 1 of 5 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PD-319-SF-12, 552 Arbor Brook Lane - Carport P&Z HEARING DATE: November 21, 2024 C.C. HEARING DATE: December 10, 2024 STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell, Sr. Planner LOCATION: 552 Arbor Brook Lane, south of E. Bethel School Rd and west of Moore Rd. SIZE OF AREA: 0.4 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: SF-12 (Single-Family 12) REQUEST: A zoning change request from SF-12 (Single-Family-12) to PD-319-SF-12 (Planned Development 319- Single-Family-12) to approve an existing carport encroaching within the required side setback, located at 552 Arbor Brook Lane. APPLICANT: Owner: Derric Bonnot 552 Arbor Brook Lane Coppell, Texas 75019 469-323-4342 Email: HISTORY: The property is part of the North Lake subdivision and has SF-12 zoning. The home was constructed in 1978, and the applicant purchased the property in 2019. The carport was constructed sometime between May 27th of 2022 and October 7th of 2022 without benefit of permits or inspections. A variance request went before the Board of Adjustments (BOA) on September 5, 2024, and was denied. HISTORIC COMMENT: This property does not have any historic significance. TRANSPORTATION: Arbor Brook Lane is a residential street. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North: Residential – Single-Family Residential (SF-12) Northlake Woodlands South: Residential – Single-Family Residential (SF-12) Northlake Woodlands East: Residential – Single-Family Residential (SF-12) Northlake Woodlands West: Residential – Single-Family Residential (SF-12) Northlake Woodlands ITEM # 7 Page 2 of 5 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell 2030 Comprehensive Master Plan shows this property as Residential Neighborhood (Low and medium Single Family Residential). DISCUSSION: Background The subject property is a single-family residence on the northeast side of Arbor Brook Lane. The property is zoned SF-12 and is 0.4 acres in size. The home was constructed in 1978, and the applicant purchased the property in 2019. The existing house has an attached two-car garage with a front-access driveway. The carport was constructed sometime between May 27, 2022, and October 7, 2022, without benefit of permits or inspections. The Zoning Ordinance Section 12-35-5 of the Coppell Code of Ordinances, which governs zoning requirements for garages and carports, states: B. Garages and carports that are 150 square feet in area, or more, shall observe the following regulations: 2. Minimum property line setbacks: (b) Side: i. The same as the minimum setback required for the main structure unless the garage or carport has side alley access, then the side setback on that side shall be no less than 20 feet. iii. Ten feet from the main structure on an adjacent property. The width of the property at the front property line is 91.55-ft according to the survey provided, indicating that at a minimum the setback should be 9-ft from the side property line. The owner applied for a building permit for this property on August 28, 2023, that pertained to the carport and other work items on the property. As stated earlier, this constructed carport does not meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the permit, when it was applied for after construction, was denied. The applicant then pursued a variance from the Board of Adjustment (BOA) on September 5, 2024, to allow for the carport to remain in its current location. The carport sits roughly on the property line with the adjacent property at 548 Arbor Brook Lane. The BOA listens to cases and decides based on hardship. At the BOA hearing, the adjacent neighbor who is impacted by the carport’s location, opposed the request. The Board denied the request as there was no hardship found and the applicant chose not to appeal the request to District Court. The applicant then decided to request a variance through the PD process, which is why it requires a Public Hearing at the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. ITEM # 7 Page 3 of 5 The applicant was aware of the request of the Sherwood Park neighborhood request to keep their carports. That request was substantially different in nature than what is being requested by Mr. Bonnot. Mr. Bonnot gathered signatures for a petition to keep his carport. He gathered signatures from other neighbors in his subdivision and adjacent streets. A map and list of addresses are included in the backup. In preliminary discussions with Mr. Bonnot, staff indicated that each request is considered on its own merits and that staff would recommend denial of his request, as it does not meet the ordinance requirements, it is not a hardship, and has opposition from the affected neighbor. Carport Elevations The carport elevations show that it was constructed of steel tubing and has steel members across the roof and wood slats along the roof and property line side. It is anchored into the driveway from a steel plate with bolts. The roof is angled with one end of the carport being 7’8” and the other end reaching 8’9”. There are three poles on the passenger sides of the carport and a 2’10” overhang at the entrance. The roof itself does not overhang along the sides of the structure. Staff has received a letter from an engineer relating to the carport, stating that it complies with conventional engineering and construction standards and 2015 International Residential Code for accessory uses and applicable uses. Staff is recommending DENIAL of the request. If the PZ Commission decides to recommend approval of the request, staff would request the following PD Conditions: 1. To allow the carport where it exists and cannot be expanded. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request 4. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date ATTACHMENTS: 1. Detail Site Plan 2. BOA Variance Memo 3. Building Permit Application 4. Floor Plan 5. Engineer’s Letter 6. Site Photographs 7. Applicants Presentation 8. Petition ADDRESS:RESIDENTIAL NEWADDITIONRC PLANSUSE:DRAWN BY:PLAN:DATE:07/10/ PAGE NUMBER: All the information in these plans is provided by the client and / or builder, the designer only limits himself to draw required plans for building permits and doesn't supervise construction or control of quality of materials, therefore the designer does not assume any type of responsibility derived from this project. The project owner is recommended to have professional supervision of a qualified architect or engineer for the review of plans and building's construction.1/8" = 1'-0"552 ARBOR BROOK LN, COPPELL, TX 75019 01SITE PLAN SCALE 1" = 30' VICINITY MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY 1" = 20'SITE PLANAÑO 2009-2010-> CADJCRUZ2005@YAHOO.COM.MXN S W NWSWNESE E 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 TEL 972/304 3500 Fax 972/ 462/ 5318 MEMORANDUM TO: Coppell Board of Adjustment Commissioner FROM: Steve Schubert, Chief Building Official DATE: June 21, 2024 REF: September 5, 2024 Variance Hearing 255 Parkway Blvd. VAR24-05-000800 PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing before the Board of Adjustment to consider a variance from Article 35, Section 12-35-5 of the City of Coppell Zoning Ordinance to allow for a 10’6”x21’ (220.5 sq. ft.) carport to be approximately a foot from the adjacent property line shared with the property addressed as 548 Arbor Brook Ln., with said carport being located on the property addressed as 552 Arbor Brook Ln. (North Lake Woodlands 3rd Sec, Block 4, Lot 18), as requested by the property owner Derric Bonnot. EXPLANATION: The zoning for the property is SF-12. Section 12-35-5 of the Coppell Code of Ordinances, which governs zoning requirements for garages and carports, states: B.Garages and carports that are 150 square feet in area, or more, shall observe the following regulations: 2.Minimum property line setbacks: (b)Side: i.The same as the minimum setback required for the main structure unless the garage or carport has side alley access, then the side setback on that side shall be no less than 20 feet. iii.Ten feet from the main structure on an adjacent property. If this variance is approved, the applicant would convert the garage, which currently accommodates two vehicles, into habitable space, eliminating those two enclosed parking spaces. 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 TEL 972/304 3500 Fax 972/ 462/ 5318 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The subject property is a single-family residence on the northeast side of Arbor Brook Ln., fourth lot north of the intersection of Arbor Brook Ln. and Meadowcreek Rd. It was constructed in 1978, and the applicant purchased the property in 2019. The existing house has an attached one-car garage with a front-access driveway. VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant is requesting a variance to be allowed to keep the carport in its current location, being less than the 9’ requirement for this lot. SF-12 requires the side yard setback to be 10% (Front of lot is approximately 92’ wide). CASE HISTORY The applicant constructed the carport sometime between May 27th of 2022 and October 7th of 2022 without benefit of permits or inspections. The applicant has, however, submitted an application for a building permit for this property back on 8/28/23 to include this carport. The last set of plan review comments sent to the applicant on 11/29/23 asked for a third time for the distance measurements from the adjacent property line, which still has not been provided. ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A: Variance application Exhibit B: Site Photos Exhibit Exhibit C: Building permit application 552 ARBOR BROOK LNJob Address: Permit ID: BLDR23-08-029139 Building (Residential) 265 Parkway Blvd, Coppell TX 75019 Office (972)304-3500 - Fax (972)462-5318 e-mail: Inspection Requests: Unit:Block:Lot: Subdivision: Project Name: We had the following work done to the exterior of our house. We demo'd the sidewalk and put in a new sidewalk and front patio area. We covered this with a slat-roof patio. On the back of the property, we replaced our existing deck with new material, as the old was rotting. There are 3 sets of stairs leading down from the patio to our backyard. We also covered one side of the patio with a pergola. And finally, on the north side of our house we covered a section of our driveway where I park my truck. Description: Issue Date: Work Class: Alteration Use: Valuation: $0 Permit Fees: $80.00 Contractor: NEED CONTRACTOR IT IS A PLACEHOLDER UNTIL THE CONTRACTOR OR SUBS CAN BE ADDED TO A PERMIT ONLY DENIED - NOT ISSUED ³ ”” ¾” · · · · · · · · · ADDRESS:RESIDENTIAL NEWADDITIONRC PLANSUSE:DRAWN BY:PLAN:DATE:07/10/ PAGE NUMBER: All the information in these plans is provided by the client and / or builder, the designer only limits himself to draw required plans for building permits and doesn't supervise construction or control of quality of materials, therefore the designer does not assume any type of responsibility derived from this project. The project owner is recommended to have professional supervision of a qualified architect or engineer for the review of plans and building's construction.3/16" = 1'-0"552 ARBOR BROOK LN, COPPELL, TX 75019 02 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0"FLOOR PLAN ADDRESS:RESIDENTIAL NEWADDITIONRC PLANSUSE:DRAWN BY:PLAN:DATE:07/10/ PAGE NUMBER: All the information in these plans is provided by the client and / or builder, the designer only limits himself to draw required plans for building permits and doesn't supervise construction or control of quality of materials, therefore the designer does not assume any type of responsibility derived from this project. The project owner is recommended to have professional supervision of a qualified architect or engineer for the review of plans and building's construction.3/16" = 1'-0"552 ARBOR BROOK LN, COPPELL, TX 75019FOUNDATIONDETAILS 03 STEEL PLATE SCALE 3/16" = 1'-0" STEEL PLATE DETAIL SCALE 1" = 1'-0" EAVE HEIGHT STEEL MEMBERS SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" ADDRESS:RESIDENTIAL NEWADDITIONRC PLANSUSE:DRAWN BY:PLAN:DATE:07/10/ PAGE NUMBER: All the information in these plans is provided by the client and / or builder, the designer only limits himself to draw required plans for building permits and doesn't supervise construction or control of quality of materials, therefore the designer does not assume any type of responsibility derived from this project. The project owner is recommended to have professional supervision of a qualified architect or engineer for the review of plans and building's construction.3/16" = 1'-0"552 ARBOR BROOK LN, COPPELL, TX 75019 04FRAMINGPLANSTEEL ROOF ASEMBLY SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" ROOF SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" ADDRESS:RESIDENTIAL NEWADDITIONRC PLANSUSE:DRAWN BY:PLAN:DATE:07/10/ PAGE NUMBER: All the information in these plans is provided by the client and / or builder, the designer only limits himself to draw required plans for building permits and doesn't supervise construction or control of quality of materials, therefore the designer does not assume any type of responsibility derived from this project. The project owner is recommended to have professional supervision of a qualified architect or engineer for the review of plans and building's construction.3/16" = 1'-0"552 ARBOR BROOK LN, COPPELL, TX 75019 05FRAMINGDETAILSISOMETRIC CARPORT DETAIL N.T.S.N.T.S. ALL STEEL NOT OTHERWISE NOTED SHALL BE PER ASTM A572 (Fy = 50 KSI) PER LATEST AISC SPECIFICATIONS. MACHINE BOLTS, ANCHOR BOLTS, AND THREADED STUDS SHALL BE PER ASTM A307, U.O.N. STEEL: ARE 3/16" GREATER THAN BOLT SIZE., U.O.N. HOLES: 1/16" GREATER THAN BOLT SIZE, EXCEPT FOR ANCHOR BOLTS WHICH DESIGN, FABRICATION AND ERECTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A MINIMUM OF 2 1/2" OVER STEEL END SUPPORTS. CONDITIONS. THE ENDS OF K-SERIES STEEL JOISTS SHALL EXTEND BE FABRICATED TO ACCOUNT FOR JOIST SLOPE AND END BEARING MANUFACTURED TO FIT THE DIMENSIONS AND LOADS INDICATED ON THE STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS SHALL BE DESIGNED, DETAILED AND ANCHORS. BY PHILLIPS DRILL COMPANY, INC., OR HILTI CONCRETE EXPANSION CONCRETE EXPANSION ANCHORS: PHILLIPS REDHEAD CONCRETE ANCHOR PIPE COLUMNS SHALL BE PER ASTM A35, GRADE B, Fy = 35 KSI, OR ASTM A501, Fy = 36 KSI. TUBE STEEL SHALL BE PER ASTM A500, GRADE B, Fy = 46 KSI. ALL WELDING SHALL BE PER AWS STANDARDS, LATEST EDITION. ALL WELDING SHALL BE DONE BY SHIELDED ARC METHOD. ALL WELDERS SHALL BE PROPERLY QUALIFIED AND AWS CERTIFIED FOR THE KIND OF WELD THEY PERFORM. SURPLUS WELD SHALL BE DRESSES OFF TO SMOOTH, EVEN SURFACES WHERE WELDS ARE EXPOSED TO VIEW. ALL FIELD WELDING SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A TESTING LABORATORY APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL STEEL NOT ENCASED IN CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL HAVE ONE SHOP COAT OR RED LEAD OR ZINC CHROMATE. WELDING RODS SHALL BE LOW-HYDROGEN TYPE, E70. ALL BUTT WELDED SPLICES IN MATERIAL THICKER THAN 5/16" SHALL BE INSPECTED BY A TESTING LABORATORY APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER, TO CERTIFY ALL SPLICES AS MEETING OR EXCEEDING STRENGTH OF MATERIALS SPLICED. COPIES OF TEST REPORTS AND LETTER OF CERTIFICATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ENGINEER. WELDS INDICATED MAY BE MAKE IN SHOP OR FIELD WITH APPROVAL. OPEN WEB STEEL JOISTS AND JOIST GIRDERS: PLANS AND IN THE STRUCTURAL NOTES. ENDS OF STEEL JOISTS SHALL LATEST EDITION OF STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE BY A MEMBER OF SJI APPROVED FOR THE TYPE OF JOIST BEING USED. ALL STEEL JOISTS SHALL BE MANUFACTURED WITH A POSITIVE CAMBER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE. JOISTS AND BRIDGINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE. BRIDGING SHALL BE WELDED TO THE LEDGE ANGLES OR TO WELD PLATES AS SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. DO NOT DRILL THROUGH OR WELD TO JOIST OR GIRDER MEMBERS WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. SEE DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL WEB ANGLE REQUIREMENTS AT MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING CONDITIONS. WHERE JOISTS OR GIRDERS ARE CUSTOM DESIGNED TO MEET MINIMUM LOAD REQUIREMENTS ON DRAWINGS, CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND DETAILED SHOP DRAWINGS BOTH BEARING THE SEAL OF A CIVIL OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE IN COPES, BLOCK AND CUTS: ALL REENTRANT CORNERS SHALL BE SHAPED, NOTCH-FREE, TO A RADIUS OF AT LEAST 1/2". EXPOSED STEEL ROOF DECK: STEEL DECK INSTITUTE SPECIFICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPLY. MATERIAL, DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, AND INSTALLATION SHALL BE 4 3 SIDE LAPS: AT 24" O.C. MARGINAL WELDS (SUPPORT PARALLEL TO CORRUGATIONS): 1/2" EFFECTIVE DIAMETER PUDDLE WELD IN FIVE VALLEYS OF DECK. EXPOSED ROOF DECK: WELDING OF ROOF DECK: DECK SHALL BE 1 1/2" DEEP, TYPE HSB, 22 GAUGE, PAINTED, WITH MINIMUM I = 0.183 IN , S = 0.209 IN , PER FOOT WIDTH OF DECK. STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION: IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT ALL STRUCTURAL WORK FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ANY STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION PROVIDED BY OTHERS DOES NOT RELIEVE CONTRACTOR FROM THE APPROVED PLANS THAT ARE FOUND AT A LATER DATE AND ARE DECLARED TO BE SIGNIFICANT WITH ALL DISPATCH AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ADEQUATE FACILITIES FOR THE STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION OBSERVED, TO ALLOW HIM TO PERFORM HIS WORK SAFELY AND EFFICIENTLY. INTERMEDIATE AND END WELDS AT EACH TRANSVERSE SUPPORT (JOISTS, ROOF DECK WITH LIGHTWEIGHT INSULATING CONCRETE: EXPOSED ROOF DECK: BEAMS, ANGLES, PLATES, ETC.): 3/8" EFFECTIVE DIAMETER PLUG WELD, IN 14 GAUGE WELD WASHER, 1/2" EFFECTIVE DIAMETER PUDDLE WELD AT 24" O.C. ROOF DECK WITH LIGHTWEIGHT INSULATING CONCRETE: N/A EXPOSED ROOF DECK: BUTTON PUNCH AT 24" O.C. SHEAR TIE ANGLES, DRAG STRUTS, AND DIAPHRAGM 1/2" EFFECTIVE DIAMETER PUDDLE WELD AT 24" O.C.; (SUPPORT PERPENDICULAR TO CORRUGATIONS): 1/2" EFFECTIVE DIAMETER PUDDLE WELD IN ALL VALLEYS OF DECK. 1/2" EFFECTIVE DIAMETER PUDDLE WELD @ 12" O.C. ALL SIDES. PERIMETER @ OPENING FRAMING: CHORDS (SUPPORT PARALLEL TO CORRUGATIONS): EQUIVALENT TO VERCO MANUFACTURING, INC., OR EQUAL, U.O.N. RIGID FRAME TYPICAL SECTION SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" ADDRESS:RESIDENTIAL NEWADDITIONRC PLANSUSE:DRAWN BY:PLAN:DATE:07/10/ PAGE NUMBER: All the information in these plans is provided by the client and / or builder, the designer only limits himself to draw required plans for building permits and doesn't supervise construction or control of quality of materials, therefore the designer does not assume any type of responsibility derived from this project. The project owner is recommended to have professional supervision of a qualified architect or engineer for the review of plans and building's construction.3/16" = 1'-0"552 ARBOR BROOK LN, COPPELL, TX 75019 06FRAMING PLANPILAR/CHORD ASSEMBLY SCALE 3/4" = 1'-0" phone: 214.869.9539 | 1425 W. Pioneer, Suite 105, Irving, TX 75061 | September 2, 2024 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Dear Sirs: I inspected and evaluated numerous additions and alterations to the property at 552 Arbor Brook Lane, in Coppell, Texas. The city has a permit pending completion under Permit Number 029139. The additions and alterations have been identified on plans that I have reviewed and have used as basis for my evaluations. The additions and alterations are identified on the two attached lists. I have made a professional engineering evaluation of each item and its components and certify that all items comply with conventional engineering and construction standards and 2015 International Residential Code for accessory uses and applicable uses. It is my professional engineering opinion that the remodeled areas are structurally sound and suitable for each intended use. The new assemblies comply with 2015 International Residential Code, Metal Building Manufacturers standards, and with applicable engineering codes for structural strength and stability. Thank you for the opportunity to assist on this matter, and please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Xavier Chapa, P.E., R.P.L.S. XAVIER CHAPA ENGINEERING/SURVEYING Firm Number F-9156 •Over 75% of the homes in 552 Arbor Brook Ln.’s neighborhood (Northlake Woodland Estates, Section 3) signed the petition. 25 out of 32 Homes. •Over 50% of the homes in 552 Arbor Brook Ln.’s surrounding neighborhood (Northlake Woodland Estates, Sections 1-5) signed the petition. 108 Out of 202 Homes. •In addition, 10+ neighbors in surrounding neighborhoods who walk their dogs regularly on Arbor Brook Ln. signed the petition. ITEM # 8 Page 1 of 5 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PD-313R-MF-2, Lake Breeze Condominiums P&Z HEARING DATE: November 21, 2024 C.C. HEARING DATE: December 10, 2024 STAFF REP.: Mary Paron-Boswell, Sr. Planner LOCATION: SEQ of S. Belt Line Rd and E. Belt Line Rd. and west side of Sanders Loop. SIZE OF AREA: 4.408 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: C (Commercial) REQUEST: A zoning change request from C (Commercial) to PD-313R-MF-2 (Planned Development 313- Revised -Multi-Family 2) to approve a Detailed Site Plan for a 71-unit, four (4) story condominium apartment complex on approximately 4.4 acres located on the east side of S. Belt Line Road and west side of Sanders Loop, approximately 660 feet south of E. Belt Line Road and an amendment to the 2030 Comprehensive Master Plan from Mixed Use Community Center to Urban Residential Neighborhood. APPLICANT: Owner: Consultant: Coppell Lake Breeze LLC GPF Architects, LLC Vijay Borra Greg Frnka, AIA 924 S. Belt Line Rd. 721 Dove Circle, Suite 100 Coppell, Texas 75019 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-469-2799 945-824-7966 Email: Email: HISTORY: The 2030 Comprehensive Plan originally had this area identified as Mixed-Use Neighborhood Center and was amended in 2016 to Mixed Use Community Center (or Single Family Residential). This property has never been developed. A request in 2023, to build a four story, 120-unit 55+ age restricted active living complex was denied by City Council. HISTORIC COMMENT: This property does not have any historic significance. ITEM # 8 Page 2 of 5 TRANSPORTATION: E. Belt Line Rd is a six-lane divided thoroughfare. S. Belt Line Rd is a six-lane divided thoroughfare. Sanders Loop is a substandard 21’ road within 56’ right-of-way SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North: DART Silverline ROW- (C) South: Chase Bank – Commercial (C) East: City Limits - Cypress Waters, City of Dallas West: Industrial – Light Industrial (LI); Restaurant & Auto Repair – Commercial (C) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Coppell 2030 Comprehensive Master Plan shows this property as Mixed Use Community Center (or Single Family Residential). DISCUSSION: This is a two-part request. Part one is a Detail Site Plan for a four story, 71-unit multi-family condominium product on approximately 4.4 acres. The second part is also associated with the multi-family request, which requires a change to the future land use map from Mixed Use Community Center (or Single Family Residential) to Urban Residential Neighborhood. Detail Site Plan – Lake Breeze Condominium Apartments This proposed 58-ft in height, four-story, 71-unit apartment complex is proposed to have condominium units, meaning the individual units are for sale. The applicant has indicated that an HOA will be developed for the property with a board that administers the requirements of the HOA. The HOA will address all maintenance of the building and site amenities. The property is L-shaped and the building matches it with the site plan showing the L-shaped building being off-set from S. Belt Line Road approximately 159-ft; 25-ft from Sanders Loop to the east and 66-ft from the northern property line. The southern portion of the property has an ATMOS gas line easement that runs through it and is 100-ft at the widest point. The main entrance will be from S. Belt Line Road. To the north is the DART Silverline passenger rail that is under construction. They are meeting the base MF-2 apartment requirements related to parking by providing two parking spaces/unit plus a ½ space for guest parking/unit for two-bedroom units and two and a half parking spaces/unit plus a ½ space for guest parking/unit for three- bedroom units. They are proposing to provide four EV parking areas among the 202 parking spaces provided. As recently described, this four story 58-ft in height building requires a PD condition, since the allowable number of stories and height for MF-2 is two stories and 35-ft. Because of the property constraints, parking is being provided on the northern portion of the site, with parking in the front yard being requested. They are providing covered parking for more than half of the site through a combination of podium parking and covered parking which exceeds the requirement. The room breakdown of the 71 units is as follows: 32 two-bedroom units (min. 1,300-sf) and 39 three-bedroom units (min. 1600-sf) which will be accessed from an air-conditioned interior corridor. There are two units proposed on the ground floor and the remaining on the 2-4th floors which will be accessible by stairs and ITEM # 8 Page 3 of 5 two elevators. A PD condition is to allow 39 three-bedroom units which is more than the typical 10% listed for MF-2. They are proposing an area on the main floor as a multi-purpose room for residents to use (2,100-sf), and a walking trail on the roof. There will be a minimum 42” parapet on the roof. Staff is requesting that they provide a mail area on the floorplan. Proposed exterior amenities include: a dog park, a fire pit with seating area, a water feature with seating area, a butterfly garden, and two flex sport/game areas. A tubular picket fence with brick columns spaced 30-ft on center is proposed along the north and west portion of the property. DART The following information was taken from the DART website: DART anticipates weekday service for the Silver Line to be from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. However, it's possible that service hours could be as early as 5:00 a.m. or as late as 11:00 p.m. The Silver Line will run every 60 minutes, and during peak hours, such as weekday commute times, it will run every 30 minutes. This line should be in operation in late 2025 to mid-2026. The train lines are under construction and the tracks are elevated in this particular section, measuring from the ground to the bottom beam of the track is approximately 19-ft and about another 7-ft of support and then an additional 3-ft to the handrail on the tracks. This lines up with the third floor of the proposed complex. The applicant is proposing to provide sound reducing windows on the north and west sides of the building. The applicant is proposing that all exterior walls include continuous insulation on the outside of the studs, which provides both thermal and sound reducing qualities. Stud cavities will have a minimum R- 19 insulation for thermal and sound reducing qualities as well. The roof deck will be heavily insulated as well for thermal and sound absorption. Exterior walls will consist of a mixture of brick and cement plaster, both providing enhanced sound reducing qualities. Staff added a condition to the recommendation that if this building is constructed that all the windows on the building be sound reducing and not just those on the north and west side of the building as well as all exterior walls include continuous insulation on the outside of the studs with a minimum of R-19 insulation. Building Elevations and Signage The building elevations and material board show a variety of materials and colors proposed for the building. There are three brick colors proposed, ranging from a light cream to a darker beige (ACME 411 RUFF; 55 RUFF ‘Rustic White’; 132 RUFF ‘Alluvial Medium’), cement plaster, ACME Limestone ‘Texas Cream Blend’ and aluminum composite material (ACM). The first-floor parking area will have the limestone with the cement plaster in the two residential units on the first floor. The other floors will be a combination of cement plaster with blended brick, a herringbone pattern brick accent and ACM panels. Each unit will have an inset balcony with a steel sun canopy. There were no proposed signs submitted for this development. Any proposed signage will need to conform to City requirements. ITEM # 8 Page 4 of 5 Traffic Study A Traffic Study has been submitted for this property and staff is reviewing it. The one recommendation for this site is the installation of a southbound left turn deceleration lane on Belt Line Road at the existing median opening serving this site. Landscape Plans & Tree Mitigation The Landscape Plans provided show that the site exceeds the minimum requirements, the majority of this is the Atmos gas easement. They are proposing 65 overstory trees (Live Oak, Cedar Elm, Chinese Pistache, and Shumard Red Oak) and 20 accent trees (Crepe Myrtle, Yaupon Holly). Land Use Amendment The 2030 Master Plan calls for this area to be Mixed Use Community Center (or Single Family Residential) with a maximum density of 10 dwelling units per acre. The area was to be mixed-use consisting of both neighborhood and community serving commercial, retail and office uses, or medium density single-family urban residential with commercial services and transit services accessible within a short walking distance. This area is currently served by office warehouse buildings to the west, Cypress Watter’s to the east, a bank to the south and a new DART Silverline passenger rail abutting the northern boundary of this property. Part of the request is to amend the Future Land Use Plan for this site to Urban Residential Neighborhood, which allows for higher density residential uses that serve the needs of residents seeking alternatives to low and medium density single-family detached housing. Staff is recommending APPROVAL subject to the following PD Conditions: 1. There may be additional comments during the building permit and detailed engineering review. 2. A replat will be required. 3. The installation of a southbound left turn deceleration lane on Belt Line Road at the existing median opening serving this site. 4. Building elevations be approved as presented, however building must provide for noise attenuation for all the windows on the building as well as all exterior walls include continuous insulation on the outside of the studs with a minimum of R-19 insulation. 5. Site lighting shall meet City of Coppell requirements. 6. To allow for parking as shown on the plans. 7. To allow for four stories and a height up to 60-ft 8. To not restrict the number of three-bedroom units. 9. Amend the Future Land Use Plan to Urban Residential Neighborhood. 10. To require HOA documents prior to filing the plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request 4. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date ITEM # 8 Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Detail Site Plan 2. Landscape Plan 3. Tree Survey & Mitigation Plans 4. Building Elevations, Fencing, Rendering and Material Board 5. Floor Plan 6. Narrative I I IS. BELT LINE RDSANDERS LOOPProject No. Sheet No.Issue Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS 24069 - LAKE BREEZE CONDOMINIUM24069 Project No. Sheet No. DFW LAND REAL ESTATE LAKE BREEZE CONDOMINIUM 1720 W. Virginia Street McKinney, Texas 75069 972.562.4409 Texas P.E. Firm No. F-5935 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG (@ least 72 hours prior to digging) STOP! ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CROSS “” “” ’ “” SP SITE PLAN Prepared Date: 11/7/2024 LOTS 3, 4, 5, 11, and 15 COPPELL HEIGHTS ADDITION ARB RODN OOBNEH2485H.COPPELL, TEXASLAKE BREEZEJOB NUMBER: DFW-2301LAKE BREEZE COPPELL HEIGHTS, LOTS 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 COPPELL, TEXAS 10-21-24ISSUE FOR PERMIT1MEEKS DESIGN GROUP, INC.1755 N. COLLINS BLVD., SUITE 300RICHARDSON, TX 75080PH (972) 690-7474F (972) 690-7878DFW LAND REAL ESTATE9111 Cypress Waters Blvd.Suite 140Coppell, TX 75019ISSUE FORPERMIT10-21-2411-12-24CITY COMMENTS140800GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEETLANDSCAPE MAINTENANCEThe owner, tenant and their agent, if any shall be jointly and severallyresponsible for the maintenance of alllandscaping. All requiredlandscaping shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at alltimes. This shall includemowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering,weeding, and other such activities common to the maintenanceoflandscaping. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weedsand other such material or plants not a part ofthe landscaping. All plantmaterials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition as isappropriate for theseason of the year. Plant materials which die shall bereplaced with plant material of similar variety and size.IRRIGATION NOTE1.ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE FULLY IRRIGATION WITHAN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. AN IRRIGATION PLANWILL BE REQUIRED WITH THE BUILDING PERMIT.LANDSCAPE SITE DATATOTAL SITE AREA: 191,997 S.F. (4.408 ACRES)GROSS PARKING AREA = 56,052 S.F.INTERIOR LANDSCAPING = 7,181 S.F.PERIMETER LANDSCAPING = 21,908 S.F.NON VEHICULAR OPEN SPACE = 66,158 S.F. (35% OF SITE)BLDG FOOTPRINT = 37,295 S.F.PLANT SCHEDULESYMBOLCANOPY TREESPLANT NAMESIZEQUAN.LIVE OAK3" CAL.20QUERCUS VIRGINIANACEDAR ELM3" CAL.23ULMUS CRASSIFOLIACHINESE PISTACHE3" CAL.17PISTACIA CHINENSISSHUMARD RED OAK3" CAL.5QUERCUS SHUMARDIIIIIGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SSS. BELT LINE ROAD SANDERS LOOP Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''WE-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTMEEKS DESIGN GROUP1755 N. COLLINS BLVD., SUITE 300RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75080(972) 690-7474BRANDON BOOHERBBOOHER@MDGLAND.COMLANDSCAPE PLANCoppell Heights, Lots 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 154.408 AcresInst. No. 201400133829City of CoppellDallas CountyAUGUST 23, 2023OWNER/APPLICANTCoppell Lake Breeze LLC924 S Belt Line RdCoppell, Texas 75019Phone (937) 219-4987Contact: Kiranmai YalamanchiliLANDSCAPE DATA TABLE:EXISTING AND PROPOSED:·Perimeter Landscaping: 19,850 sq. ft. required. 21,908 sq. ft. provided.- Trees: 31 overstory required.26 overstory provided, 16 understory provided.·Interior Landscaping: 5,585 sq. ft. required. 7,181 sq. ft. provided.- Trees: 16 required.23 overstory provided. 4 understory provided.·Non-vehicular Landscaping: 16,604 sq. ft. required 17,302 sq. ft. provided- Trees: 23 required. 23 provided. (13 new trees and 10 existing trees)·Percentage of Total Site Area devoted to landscaping: 84,248 sq. ft. = 44%·Percentage of Total Site Area devoted to landscaping outside of gas easement:40,248 sq. ft. = 21%100'-0" ATMOSGAS EASEMENTEXISTING TREETO REMAIN (TYP)DOG PARKFLEX SPORTS AREASOUTDOOR WATER FEATUREAND SEATING AREACREPE MYRTLE3" CAL.12LAGERSTROEMIA INDICAYAUPON HOLLY - TREE FORM3" CAL.8ILEX VOMITORIADWF BURFORD HOLLYILEX CORNUTA "BURFORDII"EVERGREENSCREENING (TYP)5 GAL.29710'-0" LANDSCAPESETBACK10'-0" LANDSCAPESETBACK10'-0" LANDSCAPESETBACK10'-0" LANDSCAPESETBACK10'-0" LANDSCAPESETBACK10'-0" LANDSCAPESETBACK25'-0" BUILDINGSETBACK25'-0" BUILDINGSETBACK20'-0" BUILDINGSETBACKGRASS (TYP)GRASS(TYP)GRASS (TYP)BERMUDA GRASSSOLID SOD34,010 SFACCENT TREESSHRUBS GROUNDCOVERFIRE PIT W/SEATINGBUTTERFLYGARDEN6' HT. METAL FENCEW/ COLUMNS @ 30' O.C.6' HT. METAL FENCEW/ COLUMNS @30' O.C.7'-6"7'15' ARB RODN OOBNEH2485H.COPPELL, TEXASLAKE BREEZEJOB NUMBER: DFW-2301LAKE BREEZE COPPELL HEIGHTS, LOTS 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 COPPELL, TEXAS 10-21-24ISSUE FOR PERMIT1MEEKS DESIGN GROUP, INC.1755 N. COLLINS BLVD., SUITE 300RICHARDSON, TX 75080PH (972) 690-7474F (972) 690-7878DFW LAND REAL ESTATE9111 Cypress Waters Blvd.Suite 140Coppell, TX 75019ISSUE FORPERMIT10-21-2411-12-24CITY COMMENTS1IIIGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SS Ex-18''SSS. BELT LINE ROAD SANDERS LOOP Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''W Ex-16''WE-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS E-12''SS 40800GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEETEXISTING TREETO BE PRESERVEDEXISTING TREETO BE REMOVEDLEGENDEXISTING TREE CHART100'-0" ATMOSGAS EASEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTMEEKS DESIGN GROUP1755 N. COLLINS BLVD., SUITE 300RICHARDSON, TEXAS 75080(972) 690-7474BRANDON BOOHERBBOOHER@MDGLAND.COMTREE SURVEY/MITIGATION PLANCoppell Heights, Lots 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 154.408 AcresInst. No. 201400133829City of CoppellDallas CountyAUGUST 23, 2023OWNER/APPLICANTCoppell Lake Breeze LLC924 S Belt Line RdCoppell, Texas 75019Phone (937) 219-4987Contact: Kiranmai YalamanchiliMITIGATION DUE FOR TREE #1005 (BRADFORD PEAR) = $1,000.00 A3.0 LAKE BREEZESOUTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/16"= 1'-0"MATERIALSNORTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/16"= 1'-0"EAST ELEVATIONScale: 1/16"= 1'-0"WEST ELEVATIONScale: 1/16"= 1'-0" A3.1 LAKE BREEZE MATERIALSELEVATION DETAILScale: 3/32"= 1'-0"DUMPSTER GATE ELEVATIONScale: 1/4"= 1'-0"03DUMPSTER ELEVATIONScale: 1/4"= 1'-0"04DUMPSTER WALL SECTIONScale: 1/2"= 1'-0"0205SECTION AT BALCONIESScale: 3/32"= 1'-0"01 A4.0LAKE BREEZEOVERALL VIEWSOUTHEAST EYELEVELNORTHWEST EYELEVELMAIN ENTRANCE ARB RODN OOBNEH2485H.COPPELL, TEXASLAKE BREEZEJOB NUMBER: DFW-2301LAKE BREEZE COPPELL HEIGHTS, LOTS 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 COPPELL, TEXAS 10-21-24ISSUE FOR PERMIT1MEEKS DESIGN GROUP, INC.1755 N. COLLINS BLVD., SUITE 300RICHARDSON, TX 75080PH (972) 690-7474F (972) 690-7878DFW LAND REAL ESTATE9111 Cypress Waters Blvd.Suite 140Coppell, TX 75019ISSUE FORPERMIT10-21-2411-12-24CITY COMMENTS1TUBULAR POSTBEFORE PRIMER AND PAINT3" MIN. 2'-6" MIN. 1" 3"COMPACTED SUBGRADE 11" MIN.STRUCTURAL ENGINEER2" SQ. TUBUALR RAILSCONCRETE FOOTING PERFROM ALL SITE FEATURES.POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAYSLOPE TO DRAIN. PROVIDEAPPLICATION.6'-0" HT. METAL PERIMETER FENCE ELEVATIONSCALE: 1"=1'-0"4GRADE5'-7" 6'-1" 2"REF. FENCE NOTES GN-1SAND SMOOTH ALL WELD JOINTS3" SQ. TUBULAR POST3/4" SQ. TUBULAR PICKETS2" SQ. TUBULAR RAILS8'-0" OC MAX.8'-0" OC MAX.4" OC MAX.TUBULAR RAILTUBULAR PICKET8'-0" OC MAX.TUBULAR RAIL6'-0" HT. METAL PERIMETER FENCE SECTIONSCALE: 1"=1'-0"41BRICK COLUMN ELEVATIONSCALE: 1"=1'-0"21"=1'-0"BRICK COLUMN SECTION32'-0"4" +/-8" +/-STRUCTURAL ENGINEERREINFORCEMENT PERCOLUMN DESIGN AND8"+/-2'-0"C4"+/-BRICK VENEER BYFOOTING BELOWCONCRETE FOOTINGS, PIERS, AND1"ENGINEERREINFORCEMENT PER STRUCTURALDESIGN AND SPECIFICATION.OWNER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERCOMPACTED SUBGRADE BY1'-0"1'-0"6'-2"6'-6"TO MATCH BUILDING.3AWAY FROM ALL SITE FEATURES.PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGETO MATCH BUILDING.SELECTION AND COLORCAST STONE COLUMN CAP.COLOR, AND PATTERNBRICK VENEER. BRICK,2'-0"BRICK MORTAR SELECTIONAND COLOR TO MATCHBUILDING.CONCRETE FILL, NORUBBLE OR DEBRIS,PER STRUCTURALENGINEEROWNER SELECTIONLCLCLSTRUCTURAL ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTSAND DESIGN FOR ALL DETAILS, SHALL BEPROVIDED BY OWNER'S STRUCTURALENGINEER OR PROVIDED BY PARTICULARTRADES' STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, WITHSEALED STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGDRAWINGS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW.3"DETAILSLP0.03 A1.0 LAKE BREEZEFIRST FLOOR PLAN Scale: 1" = 30' Second Floor Plan Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" LIVING UNITS BUILDING AREAS UNITS BY FLOORS. BELT LINE RDSANDERS LOOP A2.0 LAKE BREEZEFLOOR PLAN LEVELS 2, 3, 4 Scale: 1" = 30' Second Floor Plan Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" ROOF PLAN Scale: 1" = 30' Lake Breeze Project Belt Line Road Coppell, Texas The Lake Breeze project in Coppell, Texas will be a seventy-one (71) unit 4-story condominium project. Units will consist mainly of 1300 SF and 1600 SF units with balconies. The flrst fioor will be a parking structure constructed of concrete foundation, columns, and slab above. Residential units will be on levels 2, 3 and 4. Two residential units are planned on level 1. A walking track surface is planned for the roof top. Parking will be provided in a parking structure on level 1 under the residential units. Additional covered parking is provided onsite with metal structures. These will be designed to complement the main building Porte cochere. Open-air parking is also provided. Four electric vehicles charging stations will be provided initially, one of these with accessibility clearance in the parking structure. Additional station. can be added as demand increases. Site amenities include a dog park, flre pit with seating, butterfiy garden, and fiex sports areas. A one-hundred-foot wide Atmos easement crosses diagonally on the south side of the lot. Atmos is very restrictive on what can be constructed on the easement including parking. Windows on the north and west sides will be sound reducing type windows. All exterior walls will include continuous insulation on the outside of the studs. This provides both thermal and sound reducing qualities. Stud cavities will have minimum R-19 insulation for thermal and sound. The roof deck is heavily insulated for thermal and sound absorption. Exterior walls will consist of a mixture of brick and cement plaster, both providing enhanced sound reducing qualities as opposed to thinner siding materials. A HOA will be developed for the property with a board that administers the requirements of the HOA. The HOA will address all maintenance of the building and site amenities. ITEM # 9 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT 254 Winding Hollow Ln, Waiver of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, Section 13-9-1(G)(19) P&Z HEARING DATE: November 21, 2024 C.C. HEARING DATE: N/A STAFF REP.: Cole Baker, EIT, Graduate Engineer LOCATION: East side of Winding Hollow Lane, approximately 2,350 ft north of Sandy Lake Road SIZE OF AREA: 0.488 acres of property CURRENT ZONING: SF-9 (Single-Family-9) REQUEST: A resolution of the City of Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission approving a waiver of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, Section 13-9-1(G)(19) of the Coppell Code of Ordinances, requirement that a residential building pad shall not be less than 12 inches above the curb elevation. APPLICANT: Builder: Owner: Zack Penn Patrick Thuemmel Key Life Homes 141 Turnberry Ln P.O. Box 154258 Coppell, Texas 75019 Irving, Texas 75015 214-957-3096 HISTORY: In May 1985, the Planning & Zoning Commission approved a final plat for the Village at Cottonwood Creek, Section 1. Construction of the subdivision infrastructure was completed in February 1986. The original structure at this address was constructed in 1987. A house fire occurred at this structure in 2018, and the structure was subsequently demolished. HISTORIC COMMENT: There is no existing structure. ITEM # 9 Page 2 of 3 TRANSPORTATION: Winding Hollow Lane is a 28-foot, two-lane concrete roadway. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North: Residential – Village at Cottonwood Creek, Section 1, SF-9 South: Residential – Village at Cottonwood Creek, Section 1, SF-9 East: Residential – Cottonwood Estates Amended, SF-12 West: Residential – Village at Cottonwood Creek, Section 1, SF-9 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The 2030 Comprehensive Plan of shows the property as suitable for Residential Neighborhood. DISCUSSION: The structure at this address was demolished after sustaining damage in a fire in 2018. With the demolition of the damaged structure, the existing building slab was left in place. The Thuemmel’s purchased the property in November of 2021, and they are proposing to construct a new residence on the property. A request has been submitted by the Builder, Key Life Homes, to allow for the proposed home to reuse the existing slab for the construction of the new structure. The Building Code allows for the existing slab to be reused upon certification by a Licensed Engineer that the foundation is structurally sound. The existing slab is located slightly below the elevation of the existing curb of Winding Hollow Lane in front of the property. The Coppell Subdivision Ordinance states that “pad elevations shall be no less than 12” above curb elevation of the intersection.” The requirements of the ordinance have changed since the original structure was constructed, and the Builder has requested a waiver of the current Subdivision Ordinance requirement. The Builder has submitted a drainage plan showing how drainage of the property will be accomplished as well as an engineering report that Staff is currently reviewing. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of this waiver, subject to the following conditions: a. The building pad site cannot be lower than one inch (1”) below the curb elevation of the affected lot as measured at the curbline of Winding Hollow Lane; b. The Texas licensed engineer shall provide a sealed letter to the City of Coppell attesting to the following: 1. Adequate site drainage has been designed to protect the home from stormwater runoff. 2. Homeowner is made aware that the slab elevation does not meet current ordinance requirements. 3. Homeowner is made aware of the ongoing maintenance required for the site drainage to function as designed. 4. Owner or engineer state awareness of any recurring drainage issues. ITEM # 9 Page 3 of 3 c. Upon acceptance by the City Engineering Department to verify the above-stated conditions, a certified copy of this resolution shall be filed by the owner in the deed record of Dallas County. d. That no building permit shall be issued unless the conditions recited herein or compliance of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance have been met. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 1 4869-2405-4009 v.1 RESOLUTION NO. _______ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING A WAIVER OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, SECTION 13-9-1(G)(19) OF THE COPPELL CODE OF ORDINANCES, REQUIREMENT THAT A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PAD SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 12 INCHES ABOVE THE CURB ELEVATION; PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SUCH WAIVER FOR REAL PROPERTY BEING BLOCK 8, LOT 6, OF SECTION 1 OF THE VILLAGE AT COTTONWOOD CREEK ADDITION, MORE COMMONLY KNOWN AS 254 WINDING HOLLOW LANE; PROVIDING FOR FILING IN DEED RECORDS OF DALLAS COUNTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The real property being Block 8, Lot 6 of Section 1 of the Village at Cottonwood Creek Addition, was developed in 1986 for single residential purposes; and, WHEREAS, The development at the time did not have the same requirements that are currently enforced; and, WHEREAS, the residence at said Cottonwood Creek was destroyed by fire; and, WHEREAS, the owners of said property desires to rebuild on the same pad site which is not above the minimum twelve inches (12”) above the curb elevation; and, WHEREAS, Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, Section 13-9-1(G)(19) of the Coppell Code of Ordinance requires that pad sites must be twelve inches (12”) higher than the curb elevation for preventing flooding of structures; and WHEREAS, the City of Coppell Engineering Department supports the waiver if there are certain conditions provided that are approved by a Texas Licensed Engineer; and WHEREAS, the owners have agreed to such conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission after motion, 2nd and majority vote desires to approve such waiver upon compliance with the conditions is accepted by the City Engineering Department; and IT IS NOW THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE COPPELL PLANNING AND ZONING COMMION AS FOLLOWS: 2 4869-2405-4009 v.1 SECTION 1. That the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby grants a waiver of the requirements of the Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, Section 13-9-1(G)(19) of the Code of Ordinances for real property located at 254 Winding Hollow Lane, Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, being more particularly described as Block 8, Lot 6 of Section 1, Village at Cottonwood Creek Addition, Coppell, Dallas County Texas as recording in the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, subject to the special conditions set forth herein. SECTION 2. That the waiver is subject to the following conditions: a. The building pad site cannot be lower than one inch (1”) below the curb elevation of the affected lot as measured at the curbline of Winding Hollow Lane; b. The Texas licensed engineer shall provide a sealed letter to the City of Coppell attesting to the following: 1. Adequate site drainage has been designed to protect the home from stormwater runoff; and 2. Homeowner is made aware that the slab elevation does not meet current ordinance requirements; and 3. Homeowner is made aware of the ongoing maintenance required for the site drainage to function as designed; and 4. Owner or engineer state awareness of any recurring drainage issues. c. Upon acceptance by the City Engineering Department to verify the above-stated conditions, a certified copy of this resolution shall be filed by the owner in the deed record of Dallas County. d. That no building permit shall be issued unless the conditions recited herein or compliance of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance have been met. SECTION 3. All other provisions of the subdivision ordinance, except as waived herein, shall be met. SECTION 4. This resolution and order shall be effective from and after the date of its enactment as provided by law. 3 4869-2405-4009 v.1 DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas the ________ day of ______________________ 2024. APPROVED: _______________________________ Edmund Hass, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission ATTEST: ________________________ Ashley Owens, City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________ Robert E. Hager, City Attorney