RE 2000-09-12.2 RESOLUTION NO. 20000912.2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE USE OF ALL AVAILABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FROM PRIOR YEARS IN THE AMOUNT OF APPROXIMATELY $137,589.21 AND CURRENT FISCAL YEAR $88,287.00 FOR THE SENIOR CENTER AND SENIOR CENTER ANNEX, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS FOR SUCH FUNDS/ ~~, ~e Senior Cent~ and annex ~ereto ~e vi~ and necess~ componen~ to ~e ~rment and development of ~e senior ci~ens' communi~ of Coppert, Texas; and ~~. ~e Senior Center and annex ~e ~ need ofrepa~ and expansion; and ~~, ~e Senior Center and annex have been approved ~ appropriam projec~ for · e use of Communi~ Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG); and ~~, ~e Ci~ has available CDBG ~nds to~ng approximately $137,589.21 from previous ~sc~ ye~'s use by D~as Count; and, ~~, ~e Ci~ previously augorbed ~e cunent fisc~ ye~ CDBG ~nds ~ ~e amount of $88,287.00 ~ ex~nded and placed on unaHocated rese~e ~nd; and ~~, ~e Ci~ of Coppert now has ~e need for ~ ~nding avaHable for ~e rehab~mfion of ~e Senior Center and annex. NOW ~FO~, BE IT ~SOL~D ~T ~ CI~ CO~C~ OF ~ Q~ OF COPPPELL ~: Hereby reques~ ~at D~as Coun~ use ~ of ~e aforesaid aveable ~nds includ~g ~e cunent ~sc~ ye~'s ~nd~g which had been previously au~or~ed for undocared rese~e ~nd~g to ~ used for ~e rehabilitation of ~e Ci~ of Coppert Senior Center and annex, and, ~e CiW Manager is ~ auffior~ed m execute ~e necess~ documen~ to acqu~e such ~nds as may ~ requ~ed. LYP~SED and approved by ~e Ci~ Council of ~e Ci~ of Coppell, Texas, on ~is ~e 12th day of September, 2000. APPROVED: CANDY SHEEHAN, MAYOR ATTEST: LIBBY BALL, CITY SECRETARY ROBERT E. HAGER, CITY ATTORNEY