OR 312 Plats within the corporate limits SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 312 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, PRESCRIBING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PLATS AND SUBDIVISIONS OF LAND WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS AND EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, CONTAINING CERTAIN DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR A PRELIMINARY PLAT; PROVIDING FOR A FINAL PLAT AND PROVIDING FOR FINAL APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISIONS AND SUBDIVISION PLATS; PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS FOR FILING PLATS, SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION, ACCEPTANCE OF SUBDIVISIONS AND ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS; PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR STREETS AND ALLEYS, STREET SURFACING, STORM SEWERS, SANITARY SEWERS, WATER MAINS, STREET LIGHTS, PARKS, WATER AND SEWER PRO RATA AND ASSESSMENT FOR THOROUGHFARE IMPROVEMENTS; PRESCRIBING FEES TO BE CHARGED; ESTABLISHING JURISDICTION WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY AND WITHIN THE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL; REPEALING ANY PART OF ANY ORDINANCE IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE; SPECIFICALLY REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 226 AND SECTIONS 13-1-1 AND 13-1-2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COPPELL; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, by Article 9748, Texas Civil Statutes, the laws of the State of Texas provide that every owner of any tract of land situated within the corporate limits, or within five miles of the corporate limits of any city in the State of Texas, who may divide the same in two or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of any tract of land or any addition to any town or city, or for laying out suburban lots or building lots, or any lots, and streets, alleys or parks or other portions intended for public use, or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto, shall cause a plat to be made thereof which shall accurately describe all of said subdivision or addition by metes and bounds and locate the same with respect to an original corner of the original survey of which it is a part, giving the dimensions thereof of said subdivision or addition, and the dimensions of all streets, alleys, squares, parks or other portions of same intended to be dedicated to public use, or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto; and WIIEREAS, by Article 970a, Texas Civil Statutes, said law of the State of Texas provides that the governing body of any city may extend, by ordinance, to all of the area under its extraterritorial jurisdiction the application of the city's ordinance establishing rules and regulations governing plats and the subdivision of land; and WIIEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, being so empowered by law, does hereby promulgate and establish such a plan for the City of Coppell, Texas, and this ordinance shall hereinafter be known as the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. ADOPTION OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS The term sub(livision means the division of any tract of land situated within the corporate limits of the City or within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction, into two or more parts for the purpose of laying out any subdivision of any tract of land or any addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, or for laying out suburban lots or building lots, or any lots, and streets, alleys or parks or other portions intended for public use, or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon or adjacent thereto for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of creating building sites. Subdivision includes resubdivision. The rules and regulations attached hereto including the attached Appendix A, Specific P~equirements and Design Criteria; Appendix B, Pro Rata Assessments; and Appendix C, Procedure for Assessments of Thoroughfares, are hereby adopted as the subdivision regulations of the City of Coppell and are made a part hereof for all purposes. No person shall create a subdivision of land, as hereinabove defined, within the corporate limits of the City or within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City, without complying with the provisions of these regulations. All plats and subdivisions of any such land shah conform to the rules and regulations herein adopted. SECTION 2. REPEALING CLAUSE All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. The Subdivision Ordinance of the City in effect as of the date of the passage of this ordinance, Ordinance No. 226, is hereby specifically repealed along with Sections 13-1-1 anal 13-1-2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell. However, the repeal of existing ordinances by this ordinance shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed prior to the effective date of this ordinance in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed; and prosecution for such offenses may be instituted and causes presently pending proceeded with in all respects as if such prior ordinance or ordinances had not been repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY CLAUSE If any article, paragraph or subdivision, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. SECTION 4. PENALTY CLAUSE Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shah be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a penalty of fine not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and each and every day such offense is continued shall constitute a new and separate offense. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shah take effect immediately from and after the publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppel], Texas, this the ~9~/~/Z~' day of k..Z)Z,~,,f , 1984. APPROVED: / ~o~ ATTEST: ---, , , -.-~' .~. ~: ,') APPROVED AS TO FORM NC: ~ / """": ': . CITY ATTORNEY' CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIV]S]ON ORDINANCES TABLE OF CONTENTS SECT]ON SECT]ON SECTION SECT]ON ]V SECT]ON V SECT]ON VI SECTION VII SECTION VIII SECTION IX SECT]ON X SECT]ON X! SECT]ON X]] SECTION X]]] SECTION X]V SECT]ON XV SECT]ON XVI SECT]ON XV]] DIVISION OF LAND TO BE UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE CITY WITHHOLDING IMPROVEMENTS DEFINITIONS PROCEDURES FOR SUBDIVISION ANNEXATION ZONING LAND STUDY PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANS FINAL PLAT AND PLANS FILING OF PLAT SUBM]TTALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCT]ON SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCT]ON ACCEPTANCE OF THE SUBDIVISION AS-BU]LT PLANS ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS FILING FEES OTHER REQU]REMENTS APPENDIX A SPEC]F]C REQU]RENENTS AND DESIGN CRITER]A Il. Ill. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Streets ~nd Alleys Storm Sewe=s Utility Se=vices St=eet Lights Po=ks N~sce]]oneous APPENDIX B PRO RATA ASSESSNENTS - WATER AND SEWER APPENDIX C PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSHENT FOR THOROUGHFARES COPPELL SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE SECT]ON ] -D]V]S]ON OF LAND TO BE UI'~ER SUPERVISION OF THE CITY A. Ail land within ~u=isdJctton of the City not he:etofo=e subdivided. B. No off'ice: o: employee of City shell autho:Jze wo:k un]ess :egulotJons hove been complied with. C. The subdivide: may avail himself of the edvSce end essistance of the City P]ennJng end Zoning Commission. SECT]ON ]] -W]THHOLD]NG IMPROVEMENTS A. City shell withhold all City tmp:ovements and issuance of building pe:mJts f:om subdivisions not officially app:oved by the C~ty Council. No Smp:ovements should be JnJtJeted, nor cont:ects executed until epp:ova] of the City Council has been given. SEC'[]ON ]]] -DEF]N]T]ONS A. City - The City of Coppel] B. City Council - The elected Mayor end CouncJ]pe:sons of the City of Coppe]] C. Commission - The appotnted membe:s of the P]enntng end Zoning Commission of the City of Coppe]] D. City Manage: - The adm~ntst:atJve manege: of the Ctty of Coppe]] E. City Engtnee:- The engtnee: representing the City of Coppe]] Subdivision O=d. SECTION IV - PROCEDURES FOR SUBDIVISION A. ]n o=de= to allow o=de=]y p=ocesstng of p=oposed subdivisions/ the p:ocedu=es discussed in the fo]lowing sections shall be fo]lowed. In gene=o] the steps necessa=y fo= subdivision include: 1. Annexation by the City Council. Zoning by the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council. 3. App=ova] of a ]and study by the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council. App=ova] of p=eltmfna=y plat and plans by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council. S. App:ova] of ftna] plat and plans by the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council. App=ova] of the ftna] const=uctton plans by the City Engtnee=. ?. Filing of app=oved plat with the City of Coppe]! and the County C]e=k and the seco=ding of executed easements, dedications, and other documents =equt=ed to be fi]ed of 8. Completion of const=uction and acceptance of tmp=ovements by the City, submission of as-built d=awtngs. This p=ocedu=e may be va=ied at the disc=etlon of the City Nonage=. Fo= those a=eas to be subdivided which ]1e outside the co=po=ate limits but a=e being submitted only fo= =evtew and app=ova] to satisfy the =equt~ements of Subdivision O=d. Revised Civil Statutes, the p=ovtstons conce=nfng annexation and zoning may be deleted. AIl othe= p=ovisJons SECT]ON V - ANNEXATION If the p=ope=ty is not within the City limits of Coppe]] ond the owne: dest=es that it be annexed so as to be qualified to =ecetve City se=vices, when available, and be offo=ded zoning pzotectton, the owne= must petition the City fo= annexation thzough lawful annexation p=oceedJngs. SECTION V! - ZONING If the p:ope=ty ts not zoned as :equtzed fo= the p:oposed subdivision, pe=manent zoning shall be :equested. Application fo= zoning includes completion of application fo:ms, payment of =equt=ed fees, and pe=fozmance of othe= :equt:ements of the Zoning O=dinance and the =u]es and :egu]ot~ons of the City. SECT]ON VII - LAND STUDY In the deveJopment of o Ia=ge o=ea to be annexed by the City, etthe= by sections o= as one subdtvtston, the Deve]ope= must submit o Land Study to the Planning and Engineering Depa=tments. Submittal shall tnc]ude a letter of t=onsmJtto] =equesting =evtew and payment of the :equired fiJing fee. Subdivision O=d. 3 The puspose of the Land Study ts to allow the Planning & Zoning Commission and the City Council to seview psoposed ma)os thosoughfase and col]acta= stseet pattesns, ]and use, and the p=ope=ty's se]attonshtp to ad)otning subdivisions o= psopesttes. The study shall be psepased as follows: 1. The study shall be dsawn to a scale of 1'=200' The Iowa= sight hand cashes shall contain a ttt]e block clea=ly showing the psoposed name of the subdivision, name and add=ess of the subdivide= and the Engtnees os Susveyos sesponstb]e fas the design os susvey, sca]e, date the dsawtng was psepased, and the location of the tsact acco=ding to the abstsact and susvey secosds of County, Texas. 3. The study shall c]ea=]y show the limits of the t=act and scale d~stances. Ysue No=th shall be cleasly indicated. 4. The study sha]] show the names of ad)acent subdivisions or t~e name of reco=d o= owners of adjoining pa=aais of unsubd~vided l~nd. $. The study shall contain the existing zoning on adjoining ]and, the location, width and names of all existing o= platted stseets ways within os adjacent to the t=act, pe=manent buildings, =a~lsoad sights-of-way, and Subd~v~s$on Osd. topography with ex~st~ng drainage channels o~ c~eeks, and other important features such os po]ttica) subdivisions, co~porate limits and schoo] district boundaries. 6. The study shall show the layout and width of proposed thoroughfares and col]ecto: st:sets and sha]) show a general configuration of proposed SECTION V)]! - PRELIM]NARY PLAT AND PLANS A. The Deve)oper shall submit 15 copies of the plot and p]ans of the subdivision to the City Planning Commission by ft)Jng the some in the off,ce of the acting as Zoning Coordinator to the Commission, at least 30 days prior to the regular meeting at which such p)at is sought to be filed. Such pre)lmtnary plat aha)] carry the legend 'P:e]JmJnary p)at - for review Submitto) sba]] tnc]ude a letter of t:ansmJtto] requesting review and the required fi)Jng fees. B. The purpose of the submitta] Js to allow the Planning & Zoning Commission to review ave:al] platting of the tract, water and sewer service, and st:est patterns within the subdivision fo: conformance with the requirements of the City. It a]so provides the City an opportunity to make p:e]tmtna:y estimates of City participation in st:est and utt]ity costs in the subdivision. Subdtvts$on Ord. VIll-B. The p=eltmina=y plat and plans shall be p=epa=ed as follows: P~elimina~y Plat shall be d~awn to a scale of 2. ]t shall contain the name of the p~oposed subdivision, the name and add,ess of the subdJvtde~ and the Enginee~ o~ Surveyor ~esponstb]e fo~ the design o~ survey, t~act designation, and othe~ descriptions according to the abstract and survey ~eco~ds of Dallas County, Texas. No~th point, scale and date. The boundary lines of the t~act, accurate in scale, shall be shown. 5. ]t shall show the names of ad}acent subdivisions o= names of =eco=d of owne=s of ad}aiming parcels, the location, widths, and names of existing o~ platted streets, easements, o~ other public ways within or adjacent to the t~act, existing ~at]~oad sights-of-way° and othe~ important featu;es such as section lines, political subdivision o= corporate limits and school district bounda;tes. ]t shall show all parcels of ]and intended to be dedicated fo; public use o~ =eserved in the deeds fo; the use of o]] property owners in the p~oposed subdivision, together with the pu:pose Subdivision O=d. o~ conditions of limitations of such ~ese~vation. ?. It shall show the layout, names and width of p~oposed streets, alleys and easements. B. It shall show the layout, numbess and approximate dimensions of psoposed lots and all building lines. 9. The location of p=oposed scseentng walls shall be c]eo~ly indicated. 10. A complete topographic mop showing existing stcuctuses and utilities of the psoposed a~eo to be subdivided shall be submitted with the p~elimino=y plat. Contours of the tsoct shall be in intervals of 5 feet os less/ selected to sea level datum. 11. The plans shall show existing sewess, wate~ mains, culverts, os othes underground structures within the t~act and immediately adjacent the=eta with pipe sizes and locations indicated. 12. P~eliminosy plans of p~oposed wares distribution system, sewage collection system, on site and off site d~ainoge system and street improvements. The Develope~ shall submit o lette~, along with the Pceliminasy Plot, sequesting any variances to the subdivision. It is to be understood that the approval of the pselimino~y plot by the City Planning Commission does not constitute official acceptance of the p~oposed subdivilion by the City. There shall be no wock done in the field on the Subdivision O=d. 7 p=oposed subdivision until the final plot has been app=oved and accepted. Following :evJew of the p=elJmJnaty plat and othe: mate=Ja]s submitted, fo= confo=mJty the=eof to the regulations of this chap=e= and othe= city codes, the Planning Commission shall, within 30 days, act the=eon os submitted, o= a modified and, Jf app=oved, the Planning Commission shall exp=ess its app=ova] as conditional app=oval and state the conditions of such app=ova], one of which shall be the filing of a f~nal plat o=, Jf dJsopp=oved, shall exp=ess its d~sapp=ova]. App=ova! of the p=e]JmJna=y plat exp,=es at the end of 9 months unless the final plot has been submitted fo= app=ova]. Afte= app=oval of a p=e]~m~na=y plat by the Planning Commission, the same shall be fo=wooded to the City Council fo= its inspection and comment. ]t shall be accompanied by a ]ette= foam the owne= =equestJng any va=~ances to its Subdivision Regulations. App=ovol of the p=elJm~na=y plat exp,=es at the end of 9 months unless the final plot has been submitted fo= app=oval. Subdivision O=d. 8 SECT]ON ]X - FINAL PLAT AND PLANS A. The DeYelope= shall submit ~ copies of the final plot and complete const=uctJon plans, not la=ge= than 2~" x 36", plus 15 final plats of the subdivision to the City Planning Commission by filing the same in the office of the official acting as Zoning Coo=dJnato= to the Commission, at ]east 30 days polo= to the date of the =egu]a= meeting of that body at which conside=ation is =equested and on which date such plat ~ha]] be deemed fi]ed. This plat shall ca=ay the legend 'Final plat.' Submittal shall include a lotto= of t=ansmitta] =equesting =evJew and payment of the =equJ=ed filing fees. B. The Final Plat ~ha]] show o= be accompanied by the following info=motion: Final Plat shall be d=awn to a ica]e of 1'=100' o= la=ge=. It shall contain the subdJvJaJon name o= identifying title and name of the city, county and state in which the subdivision is located; the name and add=ess of the =eco=d owne= o= subdivide=. 3. The bounda=y lines with accu=ote distances and boomings and the exact location and width of all existing o= meca=dad st=eats Jnte=eectJng the bounda=y of the t=act. 4. An accu=ate location of the subdivision with =efe=ence to the obit=act and su=vey meca=ds of Om]las County. Subdivision O=d. 5. The exact layout including: a. Street names b. Length of all o~cs, ~odti, internal angles, points of curvature, length and bea~ings of the tangents. c. All easements fo~ ~tght-of-way p~ovided fo~ public services o~ utilities and any limitations of the easements. d. All lot numbers and lines with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths of feet and with beo~tngs and angles to street and alley lines. 6. The accurate location, material and approximate size of oil monuments. ?. lhe accurate out]ins of o]] p~ope~ty which is offered fo~ dedication fo~ public use with the purpose indicated thereon, and of ol] p~ope~ty that may be ~ese~ved by deed covenant fo~ the common use of the p~ope~ty owners in the subdivision. 8. Setback building lines. 9. P~ivate ~est~ictions. 10. No,th point, scale and dote. ll. Certification by o Registered Public Su~veyo~ to the effect that the plot ~ep~esents a survey mode by him and that all the monuments shown thereon Subdivision O=d. 10 actually exist~ and that their location, size and material description are correctly shown. 12. A certificate of ownership and dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and playgrounds to public use fo=ever, signed and acknowledged before a Notary Public by the Owner and Lien Ho]de~ of the land along with complete and accurate description of the land subdivided and the streets dedicated. 13. Additional certificates to properly dedicate easements or zight-of-way as may be necessary. l~. Proper b]anks for certification of approva] to be filled out by the City Counci]. IS. A receipt indicating that a]) taxes have been paid. 16. Construction plans for all =equt~ed utilities such as: a. Proposed water distribution system. b. P~oposed sewage co))ectton system. c. Plan and profile of proposed streets. d. P]an and p~ofJle of onsJte ond off,ire p~oposed d~oinage foc1]1tJes, including storm sewers where required. e. Proposed street lighting plan and any utility pole relocations. The Construction P]ans sha)] be prepared by or under the supervision of a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas and sho]l bear his seal on each sheet. Subdivision Ord. Fo The plans shall contain all necessa=y info=motion const=uctJon of the p=o~ect including sc=eentng wo]ls. All mate=lois specified shall confo=m to the specifications set fo=th tn Appendix A. Each sheet of the plans shall contain a title block including space fo= the notation of =evisions. This space is to be completed with each =evtston to the plan sheet and shall clea=ly note the natu=e of the =evtston and the date the =evtsion was made. Afte= =evtew of the plat and plans by the Planning and Enginee=ing Department, the plat shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council fo= thet= consJde=ation. ]f app=oved by those bodies subject to changes, the Enginee= fo= the owne= shall make changes =equi=ed. The City Engtnee= o= his designated =ep=esentative will app=ove all plans to the Engtnee= fo= the owne= fo= use by the Cont=acto=s. Each Cant=acta= shall maintain one set of the plans, stamped with City app=ova], on the p=o~ect at all times du=tng const=uction. If const=uction has not commenced within one yea= afte= app=oval of the plans, =esubmitta] of plans may be =equ~=ed by the City Engtnee= fo= meeting cu==ent stands=ds and engtnee=ing =equi=ements. Subdivision O=d. SECT]ON X - FILING OF PLAT A. Afte~ approval of the Final Plat by the Planning & Zoning Commission end the City Council and co==ectJon of the plot as =equt=ed by those bodies and the Planning and EngJnee=ing Depa~tments, the Deve]ope~ shall submit filing fees and the ~equi~ed numbe~ of copies fo~ filing with the County Clerk. Theme copies shall bea~ all signatures of the City Officials. Afte~ signature by the City Officials, the Deve]ope~ completes the filing p~ocess and ~etu~ns the zequi~ed numbez of fi]ed copies to the City. Said copies shall show the volume and page of the Nap and Plat Reco=ds into which the plat was fi]ed by the County Clerk. ]f the final plat ham not been submitted foz sJgnotuzes by City Officials within six months afte~ approval by the City Counct]~ the plat ~ha]] be deemed null and votd~ ~esubmitta] shall be ~equi~ed, and cu~ent subdivision ~egulotions shall apply. SECT]ON X] - SUBH]TTALS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCT]ON A. P~io: to autho=Jzing const:uctJon, the City EngJnee~ shall be satisfied that the following conditions have been met: I. The Final Plat shall be completed to the ~equt=ements of the City Council at the time of app=ova]. 2. All =equt=ed cant=act documents shall be completed and fi]ed with the City Engtnee=. Subdivision O:d. $3 3. Al! necessa=y easements o= dedications not shown on the Final Plot must be conveyed solely to the City of Coppe]], Texas, with p=ope= stgnatu=es affixed. The o=tgtna] of the documents and filing fees sha]! be =etu=ned to the Engtnee=tng Depa=tment p=to~ to app=ova! and =e]ease of the enginee=tng plans. 4. Al! Contractors pa~ttcipating Jn the const=uction shall be p=esented with a set of app=oved plans beo=Jng the stomp of app=ova! of the City Enginee=. These plans sba]! =emaJn on the Job site. 5. If =equt=ed by the City Engtnee=~ oil po=ties pa=ttctpattng tn the const=uctton sha]! meet fo= a p~econst~uction confe=ence to discuss the p=o~ect p=to= to beginning wo=k. 6. A complete list of the Cant=acta=s, the~= =ep~esentattves on the site, and telephone numbe=s whe=e o =esponstb]e pa~ty may be =eached at o]] tJmes~ must be submitted to the City Enginee~. ?. A ~ep~oductb]e Utility Plan Sheet, scale ~"=~00', shall be submitted to the City E~gtnee=, tn addition to the p=evJous submittal of const=uctton plans. Subd~vision O=d. appu=tenances o= special const=uctton items sha]! be submitted to the City Engtnee=. SECTION XI] - SUBDIVISION CONSTRUCTION A. Const=uctton shall be inspected by Engtnee=lng Depa=tment pe=sonne]. Completion of const=uctton to the app=oved plans and specifications of the City of Coppe]] is the =esponsibt]tty of the Deve]ope= and the Cont=acto=s. The =esponstbt]tty of the City Engtnee= is to assu=e confo=mance to the app=oved plans and specifications. Any change in design =equt=ed du=tng const=uctton shall be mode by the Engtnee= whose sea] and stgnatu=e a=e shown on the plans and shall be app=oved by the City Engtnee=. SECT]ON XI]! - ACCEPTANCE OF THE SUBDIVISION A. Afte= completion of ail items =equt=ed in the plans and specifications, the Cant=acta= shall submit to the City a bond in the amount of ten pe=cent IlO~} of the Cant=act amount gua=anteetng wo=kmanship and mate=lois fo= a pe=iod of one yea= from the date of final acceptance by the City. The City Engtnee= sha]! ve=tfy that ail items hove been completed, tnc]udtng the filing of the plat and al! =elated easements and documents, payment of p=o ~ota fees fo= st=eets, wate= and sewe= se=vices, payment of the ware= and santta=y sewe= availability oho=ge, etc. The City Enginee=, o= his designated agent, shall conduct a final inspection of the p=o~ect and, if ail wo=k is found Subdivision O=d. to be acceptable, shall issue a Lette= of Acceptance. Any items of exception noted in the acceptance lette= shall be immediately satisfied. B. Acceptance of the subdivision shall mean that title to all improvements is vested in the City of Coppe]]. The Develope= and his Cant=across shall, howeve=, be bound to the City for o period of one yea= to =epat= any defects tn the imp=ovements. ~ECTION XIV - AS-BUILT PLANS P=tor to final acceptance by the City of the tmp=ovements in the subdivision, the Engtnee= fo= the Developer shall submit to the Engtnee=tng Depa=tment a complete, =ep=oductb]e set of d=awings of paving, d=ainage, water, sanitary sewe= and othe= tmp=ovements showing all changes made in the plans du=lng const=uctton and containing on each sheet an "As-Built" stamp bearing the stgnatu=e of the Engineer and the date. ]n addition, one reproducible d=awtng of the utility plan sheets containing As-Built info=motion shall be submitted. SECTION XV - ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERH]TS Gene=ally, building permits will not be issued until completion of all improvements within the subdivision and acceptance by the City. The City Enginee= shall have the autho=tty, afte= =eviewing the p=og=ess of const=uctJon and othe= =elevant matte=s, to se]ease po=ttons of the subdivision fo= building pe=mtts. Subdivision O=d. SECT]ON XV] A. - FILING FEES The following schedule of fees and cha=ges shall be paid to the City when any plot is submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission o: any othe: autho:ized boa:d o= agency of the City. Each of the fees and cha:ges p:ovided he:ein shall be paid in advance, and the Planning and Zoning Commission o: any othe: autho=tzed boa:d shall take no action until said fees and cha:ges have been :ecetved by the office: designated he:etn. The City Nanage=, his deputies or assistants, shall calculate the fees and charges in accordance with the following schedule: Zoning Zoning appeal 3. Land Study ~. Concept Plan 5. Site-Plan/Multi-family 6. Site Plan - other ?. Preliminary Plat 8. Final Plat - non-residential 9. Final Plat - residential $200 plus $6 per acre $200 plus S5 per property owne~ notified Il00 plus $1 per acre $100 when submitted separately with o zoning =equest N/C when submitted with zoning :equest $100 p]us S6 per unit $100 $100 plus $~ pea lot $100 plus $35 pea acre $500 plus $20 pea lot Subdivision Ord. 37 Bo Ce Final Plat - multi-family Final P]at - estate d~st~tcts $300 plus $3 pe~ unit $30 per ac~e 12. Rep]at $~00 plus $5 pe~ lot These fees shall be charged on all plats, regardless of the action taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission and whethe~ the plot is approved o~ denied by the City Construction Permit Fee: The City Manage~ shall compute the Construction Permit Fee fo= the development of a subdivision, o~ pa~ts thereof, based on the following schedule: 1. Complete Subdivision $1,025 pe~ ac~e 2. Any separate p~o~ects: 3.25~ of construction Wate~ Se~e~, St~eets~ Sto=m Se~e=s, etc. Wate= Availability Fee: 1. Residential $500 pe= lot 2. Comme=cJal $1,000 pe= ac=e Se~e= Availability Fee: 1. Residential $500 pe~ lot 2. Comme=c~a] $1~000 pe= oc=e These fees a=e to be paid prto= to app=oval of the final construction plans. SubdtvtsJon O=d. $8 APPENDIX A SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS AND DESIGN CRITERIA CITY OF COPPELL SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 198~ APPENDIX A 1. STREETS AND ALLEYS A. 1. The a=:angement, cha:acte:, extent, width, g:ade and location of all st=eets shall confo=m to the City of Coppe]] Tho:oughfa:e Plan, and shall be conside=ed in =elation to existing and planned st=eets, to topog:aphJca] conditions, to public safety and in app=op=iate =elation to the p:oposed uses of the ]and to be se=ved by such st=eets. Nhen such st=eet is not on the Tho:oughfa:e Plan, the a=:angement of st=eets in a subdivision shall e~the:: a. P=ovide fo: the continuation p=o~ection of existing st:eets b. Confo:m to a plan fo: the ne~ghbo:hood approved o: adopted by the Commission to meet a pa=ticula= situation whe=e topog:aphica] othe= conditions make continuance confo:mJty to ex~stJng st=eets tmp=actica]. 2. St:eets const:ucted within the City shall be classified acco:ding to the geomet=Jc design standa=ds set fo=th he=ein. Appendix A Residential st=eets shall be so laid out that use fo= th:ovgh t=affic will be dtscou=aged. A:te:ia] st=eets shal! tnte:sect at 90 deg:ee angles unless othe:wise app:oved by the City. Half-st=eets shall be p=ohtbited, except when essentia! to the =easonable development of the subdivision and whe=e the City Covnctl finds it will be p=acttca] to =equt=e the dedication of the othe: one-half when the adjoining p=ope=t¥ ts subdivided. St=ips of p=tvately owned p=ope=ty =ese=ved fo= the obvious pu:pose of cant=oiling access to st:eets shall be p=ohib~ted except whe:e cant=al ts definitely placed in the City unde= conditions app=oved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. St:eet alignments with cente=]tne offsets of ]ess than 125 feet sha]] be p:ohtbited. A cul-de-sac shall not be ]onge: than 600 feet and at the closed end shall hove a tu:n a:ound p:ovJded, having a minimum outside :oadway dtamete= of 80 feet and a minimum st:eet p:ope:ty line diamete: of lO0 feet. Pa:king is]ands shall be :equJ:ed Jf onst:eet pa:king is desi=ed in the cul-de-sac. ]f pa:king is]ands a=e included, the dJamete: of the cul-de-sac shall be designed to facilitate circular movement of t:affic around the cul-de-sac also. At the inte=section of a new subdivision st=eet with an existing bou]eva=d a:te=ta], the Deve]ope: of the subdivision shall const:uct a median opening in the Appendix A 10. 11. 1:::'. 13. 15. 17. bouleva=d, unless othe=wise dt=ected by the City. Alleys a=e =equi=ed in all =estdenttal subdivisions. Alleys shall have a minimum =tght-of-way width of 15 feet. Blocks shall be platted to allow two tie:s of lots. Lots shall be so a==anged that the=e will be no dimect access f:om =esidentia] lots to collecto=s and All lots shall be ad~acent to a dedicated st:eet to which access is allowed. Whe:e a t:act of ]and is subdivided into pa:cels that a:e la:ge: than no:ma] building lots, such pa:ce]s shall be a::anged to pe:mit the opening of futu:e st:eets and a logical ultimate :esubdivtston. Block lengths, gene:ally, should not exceed ~,200 feet in length as measu:ed f:om st:eet cente:]tnes. Alleys, o: loading cou:ts, of a minimum width of 2~ feet of paved su:face o:, in lieu the:eof~ adequate offst:eet loading space shall be p:ovtded in business blocks. In platting the subdivision, the Oeve]ope: shall p:ovtde additional :tght-of-way :equt:ed fo: existing o: futu:e st:eets as shown in the City of Coppe]] Tho:oughfa:e Plan, o: othe: plan app:oved by the City Council. Iai Esc:ows fo: Ad~acent St:eets. When a p:oposed subdivision of ]and abuts on both sides of an existing substanda:d :oad acco:ding to Appendix A 17. the then existing cur=ent City of Coppe]] stonda=ds, the Developer shall be =equ~=ed to tmp=ove the existing =oad to bring the same to the City of Coppe]] standards. Any =eJmbursement, Jf due, to the Deve]ope= by the City wJ]] be made when funds become If the proposed subdivision Js located a]ong only one s~de of a substandard road~ and when Jn the City Council's ~udgment, Jt ~s not feasible to reconstruct said substanda=d road at the time of development of said subdJvJsJon~ the City Council may permit the Developer to pay into escrow an amount equal to the Developer's share of the cost of said tmp=ovements as a condition for the app=ova] of the final plat of the subdivision. The amount of esc=ow shall be as determined by a "pro rata# cha=ge as presc=tbed by the P=o Rata O=dJn~nce of the City end shall be p~yQb]e p~Jo= to app=ova] of plans by the C~ty Eng~nee=. Icl When funds have been provided and placed ~n escrow with the City of Coppe]] fo= the development of a Appendix A substandard ~oad and the ~oad is ~econst~ucted by othe~s at no cost to the City, the escrowed funds and accrued interest, if any, shall be ~efunded to the Develope~ afte~ completion and acceptance of the improvements. In the event that a portion of the cost is bo~ne by the City, the difference between the Developer's actual p~opo~tionate cost and the escrowed funds, including accrued interest, ~f any, shall be ~efunded to the Oevelope~ afte~ completion and acceptance of the improvements. Id} Wheneve~ unde= any of the p~ovJsions of this section, funds a~e ~equt=ed to be escrowed fo~ the cost of future improvements to substandard ~oads, the fo~m of such escrow shall be cash o~ its equivalent. Appendix A B= Enq~D~Dg_DesJgD The enginee=Jng design of st=eets in the City of Coppe]] sha]! confo=m to the Geomet=Jc Destgn Standa=ds fo= Tho=ovghfa=es. GEONETRIC DESIGN STAI~A~S FOR THOROUGHFARES DEFINITIONS Na~or Arte=ia]: Minor A=te=ial: Co]lector: Local: A tho=ovghfare that serves the entire region and ca=ties a high vo]ume of long trips. A thoroughfare that inte=connects with the ma~o= arterial/ but serves a sma]]er geographic oreo. A thoroughfare that collects t=affic within =esJdent~o], commercto] and indust=~o! areas, and channe]s it into the arter~o] system. A thoroughfare that pr~mori]y serves as direct access to abutting p=operty, such as o =esidentta] street. Appendix A 6 R]GHT-OF-WAY Ma)o= A=te=~a]: Minor Arterial: Collector: Local: ROADWAY WIDTH Mo)o~ A~te~ia]: Mina: Collecto=: Local: DESIGN SPEEDS Mo)or A:te:io]: Mino: A=te:Jo]: Co]lector: Loca]: VERTICAL GRADES Maximum: Minimum: Lanes divided, 110 feet, within 300 feet of tnte:sectJon 130 feet. Lanes divided, 85 feet, w~th~n 300 feet of ~nte:sectton 105 feet. Lanes undivided 95 feet. Lanes undivided 75 feet. Lanes undivided 65 feet. o: 4 Lanes undivided 60 feet. Lanes undivided 50 feet. Lanes divided 2-34 feet, b.b. Lanes divided 2-25 feet, b.b. Lanes undivided 67 feet b.b. Lanes undivided 59 feet b.b. Lanes undivided 45 feet b.b. Lanes undivided 45 feet b.b. Lanes undivided 37 feet b.b. Lanes undivided 28 feet b.b. 40-50 MPH 35-45 MPH 30-40 MPH 30 MPH S.00% 0.50% Appendix A 7 HORIZONTAL CURVATURE 30 MPH ~0 MPH 50 MPH ~B~CT ION RADIUS Mo)o~ to Loco] Mino~ to Mino~ Mtno~ to Loca] Local to Loco) VERTICAL ALIGNMENT Minimum Radius ~25 feet B20 feet 1,390 feet R Minimum aO feet M~nJmum 30 feet Minimum 30 feet Minimum ~5 feet M~nimum ~5 feet Minimum 20 feet Ve=tica] alignment is o function of Stopping S~ght Distance (SSD) which ~s g~ven by: SSD = ~.a7 Vt + V 30 I f3g I Whe:e V = speed f:om which stop Js made (mphl t = perception + b:oke :eoct~on t~me (secondsl f = coefficient of f:iction Ifa: wet povementl g = pe:cent of g:ode divided by ~00 (added fo= upg:ode and subtracted fo: downg:odel Minimum )ength of ve:tico] curve is 100 ft. Appendix A 8 Using the above fo~mu]o Stopping Sight Distances are colcu]oted fo= g=O o Or: Where: L = AS2 1398 Where L = length of ve~ticol curve Irt) A = o]geb=oic d~fference in g=odes Ipercentl S = sight dtstonce I ft) L = KA 2 K = S 1398 NEDIAN OPENINGS (Figure 1! ~stons~ between_gg~D~Dg_~Dg§~-to-nose of_medionl: S Minimum Mox~mum Width opening: Minimum M~x~mum LANDSCAPED AREA IFtgu:e 11 Minimum q20 ft. - includes 100' 1,300 ft. 0 60 ft. 120 ft. 100 ft. landscape o~eo Appendix A LEFT-TURN LANE IFtgu=e 11 .................. A. Low volume driveways or local street B. High volume driveways and collector or minor C. Signalized intersection ~b_gJ_[ane ......... Tronsition Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Moximum Length T ft. 100 ft. 150 ft. 10 ft. 13 ft. X 99.5 ft. MEDIAN WIDTH IFtqpre 11 Through lanes Rove=se Curves 250.0 ft. M Minimum ft. Minimum 11 ft. Maximum 12 ft. COST OF MEDIAN OPEN]NGS AND LEFT-TURN LANES Median openings and left-turn lanes constructed to serve private drives shall be const:ucted to City standards, inspected by City inspectors, and paid for by owners served by the median openings and left-turn lanes. ~he City shall be responsible for~ and pay the costs of, the paving of median openings and leer-turn lanes constructed to serve dedicated streets when a part of the widening program undertaken by the City on an existing public street. Appendix A 10 3 Min. L[G[ND W - Right of way width L - Lone width R - Intersection radius M - Median width $ - Distance between opening 0 -Width opening T - Length left turn lane X - Transition N- Width left turn lar~ P - I00' Landscape F- RESEFM~:D ~00'x I0' For Fulure F~t. Turn Lanes FIGURE I-- GEOMETRIC THOROUGHFARE DESIGN FOR DEFINITIONS OF DRIVEWAY TYPES A. A "=estdentia] d=tvewoy" shall mean one which p=ovJdes access to a single-family =esidence~ to a duplex multi-family building containing five o= fewe= dwelling units. B. A "commercial driveway" shall mean one providing access to an office, retai! or institutional building or to multi-family building having more than five dwelling units. It is anticipated that such buildings wi]] be customarily serviced by trucks as an tnctdenta]~ =athe= than principal driveway use. Industrial plant d=tveways whose principal function ts to serve administ=ative or employee pa=king lots shall also be constde=ed commercial C. An '~ndustrta] driveway" shall mean one dt=ect]y se=ving substantial numbers of t=uck movements to and f=om loading docks of an industrial faci]ity~ wa=ehouse o= truck terminal. A centralized =etaJ] development, such as community ox xegJona] shopping centex, may have one ox dxiveways specially designed, signed end located to pxovtde access fox t~ucks and such driveways shall be considered ~ndustria] driveways. DR]VEWAY WIDTH As the term is used he=e, the width of a d=tveway =efe=s to the width of pavement at the p=opexty ]the. D=iveways of the type shall be pa=mitred only onto seconda=y and residential streets. AIl access to residential property abutting ma~or tho=oughfares shall be off the Appendix A DRIVEWAY RADIUS Ali driveways intersecting dedtcoted streets sha]! be built with o circular curb radius connecting the six-inch raised curb of the roadway to the design w~dth pavement of the driveway. Driveways sholl be located for enough from the interior property line to permit the curb radius to fQ1] entirely in front of the sub)ect property. The City Engineer shall approve the driveway widths and driveway =adius at the time of site plan review p~ev~ous to issuance of any building permit. In order thQt the definition of the location of the edge of pavement for the thoroughfare may be matntatned~ driveway ~adit shall always be designed to become tangent to the st=eet curb line. lwo-way driveways shall always be designed to intersect the street at o ~0-degree angle. One-way driveways may be designed to intersect a street at a minimum ~-degree angle, DRIVEWAY SPACING AIkD LOCATION lhe spacing and location of driveways shall be related to adjacent driveways and nearby street intersections. The spacing between drivew=ys sh=]l be dependent upon the speed limit of the thoroughfare and are recommended as follows: (see Figure 2l ~E~_~J~).IMPH) D=ivewgy_~Dg~Dg_~Feet) "D" ~0 45 B5 65 30 ~0 35 100 40 120 ~S 150 50 200 Appendix A Ninimum spacing shall not be mo:e than ten feet ]ess than the :ecommended spacings shown above. Spacings between d:iveways will be measu:ed along the p:ope=ty line f=om the edge of one d=tveway to the closest edge of the next d:iveway and not f:om cente=]ine to cente:line. At tnte:sections with no f:ee right-tu:n lane, the minimum distance IFigu:e 2-Al of a d:iveway f:om the tnte:sectton of ma}o= tho:oughfa:es shall be fifty feet and the minimum distance (Figure 2-A) of a d:iveway f:om the inte:section of minor tho:oughfa:es shall be thi:ty feet. Gene:al requirements fo: d:tveway design are shown in Figu:e ~. A summa:y of driveway width, :adius and angle :equi:ements is given in Table ]]. TABLE II S~ARY OF REQUIREMENTS RESIDENTIAL CO#INERC]AL WIDTH IWI Minimum Maximum RIGHT TURN RADIUS (RI Minimum Maximum ONE-WAY DRIVE ANGLE Minimum [deg:ees! INDUSTRIAL 20 I 15 1-way) ~0 30 40 10 15 20 25 MISCELLANEOUS THOROUGHFARE STANDARDS A. Specific details shall be as shown in the Design Standa:ds fo: the City of Coppe]]. Appendix A 13 LEGEND A-Distance back from R - Driveway radius W- Approach width D- Distance between Interjection driveways 50' Minimun FIGURE 2 -- GEOMETRIC FOR DRIVEWAY DESIGN Alley Intersections. Alley sho]l not Intersect mo~or thoroughfares. Alleys which run parallel to and shore common right-of-way line with o major thoroughfare shall not intersect the cross-stmeet at o point directly od~ocent to the mo~or thoroughfare intersection with the cross-street, os tndicoted in Figure 3. ]D]ersection Visibility_Obstructions. No fence, screen billboo=d, sign st:uctu=e or foliage of hedges, t=ees, bushes or shrubs sho]! be erected, planted mointoined in such o position or place so os to obstruct or interfere with the following minimum sight line stondords: 1. Vision at all intersections whe:e streets intersect ot or neor right ong]es sho]] be cleo= ot elevations between two ond one-half feet and nine 19} feet above the ave=age street grode, within a trtongu]ar area formed by extending the two curb lines from their point of intersection (see Figure 4), forty-five feet, and connecting these points with tmogJnory line, thereby moktng a t=tong]e. ]f there ore no curbs existing, the triongula= oreo shall be formed by extending the property lines from their point of intersection twenty-five (25) feet ond connecting these points with an tmagtnory line, thereby moking a triangle. Appendix A MAJOR STREET ALLEY or SERVICE k'AL L E Y INTERSECTION PROHIBITED FIGURE .'5 INTERSECTION VISIBILITY OBSTRUCTIONS POINT OF INTERSECTION STREET 45' FIGURE 4 Add~t~ono] Streets and St=eets and ~]]eys shall be platted and const=ucted ~n acco=d~nce w~th the Tho=oughf~=e Plan of the Comp=ehens~ve P]~n o= othe= plans ~pp=oved by the C~ty Council, ~nd sh~]] confo=m to the fo]]ow~ng ~equ~=ements: The subg~ade on al) st=eets and alleys sh~]l be tho=oughly compacted ~nd stabilized with hyd=oted ]Jme fo= o minimum depth of s~x inches be]ow the povement, unless othe=wtse opp=oved by the City Engineer. Appendix A ~5 b. Pavement Thickness. STREET OR THOROUGHFARE ...... USUAL PAVENENT WIDTH IF-FI BASIC PAVEMENT THICKNESS STRENGTH ALTERNATE PAVENENT THICKNESS STRENGTH A~ B, B+ o= Store Hwys 2-36' 8" 3000 PS] 6" 800 PS] Comp=essive F]exu=o] Mo)o~ Arteriol P-33' 8" 3000 PS] 6" 750 PSI Comp=essive Flexu=o] Minor Arte~iQ! 4~' to 2-24' 7" 3000 PSI 6" 650 PS] Comp=essive Retoil through Indust=iol 7" 3000 PSI 6" 650 PS1 Comp=essive Flexu=al Collecto= F, Office~ Apa=tment & NS 36' to ~' 3000 PSI 5" 3600 PSI Comp=essive Comp=essiv, Goz:H ~' to 36' 6" 3000 PSI 5" 3600 PSI Comp=esstve Comp=essiv, Note: Pavement thickness and st=engths o=e minimum =equi=e- ments hosed on 2S-doy test, ~nd f]exu=~] tests sh~l] be thi=d point ]ooding. T=offic p=o)ections m~y =equi=e ~dditton~] thickness of p~ving on m~)o= tho=oughf~=es. Appendix A do All streets/ except Type H streets, shall include d-inch monolithic curbs. Alleys shall be constructed a minimum of 10 feet in width within a minimum 15-foot right-of-way. Wider alleys, required d=atnage or other pu=poses, shall be constructed in right-of-way approved by the City Engineer. Alley turnouts shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width at the street right-of-way line, o= the width of the alley/ whichever is greater. Paving in alleys adjacent to masonry screening walls shall be constructed a minimum of 12 feet in width and shall abut the screening wall. Alleys fo= other than residential uses shall be dedicated and paved a minimum of 2~ feet in width. All alleys shall be constructed with pavement of reinforced concrete of 3000 psi minimum compressive strength or 3dO0 psi minimum compressive strength, and shall inc]ude d-inch monolithic curbs where required by the City Engineer. The Developer shall construct the full width of the alley at his own costs. Alleys with 3000 psi concrete shall be constructed with a Appendix A 17 minimum thickness of q-3/2 inches in the invert and 7-3/2 inches at the edges {average &-inch thickness}, and alleys with 3600 psi concrete shall be constructed with a minimum thickness of' 4 inches in the inve:t and 6 inches at the edges lave:age 5-inch thtcknessl. e. Median openings and ]eft-turn lanes, constructed to serve dedicated streets in a development, or to serve private drives, shall be constructed to City standards, inspected by City inspectors and paid for by the Developer. f. Acceleration o: deceleration lanes shall be constructed to the same standards as the ad)oining street, and the cost of construction shall be the developer's responsibility. g. Other street or alley sections may be used if approved by the City Engineer. h. Brick Pavers. The City of Coppel] requires the use of brick pavers, or approved equal, at all entryways to subdivisions and commercial shopping centers. Brick pavers shall be p]aced on a concrete foundation, or as approved by City Engineer. Appendix A 18 AIl streets or thoroughfares shall be constructed in right-of-way os required by the Thoroughfare Plan. If more than thirty-seven (371 feet 118.5 feet each side! is constructed, the City reimburse the Developer fo= the excess width when funds become available. If the street is located in the intemtor of the subdivision, the Developer shall construct the entire width of the roadway, with reimbursement from the City la= the Developer's contract price} fo= poyment in excess of thirty-seven 137} feet in width [back of curb to back of cu=bl when City funds become ov~tlab]e. Streets which dead-end at power line, =at]road, similar rights-of-way, and such streets, including sidewalks, are intended for future extension ~c=oss these rights-of-way, shall be constructed right-of-way as required by the Yhoroughfare Plan fo= hail the distance across the rights-of-way. If more than thirty-seven 137) feet i18.5 feet each stdel is constructed, the City wi]] Appendix A =eimbu=se the Deve]ope= fo= the excess width when funds become available. In railroad c:ossings, the City will pa=ticipate to the extent of 25% of the cost cha=ged by the Rai]=oad Company to const=uct the c=osstng and signals and shall =eimbu:se the Deve]ope= fo: such costs when City funds become available. lhe :ematning 75% of the costs shall be sha=ed by Develope:s of the fou: quad:ants of the inte=sectton of the st:eet and :atl:oad. When, in the City Engineer's ~udgment, it is not feasible to const=vct the street and/o: ~ail=oad c~ossing at the time of development of the subdivision, esc:ow fo= the Develope='s portion of the cost may be p=ovided. Whe:e st:eets a=e dedicated adjacent to undeveloped land and the p=ope=ty line is no=molly the cente:line of the st=eet, the Develope= shall p~ovtde ~tght-of-way of sufficient width and shall const:uct paving a minimum width of 22.5 feet, if deemed necessa=y by the City Engineer. Appendix A The Deve]ope~ of the ad)acent land, when platting the land, shall pay pro cost to the City for paving width in excess of 18.5 feet, including drainage, unless the excess width is oversize (over 37 feet full width). The City wi]] reimburse the cost of the excess width to the Developer who installed the paving, at the actual cost of construction, with no ~etmbursement for additional right-of-way which was required to construct the additional paving in excess of $B.S feet. The pro =ara cost shall be approved by the City Engineer and shall be payable p=io~ to approval of the plans by the Engineering Depo~tment. Where o 7ype A, B, B+, C o~ D thoroughfare, or a State Highway, is to be constructed, the Developer shall construct paving o minimum width of 25 feet, if deemed necessary by the City Engineer. The City will ~etmbu~se the cost of the excess width to the Deve]ope~ who Installed the paving, at the Developer's contract price, when City funds become available. When paving thickness in excess of eight 18) inches is required, the City reimburse the Developer for the additional thickness when funds ore available. Appendix A J. Technical Specifications. The specification fo= mate=Ja]s and wo=kmanship shall confo=m to "Standa=d Specifications fo= Public No=ks Const=uct~on," published by No=th Cent=a] Texas Council of Gove=nments. Pa=king Lots. Pa=king lots fo= public use shall be const=ucted of 6" conc=ete on a p=epo=ed Ilime stabilized) subg=ode with adequate su=face drainage. Asphalt design wi]] be app=oved on a case-by-case basis tf shown to be of equa] ]oad ca==ying capability. L. Pa=king Space. Pa=king spaces shall be a minimum of 9x18 ft. M. Ratl=oad C=ossings. All =ail=ood c=osstngs sho]] be =ubbe=ized. N. Jogging & Bike T=oils. St=eets must be designed with p=ovtsions fo= )ogging and bike t=oi]s. Sidewalks wt]] not be conside=ed as etthe=. O. Median Treatment. AIl medians sho]] be ]ondscaped with sp=~nk]e=s, stone, etc. in acco=dance with the City of Coppe]] app=oved st=eetscape plan. Appendix A 22 11. STORH SEWERS Policy An adequate sto=m sewe= system, consisting of in]ets, pipes and othe= unde=g=ound d=oJnage st=uctu=es shall be const=ucted to confo=m to the cu==ent d=aJnage =equi=ements of the City of Coppe]l. ]f open channels a=e used, side slopes of ~:l with conc=ete pilot channels shall be const:ucted. 1. An adequate sto=m sewe= system consisting of inlets/ pipes and/o= excavated channels o= natu=a] c=eeks and othe= unde=g=ound d=atnage st=uctu=es with app=oved outlets shall be const=ucted whe=e =unoff of sto=m wate= and the p=eventfon of e=oston cannot be accomplished satisfacto=t]y by surface d=a~nage facilities. Ameas subject to flood conditions os established by the C~ty will not be cons~de=ed fo= development until adequate d=a~nage has beer provided. 2. In gene=o], unde=g=ound drainage shall be constructed ~n streets and alleys. If app=oved by the City Engtnee=, the Oeve]ope= may p=ovide, at his own expense, a =Jght-of-way easement of sufficient width to permit excavation and Appendix A 23 maintenance of an open channel of satisfacto=y depth and width. The Deve]ope= shall complete all necessa=y excavation on the channel and sha]] sod o= seed the channel to p=event Unless the excavated channel bottom ts in Austin Chalk, Limestone, o= othe= stmi]a= acceptable rock, a reinforced concrete pilot channel conc=ete channel lining shall be =equired by the City to p=event e=oston or fo= access pu=poses. Location, type of const=uction of open channels shall be app=oved by the City Engtnee=. C=eeks may =ematn in open natu=a] condition excavated channels may be constructed p=ovided they meet the crtte=ta of the "Design Nanua] fo= Sto=m D=ainage Facilities' published by the City of Dallas. When a creek o= excavated channel is to open, or in frs natural condition, ft shall meet one of the fo]lowing =equf=ements: a. C~eeks o= excavated channels with side slopes of ~:~ or flatter from bottom of channel to top of bank may be platted as pa=t of individual lots. The owne=s these lots will be =esponstble fo= m~intenance. The creeks o= d=atnage ways in these areas shall not be maintained by Appendix A the City, but adequate access and floodway easements shall be p=ovtded to tnsu=e p=otection of these a=eas fo= maintenance pu=poses. b. C=eeks o= d=ainage ways with banks which have slopes steepe= than ~:l must be maintained by a maintenance entity othe= than individual lot owne=s. In such cases, the cseek os excavated channel sha]! meet one of the fo]lowing two ]he asea of the floodway shall be p=ovided as a pa=k o= floodway management asea. Psios to acceptance of any dsainage way as a pask os floodway management asea by the City, the dsainage way sha]] be c]eased of ail deb=is, tsash and ail objectionable undesbsush and weeds. Al! psovisions of Pa=ag~aph 2 and 3 above must be met. have psJvate maintenance psovisions othes than individual lot owness~ shall not be sequ~sed as pask os floodway management aseas. Howeves~ the sequi=ements of Pasagsaph 3 above, shall apply. The Appendix A creeks or drainage ways in these areas shall not be maintained by the City, but adequate access and f]oodway easements sha]! be provided to insure protection of these areas for maintenance purposes. 5. Lakes, detention ponds, and retention ponds may be constructed in al! areas provided they are approved by the City Engineer. The City may assume maintenance ~esponstbt]ittes for this type of facility, if approved by the City Counci]~ however, easements shall be provided to assure protection of these areas for maintenance purposes. &. Other innovative drainage concepts will be considered if approved by the City Engineer. ?. Brick or Masonry Headwa]]s. Headwa]]s constructed in Public Road right-of-way shall have b:ick o: stone facing. Safety grates shall be provided on ail storm sewers. Storm sewe:s sha]! be constructed across the front and sides of ail developments othe: than residential. Appendix A ~6 The Engineering design shall conform to the c~tte~ta set forth tn the "Design Nanua] for Storm Drainage FacJ]tties," published by the City of Da]las. Technical Paper ~0 should be used to compute =ainfa]] intensities. Techntca]_~pectftcattons The specification for materials and workmanship shall conform to the "Standard Specifications fo~ Public Wa:ks Construction/" published by North Centre] Texas Council of Governments. Appendix A SANITARY SEWERS AIl subdivisions sh~]] be p=ovJded ~Jth ~n ~pp~oved se~ge dJsposo] system. 1. AIl subdivisions shall be p=ovtded with an app=oved sewage dispose! system and whe=e the subdivision ts inside the city ]~mits of the City of Coppe]] shall be connected to the City's The deve]ope= shall fu=nish and ins=a]] the complete sewage system, including the mains, manholes, c]eanouts~ Y-b=anches~ se=vice late=als fo= ail lots, lift stations and appu=tenances. 3. Should the subdivision o= addition abut and use a sewe= main of the City, the Deve]ope= shall pay the City a 'pro =ate" cha=ge as p=esc=ibed by the P=o Rata O=dinance of the City fo= use of the ~. Sewe= pipe sha]] have a minimum inte=na] dJamete= of 8 inches. 5. Should a lift station, efthe= tempo=a=y o= Appendix A 28 service to the subdivision, the Developer shall construct the station and all appurtenances, at his own expense. If and when the lift station is no longer needed, the installation wi]], un]ess other provisions are made, remain the property of the City of Coppe]] for reuse or disposal. 6. Sewer service for each lot shall have a minimum internal diameter of 6 inches. Htnimum cover at the property line shall be 6 feet. 7. Sewers shall be extended ac=ass the property being subdivided. 8. Offstte sewer utilities shall be constructed by developers at no expense to the City. Sewer lines may be constructed using the following materials: a. Ductile Iron Pipe b. Po]yviny] Chloride Pipe w/integral be]] 10. Pipe bedding specifications shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. Six 16! inches of sand around PVC sewers with 12" sand over top of pipe. 11. Prior to acceptance, the sanitary sewer shall be subjected to an air test and/or leakage test. 12. All force mains, stream crossings, railroad crossings and road bores shall be ductile iron pipe. Appendix A AIl railroad crossings and road bo:es sha]! be encased in a steel ca::te~ pipe. Manhole spacing sho]! not be greater than 500 feet. 1S. Horizontal and ve:ttca] curves Jn sewer lines not encouraged and are sub)ect to approval of the City Engineer on o case-by-case basis. The C/ty Englnee: may require the Developer (Cant:acta:) to provide a TV exam~notlon of the sewer p:~o: to acceptance Jf the sewer line Js question. Cost to be bo:ne by Cant:acta:. The engineering design shall conform to the c:Jte:Ja set fo:th Jn "WPCF Nanua] of Practice No. 9", latest edition, as published by the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Water Pollution Cant:o] Federation and/o: "Design C:Jte:Ja fo~ Sewerage Systems", published by the Texas Deportment of Health and the Texas Deportment of Note: Resources. Exceptions are as noted below under "Technical Specifications." ~=__]ggbDJca! ~gecJf~catlons The specification fo: mate:~a]s and workmanship shall conform to the "Standard Specifications fo: Public No:ks Construction", published by the No:th Cent:o] Texas Council of Governments. Appendix A 30 IV. WATER NAINS Policy All subdivisions shall be provided with on approved water system. All subdivisions shall be provided with an approved water system. ]n the corporate limits of the City of Coppel] all subdivisions shall be connected to the City's ware: distribution system. 2. Water lines shall be laid in streets and alleys, o=, with approval of the City Engineer, may be laid in easements. Where water lines are to be installed on private property, the Developer shall secure the necessary easements in the nome of the City of Coppel]. ~. Water mains shall be a minimum of 8 inch nominal 5. Wore: se=v~ces fo= each lot shall be o mJnlmum of 3/a" type K copper. Each service shall be provided with two tn-]the nylon bo]] cutoff valves contained inside the meter box. The mete: shall hove o 5/8" diameter yoke and shall be purchased from the City. Service to each lot shall hove o maximum cove: of lB inches. Appendix A 31 Se:vices sho]] be l" type K coppe: fo: houses with mo:e than 2 baths. Valves shall be located such that the distance between valves is o maximum of 600 feet on and smalle: lines; on la:ge: lines, spacing sub- }act to app:ova] of City Enginee:. Valves shall be fu:nished with extensions, such that the wa:king nut is a maximum of ~8" below g:ade. Fi:e hyd:ants shall be located such that the ho:tzonta] distance to any st:uctu:e in a :esidenttal a:ea does not exceed 500 feet laying length. ]n comma:cia] a:eas the ho=tzontol distance shal] not exceed 300 feet laying length. Ft=e hyd:ants shall be located 2-1/2 ft. f:om bock-of-cu:b. All fi~e hyd=onts shall be pointed by the Develope= in acco=dance with the size of the line constructed: a. 8-inch ]ina - Red b. lO inch line - Blue Reflective fi:e hyd:ant spotte:s shall be installed in all stmeets at a point adjacent to ft:e hyd:ants. lO. Should the subdivision o: addition abut and use a water main of the City, the Dave]ope= shall the City o "p:o =ata" charge as p=esc=tbed by the P:o Rata O:dtnonce of the City fo: use of the Appendix A When PVC pipe ~s used, 32 gauge single st=and wt=e o= t=ace= tape, blue in cola=, shall be installed in the backfill mate=~a] ~ inches above the top of the pipe in acco=dance w~th the manufacturer's recommendations. Water lines shall be installed with a minimum cover ove~ the top of the pipe of ~ inches. 13. Water ]tnes shall be p~essu=e tested and disinfected in accordance with AWWA C603. PVC pipe sba]] have o 6" sand bedding with ~" of sand on each side and 32" of sand over top of p~pe. ~__~Dg~nee=tnq_~g~lgD The Engineering design shol] conform to the c=Jte=Jo set forth in the "AWWA" Standards, as published by the American Wore= Wo~ks Association. Technlcal_~g!~J~g~JgD~ The specification fo~ materials and workmanship shall conform to the "Standard Specifications fo~ Public Works Construction," as published by No~th Central Texas Council of Governments. Appendix A 33 V. UFIL]TY SERV]CES Do All services for utilities shall be made available to each lot in such a manner so as to eliminate the necessity for d~stu=bing the st=eat and alley pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalks, and drainage structures when connections are made. All electric, telephone utt]ities~ street ]ighting~ and cable television shall be underground except where conditions do not warrant underground installations. The use of above ground utilities may be considered on an individual case basis if the services are placed on the rear property line. All support equipment Itransformers, amplifiers, switching devices, etc. I necessary fo= underground installations shall be pad mounted or placed underground. The electric utility company shall be responsible fo= developing administrative policies and cost reimbursement procedures fo= the installation and extension of underground electric service. These polJcSes shall pa=mit the electric company to =ecover the cost differential between extending and installing overhead and underground se~vt c e. Appendix A E o Fo ]'he Deve]ope: sho]] fv=nJsh o]] eosements ond :Jght-of-woy necessary fo: construction of e]ect=Jc, gos, street ]Jght~ng, te]ephone ond cob]e te)evJsJon se=vJce to the subdivision. Ove:heod se:vices w~]] not be pe:m~tted to c=oss public :~g~ts-of-woys. Appendix A 35 V]. STREET LIGHTS Aa Bo Street lighting shall confo=m to the latest edition of the Illuminating Engineering Society Handbook. Lighting levels shall be as recommended fo~: Very light traffic in residential areas. Hedium traffic on feede= streets. 3. Heavy traffic on thoroughfares. Street lights shall be as manufactured by Ktm Standards. The initial cost of installation, ope=arian, and maintenance for the first three years shall be paid by the Developer to the City. Haintenonce and ope=arian after this period shall be provided by the City. Appendix A 36 V]]. PARKS The City has developed a design c:tte:ia fo: the-exp:ess pu:pose of planning an 1nteg:ated and cohesive pa:k and :ec:eationa] facility plan. Due to the complexity of the plan, the City has dete:mined that subdivisions containing ]ess than ce:rain amounts should not be :equJ:ed to dedicate land upon initial :equest fo: plat app:ova]. Because of the tnfeastbt]Jty of dedication of land pa:ttcu]a: subdivisions, the City has dete:mined that a fee in lieu of actual dedication shall be :equi:ed, to the City, at some futu:e dote and at a time when the design c:Jte:ia dictates, to pu:chase ]and in the location, and of the app:op:iate size to be the most advantageous selection in confo:mity with the design c:tte:1a. P:to: to the app:ova] of any fJna! subdivision plat/ the need fo: pa:k and :ec:eationa] facilities :equt:ed to se:ye the platted a:ea shall be dete:m~ned and app:oved by the C~ty Counc~! on the basis of the standa:ds and guidelines set out he:ein and the established design c:ite:ia fo: neighbo:hood and community pa:ks and othe: facilities. Appendix A 37 Upon submission and app=oval by the City Council of the final plat, the Develope= shall be =equi=ed to pay a cash payment to the City fo~ acquisition o= development of pa=k sites. The fee schedule is as follows: 1. Single family, pe= unit $350.00 2. Townhouse o= multi-family, pe= unit 75.00 3. Single family =esidentia] Iwhen sepa=ate facilities have been p=ovtded and developed fo= home owne=s association maintenance, and the ]and o= amenities a=e equivalent in tn value to at ]east 2S~ of no=ma] neighbo=hood pa=k =equt=ementsl, pe= unit SO.O0 Appendix A 38 VIII. MISCELLANEOUS Aa St:eet Signs: The Develope: shall pay the City fo: st:eet signs fo: the subdivision. The:e shall be one sign fo= each th:ee-way tnte:sectton and two signs fo: each fou:-woy inte:section. The signs will be o:de:ed by the City and the Dave]ope= billed o fixed fee fo: each s~gn. The fee sha]! ~nc]ude cost of the sign assembly and po]e. Sidewalks: Sidewalks shall be const:ucted of 2000 psi conc:ete having o width of not ]ess than ~ feet and o minimum thickness of ~ inches. Sidewalks shall be const:ucted fo= o]] lots ad)otntng dedicated st:eats, along mo)o~ tho:oughfo=es whe:e lots do not adjoin the st=eat, ac:ass powe= line easements and tn othe: o:eos whe:e pedest:Jon wolkwoys a:e necesso:y. Sldewo]k const:uctJon may be de]ayed untJ] deve]opment of ]ors, but in ]ocotJons not od)ocent to ]ors and across b:idges and culverts, the sidewalk shall be constructed with the othe~ improvements to the subdivision. Sidewalks od)ocent to sc:eenJng walls shall be 5 feet in width and sho]] gene:o]]y be placed against the sc:een~ng walls to the subdivision. Routing to cleo: poles, t:ees o: other obstacles sho]] be sub)act to opp:ovo] by the City Engtnee:. Sidewalks sho]] be constructed one foot from the p=operty line within the st:eat o: tho:oughfore :tght-of-woy and shol] extend o]ong the street f:ontoge inc]uding the side of co:ne: lots and block ends. Appendix A Co AIl lot co=nets shall be located and ma=ked w~th diameter =e~nforcJng bar, 18" long, and shall be placed flush with the g=ound o= counte= sunk, tf necesso=y, o=der to ovoid being d~stu=bed. The "p=o =ara" unit cost sha]! be based on the numbe= of platted lots o= const=ucted ]~vJng units contained and shown on the final plat. AIl fees paid unde= this pro¥ision shall be deposited in the Pa=k Fund of the City and sa~d funds sho]! be used only fo= pu=poses of p=ovtdJng pa=k and =ec=eot~ona] facilities to the citizens of Coppe]]. Sc=eening Wails: Requi=ements fo= sc=eentng wails shall be in accordance with the p=ovJsJons of the Zoning O=dJnance of the City and shall meet the opp:ova] of the City. Wood mater~a] shall not be allowed. Developer shall install e=osJon p=otectlon for p:eventtng mud f:om entering the street lie. - hay bales, etc.). Appendix A ~0 APPENDIX B WATER & SEWER PRO RATA AN OPZ)I~E OF THE C]TY OF COPPELL REGULAT]NG THE INSTALLAT]ON OF WATER AND SEWER HAIN EXTENSIONS, PROV]D]NG FOR PRO RATA CHARGES, PRaY]DING FOR REFUNDS, PROVIDING AN ALTERNAT]VE NETHOD FOR EXTENDING WATER AND SEWER HAINS, NETHOD OF ENFORCING PAYNENT OF PRO RATA CHARGES, PROV]DING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDINANCE, AND PROVIDING A SEVERAB]LITY CLAUSE, REPEAL OF CERTAIN CONFL]CT]NG ORDINANCES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C]TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 2. - DEFINITIONS: The fo]lowing definitions apply in the const=uctJon of this o=dJnance: ~EP~9ach ~g~D - Lines =equJ=ed to Jnte=connect p=ope=ty being developed with the existing ware= and sewe= systems. ~D~_~g~D - AIl ware= and sewe= mains =equ~=ed w~th~n a subdivision. ~pg~g~¥_L~ne - Any ]Jne const=ucted by a deve]ope= as an expedient to develop a pa=tJcu]a= a=ea not =equ~=ed ~n the City's ultimate development plan. Appendix B Se:vice Connection - A ware= o= sewe= connection extending f=om the main line to se=va a consume=. ~Sy~gE~_A:eo - An a=ea is developed at such time as the C~t¥ Council has app=oved the final plat of a subdivision, and building pa:mits have been issued. ~PD~gg~ - P=ope:ty abutting etthe: side of a ware: and/o: sewe: line. ~9_~g~g - A cha=ge made against the consume: o= p=ope=ty owne: to pay fo= =ep]acement o= extension of wore: and son~to:y sewe: mains as p=ovJded fo: in this o:dJnance. ~9P§g~ - The actual use: of ware= f=om a City ware: connection. ~gES~y__OwDe:s - The =eco:d title ho]de: of p=emJses se:red with ware= f:om a connection by the City of Coppel]. ave=size Cost - The diffe:ence between the estimated cost of the main as built and the cost of the main determined to be the minimum size =equt:ed to se=va the subdivision. SECT]ON ~. DEVELOPMENT RESPONSIBILITY: All p:ope=ty owne:s shall be pa:tial]y =esponsJb]e fo~ wate~ and/o: sanitary sewe~ mains ~unning along any plotted st=eats o= dedicated =ight-of-~oy which f=onts thai= p=ope=ty. P=ope:ties which lie on a co=ne: w~]l be :esponsib]e fo= utility lines anti=ely ac=ass both f=ontages. ]n the event that no utility lines have been const=ucted along the f=ontoge of o p=ope=ty, it wi]] be the :esponsJbt]tty of the Dave]ope= to b~ing the utilities to his p:ope=ty lexcept as out- Appendix B lined belowl and across his frontage to the adjacent property. In the event that lines hove already been constructed along the frontage, pro rata must be paid for the lines according to the terms of this ordinance. SECTION 3. - PRO RATA CHARGES: The City of Coppe]] may extend water and sanitary sewer mains in the streets and alleys, or easements, within the city limits of the City of Coppe]] tn order to permit connections by persons seeking water and sanitary sewe: service. A charge which shall be known as the "P=o Rata" shall be made against each Ia= or tract of ]and, and the owner thereof, at the time of platting {or issuance of a building permit, if the prope:ty is al:eady p]attedl, shall pay to the City acco:ding to the fo]lowing rates: ~ $10 per front foot for water mains, which amount should cover ail appurtenances, valves, hydrants and fittings. ~ $10 per front foot for sewer mains~ which amount should cove: the cost of manholes and other appurtenances. These amounts shall be reviewed periodically by the City In addition to the pro rata charge on wa=e: and sewer mains, the property owner must pay the tap charges as established by the City of Coppell. Appendix B 3 SECTION 4. -EXTENS]ON OF WATER Ah[] SEWER L]NES: Upon =equest of the owne=, o= h~s agent, of o g~ven lot o= t=oct of land, fo= the pu=pose of this o=dJnonce known os #Applicant" accompanied by the payment of the cho=ges due unde= this o=dJnonce, the City of Coppe]] may extend o= cause to hove extended, lay o= const=vct oil necesso=y sanlto=y sewe= and wore= molns, Jnc]udJng valves and hyd=onts, o distance of ~00 feet D]us the distance ac=ass the f=ontog~ necesso=y to p=ovJde the se=vice fo= which application has been mode. The applicant to be se=red shall be =equi=ed to pay the cho=ges he=etn p=ovtded fo=. The owne=s of inte=ventng p=ope=ty se=ved by the given main extensions shall be =equ1=ed to pay the cha=ges p=ovJded fo= he=eJn at such tlme as thet= p=ope=ty 1s plotted. Whe=e an applicant fo= se=vice secu=ed an extension and se=vice unde= this pa=ttcu]a= option fo= main extension, he shall pay the p=o =ara cho=ges on al! p=ope=ty owned by him and which ts se=ved by the =equested extension. applying the lO0 foot =u]e, the =equJ=ed extension of the main shall be figu=ed in such o monne= os to leave out of the calculation of that po=tJon of any maJn adjacent to p=ope=ty a]=eady having othe= than o tempo=a=y se=vice and fo= which the p=o =ora cha=ge the=eon has been paid o= c=edJted unde= the re=ms of this o=d~nonce. An exception to the above 100 foot sho]! be mode whe=e two o= mo=e individual applicants wore= and/o= sewe= se=vice and the neo=est applicant Js mo=e than lO0 feet f=om existing lines, the City of Coppe]] wJ]] extend cause to hove extended theJ= molns upon payment of the cho=ge due Appendix B under this ordinance provided there is one customer foe every lO0 feet of such extension, excluding street intersections and that portion of the extension adjacent to property already having other than temporary wore: and/or sewe~ service. ~)_0~__~ - AL)~_R~_~)~yE ME)U_O~)_~ At the option of the City of Coppe]] the following methods fo: extending water and sewe: mains may be used where the app]icont's property is more than lO0 feet from on existing wote~ or sewer main. I~) The applicant may deposit with the City of Coppe]] the entire p:o rata amount due on the line o: lines and the City wi]] cause the line to be extended. When and as, pro rata is received from property owners along this line seeking to serve their p:operty, the City wi]] reimburse the applicant up to the amount of his deposit, ]ess his own pro rata. The applicant moy~ at his option, elect to install the utility lines ~t his own expense instead of p~ying ~ p:o :oto. The City wi]] p:ovide~ if necessary, o means to reimburse him fo= the pro =ara due on the other side of the line, when and as the other property owner(si seek to p:ovide se=vice to thet= property. The Deve]ope: of an addition o: plat shall design and prepare construction plans of water and sanitary sewe: facilities, or either of them, to serve the subdivision, including any access of offsite facilities that may be :equtred. These plans shall Appendix B 5 conform tn all details to the City's standards as to the design, grade, location, size and quality of materials and construction. SECT]ON 6. - REFUND OF COST OF EXTENSION: Where extensions of water and sewer mains are =equi~ed to serve p~operty which has been subdivided o= platted fo= development and ~esa]e and the final plat has been approved by the City Council, the City of Coppe]] shall construct o= cause to have constructed such mains upon deposit of the tote] cost of such extensions, including the cost of approach mains fronting property now owned by the Developer, but necessary to connect the area fo= which application is made with the City of Coppel] water and sewer system. The Developer wi]] bear the total cost of construction of offsite o= approaching mains required to interconnect property to be developed with existing mains, the sizes to be determined by the City of Coppe]], and with the only refunds to be the pro rate es collected by the City. Any refund to the Developer she]] not exceed the total of the pro rate charges, o= the total cost of the actual construction, whichever Js the lesser amount. There shall be a maximum of ten Il0) years as the period of eligibility wherein the original depositor may request a refund of pro rate payments under this section. In the event the abutting property is not developed during the said ten year period, then no refund shall be made unde~ this section. The Appendix B 6 pe=iod of eligibility shall begin as of the date of final inspection and acceptance of the extensions by the City of Coppell. The City of Coppell will :etu=n all :efunds due f=om othe= Deve]ope=s when and as they a=e =eceived. Ova=size payments and the City's po:t~on of one-sided ltnes wll] be :efunded by 1 of each yea= fo= the funds due f=om the p=evtous fiscal yea=. No :efunds will be made which might :educe the capability of the ware: and sewe= fund to maJntaJn 1ts cove:age, to meet its budget obligations and to extend lines acco=ding to Section ~ of this o:dinance. All =efunds due f:om the City fo= ave=size one-sided lines will be pald Jn full at one time. In the event of a la=ge :efund belng due, the City Counc1] may elect to include the :efund in a futu=e bond SECTION 7. - COST OF ONSITE MAINS: The Dave]ope= will baa= the total cost of onslte mains th:oughout his subdivision with sizes to be dete=m~ned by the City of Coppe]], except that the City of Coppe]] wt]] :efund the tnc:ement of cost on wate= and sewe= mains ave= ten tnches in dtamete=. The tnc=ement of cost bo=ne by the City shall be date:mined on the basis of the diffe=ence between the unit p:tces established Jn this o:dJnance. The cu:=ent unit p:Jces a=e: Appendix B '? ~ater 10" - $12.00 - Per Lineal Foot 12" - 1~.00 - Per Lineal Foot l~" - 16.00 - Per Lineal Foot 16" - 19.00 - Per Lineal Foot 20" - 22.00 - Per Lineal Foot 2~" - 25.00 - Per Lineal Foot Sewe~ lO" - $1~.00 - Pe~ Lineal Foot 12" - 16.00 - Pe= Lineal Foot If the City has no funds available, it is not required to po=ttcipote in overstz~ng costs. SECTION 8. - LINES ABUTTING ADJACENT CITIES: In the event that o water or sewer line is to be constructed along the boundomy line between Coppel] and one of ~ts adjoining cities, the City wi]l bear the =esponsib~]~ty for eventuo]]y refunding pro rata to the Deve]oper os if the C~ty was the property owne~ on the oppos~te side. The City wi]] not be =esponsib]e, however, unless such ]~ne ~s considered essential to the completion of the master plan. Any refunds wt]l be mode acco=ding to the terms of Section SECTION 9. - TEMPORARY LINES: Where temporary lines constructed os on expedient to develop o port~cu]or oreo, such os across easements within the subdivision of which no frontage con be connected, or where sewe=s ore constructed which otherwise ore not required in the ultimate plan of development for the sewer system, the Deve]oper wi)] beo= the total cost without refund. Moreover, the Developer o= owner will still be liable for pro rata charges on permanent ]tnes when they ore tnsto))ed. Appendix B 8 SECT]ON 10. - NO FUNDS AVAILABLE: ]n no event wi]! the City of Coppe]] be required to make extensions under the provisions of this ordinance if there ore no funds available on hand-fo= the purpose. SECTION 11. - NETHOO OF ENFORCING PAYNENT: That nothing herein shall be deemed in any way to be an exclusive method of enforcing the payment of the pro rata cost against the consume= and property owne=s, and shall not be deemed in any manner to be a waiver of the City's right to validly assess the property owners and/or consumers concerned fo= cost of the installation of standard size wate~ and sewer mains and to fix and enforce liens against said property, al! which may be done as provided by ordinance in the manner prescribed by ]aw. SECTION 32. - LIFT STATIONS AND SPECIAL INSTALLATIONS: ]n the event lift stations o= other special installations a=e =equJred, the same shall be installed unde: sepa:ate ag:eements between the City of Coppe]] and the Developer. SECTION 13. - PRO RATA CHARGES FOR NAINS EXISTING AT THE TINE OF ~SAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE: All structu=es existing or under const=uctton for which tap fees have already been paid, will be exempt from the pro rata charges fo: the water and sewer mains. All other p=ope=ttes, including those abutting water and sewer mains which have not already paid tap fees, or p=evtous p=o =ata Appendix B fees, shall be required to pay the pro rata charges and tap fees before receiving wate~ and sewer services. ~CTION 1~. - CHARGES CREDITED TO WATER ~ SEWER FUND: Any and all sums of money he~einafte~ collected as a pro ~ata charge or deposit for wate~ and/o~ sewer extensions, at the ~ates set fo~th in this ordinance, shall be credited to the Wate~ and Sewe~ Fund of the City and ali refunds shall be paid from this same account. The Water and Sewer Fund wi]] maintain a capita] fund for future construction and reimbursements. SECTION 15. - PURPOSE OF ORDINANCEi WHERE FRONT FOOT RULE IS ]_N~__OI=J_]]~j NO VESTED R]GHT~ SEVERAB]L]TY CLAUSE: The intent and purpose of this ordinance is to provide an equitable charge for water and sanitary sewer connections as a proportionate distribution of the costs of ware= and sanitary sewer main extensions to serve properties in the City of Coppe]]. In case a property or a tract of ]and is so situated or shaped that the f:ont foot :vie c=eates an inequitable basis os between it end other tracts of ]and tn the City of Coppe]]~ then~ in that event, the City Engineer shall determine the proper charge in accord with the intent and purpose of this ordinance. No person sha]! acquire any vested right under the terms and provisions of this ordinance. That the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable, in that if any section, phrase, word or part thereof shall be deemed to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the remaining port~ons of this ordinance. Appendix B $0 APPENDIX C CITY OF COPPELL PROCEDURE USED TO DETERNINE ASSESSNENT FOR THOROUGHFARE IMPROVEMENTS .Cg_l_c_u_lg_t_~Dg_tbg__A_ctgg_l Ass_e_s_s_m_eD_t_Vglue Used The following bid items cost f:om the actual ]ow bid is tabulated: o. Roadway Excavation b. Lime c. Lime T:eatment d. Pavement e. Cu:b & Gutte: f. All sto:m d:atnage Add the design enginee:ing cost fo: the total (This amount ts dete:mined f:om the cu:ves tn "Manual aS" published by the Ame:ican Society of Civil Enginee:s. I Testing and inspection fees a:e not included. The sum of the above gives the po:tton of the p=o~ect cost that is to be used fo: assessment value. The City of Coppe]]'s po]icy is to :elate the above value to what it would cost to construct a 3?-ft. co]lecto: tho=oughfa:e. This Js done by calculating the pe:centage I%1 of a 3?-ft. wide st=eet compa:ed to the actual total pavement width of the p:o)ect at hand. The assessment pe: front foot is fJgu:ed f:om assessment value above, divided by total f:ont foot, and multiplied by the calculated pe:centage. Appendix C