CM 2000-11-14-- MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 14, 2000 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, November 14, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. in the Library Meeting Room of William T. Cozby Public Library, 177 N. Heartz, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Candy Sheehan, Mayor Larry Wheeler, Mayor Pro Tem Greg Garcia, Councilmember Jayne Peters, Councilmember Diana Raines, Councilmember Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember (late arrival) Doug Stover, Councilmember Bill York, Councilmember Also present were City Manager Jim Witt, City Secretary Libby Ball and City Attorney Robert HageL REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to order. Mayor Sheehan called the meeting to order and adjourned into Executive Session. 2. Convene Executive Session A. Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding Real Property. 1. Purchase of public land generally west of Coppeli Road and north of Bethel Road. Mayor Sheehan convened into Executive Session at 6:10 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Sheehan adjourned the Executive Session at 6:25 p.m. and opened the Work Session. Councilmember Tunnell arrived at this time. CM 11142000 Page 1 of 20 WORK SESSION |Open to the Public| 3. Convene Work Session A. Discussion regarding Boundaries for the Historic District for the City of Coppell. B. Presentation regarding Scoreboard Options for Athletic Facilities. C. Discussion of Agenda Items. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 4. Invocation. Frank Pope, Coppell Police Department Chaplain, led those present in the invocation. 5. Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Sheehan led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance ..... 6. Swearing in of Councilmember Place 3. Mayor Sheehan swore in Diana Raines, Councilmember Place 3. 7. Consider approval of an Ordinance for appointing of Marian Moseley as Municipal Judge and Terry Landwehr and Kim Nesbitt as Alternate Judges of the Coppell Municipal Court No. 1 pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.06(b) and Section 4.06(d) of the City of Coppell Home Rule Charter and City Ordinances for a term of two (2) years and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate contracts with said persons; and authorizing the Mayor to sign said Ordinance. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve Ordinance No. 2000-930 appointing Marian Moseley as Municipal Judge and Terry Landwehr and Kim Nesbitt as Alternate Judges of the Coppell Municipal Court No. 1 pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.06(b) and Section 4.06(d) of the CM 11142000 Page 2 of 20 City of Coppell Home Rule Charter and City Ordinances for a term of two (2) years and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate contracts with said persons; and authorizing the Mayor to sign said Ordinance. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. · 8. Swearing in of Marjan Moseley as Municipal Judge and Terry Landwehr and Klm Nesbitt as Alternate Judges of the Coppell Municipal Court No. 1. Action: Mayor Sheehan swore in Marian Moseley as Municipal Judge; and Terry Landwehr and Kim Nesbitt, as Municipal Alternate Judges. 9. Consider approval of a Proclamation honoring Annette T. Griffin, who was named Superintendent of the Year by the Texas Association of School Boards, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Presentation: Mayor Sheehan read the Proclamation for the record and presented the same to Dr. Annette Griffin. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve a Proclamation honoring Annette T. Griffin, who was named Superintendent of the Year by the Texas Association of School Boards, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 10. Presentation by Coppell High School Band Boosters. Presentation: Mickie Neal, made a presentation of a plaque to the City of Coppell. CM 11142000 Page 3 of 20 11. Citizen's Appearances. A. Jeanine McDonald, 215 N. Moore Road #9003, spoke regarding Texas Recycles Day. B. Carl Railing, 209 Bay Circle, spoke regarding scoreboards. 12. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items: A. Consider approval of minutes: October 24, 2000. B. Consider approval of entering into a contract with Shimek, Jacobs 8s FinIdea for a Water Distribution System Master Plan Update in an amount not to exceed $62,300; and authorizing the City Manager to sign. C. Consider approval of an Interlocal Purchasing Agreement between City of Coppell and Texas Local Government Purchasing Cooperative and authorizing the City Manager to sign. D. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. S-1180, Wings To 0o, zoning change request from TC (Town Center) to TC-S.U.P (Town Center, Special Use Permit), to allow the operation of a 1,440 square foot restaurant and private club to be located in Suite 230 of the Town Center Shopping Center at 106 N. Denton Tap Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. E. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD-I?IR- HC, Verizon Communications (GTE), zoning change request for property ~-oned PD- Z 7 Z -HC (Planned Development- Z 71 -Highway Commercial), to allow a revision to the approved signage on approximately 35.6 acres of property located at 750 Canyon Drive, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. F. Consider approval of an ordinance abandoning a 7.5 foot utility easement along the rear of Lot 5, Block 8 Village at CMll142000 Page 4 of 20 ,_ Cottonwood Creek Section I (258 Winding Hollow Lane); and authorizing the Mayor to sip. Action: Councilmember TUnnell moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, D carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-270, E carrying Ordinance No. 9 1500-A-27 1, and F carrying Ordinance No. 2000-93 1. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, TUnnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 13. PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED): Consider approval of Case No. PD-188, HO-C, zoning change request from HO-C and HO-C-S-1125R (Historic Overlay, Commercial and Historic Overlay, Commercial, S-1125R) to PD-188-HO-C (Planned Development-188, Historic Overlay, Commercial), to allow the construction of a restaurant with a private club and the expansion of a free-standing beauty shop on approximately 1.27 acres of property located along the east side of Coppelt Road, approximately 200 feet south of Cooper Lane. Presentation: Gar~ Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Jeff Watters, Applicant, addressed Council. Mr. Patsy Benso, owner of Camille's Restaurant, also addressed Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan advised that the Public Hearing remains open and no one had signed up to speak on this item. Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding responses in opposition to the public notices; how many dumpsters are planned for both of these businesses; and questions on the parking lot. CM11142000 Page 5 of 20 Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. PD-188, HO-C, zoning change request from HO-C and HO-C-S- 1125R (Historic Overlay, Commercial and Historic Overlay, Commercial, S-1195RI to PD-188-HO-C (Planned Development-188, Historic Overlay, Commerciall, to allow the construction of a restaurant with a private club and the expansion of a free-standing beauty shop on approximately 1.27 acres of property located along the east side of Coppell Road, approximately 200 feet south of Cooper Lane with the following conditions: 1. Planned Development Conditions as stated on the Site Plan. 2. The exhaust fan be in-line in nature so that it cannot be seen from the exterior. Mayor Pro Tern Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 14. PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED): Consider approval of Case No. S-1179, zoning change request from HO-C (Historic Overlay, Commercial) to PD-188 HO-C- S.U.P. (Planned Development- 188, Historic Overlay, Commercial, Special Use Permit), to allow a restaurant with a private club on approximately 1.27 acres of property located along the east side of Coppell Road, approximately 200 feet south of Cooper Lane. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Shcchan advised that the Public Hearing remains open and no one signed up to speak on this item. C1v[11142o~ Page 6of20 Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. S-1179, zoning change request from HO-C (Historic Overlay, Commercial) to PD-188 HO-C-S.U.P. (Planned Development-188, Historic Overlay, Commercial, Special Use Permit), to allow a restaurant with a private club on approximately 1.27 acres of property located along the east side of Coppell Road, approximately 200 feet south of Cooper Lane with the following conditions: 1. The hours of operation will be from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 12 noon to 9 p.m. on Sunday. 2. The sale of alcoholic beverages on the premises is permitted as provided by State Law. 3. All Planned Development conditions relative to PD-188 shall be adhered to. Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Ralnes, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 15. Consider approval of the JWI Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Minor Plat, to ~11ow the development of a restaurant and the expansion of a beauty shop on approximately 1.27 acres of property located alon2 the east side of Coppell Road, approximately ~-00 feet south of Cooper Lane. Presentation: Gary Sicb, Director of Pls~nning and Community Services, rnadc a presentation to the Council. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve the JWI Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Minor Plat, to allow the development of a restaurant and the expansion of a beauty shop on approximately 1.27 acres of property located along the east side of Coppell Road, approximately 200 feet south of Cooper Lane with the following condition: CMl1142000 Page 7 of 20 1. Correct the spelling on date on the City Secretary's signature block. Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, R~ines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 16. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1181, CC's Coffee House, zoning change request from C (Commercial| to C-S.U.P (Commercial, Special Use Permit), to allow the operation of a 1,920 square foot coffee shop to be located in Suite 401 of the Coppell Crossing IV Shopping Center at 777 S. MacArthur Boulevard. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Se~ices, made a presentation to the Council. Chris Heiser, Project Manager, addressed Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 16 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding what food items would be served at the coffee house. Action: Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. 9-1181, CC's Coffee House, zoning change request from C (Commercial) to C-S.U.P (Commercial, Special Use Permit), to allow the operation of a 1,920 square foot coffee shop to be located in Suite 401 of the Coppell Crossing IV Shopping Center at 777 S. MacArthur Boulevard with the following conditions: 1. The hours of operation being limited to 5:30 a.m. to midnight, 7 days a week. CM 11142000 Page 8 of 20 __ 2. The development of this property shall be in accordance with the site plan, floor plan, sign plans and elevations. 3. The floor plan being revised to clearly label serving areas. 4. The signage on the north elevation being reduced to the permitted 30 square feet of effective area. 5. The raceway of the signage shall match the material on which it is mounted; i.e. bronze on brick, off-white on EFIS. 6. The deletion of the black background for the channel letters. Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Ralnes, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 17. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Creekview 2, Lot 3, Block B, Replat, to allow the development of an office building on approximately 1.95 acres of property located along the east side of S. Denton Tap Road; south of Bethel Road. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 17 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the Creekview 2, Lot 3, Block B, Replat, to allow the development of an office building on approximately 1.95 acres of property located along the east side of S. Denton Tap Road; south of Bethel Road. Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Ralnes, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. CMl1142000 Page 9 of 20 18. PUBLIC HEARING: ' Consider approval or the Coppell Commerce Center, Phase 1, Replat and Site Plan, to replat approximately 19,386 acres or property and allow For the development or office and warehouse buildinKs on a 9.6~- acre portion located alonK the north side of Burns Street, between Freeport Parkway and Hammond Street. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 18 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Action: Councilmember Peters moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the Coppell Commerce Center, Phase 1, Replat and Site Plan, to replat approximately 19,386 acres of property and allow for the development of office and warehouse buildings on a 9.62 acre portion located along the north side of Bums Street, between Freeport Parkway and Hammond Street. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Ralnes, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 19. Consider approval of the Shetrill Acres, Lot 1, Block 1, Site Plan Amendment, to allow the construction of a veterinary office on approximately .77($ acre of property located along the south side of Bel~ Line Road, east of MacAx~hur Boulevard. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Leslie Sherrill, applicant, addressed Council. CMl1142000 Pa~ 10 of 20 luues Discuued: There was discussion regarding what had been shown to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Action: Councilmember Peters moved to approve the Sherrill Acres, Lot 1, Block 1, Site Plan Amendment, to allow the construction of a veterinary office on approximately .776 acre of property located along the south side of Belt Line Road, east of MacArthur Boulevard with the following conditions: 1. The dormers on the east and west elevations will be removed. 2. Addition of a Fire lane added to the plans. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Ralnes, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 20. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the proposed text change to amend a portion of Section 34-2-7 (B) of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, Landscape Regulations, to add the Mesquite Tree, less than ten |10) caliper inches, as an unprotected tree. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. There was a short recess held at this time. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 20 and advised that one person had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Tracey Garman, 707 Cambridge Manor Lane, spoke in opposition on Item 20. CM11142000 Pa~e 11 of 20 Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding the history of the mesquite tree in the Tree Ordinance; how are the trees measured; the detrimental effects of the mesquite tree in urban development; the age of different sized mesquite trees; are there companies that have passed on developing in Coppell due to the number of mesquite trees on the property they are looking at due to the high cost of not keeping these trees; whether the mesquite tree should be considered a trash tree and unprotected; are there any unprotected trees in Coppell; who actually measures the trees on property that will be developed; can the Tree Ordinance (Section 34-2-7(B) of the Zoning Ordinance) be changed to delete the word unprotected; would any changes need to go to the Planning & Zoning Commission; can the Commission be asked to define primary and secondary trees and clarify the credit in order to allow someone that preserves anything over 6 inches of a secondary tree to get the same amount of credit as preserving a 10" or above; should the current drought conditions that we have had lead to any changes to the current landscaping ordinances; and when will a forester be hired. Action: Councilmember Stover moved to close the Public Hearing and deny the proposed text change to amend a portion of Section 34-2-7 (B) of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, Landscape Regulations, to add the Mesquite Tree, less than ten (10) caliper inches, as an unprotected tree. Councilmember Ralnes seconded the motion to deny; the motion failed 2- 5 with Councilmembers Ralnes and Stover voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Tunnell, and York voting against the motion to deny. Councilmember Garcia moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the proposed text change to amend a portion of Section 34-2-7 (B) of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, Landscape Regulations, to add the Mesquite Tree, less than ten (10) caliper inches, as an unprotected tree. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, and York voting in favor of the motion and Councilmembers Raines, Tunnell, and Stover voting against the motion. CMl1142000 Page 12 of 20 21. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the proposed text change to amend Section 22-1.9 of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, HC (Highway Commercial district), to eliminate restaurants, cai~s, and cafeterias, including drive-ins as permitted uses within such district, except by Special Use Permit. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 21 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Action: Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the proposed text change to amend Section 22-1.9 of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, HC (Highway Commercial district), to eliminate restaurants, caf~s, and cafeterias, including drive-ins as permitted uses within such district, except by Special Use Permit. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. There was a short recess held at this time. 22. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the proposed text change to amend a portion of Section 34-1-8 (B)3 of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, Landscape Regulations, to eliminate the minimum number of vehicular parking spaces per row. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a " presentation to the Council. CMII142000 Page 13 of 20 Public Hearing: " Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Items 22, 23 and 24 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearings. Action: Councilmember York moved to approve: Item 22 - the proposed text change to mend a portion of Section 34-1-8 {B) 3 of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, Landscape Regulations, to eliminate the minimum number of vehicular parking spaces per row; Item 23 - approval of the proposed text change to mend a portion of Section 34-1-8 (C) of the CoppeEl Zoning Ordinance, Landscape Regulations, to clarify the intent of the perimeter landscaping requirements; and Item 24 - approval of the proposed text change to amend portions of Section 45 of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, Application and Filing Fees; to mend Section 45-1 to remove specific fee mounts; to add Section 45-2 to establish the filing date for applications for zone changes, plat, -- and site plan approval, and to add Section 45-3 to prohibit the filing of permit applications during the pendency of zoning applications. Councilmember Raines seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 23. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the proposed text change to amend a portion of Section 34-1-8 (C) of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, Landscape ReKulations, to clarify the intent of the perimeter landscaping requirements. This item was considered under Item 22. Scc Item 22 for minutes. 24. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the proposed text change to amend portions of Section 45 of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, Application and Ffiing Fees; to amend Section 45-1 to remove specific fee amounts; to add Section 45-2 to establish the filing CM 11142000 Page 14 of 20 -- date for applications for zone changes, plat, and site plan approval, and to add Section 45-3 to prohibit the filing of permit applications during the pendency of zoning applications. This item was considered under Item 22. See Item 22 for minutes. 25. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the designation of a reinvestment zone pursuant to Section 312.201 of the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act. The property to be considered for Reinvestment Zone designation is that property owned by Lincoln Coppell III Limited Partnership, described as Coppell Business Center III, Block C, Lots I and 2 (8.609 acres) and located at the southwest comer of Wrangler Drive and Lakeshore Drive, Coppell, Texas. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Items 25 and 27 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearings and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Action: Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearings on Item 25 and Item 27 and approve the following items: Item 25 - the designation of a reinvestment zone pursuant to Section 312.201 of the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act. The property to be considered for Reinvestment Zone designation is that property owned by Lincoln Coppell III Limited Partnership, described as Coppell Business Center III, Block C, Lots 1 and 2 (8.609 acres) and located at the southwest comer of Wrangler Drive and Lakeshore Drive, Coppell, Texas; CMl1142000 Page 15 of 20 Item 26 - approval of Ordinance No. 2000-932 designating the Lincoln Coppell III Limited Partnership Reinvestment Zone No. 29, and authorizing the Mayor to sign; Item 27 - approval of the designation of a reinvestment zone pursuant to Section 3 12.201 of the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act. The property to be considered for Reinvestment Zone designation is that property owned by Catellus Development Corporation, described as Gateway Business Park No. II, Block C, Lot 2 (7.31 acres) and located at the northeast comer of Interstate Highway 635 and Freeport Parkway, Coppell, Texas; and Item 28 - approval of Ordinance No. 2000-933 designating the Catellus Development Corporation Reinvestment Zone No. 28, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Ralnes, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 26. Consider approval of an Ordinance designating the Lincoln __ Coppell III Limited Partnership Reinvestment Zone No. 29, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. This item was considered under Item 25. See Item 25 for minutes. 27. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the designation of a reinvestment zone pursuant to Section 312.201 of the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act. The property to be considered for Reinvestment Zone designation is that property owned by Catellus Development Corporation, described as Gateway Business Park No. II, Block C, Lot 2 |7.31 acres| and located at the northeast comer of Interstate Highway 635 and Freeport Parkway, Coppell, Texas. This item was considered under Item 25. See Item 25 for minutes. 28. Consider approval of an Ordinance designating the Catellus Development Corporation Reinvestment Zone No. 28, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. CMl1142000 Page 16 of 20 This item was considered under Item 25. See Item 25 for minutes. 29. Consider award of bid and resolution authorizing procurement of three (3) fully equipped Pierce Custom Purepets through HGAC not to exceed $1,433,440, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all appropriate documents. Approval of this item will authorize annualized expenditures of $150,000 as budgeted. Presentation: Bob Kruse, Fire Chief, made a presentation to Council. Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding the classification for the ISO rating, which may drop the cost of homeowner's insurance in the community. Action: Councilmember York moved to approve awarding of bid and Resolution No. 2000-1114.1 authorizing procurement of three (3) fully equipped Pierce Custom Pumpers through HGAC not to exceed $1,433,440, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all appropriate documents. Approval of this item will authorize annualized expenditures of $150,000 as budgeted. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Ralnes, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 30. Consider approval of a contract for the construction work related to renovations at the Senior Center to Keck 8s Associates in an amount not to exceed $195,346.00, and authorizing the City Manager to sign. Presentation: Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to Council. Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding the start date of the new Senior Center. CM 11142000 Page 17 of 20 Action: Councilmember York moved to approve a contract for the construction work related to renovations at the Senior Center to Keck & Associates in an amount not to exceed $195,346.00, and authorizing the City Manager to sign. Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 3 1. Necessary action resulting from Work Session. There was no action necessary under this item. 32. City Manager's Report. A. Staff Reports. B. Riverchase Wetlands Walkway Project. C. Public Works Bu~ding Update. D. Cost of Tennis Center Master Plan. A. Jim Witt, City Manager, reported on staff reports which will be discussed at upcoming meetings. B. Jim Witt, City Manager, reported that the Walkway should be completed before school starts in 2001. C. Jim Witt, City Manager, updated Council on the status of the new Public Works Building. D. Jim Witt, City Manager, informed Council that the cost of the Tennis Center Master Plan between the DeForest and Wagon Wheel sites will cost between $53,000 to $64,000 and asked if Council would like to save money and go with the information they already have to make a decision on the Tennis Center site. 33. Mayor and Council Reports. A. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding the Coppen High School Marching Band. B, Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Early Voting. C. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Old Town Coppeal __ Days. CMl1142000 Page 18 of 20 -- D. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Metroplex Mayors' Meeting. E. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. F. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding City of Coppell Christmas Parade and Holiday Celebration. G. Report by Councilmember Peters regarding Texas Recycle Day. H. Report by Councilmember Stover regarding Coppell Education Foundation Founders Drive. A. Mayor Sheehan reported on the Coppell High School Marching Band. B. Mayor Sheehan reported on the huge turnout at the Early Voting that was held at Town Center and thanked John Nelson for his hard work as the Early Voting Judge. C. Mayor Sheehan announced that the Old Town Coppell Days will be held November 18th. -- D. Mayor Sheehan reported on the Metroplex Mayors' Meeting she attended earlier that day at which Kenny Marchant was the guest speaker. E. Mayor Sheehan reported that the Chamber of Commerce luncheon will be held November 15, 2000 and announced that Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler will be representing the City of Coppell. F. Mayor Sheehan announced that the City of Coppelrs Christmas Parade and Holiday Celebration will be held December 2, 2000. G. Councilmember Peters reported on the Texas Recycle Day, which was held on November 11, 2000, and thanked Amanda Vanhoozier, Community Programs Coordinator, and the Leisure Services staff on the great job they did. H. Councilmember Stover reported on the Coppell Education Foundation Founders Drive Kick-Off Luncheon that had been held November 14, 2000 and encouraged everyone to help support the Foundation. CMl1142000 Page 19 of 20 34. Necessary Action Resulting from Executive Session. Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler moved to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract to purchase, subject to legal review, with Landmark Interest for 36.339± acres of land situated in the JF Vest Survey, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas; and, authorize the City Manager to pursue financing to effectuate the same. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. Candy Sheehan, Mayor ATTEST: Libby Ball, City Secretary CM11142000 PaSe 20 of 20