OR 286 Disannexation of land from City limits AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 286 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, DISANNEXING THE HEREAFTER DESCRIBED LAND FROM THE CITY OF COPPELL, SO THAT ONE TRACT OF SAID LAND MAY BE ANNEXED BY THE CITY OF IRVING, TEXAS, AND ONE TRACT SAID LAND MAY BE ANNEXED BY THE CITY OF DALLAS, TEXAS; PROVIDING THAT THE CITY OF COPPELL RELINQUISHES ANY AND ALL EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION IT MAY HAVE IN AND TO SAID TRACTS OF LAND; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of Coppell to disannex the following described land and to relinquish any and all extraterritorial jurisdiction it may have in and to said land so that one tract may be annexed by the City of Irving and one tract may be annexed by the City of Dallas, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the land described as Tract 4 in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and the land described as Tract 1 in Exhibit "B", attached hereto, be, and the same is hereby, disannexed and discontinued as a part of the City of Coppell in order to accomplish the purpose set forth above so that the same will no longer be a part of the City of Coppell for any purpose whatsoever. Exhibits "A" and "B" are attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. SECTION 2. The City of Coppe11 hereby relinquishes to the City of Irving, Texas, any and all extraterritorial jurisdiction which it has or may have in the land described in Exhibit "A", under the provisions of the Municipal Annexation Act, Article 970a, Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, and upon the passage of this ordinance, the said City of Coppell shah no longer have or exercise any right, jurisdiction or control over the above described land. SECTION 3. This land described in Exhibit 'A'~ is being disannexed solely so that it may be annexed into and become a part of the City of Irving, Texas, and should any other town or city annex or attempt to annex any part of said land, this disannexation and waiver of extraterritorial jurisdiction shall be null and void and of no force or effect. SECTION 4. The City of Coppell hereby relinquishes to the City of Dallas, Texas, any and all extraterritorial jurisdiction which it has or may have in the land described in Exhibit "B'~, under the provisions of the Municipal Annexation Act, Article 970a, Vernon~s Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, and upon the passage of this ordinance, the said City of Coppell shall no longer have or exercise any right, jurisdiction or control over the above deseribed land. SECTION 5. This land described in Exhibit "B,I is being disannexed solely so that it may be annexed into and become a part of the City of Dallas, Texas, and should any other town or city annex or attempt to annex any part of said land, this disannexation and waiver of extraterritorial jurisdiction shall be null and void and of no force or effect. SECTION 6. The City Council finds that the best interest and welfare of the general public of the City of Coppell win be served by disannexing the said land so that the same may be annexed by the City of Irving and the City of Dallas. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage as the law in such eases provides, and it is accordingly so ordained. 7 DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, on the c:~/_27~ day of~.,;~ , 1983. APPROVED: ) "! / ' / /'," ': ' ATTEST: C ~R TAR z APPROVED AS TO FORM: CO7-2483C TRACT 4 AREA OF COPPELL TO BE ANNEXED TO IRVING (November 9, 1982) BEING a tract o:f land situated in the Singleton Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1~93, and the Nancy Cousy Survey, Abstract No. 319, and being part of those tracts o:f land conveyed to Triland/Northsted 3oint Venture as recorded in Volume 81244, Page 2587, and in Volume S2118, Page 0212 o:f the Deed Records o:f Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an iron rod :found at a point on the west line o:f said Singleton Thompson Survey and the east line of the 3. C, Cook Survey, Abstract No. 515, said point being on the south right-of-way line of Belt Line Road (120 :feet wide); THENCE South 85°t~2'35'' East, along said south right-o:f~way line, a distance of 5264.00 :feet to a point :for a corner, said point being on the east line o:f said Singleton Thompson Survey; THENCE South 0o23'48" West, along said east survey line, a distance of 2407.46 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being on the west line o:f the T. Easter Survey, Abstract No. ~31; THENCE South 0°23'48'' West, along said west survey line, a distance of 2084.58 :feet. to a point :for a corner, said point being on the existing northeast bank o:f Grapevine Creek; THENCE Northwesterly, along said northeast bank the :following bearings and distances: South 87°I 1'42" West, 62.02 :feet; North 5~;43't~6'' West, 35.22 :feet; North 31 0Y43" West, 62.73 :feet; North 12°[g'37'' West, 64.26 :feetl North 3Go°56'28'' West, 226.62 :feet; North 4 17'24" West, 92.24 :feet; North 2~°35'17'' East, 62.48 :feet; North 2 00'4U' East, 99.72 :feet; North 25o29'26" West 163.5~ :feet; North 4°52'4~" West, 67.00 :feet; North 8o26'47" East, 73.53 :feet; North 6°09'5Y' West, 67.05 :feet; North 14°25'02'' West, 195.20 :feet; North 9°30'11" West, 258.63 ~eet; North !9° [0'5~" West, 73.96 feet; North 19°13'41'' West, 1491.51 :feet; North 2008'03'' West, 101.97 :feet; North 9°19'35'' East, 128.96 ~eet; North 9°21'03'' West, 83.70 ~eet; North 23o42'24'' West, 58.20 :feet; North 73o16'23" West, 77.48 :feet to a point on a circular curve to the right, said point being on the west bank o£ the proposed Grapevine Creek alignment (10 :feet wide); THENCE Southeasterly, along said west bank and said circular curve, having a back tangent o:f North 86°18'21'' West, a central angle o:f 79°47'26'', a radius o:f 1100.42 :feet, an arc distance o:f 1532.46 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE South 6°30'55'' East, continuing along said west bank, a distance o:f 168.94 :feet to the POINT OF lagGINNING AND CONTAINING 1,516,964 square :feet or 34.g25 acres o:f land more or less, EXHIBIT"A" TRACT [ NE~V CREEK CHANNEL IN COPPELL TO BE ANNEXED TO DALLAS (November 9, [982) BEING a tract ol land situated in the Singleton Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1493, and the Nancy Cousy Survey, Abstract No. 3[9, and being part ol that tract of land conveyed to Triland/Northsted 3oint Venture as recorded in Volume 821 l g, Page 0212 o~ the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an iron rod found at a point on the west line o~ said Singleton Thompson Survey and the east line of the 3. C. Cook Survey, Abstract No. }l~, said point being on the south right-of-way line of Belt Line Road (120 ~eet wide); THENCE South 85°~2'3Y' East~ along said south right-of-way iine~ a distance ot .~264.00 Ieet to a point for a corneq said point being on the east line of said Singleton Thompson Survey; THENCE South 0°23't48'' West~ along said east survey line, a distance of 2324.36 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE South 0°23'48'' 'west, continuing along said west survey line, a distance of 83.10 J[eet to a point for a corner, said point being on the west bank of the proposed Grapevine Creek alignment (10 feet wide); THENCE North 6°30'-~'' West~ along said west bank~ a distance of 168.94 feet to the point of ' curvature oi a circular curve to the left, having a central angle oi 79047'26", a radius o[[ 100.42 feet, and whose center bears South g'3°29'05'' West;. THE, NCE Northwesterly, continuing along said west bank and said circular curve, an arc distance of 1532.t~6 feet to a point on the existing east bank of said Grapevine Creek; THENCE North 73o16'23" West~ along said east bank, a distance o~ td.14 feet to a point on a circular curve to the right, said point being on the east bank o£ said proposed Grapevine Creek alignment; THENCE Southeasterly~ along said east bank and said circular curve, having a back tangent of North 88o22'27" West, a central angle of 2o04'06", a radius of ~110.42 Ieet, an arc distance o[ 40.09 feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the ri ht, having a central angle oi 79°~7'26'', a radius of [ 110.42 feet, and whose center bears South '364 1'39'' West; THENCE Southeasterly, continuing along said east bank and said circular curve, an arc distance of 15~6.3~ ieet to the point of tangency; THENCE South 6°30'55'' East, continuing along said east,. bank, a distance of aG.4t~ feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 16,876 square feet or 0.387 acres of land more oe less. EXHIBIT "B"