CM 2001-05-08 MINUTES OF MAY 8, 2001 Thc City Council of thc City of Coppcll met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at 6:00 p.m. in thc City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. Thc following members were present: Candy Sheehan, Mayor Larry Wheeler, Mayor Pro Tem Greg Garcia, Councilmember Jayne Peters, Councilmember Diana Raines, Councilmember Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember Doug Stover, Councilmember Bill York, Councilmember Also present were City Manager Jim Witt, City Secretary Libby Ball and City Attorney Robert Hager. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to order. Mayor Sheehan called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present and convened into Work Session. WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 2. Convene Work Session A. Presentation by Tim Branchau regarding Electric Deregulation and City Facilities. B. Discussion regarding Boards/Commissions Annual Application Schedule. C. Discussion regarding Concession Stand at Aquatic Center. D. Discussion regarding Royal Lane Improvements. E. Discussion of Agenda Items. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 3. Invocation. Ken Hovland, Pastor, Rejoice Lutheran Church, led those present in the invocation. CM05082001 Page 1 of 13 4. Pledge of Allegiance. Boy Scout Troop 842 led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 5. Canvass returns of the May 5, 2001 Municipal Election, approval of an order declaring the results of said election and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Robert Hager, City Attorney, read the Canvass of Returns and Declaration of Results of election into the record showing the following number of votes: Candy Sheehan, Mayor 534 Jayne Peters, Place 2 517 Marsha Tunnell, Place 4 498 Dave Herring, Place 6 395 Larry Wheeler, Place 6 326 Councilmember York moved to approve the Canvass of the May 5, 2001, Municipal Election and the Order Declaring the Results. Councilmember Stover seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and York voting in favor of the motion. 6. Swearing-in of Mayor and Councilmembers Place 2, 4 and 6. The Honorable Marion Moseley, Judge of the Coppell Municipal Court, swore in Mayor Candy Sheehan. Mayor Sheehan swore in Councilmember Jayne Peters, Place 2; Councilmember Marsha Tunnell, Place 4; and Councilmember Dave Herring, Place 6. Mayor Sheehan presented a plaque to Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler at this time. CM05082001 Page 2 of 13 7. Consider appointment of Mayor Pro Tem as required by Section 3.05 of the Home Rule Charter. Councilmember Stover moved to nominate Bill York to the position of Mayor Pro Tem. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover, Herring and York voting in favor of the motion. The City Council at this point consisted of: Candy Sheehan, Mayor Bill York, Mayor Pro Tem Greg Garcia, Councilmember Jayne Peters, Councilmember Diana Raines, Councilmember Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember Doug Stover, Councilmember Dave Herring, Councilmember 8. Presentation of scholarship by Community Credit Union. This item was pulled and will be considered at the May 22, 2001 meeting. 9. Presentation by Boy Scout Troop No. 842. Boy Scout Troop No. 842 presented a wooden puzzle map of the United States that the Troop made for the Spirit of Coppell Days to be held May 19 - 20, 2001. 10. Consider selection of Coppell Woman of the Year for 2001. Jeanne Heath, representing the Coppell Senior Center, recommended Leslie Shindler to be Coppell Woman of the Year 2001. Councilmember Peters moved to approve the recommendation of Leslie Shindler as Coppell Woman of the Year for 2001. Councilmember Raines seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. CM05082001 Page 3 of 13 11. Citizen's Appearances. There was no one signed up to speak under this item. 12. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items: A. Consider approval of minutes: April 24, 2001 April 30, 2001. B. Consider approval of the resignation of Jamshed Jamadar from the Board of Adjustment. C. Consider approval of a contract for the collection of delinquent taxes between Nichols, Jackson, Dillard, Hager & Smith, LLP and Linebarger, Heard, Goggan, Blair, Graham, Pena & Sampson, LLP and authorizing the City Manager to sign. D. Consider approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 3, Section 3-1-12 of the Code of Ordinances to amend the Daily Water Conservation Plan; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. E. Consider approval of an Ordinance for proposed text change to amend Section 34-2-12(E) of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance, to lengthen the time limit currently permitted for the planting of replacement trees from a three-month extension to a six-month extension, and authorizing the mayor to sign. F. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD-114R, zoning change request from PD-114-SF-7 (Planned Development-114, Single Family-7) and SF-12 (Single Family-12) to PD-114R PPlanned Development-114R, Residential/Rest Home/Nursing Home), to allow the development of a Retirement Community on approximately 50.17 acres of property located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, 1200' east of MacArthur Boulevard, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. CM05082001 Page 4 of 13 G. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. S-1042R, Kentucky Fried Chicken/Pizza Hut, zoning change request to amend the Special Use Permit to include Pizza Hut and revise elevations and signage, on approximately 0.70 of an acre of property to be located at 135 S. Denton Tap Road, and authorizing the mayor to sign. Presentation: Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation regarding the changes to the Water Conservation Plan that are being adopted at this meeting. Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding corrections to the minutes as follows to the April 30, 2001 minutes: Page 2, Item 3 - Executive Session should state that Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler adjourned the Executive Session instead of Mayor Sheehan. Action: Mayor Pro Tem York moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A with corrections as follows: Page 2, Item 3 - Executive Session should state that Mayor Pro Tem Wheeler adjourned the Executive Session instead of Mayor Sheehan; B, C, D carrying Ordinance No. 2001-946, E carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-292, F carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-293, and G carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-294. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 13. Reconsideration of U-Haul International, Site Plan, to allow the construction of a three-story mini-storage facility on approximately 2.02 acres of property located along the south side of S.H. 121, east of Denton Tap Road. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. CM05082001 Page 5 of 13 Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to remand the U-Haul International site plan back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and recommendation at its June 21st meeting. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 14. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1182R, CC's Coffee House, zoning change request from PD-178R S.U.P. (Planned Development Special Use Permit) 1182, to PD 178R, S.U.P. (Planned Development Special Use Permit) 1182R Special Use Permit to amend the Special Use Permit to allow a revision to the proposed signage to be located in the Town Center West Retail Center at 171 N. Denton Tap Road. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 14 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding when the sign could be placed on the building. Action: Councilmember Peters moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. S-1182R, CC's Coffee House, zoning change request from PD-178R S.U.P. (Planned Development Special Use Permit) 1182, to PD-178R, S.U.P. (Planned Development Special Use Permit) 1182R Special Use Permit to amend the Special Use Permit to allow a revision to the proposed signage to be located in the Town Center West Retail Center at 171 N. Denton Tap Road. Councilmember Herring seconded the CM05082001 Page 6 of 13 motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 15. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1185, Sergio's Market, Inc./Mangia! Market & Bakery, zoning change request from C (Commercial) to C-SUP (Commercial, Special Use Permit), to allow the operation of an approximately 1,800 square foot market and bakery to be located in Coppell Crossing IV Shopping Center at 777 S. MacArthur Boulevard. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Joe Falvo, Applicant, answered questions of Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 15 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding the seating that will be available and when will Sergio's be open for business. Action: Mayor Pro Tem York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. S-1185, Sergio's Market, Inc./Mangia! Market & Bakery, zoning change request from C (Commercial) to C-SUP (Commercial, Special Use Permit), to allow the operation of an approximately 1,800 square foot market and bakery to be located in Coppell Crossing IV Shopping Center at 777 S. MacArthur Boulevard with the following conditions: 1. The hours of operation being limited to Monday through Saturday: 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. CM05082001 Page 7 of 13 2. The development of this property shall be in accordance with the site plan, elevations, floor plan and sign plans. Councilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 16. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1137R, First United Methodist Church, zoning change request from SF-7 and SF-12, SUP 1137 and SUP 1052 (Sintile Family-7 and Sintile Family-12, Special Use Permits) to SF-7 and SF-12, SUP 1137R and SUP 1052 (Single Family-7 and Single Family-12, Special Use Permits) to allow a revision to the west parking lot, on approximately 11.84 acres of property located at the northwest and northeast corners of Bethel School Road and Heartz Road. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 16 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Issues Discussed: There was discussion asking if anyone had kept the City appraised on how this new experimental product was working. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. S-1137R, First United Methodist Church, zoning change request from SF-7 and SF-12, SUP 1137 and SUP 1052 (Single Family-7 and Single Family-12, Special Use Permits) to SF-7 and SF-12, SUP 1137R and SUP 1052 (Single Family-7 and Single Family-12, Special Use Permits) to allow a revision to the west parking lot, on approximately CM05082001 Page 8 of 13 11.84 acres of property located at the northwest and northeast corners of Bethel School Road and Heartz Road with the following conditions: 1. An amendment to this SUP will be required, including the establishment of a detailed site plan, elevations, signage, parking, fire lanes and circulation prior to the construction of the "future building" as noted on the site plan. 2. The Bradford Pear trees will be replaced by Aristocrat Pear Trees as required by the Ordinance. 3. Bring a final report on the existing product to Council within 60 days. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 17. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of First United Methodist Church, Section Two, Replat, to allow a revision to the west parking lot on approximately 7.039 acres of property located at the northwest corner of Bethel School Road and Heartz Road. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Public Hearing: Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing on Item 17 and advised that no one had signed up to speak at the Public Hearing and that the applicant was present to answer any questions. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the First United Methodist Church, Section Two, Replat, to allow a revision to the west parking lot on approximately 7.039 acres of property located at the northwest corner of Bethel School Road and Heartz Road. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with CM05082001 Page 9 of 13 Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 18. Consider approval of Gateway Business Park No. 3, Lot 1, Block A, Revised Site Plan and Final Plat, request to allow the construction of two approximately 32,061 square foot office/warehouse buildings on 7.863 acres of property located at the northeast corner of Freeport Parkway and Airline Drive. Presentation: Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Action: Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve the Gateway Business Park No. 3, Lot 1, Block A, Revised Site Plan and Final Plat, request to allow the construction of two approximately 32,061 square foot office/warehouse buildings on 7.863 acres of property located at the northeast corner of Freeport Parkway and Airline Drive with the following condition: 1. The letter dated April 2, 2001 attached to the agenda request form; outlining improvements to the drainage channel on lot iX. 2. Colors consistent with the colorboard presented to Council. Mayor Pro Tem York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 19. Consider approval of an interlocal agreement with Dallas County for improvements to State Road from Sandy Lake Road to Ruby Road and Ruby Road from Coppell Road to State Road in an amount not to exceed $183,896.00. Using current remaining funds from previous work performed on Bethel Road of $13,145.67 and using remaining funds from previous work performed on West Sandy Lake Road of $76,076.16 requires CM05082001 Page 10 of 13 that the difference of $94,674.17 be paid to Dallas County; and authorizing the City Manager to sign. Presentation: Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to Council. Issues Discussed: There was discussion regarding the time frame of the Creekview project, which will allow for another entrance and exit out of this area. Action: Mayor Pro Tem York moved to approve an interlocal agreement with Dallas County for improvements to State Road from Sandy Lake Road to Ruby Road and Ruby Road from Coppell Road to State Road in an amount not to exceed $183,896.00. Using current remaining funds from previous work performed on Bethel Road of $13,145.67 and using remaining funds from previous work performed on West Sandy Lake Road of $76,076.16 requires that the difference of $94,674.17 be paid to Dallas County; and authorizing the City Manager to sign. Councilmember Stover seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 20. Necessary action resulting from Work Session. There was no action necessary under this item. 21. Mayor and Council Reports. A. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Opening Day of Wagon Wheel Park. B. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Dallas regional Mobility Coalition. C. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Metroplex Mayors' Association. D. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding Coppell Rotary Club. E. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding NTCOG Board of Directors. F. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding The Centerpiece of Technology Council. CM05082001 Page 11 of 13 G. Report by Mayor Sheehan regarding the Coppell International Music Exchange. H. Report by Councilmember Tunnell regarding the Metrocrest Prayer Breakfast. A. Mayor Sheehan announced that the Opening Day at Wagon Wheel Park was delayed due to rain. It has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 12, 2001. B. Mayor Sheehan stated that at the May 4th meeting of the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition there was discussion regarding the current bills in Legislation at this time. Mayor Sheehan also stated that there was a vote held last week on the Photographic Traffic Signal which had ended in a tie vote. This may be reconsidered at a later date. Mayor Sheehan also announced that the North Texas Tollway Authority is holding a Public Hearing on the Super Connector May 31, 2001 at Carrollton City Hall and Coppell will have representation at the Hearing. C. Mayor Sheehan announced that her term as President of the Metroplex Mayors' Association has expired and she thanked Jim Witt, City Manager, and Kathy Bowling, Executive Secretary, for all their assistance during her term as President. D. Mayor Sheehan thanked the Coppell Rotary Club for their support of the Coppell High School students. E. Mayor Sheehan asked for support from the Council for her nomination to the North Texas Council of Government's Board of Directors Executive Board. F. Mayor Sheehan announced that The Centerpiece of Technology Council held their inaugural luncheon today and Governor Rick Perry was the keynote speaker. G. Mayor Sheehan announced that a Finnish high school group will be arriving in Coppell on June 26 at 3:30 p.m. They will hold a free concert on July 5th at 8:00 p.m. at the Coppell High School. CM05082001 Page 12 of 13 H. Councilmember Tunnell stated that she and Councilmember Garcia attended the 'Metrocrest Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, May3, 2001 and it was-an excellent presentation by Pat Summerall (spelling). 22. Necessary Action Resulting from' Executive Session. There was no action necessary under this item. Adjournment. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. Candy Sheehan, Mayor ATTEST: Libby Ball, City Secretary CM05052001 Page 13 of 13