OR 192 Regulates CATV & provides procedures for a nonexclusive franchise to build, construct, & maintain a CATV system ORDINANCE NO.192 AN ORDINANCE regulating CATV and providing procedures for a non- exclusive franchise to build, construct, operate and maintain a cable tele- vision system in the City of Coppell, Texas. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Index SECTION 2: Definitions SECTION 3: Subject to Police Powers of City SECTION 4: Territorial Area Involved SECTION 5: Franchise Term SECTION 6: Renewal Procedure SECTION 7: Franchise Fees SECTION 8: Transfers SECTION 9: Indemnification SECTION 10: Complaint Procedure SECTION 11: Construction and Maintenance SECTION 12: Revocation of Franchise SECTION 13: Construction Standards SECTION 14: CATV Services to be Provided SECTION 15: Rate Changes SECTION 16: FCC Rules Applicable SECTION 17: Unlawful Acts ~ Q ~ s SECTION (Z)'~ Severability ECTION ~ Application for License SECTION ~:~Effective Date SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS CITY: Shall mean the City of Coppell, a municipal corporation in the State of Texas. CITY COUNCIL: Shall mean the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas. D.C. FCC: Shall mean the Federal Communication Commission, Washington, UTILITIES: Shall mean water lines, sanitary sewer lines, gas lines, telephone lines or conduit, electric lines, either underground or over- head, and other public or private transmission or distrubtion systems. CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM: Shall meen the facilities and equipment that receives directly or indirectly over the air and amplifies or otherwise modifies the signals, transmitting programs broadcast by one or more television stations or radio stations, and receives or originates other non-broadcast signals and distributes such signals by wire or cable to subscribing members of the general public who pay for such service. FRANCHISE: Shall mean and include any authorization granted in terms of a license, privilege permit, or otherwise, to build, operate and maintain a Cable Television System in the City. GRANTEE: Shall mean the person, firm or corporation to whom or which a franchise is herein defined, is granted by the City Council under this ordinance, and the lawful successor, transferee or assignee of said person, firm or corporation. STREET: Shall mean the surface, the air space above the sur- face and the area below the surface of any public street, alley, communications for public utility easement, or other public rights-of-way or public places. SUBSCRIBER: Shall mean any person or entity receiving for any purpose a Cable Television System service of the grantee hereunder. PREMIUM CHANNEL and/or PREMIUM PROGRAM: Shall mean an auxiliary service offered on one or more channels by protected transmission techniques for which subscribers desiring such service pay extra fees on a fees on a per channel or on a per program basis. SECTION 3: SUBJECT TO POLICE POWERS OF CITY Grantee shall at all times during the term of a franchise to be subject to all lawful exercise of the police power of the City. The right is hereby reserved to the City to adopt, in addition to the provisions herein contained and any other existing applicable ordinances, such additional app- licable ordinances as it shall find necessary in the exercise of its police power; providing that such regulations shall be reasonable and not in conflict with the rights herein granted, the laws of the State of Texas, the laws of the United States of America, or the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. SECTION 4: TERRITORIAL AREA INVOLVED This franchise is for the present territorial limits of the city and for any area henceforth added thereto during the term of this fran- chise. SECTION 5: FRANCHISE TERM A franchise shall take effect and be in full force from and after the final passage hereof, subject to acceptance by Grantee as herein pro- vided, and the same shall continue in full force and effect for a term of fifteen (15) years, beginning with the date of such acceptance; provided, how- ever, that should FCC certification be necessary prior to implementation of the cable television service contemplated under the franchise, then the term shall begin upon the effective date of the grant by the FCC of the necessary certification. SECTION 6: RENEWAL PROCEDURE Grantee shall have the option of renewal of a franchise for an additional period not to exceed fifteen (15) years. Should Grantee exercise this option, it shall so notify the City, in writing, not less than three (3) months prior to expiration of this franchise. Upon exercise of this option by Grantee, the City shall conduct a full renewal proceeding upon prior notice and opportunity of all interested parties to be heard. The renewal proceeding shall be held for the purpose of considering Grantee's performance under this franchise in order to determine whether to renew this franchise. Renewal shall not be unreasonably denied and shall be granted unless Grantee is found, after opportunity to be heard, to be in material and continuing default under the provisions of this franchise and to be unqualified to continue operation of this cable television,system. If a franchise is renewed by the City, all of the terms and provisions contained herein shall be controlling during the re- newal period, except to the extent that said terms and provisions are modified with the mutual consent and agreement of the parties. Should the City, for any reason be unable to complete the renewal proceeding prior to the expir- ation of a franchise, Grantee shall have the right to continue the operation of this cable television system pursuant to the terms of the franchise until such time as the renewal of the franchise is approved or denied. If renewal is denied, such denial shall be accompanied by a written statement setting forth the reasons for the denial by any court of competent jurisdiction. Furthermore, in the event that the City denies renewal, Grantee shall be afforded a period of six {6) months following denial within which to sell, transfer or convey this cable television system, including the franchise, to a qualified purchaser at fair market value. During this six-month period, which shBll run from the effective date of the final order or decision denying renewal, including any appeal, Grantee shall have the right to operate this cable tele- vision system pursuant to the terms of this franchise. SECTION 7: FRANCHISE FEES Grantee shall pay the City a quarterly franchise fee equal to three percent (3%) of gross quarterly receipts and said fee shall be paid within thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar quarter. The City shall have the right to inspect the Grantee's records during normal business hours showing the gross subscribers receipts from which the franchise fees are computed. Grantee shall furnish City a gross receipts statement prepared and signed by a certified public accountant within sixty (60) days after the close of Grantee's fiscal year. As a result of this final statement, adjustments shall be made by either the City or the Grantee to the quarterly amounts paid during the preceding year. SECTION 8: TRANSFERS All of the rights and privileges and all of the obligations, duties and liabilities created by a franchise shall pass to and be binding upon the successors of the City and the Grantee. A franchise shall not be assigned or transferred without the written approval of the City Council, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld provided the transferee or assignee meets financial, personal and experience qualifications as set forth by the City. This section shall not prevent the assignment of a franchise by Grantee as security for debt without approval of the City. Transfers or assignments of a franchise between parent and subsidiary corporation or between entities of which at least 51% of the beneficial ownership is held by the same person, persons or entities shall be permitted without prior approval of the City. SECTION 9: INDEMNIFICATION Grantee shall save the City harmless from all loss sustained by the City on account of any suit, judgment, execution, claim or demand whatsoever against the City resulting from negligence on the part of Grantee in the construction, operation or maintenance of its cable television system in the City; and for this purpose Grantee shall carry property damage and personal liability insurance with some responsible insurance company or companies qualified to do business in the State of Texas. The amounts of such insur- ance to be carried for liability due to property damage shall be $300,000 as to any one person and $300,000 as to any one accident; and against liabi- lity due to injury to or death of persons, $300,000 as to any one person and $900,000 as to any one accident. The City shall notify Grantee, in writing, within ten (10) days after the presentation of any claim or demand, either by suit or otherwise, made against the City on account of any negli- gence as aforesaid on the part of Grantee. Failure by the City to properly notify Grantee within ten (10) days of any such claim, suit or demand against the City shall release Grantee from its obligation to indemnify the City as provided herein. SECTION 10: COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Grantee shall maintain a business office or a toll-free telephone listing in the City for the purpose of receiving inquiries and complaints from its customers and the general public. Grantee shall investigate all com- plaints within five (5) days of their receipt and shall in good faith attempt to resolve them swiftly and equitably. The following City officials shall be responsible for receiving and acting upon and unresolved complaints: City Administrator. Written notice of this complaint procedure, including the identity of the City official responsible for receiving unresolved complaints, shall be given to each subscriber at the time of initial subscription to the cable system. SECTION 11: CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE (A) All structures, lines and equipment erected by Grantee within the City shall be so located as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets, alleys, easements and other public ways, and placed to cause minimum interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners, and Grantee shall comply with all reasonable, proper and lawful ord- inances of the City now or hereafter in force. Existing poles, posts, conduits and other such structures of any telephone company or other public utility be made available to the Grantee for leasing or licensing upon reasonable terms and rates and may be used to the extent practicable in order to minimize interference with service and avoid unnecessary duplication of facilites. (B) In case of any disturbance by Grantee of pavement, side- walk, driveway or other surfacing, Grantee shall at its own cost and expense and in a manner approved by the City, replace and restore all paving, side- walk, drivewa~ utilities or surfaces so disturbed in as good condition as before said work was commenced. (C) In the event that at any time during the period of this franchise the City shall lawfully elect to alter or change any street, alley, easement or other public way requiring the relocation of Grantee's facilities, then in such event Grantee, upon reasonable notice by the City, shall remove, relocate the same at its own expense. (D) Grantee shall, on the request of any person holding a building moving permit issued by the City, temporarily raise or lower its lines to permit the moving of the building. The expense of such temporary removal shall be paid by the person requesting the same, and Grantee shall have the author- ity to require such payment in advance. (El Grantee shall have the authority to trim trees upon and over- hanging all streets, alleys, easement, sidewalks and public places of the City so as to prevent the branches of such tress from coming into contact with Grantee's facilities upon approval of the city in writing. (F) All poles, lines, structures and other facilities of Grantee in, on, over and under the streets, sidewalks, alleys, easements and public grounds or places of the City shall be kept by Grantee at all times in a safe condition. (G) Should any construction be necessary for Grantee to provide the cable television service contemplated under this franchise, a significant portion of such construction (at least 50%) shall be accomplished within one (1) year after the effective date of this Ordinance, or if FCC certification is required prior to implementation of the cable television service contem- plated under this franchise, within one (1) year after the effective date of the grant by~t~he FCC of the necessary certification. Thereafter, Grantee shall reasonably proceed to complete the necessary construction at a rate of not less than 100% within two (2) years from the end of such first year. (H) Grantee shall not be required to extend service to those areas of the City where there would be less than 35 homes in front of each mile of additional cable. Areas with densities in excess of the 35 homes per mile of cable shall be considered as part of the necessary normal dis- tribution. If requested and at Grantee's option, Grantee may extend service beyond the normal distribution and shall have the right to charge the sub- scriber(s) the actual cost of the extension lines necessary to provide service. (I) Grantee may, at the option of the Grantee, place energized or unenergized cable or conduit in all new residential developments in the City as they are constructed. Grantee shall extend cable service to any new development in the City at the standard rate if: a. The new development meets the density requirements of 35 homes per mile of additional cable and; b. Fifty percent of the new development to be served has requested service, but c. The Grantee shall not be required to complete in any one year installation in new development more that 60% of the existing system. SECTION 12: REVOCATION OF FRANCHISE If Grantee violates any provisions of this Ordinance, it may have its franchise revoked therefor; hoever, Grantee will be notified in writing by the City Attorney of such violation and will have ninety (90) days to correct such violation, and further, said Grantee shall have a right to a public hearing before the Mayor and Council, if so demanded, within ten (10) days of being notified of a violation of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance. SECTION 13: CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS (A) Grantee shall design and construct a Cable Television System capable of meeting the technical standards for performance contained in Part 76 of the FCC rules and regulations. Construction and maintenance of the Cable Television system, including house connections, shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the National Electrical Safety Code, prepared by the National Bureau of Standards, the National Electrical code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and such applicable ordinances and regulations of the City. (B) Grantee shall construct a system with technical capacity for 20 channels of standard 6Mhz television. Only twelve (12) channels will be activated initially. Grantee shall have option to make equipment changes and add additional equipment as necessary to activate additional channels when additional programming becomes available and the additional services become economically feasible. SECTION 14: CATV SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED (A) Regular Service: Grantee shall provide the services described below in accord- ance with FCC regulations and subject to FCC approval. Non-required services to be provided shall be determined by grantee based on availability, economic feasibility and suitability of programming content to a significant number of subscribers. It is anticipated that Grantee may make changes in services pro- vided hereunder. Service is as follows: a. Local television broadcast signals: 1. KDFW - TV 2. KXAS - TV 3. WFAA - TV 4. KTVT - TV 5. KERA - TV 6. KXTX - TV b. FM Service: Dallas-Ft. Worth CBS Dallas-Ft. Worth NBC Dallas-Ft. Worth ABC Dallas-Ft. Worth Independent Dallas-Ft. Worth Educational Dallas-Ft. Worth Religious FM Stations Dallas-Ft. Worth All FM in Market c. Additional television and news service: 7. Independent Broadcast Station 8. Independent Braodcast Station 9. Non-Broadcast National Programming 10. Non-Broadcast Religious Programming 11. Automated News, Weather and Sports Information d. Emergency Alert System: All channel voice override Civil Emergency Alert System for local use. (B) Premium Service: Grantee shall select and provide one or more premium services of interest to a majority of subscribers such as Home Box Office, Home Theatre Network~ etc. SECTION 15: RATE CHANGES The rates for installation of equipment and regular subscriber service shall be nondiscriminatory and shall be as set forth in the Fran- chise Agreement. (A) No increase in rates charged for installation of equipment and regular subscriber services as specified above shall be made effective except as authorized by the City Council. Not later than sixty (60) days after public notice of the proposed increase as given by Grantee to the City Council, there shall be held a full, open and public proceeding upon prior notice with opportunity of all interested parties to be heard. It is contemplated that the City Council shall not unreasonably withhold approval. If the City Council fails to approve the proposed increase, the Grantee may pursue his rights under law. (B) Recognizing the pendency of court litigation and Congressional legislation at the time of the passing of this Ordinance which may impose copyright liability on all or a part of the cable television service rendered by Grantee in the City, and further recognizing the uncertainty and jeopardy into which such potential liability places Grantee, should such copyright liability be imposed upon Grantee by any court or by the Congress, Grantee shall have the right to increase its rates for regular subscriber services in order to offset such copyright liability. Any increase in Grantee's rate schedule pursuant to this paragraph shall not be subject to the procedures specified in the preceding paragraph and shall become effective ten (10) days after notice of such increase is given to the City Council together with a certification that the increase is due solely to the imposition of copyright liability and that the increase is limited to any amount necessary to cover the amount of the liability. (C) Approval of the City Council must be obtained for any increase in rates charged for installation of equipment and regular subscriber services resulting from the imposition of a Federal or State sales tax or FCC regulatory tax on the industry or other regulatory agency or body tax. (D) Rates for services other than installation of equipment and regular subscriber services, including, but not limited to premium channel service, shall be established and published by Grantee pursuant to the rules of the Federal Communications Commission. SECTION 16: FCC RULES APPLICABLE This franchise is governed by and subject to all applicable rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, specifically in- cluding Part 76, and by the laws of the State of Texas. Should there be any modifications of the provisions of Section 76.31 of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission which must be incorporated into this franchise, the City and Grantee agree that such incorporation shall be accomp- lished within one (1) year after the effective date of the FCC's adoption of the modification or upon renewal of this franchise, whichever occurs first. SECTION 17: UNLAWFUL ACTS (A) It shall be unlawful for any person to make any unauthorized connection, whether physically, electrically, accoustically, inductively or otherwise, with any part of Grantee's cable television system for the purpose of enabling himself or others to receive any television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, sounds, or any other information or intelligence trans- mitted over Grantee's cable system without payment to Grantee or its lessee. (B) It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the owner, to willfully tamper with, remove, or injure any cable, wires or other equipment used for the distribution of television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, or any other information or intelligence transmitted over Grantee's cable system. (C) It shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), or by imprisonment for a term not to exceed six (6) months, or both, for any person to violate any of the provisions of this Section. /. SECTION 18: FILING FEE: A One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), filing fee shall be paid by each applicant, upon submitting an application to the City for a franchise. SECTION ~: SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any Federal or State Court of administrative or governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, specifically including the FCC, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independen~ provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. SECTIONS: APPLICATION FOR LICENSE (A) Each applicant for a franchise to construct, operate or maintain any cable television system in the City shall be filed with the City Council and shall contain, at a minimum, the following: The name, address and telephone number of the applicant. If the applicant is a partnership, the home and business of each partner shall also be set forth. If the applicant is a cor- portation, the application shall state the name and addresses of its directors, main officers, major stockholders and associates and the names and addresses of parent or subsidiary companies. A statement setting forth in its entirety any and all agreements and understandings, whether formal or informal, written, oral or implied existing or porposed to exist between the app- licant and any person who proposes to have an ownership interest with respect to the proposed franchise or to the proposed cable television operation. If a franchise is granted to a person acting as a representative of another person and such information is not disclosed in the original application, the franchise shall be deemed void and of no force and effect. Financial statements, as determined by the Council showing applicant's financial status and financial ability to complete the construction and instal- lation of the proposed cable system and/or continue the operation of the existing cable system. A statement describing the cable system and speci- fying the type and capacity of the cable system proposed to be constructed, installed, maintained or operated by the applicant and the proposed or existing location of the cable system. A description of all previous experience of the applicant in providing cable television system service and in related or similar fields. (B) Prior to the issuance of a franchise, the Council shall provide for the holding of a public hearing following reasonable notice to the public, at which every applicant and its proposals shall be ex- amined and the public and all interested parties afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard. (t) In making any determination hereunder as to any application, the Council shall give due consideration to the quality of the service proposed, experience, character, background and the financial responsibility of any applicant and its management and owners, willingness and ability to to abide by policy conditions, License limitations and requirements, and any other considerations deemed pertinent to the Council for safeguarding the interest of the City and the public. SECTION ~ EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective upon final passage. Duly passed by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, ATTEST: Mayor / / City Secretar~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney