OR 186 Provides for participation of the City in the Supplemental Death Benefits Fund of the Texas Municipal Retirement System ORDINANCE NO. 186 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATION OF THE CITY IN THE SUPPLEMENTAL DEATH BENEFITS FUND OF THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM. TO PROVIDE CERTAIN IN- SERVICE DEATH BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEES, AND DEATH BENE- FITS FOR ANNUITANTS WHOSE LAST EMPLOYMENT BEFORE RE- TIREMENT WAS WITH THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS. WHEREAS, the City of Coppell is a municipality participating on a full- salary basis in the several programs presently operated by the Texas Municipal Retirement System; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is of opinion that it is to the best interests of the City that employees and annuitants whose last covered employment under the System was as an employee of the City shall participate in the Supplemental Death Benefits Fund operated by said System; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL: Section 1. That the City of Coppell hereby elects to participate in the Supplemental Death Benefits Fund of the Texas Municipal Retirement System be- ginning on the first day of the calendar month following written notification to the System of the adoption of this ordinance, for the purpose of providing in-service death benefits in the amounts and on the terms provided for in Section XIX of the TMRS Act (Article 6243h, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended) for each of the City's employees who are members of said System, and for the purpose of providing post-retirement death benefits as provided in said Section XIX for annuitants whose last covered employment was as an employee of this City. Section 2. The City of Coppell is hereby authorized and directed to notify the Director of the System of adoption of this ordinance, and of the participation of the City in said Fund. Passed and approved this the ATTEST: day of APPROVED: Mayor ,192~.