OR 97-802 Abandons right-of-way easement, Shadow Ridge Estates AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 97802 08/88/97 M4331 $15. O0 Deed AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, ABANDONING A RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT, LOCATED ON LOT 52, BLOCK D SHADOW RIDGE ESTATES FOURTH INCREMENT AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBITS "A" AND "B" ATTACHED HERETO, IN FAVOR OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER; PROVIDING THAT SUCH ABANDONMENT SHALL BE IN EXCHANGE FOR THE PAYMENT BY THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNER OF THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF THE PORTION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED; PROVIDING THAT SUCH ABANDONMENT SHALL BE THE INTEREST WHICH THE CITY MAY LEGALLY AND LAWFULLY ABANDON; PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINANCE SHALL CONSTITUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED THAT MAY BE RECORDED WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell has determined that the right of way easement located on Lot 52, Block D Shadow Ridge Estates Fourth Increment, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Texas and more particularly described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto, is no longer needed for City services; and WHEREAS, the abutting property owner desires that said right of way easement be abandoned and in consideration thereof has agreed to pay to the City of Coppcll, Texas, the fair market value of the property as established by an appraisal; and WHEREAS, a proper appraisal has been conducted establishing the fair market value of the easement to be abandoned to be $323.74; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Coppcll, Texas has determined that the right of way easement located on Lot 52, Block D Shadow Ridge Estates Fourth Increment, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Texas, and more particularly described in Exhibits "A" and "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, is no longer needed or necessary for public purposes and should be, and is hereby, abandoned in favor of the abutting property owner, in exchange for the payment of thc fair market value of the easement to be abandoned. SECTION 2. That the fair market value of the said right of way easement being abandoned has been determine by an appraisal to be $323.74. SECTION 3. That upon payment of $323.74 to the City by the abutting property owner, this abandonment ordinance shall c%nstitute a Quitclaim Deed in favor of the abutting property owner, and a certified copy of the same may be filed in the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, to indicate such abandonment. SECTION 4. That the abandonment provided for herein shall extend only to the public right, title and interest which the City of Coppell, Texas, may have in and to said right of way easement, and shall be construed to extend only to such interests that the governing body of the City of Coppell, Texas , may legally and lawfully abandon. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage as the law and charter in such case provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the 12th day of August, 1997. APPROVED: . CANDY SHEEHAN, MAYOR ATTEST: KATHLEEN ROACH, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: PETER G. SMITH, CITY ATTORNEY DES{'RIPTION OF ABANDONMENT TIlE FOLLOWING IS A DESCRIPTION OF PART OF A 60 R,O.W. FOR BETItEL SCHOOL ROAD OVER TII.\T .SOUTHEAST PORTION OF LOT 52, BLOCK D, OF SHAI)OW RIDGE ESTATES FOURTH INCREMENT AN ADDITION T.r~ THE CITY OF COPPELL, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. REC. IN VOL. 119189, PG. 1912, M.R.D.C.T. BEGINNIN,r; :\T A POINT IN THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID 60 FOOT R.O.I¥. SA.ME BEING SOUTH 62 DEG. 2.°0. MIN. 04 SEC. WEST 28.00 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT AN[} BLOCK. THENCE SOL'TH 62 DEG. 22 MIN. 04 SEC. WEST ALONG THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD AND T[IE SOUTHEAST LINE OF LOT 52, BLOCK D, .17.00 FEET TO POINT FOR A CORNER. TItENCE SOUT[I ~°7 DEG. 37 MIN. 56 SEC. EAST 3.01) FEET TO A POINT FOR A CORNER IN BETI1EL SCHOOL ROAD. THENCE NORTH 62 DEG. 22 MIN. 04 SEC. EAST 47.00 FEET TO POINT FOR A CORNER. TItENCE NORTH 27 DEG. :37 MIN. ,56 SEC. WEST 3.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 141.00 sr.L FT. OF LAND THIS PROPERTY LIES IN ZONE "X" ] ~ ~[~ ~ ~ ~ NOTE THAT PORTION OF BETHEL SCBOOL ~OAD TO ~ : . [ ~ ~-/ ~-. N~N ~ HE ABANDON ~Y TIlE C TY OF COPP~LL. ~ [ MEAS. 51.54 ~ [~ FND. "X" /~REFEREN ' CALLED N 00*47'43" W 466 HARRIS STREET I h~reby certify that on th, ! ~T[~n~ of .JUN.. t o ~. title survey w,s mede on the [round ms per th, field notes shown on this survey'-~ if any. The survey shove ti[ mmsamenta and visible easements ofwhieh lhmve knowledle or hav~ been advised mffectlng the subject property. There ire no encroschments, conflicts, or protrusions visible OO the JfOUPd other than those shown. Date: JUNE ltl, 1007 JOB ~ : LEGESD Scale: 25, IIARRY Property Line ~y i i Associates. INC. Chain ~nk / Wire Fence x -- x-- x-- x ~ x 130 t Elm Street Rte. Exhi bi'l' B t$9h0 891Z. 6 . AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Ken Griffin City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019