CP 2002-07-25 Budget Workshop 2002-2003 Budget Notebook l\1aster Index Budget \Vorkshop, July 25, 2002 n Budget \Vorkshop, July 1,2002 Budget \V orkshop, June 17, 2002 Budget Workshop, June 3,2002 Budget Workshop, February 19,2002 Budget Meeting July 25, 2002 Agenda I. Final Valuation II. General Fund Changes III. Final Fund Balance Walkforward IV. Discussion Regarding Covered Storage at Service Center V, Quarterly Report CERTIFICATION OF APPRAISAL ROLL Year: 2002 .7 @ Jurisdiction: CITY OF COPPELL In accordance with the requirements of the Texas Property Tax Code, Chapter 26, Section 26.01, paragraphs (A) and (B), the following values are hereby certified: Market Value of all Real & Bus Pers Prop Before Qualified Exemptions" $4,088,148,480 Taxable Value of all Real & Bus Pers Prop After Qualified Exemptions $3,470,245,977 1'L,1,1~, r,("V (, '13, 9Kc:'/f~S) ~ 5/t/13S; 7/~ -r f);!?u7?2> .4f),/)r. 4~e-~ In accordance with the requirements of the Texas Property Tax Code, Chapter 26, Section 26.01, paragraph (CL the following values are hereby certified as disputed values and are not included in the above totals: Market Value Taxable Value Values under protest as determined by the Appraisal District $114,929,260 $108,736,434 Market Value Taxable Value Values under protest as claimed by property owner or estimated by Appraisal District in event property owner's claim is upheld $94,822,740 $92,676,664 /~ 1? i (,) ~ 7 c./:::'c-:9 7-;-[:::- , / I, Foy Mitchell. Jr., Director/Chief Appraiser of the Dallas Central Appraisal District, do hereby certify the aforementioned values and totals to the taxing jurisdiction indicated above, in accordance with the requirements of the laws of the State of Texas. Dallas Central Appraisal District Witnessed hl.~>.': _5.,~h ~'~~;~fHIQ'n,1 : ~_~i7~~{J ':c~,~/c~~~~C~~S~"1~~:~~.:~~:a5 1 -;. . - . .,' r- ~ ;..., . I"; . i f) ...., ) t,". ,'" \... ~ _ ...... u: _ ~ .,.; ~.~- _.......~--- --~~......~........... <<Total Value of New Construction {Included in Certified Market Value above) $181,417,590 2949 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75247-6195 (214) 631-0520 c=~ ~ 7 :: 2 Additional Abatements Abatement Improvement Abatement Owner Account Number % Value Loss GSW 180045500A0010000 75% 7,765,270 5,823,953 Texas Dugan (445 Royal) 1800167000004CUOO 75% 9,126,230 6,844,673 Primera III 18001670020010000 75% 7,438,080 5,578,560 Coppell 121 Partners 18005380010020000 75% 10,030,400 7,522,800 Matsushita 99200108500166300 50% 2,879,590 1,439,795 Magoon Estates 18001 0500C001 0000 75% 11,409,320 8,556,990 Texas Dugan (611 Royal) 180016700A0020000 75% 10,187,140 7,640,355 KPT, Inc, 9900000021686530 50% 1,159,600 579,800 43,986,925 @ --"" DALLAS CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT PRELDlI:s'ARY & L~OFFICIAL ESTD1ATES AS OF 05/18/2002 Jurisdiction: CITY OF COPPELL The following totals are being provided by the Dallas Central Appraisal District to keep you abreast of the periodic changes in estimated values prior to certification of the appraisal roll for 2002. Current Market Value $4,357,924,940 Previous Market Value $0 Amount of Change $4,357,924,940+ Current Taxable Value $3,982,312,366 Previous Taxable Value $0 Amount of Change $3,982,312,366+ Estimated value of New Construction included in Current Market Value aba,e: $207,059,819 2949 N. Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas 75247-6195 l'AU! 01/00 l- e:: o a.. LU e:: Z ~ o Cl ::.::: < LU e:: ClJ Z ':"j 0'2 1-'" <~ ::>r--- ...JC5 < V> ><C '" :0 "' .....> o '" 0- N.o "' >< "' ~ '" :0 "' 0> 0", 0- N.o "' >< "' f- '" :0 "' "'> '" '" "'- ......0 "' >< "' ~ aD ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ """ ~ Q) N .q- m M ,...... a) ,...... ~ ,...... '" u <:: ~ ~ Q I'- ,...... 1..0 f'., <t '" I'- (Y) Lf) 1..0 0 cO cO N ...--i m LO ....-1 0 on (Y) on <t 0 '" I'- (Y) '" :0 "' N> 0", 0- N.o '" >< "' f- aD ~ U ~ '" u <:: ~ ~ Q aD ~ U ~ '" u <:: ~ :E Q aD ~ U ~ '" u <:: ~ ~ Q ~ o ... 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'-D<tN 00000 mMO N\DO en N on on on r--- u) N ,...... f"'-.,.....--iQ If)~m~V) (J)<t NOO <:: ~ o Q "" "' '" Iii ~ 'i o t5 co. 2 <:: a.. ~ ro u c ~ ~ ~ ~ v;c~Qj 5 '" E a.. u ~ E vi f~8ci3 z ~~ ~ NO (Y) 0 q-.---l m 0 "";rri 0 ci r;:)T"- ,...... l..O 1'-'" U1 '" 1..0.......-1 00_ l..O 0)0- (J'l N OLO (j) ...... NO-> ("oJ <.00 0 <to (Y) ~~ ~~ tf, l..OlD CO 0 1'-0-> <t 0 O~ N 0 <tU1 <J> 0 0l.D N to r---.Q N l.[) ~- .....; 0) oci mm m .q- N U1 ~ N"r--: cv) Non r--- tf,tf, tf, N.......... (Y) .......... ...--Ilj) o:::t 0 O<:t 0 """"'0 CO (Y) ml..D (Y) ill N (Y) r--... t.O r--..(Y) m L() .q(Y) 0 (Y) ~M (J) Me) 1..0 ~ (Y) *-* (J)OO N "";..-j tf, r--- (J) oo<t 000 r---<t illr'" \D(Y) en<t OON N(J) '-f) N ~ cr) r--- <t M <t ":":--0 (0 c ~ .~:::::: C ~E~ ~ ~ ~ ~oa::: Q: C- ~ C- -;;; <:: o "' 0; C- on :0 1IJ ~ <J> ~ cO I'- o <D o I'- <t <.0 '" N tf, '-f) (Y) ci ~ o on (Y) ..0 N <t u) o (Y) tf, r--- 00 (Y) ~ ~ 00 r--- <t- (J) 00 U1 (Y) o D M o q tf, <t r....: N <t- O (J) o r--- <t o ~ c5 r--- I'- 00 r--- M ""0 <:: '" ...J ... <C ~ 'i o t5 "' '0 f- Assessed Valuation for 2002-03 (100%) Proposed Tax Rate Revenue from 2002-03 Taxes Estimated Collections Total Estimated Funds Available General Fund Bonded Indebtedness City of Coppell Estimated Ad Valorem Tax Collections and Proposed Distribution Fiscal Year 2001-2002 $ 3,518,935,716 0.64860 22,823,817 99.00% $ 22,595,579 Proposed Distribution of Tax Collections PERCENTAGE TAX RATE PER $100 AMOUNT 66.75% 33,25% $ $ 0.43296 0.21564 15,083,228 7,512,351 100.00% $ $ 0.64860 22,595,579 MEMORANDUM Date: July 16, 2001 To: Jennifer Armstrong, Director of Finance Stephanie Tumlison, Tax Assessor/Collectr From: Subject: Anticipated Collection Rate for 2002 & Excess Debt Collections in 2001 -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Pursuant to Section 26.04 of the Texas Property Tax Code, I have certified the anticipated collection rate for the period of July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003 to be 99%. The purpose of this law is to permit a taxing unit to adjust the debt portion of its effective/rollback tax rate to account for anticipated delinquencies. The truth-in-taxation laws of Chapter 26 also require the Tax Assessor/Collector to compare the amount of debt tax dollars actually collected during the period from July 1, 2001 through June 30, 2002, with the amount of debt tax dollars that should have been collected according to the 2001 anticipated collection rate. If a taxing unit collects more debt tax dollars than should have _ been collected, the collector certifies the excess amount to the governing body. The adjusted amount of debt tax dollars levied in 2001 was $6,788,600.00, however, the actual debt collections during the same period was $6,953,036.48. Therefore, I have certified that $164,436.48 is the full, true and correct amount of excess debt collections. The above stated anticipated collection rate and the amount of excess debt collections will be used in the calculation of the effective/rollback tax rate for 2002. Attached is the certification of these two items to be approved by the City Council. CERTIFICATE OF THE TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR ST A TE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF DALLAS X CITY OF COPPELL X I, Stephanie Tumlison, the undersigned, Tax Assessor/Collector of the City of Coppell, Texas, a municipal corporation, in the performance of the functions of my office, hereby certifies that 99% is my estimate of the anticipated collection rate for the period of July 1, 2002 through June 30. 2003, and, that $164,436.48 is the full, true and correct amount of excess debt taxes collected for the period of July 1, 2001 through June 30. 2002, in accordance with Section 26.04 of the Texas Property Tax Code. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL of the City of Coppell, Texas, on this the ~~ay orn' 2001. ( seal) s~~ \~~ Stephanie Tumlison , Tax Assessor/Collector City of Coppell TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME on this the J5~day of ,2002, \\1\111111/// \\\ II, "" \~'O'( BAll I", ....." ~ ........... ,.~ ... ..~~y PUs '. " :::: .0" '</.... ~ ~ :< * 0" ~ - : : : - . .*- =*. . = :: : c,: ::. ~ ,p~ i-'t"... -::- '. -1""E:OF~." .. ".... . ~ ~.. -.. EXP1Rt." ..- ~ - "." ........ ~ " '/'1 6_ 11 _ 2()'iJ "" fff \\\ "11/111111\\ cXJl.L7J l.3a~ Sheet1 INTEREST & SINKING COLLECTED --------------------- ...---------.-------- --- _ u_~~ly_~ 20Q1 thur J.tJr1.~~_Q,}00_2 I. 7-1-01 thru 9-30-01 Current - ---- Delinquent P& I Rollback $31,021.87 ~----------- $5,449.74 - - "------------- $8,534.49 $297.32 $45,303.42 --- II. 1 0-1-01 th ru 6-30-02 Current Delinquent P&I Rollback $6,771,452.25 $30,520.80 ------------- $31,34418 $74,415.83 $6,907,733.06 Totall&S Collections - $6,953,036.48 2001 Adj. Debt Service (per 00 ETR Calc. Worksheet line 35) $6,788,600_00 EXCESS DEBT COLLECTIONS $164,436.48 Page 1 2002 PLANNING CALENDAR August 2, 2002_ Publication of EffectivelRoIlback Tax Rates, Schedules and Fund Balances August 13, 200~ Vote to Propose a Tax Increase and Certification of Anticipated Collection Rate August 16. 2002 "NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON TAX INCREASE" (1 ST Quarter-Page Notice) at least seven (7) days before the public hearing. August 23, 200L Post 72-hour notice for public hearing August 27. 200=~ PUBLIC HEARI0iG: Schedule and announce meeting to adopt the Tax Rate. (3 to 14 days from this date) , September 6.2002 "NOTICE OF VOTE ON T.~X RATE" (2nd Quarter-Page ~otice) Publish before meeting to adopt the Tax Rate. (No seven day rule). SePtember 6. 2002 Post 72-hour notice for meeting to adopt tax rate SePtember I O. 200~ Meeting to adopt Tax Rate. (3 to 14 days after the public hearing). 2002 Property Tax Rates In City of Coppell This notice concerns 2002 property tax rates for City of Coppe] I. It presents information about three tax rates. Last year's tax rate is the actual rate the taxing unit used to determine property taxes last year. This year's effective tax rate would impose the same total taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. This year's rollback tax rate is the highest tax rate the taxing unit can set before taxpayers can start tax rollback procedures. In each case these rates are found by dividing the total amount of taxes by the tax base (the total value of taxable property) with adjustments as required by state law_ The rates are given per $100 of property value, Last year's tax rate: Last year's operating taxes Last year's debt taxes Last year's total taxes Last year's tax base Last year's to tal tax rate This year's effective tax rate: Last year's adjusted taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property) This year's adjusted tax base (after subtracting value of new property) = This year's effective tax rate x 1.03=maximum rate unless unit publishes notices and holds hearing This year's rollback tax rate: Last year's adjusted operating taxes (after subtracting taxes on lost property and adjusting for any transferred function, tax increment financing, and/or enhanced indigent health care expenditures) This year's adjusted tax base = This year's eth:ctive operating rate .x 1.08 = this year's maximum operating rate ... This year's debt rate This year's rollback rate $14,38],398 $6,926,080 $21,307,4 78 $3,285,149,245 0.64860 ISIOO $20,969,831 $3,337,518,126 0,628301S100 0,64714/$100 $14,152,347 $3,337,518,126 0.42404 /$100 0.45796/$100 02l564/$100 0,673601$100 Statement of IncreaseJDecrease If City of Coppell adopts a 2002 tax rate equal to the effective tax rate of SO.62830 per SI00 of value, taxes would increase compared to 2001 taxes by S801,995, Scbedule A Unencumbered Fund Balances The following estimated balances will be left in the unit's property tax accounts at the end of the fiscal year_ These balances are not encwnbered by a corresponding debt obligation, Type of Property Tax Fund Balance General Operating Debt Service $2,399,399 $381,282 Schedule B 2002 Debt Service The unit plans to pay the following amounts for long-tenn debts that are secured by property taxes, These amounts will be paid from property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable). Principal or Interest to be Contract Payment Paid from Otber Description to be Paid from Property Amounts of Debt Property Taxes Taxes to be Paid Bonds $4,740,000 $2,917,672 $20,000 Total Payment $7,677,672 $7,677,672 $885 $0 $164,436 $7,512,351 Total required for 2002 debt service Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in Schedule A Amount (if any) paid from other resources - Excess collections last year Total to be paid from taxes in 2002 + Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 99_00% of its taxes in 2002 Total debtle,)' $75,882 $7,588,233 This notice contains a swnmary of actual effective and rollback tax rates' calculations. You can inspect a copy of the full calculations at Town Center, 255 Parlrnay Blvd" CoppelL Name of person preparing this notice: Stephanie Tumlison, RTA Title: Revenue Collection Manager Date prepared: July 25, 2002 Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Increase The City of Coppell will hold a public hearing on a proposal to increase total tax revenues from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 3.23 percent. Your individuaf taxes may increase at a greater or lesser rate, or even decrease, depending on the change in the taxable value of your property in relation to the change in taxable value of all other property and the tax rate that is adopted. The public hearing will be held on August 27,2002 at 6:30 PM at Town Center, 255 Parkway Blvd., Cappel!. FOR the proposal: AGAINST the proposal: PRESENT and not voting: ABSENT: The following table compares taxes on an average home in this taxing unit last year to taxes proposed on the average home this year. Again, your individual taxes may be higher or lower, depending on the taxable value of your property. Last Year Average residence homestead value $222,211 General exemptions available $6,666 (amount available on the average homestead, not including senior citizen's or disabled person's exemptions) This Year $227,007 $11 ,350 Average taxable value Tax rate (per $100) Tax $215,545 0.64860 $1,398.02 $215,657 0.64860 $1,398.75 Under this proposal, taxes on the average homestead would increase by SO.73 or 0.05 percent compared with last year's taxes. Comparing tax rates without adjusting for changes in property value, the tax rate would increase by $0.00 per $100 of taxable value or 0.00 percent compared to last year's tax rate. These tax rate figures are not adjusted for changes in the taxable value of property. Notice of Vote on Tax Rate The City of Coppell conducted a public hearing on a proposal to increase the total tax revenues of the City of Coppell from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 3.23 percent on August 27, 2002 at 6:30 PM. The City of Coppell is scheduled to vote on the tax rate that will result in that tax increase at a public meeting to be held on September 10, 2002, at 6:30 PM at Town Center, 255 Parkway Blvd., Coppell. ANNUAL BUDGET The City of Coppell Debt Service Fund Revenue Summary Actual FY 02 Budget FY 03 Budget Description 2000-01 Amended Proposed Ad Valorem Tax-Current $ 6,618,328 $ 6,788,600 $ 7,512,351 Ad Valorem Tax-Delinquent 47,410 20,000 20,000 Penalty and Interest 38,927 15,000 15,000 Roll Back Taxes 55,065 0 0 Ad Valorem Tax-Delinq-MUD 558 0 0 Penalty and Interest-MUD 595 0 0 Roll back Taxes - MUD 0 0 0 I nterest Income 102,342 130,000 60,000 Road Assessments 0 0 0 Interest - Assessments 0 0 0 Transfer In 350,000 150,000 150,000 Total Revenue $ 7,213,225 $ 7,103,600 $ 7,757,351 CITY OF COPPELL ANNUAL BUDGET The City of Cappel! Debt Service Fund Expenditure Summary 2000-01 FY 02 Budget FY 03 Budget Description Actual Amended Proposed Filing Expense $ 0 $ 200 $ 0 Interest Expense 3,080,819 2,955,300 3,162,672 Cost of Bond Issue 0 0 0 Agency Fees 9,524 20,000 20,000 Bond Principal 4,150,000 4,255,000 4,740,000 Total Expenditures $ 7,240,343 $ 7,230,500 $ 7,922,672 CITY OF COPPELL ~ :::J "0 Q) ..c () Cf) Q) () C cu :::J CJJ CJJ "0 Q) C 0.0 a. co 0"0 o Q) CJJ o 0 ~g- 00:: 0 0 0 I"- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..-- 0 N 0 0 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 JJ 0 0 0 0 0 L{) 0 I "1" 0 0 0 0 0 "1" 0 0 0 0 0 c0 CO CO 0 N N 0 C"1 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 CU N 0 0 :::J 9 0 0 u ~ N N <{ 0 "1" '<t 00 0000 00 0 00 0000 00 0 ro 0 00 0000 00 0 :::J 0 - - - - 00 0000 o L{) L{) u en CON C"11"-00 CON CO <{ OJ OJ C"1 CO UJ L{) l"- I"- N L{) 00 0 0 000 0000 0 00 0 0 000 0000 0 00 0 0000 0000 0 (j) - - - - - - - - 00 0 0000 OL{)OO L{) 0 CO N C"1 I"-ONO CONOCO CO 0 OJ C"1 ~L{)OJN.. I"-ON CO N CO tIl - U Q) .0' "'c () a.. 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M..qI.()(()t-rornO"-NM'VlOIDf'-..COcno NM'VLOWr--- ~~~~~~~~O"-NM~~W~OO~~~~~J~~ 00000000 NNNNNNN City of Coppell FY 2002-03 Budget Changes made since July 1, 2002 I Department Revenues Revenues Police Police Library Overall Expenditures Traffic Police Amount Description 92,000 TIF Grant - Library (121,000) Lowering of Lease Proceeds on Tahoes (21,000) Lowering of Lease Payments on Tahoes (31,382) Equipment for Tahoes 101,200 Computer Equipment - TIF Grant (91,480) Insurance, Health, L TD & Life 75,000 Battery Backup 1/2 Replaced Victims Assistance with Patrol Officer 3,338 ANNUAL BUDGET City of Coppell General Fund Revenue Summary Actual FY 02 Budget FY 03 Budget Description 2000-01 Amended Proposed Ad Valorem - Current $ 12,320,371 $ 14,095,933 $ 15,083,228 Ad Valorem Delinquent 87,746 53,000 75,000 Penalty and Interest 70,608 30,000 50,000 Roll Back Tax 95,617 15,925 0 Prop.Tax Collection Service 0 0 20,000 Total Property Tax 12,574,342 14,194,858 15,228,228 Transmission Line Fee 51,626 51,176 51,000 Franchise - Electric 1,444,098 1,435,000 1,600,000 Franchise - Telephone 125,333 160,000 160,000 Franchise - Gas 371,052 200,000 160,000 Franchise - Solid Waste 326,079 325,000 325,000 Franchise - Cable 227,016 22'1,000 210,000 Total Franchise Tax 2,545,204 2,398,176 2,506,000 W/S Reimbursement 2,804,150 3,000,000 3,000,000 Sales Tax 4,720,485 3,485,000 3,535,000 Municipal Court Fines 1,513,984 1,300,500 1,102,000 Recreational Fees 906,808 950,000 1,053,500 Building Permits 731,823 400,000 300,000 Zoning/Subdivision Fees 38,733 36,000 30,000 Street Lighting/Sign Fees 8,347 1 ~j,OOO 15,000 Contractor Registration 27,235 25,000 25,000 Street Cut Fees 10,900 15,000 15,000 Library Fees 26,816 25,000 25,000 Health Permits 18,110 20,000 20,000 Licenses 33.400 34,000 34,000 Alarm Permits 31,010 20,000 25,000 Animal Control 24,780 20,000 25,000 Construction Fees 308,565 254,500 200,000 Total Fees and Permits $ 2,166,527 $ 1,814,500 $ 1,767,500 CITY OF COPPELL ANNUAL BUDGET - The City of Coppell General Fund Revenue Summary Actual FY 02 Budget FY 03 Budget Description 2000-01 Amended Proposed E911 Revenue $ 296,835 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Telecommunications Fee 10,081 2,711 6,000 CRDC Reimbursement 55,125 55,125 57,880 Salary Reimbursement 55,695 40,000 40,000 Project Reimbursement 3,300 0 0 Homestead Reimbursement 50 0 0 Ambulance Services 77 ,056 60,000 78,000 Maps and Publications 4,341 6,000 6,000 Concessions (18,642) 80,000 0 Commercial Roll-Off 109,262 80,000 90,000 Interest Income 767,895 450,000 200,000 Miscellaneous Income 104,696 15,000 15,000 Grant Revenue 0 0 92,000 Claims/Damage Reimbursement 18,842 5,057 0 Lease Proceeds 49,169 20,998 464,000 Lease Revenue 0 13,918 15,000 Transfer In 615,375 0 0 Sale of City Property 38,201 0 0 Prior Year NE/R 41,396 0 0 Over (Short) (623) 500 0 Total Other Revenue 2,228,054 1,129,309 1,363,880 Total Revenue $ 28,552,746 $ 27,322,343 $ 28,502,608 CITY OF COPPELL ANNUAL BUDGET The City of Coppell General Fund Expenditure Summary Actual FY 02 Budget FY 03 Budget Department 2000-01 Amended Proposed Mayor and Council $ 181,955 $ 200,822 $ 198,065 City Management 521,053 525,181 567,063 Legal Services 356,329 300,000 300,000 Community Information Services 116,429 140,989 146,343 Finance 526,539 581,703 642,449 Tax Collections 195,876 195,138 187,485 Combined Services 2,908,927 2,904,655 1,908,765 * Human Resources 762,333 853,078 830,919 Purchasing 122,422 141,868 145,509 City Secretary 194,047 210,104 220,714 Records Management 125,531 153,868 151,690 Information Services 4,530 0 0 Information Systems 1,378,965 1,362,365 1,210,741 Total General Government 7,394,936 7569,771 6,509,743 Fire 4,838,308 4,992,303 5,330,910 Emergency Management 8,844 102,419 90,350 Building Inspections 382,948 404,643 389,050 Environmental Health 331,839 372,276 383,431 Municipal Court 716,555 749,745 772,649 Police 4,928,542 5,746,959 5,946,330 Total Public Safety 11,207,036 12,368,345 12,912,720 Engineering 586,458 734,451 817,431 Facilities Management 965,247 :356,607 783,229 Streets 1,007,297 998,816 627,054 Fleet Services 619,129 ~)68,315 625,581 Traffic Control 610,692 1346,506 761,736 Planning and Zoning 335,490 425,402 375,520 Total Public Works 4,124,313 4,230,097 3,990,551 Library 1,211,588 1,193,603 1,550,237 Leisure Services 3,611,609 3,553,330 4,367,610 Total Cultural/Recreational 4,823,197 4,746,933 5,917,847 Total Expenditures $ 27,549,482 $ 28,915,146 $ 29,330,861 Includes $945,000 IMF Transfer CITY OF COPPELL City of Coppell Walkforward of Fund Balance General Fund Beginning Fund Balance 10-01-01 $ 11,718,467 Add: Budgeted Revenues FY 02 27,322,343 Less: Budgeted Expenditures FY 02 28,915,146 Budgeted Fund Balance 09-30-02 10,125,664 Add: Budgeted Revenues FY 03 28,502,608 Less: Budgeted Expenditures FY 03 29,330,861 Budgeted Fund Balance 09-30-03 9,297,411 Fund Balance: 10% Reserve of FY 03 Budget 2,933,086 Designated for E911 537,690 Designated for One Time Sales Tax Payments 855,489 Designated for SH 121 400,000 Designated for Tax Stabilization 3,000,000 Unreserved, Undesignated 1,571,146 Projected Fund Balance 09-30-03 $ 9,297,411 a ;F- a ;F- CD a <F- ;F- u; co r- a a r- a a N a I") a ~ r- a a I") u; a a '" a a '" co N a ~ ..,. a a N <D a a <D r- r- ..,. ci c:i <ri c:i <ri -<i '" M r-- ..,.- ci <D ci M ..,.- ci ..,. ... 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City of Coppell Unfunded Projects FY 2002-03 Parking cover Additional funding for the Tennis Center Fire Apparatus Battery Backup for Traffic Signals e-Gov Initiative Gis Technician No additional crews Streets and Parks (6 maintenance worker positions) Old Coppel1 Mass Transit Stann water Drainage Grant Matching Funds * Funded from Bonds $ 114,000 125,000 * 800,000 75,000 51 ,000 60,000 200,000 ?? ?? ?? ?? $ 1,425,000 1. 2. 3. 4_ - THE-CITY-OF COPPELL 4L~~~'~ * ~:'~~4Z r~\.*..~.\l ~;r-~~ q -\' -'\ S . \ I'> PRIORITY PROJECTS FOR FY 2002 TO BE FUNDED Covered Structure @ Service Center Battery Backup for Traffic Lights Library Shelving e-GOY TOTAL $113,000 75,000 40,000 51,000 $279,000 255 PARKWAY * P.O BOX 478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 01)22 * FAX 972/304 3573 THE.CITY.OF AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPPELL ~~ '* f2.~~ , ;-~. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: July 25,2002 s . ITEM # 10 ITEM CAPTION: Consider Approval of a Change Order to the Texas Unified Constructors contract for the construction of the new Service Center, to add a Covered Equipment Shelter, in an amount not to exceed $113,963.00, and authorizing the City Manager to sign. SUBMITTED BY: Gary Sims TITLE: Director of Parks and Leisure Services STAFF COMMENTS: See Attached Memo BUDGET AMT. $ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: AMT. EST. $ + \-BID $ - ~1R. INITIALS:~M~:FIN. REVIEW:, r1' - Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00 CITY MANAGER REVIEW: P- =~- -') ~-=:.: .; ~ lDl2.01" :=: ::ig Document Name: "servcen THE.CITY'OF COPPELL -v-~~* ~~-\f /;~() x A oS . \ B PARKS AND LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM Date: July 25, 2002 To: Mayor and City Council From: Gary Sims, Director of Parks and Leisure Services ~ M f~ Re: Consider Approval of a Proposed Change Order to the Contract with Texas Unified Constructors, to allow for the Installation of a Covered Equipment/Materials Storage and Shop for the Parks and Leisure Services Department at the proposed Coppell Service Center, in an Amount not to Exceed $113,963.00. Background: The City Council awarded bid number Q-030 1-02 for the construction of the Coppell Service Center on June 26, 2001. At that meeting, staff was requested to bring back a justification and pricing for the construction of a large, covered storage building for the Parks and Leisure Services Department. This building is to provide equipment protection from the elements, to allow for work areas, lockable tool spaces and material handling and storage. This area will also serve as storage for the equipment that is used on a daily basis. The crews will have the opportunity to place a fully loaded trailer under the cover at the end of each day, without having to unload, and be ready for the next day. This covered area was el1minated from the original recommended award for purposes of reducing the award amount and to allow the opportunity to review alternate structures for reduced costs. The cost of the proposed structure was reduced as a result from a preliminary cost of $222,823.00 to a cost of $1 13,963.00 by changing the roof structure and by eliminating the electrical from the building. This structure is vital to the operation of the Parks Maintenance Division. There is currently covered storage and a small workshop at the Deforest Service Center, which will be lost if this building is removed from the scope of the proje,ct. This building will serve as space for equipment, materials and supply storage for the division, It will allow a dry area for receiving bagged fertilizers, mulch, field chalk, infield conditioners, etc. Also, the crews will be given the flexibility to assign all equipment, large and small, a designated space to improve asset management and inventory control. This space will offer the crews the opportunity to become better organized, improving responsiveness and create a more efficient daily workflow process. The contractor for the project, Texas Unified Constructors has provided a change order price to add this building into the project of $113,963.00. This price is elevated somewhat over the price previously discussed as the contractor will be finished with the work he is now contracted to perform, prior to the Covered Equipment/Storage Building arriving on site. This will require placement of a superintendent and laborer on the site specifically for this item. The contractor has requested an additional amount of $8,900.00 because of this fact. City Council Action requested: Award of a Change Order to Texas Unified Constructors in an amount not to exceed $113,963,00. Staff Recommendation: Award of the Change Order as outlined above BR