ST0501-CS080805(8/3112009) DiWanna Baskins - Re: DeForest Exhibit From: DiWanna Baskins To: Dan DeGroot Date: 8/5/2008 4:07 PM Subject: Re: DeForest Exhibit Hi Dan, I received your voicemail and I was able to access the ftp site with the pics. Thanks! I forwarded this a-mail to Scott to see if he has any ideas to help with converting microstation files to pdf and plotting. We haven't set a date for the neighborhood meeting, as far as I know. Don't worry, I will be contacting you to get your opinion on the powerpoint! -DiWanna »> "Dan DeGroot" <ddegrootClgswwengineers.com> 7/30/2008 5:22 PM »> DiWanna: For some reason I cannot create a pdf file for this large of a drawing. I think that microstation might have a size requirement. I have created 12 to 14 mb pelf's with it before but this is 18 mb. Sometimes creating pelf's with aerials and then sending them to plotter creates a better plot. This is a cut of the pdf file that I would have created. I have plotted this to the plotter the standard way and both I and Quinn think it looks great. The plotted version is a little lighter than the pdf file. I have put the pictures upon our ftp site. All three folders have pics. Let me know if you need anything ftp://ftp.gsw-inc.com/incoming/Co~pell/ username: gswadmin password: bluerudy Lowell D. DeGroot, P.E. GSWW, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Dallas, Texas 75229 Page 1 PH. 972/620-1255