ST0501-CS080828(9/1/2009) DiWanna Baskins - RE: Deforest Road Traffic Light From: "RONI SEEMANN" <roboseem@msn.com> To: <kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us> CC: <DBASKINS@ci.coppell.tx.us>, Date: 8128/200812:52 PM Subject: RE: Deforest Road Traffic Light <JWITT@ci.coppell.tx.us>, <KMARVIN@ci.coppe... Thank you so much for your information. It is wonderful news thatwewill have a light on that intersection. I would like to attend the public meeting. Where will the date, location and time be advertised? Thanks you again fortimely response! Roni Seemann >From: "Ken Griffin" <kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us> >To: <roboseem@msn.com> >CC: "DiWanna Baskins" <DBASKINS@ci.coppell.tx.us>,"Jim Witt" ><JWITT@ci.coppell.tx.us>,"Keith Marvin" <KMARVIN@ci.coppell.tx.us> >Subject: Deforest Road Traffic Light >Date: Thu, 28 Aug 200812:42:03 -0500 >Thank you for your concern and interest in the safety of ourselves and our >children. >The Coppell Engineering Department completed a study of a traffic signal at >the DeforestlMacArthurlntersection in July. The study showed that two of >eight warrants to support the installation of a traffic light were met. >However, the close proximity of Deforest to Samuel required us to >investigate further on how the two signals could operate without causing >more problems. If the timing of the lights is not set correctly (this is >sometimes trial and error in the field to make minor adjustments based on >real conditions), then the result could be traffic backing up in all >directions. However, in the final analysis, we have decided to include the >signal light when we rebuild Deforest. The time line to start Deforest is >in the second quarter of next year. >In regards to crossing MacArthur, I would strongly suggest that elementary >age children be instructed to walk to the SamueUMacArthurlntersection to >cross with the traffic light. This is only a total of about 1500 feet out >of the way, but it is infinitely safer. >We will be having a public meeting on Deforest within the next 4-6 weeks. >We need input on our preliminary design and to discuss some of the issues >we have encountered, such as, proposed sidewalk locations and existing HOA >landscaping and the severe drop on the south side of the road which could >prevent us from placing sidewalks on both sides. >If you have any other questions concerning Deforest, you can contact Keith >Marvin, P. E., Project Engineer at 972-304-3679 / kmarvin@ci.coppell.tx.us. > Or, you can contact me directly. >Ken Griffin P. E. >Director of Engineering and Public Works >972-304-3686 >kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx. us Page (9/1/2009) DiWanna Baskins - RE: Deforest Road Traffic Light > »> "RONI SEEMANN" <roboseem@msn.com> 8/28/2008 9:41 AM »> >Hello, >I have written to the city council before regarding a traffic light on the >corner of Deforest Rd and MacArthur. One of the city councilmen wrote back >saying he would send this request to engineering to do a feasiblilty study. >I have not heard back. Here is the problem: >This intersection is one used by many pedestrians and cyclisits to get to >the access to Andy Brown Park. I would like to go on record saying for the >second time that there are MANY close calls between pedestrians and >cyclistis and motor vehicles. I have witnessed these and have also had a >close call as a pedestrian trying to cross MacArthur. In addition, our >students go to Denton Creek Elemaentary. Denton Creek encourages its >students to walk to school once a week. This is absolutely dangerous for >all >of our students trying to cross McArthur...eventyith an adult. Please, >please consider putting in a cross walk or traffic light to protect the >lives of those of us who try to take advantage of a our wonderful Andy >Brown >Park and our students who are encouraged to walk to school. This is the >perfect time as you do the impovements on Deforest Rd. Thank you so very >much. >Roni Seemann >615 Deforest Court >972-304-5159 Page 2