ST0501-CS081006Page 1 of 1 DiWanna Baskins -DeForest Road From: "Dan DeGroot" <ddegroot@gswwengineers.com> To: "DiVVanna Baskins" <dbaskins(c~ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 10/6/2008 4:18 PM Subject: DeForest Road DiWanna: Something to remember for the meeting is that all construction phasing will be coordinated with emergency personnel. The one thing that we have not discussed is letting the homeowners know when the traffic is switching. It would be nice to find out any HMO's operating in the area and possibly the best way to let home owners know when traffic is about to change. Maybe the City could do it through their website? Lowell D. DeGroot, P.E. GSWW, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Dallas, Texas 75229 PH: 972/620-1255 file://C:1Documents and SettingslradloolLocal Settings)TemplXPgrpwise148EA3A5FCity_o... 9/1/2009 i ~ `~ °: ~~ .:: lano~ ls3ao~3a ~ .~ _ :, y .,P ., ~~~ .. ~ x ~:. ~~ t ~k ~~~ ~ }' ~ c,~o ~Q~ , } ~~ , x ~ ~ ~oY . ... ,} ~ ~z J ~ ~ x `. > ; ... .... I ... ... ....... Q2~ ^' U a 30p edW 3Q~ t h . , ~ .... ... } ;: . P .. } 9 t t ~m~ h J h ~ v OJ .. f .,... J~ ;} ' ~ v d ~ ~' s bo ~Q _ N7 ©a0~lb alS : .`.....::.. ti ~ y ~, _I ....... £P . , . ~ ~ ti~ ~ . - ~ ~ . ..} t .,. . x Q ~ ~ Q ax 4 I~ Z .... ... .,... ~ J ..,. ' .... ....._... u5 ~m~=~ __ }fix QpQ~p J 3~ V ,. . ~ I U J m ~~~ ,.,, 10 ~OON37JN1 ~ ............ . ~ Q pZ~H]~O aoo~,t .. ~. } :::.... ......., '' ~ ., . , ........................ ........ p~W ~u~ I . ~ 3 mQQ °. h. 0 ~ I ~~O~~p ~ _ ....- x - 0 ~ > _J 303~~~ ,' t t ~ i t W 1 ~ o tx t t t t t c la: ~1~-rm:is3ad ..... Y .... I it, .. ...._ ..:: t ~ - ~ ,. . n~~ anHlan~dw ... ............................... -