ST0501-CS081007(9/1/2009) DiWanna Baskins -DeForest Amendment 1 revised From: "Dan DeGroot" <ddegroot@gswwengineers.com> To: "DiWanna Baskins" <dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 1017/200812:55 PM Subject: DeForest Amendment 1 revised Attachments: Contract Amendment #1 10-7-08.doc DiWanna: Here is the revised contract amendment in detail. I can include the contracts of the subs if required. Let me know if it will work and I'll have Steve Sanders sign it. I had initially charged and additional $90 for coordination with the subs but took it out in this revision. I am only billing what the subs are billing me. Inmost cases we charge 10% across the board which is standard. In this case I think I can get by without charging extra engineering services on my side since Lee Eng. has extensive experience working in Coppell. Lowell D. DeGroot, P.E. GSWW, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Dallas, Texas 75229 Page 1 PH: 9721620-1255