ST0501-CS081116Page 1 of 1 Diwanna Baskins -Deforest Road Improvement Project From: "RONI SEEMANN" <roboseem~lmsn.com> To: <citycouncil@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 11/16/2008 8:18 AM Subject: Deforest Road Improvement Project CC: <dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us> Hello, I live at 615 Deforest Ct and feel strongly about some of the aspects of the Deforest Rd Improvement project. We were out of town during the public meeting so I took off Friday and went to the Engineering Dept at City Hall to take a look at the plans. First let me say that Diwanna Baskins was extremely helpful and courteous. Scott was there as well and I can say the same thing about him. The road project looks great however, my husband and I would like to see the utility lines buried! I assumed that that this was included in this project from the start but at this point it is not. Burying these utilities when the street is torn up makes the most sense in terms of economics and convenience. This is the perfect time and opportunity to get this done. I'm afraid if they don't get buried when the whole street is torn up they will never get buried. And, if you look at sidewalks on streets that have utility poles... some of the poles are right in the middle of the sidewalk...ex. Samuel Blvd. If for example, a pedestrian was pushing a stroller or a child riding a triclyce... they have to go in to the street to get around the poles. This is not an improvement to pedestrian safety. If the issue of not burying then now is a matter of economics then I suggest that we that we put sidewalks on just the North side (instead of North and South) and bury the utilites on both sides. Diwanna told me that only 15 showed up at the meeting and they were all in agreement that the sidewalk should be on the N and S side. What I don't know is if they discussed options of eliminating one side to fund the burying the of utilities. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do or anyone else I should contact to facilitate the burying of these utilities. Thank you for your time and consideration! Roni Seemann 615 Deforest Ct 972-358-0304 file://C:1Documents and SettingslradloolLocal Settings)TemplXPgrpwise1491FD765City_of... 9/2/2009