ST0501-CS081208(9/2/2009) DiWanna Baskins - RE: DeForest Road From: "Dan DeGroot" <ddegroot@gswwengineers.com> To: "DiWanna Baskins" <dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 1218/200810:20 AM Subject: RE: DeForest Road MacArthur Blvd. Currently MacArthur only has a southbound left turn bay for going on Deforest east bound but, there is not a left turn bay going in the north direction for turning movements to go west bound on Deforest. We will need to put in a left turn bay on MacArthur for the north bound lane. DeForest. I believe a study was completed to figure out the traffic movements at the intersection of Deforest and MacArthur. I would suggest that we send this info over to Lee to let them take a look at and comment. If you can send me the info I'll forward it on to them. -----Original Message----- From: DiWanna Baskins [mailto:dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Monday, December 08, 200810:10 AM To: Dan DeGroot Subject: Re: DeForest Road Could you expound a little? Were we going to change the width depending on the volume? I don't remember the conversation. »> "Dan DeGroot" <ddegroot@gswwengineers.com> 12/4/2008 2:43 PM »> DiWanna: Has the City decided what they would like to do with regards to lane turning movements where DeForest meets MacArthur? Also, we will probably need to put in a left turn bay for North bound MacArthur to turn left on to DeForest. The southbound lane already has a left turn bay. Page 1