ST0501-CS090226(9/2/2009) DiWanna Baskins - RE: FW: DeForest From: "DeGroot, Dan" <ddegroot@burnip.com> To: 'DiWanna Baskins' <dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 2126/200912:03 PM Subject: RE: FW: DeForest I'll put it in the crosswalk as and 8 footer. We can change it after the review if we have to -----Original Message----- From: DiWanna Baskins [mailto:dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 200911:59 AM To: DeGroot, Dan Subject: RE: FW: DeForest Our details were recently updated... look at it online. I believe detail 2185 Does that help you? »> "DeGroot, Dan" <ddegroot@burnip.com> 2/261200911:48 AM »> I'm just talking about the placement ofthe concrete. How would you like for us to address the otherside where the stamped concrete is behind the curb returns, or should we just leave it -----Original Message----- From: DiWanna Baskins [mailto:dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 200911:33 AM To: DeGroot, Dan Subject: RE: FW: DeForest Now on MacArthur... it will be a crosswalk with the signal, countdown peels, etc. Now, if we just put stamped concrete on a residential streetlsubdivision entrance... we wouldn't stripe it unless it was part of the school route. »> "DeGroot, Dan" <ddegroot@burnip.com> 2/261200911:15 AM »> The only place I'll have it then is at Macarthur. What about placing it in line with the barrier free ramps? -----Original Message----- From: DiWanna Baskins [mailto:dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 200911:12 AM To: DeGroot, Dan Subject: RE: FW: DeForest I justtalkingwith Keith regarding cost of stamped concrete. On another projectwe only replaced paverlstamped concrete if it initially present. As for now, let's not include stamped concrete in areas where it was not present before... this is regarding the subdivision entrances. »> "DeGroot, Dan" <ddegroot@burnip.com> 2/261200911:09 AM »> No, but across Macarthur, Deforest has stamped concrete that doesn't even come close to lining up with the barrier free ramps. They placed it at the curb returns which somewhat is in line with the City details. To me it is misleading to put stamped concrete near and intersection and it not being the crosswalk. -----Original Message----- From: DiWanna Baskins [mailto:dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 200911:06 AM To: DeGroot, Dan Subject: Re: FW: DeForest Do any of the streets already have stamped concrete or some type of pavers? Page 1 »> "DeGroot, Dan" <ddegroot@burnip.com> 2/261200911:02 AM »> (9/2/2009) DiWanna Baskins - RE: FW: DeForest DiWanna: I will forward this on to Kim about the trafficlwarrant feedback. In the detail for the stamped concrete it isn't clear if this is to be a crosswalk or just decorative at the curb return. Does the City want me to put the stamped concrete in line with the barrier free ramps? -----Original Message----- From: DiWanna Baskins [mailto:dbaskins@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 200910:55 AM To: DeGroot, Dan Subject: Re: DeForest Do you have a copy of our subdivision ordinance. It has a streetscape portion. We have stamped concrete at entrances to subdivisions, etc. Yes, we do usually put in stop bars at the stop signs. Make sure the placement of the bar is in good terms with sight distance at the various intersections. What are your thoughts on the double yellow buttons/detail 2030? No, we are not putting cross walk striping on all the streets. We only stripe crosswalks when they are a part of the safe school pedestrian route. Also, still waiting on traffic/warrant feedback from the data you sent to Lee engineering. »> "DeGroot, Dan" <ddegroot@burnip.com> 2/26/2009 8:54 AM »> DiWanna: Question concerning striping, Are we putting cross walk striping in at all the streets? Does the City want to use detail 2030 for the whole length of DeForest for traffic buttons? Does the City want to put stop bars at all stop signs? On the side streets does the City want to put stamped concrete crosswalks? Lowell D. DeGroot, P.E. Project Manager GSWW, A Division of Burgess & Niple, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Dallas, Texas 75229 972.620.1255 Ext. 216 Note: These electronic documents are provided by Burgess & Niple (B&N) as a convenience to our clients. The official document is available as a manually signed, initialed, or sealed hard copy. If there is a discrepancy between electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies shall prevail. It is our professional opinion that this electronic information provides information current as of the date of its release. Any use of this information is at the sole risk and liability of the user. The user is responsible for updating information to reflect any changes in the information following the preparation date of this transmittal. The delivery of this information in electronic format is for the benefit of the owner for whom the services have been performed. Nothing in the transfer should be construed to provide any right to third parties to rely on the information provided, or that the use of this information implies the review and approval of Burgess & Niple. Page 2