ST0501-CS080325(9/1712009) DiWanna Baskins -Speed and Volume Counts for Deforest Road_MacArthur From: DiWanna Baskins To: "Matt McCulloch" <mcculloch~cjhensch.com> Date: 3/25/2008 9:29 AM Subject: Speed and Volume Counts for Deforest Road_MacArthur Attachments: Deforest RD_MacArthur Traffic Study.doc Hello Matt, I am needing Speed and Volume counts for the intersection of Deforest Road and MacArthur. 1) Volume counts on both sides of Deforest Rd. 2) Speed and Volume counts on MacArthur. Attached is an aerial to clarify. If you have any question feel free to contact me. Also, please let me know when the studies will be conducted. Thanks! City of Coppell Engineering Department (P)972-304-3562 (F)972-304-3570 Page 1